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338 lapua vs 9mm
1 Ruger - Precision Rifle 26 MSR Stock - Editor's pick for best .338 Lapua rifle. Pessimistic, I know, but its the truth based on my experience. Skip to main content Skip to search. In Afghanistan, US Army snipers have employed the .338 Lapua with great success. Next, youll be arguing the size of rounds is against some bs code you have. Read more. I use the .50 and .338 for what they were meant for, long range shooting. a couple reasons, Hurts like hell and expensive to reload. The two cartridges are quite similar and may even be confusing for the uninitiated. Even handloads are expensive for most shooters due to the fact that most loads use upwards of 100gr of powder, which is four times whats used in most 5.56mm loads and over double a .308 Winchester. This allows the shooter to fire a lot more rounds before feeling uncomfortable, which ultimately affects accuracy. The 338 LM was designed and produced in the late 1980's. The purpose of this cartridge was to was to provide snipers with a long range round that had incredible terminal ballistics and could penetrate several layers of body armor at extreme distances. I can now say that I am no longer interested in the .338 Lapua. The high-quality scope for Ruger Precision Rifle .338 Lapua Magnum is with the reliable magnification range between six and 24 times, making it the perfect choice for hunters and tactical shooters planning to use their scopes for longer range shooting distances. The .338 is just a .338. The muzzle energy of the.338 Lapua Magnum (285 grain) is 4,768 foot pounds (ft-lbs). However, the 338 Lapua bullets have experienced considerably more bullet drop at -817" and -938" for the 250 gr and 300 gr rounds. Do I hunt with them? Im not a sniper or a wannabe Seal Team 6 member but I do hunt and like to shoot a lot of different guns. Shooting elk from a bluff is not sport. He was looking for his first rifle, more or less a do all rifle. more. Its used by a lot of different armies, most notably the US and British armed forces, as well as various police and anti-terrorist units. they expected them to shoot better than Me forgetting that they had to input ingredients to get cake. It is also not as simple as having the numbers down either. As you can see, both of these cartridges perform very similarly against wind, with only marginal differences at these distances. Hooah!!! However, Lapua is more favorable than Norma because Lapua brass is stronger than Norma, so it will last longer. It has an overall length of 91.4 mm with a shoulder diameter of 13.3 mm and uses a rim diameter of 13.6 mm. The cases for the 338 Norma Magnum are also not as thick as those for the 338 Lapua Magnum, which tend to have thicker walls due to the higher pressures that this cartridge can reach during firing. Personally, beyond 2500 meters I favor the 81 mm mortar with 6 charge. When did we go from JFKs support of the CMP to gun writers telling folks they have no need for military capable arms? Research Armament Industries (RAI) started the initial development of the cartridge in 1983. At the ranges available to most shooters (2-300 yards and less) it doesnt really give you anything the normal cartridges dont already offer but it increases everything you dont want. I woulda used my 12 gauge with bird bullets, but I used my last ammo shooting beaver. As far as being an enemy of freedom, the right to bear arms is an individual basic right to prevent tyranny, where hunting is a privilege wherein game is strictly regulated by the state as a natural resource, so Big Sky is no foe in any sense. There are a number of end users who have need for an accurate round that can deliver a 250-300gr bullet at a mile away, but they are few and far between. I guess being lazy is its own reward! But I still own my Poconos home and get out up there. The 338s have to be sorted to high heaven for base to ogive and weight first to get a shootable number. Hahaha. Sako TRG 42 Competition Rifle. The 338 Lapua Mag fires bullets of 250 grains to 300 grains at muzzle velocities of about 2,900 feet per second to 3,400 feet per second. Im with you in regard to the need or necessity of having an AR. 338 Lapua vs. 7mm rem mag? It seems to me, it becomes more about the shooters selfish need to find out what they can accomplish, then it does about a clean kill. All of that case capacity and a 250 grain bullet come back to punish you when it comes to recoil for the 338. Steyr Launches a Scout Rifle Chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor, FAKE NEWS: How the Media Spread Misinformation And Bogus Statistics About Guns. The weight of the cases is where things start to change. I love hunting, so I often have to deal with hunting equipment. 2023 Optics Bible - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP. This is for an anti-materiel rifle, not as an anti-personnel weapon. How can you have an article about the .338 Lapua cartridge, mention all of the manufacturers making copies in this caliber, but fail to mention the first company to develop an iconic rifle in this round? Case rim diameter of the .338 Lapua is .588" (14.9mm), wider than standard sized magnums which typically run from .532" (13.5mm) to .534" (13.6mm). with that said, My Norma Magnum has Not been fired since I crossed the state line. What Ruthless Objectivity failed to mention about his ability to ring steel targets at 3,200 meters is that his steel targets are 16 feet in diameter! You really have to have access to things that most people dont and have the time and resources to engage in that ballistics stuff. But, you do you. Big Sky when you accept the reality no one values the standards you define in any scope (pun intended) you will see (pun intended again) you are so far beneath everyone else, you will need a scope to reach up to the lofty heights the rest look down on you from. I have advanced degrees in chemistry and physics with good knowledge of mathematics and you have to be so painstaking with it that the process bores me to tears. Pretty sure I could afford one of them, but it would not be the range. This video shows the difference in impact force at 1.5 miles. As for 338 Lapua , I only see them at the range once in a while. Im probably going to get another useless Pre 86 keeper machine gun and a Barrett 50 with next years tax refund check, Im writing off home damage not covered by insurance over the next few years and get all my Federal tax paid back for now). 338 Lapua Magnum (140) 338 Marlin Express (9) 338 Norma Magnum (1) 338 Remington Ultra Magnum (24) 338 Ruger Compact Magnum (14) . I liver in the Poconos so 200 yards is very long range for me. Unless something spooked the animal, I dont think it would move very far in 1.4 seconds if it was grazing. The only way youre going to achieve better Bcs in the .50 is to increase bullet weight to probably over 800 grains. Grenades save me money on worms and tackle. I'm not a fan of the Omega series triggers at ALL, but this would be one great and reliable firearm. The reason a .338 Lapua bar rel might last longer than a Creepmoor is that youre more likely to put rounds through in fairly rapid succession with the Creepmoor giving it less time to cool and that leads to throat erosion. But, who made you king shit on what constitutes Hunting Big Sky? I believe I am the only mainstream journalist talking about (and against) the unethical drive to long range hunting and would be happy to share my experience and insight with your audience. The .338 Lapau is a heavier bullet, and so we would expect there to be less wind drift. The design specifications of this cartridge make it suitable for several. I fired about a dozen rounds through this monstrosity over the last 6 years but wont sell it just yet because I will never get anywhere near what I paid for it. The cartridge is still available but doesnt have much popularity these days except for hunting and target shooting. As much as I love to shoot, theres no way Im letting it cut into my beer budget. The app uses the same ballisticsRead More Lapua launches a new digital tool for hunters the Lapua Hunt app is available now in English! Its the equivalent of owning a Ferrari. Ive popped steel out beyond my 1k meter rangefinder so what, anyone with time and ammo can eventually do the same. What is .338 Lapua good for? Great cartridge! Ive been a rifle shooter most of my life. He said ammo is a little expensive, but if you start reloading, its not too bad. I would like to try my hand at long range shooting. 338 Lapua is totally useless for most shooters, I know and found out just how by owning one! CZ P-01 Omega Convertible 9mm 4rd 3.75" - $549.99 + Free Shipping. A belted cartridge case design uses more space inside of a magazine than a non-belted cartridge would use, which is why most modern rifle cartridges have non-belted cases. Savage 110, 338LM 3200 meters. I dont hunt terrorists half a mile away with Uncle Sam buying the equipment so no on .338 Lapua for me. In reality, 300 Norma Mag has replaced the 338LM for long range shooting. While it is possible to hit targets at even longer ranges, the .338 Lapua begins to lose its accuracy and power beyond 1000 yards. While these are not typically true military sniper rifles, they are generally quite accurate and affordable relative to their military brethren. Our ranges are mostly under 300 yards. Its the actions of a psychopath. I dont recommend it unless you have access to this ultra long range stuff and the preparation, study, expense, dedication is so focused and singular on just one thing that is so not applicable to anything real world or practical it takes a very particular owner. What I was referring to was the perception it has created in western militarys minds, since Afghanistan. Read more. At these extreme ranges, the 338 Lapua is about to break below the sound barrier (1,125 fps) while the 50 BMG is still comfortably above supersonic velocities by +200 fps or more. Im rapidly tiring of these articles. The only times Ive used .338Lap was at a range that stopped at 800 metres. The truth is that the majority of shooters are restrained to either 25 yard commercial indoor ranges or max 2-300 yard outdoor ranges at their rod and gun club with the lucky ones having access to 500 yard outdoor range. Long range accuracy and effectiveness can be easily achieved with so many other caliber weapons. The cost for the rifle is the least of concerns. He claims to be at the 6,500 round point and has yet to have an issue. On the other hand, the .338 Lapua is a centerfire, flat-shooting cartridge designed exclusively for long-range shooting. As the Man said, get your priorities in order get everyone on board the same page then worry about all this other crap. You have entered an incorrect email address! If you get to this point, shooting the .338 will be one of the best experiences you have every had. The 338 Lapua Magnum (also known as 338 Lapua Mag or 338 LM) is an excellent cartridge for extremely long-range shooting. The consequences of any mistake with this load, could prove fatal. The most likely result will be a badly injured animal. It also makes packing out the elk a whole lot easier than having to quarter it when I find the downed animal(s). Price: $74.60. also in the Poconos. You never know when the civil war will start. I never defined guns or gun ownership. The 750-grain.50 BMG dominates its rivals. My first deer at the age of 45 I joined the deer hunting fraternity a little late, but the desire to hunt has always been there. Not a bitch fest. But not every. Giving your team an advantage. You can have a 10mph crosswind from left to right at your location and a 12mph crosswind from right to left at the elks. Its only true and practical application would be military. read more about the Naturalis bullet here, read more about the Lock Base bullet here. I dont see how hunting with That said, I practice a great deal, and I can afford to. Myself, I would like to be a bit closer to make sure of a kill. Subscribe to newsletter; Login; Register; I definitely should have a .338 Lapua, but I need that 3200 yard range first. I wanted a 338lm. I would say this escalated quickly, but the fact is, it devolved. These number is the review count on various platform, such as Google, Facebook and retailer website itself. The 338 Norma was developed by Norma for US military sniper applications, and it has similar ballistics to the .300 Winchester Magnum but with less recoil, weight, and cost per round. Belts are used on belted magnum cartridges so they can be used in bolt action rifles that have not been designed to headspace on their shoulder but rather only on their belt, as many Mauser-type bolt action rifles do. If I should ever need to hunt at 500 plus yards, Id probably be looking at what Weatherby offers. Anything else is just sport. . Or 2720? It outclasses most other long range rounds, including the fearsome 7.62x54R which, despite being a design dating back to the 1890s, is a near omnipotent and overwhelming threat in modern warfare. Here is why you may not want to be underpowered in your choices of weapons. Its a no wonder why were about to become a third world country. Prices vary greatly for rifles, but feeding them is a whole different story even if you reload. I think he was a little disappointed with my choice, but he will come around. It has a proprietary action, the same as the 300 Norma. I only bring up the 9mm as an example of . Me personally, no. I personally see no need for anything heavier than a .308, .30-06 if you dont travel for your hunting. Fun to shoot occasionally but too dear and too big for regular use. The 338 Lapua will be superior in almost every category, but recoil is not one of them. The .338 Win Mag is a belted magnum cartridge, while the Lapua .338 Magnum is a larger, non-belted magnum. Most of the information youre likely to find on this subject is going to be based on what ammunition manufacturers claim. Thats all that matters. I just cannot be assured no one is on the other side looking in my direction or their back to me. An elk at over half a mile is a brown speck with a white dot on its butt. Essentially why I purchased a fairly high quality .50BMG rifle. Luckily for me, your opinion does not change the facts of the situation. Its funny you put it that way. 3200 meters is a long way to drag an Elk back to the Ford pickmup. Contact TTAGs email address and tell Dan to forward my contact information to you. Russian military still using it. It is a big deal to stalk within close ranges. But to be honest. Oct 1, 2005 12,390 25,499 It is more appropriate to compare G7 Bcs, because the G7 form function is based on what these modern bullets look like: boattail bases, long ogives, sharp points. If I need to kill something that far away, its time for artillery or buying a Ma Deuce, I figure 3200 meters is around 2 miles as the crow flies. Nothing wrong with it at all. While the .338 LM round has a strong military reputation, it has been used increasingly by bothlong range hunters and sport shooters in disciplines such as ELR. I love how the author mentioned that most of us arent coming even close to maxing out 556 or 9mm. It can penetrate better-than-standard military body armor at ranges of up to 1,000 metres (1,090 yd), and has a maximum effective range of about 1,750 metres (1,910 yd) with C.I.P. There is skill involved here, and an assload of practice! Its a great round. The .300 Win Mag can be handloaded with 220gr+ bullets that closely resemble the 300gr .338 Lapua, but at less than one third the price. The first two hits are 7mm hornady 162gr Eldm impacts. But in a bolt action rifle with a relatively short throat, you have to run at very low pressures to avoid blowing primers and case heads. There's an enormous difference in the .338wm and .338lm's in terms of velocity, energy, case volume and recoil. But I dont shoot it a lot when I do. The .338 Lapua Magnum differs from other widely used sniper cartridges because it was specifically developed for sniping. He claims to fire about 50 rounds a month plus matches, which is significantly more than most shooters will ever fire through their own .338 Lapua. Thanks for all the info. That would not be realistic for me at this point in my life, as my eyesight isnt what it used to be. They stand a greater chance of shooting themselves or a friend then they have of dropping a deer. The 338 Lapua Magnum is the original .338 caliber magnum cartridge, invented in the 1980s by Research Armament Industries. I know one man who shoots matches weekly with two Sako TRG rifles, one in .338 Lapua and one in 6.5 Creedmoor. Your biggest test will be remembering to click off the safety. Ninety Eight percent of shooter are completely overwhelmed by this caliber. Even worse. The gun the salesman recommended was a 338 Lapua. both shots hit multiple animals and the mess was sickly limbs missing etc. I can ring steel at 3200 meters, and I can outshoot 300 Norma, .50 bmg, and even the vaunted 6.5 Creedmoor all day. This is a hard hitting round with incredible range and power. $148.00. Nosler Match Grade .338 Lapua Magnum 300 Grain Custom Competition Brass Cased Centerfire Rifle Ammunition, 20, BTHP. The 338 SMK and 250 Scenar are the only two being used right now by anyone with the vast majority using the SMKs. It was designed to be an effective sniper round out to 800 meters or so. The spirit of hunting can go fuck itself along with any noble sentiments you think you carry because you like to get close enough to spook game. Go to a service rifle match sometime and you will see plenty of folks cleaning (that means all 10s) the target at 600 yards with iron sights and a 5.56 AR. For the everyman, three rounds of .338 Lapua is more than the cost of a case of beer. I love my Lapua mags. Its a very, very powerful round that is difficult to master, even in a quality bolt action rifle. Exclusive Video: DRD Tactical's New .338 Lapua Kivaari War Hammer. from 207 till i left in 2018 I fired maybe 12 rounds with the last 2 at a pack of dear 200 yards from the porch. All that said, if your heart desires a .338 Lapua rifle, by all means go out and get one. 338 Lapua is a wildly expensive round. conforming ammunition at sea level conditions. I mean unless youre carrying a spear made from a branch you found the day you went hunting and didnt use any calls or scents or range cameras or scopes, who cares? Folks, I own a Savage 110 FCP .338. Trajectory The path an ammo takes to reach its target is quantified by its trajectory, which is expressed in bullet drop. This round is based on the 404 Jeffery, which was well known for being one of the best cartridges for African hunting but was also a very long and large cartridge that limited its use in certain rifles. the hunting rigs, 270 win, 308 bolt gun savage I think plastic baseball bat with a trigger and My Norma Mag. To hunt means to kill game for food. Much like an afternoon and shooting off a couple hundred rounds of .338 Lapua. There is absolutely nothing admirable or courageous about long range killing and it is corrosive to the spirit of the hunt, which is not at all about the distance at which an animal is killed, but rather the surety of the hunter to make a patient shot. The .338 Lapua Magnum is a rifle cartridge that was designed for long-range shooting. It is one hell of a lot harder than one might think. Fudds calling other fudds fudds. The .338 Lapua cartridges are one of the most powerful cartridges available to civilians. The 300 grain (19 g) round has the muzzle velocity of 2,800 ft/s (850 m/s) and 2,560 ftlbf (3,470 J), and subsonic velocity of 1,010 ft/s (310 m/s) and 1,000 ftlbf (1,400 J). Ive only read a few entries into this article, and have noticed the same thing that seems to take place in every category. It. But once you get to know each one, what they are all about, and how they compare to each other, everything will become clear. With that said. The .338 Lapua is ideal for both long range competitions and for bringing down large game like moose, brown bear, and elk. If you do reload, .338 lapua is still going to be expensive. You pickup all the dropped .06 ammo you can find and Im sure I can pick up all the 5.56 I need. The .338 Lapua Magnum has received a steady foothold in many Western armies and similar organizations. A military sniper would seldom set up a shot without a high probability of a kill. 338 Lapua Magnum has a maximum effective range of 1,750 meters or about 1 mile. The .338 bullets available have higher Bcs. If the bullets average velocity along the entire 990 meter path was 2,400 fps (which is probably optimistic), it would take that bullet about 1.4 seconds to hit the target. I understand the fascination with the .338, but its a bit misplaced in my mind. But I got 30-06 and 325wsm that I rarely grab to go in the PA. The .338 Lapua was introduced in 1989 and has seen widespread use in both military and civilian life. All the while all of Allahs other goat lovers freaking out and trying to figure wtf just happened to Muhammad. People like you are no different from the Fudds who run around saying oh you dont need that type of weapon youre an anti hunter who still thinks hes not, you are just as much an enemy to hunting as peta. Has a maximum effective range of 1,750 meters or so side looking my. Cartridges because it was grazing of a lot of different guns difference in impact force at miles. Steel out beyond my 1k meter rangefinder so what, anyone with the.338, but feeding them is whole! Is going to be based on what constitutes hunting big Sky both military and civilian life be... Choices of weapons the.338 Lapua Magnum ( 285 grain ) is 4,768 foot pounds ( ft-lbs ) majority using SMKs. 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