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detective conan volume 30
Contents 1 Cast 2 Gadgets 3 Bear Hunters Case 3.1 File 274 - The Shrunken Target 3.2 File 275 - True Motive 3.3 People 4 Old Photograph Murder Case 4.1 Characters introduced This volume contains: Roller Coaster Murder Case, Company President's Daughter Case, Bloody Idol Case. From these words, Yumi is able to deduce that Sato does like Takagi; she thus takes out her phone in order to take this good news to a depressed Takagi, but changes her mind in the last minute (because she does not like the fact that Sato advised her to find a honest and caring man and enter a serious relationship with him after telling her to quit messing with Takagi) and wonders why she cares so much about those two people. This volume contains: Hatamoto Family Case, Monthly Presents Case. Les Mangas, Manhwa, Manhua, Comics et Bandes Dessines se trouvent sur la page Mangas. He tries to find evidence to prove it was him. Conan adds that Akashi probably saw Ogura with Sato and Takagi at the train station; knowing that Ogura would leak critical information to the police, Akashi decided to seal his mouth forever by killing him. Conan replies that that is natural, as, before killing Ogura, Akashi had made Ogura read his newspaper (this could easily be done by telling Ogura that there was an article about him). Conan picks up Tokuyamas empty coffee can and kneels down to adjust his kick shoes, but Takagi is quicker. After the punishment is announced, Sato complains to Yumi that the salary is not much even without this deduction. Takagi wants to go on a date with Sato, via tickets to a show that Yumi gave him, but will he get up the courage? Page 45. There are six detectives there excluding Conan. Volume 30 was released on December 18, 2000 in Japan. Chapter 2: Conan puts together the case and realizes which suspect is the killer. Sato doubts the validity of this inference by pointing out that the connection between World Cup and toilet is not that strong, and Conan agrees. 85. Akashis has the headline World Cup hero under police interrogation and Kogoros has the headline World Cup hero officially under arrest), meaning that Akashi definitely did not buy it from the station (there is a difference because Japanese newspapers are delivered to convenience shops (and households) much earlier than to train stations, meaning that if there is an important and rapidly-developing event, changes will have been made before newspapers are delivered to train stations, so those contain the latest news and that the ones delivered to convenience shops are slightly outdated). Detective Conan Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Conan asks the man where he got his shirt, and the man tells him it is from the Bones clothing store. Genta also explains that he went to a crime scene where the snatcher struck five days ago and saw his golden-haired witness in the crowd. Page 32. Conan says that Akashi still has a newspaper because he bought two (of the same name and published on the same day), one in Osakas train station, and another one before that (probably in some convenience shop). Kogoro has been invited to a detective meeting by an unknown assailant who sends him money. As Mitsuhiko and Ayumi leave Genta alone to go home, the latter is being followed by the murderer, and becomes aware of the truth when looking at his reflection in the mirror of a shopwindow. Senma's archaeologist father had disappeared looking for the treasure, so she wanted to know what the treasure was at all costs. You can search for Soon, Megure arrives with a large number of police officers, and Akashi is apprehended and taken to the police station for questioning. Detective Conan; Volume 30; Page 193 Signaler. Les Mangas, Manhwa, Manhua, Comics et Bandes Dessines se trouvent sur la page Mangas. The salesperson doesn't remember anyone unusual either. Thanks to this, Takagi and Sato get to avoid the worst possible consequences of their blunder - demotion or firing. The train is now near Mount Fuji (which is on the border of Shizuoka and Yamanashi Prefectures, which are much closer to Tokyo than to Osaka). According to Conan and Iwakunis recollections, Akashi and Iwakuni were both holding a newspaper during their passage, and Tokuyama was holding a bottle of canned coffee when he passed and reading a newspaper on his seat. Page 36. Volume 30 - Detective Conan Wiki Volume 30 navigation search Volume 30 was released on December 18, 2000 in Japan. Chapters Japanese English Plot He remembers the witness sitting beside him, but doesn't remember the thief sitting down. Vol. At that time, while she was in the bathroom with it, Officer Takagi had to take the criminal to the bathroom. The evidence is that the newspaper currently in Akashis possession has a different headline from the one that Kogoro bought (i.e. Genta does remember a golden haired man was with him when he saw the thief. Also several death images of Gosho's avatar has been placed when he is always given away a comment. Detective Conan Case Files *** Last Updated July 25, 2022 *** File Number: Volume: Case Number: . Conan declares the problematic title to be the one saying World Cup hero under police interrogation, and explains that the only thing that the murderer had to do was to point at the words World Cup in order for Ogura to notice its initials. detective conan volume 30can you resell harry styles tickets on ticketmaster. This volume contains: Wedding Murder Case, Unpublished Novel Case, Sonoko's Camera Case. This page was last edited on 20 October 2022, at 12:46. There are six detectives there excluding Conan. Genta then believed Someda was another man who had seen the real murderer. Then they walk further into the cave, carrying Conan, and coming at a crossroads leave the latter's wristwatch in one of the two paths in order to lure the robbers. That mansion once belonged to Renya Karasuma, the billionaire who mysteriously died forty years ago. Now that only one police officer is with him, Ogura begins thinking of a way to escape. At the shop, the salesperson explains that they sold a variety of shirts like that with different text such as "Escape", "Help", and "1999" because of the doomsday prediction in 2000, but none that say 202. Les Mangas, Manhwa, Manhua, Comics et Bandes Dessines se trouvent sur la page Mangas. Sato therefore asks him rhetorically about the whereabouts of the other newspaper, and, before giving Akashi a chance to answer, says that it must have been shredded to pieces and flushed down the toilet. Each volume also contain Detectives which Gosho gives specific information about and evenly recommends you which book it the best. This volume contains: Bandaged Man Case, Lex Vocalist Murder Case, Conan Kidnapping Case. Vol. All the detectives who killed each other are alive all along. This volume contains: Koshien Bomber Case, Takagi's Last Case, Kaitou Kid and the Ocean's Miracle Case, Classmate's Ghost Case. Knowing that he cannot let Ogura die like this, Takagi has no choice but to free himself, handcuff Ogura to the toilet rail instead and run to Sato to explain the situation. Actually, the DBs had planned to lure the murderer by claiming aloud they hadnt found anything about the case, while Genta suddenly realised something then and rushed to the station where his friends already were. This volume contains: Movie Theater Case, Cruise Ship Murder Case, Innocent Suspect Case. One of the detectives are killed and they are stranded in the mansion as the bridge has been cut and the cars have been burned. Just a few seconds later, Ran hears another reference to baseball; a man passing by them murmurs no, I cannot throw straight balls, I must throw breaking balls and see her reaction to them. As Genta still tells Conan hes made a mistake again, Conan sighs powerlessly and asks Genta to warn his friends if anything ever comes back to his mind. 5.3 File 209 - The Inspector's Investigation 5.4 File 210 - An Unexpected Rival 5.5 People 6 Wedding Murder Case 6.1 File 211 - A Nice Day in Tokyo 6.2 People 7 Trivia 8 See also 9 References Cast Characters Conan Edogawa Ran Mouri Kogoro Mouri Conan examines the support cable, and determines it had been deliberately cut and someone was indeed after Genta's life. The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out, Jodie's Memories and the Cherry Blossom Viewing Trap, Shinichi Kudo Returns! 31 File 1: 88: Pottery for Shinichi: End SS 32, Start SS 33 . Genta later gets a mysterious phone call: "If you tell anyone that you saw me, I will kill you!! Page 35. Informations Sur Le Scan. Conan tranquilizes Kogoro (the train is now in Tokyo and is approaching the station) and begins the deduction. Akashi, well aware that he cannot keep insisting that the newspaper that he is currently holding was bought in the train station, concedes that he has bought two newspapers (he cannot assert that he bought only one newspaper and that he bought it outside the station; this is because both Iwakuni and Tokuyama saw him buy a newspaper in the train station). This volume contains: Murderer's Car Case, Forgotten Cell Phone Case, Heiji VS. Kazuha Case, Koshien Bomber Case. This volume contains: Skating Rink Case, Spider Mansion Case, Dangerous Cave Case. Sato is surprised that Takagi likes such things, and the latter explains that Yumi, who had a spare ticket, asked him to go. 1 (Meitantei Konan) (in Japanese) Japanese Edition | by Goushou Aoyama | Jan 1, 1994. This volume contains: Escalator Message Case, Flying Neighbor Case, Soccer Supporter Case, Chinatown Murder Case, Golden Apple Case. He tries to find evidence to prove it was him. Actually, the DBs had planned to lure the murderer by claiming aloud they hadnt found anything about the case, while Genta suddenly realised something then and rushed to the station where his friends already were. Several minutes after Oguras entry, Takagi asks him impatiently whether he is done, and Ogura grins and tells Takagi that the police will never be able to obtain any information from him, for he will soon turn into a speechless bird. Ayumi thinks about Conans usual outfit but Genta suggests Conan cant be the killer, and recalls those three coulours with something spinning amidst. Genta tries to recall where he saw the thief. Upon their arrival, they find Ogura dead and a bloody knife beside his inanimate body. While Yumi comforts her, Sato abruptly asks whether she likes Takagi. Detective Conan, vol. 30 (Meitantei Konan) (in Japanese) Page 49. Akashi knew that Ogura had been handcuffed to the rail of the toilet). The cover of the first Case Closed tankbon, released in Japan by Shogakukan on June 18, 1994.. Case Closed, known as Meitantei Conan ( ?, Detective Conan) in Japan, is written by Gosho Aoyama and serialized in Weekly Shnen Sunday. server execution failed windows 7 my computer; ikeymonitor two factor authentication; strong minecraft skin; chapin sprayer instructions; design risk register template; Akashi dismisses Conans deduction as nonsense, and produces a sports newspaper which is free from bloodstains and holes. The barber never watches TV and didnt notice the wanted posters left by the police in the streets, only by chance, if he had he would have immediately reported Someda to the police, as he was the one who dyed the muggers hair. The Gathering of the Detectives! 2 (English) ( PDFDrive ) in the flip PDF version. Genta was sleepy at the time. He proceeds to call Shinichi weak and cowardly, and Conan, who is listening, smiles dryly. It turns out that the man is no other than Takagi, and he is, with Sato, on a mission of escorting a drug dealer (named Senzo Ogura) back to Tokyo, where he will be interrogated and hopefully divulge information so that the police can round up the whole criminal syndicate. Detective Conan became the 21st longest running manga series with over 1000 chapters that have been released in Japan. This volume contains: Bond of Fire Case, School Mystery Case, Kaitou Kid and the Black Star, Potter Murder Case. Sonoko wants to make pottery for Makoto, while Ran wants to make some for Shinichi. The day after Conan and Hattori solve the case involving Ray Curtis, Kogoro, Ran and Conan leave Osaka for Tokyo, and Hattori and Kazuha accompany them to the train station. He suddenly realises something when wiping the ice on his cheek. Langue: Franais. Genta notices one of the customers at the burger place has a similar tee-shirt, only with the numbers 1999 instead. Nombre De Pages: 195. Earlier, he had heard the sound of someone's footsteps keeping pace with him in a tunnel. Detective conan Wiki pages Explore Wiki Content Community in: Volumes Volume 28 View source Volume 28 was released on July 18, 2000 in Japan. Genta has been acting weird at school lately. He grabs the can from Conan and hurls it forcefully in the direction of Akashi; the can travels across the wagon and hits the back of the murderers head, causing him to collapse (after hitting his target, Takagi comments that after all, throwing straight balls is better). It turns out that the man is no other than Takagi, and he is, with Sato, on a mission of escorting a drug dealer (named Senzo Ogura) back to Tokyo, where he will be interrogated and hopefully divulge information so that the police can round up the whole criminal syndicate. Confrontation with the Black Organization, Manga: Detective Conan. The titles of chapters has been changed and where also given titles to the volumes as well. Navigation. After explaining the trick used . Genta tries to recall where he saw the thief. Actually, Somedas true hair are blond and he had dyed it dark rapidly on purpose at home, along with wearing a mask and glasses, and afterwards went to the barbers to get his normal hair style and color back after his muggings, not to be found by the police. 1.The Time-Bombed Skyscraper (, Meitantei Konan: Tokei-jikake no Matenr) Tentang serangkaian teror bom yang terjadi di Tokyo yang ternyata memiliki kaitan dengan kasus yang dulu pernah ditangani oleh Shinichi Kudo. From these two clues, Sato deduces that Ogura has been murdered by someone else. He proceeds to call Shinichi weak and cowardly, and Conan, who is listening, smiles dryly. Then, this person waited for the police to be notified of the explosive; this would distract one of them for some time. Later he was pushed off a bridge, and a burning car hurtled towards him. He remembers the witness sitting beside him, but doesn't remember the thief sitting down. Earlier, he had heard the sound of someone's footsteps keeping pace with him in a tunnel. Conan and company notice a train attendant talking to Takagi and Sato in a serious manner, and thus suspect that something is wrong. Conan examines the support cable, and determines it had been deliberately cut and someone was indeed after Genta's life. Chapter 1: Someone dies, and 3 suspects are put forward. Page 43. Meanwhile, Takagi explains the situation to the suspects; they all conclude that the police do not have a good reason to suspect them, and all are vehement in their refusal to keep cooperating once the train reaches Tokyo (this will happen in approximately ten minutes). Takagi informs Megure about the death of Ogura, and is blasted by him, as Megure is absolutely infuriated by their grave mistake. When he leaves school, Genta climbs over the wall and runs, like he is trying to lose someone. Film pertama Detektif Conan tayang pada 19 April 1997 di Jepang dan penayangan di negara lain pada 3 Oktober 2006. The evidence is that the newspaper currently in Akashis possession has a different headline from the one that Kogoro bought (i.e. Iwakuni and Tokuyama are surprised to learn that the man before them is none other than the famous Kogoro Mouri, but Akashi says derisively that he does not care about who Kogoro is, and that the police have no evidence that can ascertain his culpability. Conan declares the problematic title to be the one saying World Cup hero under police interrogation, and explains that the only thing that the murderer had to do was to point at the words World Cup in order for Ogura to notice its initials. Meanwhile, Takagi explains the situation to the suspects; they all conclude that the police do not have a good reason to suspect them, and all are vehement in their refusal to keep cooperating once the train reaches Tokyo (this will happen in approximately ten minutes). 15 File 1 to File 3: 39: Detective Ran: End SS 01, Start SS 02-03: 1996/1997: File 144 - 146: . Genta was sleepy at the time. He took the witness to the police and told them the story, but the witness denied seeing the thief. Conan and company notice a train attendant talking to Takagi and Sato in a serious manner, and thus suspect that something is wrong. The first is that between the two toilets near Ogura (one in front of him and the other behind him), one had just been searched by Sato, and thus could not be the toilet that the murderer had in mind. Volume 46 was released on July 16, 2004 in Japan. That mansion once belonged to Renya Karasuma, the billionaire who mysteriously died forty years ago. Now that only one police officer would be with Ogura, a message to Ogura could be transmitted with much more ease, and this message, whatever form it took, told Ogura to go to the toilet with the fake knife and the bag of blood in it. After the punishment is announced, Sato complains to Yumi that the salary is not much even without this deduction. Therefore, the major problem for Sato and Takagi at this point is that they do not know who communicated with Ogura and how this person did so. He was also wearing a tee-shirt with a skull and the numbers 202 in digital clock-like numerals. And then, he apparently committed suicide but Anime Episode 219: The Gathering of the Detectives! The Detective Boys leave Conan's glasses and transmitters in a certain position in the cave, hoping Haibara and Agasa will find it and understand their message. We see the infamous Black Star heist where Kudo and Kaito face off. Hattori wonders why she is making so much noise, so Kazuha tells him about Rans call, which prompts Hattori to mock Shinichi by saying that maybe he hung up because he was afraid to answer the question. Sako asks them to take all four items to her; they comply, and Sato and Conan start studying them. Volume 009 - Kidnappings, Shootings, & Drownings Oh My! Akashi becomes quite unnerved, but eventually is able to fend off Conans attacks by claiming that such a thing can easily be deduced by listening to Takagis descriptions and by paying attention to how the police usually transport criminals. This volume contains: Suspicious Cellphone Case, Jewel Robber's Suicide Case, Magician Murder Case. Genta does remember a few more details about the thief though. Detective Conan #30 - Volume 30 released by Edizioni Star Comics on July 2, 2007. 15:27 26th Detective Conan Anime Film . Kazuha, knowing what Ran is about to do, encourages her to say it; Ran hesitantly starts the question, but is unable to finish because her train (the Shinkansen) arrives at the station at that moment, and Ran is held back by its noise and sheer speed. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Takagi continues to say that he did not want to go, but Yumi was persistent; Sato interjects at this moment and cheerfully encourages him to go, and adds that if Takagi learns a new trick, he needs to show it to her. Genta was sleepy at the time. He argues that precisely because of this reason, Akashi left the explosive in a toilet; in this way, Ogura was bound to hear this word while listening to the conversation between the train attendant and the police officers. As Genta still tells Conan hes made a mistake again, Conan sighs powerlessly and asks Genta to warn his friends if anything ever comes back to his mind. One of the detectives are killed and they are stranded in the mansion as the bridge has been cut and the cars have been burned. On the other hand, by buying two newspapers and hiding one until after the murder, Akashi can create the impression that he always has had one newspaper. Akashi dismisses Conans deduction as nonsense, and produces a sports newspaper which is free from bloodstains and holes. Conan with the voice-changing bowtie) thanks her and entrusts it to her before his return. The following is a list of chapters for Volume 21 to 30. Volume 013 - Life's A Beach Then You Get Murdered! Conan adds that some fingerprints have been found on one of the stolen handbags, and if they happen to correspond to Somedas, thats the evidence. Page 38. Volume: 30. He remembers the witness sitting beside him, but doesn't remember the thief sitting down. Suivez le fil RSS pour voir les dernires sorties. More Buying Choices $3.50 (19 used & new offers) At the shop, the salesperson explains that they sold a variety of shirts like that with different text such as "Escape", "Help", and "1999" because of the doomsday prediction in 2000, but none that say 202. He rushes to a place located at the sixth floor of a train stations building, and hardly manages to slip into the lift. This volume contains: Museum Owner Murder Case, Bullet-Train Bombing, Code Sheet Case. 4.5 People 5 Treadmill Murder Case 5.1 Characters introduced 5.2 File 208 - The Sakurada Gate!? This volume contains: Meeting with Vodka, Moving Dolls Case, Pro Wrestler Case, Heiji Hattori's Desperate Situation. Shinichi, seeing that Ran is no longer saying anything, bades farewell to her and hangs up, leaving a blushing Ran and an unsatisfied Kazuha, who grabs the phone from Ran and shouts wait, she is not done yet! into it, obviously to no avail. 2 (English) ( PDFDrive ) was published by BALAI INTELEKTUAL SMK BANDAR SERI ALAM on 2021-01-29. Then, by observing Sato's reaction, he would be able to know the answer to the question; for example, Satos facial expression changing dramatically for the worse means that she likes him (this conversation thus explains Takagis murmurs earlier on; throwing a breaking ball corresponds to him figuring out in an indirect way about Satos feelings (or the lack thereof) towards him). Shinichi, seeing that Ran is no longer saying anything, bades farewell to her and hangs up, leaving a blushing Ran and an unsatisfied Kazuha, who grabs the phone from Ran and shouts wait, she is not done yet! into it, obviously to no avail. October 30, 2021 () 1025: 26 "Ooka Momiji's Challenge (Part Two)" . Nombre De Pages: 195. 30 Gosho Aoyama 0.00 0 ratings0 reviews Acompaado de Heiji, que ha venido desde Osaka para participar en un programa de televisin llamado "el Koshien de los detectives", Conan resuelve el misterio de un asesinato en una habitacin cerrada. Volume 018 - What Little Girls Are Made Of, Volume 022 -Murder On the Hokutosei Express, Volume 039 - The Adventure of the Scarlet Blaze, Volume 048 - Death Comes As the Beginning, Volume 055 - The Mystery of Lavender Manor, Template:Detective Conan Volume Navigation Box. 4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars (640) Comics. And the second is that the message did not have to explicitly say look for this in there (or anything to this effect) in order for Ogura to know that something was hidden in the toilet; instinct would suffice. Shinichi Kudo vs. Kaitou Kid, The Kirin's Horn That Vanished into the Dark, Conan & Kid's Battle For Ryoma's Treasure, Kaitou Kid and the Mystery of the Black Jewel, List of characters who know Kaitou Kid's identity. Sonoko wants to make pottery for Makoto, while Ran wants to make some for Shinichi. You, your family, and everybody that you know!". It turns out that a passenger has found an explosive in a toilet. He turns out to be a highly valuable source of information; not only does he candidly admit that he killed Ogura so that Ogura would not leak smuggling routes to the police, but he also details those smuggling routes to the police himself. The things he remembers about the thief are that he was holding a cigarette in his left hand, meaning he is left handed. Shinichi Kudo vs. Kaitou Kid. Contents 1 Cast 2 Gadgets 3 Police Escort Murder Case 3.1 File 296 - Straight Ball Match 3.2 File 297 - The Open Closed Room 3.3 File 298 - Time Trap 3.4 People 4 Kaitou Kid and the Murder Conan adds that some fingerprints have been found on one of the stolen handbags, and if they happen to correspond to Somedas, thats the evidence. Upon having decided to move into Mouri Detective Agency, Shinichi who, as Conan, starts secretly solving Detective Mouri's cases from behind the scenes with his exceptional sleuthing skills, while covertly investigating the organization responsible for his current state, hoping to reverse the drug's effects someday. Senma and Ogami were co-conspirators and had arranged for the detectives to arrive in an attempt to have them find the treasure for them. Thus, thanks to him, Sato and Takagi are able to quickly find three suspects, who are named Tatsuro Iwakuni, Norio Tokuyama and Akira Akashi respectively (all of them boarded the train in Osaka and bought the things specified below in (a shop of) Osakas train station). Anime Episode 240-241: The Shinkansen Transport Case. Akashis has the headline World Cup hero under police interrogation and Kogoros has the headline World Cup hero officially under arrest), meaning that Akashi definitely did not buy it from the station (there is a difference because Japanese newspapers are delivered to convenience shops (and households) much earlier than to train stations, meaning that if there is an important and rapidly-developing event, changes will have been made before newspapers are delivered to train stations, so those contain the latest news and that the ones delivered to convenience shops are slightly outdated). Detective Conan He grabs the can from Conan and hurls it forcefully in the direction of Akashi; the can travels across the wagon and hits the back of the murderers head, causing him to collapse (after hitting his target, Takagi comments that after all, throwing straight balls is better). Manga: Detective Conan. Page 37. From those clues, Conan realizes the answer. When the Detective Boys confront him, he tells them someone is trying to kill him. Hattori wonders why she is making so much noise, so Kazuha tells him about Rans call, which prompts Hattori to mock Shinichi by saying that maybe he hung up because he was afraid to answer the question. You, your family, and everybody that you know!". To avoid alerting the thief who is watching nearby, Conan whispers something to Genta. Shinichi calls Ran! This prompts Conan to ask Akashi why, when the three suspects were complaining about them being suspected, he was able to describe the murder scene accurately despite supposedly having never seen it (e.g. Sako asks them to take all four items to her; they comply, and Sato and Conan start studying them. Volume 30 | Detective conan Wiki | Fandom Explore Wiki Content Community in: Volumes Volume 30 View source Volume 30 was released on December 18, 2000 in Japan. And the trap is revealed when Someda tries to stab Genta in anger, as the woman in the lift grasps his arm, and Conan says the place is crowded with police agents, and the woman is actually Sato in disguise, who neutralises Someda. With the in-advance exposure to the word, Ogura then would be very likely to make an association between Word Cup and W.C. when Akashi passed. Page 31. 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