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canadian forces hardship allowance
205.525(7.1)(Full Repayment) Despite paragraph(6), an officer or non-commissioned member who: 205.525(8) (Payments) The payment of this allowance, including the date, amount, and method, is determined and regulated under rows 5 and 6 of the relevant Table. the member is on a submarine for at least 24 continuous hours for the purpose of performing duties in accordance with that order or instruction. for an extremely hazardous chemical, $190 per given incident. 205.401(2) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), an assaulter of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force who is on Class B or C Reserve Service is entitled to this allowance if they are in a designated assaulter position. Example: a member who is not in a designated position for the purposes of CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)) may be entitled under CBI 205.335 (Land Duty Allowance (Casual)). 205.48(2) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied: 205.48(3) (Amount) To a daily maximum of $66.60, the amount of this allowance is: 205.505(1) (Entitlement) A legal officer as defined in paragraph (1) of CBI 204.218 (Pay Officers Legal) is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied: 205.505(2) (Amount) The amount of this allowance is calculated by the formula. FSD 58 - Post Differential Allowance. 205.401(6) (Submission to Treasury Board) The CDS must personally submit a Management Exception Report to the Secretary of the Treasury Board by 31 March of a fiscal year if during that fiscal year the number of assaulters who are in positions outside Joint Task Force 2 reach the proportion that is determined by the formula: X is the number of assaulters who are in positions outside Joint Task Force 2 and who are entitled to this allowance during a fiscal year, and. 205.015 (3) In the CBI, a dependent child is in law or in fact in the custody and control of the member if: (TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017). for an allowance under CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance) in accordance with the terms and conditions of that allowance. 205.325(1) (Intent) Aircrew Allowance (Casual) is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned duties by crew members of military aircraft where there is a sporadic exposure to the environmental conditions associated with flying operations. the annual leave is not authorized - by or under the authority of the CDS - to be carried over under article 16.15 (Accumulated Leave) of the QR&O. the civilian clothing worn is not otherwise provided at public expense. the member is ordered or instructed to perform special operations and training of special operations forces by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction; the member performs special operations and training of special operations forces in accordance with that order or instruction; and, A is the daily rate under the Table to this instruction for the members category, and, N is the number of days in a month that a member performs special operations and training of special operations forces; and. received the parental benefit for 32weeks, or ; iii. The one credit point earned for that month will relate to the allowance under CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)). Entitlement ends the 1st day that the member commences the attached posting, temporary duty, or combination thereof; and, subject to paragraphs (3), (4) and (5), the member has been on an attached posting, temporary duty, or any combination thereof, for less than 181 continuous days, and in accordance with a subsequent written authorization, the original period of the attached posting, temporary duty, or combination thereof is changed to end more than 180 continuous days after its commencement. means a device fabricated in an improvised manner that both incorporates destructive, or lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic or incendiary chemicals and is designed to destroy, kill, disfigure, distract or harass, but does not include: means a commercial explosive connected to one or more detonators. 205.30(5) (Amount) The amount of the allowance is: (TB 13 May 2021, effective 31 March 2021). 205.461(7) (Amount)The weekly amount of this allowance for members: a. who receive a maternity benefit, are subject to a waiting period or a maximum two-week deeming period, or choose the standard parental benefits option is determined by the formula: b. who choose the extended parental benefits option is determined by the formula: Dis the members weekly rate of pay determined in accordance with paragraph(8); E is the members weekly rate of premium in lieu of leave determined in accordance with paragraph(10); F is the members weekly rate of other allowances determined in accordance with paragraph(11); and. [PDF - 2.87 MB], (TB 28 February 2022, effective 1 March 2022). N is the number of days of annual leave that is not granted in that fiscal year or yearly cycle, as applicable. (a) periods of Leave Without Pay and Allowances (LWOP) other than LWOP for maternity and parental purposes (options de prestations parentales); (b) periods when a Reserve Force member has an Exemption From Duty and Training (ED&T) other than ED&T for maternity or parental purposes; (c) periods when a Reserve Force member is Non Effective Strength (NES); (d) service for which a Limitation of Payments (LOP) has been imposed under QR&O 203.20, Regular Force Limitation of Payments; or, (e) periods for which forfeiture has been imposed under QR&O 208.30, Forfeitures Officers and Non-Commissioned Members, or QR&O 208.31, Forfeitures, Deductions and Cancellations When No Service Rendered. G is the members weekly rate of employment insurance benefit determined in accordance with paragraph(12). (TB 24 March 2022, effective 1 April 2021). exemption from duty or training granted under: article 9.09 (Exemption from Duty and Training Maternity Purposes) of the QR&O, or. 205.30(3) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (4), a paratrooper of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force who is on either Class B or C Reserve Service is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied: 205.30(4) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to this allowance if an event provided in paragraph (2) of CBI 205.15 (No Entitlement Common Events) occurs. the new period of service is performed at the same place of duty as the previous period of service; the member's principal residence is located within that PLDA. Despite the number of allowances to which a member may be entitled in a month, only one credit point can be earned for that month. Entitlement ends on the 181st day after the day when the category or limitation was assigned; the member has been on leave under article 16.16 (Sick Leave) of the QR&O for more than 180 continuous days. N is the number of days in a month in that temporary higher category. For clarity, the following are considered one day of service: one day of service for which the Regular Force member receives pay and allowances, one period, or any number of authorized cumulative periods, of duty or training of not less than six (6)hours in a calendar day for which the Reserve Force member was paid at the members rate of pay, and, two periods of duty or training of less than six (6)hours in a calendar day, for each of which the Reserve Force member was paid at 50% of the members rate of pay; and. (, the member is ordered or instructed to dispose of a known or suspected explosive substance, improvised explosive device, primed charge, or extremely hazardous chemical, by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction; and. { [0.09 [ (H J) + (Z L) + (Y N) ] / R] x 7}, in respect of a week during which the member is in actual receipt of benefits under the Employment Insurance Act or an Act Respecting Parental Insurance, one week; or. CBI 204.211 (Pay General Service Officers Officer Entry Plans Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadet); a member who is aircrew badge qualified and current in the operation of aircraft or airborne equipment to the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS; or. 205.525(4) (Previous Financial Assistance) Subject to paragraph (9), if a member who is entitled to a recruitment allowance has previously received financial assistance from the Canadian Forces to obtain the qualification referred to in row 2 of their Table, the members entitlement is as follows: 205.525(5) (Conditions of Payment) The conditions for payment of the reduced recruitment allowance are the same as set out in Tables "A" to K. 205.461(9) (Effect of a Revision of the Rates of Pay) When the rate of pay of a member who is entitled to this allowance is changed as a result of a revision of the rates of pay: 205.461(9.1) (Effect of a Pay Increment or a Promotion) When the rate of pay of a member who is entitled to this allowance is changed as a result of a pay increment or a promotion: 205.461(10)(Weekly Rate of Premium In Lieu Of Leave) The weekly rate of premium in lieu of leave E in the formula in paragraph(7) is determined by the formula. the diver is a clearance diver (officer or non-commissioned member); the diver is ordered or instructed to dive more than 200 feet underwater in a submersible by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction; the diver dives in accordance with that order or instruction more than 200 feet underwater in a submersible at least once in a day; on that day, the diver is entitled to an allowance under CBI 205.34 (Diving Allowance (Monthly)); where N is the number of days the member dove in that month; and. the amount of the Death Gratuity already paid shall be recovered from the member's pay account. 205.20(4) (Earning One Allowance) When a member is entitled to receive only one of the allowances listed under paragraph 205.15(1) or under CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance), the credit point earned will relate to that allowance. The critical dates of refit commencement, of the six-month point and of refit completion will be as promulgated by the Commander RCN. 2nd instalment: 12 months after the first instalment provided that the member is still serving in the Regular Force as a non-commissioned member in the assigned understrength occupation. 205.536(2) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (4), a member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied: 205.536(3) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to this allowance if any of the following conditions are satisfied: 205.536(4) (Duration) This allowance is payable until the earlier of the following: 205.536(5) (Amount) The amount of this allowance is: 205.5365(1) (Designations) Subject to paragraph (2), the following officers are hereby designated under subparagraph (2)(d) of CBI 205.536 (Allowance Loss of Operational Allowances): 205.5365(2) (No Subdelegation) The authority cannot be subdelegated. B is for the number of days of preparation as follows: if the court proceeding is before a court of first instance, then the same number of days in A, divided by 3, and rounded up to the nearest full day, or. the weekly rate of pay, determined in accordance with paragraph(8), is calculated by substituting the new applicable rate of pay for the rate of pay used to determine the weekly rate of pay when the member was first entitled to the allowance: if the member served in the Reserve Force on the day before the first day the member was entitled to the allowance, at elements J, L or N of the formula, or. the member is entitled to the specific component, and. FSD 15, Appendix C - Incidental Relocation Expense Allowance. N is the number of days of annual leave entitlement that is not granted during that Reserve Service. PLD rates are taxable and are set annually based on a Treasury Board-approved methodology. 205.30(2) (Definition) In this instruction, paratrooper means a member who is qualified and current in military parachuting to the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS. The Risk and Hardship Allowance for the Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) or paramilitary personnel was then increased from Rs 9,700 to Rs 17,300 per month for troops up to the rank of Inspector and from Rs 16,900 to Rs 25,000 for officers. 205.385(1) (Definition) In this instruction: means a member who provides command or general support to special operations and training of special operations forces, and who is qualified and current to the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS. the aircrew member occupies a designated position for the purposes of this instruction; the aircrew member reports for duty in the designated aircrew position; and. 205.34(3) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (4), a diver of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force who is on either Class B or C Reserve Service is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied: 205.34(4) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to this allowance if any of the following occur: 205.34(5) (Amount Clearance Diver) For a clearance diver (officer or non-commissioned member), the amount of this allowance is: 205.34(6) (Amount Other Divers) For a ships diver and for a combat diver, the amount of this allowance is: 205.341(1) (Intent) Diving Deep Danger Allowance is a financial compensation increment paid for the performance of assigned clearance diving duties where there is exposure to the environmental conditions associated with diving operations exceeding 200 feet. 205.355(2) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied: 205.355(3) (Amount) The amount of this allowance payable in one month is the lesser of: 205.36(1) (Intent) Hypobaric Chamber Allowance is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned duties in a high altitude (hypobaric) chamber. $215,000 if the member completes the residency program in 12 months or less; and. 205.38(2.1) (Definitions) In addition to paragraph 2, the definition in this paragraph applies to this instruction. 205.475(1) (Purpose) The purpose of the imprisonment allowance is to support the rehabilitation of Canadian Forces members who are serving a period of imprisonment in the Canadian Forces Service Prison and Detention Barracks (CFSPDB) and whose pay and allowances have been forfeited. under Item4 for compassionate reasons in accordance with article 15.071 (Voluntary Release After Receiving a Recruitment Allowance) of the QR&O. the total amount of the recruitment allowance is payable when a previous undertaking to serve incurred as a result of the receipt of financial assistance has been completed, or has been repaid, or a memorandum of understanding to repay has been signed, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in article 15.07 (Voluntary Release After Subsidized Education or Training) of the QR&O; and. 61weeks if the member is in receipt of an extended parental benefit under the Employment Insurance Act less any other monies earned during this period, 32weeks if the member is in receipt of a parental benefit under An Act Respecting Parental Insurance less any other monies earned during this period, or. 205.45(11) (Service couple) If both members of a service couple are entitled to the PLD for the same PLDA, and jointly occupy a principal residence, each member is only entitled to receive 75% of the PLD rate. the member's principal residence is located within that PLDA; and. 205.20(5) (Earning Two Allowances Aircrew Allowance) A member who is entitled to receive an allowance under CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)) may, for the same month, also receive an allowance under CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance), or CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)) or CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance). 205.385(2) (Entitlement)Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force who is on Class B or C Reserve Service is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied: 205.385(3) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to this allowance if an event provided in paragraph (2) of CBI 205.15 (No Entitlement Common Events) occurs. h. concerning deeming periods, no more than 2weeks if under An Act Respecting Parental Insurance the member: i. received the paternity benefit for five(5)weeks, and. the highest monthly rate payable under CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)). unless the member continues to occupy a designated position for the purposes of this instruction, the member is assigned to a position with: a ship or tender that is attached to a Fleet Diving Unit. an officer who holds the rank of Colonel or a higher rank; and, holds the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel or a higher rank, and. an act that would constitute an offence under the Code of Service Discipline and that is committed against the member by another member or by a member of an allied or friendly force during that special duty service; a medical officer determines that the member is medically unfit for that special duty service; the member ceases to serve on that special duty service because of the medical officers determination; and. successfully completing Regular Force basic training (non-commissioned member), or. 205.461(5.1) (Repayment formula) For MATA and PATA, the number of days of service that must be served immediately after completing the maternity leave, parental leave or any other authorized leave without pay and allowances, as applicable, is calculated as follows: Chapter 205 - Allowances for officers and non-commissioned members, 205.105 - Designated Positions - Delegated Officers, 205.315 - Rescue Specialist Allowance (Casual), 205.342 - Diving Experimental Saturation Allowance, 205.3501 - Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) Administration - Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly), 205.3701 - Commander of the RCN Administration - Submarine Allowance (Monthly), 205.385 - Special Operations Allowance (Monthly), 205.3851 - Commanding Officer Administration Special Operations Allowance (Monthly), 205.3855 - Special Operations Allowance (Casual), 205.401 -Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (Monthly), 205.4011 - Commanding Officer Administration - Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (Monthly), 205.4015 - Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (Casual), 205.41 - Submarine Crewing Allowance (Monthly), 205.42 - Posting Allowance (Relocated to Chapter 208.849), 205.452 - Transitional Post Living Differential, 205.461 - Maternity and Parental Allowance, 205.47 - Allowance for Personal Requirements - Persons Held in Service Custody, 205.48 - Stress Allowance for Test Participants, 205.50 - Repealed TB, Effective 20 June 2006, 205.505 - Court Allowance - Reserve Force Legal Officers, 205.536 - Allowance - Loss of Operational Allowances, 205.5365 - Allowance - Loss of Operational Allowances - Designated Officers, 205.57 - Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance (Monthly), 205.571 - Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance - Designated Officers, 205.575 - Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance (Casual), 205.72 - Special Allowance - Dependants of Deceased Personnel, 205.74 - Leave Entitlement - Payment to Service Estate, 205.76 - Payment in Lieu of Accumulated Leave, 205.77 - Payment in Lieu of Retirement Leave, Chapter 10 - Foreign Services Instructions, Chapter 204 - Pay of Officers & Non-Commissioned Members, Chapter 205- Allowances for officers and non-commissioned members, Chapter 205 - Summary of Allowances for Officers and Non-Commissioned Members (effective 01 September 2017), Chapter 206 - Gratuities - Officers Serving For Fixed Period, Chapter 208 - Relocation Benefits - effective 2021-04-01, Chapter 209 - Transportation and Travelling Expenses, Chapter 210 - Miscellaneous Entitlements and Grants, Chapter 211 - Service Benefits for Ill and Injured Members, 205.54 - Repealed by TB, Effective 13 June 2005, 205.71 - Repealed by TB Effective 16 February 2004, for members of the Regular Force and members of the Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service, article 203.06 (Computation of Entitlements and Forfeitures on a Daily or Monthly Basis Regular Force and Reserve Force on Class "C" Reserve Service) of the. It recognizes the adverse conditions associated with living away from suitable accommodation and facilities normally found at a base location. Entitlement ends at the end of the members last day of duty in the designated position; subject to paragraph (3), the member has been attached posted, on temporary duty, or any combination thereof, for more than 180 continuous days. ii. the following are not considered days of service for the purpose of fulfilling the undertaking: days on leave without pay and allowances, other than leave without pay and allowances for personal reasons for parental purposes; members who make the undertaking while serving in the Regular Force must complete the undertaking with days of Regular Force service; members who make this undertaking while serving in the Reserve Force may complete undertaking with days of Regular Force or Reserve Force service, or a combination thereof; when a member has received this allowance in respect of more than one child, the undertakings to serve made under this instruction are cumulative; the undertaking must be fulfilled within five (5)years after the last day of the last leave period taken in respect of a child or the member will be subject to repayment; and. the financial implications of the designation upon the CF and Department of National Defence (DND). resulting from tests or experiments conducted on a member that are not involved in the medical treatment of the individual. 205.475(2) (Entitlement) An officer or non-commissioned member, or a former officer or former non-commissioned member who is sentenced to imprisonment by a court martial and is committed to the Canadian Forces Service Prison and Detention Barracks is entitled, for each full day of imprisonment, to imprisonment allowance based on the member's participation in rehabilitation and work programs, as determined by the Commandant of the Canadian Forces Service Prison and Detention Barracks, as follows: 205.475(3) (Administration) The Commandant of the Canadian Forces Service Prison and Detention Barracks shall forward to the approving authority the inmate's claim for the Imprisonment Allowance and must ensure that the claim meets the following conditions: 205.475(4) (Advances) Advances of the imprisonment allowance are not authorized. any other place of duty, selected place of residence or designated alternate location, if the member is authorized to move their household goods and effects at public expense to that place, except for the purpose of release or transfer to the Reserve Force. WebPDF canadian forces personnel support programs policy manual Form and Manner of Certain Elections and Options. for the allowance under CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)) the sum of the credit points that the member would have earned had CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)) been in effect prior to 1 April 2007 and the credit points that the member has earned throughout their career in relation to the allowances listed below less any credit points that the member earned while the member was entitled to receive only an allowance under CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)): subject to paragraph (14), the allowance under CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)) using the sum of the credit points that the member has earned throughout their career for this allowance and for an allowance under CBI 205.385 (Joint Task Force 2 Allowance) as it read the day before CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)) came into effect; and. taxation federal, provincial, and sales. 205.20(3) (Earning General Rule) A member earns one credit point for each month in which the member has completed a minimum of nine consecutive full days of eligible service. A is the number of continuous 24-hour periods the member is on a ship for the purpose of performing duties, and, B is 1 if there is a remaining continuous period in excess of six hours otherwise it is 0; and. concerning waiting periods, no more than two(2)weeks if the member is subject to a waiting period under the Employment Insurance Act less any other monies earned during this period; concerning maternity benefits, no more than: 15weeks if the member is in receipt of a maternity benefit under the Employment Insurance Act less any other monies earned during this period, and. (affectation). WebPost Hardship Differential : R&R : Representation Allowances : Separate Maintenance Allowance (SMA) Home ; Under Secretary for Management ; Bureau of Administration ; Office of Allowances; Office of Allowances. not authorized to move, is not entitled to receive the PLD in respect of the principal residence at the former place of duty. 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