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drake edwards kaserne frankfurt germany
passengers tended to travel by train. autobahns were much different by then. We also lived in Wildflecken before that time frame. We lived in New Edwards housing area at 2124 apt A-2. I worked on Edwards Kaserne, in the Hq. What a conversation we had. My dad was employed by the FAA and we were in Frankfurt for two years. Oh the good times we had there! 50%cotton, 50% polyester Leroy I had a wall of those certificates and no extra duties. My grandfather was there in the 1950's and his daughter, my mother was also stationed there in 1983. German military long before it was taken over by the Americans after the 3rd Armored Div - HQ PIO - Drake Kaserne 1965-68 [ 3d / Third ] 3rd ARMORED DIVISION Frankfurt am Main, Germany Drake Kaserne Public Information Office (PIO) Staff of 1965-1968 >> For Introduction << Unauthorized personnel welcome. was unoccupied and heavily patrolled. I was a cook in the mess hall right behind the barracks., Wild I herd the same exact story. constructing a pontoon bridge and crossing the 1 comment: Hank Moody said. The accident happened in 1960 at Area M near Schweinfurt, Germany.This information was provided by R. Turner. Henry, who grew up in Chatham County and now lives in Haw River, didn't hear of his brother's death immediately. Drake Edwards was on the edge of the Frankfurt city limits. If you have input, Stylish women's cut t-shirt. Because this was a busy river, the "From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain I grew up in what was then called New Edwards from 1963 to 1966. Sign up to receive our newsletter regarding Veterans, Reunions, Military, Veteran Benefits, Military Pictures, Jokes, Military History, Family was in Frankfurt 1970-76 in Old Edwards Housing, Bldg 553 Hallway A Apartment 3. Certain gasthauses were restricted and declared off limits for GIs. The first address you sent me is my buddy. Because they were inducted together, their time in And even though I was 6 years old when my mother was in Germany, I remember every time she left or came back home. attached to Division Headquarters. L Linda Waffen Pistolen Waffen Und Munition Apokalypse Ausrstung Airsoft Ideen Militrs Bilder Us Militr Kriegswaffen We lived here for many years 556 A4 (I can't believe I remember my address). for gunnery training. TheBerlin Map of Drake-Edwards Kasernes in Frankfurt, Germany. fotten memories frankfurt gibbs barracks reloaded. One 4th ID exercise consisted of Worked in Special Services. the Soviets eventually reopened the corridor. Thank you so much again for helping me But by the end 1954,Francois' Medical Corp. and Transportation Company melded beautifully. all the guys he ran into at the port who were returning to the States. "It had been a busy office, thanks for these pictures. "Cars drove very fast. Almost immediately after arriving What a great time in my life. Map of Drake-Edwards Kasernes in Frankfurt, Germany. I lived in new Edwards, in the last building to the right of that town going to the trolley car stop at the edge of the orchard. But I do remember the big black top and deadmans cliff by the soccer field, and the rail road tracks by the water over thereI also remember being friends with Jennifer, Regina, and Richard "they were family that lived right by the black top like me and my brother Bobanyways good memories! ". Are you looking for someone who is or was in DRAKE EDWARDS KASERNE? flashing his lights at you from behind to get out of the way.". In 1953, it was not very busy. find my friend. *usad v corps frankfurt-germany 0891 *ia-unit aid sta-drake-edwards. Many of these GIs were the draftees he had left Sioux Falls, South great pictures!can i help you with more fotos?i have some from hahn AB and Babenhausen.cheersPete, great pictures, i also took some pix at the 60th anniversary in wiesbaden, have some from babenhausen and many from hahn me if u want.cheers. The My first Club assignment was Coleman Service Club in Gelnhausen, October 1953. Hello Charles Morris, Bn - SFC Chester Howard. I am very proud of their service. U.S. I went to Elm. Nachrichten Kaserne/130th Station Hospital, Neubiberg Air Base Airfield R-85 Camp Rattle, Commissary, Health Clinic, AFRC Housing Berchtesgaden. Times grew tense when the Soviets formed a blockade of Note, however, that the motor pool and fuel pumping areas at the top right were still under construction. Quick facts. Great memories of playing war with plastic tanks in the playground behind our building, baseball with the Pirates on the baseball diamond next to the playground, my buddy "Frenchie" and I taking trolly 13 to start our regular journey to downtown Franfurt to Pezi Roco (sp) to buy our minature tanks, Armed Forces Day with the parade and open tanks, sledding "dead mans hill", trading comics, watching Army helicopters hover over the football field to dry it off before a game, catching an Army bus at the bustop by the blacktop to elementary school #2 (remember the buses we called "pillboxes"? The Married housing was in the upper area of the diagram and was just on the other side of what appears to be a wire surrounded area. I really hope some other people can find this service and get in touch with people like I did. for the 3rd AD Materiel Management Center (think logistics). five hammocks high. During this time, it was under the command of VII Corps and XVIII Airborne Corps for some time, and assigned to the First Army and the 12th Army Group for the duration of its career. They had been company clerks together in the 4th MP Company. George C. Marshall Kaserne, Bad Kreuznach (closed in 2001) Gerszewski Barracks, Karlsruhe (closed in 1994) Gibbs Kaserne, Frankfurt (closed in the 90's) Giebelstadt Army Air Field, Giebelstadt (closed in 2006) Giessen Depot, Giessen (closed in 2008) Grenadier Kaserne, Stuttgart. He became part of the 4th MP company Germany. AP Went Elementary School #2 2nd-4th grade. Old German Tower and Gate Tor where the three old prostitutes would wait outside and walk around between Atterberry and Betts .97th General Hospital for polio shots, dentists, broken fingers, broken arm, library of the 97th was very goodEscheimer Landstrasse and Marbach Weg for strassenbahn to WAC Circle PX deli shopping Hauptbahnhof, bombedout Operahaus, honey wagon, beer wagons, bullet holes in buildings I G Farben wooden boxex people mover not elevators. 4.2 oz. on these occasions, he would be called on to help direct traffic. guards, guard dogs, steel meshed barbed wire, electric alarms, trenches, In 1953, an . My Germany days have been a deep and precious memory. Sorry to go on and on. purposes. Drake Kaserne, Main Gate 1958 : 4. Photo The Frankfurt Scene in 2013!90% of this video's footage is by request from 95% Frankfurt American High School Alumni Eagles, during December 2012, VIA Facebook.This episode features the housing areas: Gibbs, Drake Edwards, Atterberry and Betts. They were excavating at the high school when I was there and uncovered WWII military artifacts. Blues" is a treasure trove of memories for all U.S. soldiers who served in Germany during the 50's, 60's, and even the 70's. Elvis himself had served as a tanker with the 3rd Armored in 1958-60. . Post Dalbergstr. Shoulder to shoulder taping U.S. When I first got there it was interesting to see all the old sites and even got to play softball with the troops on the same field I learned how to play Baseball (AYA). Thanks VetFriends, It was a wonderful moment that we will both remember for the rest of our lives, and we owe it to VetFriends. Mnster Kaserne/Mnster-Dieburg Special Weapons Depot, Mutlangen MSA, Mutlangen near Schwaebisch Gmuend (closed 1991? belonged. All rights reserved. entering the Rhine River in 1953. 90% of this video's footage is by request from 95% Frankfurt American High School Alumni Eagles, during December 2012, VIA Facebook. Stylish women's cut v-neck. If you got it three times, you were exempt from all extra duties (KP, Guard, Trash) for ninety days. I took pics from the attic of 478. autobahn, constructed by German engineers in 496 Repair shop for electronics and a radio school----attended there and added an MOS of 05C40 which was radio teletype teamchief and I went to the NCO Academy in order to be promoted to sergeant and run the generator shop. Went to FAJHS 68-69 & 69-70. A blog about the time that passed and the traces it left behind. Duck 1 creighton w abrams plex 1970s 2 drake and edwards kasernes 1970s 3 gibbs barracks 1970s 4 gutleut kaserne 1970s 5 mcnair and michael barracks . PLEASE NOTE: This is a womens Easy to fit in, very comfortable, and will keep you both warm and stylish during the colder months of the year. Dave F mentioned the orchard. 2/75th B battery. A blog about the time that passed and the traces it left behind. InterestingI returned alone as a working adult for US Government in 1990 and stayed through 2003. I called the number ans wow he was blown away when he found out who I was. When a tank crossed the bridge, the pontoon He hadn't yet returned from the war when the news hit home. Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany Edwards Barracks (2.3 mi.) Thank you for the site and everyones comments.Take care, Brad. My dad was stationed in Frankfurt as well. Wow this is so good to see those pictures! soldiers would have to break up the bridge at least once a day to let Double-lined Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, Edwards Kaserne "GBNF" - Men's/Unisex Standard Fit T-Shirt, Edwards Kaserne "GBNF" - Men's/Unisex Lightweight Fitted T-Shirt, Edwards Kaserne "GBNF" - Women's Crewneck T-Shirt, Edwards Kaserne "GBNF" - Women's V-Neck T-Shirt, Edwards Kaserne "GBNF" - Men's/Unisex Long-Sleeve T-Shirt, Edwards Kaserne "GBNF" - Men's/Unisex Hoodie. If you were in Company B, we want to hear from you. like last year. ), closed), Prinz Leopold Kaserne, Munich (closed in 1955), Roman Way Village Housing Area, Butzbach (closed in 2007), Schlangenbader Housing Area, Berlin (closed in 1994), Schloss Kaserne, Butzbach (closed in 1992 and torn down), Schwabstadl Kaserne, 74th USAFAD Klosterlechfeld (Closed 1993) Torn down 2013, Stanggass Kaserne [Housing and HQ AFRC Berchtesgaden Military Community], Sundgauer Housing Area, Berlin (closed in 1994), Stars & Stripes Compound, Berlin (closed in 1994), Teufelsberg Station, Berlin (closed in 1994), US Army Hospital Berlin, Berlin (closed in 1994), US Army Hospital Nrnberg (closed in 1994), Wildflecken Kaserne, Wildflecken (transferred to the Bundeswehr), Holbeinring Military Housing, Heidelberg (closed in 2013). Dakota with in 1952. 1x1 rib knit neck frankfurt architectural buildings with photos. great times. Oatis was released at the checkpoint pictured below. Friedberg, Germany. Army currently has 10 bases and facilities named after leaders of the multitude of American bases in. It remained so until the Division was deactivated on 17 JAN 1992 Nearby cities: Coordinates: 509'46"N 840'53"E Nearby places Nearby cities Bigger rigs---5 tons, tractor trailers were parked in the area in front of this building. See this page in German. Bldg. I worked and assited with the deployment of the troops (3rd Armor and air units at Rose Field) for 1st Gulf War and on upon their return watched with saddness as the base closures and troop draw downs took effect - the peace dividend. President Eisenhower had also been impressed by the Bldg. (courtesy Stewart McCartney) Berchtesgaden-Stanggass -- Kanzlei - Eagle designed by Kurt Schmidt-Ehmen over main Military Catalog, Sales, Discounts & more. A high quality shirt for your casual needs. Griesheim Army Airfield/Stars and Stripes Kaserne, Griesheim . We talked on the phone several times in the last few years, and finally we were able to meet in El Paso, TX for a short visit. for a number of years with James Tobin, a dockworker from New York City. Gary Prince. My older sister was the Editor of the 69-70 yearbook. Thanks for the pictures! Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I used to live in this housing area when my dad was stationed in Frankfurt. 5.3 oz. Dokumentation zur Nachkriegszeit, Frankfurter 478 Hq and A Company, 143rd Signal Battalion barracks and offices. Drake Kaserne, Frankfurt (closed in 1992) Dueppel Housing Area, Berlin (closed in 1994) Eastman Barracks, Dachau (closed in 1972) Edwards Kaserne, Frankfurt (closed in 1992) Emery Barracks, Wrzburg (closed in 1990) Ernst Ludwig Kaserne Darmstadt (closed 1996, demolished 2002) Eschborn Kaserne, (Camp Eschborn), Eschborn Frankfurt at this border crossing a few weeks after the exchange. I also remember Lena and Hanna, the cute sisters who worked there. Stationed at WOD mid 1984-85 with 194th FA The pictures on this site seem very different from the look while, I was there in 71-74. ), climbing the cherry trees in the orchard and gorging on cherries while sitting on the branches, going with my 6th grade class to Chiemsee for 2 weeks to ski, climbing the castle ruins at Konigstein,and Danny and Nancy Johnson that lived below us. Czech border with Communist guards on the other Too many good memories to add here, but they include the orchard at the end of my short street come to mind, watching the Frankfurt Eagles football team playing in a field near our apartment building, playing "I Declare War" with my friends in the sand behind our building, the one Saturday each year the Army would set up all their equipment in the parking lot at the edge of Edwards and all of us kids could climb through all the vehicles, taking our boxes of comic books door-to-door and saying "Wanna trade comics?" We all scavanged a bunch of stuff and the German police came door to door wanting it all back. 2 in Attebury. / 100% cotton Family was in Frankfurt 1970-76 in Old Edwards Housing, Bldg 553 Hallway A Apartment 3. . Certain Post Deuil-La-Barre-Str. Friedberg is about 36 miles from Wiesbaden taking autobahns A66 and A5 or about 90 miles from Kaiserslautern on A63, A60 and A5. Nearby installations. "G.I. Bldg. Loved Germany and still miss it today. call, furlough, temporary duty, leave, and AWOL. The 503rd S & T parked many of their deuce and a halfs in front of their barracks. Fortunately he had also become a member and responded to my email. Dark Heather is 50% cotton / 50% polyester "It was nearly six months before 484 503rd S & T Bn warehouse and wash rack, 486 Mess Hall (two story---EMs on main floor, NCOs second floor. Good times then. I was there in 11th Aviation at Drake in 1983 - 1985 . some of the greatest memories of my life. 100% ring spun combed cotton Armored Division when it "Gyroscoped" from Fort Knox, Kentucky to Germany in the spring of 1956. I am now about to share this experience with Black Study programs at the university level. There were Thankfully the antenna fields were not the T-site! Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany Edwards Family Housing (2.2 mi.) week or more. Military Police Geocaching Places To Visit Management Floor Plans Frankfurt Germany The Unit Diagram Community The barracks for our unit was across the street on Drake Kaserne. He is so thankful I called and we exchanged addresses and he wants to come and visit. Used-to-be "Der Stadt Frankfurt" (or John's) - across from Drake-Edwards Kaserne #3 by Patrick 6 Da Angelo's Pizzaria on Homburger Landstrae in Frankfurter Berg, FFM by Patrick 2 10 . Irish Pub in Frankfurt am Main, Germany #2 by Patrick 1 16 Anglo-Irish Pub (formerly the English Pub) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany by Patrick 1 . Rhine River. Gibbs Kaserne, Frankfurt Germany 1960-1962 this was the hub of my life, lived in the Gibbs housing area behind the kaserne L Linda Disher Berlin Hauptstadt Army Post Places Ive Been Hometown Maine Street View Community USAREUR - WAC Circle B brittech2 Beautiful Castles Beautiful World Beautiful Places Places To Visit Germany Castles to the nearby Czech border. On the bumper of each vehicle would be the label of the unit to which it traveled to at Edwards you might like to know that we have our own Facebook Page. delinquent reports to type up and sent to the company commanders. I lived in New Edwards from 1966 to 1970, one building away from the blacktop, just as you enter the apartment compex. Edwards Kaserne; John's Gasthaus; Drake Kaserne; Friedberg Formation; Frankfurt Train Station; Trucks Pass Station; Deuce-and-a-half . I will never forget taking my comic books around the area and trading them. Delinquent reports (DRs) USAG Wiesbaden Military Training Area, Mainz, 96 Ordnance Company, Mainz Gonsenheim, 1955/56, 97th General Hospital/Clark Kaserne (reported to become the American Consulate), Azbill Barracks, Rsselsheim, Germany (closed 1993), Beeskowdamm Compound, Berlin (closed in 1994), Betts Kaserne, Frankfurt am Main / 97 Gen Hosp Barracks and Family Housing, Camp Pitman, (Weiden i.d.Opf.) On the main floor for the battalion and A company orderly room on the second floor above the lower offices. Lemons, Pat Corcoran, Herr Ridegger Dutch man teaching English, german blackmarket, Dorothy Collins, Jean and Edie at Oberusel swimming poolfirst woman in two piece swimsuit ration coupons, first roast beef sandwich with mayo, Polio shots, Pat Boone and white buck shoes ( buckskin shoes )white sports coat and pink carnation.dark blue suit from SEARS catalogue and dancing with Joanpimples, acne and horrible timesMari and crushedRhine Main AIr Force Airfield and baseballdisassemble and re assemble M1911 not M1911A1in Gibbs gym as three soldier's poked fun at clumsy gus kid but did show me how to do it ! Had two MOSs 52 B20 which was only up to Spec 4 hence the new school and change of MOS. Plus, many more sights in-between. I met someone I had met before.". 491 This where the chapel and the chaplain were. Went to Atterberry Spell Elementary #2. How cool is that. Spent many summer months in the forts. Occupied by the US Forces at the end of World War II, the General Creighton W. Abrams Building in Frankfurt am Main, West Germany, has been used . eintracht frankfurt. I was stationed here during Desert Storm, working at the 97th General Hospital. world news. Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. A Company. My heart is always in Germany. Frankfurt - Edwards Kaserne Posted by Forgotten Frankfurt at 1:16 PM. How about Tom Fontaine, I met up with him awhile back We both live in Minnesota. Name says, it is a weekly Visual Capitalist feature on Fridays has. His duties included Germany in February, 1954, from Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. We lived in the first building on the right as you entered New Edwards. autobahn and in the 1950s began a similar that was 55 years ago, seems Maurice Rose, Leroy left homedics totalclean tower air purifier. A bunch of us used to build 'forts' from Army pup tents. I was stationed in the 503rd Co. B from 1970-1972 got out in May. We were stationed in Germany in 1975 through 1978. ), North Point (aka Kriegsfeld) Kaserne (transferred to Bundeswehr 1996(? I went to Atterberry (spelling) elementary school 4th - 6th grade. Stylish, lightweight fitted t-shirt. 1.72K subscribers The Frankfurt Scene in 2013! D Company Brings back incredible memories. ". Myself and my two sisters grew up in Edwards Housing in 1958-1960 before returning to the States. The exercises could last a The food was very good, with tablecloths, waiters and everything, and the bill was usually under a dollar. (closed in 1989), Chiemsee Hotel, Chiemsee (closed in 2004), Doughboy City MOUT, Berlin (closed in 1994)(demolished in 1994 or 1995), Dueppel Housing Area, Berlin (closed in 1994), Eschborn Kaserne, (Camp Eschborn), Eschborn, General Patton Hotel, Garmisch (closed in 2009), General Walker Hotel, Obersalzberg (closed in 1995), Hindenburg Kaserne (Ansbach) (closed in 1992), Hindenburg Kaserne (Wuerzburg) (closed in 1994 and torn down), JAROC Processing Compound, Berlin (closed in 1994), Lucius D. Clay Compound, Berlin (closed in 1994), Ludendorff Kaserne, Kornwestheim (closed in 1992/1993), Marshall Heights Housing Area, Kitzingen (closed in 2007), McGraw Kaserne, Chiemgau Complex, Perlacherforst Housing Area, Munich, Closed in 1991-92, McKee Barracks, Crailsheim (closed in 1993). Linda 125 Follower Mehr dazu Map of Drake-Edwards Kasernes in Frankfurt, Germany. I wouldn't trade it for anything, Nice pictures !!! exchangewas arranged and That command initiated the end of troop segregation. It was a great childhood. Used by 3rd armored Division,until deactivation. Drake Kaserne in Frankfurt am Main was the headquarters for the U.S. 3rd Armored Division (Spearhead) from the 1950s until the early 1990s. We also lived in "Old Edwards" 1972-74. . Roster Directory: Battalion Headquarters and Staff. I still tell that story to family and friend until today, I was there in the 2/75 FA Chalie Battery 1985-1988, I did not have to do any paperwork for my son Michael after he was born at Nurnberg Army Hospital., you should have a Certificate of US Birth Abroad from State DFepartment. I recall playing AYA football (Hornets) and baseball (Braves), and also was in the Boy Scouts Troop 51, before leaving in 1972. There were no stop signs and Leroy and the rest of the School #2 for 4th to 6th grade. Leroy was 32 singles Entering New Edwards, we were in the 4th building on the right. If you were in Company B, 503rd S&T Bn. Thank you for posting them! Whoever can help with history of Camp Eschborn, please add your memories of the place as it used to be in the 70's through 90's. Was at Edwards 70-71 503rd S+T as truck driver Platoon Sgts were Sgt Mango and Sgt Rill Anyone around about that time? My dad was station in Frankfurt from 82-94! Edwards Kaserne, Frankfurt (closed in 1992) Emery Barracks, Wrzburg (closed in 1990) Ernst Ludwig Kaserne Darmstadt (closed 1996, demolished 2002) Eschborn Kaserne, (Camp Eschborn), Eschborn Frankfurt; was very impressed by the John.s was the famous hang - out and Miss Kitty was the waitress.. though grouchy sometimes she was the best! Edwards Family Housing, U.S. Army, Frankfurt, Germany in the 1960s Bruce Slawter 36 subscribers Subscribe 28 3.9K views 5 years ago What the family housing where many American GI families.
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