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do legolas and frodo ever talk
While travelling down the river, Gimli laments how sorry he is to have left Lothlrien and the beauty of Galadriel. He soon senses that someone is stalking them, so he warns Aragorn, "The White Wizard approaches". By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The passing seasons are but ripples ever repeated in the long long stream. To give Frodo more time to get the Ring to Mount Doom, the remaining forces go to the Black Gate to distract Sauron and his forces. He's not a big character. And that's saying a lot.' Frodo: [continue walking] You've left out one of the chief characters - Samwise the Brave. Gimli wonders aloud about the dead, whereupon Legolas explains how they refused to aid Isildur in the war against Sauron, breaking their oath and being cursed to walk the earth endlessly. He even climbs onto the troll and fires an arrow into its skull. At first they believe the Hobbits were caught in the massacre, but Aragorn discovers Hobbit tracks leading away from the battle and into Fangorn Forest. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. In the movies, Legolas isn't exactly a main or principle role.The only conversations Elijah Wood ( Frodo) made were with GOLLUM while going to Mount Doom,Sam throughout the movie,Gandalf at some parts,and Aragorn and other various characters. On the way to Helm's Deep, the company are attacked by Warg-riders. Even so, it began to stretch credulity when Jackson had Legolas take down a massive Oliphaunt during the Battle of Pelennor Fields. He tells her to take leave of the Dwarf as she is needed elsewhere. What else doesn't make sense about Legolas from The Lord of the Rings? Legolas shoots down several Wargs and riders as they approach over the hills and then mounts up onto Arod as the Rohirrim ride up from behind him. And I don't remember any moon, either new or old, in Caras Galadhon: only stars by night and sun by day. Swift, because they themselves change little, and all else fleets by: it is a grief to them. As the Fellowship are bombarded by stones and snow, Gandalf attempts to calm the storm, but Saruman sends a lightning bolt into the mountain. Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf! ", I'm pretty sure Frodo yells "Legolas!" Why is all that important? In The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers the three hunters pursue the Uruks into the plains of Rohan. It was eventually used by Bard the Bowman after the dragon already decimated Lake-Town. The trio turn against the stranger, but the Wizard overpowers them. Eventually, Legolas came to Ithilien with some of his people, with his father's leave, to live out his remaining time in Middle-earth helping to restore the woodlands that had been war-torn. Thranduil, trying to leave the battle, believing that he had spent enough Elf blood on a worthless cause is stopped by Tauriel. They only really have a chance to speak to each other in the second half of The Fellowship of the Ring, and they never do. Thats why its ultimately pretty confusing that Legolas isnt given the same kind of concrete backstory as many of the other characters. But Galadriel deems that none of Gandalf's deeds were needless, even if the trip through Moria resulted in his demise. In The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Orlando Bloom returns to the role of Legolas. Elves have always been these whimsical characters who can bend the laws of physics a little bit. As war looms and the race to secure the Ring quickens, the enemy's reach extends ever closer. Whether it be how he moves, how good of a shot he is, and the small bits of dialogue peppered throughout the trilogy, here are 20 things about Legolas Greenleaf that make no sense. There isn't really a role for Legolas to fill in relationship to Frodo. Thranduil encourages him to find "Strider," but that isn't the sole purpose that the Prince of Mirkwood left. He throws Orcrist up to stab the Orc above Thorin, returning the sword to the Dwarf. Not having many lines and being more of a man of action, there was a level of mystery that he brought to the table. When Aragorn recovers and arrives at Helm's Deep later on, Legolas greets him and returns the the Evenstar to him. After the Fellowship parted from Fangorn Forest, he longed to return once more to explore its wonders more thoroughly. The palantr falls into the water and Pippin retrieves it. Elves are pretty cool beings. His eyes constantly shift from blue to brown. On returning to Edoras, a celebration is held for the recent victory at Helm's Deep. To clarify, are you asking solely about the books? The Fellowship is forced to flee from the Balrog of Morgoth, a creature which even Legolas is alarmed by. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. When the council was choosing the "Nine Walkers" to pit against the "Nine Riders," Legolas volunteered to represent the Elves, and to become one of the members of the Fellowship that would set out to destroy the One Ring. The Watcher climbs up and breaks apart the stone, which traps the Fellowship within the mines. People around the world are wanting to know his secret? Legolas came to the Council of Elrond in Rivendell, the great meeting held by the Elf lord Elrond, as a messenger from his father to discuss the escape of Gollum. You are using an out of date browser. Legolas was voiced by Frank Duncan in the 1956 radio series, by John Vickery in the 1979 radio series, and by David Collings in the 1981 BBC Radio 4 adaptation. He then witnesses the fall of Barad-dr and the destruction of Mordor. His horse, Arod, refused to enter the paths, but Legolas calmed him. For more information, please see our It was not, I think, until Silverlode bore us back to Anduin that we returned to the time that flows through mortal lands to the Great Sea. I agree. Headline: "They saved the world from ruin, but do they secretly hate each other?". There Legolas is introduced to a drinking game with Gimli which seemingly he has never done before. He carries around a bow and arrow as well as twin daggers that help him to hunt down orcs, goblins, and trolls with extreme prejudice. They ride to the Orc stronghold and lie waiting for nightfall to go in. As a son of the Elven-king Thranduil, who had originally come from Doriath, Legolas was at least half Sindar; his mother's identity is completely unknown. Its almost an annual tradition for many Tolkien fans to do so but it has definitely become more important since a new project is right around the corner. Tolkien recently due to various reasons. Legolass introduction in The Hobbit trilogy was an unnecessary callback that contributed to the bloating of this brisk adventure novel that ultimately proved to be a huge part of the problem. He was the kind of person who wanted every history and detail of his story to be known. Yes, Legolas was standing beside Gandalf in this scene, but Gandalf was still the one inspecting the door and pretty quickly began reading it out. During one sequence in particular, Legolas notice that his fellow Elf Tauriel is in need of some assistance, so he decides to hop on a troll and stab two daggers into the trolls brain. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. In spite of Jacksons enormous success in adapting the trilogy, there are certain things about Legolas in particular, and the Elves in general, that dont totally line up with Tolkiens descriptions. It's a bad fellowship when only Gandalf gets to be cool. Beware of the Sea! Their company rode on, with Elladan as the last, but Legolas looked back and saw the Dead following the Grey Company. Why does Gandalf instruct Frodo to not use the Ring again before he first wears it? Rich are the hours, though short they seem, in Caras Galadhon, where Galadriel wields the Elven-ring.'. However, The Hobbit takes it to an entirely new level. Legolas quickly aids Gamling in slaying the two scouts before the rest of the riders show up. (If It Is At All Possible), Looking to protect enchantment in Mono Black. We're still trying to figure it out. Aragorn quickly diffuses the situation and after the cooling of words, omer lets them go and gives them two horses to help them find their friends. He is portrayed by Orlando Bloom. Orlando Bloom stated in an interview that he would just make faces at the camera and they were kept in. Tolkien on Legolas [22]. Anyone with any basic understanding of gravity will also be able to tell you that those blocks would fall as quickly as Legolas himself, and so it would be impossible for him to use them to run. When The Hobbit trilogy has filmed around a decade after The Lord of the Rings with a few actors returning to reprise their roles, we knew going on that some of them would look strangely older despite the series being a prequel. . The Elf later reconciles with Aragorn before the battle. Legolas is present when Frodo reawakens in Minas Tirith. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Legolas famously used an Elven bow, as well as a long, white knife. "This one is just a man." - Frodo says, thoughtfully, about the last page of the enemy catalog and Kana gets a rigid posture. The issue with this is that Legolas is, in essence, an Elvish word that translates to "green leaf." I totally see where you are coming from.Yet, I doubt you've read the book,for in the book Legolas and Frodo have quite a few conversations. I'd like to point out that at the very end of the movie, When Frodo is lying in bed and everyone comes in to see him Sam, Mary, pippin etc, although there is no actual sound, you can see Frodo say the names of all of them, apart from Legolas. Legolas tries to shoot the dead king, but the arrow simply passes through his skull. But Gandalf doesn't need help reading it, they need the password to open it. He jumps down onto a Truncated Troll and commandeers it to push over the tower and create a stone bridge of sorts. [20], Like all Elves, Legolas had great respect and appreciation for nature. However, the books gave enough time to see their relationship develop from animosity to a mutual respect. Before they even break through the doors, Legolas and Aragorn are able to hit them with arrows through the holes in the doors. In addition to his other wonderful qualities, Legolas can fly. And the golden bells are shaken of mallos and alfirin Legolas was always an interesting character. Legolas had a bit of an arc inThe Lord of the Ringsin terms of his stunts: they got more impressive as the trilogy went on. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Legolas has some fairly gorgeous hair. He asks what they will do and also warns Bard of the Gundabad Orcs he fears will come now that the mountain was no longer guarded by a dragon. Tauriel shoots an arrow to intercept Narzug's arrow that is aimed at Legolas from behind as he watches the Dwarves and Orcs escape down the stream. In Peter Jackson's movie adaptations, Legolas' role stays much the same as in the books, although he speaks considerably less. The Elf then fires an arrow directly into its mouth, penetrating its skull and killing it swiftly. This is something that you don't quite realize until you start thinking aboutThe Lord of the Ringsas a whole. Appendix B gives a long list of things. The Dwarves are locked up while Thranduil tries to bargain with Thorin, but the Dwarf turns down the deal. ', 'And perhaps that was the way of it,' said Frodo. But Legolas and Gimli are doubtful that they can hold out against such sheer numbers. Afterwards, Legolas for a brief time returns home to his father's halls in Eryn Lasgalen, where he introduces the player to Grimbeorn. "ERROR: column "a" does not exist" when referencing column alias. At the age of 12, after his parents drowned in a boating accident on the Brandywine River, Frodo was adopted by his cousin, Bilbo Baggins. Nay, time does not tarry ever, but change and growth is not in all things and places alike. The Deeping Wall is blasted to pieces, although Legolas survives unharmed. Legolas briefly looks back before walking off. Legolas and the others discover that the Uruks have been destroyed and burned by the Rohirrim. Gimli however passes out, whereupon Legolas wins the game. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. In Rohan, he and Gimli followed Aragorn, Elladan and Elrohir to the Paths of the Dead. Legolas is uneasy as he knows that evil is lurking nearby. Every indication we have is that the Undying Lands are filled to the brim with Elves like Legolas. In the wind from the Sea Legolas is present when the Great Eagles arrive and begin fighting the Nazgl in the air. Legolas tells his father that Tauriel fought well and Thranduil confronts her, telling her that Legolas has grown fond of her and not to give him hope where there is none, as he will never allow his son to pledge himself to a lowly Silvan Elf such as herself. That would have been great, let's be honest. Those long blond locks with the fishtail braid in the back is a look that many people aspire to have. Eventually Gandalf leads the company to Balin's Tomb, where he discovered the Book of Mazarbul. Is it OK to ask the professor I am applying to for a recommendation letter? or something when he comes into his bedroom in Return of the King and the hobbits are playing in his bed and well, it's a lot less weird than I made it sound. When he finally catches up with her he tries to get her to come back, but Tauriel convinces him that they need to do their part and follow the Orcs. Legolas was one of the people who made this pledge by saying to Frodo, "And you have my bow." Bilbo told Frodo about this and he thought it was too corny to bother talking to him. He continues to kill the Hunter Orcs as he goes, jumping from one side of the creek to the other, using the Dwarves' heads as stepping stones.