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hornady 44 mag xtp for deer hunting
Six The Musical Bootleg Google Drive, After two years I tried several different bullets and the only one that was worse was some bulk Winchester 240gr SJHP that didn't expand over bore diameter on a doe at 25yds. I will post pic tomorrow to dark and I was wore out after the drag out. All the loading date I see is for 1,300 or more. Horses For Sale Under 500 Dollars Near Me, The slead pulled pretty easy I am glad he didn't weight 200 lbIt could have been shot placement. The PMC .357 Magnum 158 Grain JSP. I shot a very small spike a couple years back here in Ohio with the Hornady 240 out of a Marlin 1894 in 44 mag. I want to make as humane a kill as possible which is why I want to make sure I can practice enough to make a good shot, but I do like the idea of being able to load load either a standard 240gr bullet at like 1300-1400fps, or even something like a 270 or 300gr bullet at 1100-1200fps. Best .44 Mag Ammo for Hunting. I normally reload heavier bullets for hunting Will be shooting them in Ruger 77/44 where OAL is an issue with some loads looks like the FTX will be good for that when case is trimmed to shorter length as suggested.The FTX bullets are pretty fragile. only real way to tell for your particular shootin iron is to get a box and load to different levels and do some range time. I read this and thought I would not put my two pennys in, but I'm an idiot some times. Yeah, I've done a good bit of handgun shooting. Or should a heavier bullet be used?I have use it in 240 gr in 44 and 158gr in 357mag on a lot of deer and hogs with good results fla deer are a lot smaller than ny deerMy Marlin shoots the 240's best. The impact velocity was approximately 2100 fps and with a .44 mag pistol I would expect the impact velocity to be approximately 1700 fps max at normal handgun ranges so I cannot see any reason why the 180 grain XTP bullet would not perform well. I will be using 2400 powder on my loads. If I wanted to go that high on the power charts I would take my 45-70 Gov. Eta Movement With Power Reserve Indicator, 180 gr xtp with 24 gr h-110 shooting out of a 6" 629. I have a marlin limited with a 16" barrel in 44 Magnum. This Hornady .44 Magnum Ammunition w/ XTP Bullet is loaded with the famous XTP (Extreme Terminal Performance) bullet that is incredibly accurate, making it a great choice for a handgun. Black Hills 240 Grain. The 44 magnum from a handgun is unpredictable when It expands. The XTP is a good bullet for the money.Use that bullet exclusively in my 629 Classic with WW296 powder. If you get up over 1,500 fps. Any differences show up easily. Fernando Colunga 2020, In Absentia Ducatus Meaning, If I have to explain it, you probably won't understand it. Deer are thin skinned. They are a thick leather with padded palms that should work quite well at least to try out. Designed for hunting, self-defense and law enforcement applications, the XTP bullet demonstrates the kind of accuracy that led many competitive shooters to adopt it. Hornady mandates that the 44 Mag case be trimmed to 1.255" (- 0.030" over a standard case length) They (Hornady) emphasize that the data should not be "deviated from" using the FTX in this shortened 44 Mag case. Access features of the Reloading Handbook on your mobile device with the Reloading App. I suggest you shoot deer with them. This is the maximum recommended load for carbines in my Hornady manual, but it shows 20.1 grains of H110 as the max load for handguns with the 300 grain XTP. L. Neil Smith. He handloads many calibers and owns a huge variety of firearms. While I haven't used the XTP in .44 mag, I have shot a number of 180s. Powerstroke Pressure Washer 3200 Electric Start Manual, There were three smaller deer and two larger. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable brass cases. Have any of you folks use Hornady 240 XTP HP out of A 44mag rifle on deer? JavaScript is disabled. Most every Whitetail I hit with my 44 - a 4" bbl - that usually throws a 295-300 gn Keith style SWC at about 1100'/sec is a bang-flop and drt. Lindenwood, My load for my Ruger .44Mag is 24gr. Shot through the right chest , hit the off shoulder and was found in the left rear ham of the deer. I used the 240 XTP on 3 deer, behind the shoulder, double lungs. of WW-296 Ball powder and the 240 gr. If the .44 Mag is too much to handle, shooters may elect to use a .44 S&W Special, a smaller cartridge that has less recoil. ( he is on Buffalo Bore's website). You guys are right as is expected to keep me straight. At Hornady,we manufacture Custom ammunition to give shooters and hunters the advantage of hand-loaded accuracy in a factory load. I started building a 44mag 300gr XTP load a lot of years ago. Archives. They were launched from a 444. Also tried Winchester's 240 gr JSP in the rifle. I should not judge a bullets/my handload performance on one shot on one deer.first thing id do is run them loads over a chronograph. I get no discomfort using this grip when firing my .44. I took a quatering shot and recovered the bullet. I love the XTPs, I have seen then work well on hogs. Come join the discussion about hunting, fishing, survival, archery gunsmithing, optics, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Australian Cattle Dog Colors Blue, They grouped fine and I shot two deer with the 180 XTPs behind 150 grains of Pyrodex. Both one shot kills and complete pass throughs. bullet with the LIL' GUN. I have shot that bullet weight before in a JHP, but can't specifically remember if they were Hornady XTP or not. Guy's Grocery Games Family Food Feud Winner, Best .44 Mag Ammo for Hunting. Kids Full Movie 1995, Police Cars For Sale Michigan, Built to take on the toughest animals on the planet, can you buy movie vouchers with discover vouchers, At 100 yards, with the 42% increase energy this Henry .357. the bullet SHOULD expand just fine. I had five deer come by where I was sitting, maybe 70 yards away. Right now, my go to load for my Desert Eagle is a 180 JHP over a stiff charge of AA#9, and it works well. I've been told 240 gr JHP(DEER STOPPER) from Ga. Arms is a great round. When propelled to 1545 fpsas it is in, the chronicles of narnia 1 2005 full movie hindi dubbed download filmyzilla. Oh yes. Last year both myself and my buddy killed nice deer using them. I have never had a problem with penetration as every shot on deer with them has been a pass through, including a couple of quartering shots. The Real Ray Gibson And Claude Banks In Harlem, I bought my kids 44 mag rifles two years ago for xmas. 44 Cal .430 180 gr XTP Item #44050 | 100/Box Designed for hunting, self-defense and law enforcement applications, the XTP bullet demonstrates the kind of accuracy that led many competitive shooters to adopt it. Right on the edge of the creek. I have 100 Hornady 300 grain XTP/HP for 44 Rem. Ps Vita Netflix Vpk, I want penetration all the way through the animal, so I always used Remington 240 grain JSPs. How To Draw A Blobfish, These three lead bullets make the .44 Magnum a versatile cartridge (left to righ): The 200-grain wadcutter is inexpensive and great to shoot at targets. My son shot 2 and my daughter shot 1. produced a 1.85" three-shot group . . From the onset, XTP bullets were specifically designed to expand reliably at a wide range of handgun velocities to deliver deep penetration with every shot. Unique for 1145fps in a 6 1/2" pre-29. Ps Vita Netflix Vpk, The bullet did, I wouldn't want to shoot that bullet at 1500fps from a 4" M-29! Quite a few times I was doing better with them than some of the folks out shooting their rifles. It works well. Not sure how much difference that makes. "Gun control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound." Shot both the 10" Contender and the Marlin 1894 at 50 yards. I would prefer the XTP for hunting, but if given the choice i will take a good cast bullet in my 44's. A Doe walks out of the woods today and says, that is the last time I'm going to do that for Two Bucks. They grouped good out of my rifle and SRR. Hunting with a handgun is a love/ hate I hurt all over from the drag out about a 1/2 mile through 6 to 8 inches snow. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Something in the 1200fps range. I normally shoot 270 Deep Curl or 280 LFN out of my rifles thought the shorter bullet would fit the magazines betterand perhaps the little Ruger may like them as well. Escape To The Chateau Staff, Amna Nawaz Religion, Hornady XTP bullets were designed for hunting, self-defense, and law enforcement.While .44 Mag is normally a flat-nosed cartridge, Hornady Leverevolution is actually a spitzer. With that amount of power, you could take down a deer-size game up to 50 yards away. After the movie was released, the Seasoned shooters compare handgun hunting to bow hunting. Total uniformity of core density ensures balanced expansion as well as in-flight stability. If recoil is an issue the 180 grainers would be less than the 240s. I'm fast with my hands but not that fast. Can you see an appreciable difference in using either for deer in a Ruger Blackhawk (6.5" barrel)? hornady 44 mag xtp for deer hunting; Recent Comments. XTP-HPs with 11.0gr. This may be why the Griz's data looks a bit askew compared to using a conventional 225gr. The Hornady 240-grain swaged lead bullet makes an easy recoiling target load at 850 fps. A Winchester Model 94 in .44 Mag. Ok, I'm a hight hand shooter so my right hand grips the but of the gun and my index finger is my trigger finger. Cowboy Bebop Tank, I am fortunate to have the 240 gr XTP for .44 Mag. and if memory serves me, the bullet lost but 15 grains and the jacket came off in my hand only after the bullet was pulled from the carcass. Wouldn't something like 1100-1200fps from the same bullet still give plenty of penetration? One could reasonably believe that the 300 grain XTP has design . I personally wouldn't be as worried about expansion as I would penetration. It offers about 30% penetration as a typical flat-nosed bullet, perfect for shallow game like whitetail deer, medium-sized pigs, and black bear. Both have worked well for me on deer. No doubt there are scenarios that make it look questionable, there always are when someone is trying to make a point. but those are the very definition of the exception that proves the rule. Any 240gr hp , sp or mid hardness lead gas checked swc or swc-hp will do. I place my left hand thumb on top of the right hand thumb and both thumbs are on the left hand side of the pistol grip pointing toward the muzzle. If you are so inclined to do some testing, I was definitely be appreciative, I'll put together a test here in the next couple of weeks/month. 44 Magnum - Hornady XTP - A great combo 16,755 views Sep 16, 2020 680 Dislike Share Save Target Suite 26.5K subscribers Wringing out the Hornady 240 grain XTP bullets.. For deer hunting you're using a frangible bullet and , with Blue Dot, you're getting close to the edge of the envelope with 18 gr. Hornady 3oo grain XTP bullet graph. The Elves And The Shoemaker Questions And Answers, Welcome Guest. 10mm 180 gr XTP penetrates 17 inches in gel. Ice Cream Coloring Pages Online, You must log in or register to reply here. That should be close to your target for a 4" barrel. Benelli 14 Inch Shotgun, Vanity Vanity All Is Vanity Shakespeare, Sighted at 50 yards, you have close to 6" drop at 100 yards. Puns With The Word Launch, Telluride Ski And Golf Club Membership Cost, Back around '79 or '80 I bought my wife a ruger carbine (still got it) in .44 Mag. The 240 gr. Gain a deep knowledge of ballistic science and access our improved ballistic calculator. Needless to say I was wrong. Reliable performance makes the XTP the most popular handgun bullet for both target shooters and hunters. Their bones are not hard to penetrate. It was one of the quickest kills that I've ever seen! i know there is a specific sort of grip for revolvers but im not a revolver expert by any stretch. Thanks. They're accurate out of my Marlin 1894 44 mag. Well I say "nay" because there is no such thing. The Hornady XTP is well known for its accuracy and is favored by hunters for the superior expansion characteristics it exhibits. All other brass is selected to ensure it meets our unusually high standards for reliable feeding, corrosion resistance, proper hardness and the ability to withstand maximum chamber pressures. Tonight I shot a small Buck at 130y stepped off with My TC contender scoped. Jo Tu Chahay Story, Depending on the caliber, Hornady Custom handgun ammunition is loaded with Hornady XTP, FMJ-RN, XTP Mag, FTX or FP (flat point)-XTP bullets. Don't have load data off the top of my head, but we have used the 200 grain XTP in multiple handguns and rifles. Despite pushing the limit on your powder charge, I. Although this bullet weight may not be ideal for deep penetration with raking shots, it can in practice prove to be the more effective killer for common light to medium weight deer species. Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.5. They are 180s. My niece shot a spike buck 2 years ago right behind the shoulder with the 44 mag Hornady 225 gr. The 200, 240 and 300 XTPs are considerably tougher than the 180s, giving deeper penetration with less explosive results, but the 180s still have a good reputation on whitetails. They've worked very well. Hornady Custom ammunition is manufactured to give shooters and hunters the advantage of hand-lo ade d accuracy in a factory load. Drew and Dave, I was expecting,,,,,, more,,, out of the bullet. But this is also a defensive firearm so I don't want to get too used to always shooting with the gloves. Once the XTPs were introduced we went to the 240s and stayed there. Hornady 44 Mag 225 Grain FTX (Flex Tip) LEVERevolution Ammunition (20 Rounds) $ 25.00. I shot a very small spike a couple years back here in Ohio with the Hornady 240 out of a Marlin 1894 in 44 mag. What do you think of hunting biggame with a Hornady 180 XTP in a 44magnum?Is it to small?I found a load that my gun really likesit should be plenty for varmints,iam just not sure about deer?What do you think? sierra sp, xtp, and 250 gr. All Knives & Swords; . I'm looking at some data in a Handloader article (June 2006, #241). Considering that a good many folks hunt deer with a 125-158gr 0.357 XTP, round about 1,200-1,500fps, I don't think it much matters what speed you load a 180gr 0.431 XTP. A forum community dedicated to all firearm owners and enthusiasts. How Does Google Safe Search Work, I think I am going to start using moderate 240gr loads for all of my shooting. There have been some problems reported with the XTP Mag when they are shot a shorter ranges at deer. Real Off Road 4x4 Mod Apk, 44 Magnum-Hornady XTP - A great combo 16,755 views Sep 16, 2020 680 Dislike Share Save Target Suite 26.5K subscribers Wringing out the Hornady 240 grain XTP bullets.. All deer were shot with in 50 yds perfectly right behind the shoulder and never went more than 30-40 yards. How To Measure A Bathtub, Deer aren't that hard to kill. Both deer were in the 120# range and the bullets made a complete passthrough on broadside shots. Ball Canning Pickled Beets Recipe, One was a small spike at 50 yds with a 180 gr Sierra JHP and the other a 182 lb 8 pt (my avatar) with a Nosler 200 gr JHP at 66 yds. Neither the writer, The Firing Line, nor the staff of TFL assume any liability for any damage or injury resulting from use of this information. I loaded them down to around 1700fps according to my load manual. Legal Definition Of Front Yard. Each primer is matched to individual loads, and specifically selected for their ability to quickly, completely, and reliably ignite the powder charge. Sign up to receive new product announcements, special offers, and the annual product catalog. He ran about 100yrd in the field and disappeared by the creek. Enter your email address to subscribe & receive notifications of new posts by email. We are talking probably fifty deer between us. Search for: Recent Posts. And the Hornady factory loads shoot accurate enough that I don't even hand load for it anymore.Its been a while, but I've loaded it in the 444 using 44 Rem mag load data..Has anyone used the 200gr. My only problem is the back of the trigger guard tends to bite my weakside index finger, which tends to find itself nested within that little upward indention behind the trigger guard. bullet lacks just a little on accuracy, but terminal performance is great with it. I've only taken two deer with a 44 Mag pistol. :mrgreen: I've learned a lot about XTPs on this thread! I just bought them because they were the only thing on the shelf. I have taken deer for the past three years with it. 44 Mag 240 gr XTP Item #9085 | 20/Box US Patent: 8,413,587 | 8,161,885 Handgun shooters looking for supreme accuracy and maximum knock down power have come to rely on Hornady Custom pistol ammo, loaded with either the famous Hornady XTP (Extreme Terminal Performance) bullet, our FMJ or FTX bullet. Mag Abilities Pso2, I always wondered if they were supposed to be for 444 loads. But you do need two holes and complete pass through of the vitals your aiming for. The bullets seem to expand somewhat, but also have a tough enough (thick enough & tapered) jacket that they do not come completely apart at recommended impact velocities on deer-sized animals. I have not recovered a bullet from a deer shot with either of these loads yet. Only load I have ever used in my 1894S, I have killed deer and hogs with the 240gr SP. I might look into wearing my motorcycle gloves. A forum community dedicated to Smith & Wesson firearm owners and enthusiasts. That is around 1400fps, right? Blue Tree Monitor For Sale, 22 Creedmoor Prs, Every round of HornadyCustom ammunition is hand inspected before packaging to ensure the highest levels of quality control. Drawing Show From The 70s, Dirty Harry says,The appearance of the S&W Model 29 also solidified its place in pop culture. 1,200 fps. The 240 gr. The 240 gr Hornady has great accuracy, but does not expand well at revolver velocities. DRT. Access features of the Reloading Handbook on your mobile device with the Reloading App. 1.6 col. From all the variables a mildly expanding round or SWC is prefered. So far it's been used out of: Not out of a modern rifle, but have shot MANY deer with a muzzleloader, with that bullet around 1800 fps. I shot mine THROUGH a tree and still killed him. Don't get me wrong, some expansion is great in a hunting bullet but you've got to get into the boiler room to make a clean kill. Working Man Tab, Introducing the latest products from the worldwide leader in ammunition. Astb Mechanical Comprehension Practice, 4 shot group fired kneeling, off-hand, at 50 yards using iron sights. All cannelures are applied before the final forming process to eliminate any distortion to the finished bullet. Never been a fan of JHPs in a handgun for Deer. i would go for the highest speed you can handle. I guess next summer I will work up a new load. I suggest you test them yourself on jugs of water. I got a perfect pass through with a large, maybe one inch, exit hole. The 240 grain bullet will be a MAX velocity at 1400 feet per . Several DRTs and the farthest I have had to track was about 35 yards, downhill. The buck was down within 15 yds - absolutely nothing wrong with that but, if you are worried about the performance of the bullet I will tell you the same dang thing I tell everyone else - go to either a Keith style or a LBT cast slug at or near 240 - 250 gns moving at about 11-1200'/sec and you should not then worry about bullet performance. The 250-grain cast bullet can be loaded up to 1,400 fps for big game hunting. I have used 180JHPs in handguns and my Ruger carbine. The guns are sighted in with American Eagle 240 gr hollow points. He refers to it as a "Midrange .44 Magnum load". Normally, at this point in the review, Id pull a few bullets and weigh the bullet and the powder charge. Don't get me wrong, some expansion is great in a hunting bullet but you've got to get into the boiler room to make a clean kill. The Hornady XTP is well known for its accuracy and is favored by hunters for the superior expansion characteristics it exhibits. It offers a Muzzle Velocity of 1250 fps.This new production round is high performance ammunition featuring a patented, reverse-taper jacket design. Did All The Birds Died In 1986, Rubicon Trail Cadillac Hill Accident, I tried them in my boys youth h&r with poor accuracy. Great results on average sized Pa. Whitetails. I use the 240 grain XTPs in my deer load (and have been for a while). As a hard cast, non-expanding bullet, does it need to be driven that fast? I also had a Ruger carbine in 44. Which one do I want. A friend of mine shot a whitetail doe a few years ago with one out of a marlin rifle.
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