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cupertino union school district covid dashboard
At a time designated as Public Comments on the agenda of the regular meeting, members of the public also may bring before the Board matters that are not listed on the agenda. Cupertino Union School District. } } Emergency [8], From 1993 to 2013, the Cupertino Union School District had an average of $116,183,857 in revenue and $120,514,762 in expenditures, according to the United States Census Bureau's survey of school system finances. Safe Routes to School offers multiple classes through the year for elementary and middle school kids to help them become more confident bicyclists. The District Admin get huge raises, and spend money needlessly and wastefully. Give them the chance to prove themselves. 20402 N. 15th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85027. CUPERTINO (KPIX 5) A group of about two dozen Cupertino Union School District parents rallied Wednesday afternoon to demand that distance learning be reinstated as pediatric COVID-19 cases reach an all-time high in the nation. .electionsectionheading { San Diego Unified wants every school to be a place of great teaching and learning, safety and wellness. } .votebox-results-metadata-p { Cities | position: relative; According to state test scores, 86% of students are at least proficient in math and 85% in reading. This is the disclaimer text. letter-spacing: .03em; The group argued that the district had not conducted a study to "assess the true needs" and said that there was no evidence that "temporary teacher housing results in long-term teacher retention. The group cautioned the district from changing the Luther School site in case of future enrollment growth. Employee unions filed a cease-and-desist order due to a violation of their collective bargaining agreement. Dashboard provides information around new positive COVID-19 cases in TN districts and schools. setTimeout(function() { defer() }, 500); Bottle of water to stay hydrated. } 17,351 . @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { All such charges or complaints shall be presented to the superintendent and/or the Board in writing and signed by the complainant. The student attends Granite. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. When stopped, they should be able to reach the ground with their toes. .race_header { Starting in fall 2017, you can get school performance info at the California School Dashboard. line-height: 1.5em; Click here to view or fill out the survey. .partytd.Republican { margin: 0; Make sure your child has a comfortable, correctly-sized backpack and practice having them wear it properly resting on both shoulders, with the straps tightened correctly. Phone 2: 408.299.2311, To submit a request for service, complaint or question click here. } Silicon Valley Bike Coalition, a local non-profit, also offers classes for adults who want to learn to bike or become more confident bicyclists. Craig Baker was the superintendent of the Cupertino Union School District. } } Sunnyvale, CA 94087 .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { "We just did a 5 percent pay increase when landlords are raising rent 8 percent, she said. The Cupertino Union School District is located in Santa Clara County, California. What do employees say about pay and career opportunities? What was done to us was by no means fair or just, said Rina Matthalikunnel, a former West Valley teacher. The district followed the cease-an-desist order until district and union officials could meet. } Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, 2016 Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP), Waiver of Business License Tax (Non-Profits), City Code, Permits, Inspections & Licenses, McClellan Road Separated Bike Lanes Project. Burlingame School District (Dashboard will be available when schools reopen), Hillsborough City School District (No dashboard available), Jefferson Elementary School District (No dashboard available), Las Lomitas Elementary School District (No dashboard available), Millbrae School District (No dashboard available), Pacifica School District (No dashboard available), Ravenswood City School District (No dashboard available), Redwood City School District (Dashboard pending), San Bruno Park School District (No dashboard available), San Carlos School District (Dashboard pending), Woodside Elementary School District (Dashboard pending), Jefferson Union High School District (Dashboard pending), San Mateo Union High School District (No dashboard available), Sequoia Union High School District (Dashboard pending), Cabrillo Unified School District (No dashboard available), La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District (No dashboard available), South San Francisco Unified School District (Dashboard pending), East Side Union High School District (Dashboard pending), Fremont Union High School District (Dashboard pending), Gilroy Unified School District (Requested information. Please enter a username or email address. background-color: #003388; "Even the parent teacher meeting is online, everything," Dosapati said. Additional resources are identified for legal services, mental health, social services, special needs, housing, domestic violence, drugs and alcohol, and referrals and crisis line. Elections in 2023 | The Coronado Times provides in-depth coverage of Coronado, CA. Find your school here. However, candidates had an additional five days to file if no incumbents filed by August 12. [27], Gudalewicz initially announced that Principal Theresa Johnson would be transferred and that all of the school's teachers and aides would have to reapply for their jobs. display: inline;
} The decision to reconstitute West Valley was anything but collaborative, transparent and honest. Exact location only; within 5 miles; within 10 miles; within 15 miles; within 25 miles; within 50 miles; within 100 miles; Salary Estimate. background-color: #db0000; This was a decrease from both 2020 and 2021. } Its a quick way for them to get to school, their friends' houses, the library, and beyond. } color: #fff; .inner_percentage.Democratic { The Cupertino Union School District is located in Santa Clara County, California. font-weight: 100; overflow-x: scroll; A person wishing to be heard by the board shall first be recognized by the president. Make sure the bike is the right size. Pasadena Unified School District COVID-19 Dashboard PUSD is committed to providing accurate and transparent information regarding COVID-19 cases on its campuses and work locations, while also maintaining privacy and confidentiality for its students and staff. Supporters did not submit petitions by the deadline on October 4, 2021. Testing is available Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 4:00pm for all students, staff, and their . }. @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { Instructional Assistant (Current Employee) - Cupertino, CA - October 1, 2018. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission . Lights if there is a chance you will be riding at dusk or later or before dawn. Make sure the helmet fits and is properly adjusted by checking out the helmet flyer in the Rules of the Road section below. } Server Maintenance Dates: January 2023; 1/14 1/16, 1/21 1/23, 1/28 1/30. Learn more about services, vaccinations, testing, and more. De Anza offers a variety of day, night and weekend classes in nearly 100 fields of study. The matter may be placed on the agenda of a subsequent meeting for action or discussion by the Board. } vertical-align: middle; padding-bottom: 8px; The latest vaccine recommendation from the CDC means the . .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { If you wish to continue your session, please click OK. We recently updated the security of this site and all account emails must be verified to login. There is zero support. He said parents find out about new COVID cases through the district's online dashboard. A good transition step is to find them a walking or biking buddy or group and make sure all kids in the group can pass the Ten-Question Test comfortably. margin-right: 12px; jQuery( ".votebox" ).each(function( index ) { In general, the consensus is that 6-7 year olds do best when walking with a friend and by the ages of 9-10, most kids are ready to walk or bike on their own. .votebox_legend .non_result_row { Any local bike shop will help you fit their bike helmet for free. We have heard the perspective from the parents, from the board, from the principal. font-size: 20px; There are many health and other benefits to walking and biking to school: Cupertino is making road safety improvements around every public school in Cupertino. Waiting to hear back from district. They also called for the school board to ask for public input for any future mass transfers. Share your story ideas or letters to the editor. The superintendent serves at the pleasure of the board and if she mismanages the district, the board has alternatives and can take action, said Vogel, who won her re-election bid in 2016. In Cupertino, children are allowed to bike on sidewalks through the age of 12. [27], Cupertino Union Superintendent Wendy Gudalewicz said the makeover of the school was necessary due to tension and school culture, but, citing employee privacy laws, she did not elaborate on the reasons behind the transfer of the district's entire staff. Below you will find information on local services for utilities, Cupertino schools, the Cupertino Library, post office, sheriff and fire services. Help expand Ballotpedia's elections coverage - volunteer with us. We offer and maintain a number of management, certificated and classified positions that support students in various ways. Franklin McKinley Elementary School District, Los Gatos Saratoga Union High School District, Mountain View Whisman Elementary School District, Mountain View Los Altos Union High School District, Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District, Emeryville Unified School District (no dashboard available), Mountain House Elementary School District (no dashboard available), New Haven Unified School District (Union City - District is in process of creating a dashboard), Newark Unified School District (no dashboard available), Piedmont Unified School District (no dashboard available), San Leandro Unified School District (update from district to come), Antioch Unified School District (Dashboard pending), Byron Union School District (Dashboard pending), Canyon Union School District (No dashboard), John Swett Unified School District (No dashboard), Martinez Unified School District (Dashboard pending), Orinda Union School District (Dashboard pending), Walnut Creek Unified School District (No dashboard), Bolinas-Stinson Union (No dashboard. .indicate_scroll { The department is requesting districts submit information on a weekly . .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, } "It is expected to be available soon on the district's. Cupertino Union spends $13,625 per student each year. Union Park School; Village Meadows Elementary; Vista Peak School; West Wing School; Sign In. Additionally, on their own initiative or in response to questions posed by the public, a Board or staff member may ask a question for clarification, make a brief announcement, or make a brief report on his/her own activities. The COVID Vaccine is available to anyone 6 months of age and older. You can raise the seat post up if it is too low, but if you raise it to the maximum height and the rider's legs still can't go straight at any point in the pedal rotation, the bike is too small. } } The district served 17,351 students during the 2018-2019 school year and comprised 25 schools. In proposing school closures over the next three academic years, the board of trustees is looking to make up for $5 million to . [19], The recall effort started after the board voted in October 2021 to close two schools and consolidate a third. For newer riders, they will be most comfortable and confident if their feet can touch the ground when they stop. It is part of the California Department of Health's guidance on COVID-19 case reporting by schools. Please contact our, No valid email address associated with username provided. Coronado Old Fashioned Signature Versions Abound, The Palm, Established 1907 at 965 Orange Ave Now Known as Dannys Palm Bar & Grill, Armchair Travel: Island Hopping January 18, CUSD Update on Teacher and Staff Vaccinations, CUSD Update on Reopening, Safety, Testing, Summer School, Update on Return to On-Campus Learning from CUSD Superintendent Mueller. } [29], Some parents at the meeting called for Gudalewicz to step down and for the school board members to be replaced. Many of the improvements have already been made, and more are to come. "I'm very scared. vertical-align: top; Click on the links below to learn more about the school district's Stacy Yao is the superintendent of the Cupertino Union School District. Post-Secondary Education Apply highly reflective tape to your childs backpack, jacket, shoes, hats, bicycle frame to make them more visible to cars and increase their safety. Teaching your kids to bike is a gift that will benefit them their entire lives. background-color: #db0000; Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Surging cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19, along with a noticed decline in immunity a few months after the vaccine, are leading to a call for getting a 3rd dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Effective school boards are said to conduct their business openly, honestly and in the best interest of the communities which they serve, said Theresa Phillips, a West Valley parent. margin-right: 10px; Its a fun way to explore the city, local parks and trails as a family, and its a great low-impact exercise. District officials said the initial dashboard data shows a very low COVID-19 positivity rate, with less than 1% of students and staff testing positive for the virus each week over the last four weeks through April 3. } ), Nicasio School District (No dashboard. background-color: #dac113; State executives | Bicycle Transportation Plan Implementation, EV Charging Station and Alternative Transportation Resources, All-Inclusive Playground at Jollyman Park, Engineering Standards, Policies & Procedures, Cupertino Owned Water Service Infrastructure, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program FAQ, Social Distancing While Walking and Biking Flyer. support staff (Former Employee) - Cupertino, CA - October 27, 2015. (WSOC) UNION COUNTY, N.C. Union County Public Schools posted on their website that they will no longer publish a weekly COVID-19 dashboard. State executives | (Government Code 54954.2), The Board need not allow the public to speak on any item that has already been considered by a committee composed exclusively of Board members at a public meeting where the public had the opportunity to address the committee on that item. function defer() { Source. COVID-related recalls accounted for 37% of all recall efforts in both 2020 and 2021. View the below flyer to learn how to properly fit your helmet: As long as there is a global pandemic, we need to remember to maintain social distance. text-align: center; Most schools have separate pages, why not this one
} Federal courts | Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Contact our sales team. letter-spacing: 0.03em; top: 2px; You'll find menu options at the top right. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. text-align: center; font-size: 16px; How to vote | Address. Salaries, reviews, and more - all posted by employees working at Cupertino Union School District. During the 2018-2019 school year, 5.9% of the district's students were eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, 11.2% were English language learners, and 7.5% of students had an Individual Education Plan (IEP).[16]. padding:7px 8px 8px; [17][20], An earlier effort to recall Cunningham began in February 2021 but did not go to a vote. overflow-x: auto; Counties | The COVID-19 Report Card will provide parents, teachers, students and all New Yorkers with comprehensive data updated on a daily basis, including:. The Cupertino Union School District Board of Education maintains the following policy on public testimony during board meetings:[7]. overflow-y: hidden; Three seats on the Cupertino Union School District school board in California were up for general election on November 8, 2022. padding-bottom: 8px; Daily Covid-19 Reports Archive letter-spacing: .04em; Two seats on the Cupertino Union School District school board in California were up for general election on November 3, 2020. Our staff works in a stimulating, diverse and supportive environment; it is their commitment and dedication to student learning that enable student success. Deer Valley Unified School District; COVID-19 Symptoms; COVID-19 Symptoms. color: #888; } ), Shoreline Unified School District (Dashboard pending). Overall, the district spends $8,202.8 million on instruction, $3,837.3 . 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. font-style: italic; height: 56px; For experienced riders, test for bike height by placing the middle of one foot on a pedal. The City continues to provide essential services in accordance with the Order of the Health Officer of Santa Clara County. Oppose merge. table #officeholder-table td { Please try again, or contact the EDJOIN. display: inline-block; Cupertino Union School District Approves School Consolidation and Closures Cupertino Union School District Approves School Consolidation News / Oct 15, 2021 / 04:30 PM PDT Cupertino Union. Luckily for us, Cupertino is a very safe city and hundreds of kids walk and bike safely to and from school every day. You still have to consider your individual circumstances, of course, such as your childs cognitive and emotional readiness, the distance to school, and whether there is a busy street to cross. The Safe Routes to School team coordinated with each of the schools to come up with a list of recommended improvements that would make it safer to walk and bike to school. .results_row td:first-child { Please note that we will be conducting server maintenance for the next few weekends. Baker was appointed superintendent in July 2017. z-index:1; .election_results_text { "She could interact with all her classmates, and we could focus on our work." Like other districts throughout the state, Cupertino has seen few. Find your next great job today. We will be updating this list with new information throughout the school year, so be sure to bookmark this page. Public policy. How has Cupertino Union School District responded to COVID-19? .results_row.winner { Policies & Disclaimer. Phone. Elementary/Middle Schools padding-bottom: 3px; Pope Valley Union Elementary School District and Howell Mountain Elementary School District do not post publicly, but inform parents and staff as needed. Click on the school icon, then to find your school, expand the Schools layer, expand the Elementary, Middle or High School layer. .votebox-results-metadata { A confirmed case indicates that a student or staff member participating in on-site activities has tested positive for an active COVID-19 infection. .results_row td { Because the Board has a responsibility to conduct district business in an orderly and efficient way, the following procedures shall regulate public presentation to the Board. The Cupertino Union School District has "discontinued" plans to build teacher housing at an old school site. Cupertino Union School District, California, elections (2022), Cupertino Union School District, California, Cupertino Union School District school board, United States Senate election in California, 2022, United States Senate special election in California, 2022, California's 16th Congressional District election, 2022, California's 17th Congressional District election, 2022, California's 18th Congressional District election, 2022, California's 19th Congressional District election, 2022, California Attorney General election, 2022, California Insurance Commissioner election, 2022, California lieutenant gubernatorial election, 2022, California Secretary of State election, 2022, California Superintendent of Public Instruction election, 2022, California State Assembly elections, 2022, Municipal elections in Santa Clara County, California (2022), City elections in San Jose, California (2022), Mayoral election in San Jose, California (2022), Fremont Union High School District, California, Measure G, Bond Issue (June 2022), San Jose, California, Measure B, Mayor Elections Charter Amendment (June 2022), Santa Clara, California, Measure D, City Council Elections Charter Amendment (June 2022), Santa Clara Valley Water District, California, Measure A, Term Limits Measure (June 2022), Santa Cruz County, California, Measure B, Hotel Tax (June 2022), Santa Cruz County, California, Measure C, Single-Use Cup Tax (June 2022), Santa Cruz County, California, Measure D, Branch Line Rail Corridor Greenway Trail Initiative (June 2022), California intermediate appellate court elections, 2022, California Changes to Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Cap Initiative (2022), California Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations Initiative (2022), California Proposition 1, Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment (2022), California Proposition 26, Legalize Sports Betting on American Indian Lands Initiative (2022), California Proposition 27, Legalize Sports Betting and Revenue for Homelessness Prevention Fund Initiative (2022), California Proposition 28, Art and Music K-12 Education Funding Initiative (2022), California Proposition 29, Dialysis Clinic Requirements Initiative (2022), California Proposition 30, Tax on Income Above $2 Million for Zero-Emissions Vehicles and Wildfire Prevention Initiative (2022), California Proposition 31, Flavored Tobacco Products Ban Referendum (2022), Campbell Union High School District, California, elections (2022), Moreland School District, California, elections (2022), Fremont Union High School District, California, elections (2022), Campbell Union High School District, California, Measure O, Parcel Tax Measure (November 2022), Campbell Union School District, California, Measure T, School Facilities Improvements Measure (November 2022), La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District, California, Measure R, Bond Measure (November 2022), Palo Alto, California, Measure K, Local Business Tax Measure (November 2022), Palo Alto, California, Measure L, Natural Gas Utility General Fund Transfer Measure (November 2022), San Jose, California, Measure I, Charter Amendment Measure (November 2022), Santa Clara, California, Measure G, Renewal of Utility Tax Measure (November 2022), Santa Clara, California, Measure H, Business License Tax Increase Measure (November 2022), Saratoga, California, Measure C, Term Limits Measure (November 2022). 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