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gympie pyramid hieroglyphics
"Hiero" means "holy" and "glyphics" means "marks" or "writings" - so the word means " holy writings ". Egyptian hieroglyphs were the formal writing system used in Ancient Egypt. Dowsing has indicated there are a number of burials on the pyramid, but these have not been dug. There has been considerable consistency in the findings of psychics and clairvoyants visiting the site. The purpose of the pyramid is not known. If you want to join our team of volunteers and help us create great teaching resources, please contact us. Its interior remains unknown and has been a source of speculation, and there are believed to have been three or four entrances leading into it. There was a pyramid in Gympie prior to white man's colonization of these Aboriginal lands reported by the Archaeologist Henning Hassland, witnessed by him in the 1800's. It even had a gold capstone. In the Scottish highlands, moving even so small a sacred object as a standing stone is considered to bring bad luck, and crofters go to a lot of trouble to preserve the stones in situ. In 1978 Rex Gilroy claimed the statue was verified by unnamed experts as being a 3000-year-old statue of the Egyptian god Thoth. Strange Tale Of Mysterious Thousand-Year-Old Underground Network Of Caves And Encounters With Subterranean Dwellers, Unexplained Mystery Of The Glowing Woman Who Baffled Scientists, When Stars Are No Longer Born: The Challenge Of The New ERC Red Cardinal Project, New Discovery: Sunscreen-Like Chemicals Found In Fossil Plants Reveal UV Radiation Played A Part In Mass Extinction Events, Light From Outside Our Galaxy Brighter Than Expected New Study, Climate Change Could Cause Disaster In The Worlds Oceans, Say UC Irvine Scientists, Computer-Generated Universes: Machine Learning Reveals How Black Holes Grow, Veggie Dinosaurs Differed In How They Ate Their Food. This is believed to have taken place either in the 1940s, after World War II or in the 1950s. These include among other things (refer to illustrations on page 50): a carved, yellow stone head suggesting South American influence; an ancient statuette of the Indian goddess Lakshmi; a Grecian urn; an ancient Chinese bronze teapot, and an apparent stone statue of an ape-like figure, known as 'The Gympie Ape'. Despite the fact that the "hieroglyphs" point to the existence of a Pyramid located in the Area, the site in question located at the Wooroonooran National Park has never been researched. As for the natives they would be the . The Kabi Dreaming group has expressed outrage on social media in the past month ahead of the expected resumption of works on the $1 billion Gympie Bypass. Aboriginals taken to it in recent times declared they felt sick, and wanted to leave. Work with a bobcat in 2007 revealed how very poor the soils in the terraces were. Yes, you did see that correctly - a pyramid in Australia! Kabi is the language of a tribe of Indigenous Australians that historically lived in the region. This lady said nothing but bade him welcome by gestures. Most of these are believed to have been removed by early settlers. It purportedly had stone structures on it made of blue granite, built before modern European settlement. Anyway, returning back to the Pyramid in Australia, Ray Johnson is convinced how the enigmatic set of hieroglyphs at Gosford undoubtedly point how Lord Nefer-ti-ru, a former member of the ancient Egyptian Royal Family is buried at the site. The gympie pyramid located in the outskirts of gympie in queensland, australia is a terraced structure that some claim was built by ancient . Mercer Pyramid Texts Hieroglyphs only - Kurt Sethe Les Inscriptions des Pyramides de Saqqarah - Gaston Maspero (25.8mb pdf) Charts and Signlists: Hieroglyph/Manuel de Codage chart - Pyramid Texts Online Rosette Catalog V 2.2 - Projet Rosette Mysterious Svingerud Stone Worlds Oldest Rune Stone With Enigmatic Inscriptions Investigated By Experts What Does It Say? Many archaeologists claim that this structure was built by european immigrants in late 19th century or early 20th century. Most of these are believed to have been removed by early settlers. The Egyptians believed there was great power in a name. Our translator does a transliteration (phonic) of the given text and tries its best to convert to authentic looking hieroglyphics. He says that all of the statements supporting other theories were either misquoted, deliberately falsified or fabricated. Green, The Gympie Pyramid Story, De Grene Enterprises 2000, Tel: 07 5482 3909. Greg Jefferys, The Gympie Pyramid The Big Dig Report, 27 March 2007. This pyramid is said to be made of stone, and largely buried, which is why it has not been located on Google Earth. Ironically, the construction of the pyramids also require proof on how they were constructed. And the terraces were too high for cultivation, the more so when you consider that they become more pronounced towards the top of the pyramid. Much will be lost if the Gympie Pyramid is destroyed, especially if it goes unexcavated and unexplored. One needs to bear in mind that central Australia used to be a lush area several millennia ago. But countless controversies surround the alleged hieroglyphs. While the Great Pyramid was rather looted and ransacked, plenty of other pyramids of essentially the same layout (if not scale) contained many hieroglyphic inscriptions, sarcophagi, and grave goods. Mr. Johnson believes that the second Pyramid is in fact located beneath thick layers of soil, hidden away from sight, remaining unperceived for thousands of years. Source: The Gympie Times 19/12/79 An ancient "Terraced Hill" at least 6000 years old has been found on the outskirts of Gympie off Tin Can Bay Road. The Gosford Hieroglyphs are located at Kariong (near Gosford) NSW Australia in the Brisbane Water National Park. The Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1799 and featured writing in three different scripts: hieroglyphic, demotic and ancient Greek. The present writer also unexpectedly encountered a white-clad lady, this one with black hair, a couple of days later on the topmost terrace. What Powered the Vimana, the 6,000-year-old Flying Machines of Ancient India. The present writer also unexpectedly encountered a white-clad lady, this one with black hair, a couple of days later on the topmost terrace. You can find the translation of the Gosford Glyphs by clicking here. The yellow head is thought to have been one that was mistakenly dropped during the excavation.23, What is known as The Gympie Ape was found in a paddock diagonally opposite the pyramid, by Dell Barry and Ken Blakemore, a former owner of the pyramid. Several unusual objects have been found in and around the Gympie area. The images below are of the 'Gympie Ape', which was dug up in 1966 and is thought to be a statue of the Egyptian God Horus, who was often . On the summit is a sort of turret, an upstanding section made of drystone walls with a depressed centre, and nearby there are two very heavy stone grinders, which may have been used to prepare ritual offerings. People about to ascend the pyramid frequently experience being stopped by invisible means, and have to obtain permission before going up. 25. There are many opinions of who built it. [14], However, Wheeler argues that the claims of an extraordinary origin for the pyramid are unfounded, writing that the Gympie "Golden" pyramid is in fact a hill that had been terraced by early Italian immigrants for viticulture. carved by ancient Egyptian sailors when they discovered the Australian continent, some 5,000 years ago. [14], Rex Gilroy claimed that he discovered the Gympie Pyramid in 1975 and that the "pyramid" was created by Egyptians who had mining operations in Australia centuries ago. People about to ascend the pyramid frequently experience being 'stopped' by invisible means, and have to obtain permission before going up. Today I realised an ambition to visit the Gympie Pyramid. Its pronunciation is mr, Egyptologists pronounce this as /mer/, but we don't know how the vowels were actually pronounced. There would have been a major problem with watering the terraces, and there is no visible sign of any of the pipes and pumps that would be necessary. Answer (1 of 8): Yes, there is. Facts about hieroglyphics Although hieroglyphics are Egyptian, the word hieroglyphics is Greek. A piece of bloomery iron was found on the pyramid along with other fragments during the 2007 visit by Greg Jefferys suggested smelting on the pyramid. Subscribe 12K views 3 years ago Pyramid researcher Dr. Sam Osmanagich ( investigated claims about possible pyramid site in Gympie, Australia. 26. If so, destruction of a large site would result in more than bad luck. Gold was found at Gympie in 1867, and settlement began from that year. Pyramid of Djoser ( PDO ), Bent Pyramid by Nfermat ( CCBYSA2.5) On the desert plateau of Saqqara 10 miles Southeast of the Great Pyramid, a special set of five very similar pyramids has stood for some forty-two centuries. Its also suggested that in constructing the railway, workers found either an entrance to the pyramid, or a large underground chamber containing artefacts. Mick Dale, Personal Communication (PC), 6. The report came to the conclusion that there is "no evidence to support claims that the terraces on Rocky Ridge were part of a 'pyramid' built by ancient Egyptian, Phoenician, Extra-terrestrial, Mayan or Chinese visitors". The fact that it has three legs suggests it was a wine pot.26, A bronze Grecian urn was found in the hills north of Gympie by Brett Green.27, A piece of bloomery iron was found on the pyramid along with other fragments during the 2007 visit by Greg Jefferys suggested smelting on the pyramid. [15][3] Reverend Stan Geddes has said the church's stone was quarried in the Rocks Road Area. Furthermore, Johnson is convinced how the Gosford Glyphs tell the story of how ancient Egyptian sailors built TWO Pyramids in Australia, one of which was said to be found at Gympie, in central Queensland. appears to be the shape of a pyramidal structure. Afterwards it is said he suffered illnesses, bad dreams and mechanical trouble, and started seeing figures in his house near the pyramid. How many pyramids are in Australia? This is believed to have taken place either in the 1940s, after World War II or in the 1950s. Pyramids are scattered all across the globe. The structure is believed to date back some 5,000 years. Written by: Gordon De L. Marshall - New Dawn, This article has been republished with permission of New Dawn Magazine. Neither made any mention of a pyramid shape. Copyright Ancient Code. [7] It is currently on display at the Gympie Gold Mining and Historical Museum. If it involved a ritual function then very possibly there would have been connections with the stars. For example, the. People feel there is much more to be learnt from the Gympie Pyramid, and it should at least be properly excavated. This also goes with the hieroglyphics found in sandstone outside of Sydney. together with the pyramids, one of the most famous Egyptian symbol of ancient Egypt. But even with this bow to conventionality, there is an unusual bow to the magical element of Egypt in the christening of the robot that took these picture as "Djedi," the name of the magician Khufu allegedly consulted in laying out the Great Pyramid. So far three iron bars have been found on the pyramid, and at least one of these fits exactly into the central piercing of the flat diamond shaped stones. Dowsing has indicated there are a number of burials on the pyramid, but these have not been dug.11 If so, this would suggest a sacred site. It includes the ruins of six or seven low terraces associated with early settlers. It quite possibly had a ritual function, particularly given the pillars on the summit, and was possibly also used as an observatory. Ancient Aliens Ancient Egypt Scuba Diving Australia Australia Pictures Sun Worship Aboriginal Culture Australian Beach Australia Travel Rock Art . The well-known surveyor Len Beadell is said to have found a pyramid on the Nullabor plains, and was told by the local aborigines that the pyramid was outside the dreamtime, and that it was very bad luck to talk about it. Their claims are often identified with the pyramid debate, but the . People feel there is much more to be learnt from the Gympie Pyramid, and it should at least be properly excavated. According to a set of Hieroglyphs found in Gosford, there are TWO pyramids in Australia - one at Gympie (pictured) here, which has been demolished, and another one which still stands today. It will be interesting when we are finally able to put together maps of the psychic centers around Australia. [7] Green also claimed the Gympie Ape was one of six statues found near the Gympie pyramid. It was a masculine Being who spoke - a Being of great power whom I immediately felt to be the Egyptian god 'Thoth'. This account has since been corroborated by another clairvoyant, Richard Shar, while using psychometry (reading the past) long distance from Adelaide.18 Visiting psychics report seeing an inner chamber in the pyramid containing various artefacts, and in particular, commonly report seeing a large dark crystal. However, archaeologists are convinced that this pyramid could be similar to the one discovered buried beneath thick layers of soil and vegetation in Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is also thought to be antimony underground, which attracts lightning. Normally the destruction of such a center would have very serious consequences. Michael had no knowledge of this). It was eventually demolished leaving the whereabouts of the other Pyramid an enigma all until now. Afterwards it is said he suffered illnesses, bad dreams and mechanical trouble, and started seeing figures in his house near the pyramid. Modern scholars have debunked a variety of alternative theories that claim that the site was constructed by extra-terrestrials, ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, the Mayans, or that the Chinese built a pyramid on the site. By the time of the second observation, McPhersons Paddock had been surveyed for the purposes of gold mining leases, one of which had been taken up in 1875 by a Swiss miner with an interest in horticulture, named John William Cauper. The Gympie Pyramid: Evidence of an Ancient Civilisation in Australia? The pyramid is originally thought to have been terraced on three sides, but much of these were destroyed by bulldozing or early (or later) settlers carting away the stone for building purposes. According to Gilroy, the terraced hill was the remains of a pyramid, based on the fact that a stone wall nearby was of unusual construction, there had been local legends and taboos about entering the area, and that there was cactus of South or Central American origin growing nearby. It is rumored the gold in the funeral mask of Tutankhamen has been traced to Gympie. Efforts should be made to save the pyramid. As outrageous as this may sound to many, according to the group of researchers, more than 5000 years after ancient Egyptians made their way to Australia, it is believed that a Pyramid built under a mountain in North Queensland has been discovered. Numerous archaeologists have made it clear that the. Amanitore Nubian Warrior Queen And Her Pyramids, El Mirador: Ancient Pyramids Hidden In The Lost City Of The Maya, Kingdom Of Nubia: Pyramids And Priceless Secrets Of A Civilization Forgotten By History And Neglected By Archaeology. 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