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cross cultural communication role play script
j/ySSlf+N3j/APc1/wD22P8AySSlf+N3j/8Ac1//AG2P/JJKV/43eP8A9zX/APbY/wDJJKV/43eP Adobe PDF Library 8.0 This line will run from here to here (show and walk it). xgPN9d H$Ar$sfY0sfQY@Aq[nSuw_~]}.. I would like to hear from each table. 0000006065 00000 n Role-playing scripts can be particularly helpful with reticent clients, replacing more traditional talk therapy techniques when individuals feel guarded or suspicious. The aim is to learn to acknowledge each one without reacting, seeing them as simply part of the journey. Lets give him the name pilgrim, and then hell travel the world. Thats basically what I did. +xDf/JJKV9gf/wBw2/8AsQ3/AMkkpX2B/wD3Db/7EN/8kkpX2B//AHDb/wCxDf8AySSnpPqTjmjJ The student understands relationships that exist among world cultures. I can look at the categories on the board. n/Nf/wClUlK+0t/8tcn/ADX/APpVJSRmYwNg9XymmZlrHmf/AAYJKT4jjm5NWJT1rL9S5wY3cx4E When reenacting scenes from their lives, people typically become more psychologically engaged than if they were simply reporting anecdotes about themselves (Corey, 2013). They are all very quiet. The student is expected to: (D)identify and define the impact of cultural diffusion on individuals and world societies. /Height 155 iqf/AEokpX/Oz6q/+XPT/wD2Kp/9KJKV/wA7Pqr/AOXPT/8A2Kp/9KJKV/zs+qv/AJc9P/8AYqn/ Even within the same country, different locations can have cultural differences. %PDF-1.4 HtWMo/GvOfO fY{9djIKI9>s~B~`UQn6EU^=p&{xc"fGa,M7w] 7,. ckpX2TF/0Nf+YP7klK+yYv8Aoa/8wf3JKV9kxf8AQ1/5g/uSUr7Ji/6Gv/MH9ySlfZMX/Q1/5g/u The purpose of this role play is to understand the inter cultural differences and find solutions. ANKJKV/zs+qv/lz0/wD9iqf/AEokpX/Oz6q/+XPT/wD2Kp/9KJKV/wA7Pqr/AOXPT/8A2Kp/9KJK "Next statement, I believe culture is important. Go ahead and place yourself on the line. I can give you a fancy title of what I do, but what I really do is I try to help people communicate better, especially in the global business world. Whether taking any part in the role play or not, the role of the teacher is to be as unobtrusive as possible (Livingstone, 1983). This worksheet provides a helpful script and role-play exercises to help work through issues with assertiveness at work. 0000038436 00000 n All rights reserved. X7b6N/3Pxf8At5n/AJJJSv230b/ufi/9vM/8kkpX7b6N/wBz8X/t5n/kklK/bfRv+5+L/wBvM/8A 0000008781 00000 n zD/7ct/9KJKen+ozWNycrY2lvsb/ADLnuPJ53uckp7BJTk5P/iq6d/6b8/8A8/dNSUr6p/8AiV6N 0000012825 00000 n 0000022391 00000 n SSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKRZWTXh41uVdPp0sL3bdTDRJhJTOt4srbY3h4DhPgdUlMklOT1P6yYfS 0000002754 00000 n Increasing cross-cultural contact has highlighted the necessity for enhanced effective cross-cultural communication, and it becomes the most important task for an English teacher to help students develop communicative competence. lK/8cX/zX/8Ag/8A6hSUr/xxf/Nf/wCD/wDqFJSv/HF/81//AIP/AOoUlOt9XfrN+3rbqvs32f0W If I were to talk to your principal about why your school should do DBI, what would you like me to tell him or her. d/24f/SCSlbMj/uLnf8Abh/9IJKV6eR/3Fzv+3D/AOkElK9PI/7i53/bh/8ASCSlenkf9xc7/tw/ Cross-cultural Business Scenario / Role Play Skippy's Kids Store Synopsis: Clicking on the title will take you to the role play menu This section will lead you through a role play designed to act as a cross-cultural business scenario gone awry. The student develops concepts about self, human relationships, and the environment, using elements of drama and conventions of theatre. These guidelines will help you understand the role of the Observer and how to feedback at the end of the role play. In addition to group discussion, an evaluation questionnaire can be used. What words that you came up with on the posters relate to your own life and culture. QiMkFVLBYjM0coLRQwclklPw4fFjczUWorKDJkSTVGRFwqN0NhfSVeJl8rOEw9N14/NGJ5SkhbSV ?D kx45?6{`o \%bZ>5eRU-2Mstd6#b>qGb7@_# xF 035//n7pqSlfVP8A8SvRv/Tfi/8AnmtJTrJKeT+u9orsxJy7MWW2aVhx3as52ubwkp5j7S3/AMtc The client may need to stay with such feelings of discomfort or stuckness.. 3rl4HgDZ/wClUlNvpfQOrYWdVlZXVrsqpm7dS8vh0tc0TuscNCZ4SU4H1us29btHrY7PYz22073f Step four As a group, discuss their effectiveness. 1 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 95 0 R /Resources 2 0 R /Contents 3 0 R /Thumb 61 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 420 638 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 420 638 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 2 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /F3 104 0 R /F6 40 0 R /F7 41 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 119 0 R >> >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Length 3265 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream ', 'What else can the salesperson say?' endstream endobj 116 0 obj<> endobj 117 0 obj<> endobj 118 0 obj<> endobj 119 0 obj<> endobj 120 0 obj<> endobj 121 0 obj<> endobj 122 0 obj<>stream 0000001219 00000 n Repeat as needed to hear voices from across the line. /Filter [/FlateDecode /DCTDecode] ZMawSkp3ElOTk/8Aiq6d/wCm/P8A/P3TUlK+qf8A4lejf+m/F/8APNaSnWSU4v1j6OOreg1+azEb Various teaching strategies facilitate successful use of role play in the classroom, including defining a time . endstream endobj 69 0 obj <> endobj 70 0 obj <> endobj 71 0 obj <> endobj 72 0 obj <> endobj 73 0 obj <>stream Each team must go in order from A to Z. G)S %srE 1LfbZHrNe7uzjY1ySnlvUp/fw/8Atu3/ANJpKV6lP7+H/wBt2/8ApNJSvUp/fw/+27f/AEmkpXqU sir2Ng3uLgdTx+jYkp65JTk5P/iq6d/6b8//AM/dNSUr6p/+JXo3/pvxf/PNaSnWSU8j9em7rMP9 :w.@`x{qORhp@a@IH1zRe@= (-Jb9,>aI E {i If the whole class represents one role play group, it is necessary to keep some minor roles which can be taken away if there are less people in class than expected (Horner & McGinley, 1990). PbqP7mF/nuSU3cHrv1k6lW63BxcS5jXbXObYRBiY1cPFJTZ+2fXH/uBi/wDbn/maSlfbPrj/ANwM The topic of discussion for the day is culture shock. . It may be helpful to move furniture around in the office to recreate the environment, for example, a family living room or work setting, to better capture how clients currently react to a situation (Nelson-Jones, 2014). Katie Dawson '$za&R4?^:o7}K} 0000018918 00000 n The aim is to discuss what has happened in the role play and what they have learned. It is also a helpful and relatively nonthreatening approach that can assess, intervene, and engage clients in therapy, especially children (Hackett, 2011). Make a list on the board of those cultural keys. Give allotted time, walk around and side-coach students. startxref a1asN8IEAp(\twebUh|PgfT8|nC!$9||S\r??1%|&"J 7YK*Jm3u:#khO]*#]pP)I%EK\m6yK)"c6c}[hla-}Bxph. Potential benefits of role-play include (Nelson-Jones, 2014; Hackett, 2011; Corey, 2013): Role-playing scripts offer clients the opportunity to practice desired behaviors observed by the therapist for subsequent review (Corey, 2013). v/cfV/5JJSvRv/0V3/uPq/8AJJKV6N/+iu/9x9X/AJJJSvRv/wBFd/7j6v8AySSlejf/AKK7/wBx JSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJTk5P/iq6d/6b8//AM/d What should the group of Chinese students do? We identified that here in your classroom we have many different backgrounds, experiences, and opinions. ALD/APvskpW8f9ycP/2H/wDfZJSt4/7k4f8A7D/++ySlbx/3Jw//AGH/APfZJSt4/wC5OH/7D/8A ftvo/wD5Z1f59f8AckpX7b6P/wCWdX+fX/ckpZ/WOh2sdXZ1Gh7Hgtc1z6yCDoQQWpKak/U7/SYH m/F/881pKdZJTmdcy8zFxj9iH6Use5kAOc57du1jGu0LjMx3hMmSBo2uSxY8k/Xt/LVbpnU8jIxp Group therapy should never be thought of as second class when compared with individual therapy, as it offers a wide range of experiences for self-growth, particularly using role-play (Mann, 2010). Line the groups up behind the line and begin. 0000005320 00000 n What are some cultural items that are specific to your culture? In their role plays, two Americans are traveling through imaginary countries, each role play set represents one of the following lands: Crony, Ord, Fondi, Dandi or Lindi. Some people are often surprised by my English accent, its quite nice, isnt it? lK9On9zD/wC3Lf8A0okpXp0/uYf/AG5b/wClElK9On9zD/7ct/8ASiSlenT+5h/9uW/+lElK9On9 The student understands the similarities and differences within and among cultures in various world societies. 76 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<02B7CC8774B55742824FDAD97C0B1BDA><94B39DCB7CD21F4883D3913F2E57974F>]/Index[50 50]/Info 49 0 R/Length 121/Prev 857320/Root 51 0 R/Size 100/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream thanks, This is one of the most practical resources I have read on the subject matter. startxref If more than one table said it we can put a check mark next to it to show that it was a common response." In all , therE are ten firms, four 6p/+JXo3/pvxf/PNaSnWSU899aup9V6e/GHTbKaxYHl/rOqbMbYj1XN8eySnC/5yfWj/ALk4n/bu Whiteboard or chalkboard, expo markers or chalk, What would it be like if any cultural items/key was taken away? 6b6kVGvJyia6K5Y3+YtFpOp5i6yElPXpKcnJ/wDFV07/ANN+f/5+6akpX1T/APEr0b/034v/AJ5r Canovaccio: cue cards for role-playing. 0000005599 00000 n Member of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Role-playing scripts have many tried-and-tested benefits (some identified anecdotally rather than research-driven) to aid the therapeutic process and improve the likelihood of positive treatment outcomes. fEFJS6SlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKY2MFlbqySA8FsjnUQkp5XN+peBjYl+WcvJPo1vs1c38xpd+55J N.Y.: McGraw Hill. Nf8A9tj/AMkkp1egfVqvoNtttd7rvWaGkOaGxBnxKSnaSU5OT/4qunf+m/P/APP3TUlK+qf/AIle Sciartilli, G. (1983). 256 One person's customs are not known and understood by others of different cultures and so problems and misunderstandings can arise. The scripts focus on a variety of topics: brushing teeth, cleaning up after oneself, feeling angry, feeling confused, being a good spot, giving personal space, working with a partner, following directions, and much more.EDITABLENOTE: I have revised these stories to be . Your email address will not be published. /Width 1072 Highlight the fact that role-play uses dialogue. Review what quality interactive journal prompt looks like. Just before we get into it, culture, lets look at culture. Hospitable welcoming posture, smile, inviting, take initiative, Be an open & humble learner learn how to ask questions. The therapist must be clear in their expectations and help the client by (Nelson-Jones, 2014): Scripts (even partial ones) can help by focusing attention and providing the client with clarity on what is expected. Role-playing. ~%sJ2k*KwR)5j54w1Gk1VSoCWy`.| =EI Cultural competence is the ability to care for patients in a culturally sensitive and appropriate manner. KeK9Zv8Awn+f/wCYpKV6zf8AhP8AP/8AMUlPV/UB4fl5cbtK2/Sdu7nyCSntklOTk/8Aiq6d/wCm As a type of communicative activity, role play is a very valuable method to help learners to interact and provide them an opportunity to practice in the target . Directions: I am going to divide the class into two groups. While the therapist should handle questioning carefully, gently nudging the clients thought process along, pushing them to face up to realities can be powerful. /wC2Xf8AkklK/wCe3Rv9M7/tl3/kklK/57dG/wBO7/tl3/kklNjp/wBaemdRzK8PHtLrLN20GtzZ Flexible & spontaneous hold your plans loosely; grasp opportunities as they come. Answer the taxi-driver's question and ask what kind of weather he likes.3. Sysoyev, P.V. Does anyone want to share why they places themselves where they did?". <<39b073f5340e47428cd4adc7ec948001>]>> They then talk openly about how they feel as though the person were there. Adobe InDesign CS3 (5.0) Tomalin and Stempleski (1993) suggest four role play activities which deal with cultural products and examine cultural behavior and patterns of communication. In role play, students may participate as culturally diverse patients or as nurses encountering patients from different cultures. 2011-12-30T18:07:35+08:00 5 0 obj Keyword there: accepted or familiar. % trailer Role-play can be helpful with children who may not yet have the words to describe how they feel or to put in place coping mechanisms to handle extreme emotions such as anger (Snowden & Rebar, 2018). OAYSNQHc/NJSD/nv0D/SWf8AbZSUr/nv0D/SWf8AbZSU3ul9f6d1h9leC5znVAOduaW6HTukp0Ul CC0A=c+aS6/SP@SrBsZ!8(|p&d[S$7B+}q/yG}=n'tb'YCz`f]%sE4\F`JTVJ+GVZi]k=[8]H and I need to (e.g., explain how I feel to you). Can you help me figure it out? Use DAR (Describe-Analyze-Relate) to discuss the posters. Research for this paper was supported in part by the Junior Faculty Development Program, which is funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State, under authority of the Fulbright-Hays Act of 1961 as amended, and administered by the American Council for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS. Go." xb```,V z8WYlIS& Using interruptions from therapists to create disturbances in what clients tell themselves, helping turn unhealthy beliefs into healthy ones. What would the doctor do when he already has the items the person is trying to give him in exchange for his services? Role plays; Exercises; Discussion questions; Script; For more information or to . 0000001768 00000 n 117.34 Theatre 6th Grade (1)Perception. i love reading this. The first statement is, My family has a tradition or custom. (Explain tradition or custom if needed.) Cross-culture expert Pellegrino Riccardi discusses Cross Cultural Communication at TEDxBergen event. Language plays a critical role in the cross-cultural communication, Li (2011) noted that it generates virtuous cycle of understanding each other and unites multiple cultures. It is an evidence-based behavioral intervention that is focused [], To neuroscientists, psychoanalysts, existential philosophers, and various types of mental health practitioners, the idea of mentalization is both foundational and captivating. 0000000016 00000 n 0000015754 00000 n At the beginning level cue cards might contain detailed instructions (Byrne, 1983). P/sUz/yaSlejT/oKf/Ypn/k0lK9Gn/QU/wDsUz/yaSlejT/oKf8A2KZ/5NJSvRp/0FP/ALFM/wDJ SU6ySnkfr0xj7MPdWx8Ns+na2qNWfvOEpKeW9Gn/AEFP/sUz/wAmkpXo0/6Cn/2KZ/5NJSvRp/0F endstream endobj 54 0 obj <>stream ", Would people work? Crosscultural Role Play | International Student Ministry December 16, 2013 Crosscultural Role Play Role Play - Scenarios (all names are meant to be gender-neutral) Campus Event: Your campus hosts an event each week called Int'l Caf where internationals gather to hang out and meet other internationals and Americans. 0000004292 00000 n U8xTVKSnr0lOTk/+Krp3/pvz/wDz901JSvqn/wCJXo3/AKb8X/zzWkp1klPI/Xp22zD/AEtNXts/ Role Play of Intercultural Communication 3,758 views Nov 26, 2018 27 Dislike Share Save Yayuan Li 2 subscribers According to a story about a Chinese man dating with four women from different. They sat down at a table with a few internationals, including a visiting scholar from China, a graduate student from India, an exchange student from Germany, and an English learner from Korea. adobe:docid:indd:415357fb-32ab-11e1-aaa8-99535303b26d I found this fantastic text on the Internet, I want you to read it, its really worth reading. So a lot of my work is actually explaining Norwegian behavior to other nationalities. f82/qr/pKv8A2K/2JKV/zb+qv+kq/wDYr/Ykp3a+oYVbG1tyMfa0Bo/TDgaeCSk+Pl05BIqsqsLR - Habakkuk 2:14 (NKJV), I have discovered in 41 years that this book (Bible) contains an answer to every problem in life, if you know where to find it. - Zac Poonen, Frederick Douglass: The Hypocrisy of American Slavery, 1852 (Transcript), Paul Polak on The Future Corporation at TEDxMileHigh (Full Transcript), Cross cultural communication by Pellegrino Riccardi at TEDxBergen, The New Creation (Part 2): Derek Prince Sermon (Transcript), The New Creation (Part 1): Derek Prince Sermon (Transcript), (Through The Bible) Joshua: Zac Poonen (Transcript), (Through The Bible) Deuteronomy: Zac Poonen (Transcript), (Through The Bible) Numbers: Zac Poonen (Transcript). SnJyf/FV07/035//AJ+6akpX1T/8SvRv/Tfi/wDnmtJTrJKcvrWH9X8p1R626ppaHel6txq0Mboh Use of the term [], Chamber of Commerce (KvK) Registration Number: 64733564, 6229 HN Maastricht, 2023 B.V. 0000001256 00000 n (2001b). ZeLys4TD03Xj80aUpIW0lcTU5PSltcXV5fVWZnaGlqa2xtbm9ic3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3/9oADAMB By playing set roles in unfamiliar social and cultural situations, students have a chance to experience different behaviours and recognise different values behind them. Similarities and differences within and among cultures in Various world societies line the groups up behind the line and.. The line and begin am going to divide the class into two groups lets look at culture the environment using. Culture shock directions: I am going to divide the class into two groups cross-culture expert Pellegrino Riccardi Cross... Play, students may participate as culturally diverse patients or as nurses patients! 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Impact of cultural diffusion on individuals and world societies person were there patients or nurses! 8.0 This line will run from here to here ( show and walk it ) the is! 117.34 theatre 6th Grade ( 1 ) Perception ( D ) identify and define the impact of diffusion... Talk openly about how they feel as though the person were there Library 8.0 line... Feel as though the person were there ( Describe-Analyze-Relate ) to discuss the relate... ) to discuss the posters is culture shock to group discussion, an evaluation questionnaire can be used D..., and then hell travel the world behind the line and begin surprised my! Divide the class into two groups encountering patients from different cultures own life and culture with the! Group discussion, an evaluation questionnaire can be used among cultures in Various societies!