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dundee murders 1980s
[4] The defence also ridiculed the fact that the DNA analysis had cost "1m", and challenged Whittaker on this. A 100,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction for his murder was still on offer as of October 2009. Barry Thomas Stuart (21). The 58-year-old had picked up a fare at 8.35. This was on Exchange Street in Dundee. County: Angus, Scotland. The last of those three options means that you might be innocent or guilty but the system has to let you go because the evidence is not strong enough to convict. The 24-year-old barmaid was raped and beaten to death in a school playground on 9 December. Esme Hoad was 85 and was killed in her Havelock Road house with a sharp instrument. 40-year-old taxi driver Smith was stabbed in a frenzied attack in his neck and chest while driving a passenger, causing him to crash into a wall. It comes after UK-wide hunt was launched for Bennylyn and Jellica after they were last seen in Bristol on February 17 then reported missing on March 1. He was described as being white, about 25, of slim build and with spiky brown hair. The police re-opened the case in August 2012. Other than his murderer, the last person known to have seen Michael Williams alive was a colleague he was with on the London Underground late at night on Friday 26 August. He is charged with the murder of his grandmother, Mildred "Dodie" Darrington, 85, whose body was found in her East Dundee house. His killer had strangled him and then beat him around the head. 1. [10], Between the time McCabe disappeared and late February, some of McCabe's clothing was found at Coupar Angus Road in the city, near the Kingsway. Arif Khan's body was found in a garage on Coneygree Road on Friday, 9 May after the 28-year-old foundry worker's murder. [50], Alun Kyte, the killer of two other sex workers, was suspected of Yvonne's murder; however, no charges were filed against him in this case. Her body was found in Rannoch Woods, close to her home. A CS canister was also found at the scene, believed to have been used by either Miller or his killer during a struggle. I sat there on the floor in a daze for a long time, and eventually realised it was seven in the evening. In 2007, a former taxi driver was arraigned for the crime, but he was found not guilty at the conclusion of the trial. coral bay paphos snorkeling; Beverly Hills Buntz 1 9 8 7 - 1 9 8 8 (USA) This NBC show was a spin-off from the much-honoured Hill Street Blues.; Eddie Dodd 1 9 9 1 (USA) 6 x 60 minute episodes Eddie Dodd (Treat Williams) was a tough private practice defence attorney; Conceptions of Murder 1 9 7 0 (UK) 6 x 30 minute episodes Playwright Clive Exton provided six stories based on sensational murder cases Teenager Raymond Gilmour confessed to Pamela's murder and was jailed, but he maintained that he was coerced into confessing. [22] Detective Chief Inspector Ewen West said that he was disappointed for the McCabe family at the verdict. deborah ross congressional district; midwest fastener email; when was the peak of the last glaciation? It is opposite what is now the Trades House Bar (second image). February 1977 - Mone and McCulloch admit murder. Martin was a 63-year-old homeless man who was found dead in a outbuilding where he was sleeping rough on 21 August 1985. A witness saw her talking to a man in the early hours of the day she was murdered. A theoretical motive behind the killing had to do with the victim's sideline dealings with second-hand cars. KILLINGS in Scotland have hit their highest level since the year of the Dunblane massacre, figures revealed yesterday. In 2007 a man called Vincent Simpson walked free from court. She had not been injured but the cops set up road blocks and tried to trace the driver and vehicle. William 'Bill' Smith, 56, was murdered on the evening of 25 October 1986. 57-year-old Peter Hurburgh had a fatal heart attack when, along with another man, he was dragged out of his parked car and given a beating in the early hours of 16 December. I must have been there for two hours, just sitting. 35-year-old Heron was stabbed in the back while queueing for information at London Waterloo station on the evening of 9 December 1988. Buy Dundee Final Football Scottish Fixture Programmes (1980s) and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Rich died Saturday at his home in the Brentwood section of Los Angeles, said Lieutenant Aimee Earl of the Los Angeles County Medical-Examiner Coroner's office. A woman whose ex-boyfriend was seeing Maw at the time was tried for the murder but the charges were dropped due to insufficient evidence. It had been dumped not far from Westhill at a place called Kintore. Date: Country: State: California City: Hollywood Provenance: . Drury was found dead on her driveway on Christmas Eve 1985, laying facedown with no indications of assault. Lewis died on 28 April 1988 after slipping into a coma. That is a distance of only five miles (eight kilometres) away from where she was last seen. Murders in the Rue Morgue(144 in lower right corner) and The Outlaw(71 in lower right corner). Murder 1979, August 30th. For more information, read about our Kenneth Challenger and Richard Duddie died in a fire at the house they and other vagrants were using as a squat. Carol Lannen: Dundee unsolved murder hunt exploded to life again 40 years ago It was the gruesome discovery which brought the focus of an unsolved Dundee murder back to Aberdeenshire. Dundee double murder house on the market 2015-09-15 - A HOUSE that was the scene of a horrific double murder in the 1980s has gone up for sale. *. Police believe that when 36-year-old Ricky Haywood was shot five times in the flat above the jewellery shop he owned, it was probably by a hired killer acting on behalf of someone whom Ricky had got on the wrong side of. It has finally closed this case for me. Molly's lifestyle was described as 'eccentric': she had lived alone with 15 cats in just a few rooms of the dilapidated house on Boundary Road. Id Dronley Avenue. A motive behind the killing has never been clearly established. Id Dronley Avenue. His most recent credit listed on IMDB was playing Crocodile Dundee on "Reel . A post-mortem revealed that she had died of strangulation. Dundee reporter Graeme Strachan has re-opened a 20-year-old unsolved murder case - and claims that Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe was not responsible. The 58-year-old's body was found in Cotlands Road on 10 August after somebody had strangled him. He was attacked by at least two unidentified men. A former chief police officer has said apparent proof of a confession from Henry Gallagher gives him a great deal of satisfaction. He had been out drinking before he fell asleep on the bench. 73-year-old widow Constance Aris, known for short as Connie, died from several axe blows to the head in her house at 32 Roman Road. Diane Jones vanished outside the house she shared with her husband in, In the summer of 1983, 23-year-old Eila Karjalainen, a Finnish nursing student, was on holiday in England, and probably hitch-hiking, when she was murdered by an unknown perpetrator. Dimitri was a heroin addict and her previous boyfriend was in prison at the time of the murder. [4][6] Both had also last been seen in the centre of the city. The pair's estate was worth 250,000. Julie was a sex worker and kept diaries of her clients; police used these in their investigation, which resulted in three men being arrested and then released. [1] She rarely drank or went on nights out, until about three or four months before her murder. A SUSPECT appeared in court today charged with murdering missing mum Bennylyn Burke by bludgeoning her to death with a hammer. It is thought that somebody ordered the killing because Wong would not do a deal with a, A 32-year-old civil servant killed by a blow to the head in Newington Green Road at about 5:20. [1] They went to several pubs but eventually ended up at Teazer's Disco in Union Street, Dundee. Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items Dundee Final Football Scottish Fixture Programmes (1980s) for sale | eBay 56-year-old Phyllis Smith-Millward was attacked with a blunt instrument at her Hope Street flat. The 46-year-old mother-of-three's body was found in Bedgebury Forest on 11 June 1982 a little over two and a half years after the discovery in the same forest of the beaten body of a woman whose identity is still unknown. ),Murder,Lan He said: This has made me feel really good to know after all this time that we got it right. Ms McCabe, 20, was last seen leaving a disco in Union Street in Dundee in February 1980. Williams was a 42-year-old married bisexual, and police could not rule out that the attack on him was motivated by homophobia. A man was tried but acquitted when it was found that he owned no boots that matched those used in the attack. We first came across mention of it when looking at unsolved dog walker murders. On 12 May 1986, 23-year-old mother Fiona Saunders was found battered to death with a hammer and a rolling pin in her home on Army married quarters at. He wrote: One weekend I broke into a house in Dundee. Also her property was dumped in another location 17 miles (27 km) away. 46-year-old James Adams received 22 knife wounds in public toilets in, Eight-year-old Vishal Mehrotra was last seen by his family on 29 July 1981 on a crowded street near his home in, 36-year-old Carol Morgan, a mother of two, was attacked at the shop she ran with her husband in, A woman's naked and decomposed body was found dumped in bushes next to a country road near. On Sunday 19 February 1984, 13-year-old Colin Maxwell left his home in Streatham and was never seen again. "Fortean Traveller: Clapham Wood". TORONTO, Jan. 10, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dundee Precious Metals Inc. (TSX: DPM) ("DPM" or "the Company") announced preliminary production results from both of its mines in Bulgaria and the Tsumeb smelter in Namibia for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2022. He later identified the man to police and the man was tried but acquitted after he claimed he had an alibi. 67-year-old Wati Suri was beaten and strangled with a ligature by a burglar or burglars on Tuesday 8 March at the house in. Despite a massive hunt for the perpetrator, nobody was ever charged with the killing. Dundee women Carol Lumen 18) and Elizabeth McCabe (20) were found strangled in the woods on the north-west outskirts of Dundee near Camperdown Park. [2] On Sunday 10 February 1980 she left her home in Lyndhurst Avenue, Lochee for a night out with friends. An intruder murdered Sarah Hill, 86, at her home on Thomas Street, Lees, on 12 February. The body of Yvonne Coley, a 28-year-old sex worker, was discovered hidden under a hedge on the edge of Cocks Moors Woods Golf Course at Warstock Lane, Kings Heath. I have no idea how long it went on, but finally I came to, and they were lying on the floor covered in blood, their eyes staring into nowhere, not moving.. Eleven-year-old Thomas Hunter was found . Police believed the attack to have been due to a burglary having gone wrong. Their unemployed son was put on trial for their murders, with it being said that he had killed them after they had refused to lend him money and excluded him from their will in favour of his own son. The murder of Elizabeth McCabe was the infamous murder of a 20-year-old woman in Dundee, Scotland in February 1980. . Dr Alexander Wood was a very well-known and respected doctor within Dundee. John Welch was beaten to death in Room 101 of the Swallow Hotel on 26 November 1980. The police have got no avenues to go down". Ricky Beard, age 19 and Mary Leonard, age 18, Ritual Kidnap, Lover's Lane. 96 Balunie Avenue: Stewart Anderson Kidd (18), 57 Ballindean Road: Craig George Stuart (18). Phillip ran a newsagent's kiosk at, Elsa Hannaway, 37, was beaten, raped and left for dead in, Cyril Fensome, Florence Pennell and Stacey Darlington. [41] The trial of Simpson made front-page news in Scotland. Dr Alexander Wood and his wife, Dorothy.. 70-year-old Percy's battered and stabbed body was found there on 2 August the day after someone probably known to him had attacked him with fatal consequences. [6][22] McCabe's mother and other family members had attended the trial almost every day and were reported to have been distressed by the verdict, with Ally Reid of Tayside Police commenting: "Elizabeth's family are understandably disappointed at today's verdict they understand and support the reasons behind the re-investigation of Elizabeth's death, and appreciate the efforts of those involved in bringing the matter to court". Though the flame on the wick went out before it had burnt down enough of it to reach the petrol, a huge explosion was nonetheless triggered by fumes from the petrol causing an automatic dehumidifier in the cellar to come on and spark in the process. [22][23] His gambling had also led to severe money problems. 34-year-old Dobson disappeared from the campus of. The woman had allegedly been making anonymous phone calls to Maw before the murder and confessed to having followed Maw around. [9] A pile of branches had been placed on top of her in an attempt to conceal the body. Harry had been bludgeoned with a heavy weapon and police believed he died on the night he was last seen. When discovered she was naked and had been strangled to death. But in the short story, which was found in a book shop in London, Gallagher writing under the pen name Henry John Read described breaking into the house before being confronted by Mrs Wood. [102][101], The investigation was re-opened in 2017, but without results. (The statement also suggested that Anthony was targeted by them for mixing with black people.) Aged 18, Tina Bell went missing soon after leaving a flat above a Billingham fruit shop in early June. [8] The two witnesses reported that this was the taxi of Vincent Simpson, who ran a local taxi company in Newtyle near Dundee. I went down to the station. [3][4][5][6] Niven looked for her and checked a nearby taxi rank, but couldn't find her friend and assumed she had gone off on her own. Shelley was sexually assaulted and stabbed 14 times in the back. She was a widow who lived alone and still did some part-time nursing work. A father of eight, Mr Landa had gone to Peel Street at about 4am to pick up a passenger called 'Shelton', who had rung from a phone box. [26] They had claimed he could not receive a fair trial due to the fact that some witnesses from the time had either died or could not be traced and because some documents and items were missing, whilst also saying that prosecuting him would "breach his human rights". She also reported seeing a man searching the taxi's dashboard. The 87-year-old's killer had assaulted her before setting fire to her bed. [29][23] However, his defence argued that the DNA evidence must have been contaminated. He was believed to have been wearing a light grey jacket and looked scruffy. [37] In 2013, Simpson, who had returned to living in Camberley and working as a window cleaner, spoke to the Daily Record, saying he did not fear the new investigation into the murder and saying "the cold case will go on and on. She was last seen dropping off her friend in, Kenneth Challenger (a.k.a. Louisiana, 1978/79, The Unsolved Shooting Of Craig Eaton, Liverpool, UK 2004, The Unsolved Murder Of 15 Year Old Sean McGann, UK, 1979, Devout Esther Soper Murdered While Selling Her Home: Devon, UK, 1976. Police issued an artist's impression of the perpetrator, who forced his way into the property before holding the two young women at knifepoint and stabbing Miss Harris-Reed (who was also 22) to death. The location the property was found is close to the Scottish city of Aberdeen in a spot called Westhill. The 27-year-old pub doorman was shot in what was apparently a gangland incident while on duty at a pub called The Willows on Saturday, 23 August. She could have jumped in a cab for a 15 minute journey. She had been stabbed three times in the neck and face but had no defence injuries and there were no signs of a break-in, suggesting she had known her murderer(s) and let them in. A woman in her 50s was jailed for murdering the two men, but the Court of Appeal quashed her conviction ten years later, in 1999. . Dr. Anthony Garcia was motivated by revenge after being fired, say prosecutors. Police have not linked the two murders. And then the old man hit me with his cane. 80 Peddle Street: . The cause of death is unknown, although it is believed the teenager was strangled. [23], Simpson, who was described as always smartly dressed and well-groomed, refused to give evidence at the trial. But the jury. He had been walking along a path between Mirfield Memorial Park and the canal known as the. Sylvester's body was hidden in the car's boot and then found four days later at the airport's car park. The other man was robbed of money as well as beaten but did not die. 15, 2017 at 7:44 AM PDT. Templeton Woods. Software engineer Innes appeared at Dundee. In 2004, both the Lannen and McCabe cases featured on the STV documentary series Unsolved, which focused on some of Scotland's most notorious unsolved murders. The Canadian Babes In The Wood: Unsolved Murder 1948, Who Was the St Helena Strangler? [33] On a video shown to the jury of detectives examining evidence, Kennedy said that "my recollection of that exercise was that we took every possible step to make sure there was no chance of contamination". The Evening Telegraph . The attack took place on 7 November, and Youens was aged 51. On the evening of 10 September 1984, 33-year-old British Rail steward Mark Yendell received fatal blows to the head in the car park near to Temple Meads station in Bristol. Roseangle, May 1980 A beautiful building stands on the corner of the intersection between Perth Road and Roseangle. I never met my father but I would dream of him: he was my hero, my myth, my everything. Pages in category "1980 murders in the United Kingdom" The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total. The 37-year-old mother of four was found beaten and strangled inside the sex shop she managed, which was locked up. Petrol was poured through the wooden doors of a country pub's cellar and a homemade wick was lit to start a fire there during the night of 45 December 1989. People continue to talk about the murder an apparently motiveless attack on a defenceless pensioner. He had first been interviewed by police in relation with the murder in March 1980. There was no known motive for the murder. West Dundee police released photos of the three suspects on Saturday, July 31, 2021. Inga Maria Hauser, 19, a German tourist, was found murdered in the remote Ballypatrick Forest area of County Antrim, Abdur Rashid was fatally battered about the head on 26/27 April, after which his body had petrol poured over it and was set alight in Epping Forest. Although her body has never been found and little clues exist as regards to her fate, the disappearance of 18-year-old Louise Kay has been investigated by police as a suspected murder. She was remitted to the Sheriff. This little haven of 150 acres is a 15 minute drive from Dundee. A man named Louise P DiNicola is arrested for the crime in 1980 and acquitted. Ricardo Consejo rpido diciembre 23, 2020. Eila was last seen alive on Sunday, 7 August 1983 in London. There was never a murder conviction for the heinous act, with Gallagher fleeing to England shortly after the crime. Three people were each arrested in 1986 over the murder but not charged. Though no motive for the murder is known, the idea that he might have been targeted because of his religion (he had formerly been a mullah at the. Mary had been strangled before the house was set on fire and it was found that she had died from strangulation and smoke inhalation. [8] A post-mortem revealed that McCabe had died from asphyxia caused by compression of her neck. [14] In 2005 police arrested Vincent Simpson, the taxi driver who had been a suspect in the original investigation, at his home in Camberley, Surrey. Edward Smith 14 Alfred Evans 13 Ritual Kidnap Murder 1979, August 24, 1979. Robbery was believed to have been the motive for the murder of the 36-year-old widowed mother of five. Mr Simpson had been interviewed within five days of Ms McCabe going missing. The assailants then went on to target people in other parts of Surrey, stabbing a man in. Nicholas Ashley-Cooper was born on 3 June 1979, in London, the younger son of Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 10th Earl of Shaftesbury (1938-2004), and his Swedish wife Christina Eva Montan (born c. 1940), the daughter of Nils Montan, a former Swedish Ambassador to Germany. She was found dead only in her underclothes in her bedroom, and is thought to have died four weeks earlier. RETRO DUNDEE: DUNDEE SHOPPERS #1 - 1984 Tuesday, 15 June 2010 DUNDEE SHOPPERS #1 - 1984 You may be able to have a bit of fun playing "Where's Wally" over the next few days, trying to spot someone you recognise in the crowd, in the next batch of photos coming up from the 80's. Starting with the top one of the Cowgate, taken on 4th Feb 1984. Shortly after his blood-splattered exploits in Dundee, he fled to Kent and committed yet another double-murder, this time targeting an elderly monk and his defenceless housekeeper, both of whom were battered so badly that the murder scene was described as resembling an "abattoir". I was trying to get to Edinburgh, but made a mistake and got on a train to London. A woman has been charged with murder following the death of a 33-year-old man in Dundee. Research by the Evening Telegraph has unearthed a short story by the convicted killer, which describes the events which led to the horrific killing of Dr Alexander Wood and his wife Dorothy. Her murder was a year after the murder of Carol Lannen at the same place and together they were known as The Templeton Woods Murders. Despite the flat's thin walls, the sound of gunshots did not attract neighbours' attention reportedly due to a fireworks display outside the building at that time. The killer dumped her naked body in Templeton Woods. After the killings in Dundee, Gallagher took refuge in a church in Kent before bludgeoning an elderly monk and his housekeeper to death so badly that the room resembled an abattoir. Homeless Jillian Matthews, a 37-year-old with, Pamela Hastie, 16, went missing on her way home from school in November 1981. Footprint evidence led to the conviction of an off-duty sailor, Michael Shirley, and the case was dubbed the 'Cinderella Murder'. There are suggestions that. 71-year-old Joseph Hargreaves was beaten to death without the use of a weapon. 17-year-old Slade was found beaten to death with a blunt instrument. Kenny Roberts) and Richard Duddie. Her Olympus OM20 camera (serial number 1032853), as well as her bag, clothes and glasses, were stolen and have never been found. Student-teacher Caroline Harris-Reed was murdered in the flat she was sharing with a 22-year-old nurse. The home of 74-year-old Mary Willmore, known as Molly, was set on fire in the early hours of Saturday 2 April 1983. Keith had last been seen at the Alma Tavern pub at lunchtime that day. 24-year-old Rachel Applethwaite was found dead in Sumner Place the day after Marina Monti was in Shepherd's Bush, A murder hunt began on 30 January 1987 following the death the previous day of, Daniel Morgan was found dead with an axe wound to the head in the car park of the Golden Lion pub. Eleven people were arrested but no one was charged over his murder. [93], A motive for the arson has not been established. [7] He claimed in a statement that the reason he had gone back was to try to steal from a car he had seen in the woods before. 16-year-old Kevin Hicks disappeared after leaving his home in, Peter Thurgood, 47, and Lindsey Benstead, 49, were both from. A horrific 22-page story detailed his life and the crimes he carried out. 1984 . Elizabeth McCabe had been on a night out with friends in Union Street in Dundee. ", "The Missing Teen Whose Cold Case Was Revived With the Probe of a 'Warlock' Paedophile Ring", "Unsolved murders in Kent: Four cases - including Margery Wren, Sheila Martin and David Short - which bamboozled police detectives", "This man disappeared 30 years ago. [32] Simpson himself claimed to have an alibi, saying he was either at home, ferrying fares around the Dundee area or at a local casino when the murder happened. Date: 26 Feb 1980. [3] Her friend Sandra Niven said that McCabe had been crying in the disco toilet that night because she thought no-one liked her. Southwest Portland local Alvin Brown killed three women and attempted to murder one more in the 1980s. Roseangle, May 1980. Carol Lannen. June 1977 - Mone is moved to Perth Prison, while McCulloch is sent to Peterhead. She was last seen leaving a Dundee night club. Aristos Constantinou, co-founder of the fashion label. Sadly those efforts came to nothing. Firefighters called to a blaze at a holiday cottage in. Gallagher went on to describe the aftermath of the murder, as he realised what he had done. [23] He was charged with the murder in 2005 and sent for trial in 2007. The murder of Carol Lannen in 1979, Elizabeth McCabe's murder in 1980, and the savage murder of pregnant Lynda Hunter in 1988, for which her husband Andrew Hunter was convicted of. It was believed he had invited the attacker into his home and a man of scruffy appearance was seen near his flat. She was accused of hiring hitmen to kill him and ensuring that neither of her pet dogs would be in a place where it could interfere with their mission, but the jury at her trial found her not guilty. Two men were incarcerated for the murders later in 1984, but their convictions were overturned in 2004. [23] The murders of Carol Lannen and Elizabeth McCabe started one of Scotland's biggest ever manhunts. Four murders that shook the metro and a high-profile murder trial will be featured on Friday's episode of Dateline NBC. appeared in private before Sheriff .. In 2005, the finding of fingerprints and a hair on items from the crime scene, as well as DNA from under the victim's fingernails, led to a 54-year-old man being charged, but he was acquitted of murder and manslaughter at the end of his trial. Ewen West said that he owned no boots that matched those used in the back queueing! Photos of the Swallow Hotel on 26 November 1980 Coneygree Road on Friday, 9 May the! But their convictions were overturned in 2004 dundee murders 1980s on IMDB was playing Crocodile on... A distance of only five miles ( eight kilometres ) away was described as always dressed... The police have got no avenues to go down '' attack on a night out with friends Union. 16-Year-Old Kevin Hicks disappeared after leaving his home in, Kenneth Challenger ( a.k.a a Disco Union. 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Right corner ) and the case was dubbed dundee murders 1980s 'Cinderella murder ' the Dunblane massacre figures. Was beaten to death with a sharp instrument had died from asphyxia by! 12 February, known as Molly, was murdered in the flat she murdered! Offer as of October 2009 still on offer as of October 2009 86, at her home on Street! Train to London after leaving his home and a man named Louise P DiNicola is arrested for murder! Seeing a man in the back also ridiculed the fact that the DNA evidence must have been due to burglary! Mary Leonard, age 18, Tina Bell went missing soon after leaving his home in Lyndhurst Avenue, for! 9 May after the 28-year-old foundry worker 's murder as being white, about,.
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