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fibromyalgia urine smell
This came back showing a bit of inflammation of the sinuses, and my pituitary gland is on the larger size of normal. Oh and I do have COPD, Im not sure that means anything. My experience is that it happens in 2 year cycles almost to the day. Anyhoo! Objective: To determine if abnormal collagen metabolism is a characteristic of fibromyalgia. It's not nobody else smells it. Muscle and joint stiffness. Sometimes it fades and sometimes it is stronger. What I found that is that the receptors in the brain are off or not communicating due to that sensors in your brain are sending the wrong signals to activate to act. I mentioned this to my Dentist and she said she'd heard or these "Olfactory Hallucinations" before, triggered by infection and inflammation. I know how you feel but I suggest relax and dont think about it too much. New symptoms have come and remain, that is congestion and always clearing my throat. When traveling abroad, the smell of sewage in one river caused me migraines. Click here to subscribe to the Fibromyalgia News Today Newsletter! I know i will.!! I didnt really think MCS was a valid disorder until my FM worsened five years and all senses became easily overloadednoise, light, smell, touch. These cookies do not store any personal information. The doctor has no idea what the problem is. The back and leg pain. PLEASE HELP ME, whoever can! unusual tiredness or weakness. Like, genuinely painful. Click Here to receive the latest FM News via e-mail,, I Combine Gratitude With Breathing Exercises for More Effective Pain Relief, Daughters of Women With Fibromyalgia May Experience More Symptoms, How and When to Tell a New Friend That You Have Fibromyalgia, Reciprocating Kindness Can Help With Fibromyalgia Woes. During the summer I wear sweaters and always have to have a jacket wherever I go. Recording these activities might highlight patterns of what triggers a flare. Then I noticed that the smell stayed with me wherever I went. Wow. This past Thanksgiving I had to sit and watch everyone eat. I was very stressed and could not sleep. But since I don't like to take drugs, I have done the following: boiled chamomille flowers and made tea and with a dropper put 2 drops in each nostril every night before going to bed. In the past, it was mischaracterized as a mental health disorder. unless they have it, even me in the past. There is treatment for this. I can't get it operated on by the state. The first site I came to was a research. this also led me to quit smoking since it smelt so foul so double win haha. However, changes in brain chemical levels and central nervous system function may play a role. Your right it doesn't help anyone to look to far into it and causing oneself worry. Risk factors associated with urine odor are not due to the smell but . It works! Urinary urgency is another symptom that is very common among patients with fibromyalgia. And don't worry, the vinegar smell will go away too once it dries up. So embarrassing. Eloise T. Brain fog When I cant remember the words. Now though, cannot even stomach passive smoking, even though I may be tempted to smoke a cigar on the odd occassion, but that is a rarity. I, too, feel like I'm going crazy! The smallest amount of movement and I am overheated and sweat dripping down my face. a) is a condition that causes pain all over the body (also referred to as widespread pain), sleep problems, fatigue, and often emotional and mental distress. My work had wooden beams running through and at one point I thought it was the wood. I am so fatigued during each episode! I still wear it and still people say "Oh this scarf was left behind in my house - I knew it was yours as soon as I smelled the scent!!" Thus, people with fibromyalgia might be more likely to experience drug side effects. You must try not to think too much about it or it may just keep bugging you. Hi, I searched the net today looking for the same answer. People think youre lazy, but my legs literally want to give out! Meena N. I love being active and going places like the zoo or amusement parks with friends. The neurologist on the radio program was treating a patient with a "phantom limb"; the patient had his arm amputated, yet he sensed it to be there still- and it was hurting him. Nobody else can smell the smell when I ask them, I can still smell/taste normally and I am male 49 and live in Scotland. I have this same problem. I have created a private group on facebook to research this issue together. I was too terrified to eat myself because of diarrhea. One time I kept saying potatoes instead of donuts. It built up slowly so I didnt notice until all I could smell was burning wood. Sure wish I knew what was causing it. I used them for 10 days of it and tried to give them up. She bought me a kit called 'NeilMed Sinus Rinse' and it came with 60 sachets of saline/bicarb rinse. All the time. When my sister had her baby I was holding her and sniffling and some thought I was sick and holding a newborn! It saves lives. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is super embarrassing, I have to wear pantyliners all the time. The woodfire smell is strong. Rheumatic diseases affect the bones, muscles, and joints. The exhaustion. I just hope that It may eventualy fade..sue. Its nearly as difficult to explain multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) to someone unaffected by it as it is to explain fibromyalgia. He was a nice person, and he had worked there far longer than I had. Basically, my strange smell sensation started about 6-7 months ago just after i left a company for being bullied at work. maybe he/she can help you in some way. I was so amazed because I too had been experiencing the same symptoms, but not quite as long as she (she's 2 years older). I notice that if I eat starchy food, bread, potatoes, or fatty food, cheese, dairy, milk, meat. Its so embarrassing to lose my train of thought mid-sentence and be incapable of carrying an intelligent conversation, or completely forget something someone told me. I also smell phantom smells like tobacco.. No patterns yet. Hi, I have been getting this for years now. I have been smelling a stale cigarette smoke type smell for the last few weeks, nobody in my household smokes. Symptoms of fibromyalgia flares vary but often involve widespread pain, joint stiffness, and extreme sensitivity to stimuli. Some people describe it as ammonia-like. I think I know what you are suffering from. No doctors will tell you that and won't treat you because they will tell you it's all in your head when it is not .This smell things are actually caused by fungus and infections ! I have started to smell soot!!. Its embarrassing to suddenly start fanning myself or taking off certain items of clothing in an attempt to alleviate the discomfort. Emily G. The most embarrassing part is having to cancel plans because I dont feel well enough to go out. I have a doctor appointment with a neurologist coming up soon, maybe he will give me some answers. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Anyway, back on the subject, the ENT had no other suggestions other than operating 'blindly' because they had nothing to go after, it baffled him too.! Your pain and discomfort can be minimized, helping you to live a more active and fulfilling life. It started about 6-7 months ago when I had a persistent cough for about 2 months. Later I felt that the smell is from my clothes because i use to get it in the train, walking out on the road or at my desk at work. sounds like multi chemical's a reaction to cumulative enviornmental chemical toxins. I'm the same a s foggy, in that some smells trigger migraine for me. I don't get any pain. Never really goes away though. She's had success with medication, but I'm not quite ready to try that yet. No! Yes, I too have had this though intermittently. Its kind of embarrassing. Krystina K. F. My balance. Just drink 30-40 oz of water a day ! I thought I was losing my mind. Functional incontinence - This is normal bladder control but the person just cannot get to the bathroom in time as the result of illness or age. Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. The list of things to which I am sensitive is getting longer and longer. That drastic change can happen from one day to the next. I've always enjoyed wearing perfume, have worn the same for that last 30 + years and miss it so much. I am an ex-smoker, quit in 2008 after living away and clothes smelling so bad of smoke that the kids wouldn't come near me, no aid at all in quitting, I just quit dead without any hesitation. Urinary frequency and abdominal bloating is quite common amongst fibromyalgia patients, particularly women. Other possible causes for cloudy urine include: Dehydration. It has happened again, hence the reason I found this site. Hi I too have read about one of the signs of a brain tumour is a burning smell. These strange odors that no one else smell usually come during highly stressed times, or during fibro flares. Fibromuscular dysplasia appears most commonly in the arteries leading to the kidneys and brain. The main cause of the smell is bacterial overgrowth. Sleep disorders come in . Wet wood smell. I know what you mean about missing scents of either flowers or perfumes. The stress of coping with a condition can also lead to anxiety and depression. I know your post is a few years old but I seem to have all these symptoms. Plus I have a cough and clearing of my throat when I'm lying on my back. There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. The disinfectants they use often leave a strong-smelling residue. told me to use them for a bad cold that I had that hung around for 2 weeks. Until one day my daughter told me that I should go to the Dr. cause maybe it was something wrong with my brain that its playing trick on me and or confusing me and those things happened to menopausal women. Have you checked out this problem from a dental health perspective? Otherwise I have been lucky enough not to have any further problems with smell. I'll make it short and sweet. After googling this I came up with your comments. Health conditions, medications, supplements, the food you eat, and dehydration can all affect the smell of your urine. Find out how foods and, Fibromyalgia is more common in women than in men, so men might find it harder to get a diagnosis. Learn more about the best exercises for fibromyalgia here, Learn more about the importance of sleep in our dedicated hub, Learn more about which foods to limit or prioritize to manage fibromyalgia here,,,,,,, My sense of smell is poor, before was very good and extremely sensitive, i'm over it. Although I told my GP & a specialist nothing has ever been resolved as to why this is occurring & while it's improved a little it still affects me quite a lot. Urine Smell and Diet. But I stopped using if for a week and the odor has only gotten stronger. Connect with fibromyalgia patients, families, caregivers, Veterans, and friends. At first you may find that everything in your mind wants to convince you that you can smell it but just bat back with a strong thought that feels easy for you. If you notice a sudden onset of sweet-smelling urine, you. Good luck, and try a bit of menthol under your nose. I look forward to your reply! Been doing that for 10 years. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Charging our content creators to practice, Regularly reviewing and updating our content by working with our network of, Weight Control With Ankylosing Spondylitis, How I Deal With the Winter Blues While Im Depressed. I am Very frustrated though. We fell out about it and he threw a whole bottle on his fire. Symptoms of fibromyalgia flares vary but often involve widespread pain, joint stiffness, and extreme. Only later that night I could still smell it. Mix a 1:1 solution in a spray bottle and liberally spray the affected areas, and then let it sit until it dries. I later started to have the same dizziness in a doctors office and I noticed it would improve with open doors. I also smell wood stove Smoke and taste it. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. I eat just so I do not go hungry. I get this woody ham like smell every now and then. Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Fibromyalgia, Sources of Foot Pain with Fibromyalgia (FMS), Temperomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome, Fibrofog Cognitive or Memory Impairment, feeling a constant or persistent urge to urinate, going to the bathroom to urinate more than once during the night. I dont hesitate to inform the staff that I would prefer to wait in the waiting room. Ive tried vicks rub, nasal spray, i wish I could hose my nose down and wash it out. Too sick to pursue any further! I cant sit, stand or walk for more than 30 minutes at a time. That is the cause of the smell in my case. Overflow incontinence - Urine drips constantly from a bladder that is overfilled. =) Now looking back, they should sell those by prescription only and put 3 days worth in a bottle. worth a whirl, you could use lavender, or lemon both cleansing oils/scents. andurinediabetes wine Urine contributes to groin odor and when an urinary tract infection exists then the urine odor can be extremely offensive. Even Management backed up the coordinator. It appears you entered an invalid email. I broke my nose 4 times (age 7-16), and had lost my sense of smell after the first or second break it came back when the fibro hit when I was 23! It is interesting that these things may be linked . You could try replacing your normal thoughts about it with a thought that just tells you that it isn't real because there is no smell of smoke. Wet dog + shampoo, yeuk .I just can`t immagine what it must be like for you and having everything taste bad must be awful. As a 23-year-old, people my own age can get annoyed by my needing to stop, and I will sometimes get questioning stares from older people or comments like youre too young to have those pains. I usually try to push myself as much as possible, but that only makes the pain worse when I finally do cave and take a break. Shelby C. The red rash I get on my neck from thin air. They can also improve tiredness and boost mood in people with fibromyalgia. Add the smell or smoke from a kitchen, be it at home or in a restaurant; barbecue is my nemesis. I could smell them in the back of the house as soon as I opened the front door. It is important to describe your symptoms as accurately as possible to your doctor so that you can receive the best possible treatment thats available to you. When that happens everyone notices the sudden change and then asks whats wrong because I still look in shape or healthy. Katherine L. Spontaneous shooting pain that is sometimes debilitating. My search for others suffering in the same way brought me to the Fibromyalgia Section. Often in the evening after some sport that day. I did not know MCS existed until now! After mold remediation your need fungus and viral meds. But when Im in an environment where Im doing a lot of walking, it gets embarrassing to have to keep taking breaks because of my knees and hips. Was it because out of the whole 120 employees, i received 8 customer service awards for doing the right thing and knowing my stuff in a short 9 months of being there? So embarrassing. Eloise T. Brain fog When I cant remember the words. It must be horrid for you to have this because unless someone has ever had phantom symptoms they just can't understand how real it can feel. I had lots of tests at the hospital because they were worried that it was DVT. This is the longest this smell has stayed with me and I can't stand it. ..nothing worked. Just wondered how things are now for you. I am having this same problem with a putrid burning sensation in my nose and mouth and it gives me headaches. Today has been a day of complete no taste no smell for me. I sought an eye test too a couple of weeks ago to see if they could find anything unusual, they found nothing, an earlier MRI found nothing too. Copyright 2013-2023 All rights reserved. Periods of physical or emotional stress are common triggers for fibromyalgia. I have since had surgery in 2006 and have been free and clear of all symptoms! It's nearly as difficult to explain multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) to someone unaffected by it as it is to explain fibromyalgia. Turns out we plenty.. After 8 months living in my car I am getting it in control but just my coat has enough inside it to start it all over again for weeks even after being washed. Chronic, widespread pain throughout the body or at multiple sites. This is not surprising, as fibromyalgia is often described as being a state of hyperexcitability, or hypersensitivity. You're not alone in this. Called a friend to come over and take a look at it. Thank you. . Hi, Im sad to say that Ive developed this awful experience myself. Some urinary tract infections are asymptomatic. You'll see the improvement in about 3 days. There is nothing more embarrassing for me than speaking to someone over the phone, or really anyone in general, and constantly using filler words because I have trouble finding the words I need to convey myself during the conversation. If urine becomes highly concentrated a high level of waste products with little water your urine may have a strong ammonia odor. yellow eyes or skin. I am not going to look up any more research about charcoal or incense to scare myself silly. Our problem was mold. A fried recommended an air quality test. Fibromuscular dysplasia is a condition that causes narrowing (stenosis) and enlargement (aneurysm) of the medium-sized arteries in your body. I have also been having problems with my shoulder with a trapped nerve. I really hope people experiencing the problem can connect with what I said so they can address the problem, particular for those paying out so much medically and not recieving an answer to the problem. For such people, Social Security rulings in the United States dictate that so long as a medical or osteopathic doctor can determine that the disease causes medically determinable impairment (MDI), the condition will qualify as a disability for Social Security payments. The consensus is that many people suffer from Candida overgrowth without being diagnosed correctly. Ill often squeak or yelp when it happens because it hurts. The inability to regulate your own body temperature is frustrating. Rachel P. As a 27-year-old woman [with] both fibromyalgia and. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Hello! Good luck! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I live in an apartment building second floor. I'm glad i am not the only one who can smell things, i thought i was going mad. Me to! All the time. I'm glad/sorry to know I'm not alone and that I am indeed not crazy. God No.. this would be awful. It is usually when I have a bad headache or migraine and is accompanied by watery eyes. I was sure I was the only one to have this problem. I tried to explain to my doctor about the anxiety. I've been to the ENT Doctor and he found nothing wrong. While CBD is non-toxic, we recommend . This kind of smell it's driving me crazy! The smell comes and goes. However, I had to share this informatioin as I know how scared I was before. The individual symptoms differ from one person to another. Chopsy666 my email is: you said to leave you my email so you can let me know what I need to do.. to end this, been through same thinv with the ameels and it was spirits look it up, Hi .. I had spent two crazy months when I first realized that its not the stuff around me or my clothes that smell odd but its a disorder. Fibromyalgia symptoms like numbness, tingling, and pain can be tied to your environment. Fibromyalgia also causes sleep problems, fatigue, and emotional and mental distress. Cloudy urine could be related to dehydration, an infection, or some other less comm. High fruit and vegetable diet. We live in a $600,000. Really awkward to be certain places and be coughing and sniffling. Second, pregnancy also increases the sensitivity of your sense of smell. Also I started wearing a sports device in my mouth to self-treat jaw clenching and teeth grinding. I smell and taste Smoke when I breathe in. It's now recognised by my very good GP. This article discusses the symptoms of fibromyalgia flares, their causes, and how to manage them. I have not gone to the Dr. but now I'm considering it cause the smell is like you mention before is like smoke that it burn your nostrils. But there is definitely a commonality here. Urinary frequency can also disrupt sleeping patterns, as it typically causes you to wake up to go the bathroom. Some foods and medications, such as asparagus or certain vitamins, can cause a noticeable urine odor, even in low concentrations. When I left the hospital I smelled putrid smoke in the bus home, my car when I picked it up, inside my building and condo..for days on end. I have tried the Neti pot, but it doesn't help. As soon as i take a couple of breaths and breath out side of it, the smell is goneanother thing the Dr's can't explain..but it works.! It originates from Ayurvedic Indian medicine. And just googled smelling a smoky smell and first hits show that it could be brain cancer. Nausea and vomiting along with pain and temperature may indicate a more complicated UTI, in which a kidney is infected. The smell over the days decreased, but did not go away completely. 13. As with pain, the neurosensory symptoms of fibromyalgia come from your brain's abnormal reaction to normal stimuli. My tongue is like a sponge and it soaks up fluid inc. saliver hence I have to keep spraying with an oily based solution, it doesn,t matter how much I drink it gets no better. You can find even more stories on our Home page. I thought it might be the result of a sinus rinse I have been using for 2 or 3 years. Smelling burnt things is common, as is rotten or disgusting, or otherwise unpleasant, smells when experiencing this kind of Hallucination. I look up for this information and this is the first site I came across as two years ago Oct 2014 I had this experience for the first time but fortunately it went away after a month or so. Infection. The doctor I saw said he could destroy the nerve with acid. Also, a treatment that works for one person may not work for another. I cant eat, or do anything! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Now today after my appointment and many tests including some for epilepsy/sezuires everything is normal. In fact, about 25% of my fibromyalgia patients have chronic urinary tract infections or interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome). Drives me nuts that no one around me Can smell it. Its caused me to have accidents. Morgan V. I can actually pee every 15 minutes. Even today, some doctors wave off fibro symptoms as being all in your head. This isnt the case. Many people are wondering if we need a sixth shot. Of inflammation of the smell over the days decreased, but it does not provide advice! Since had surgery in 2006 and have been free and clear of all symptoms just hope it! 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