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avengers fanfiction clint comforts natasha
It's been almost a year since the events of Washington D.C., and Natasha Romanoff is back in business with the Avengers, alongside her newly-found lover, Clint Barton. If you need trigger warnings, please comment on the introductory chapter and I will supply :). This is my fic of how I think Marvel characters would react to you being in different situations with them. The others left stood in the common room looked around at each other helplessly for a few seconds before Natasha took a step forward. Follow ex-KGB agent Natasha Romanoff as she navigates her transition to SHIELD agent and then Avenger. Every mussel in Clint's body seized, even if it was for a few seconds, Natasha knew that this mission had affected Clint in more ways than he would ever tell. If Natasha is to survive, other members of the Avengers will have to settle their differences and learn to work together. "Have a shower, clean yourself up and then we can talk, okay?" But when she meets Clint Bar Peter Parker is Spiderman and a friend of the advengers. She has no idea that Bucky is her father. He's a jerk in the first Avengers movie, and even more of one in the third Iron Man film. He senses her presence and says, without turning around, that she shouldn't be there. She would often give back rubs to members of the team after they had had a hard mission and there was no doubt that Clint was by far the most fond of these. They appears since the first episode. Instead, seeing her skill, he recommended that she be considered for S.H.I.E.L.D. #natasharomanoff Natasha took a shaky breath and tried to keep control of the sudden anxiety. 7.2K Likes, 286 Comments. Meanwhile, Tony has worked out the mechanics and feels that he has to try to bring everyone back. Just like that, the tiny sliver of hope she had- the maybe she didnt know she was holding, leapt forwards into a broad smile that overtook her features, because Yes! When Clint wakes up, he's free from Loki's control; Natasha hit him hard enough to free him. I'm using Odinson for Odin and friggers last name because it just works better for me.Loki is only four.The avengers are 15 so high school au, TWDrugsPhysically abuseSexual abuseUnderage drinkingFamily lossChild neglectionExperment without permissionChild soldierDepressionSuicidal thoughtsSelf harmSuicidal intentionsGriefEating disorder, ? So, the man was Russian. #fanfiction You get hunted down. Cap took a step towards the white haired man, who took me from him. Though he was retired at the time of the Sokovia Accords, Clint joins Steve Rogers's team of rebel Avengers. Your peers tease you about Budapest. The one that he didn't want. I gave a small bleet, causing their attention to focus on me. A certain billionaire throws the party of the year. Status of Relationship Oh, and Steve may or may not be left in shambles after hearing that Natasha is hurt. But to protect the family he's chosen the Avengers he leaves under the guise of death to recover the project that cost his biological parents their lives with the unexpected help of Harley Keener, Shuri of Wakanda, and the Maximoff Twins. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. #comfort She initially refuses, saying that she's "in the middle of an interrogation." What'g going to Different? But that was before the Avengers. She must have taken it out of her pocket the second the blonde stepped into her path. ~Around half an hour passed before Clint emerged from the bathroom. THIS STORY IS OWNED BY WINCHESTER_HUNTRESS ON WATTPAD This time, it's the ladies' turn to give it a try. Natasha helped him move under his duvet before turning to leave but just as she did so, Clint grabbed her hand. You know that", Natasha continued. There is plenty of content, but there is some missing. Clint having a bare chest was hardly the most uncomfortable think that they had experience together. Action Romance The Red Room Black Widow x OC Natalia Romanoff x OC Natasha Romanoff x OC . She was one of the very few people who knew about his family. The blond reached past her and pulled me out himself, I bleeted and flailed wildly. "What do you want Nat? A Few Things Clint Kept Secret Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction 1. "It's alright Clint, now go to sleep", she replied. "Another money making facility," she muttered, I heard the clicks of my cage before the door swung open. Hawkeye and Black Widow kissing in "The Hawk an the Spider". Natasha tells him to let her go and that it's okay. It is also the fifth most written romantic pairing in The Avengers (Marvel Movies), fourth in The Avengers - All Media Types tags and the sixth most written in the Marvel Cinematic Universe tag. Many shippers say that Natasha is in denial. She joins the Avengers, along with a grou Assassins. The woman she had gladly left behind in order to advance her career. "Don't be", Clint said threw gritted teeth. Barely. She had to stay strong, stay hidden, for Clint if nothing else. The Avengers had been living together in the Stark tower, now called the Avengers tower, for about 8 months. I curled in on myself harder when loud noises started echoing in from the hallway. 9 The team had been waiting for Clint's arrival for around an hour when they finally heard the elevator door open. This is my first fan fic! You can change your preferences at any time by returning to this site or visit our, The ultimate action-packed science and technology magazine bursting with exciting information about the universe, Subscribe today for our Black Frida offer - Save up to 50%, Engaging articles, amazing illustrations & exclusive interviews, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. Your preferences will apply to this website only. Again. 5 times Natasha helped the Avengers, 1 time they helped her. "Oh Clint", she spoke before wrapping her arms around him, pulling him close. "Whatcha got there Cap?" a metal suit asked, stepping forward. The two are evenly matched until Natasha resorts to guerilla tactics and slams his head against a metal bar, disorienting him. These men had wronged her. He was avoiding her eye contact, that's one thing she noted but other than that she could get nothing. With the grid down and no help coming, the city quickly turns into a boiling pot of violence and destruction. Can be read as a sequel to "The Spy and the Assassin", though admittedly a bit of an unnecessary one.As a standalone it works well enough, and if you want to know more about this version of Nat, well, I've written like a full series for her. Clint said. Natasha told the Avengers that Fury send her to infiltrate Hydra; in the end of the episode they kiss each other and then Natasha goes to search Fury and Clint returns with the Avengers. Especially when you' Young Natasha Romanoff always wanted to be a hero, which was the complete and utter opposite to what she was being trained to be from birth. Steve. But, there was a catch. Recognizing her as a threat, Nick Fury sent Clint to kill her. Natasha held his hand to still provide a little comfort as she slowly pulled him into his room and closed the door. They know each other better than anyone, also trust and have full faith in each other. #teambonding. She lowered it, "What'd you find?" Trapped in a Chitauri-infested New York, the Avengers must fight for their lives. Yet. "I'm outside lab four," I heard a woman say, just before the door opened slowly. Clint did as he was told and led facedown on his bed. Nat runs to him and slides onto the floor to his side, telling him that he's back with them, that he's alright. :). They bring in reinforcements, including Thor. 5 + 1 story. 13 years ago Madame told Natasha theyd killed the child in her womb during her graduation ceremony. She didnt have anyone to worry about. He remembers a woman, who had undone the chains and released his blindfold. She tells him they have a possible solution and Clint is almost destroyed by the notion of it, agreeing to come with her to Avengers Headquarters. Footsteps ran down the hallway and the woman spun back, gun drawn and aimed at the door. He may not be able to escape his destiny, but he would give his everything until he was no longer breathing. Clint nodded. He was alive and in one piece which is more than some of them had been expecting. "Hmm", he groaned, "although my back hurts", he mumbled. No crime, no missions. As a team. TikTok video from Black widow (@blackk_widow): "POV: Part 27 Clint comforts Natasha #pov #pov27 #nat #natasha #blackwidow #natasharomanoff #viral #fyp #clint #clintbarton #hawkye #rescue #avengers". ". Many shippers claim the way that Clint talks to her and the way Natasha immediately helps once she's heard that Clint has been "compromised" are signals of their love. Shippers have also noticed that Natasha is wearing an arrow necklace in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. "Hey, it's getting late. I will be doing separate parts for tony loki Natasha and vision. Fanfiction su Clint Barton/Occhio di Falco, Morgan Stark, Natasha Romanoff/Vedova Nera, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Tony Stark/Iron Man. However the fear was still there, deep down, she had to leave before it made a more obvious appearance. There was nothing to do other than wait for feeding time, which was cold milk. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (216), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (193), James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov (48), Protective Natasha Romanov (Marvel) (114), Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship (112), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Natasha Romanov (Marvel) & Original Female Character(s), Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov, Peter Parker: Feminist, Social Justice Warrior and Stand up Guy, Bruce Banner & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Gamora & Natasha Romanov Friendship (Marvel), One I will break, the others I will tear apart, Bruised and Burned but We're Bold and Brave, background Pepper Potts/Tony Stark - Relationship, Bucky Barnes After Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Between Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie), Natasha Romanov Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, product of lockdown and teen midlife crisis, I will add more tags as I add to the work, Natasha Romanov (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), slow burn Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanoff, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, Avengers Team/Original Female Character(s), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Cooper Barton & Lila Barton & Natasha Romanov, Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov/Melina Vostokoff, Natasha Romanov & Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov & Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov & Melina Vostokoff, Dreykov (Avengers Marvel movies) & Natasha Romanov. She was pregnant! Everyone was quiet for a few seconds. There always has to be a catch: She would have to face Natasha Romanov again. And of course the multiples times when they save each other. The whole operation had been completely compromised, the criminal force knew that Clint and his team were coming. Natalia Romanoff is the perfect Widow. And Natasha would go to the ends of the earth and fight any monster to protect her daughter but even she might not be up to the task of protecting her baby girl. Had practically laid the job title at her feet. It's very sweet.Also there's a bit of blood involved. He stayed there and let the spy hold him while he cried into her. As usual Natasha was right, there was nothing he could have done to save his friend but he couldn't help be feel like he should have tried. Avengers fanfiction natasha funeral. Suddenly a blonde steps out from the room to the left, her gun pointed directly at Nat's head. Natasha sighed and turned to sit on Clint's bed. When the game takes a dangerous turn, Natasha realizes she's hit a dead end. Things happen when you drop all SHIELD files. A few points from Natasha's perspective that couldn't naturally filter into Wanda's: On top of knowing how much Clint cared about Wanda, this Natasha sees a bit of herself in Wanda young, misled, and desperately trying to be better than her worst decisions. Search: Steve Ignores Tony For Bucky, Consider carefully the added cost of advice, Use past performance only to determine consistency and risk, It's futile to predict the economy and interest rates, You have plenty of time to identify and recognize exceptional companies, Good management is very important - buy good businesses, Be flexible and humble, and learn from mistakes, Before you make a purchase, you should be able to explain why you are buying. After a few minutes, Clint seemed to calm down a little. Steve, Scott and Nat seek out Bruce to help them, but they experience mixed results. When she was still young, innocent and weak? "You don't need me to tell you it's now your fault, right? The avengers have gone to rescue you | Clint: "Y/N will be ok Natasha" | Clint: "Trust me" | . He knows Clint and N Ruari Ace Logan is the daughter of the famed superhero Wolverine. "Clint probably, the kids love this kinda thing," Tasha told him, the two walked down the hall and up a few flights of stairs before walking outside. they hide things but they will come to the surface. Why are you here?" Since the battle was a surprise to the s.h.i.e.l.d team, they were not ready to fight. Before Natasha worked for S.H.I.E.L.D., she gained a reputation as one of the world's greatest assassins. Clints Russian was far from conversational, only knowing some phrases from Natasha, so he couldnt even make out what was being said. One of them would gain the upper hand and then the other would quickly gain the advantage, but the attacker was pushing Clint farther and farther to the edge of the roof. Completed shield budapest notageofultroncompliant +19 more # 2 Clintasha 5v1 by BeccaBartonRomanoff 15.5K 311 6 Everyone gets low at some point, Natasha helps each of the Avengers when they need her most but what will happen when she eventually needs them. She hadnt considered Dreykov would want to keep the Winter Soldiers child. The fight continued back and forth. Clintasha is the het ship between Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Marvel comics fandoms. recruitment. In the episodes where they appears they're constantly . She never spoke a word. Nat goes to Tokyo to find Clint and catches up with him as he executes a Japanese mobster. There were a few others seemingly waiting for the two, I flattened my ears against my skull. In a flashback scene of Natasha planning to kill Dreykov in Budapest as her final step in defection to SHIELD, Clint speaks to her through the radio and asks if the bombs they rigged are clear to explode. Bucky remembers the day when he was freed from HYDRA's captivity. How far would you go to get it? Natasha smiled, a real genuine smile which some how caused the voice in her head buried itself deeper until it slowly faded. The desperate, terrified expression etched on his face made her shudder. Will Nat ever want to go back to her time You know their parent's stories, now it's time to hear theirs. Clintasha Just as there have been those who have had Loki as the father of Elsa from Frozen and Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians, through their ice powers. Broken Up/Best Friends(comics)Best Friends/Teammates; Natasha sacrificed herself to save him(MCU) > Loki x . Type (?) After the battle at the salvage yard in Africa, Clint finds Natasha still dazed from the nightmare vision Wanda inflicted upon her, and helps her to the Quinjet. Whatever caused him to live in such a suburban house; causing his family to live in restriction. The Red Room's best student. When a certain attractive blonde takes an interest in Clint, it's all Na {I AM THE AUTHOR, EMBARRASSING REALLY, I LOST ACCOUNT} "It's worse when you're the person killing them", a voice in her head spoke. In Secret Empires (2017) they are in a relationship again until Natasha dies. Being assassins, tro ~Natasha Romanoff accidently goes back in time. Her child has spent 3 years frozen in cryogenic storage and the other 10 training as a Widow. Episodes later Fury recruit Natasha as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Specifically from. Clint Barton 13 years ago Dreykov forced Natasha to watch as the Winter Soldier was wiped of all memory of her. He was captured by HYDRA, held for ransom, and when enough money didn't come, his family was murdered. Marvel Cinematic Universe Natasha raids a base and subtly brings him back in, as a Nanny and new mom. 'Avengers' Star Jeremy Renner Reveals How Long Relationship Between Hawkeye and Black Widow Will Last, Black Widow & Hawkeye Have The Best Friendship In The MCU, 2x26 "The Makluan Invasion Part 2: Unite!". When Steve asked her to look for Bucky, she didnt expect to find him. She propels herself off the cliff and Clint ultimately retrieves the Soul Stone. Two paths crossed, then separated for years, reunite through a blazing battle. Dakota Remington had wanted the very spot in SHIELD that Nick Fury had presented to her. After a few seconds he felt Natasha's soft and gentle fingers begin to press in to his back causing some of the pain to lift. "Better?" There were a few others seemingly waiting for the two, I flattened my ears against my skull. clintasha oneshots The attack hit them hard, they had to strive to defeat the enemy and in the fight an agent had lost his life. That's when Natasha saw it, Clint's whole body tensed. But only a little. They were prepared, they fought back. Clint named one of his sons Nathaniel, after Natasha. For Peter Parker, the answer was: everything. Natasha looked at him closer, his face in particular. As he turned to face her, Natasha saw red tears streaming down Clint's face where they had mixed the the dried blood. It was her duty to kill them, to end them. Natasha spoke softly. But sometimes the direst situations can lead to the strongest of alliances. I let out a small bleet when she got closer to my cage. Clint was okay, she had made him okay.She had remained hidden, hidden for one more day. She set him down on his own bed before she went into his bathroom and turned on the shower. As soon as she hears that he has been compromised, Natasha's demeanour changes and she drops what she is doing. She couldn't see his face as it was turned away from her. "I'm sorry about your friend, the agent", Tony eventually spoke. The archer did not resist the spies movement, he instead melted into her arms and buried his head into the crease of Natasha's neck. Then Clint gave her a choice.The road to redemption is long, Natasha is desperate to erase the red from her ledger and become a better person. hope you enjoy When Dreykov gets so annoyed with Sonya he sends her into the Red Room to train and the two meet. They debut in the third episode "Hulk vs the World". #avengers Captain America Winter Soldier Marvel Cinematic Universe Avengers | Action Adventure Fantasy Marvel Oc Black Widow Bucky Barnes Thirteen-year-old Natalie Pierce--aka Agent Sola--is no stranger to tough times. Natasha Romanoff Please consider turning it on! The edge of the black and white image wrinkles under the pressure. Clint tries to get her back on the cliff but fails. The spy was relieved that Clint couldn't see her face, otherwise he'd have seen her trembling jaw and the fear in her eyes. Clint doesn't appear in Infinity War, but he is mentioned. Most of Nat's pain of the snap seems to stem from the feeling of losing Barton to his grief, so when Scott appears and presents a solution, Nat is adamant that it work and almost devastated when Tony is unwilling to help. The first and third fics feature the heroes joining the quest to destroy. In Queens, Peter Parker finds out what it means to lose everything in an instant while Kate Bishop watches her life crumble in front of her eyes as aliens lay waste to her home. Every agent of HYDRA is acquainted with pain of some sort. It was a fairly simple mission, break in the the hostile base and capture the criminals. In the episodes where they appears they're constantly flitring and show concern for the other. The man did as he'd said and I quieted, the woman in red started to pet my head when I did. Characters can include:NatashaWandaSteveBuckyTonySamT'ChallaStephen. It was before Clint. After flying the team to his farmhouse, he helps Natasha walk inside. He makes the jump successfully and returns confused, lying on the floor heaving. Feel free to comment, the chapters start getting longer and better after chapter 3 :). "I'm going to go and speak to him", she told them. It is Natasha who responds, telling him that Clint, and also Scott Lang, took house arrest deals after the situation with the Sokovia Accords. Natasha is frozen in her place, "For you, to save--to make it right." He must have been quiet for a long time because his mind was suddenly brought back to the present when he heard Natasha's voice. She has to make a choice cross over to the afterlife or return to the guardians and nebula but be permanently injured and have to learn how to deal with not only that but also a world where most people blame her for what thanos did. Also if you have any suggestions leave them in the commen One year after the Red Room incident, Natasha Romanoff is assigned to train new SHIELD recruits. She wasn't prepared to find a 10 year old with red hair, green eyes, and her James's features. Clint let his eyes close as Natasha began to untangle the knots in his back. The little girl in Furys arms was striking she had shoulder length blonde hair and was ever so tiny with the cutest button nose, it made Natasha remember just how cruel and inhumane the Red Room was. ~Natasha ran through the corridors of Avengers Tower until she could see Clint. The moments in which it is most notable that they're more than just friends is when one of them put the other as priority like in "Crime and Circus" where Clint only saves Natasha when the whole team was in risk or in "Back to the Learning Hall" where Natasha runs to help Clint when Loki attacks him. Episodes later Fury recruit Natasha as a S.H.I.E.L.D. See beginning note and tags for trigger warnings. Two of these days were spent in the vents of a metro station, and the walls of these vents are covered with games they played, including Tic Tac Toe and Hangman. Clint left to complete his mission a few days ago. They work toguether as agants of S.H.I.E.L.D. She displays concern for him while he's under Loki's control, even asking Loki himself what he plans to do to him. Natasha Romanoff as well as the other members of the Avengers were all sat nervously around the common room of Avengers Tower, waiting for Clint's return. "I'm gunna go and shower", the archer continued before walking past everyone and out of the room. He had one hand wrapped around the handle to his bedroom and his head pressed against the door. They ultimately decided to end the relationship, though Clint still loved her. The attacker pulled out a knife and swung towards Clint, who dodged it. It has a lot more fluff than action. Now suddenly shes mother to a traumatised 10 year old girl more familiar with guns than hugs. Ransom, and even more of one in the third Iron Man film to sit on Clint bed! Head buried itself deeper until it slowly faded cliff but fails that he has try! Woman she had made him okay.She had remained hidden, hidden for one day. The most uncomfortable think that they had experience together around the handle to his farmhouse, he mumbled head. A dangerous turn, Natasha saw Red tears streaming down Clint 's face they... Though he was told and led facedown on his face as it was turned away from her pulled a! 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