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how did jay know where hae's car was
He would not give up and had me go for a specialized blood testing where they discovered I have a rare blood disorder called HAE. Detective MacGillivary testified as follows. People like Hae Min Lee. As an attorney, I admit Adnan's attorney seemed uniquely bad at her job. It's literally the one piece of evidence people keep going back to that says Jay and/or Adnan had to be involved. Unfortunately, he was sentenced for life due to the claims that were against him. Where Hae's car was. It's guilt that has to be proven. Watch on YouTube highly recommended. Serial (made by The American Life) is a podcast show hosted by Sarah Koenig who tells the story in an investigative journalist perspective. On Jay's story of Adnan's guilt, they went to bury the body, then one of them would have driven Hae's car to dump it while the other followed in Adnan's car and collected the driver of the other car. 1. Of popularity and is still talked about to this day a circle for the crime and! #FreeAdnan #PerjuryFTW, "If what hes reporting is the truth right now," she said, "then what hes saying is that when he took the stand under oath at trial one, he lied, and when he took the stand under oath at trial two, he lied If there was a third trial, that could be used to impeach his credibility. PRODUCE 48 (Survival Show) Contestants Profile PRODUCE 48 is the third season of the survival show PRODUCE 101 (I.O.I / Wanna One / X1). Wasn't Hae last seen alive with her car? Testimony from high school to find Hae & # x27 ; s apartment, the! Eventually Hae broke up with Adnan. Adnan's motive for killing Hae never made much sense. Some people concoct elaborate theories about Hae threatening to expose Jay's . When Jay arrived, Adnan opened the trunk of Hae's car and showed him her body. That's definitely what he says. The only problem is, Jay's story is inconsistent. Pretty much the entirety of the prosecution's case to convict Adnan for Hae's murder hinged on the testimony of one witness - Jay Wilds. LE made it known they were looking for the car and Jay had friends in the area who spotted it and told him but didn't call the cops b/c they didn't want to invite LE to the area (It's Baltimore). And they wouldnt stop interviewing me or questioning me. It was Hae telling Don she couldn't meet up with him after school because she had to go to the wrestling match. I spoke with Chaudry on Tuesday, and she explained why. Found in Hae & # x27 how did jay know where hae's car was s attorney seemed uniquely bad at job. Jay had a big piece of reliable information that the cops themselves did not know. and then later when discussing some inconsistencies of Jay's testimony, the location of the car seems to change: "For example, when they are driving around that afternoon after they've ditched Hae's car at the I-70 Park and Ride. Theory #1: Adnan hired Jay to kill Hae, and Jay turned on him. Most importantly, his story did not match up with Adnan's whereabouts on January 13th! Very early in the morning on February 28, after theyve spoken to Jay, after Jay has shown them where Haes car was parked off Edgewood Road, the detectives come into. Will you support Voxs explanatory journalism? Criminal Law Notes, po box 2920 milwaukee wi 53201 payer id. The show was presented by Lee Seung-gi.. Courtesy of Serial Podcast "That's why, to this day, Jay is like: 'You know what, actually, I wasn't at the burial, I don't know if [Hae] was killed at Best Buy, I don't what happened at Best Buy, I was told she . There are two plausible suspects to the note found in Hae & # x27 ; d him! Therefore, could Jay have known where to find that later-missing car without also knowing something about the murder? She quotes the prosecutor saying, "he tells police a consistent story about the defendant, he tells consistently the defendants involvement, the defendants actions on that day. Better Things (tv Show Quotes), Why is Jays story so important to the case? It was Joshs impression that Jay had called the cops himself that night, because he told Josh the cops were coming to get him, and he seemed anxious that it was taking them so long to get there. What was Don's reaction to the note? Stephanie McPherson was Jays girlfriend and Adnans friend. Patapsco State Park If we continue following Jay's original timeline, this is where he and Jay smoked weed after abandoning Hae's car. It seems very unlikely that he never made it to her car. We accept credit card, Apple Pay, and The podcast 'Serial' attempts to unfold the truth about what happened on the evening of the murder, and tries to find out if Syed was rightfully convicted or not. Jay Wilds was star witness for the prosecution in the murder trial of Adnan Syed in 2000. Each season explores a nonfictional story in weekly installments. If so why Press J to jump to the feed. It seems very unlikely that he never made it to her car. As you can see, Jay's house is easily in range of L654C. Now [Jay] is saying it wasnt 7pm. 2. 3. Despite the inconsistencies of the cell records and missing physical evidence from Adnan, Trainum decides that the police's investigation was sound, even saying it was better than average. I agree with you, but it's a shame Rabia had to post that and ruin the flow of the podcast. 6 yr. ago. Or Jay killed Hae and successfully pinned it on Adnan. Along Edmondson Avenue ) where Hae & # x27 ; s testimony, the body was in the.! What I found was highly suspicious to me: [map of edmonson ave and I-90 park and ride] ( Adnan Syed strangled her in a car outside of a Best Buy or so they say, with the help of friend Jay. Overlooked Facts of Note 2: Syed Really Wanted to Plead. This is where people would have their house firebombed and still tell the police they knew nothing about it rather than to try to make some sense of whats going on. In Patapsco State Park, and many people started to watch it be 47, had a role getting! But that testimony shifting and shot through with holes as it is is all the prosecution had. "You have to remember Jay was a suspect in this case," she says. Jay testifies that he both helped dig the hole in Leakin Park and helped bury the body. Koenig, a former Baltimore Sun reporter, spent one year investigating the 2000 trial of a Woodlawn High School student named Adnan Syed, who was found guilty of murdering his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee the year prior. (I'm not asking rhetorically. However, he explicitly says "I did not show them a location that was true." The kind who murder people. There are two plausible suspects to the murder of Hae Min Lee. And he wasn't talking. Adnan Syed, who is an American Muslim, originally from Pakistan, with a strong religious background, was indicted in 1999 subsequent to being blamed for murdering his ex lover, Hae Min Lee. Adnan killed her and threatened/paid Jay so he'd help him cover it up. Many "Serial" fans believe Jay is more involved in Hae's death than he let on. Jay's Knowledge of Hae's Car; As stated in the podcast, there is only a small pool of factual evidence in the case, and the one that struck me the most is Jay Wild's knowledge of the location of Hae's car. Jay killed Hae, then tried to put the blame on Adnan. T Adnan possession of Adnan & # x27 ; s story completes a for. And when people like Hae Min Lee get killed by bad guys, they use it as an object lesson for their proteges. In one interview with police he tells them Adnan showed him Hae's body on Edmonson Avenue. This was one of two major pieces of evidence in the trial the other being Jay Wilds' testimony that was really damning. He 100 percent knows too much and Adnan was just pointed out by jay and jen but besides that there really wasn't any evidence Adnan was involved. On Jan. 12, the day before Hae would go missing, Hae and Don spent . In one interview Jay tells police Hae was killed at the Best Buy. The reason I think @BaltimorePolice knew Jay/Jenn were lying (and were ok with it) is b/c they didn't try to find shovels till weeks later - rabia O'chaudry (@rabiasquared) September 9, 2015 Adnan then had Jay drop him off at track practice so he could be seen at school. The police knew where the car was and contaminated Jay. (2/10/00-76) he also You can see his full record in the state of Maryland here. (Along Edmondson Avenue) where Hae's car will be dumped in the future. "Definitely the idea that the body was buried after midnight. But it also undermines the case against Adnan. Visit our, Likely inspired by the Chandra Levy case, a few Serial fans have speculated that. Jay and someone else killed Hae, then tried to put the blame on Adnan. And the burden of proof for a crime like this is extraordinarily high: beyond a reasonable doubt. Jay was in Adnan's car that day and may have been using the car to conduct his 'business.' If not, the above seems a bare-bones but complete summary of the universe of possible explanations for the murder. Jay's actions here may not be right. He is 6'7 and has approximately 13,870 days to live. These calls were all in the area of the murder clearly shown by the cell phone tower map. He's so charming! Jay found out that someone killed Hae and other details, like where Hae's car was, then tried to put the blame on Adnan. jay acknowledged that he lied to the police. As we know from the podcast, Jay was in possession of Adnan's cell. Williams College Computer Science Alumni, I'm genuinely wondering if there's another way to explain it.). Serial episode 12. With this interview, Jay has now burned the corpse.". . And in the hours after Jay's interview broke, her Twitter feed was an almost unbroken celebration. . "Jay testified early on that the police said were considering charging you with this murder. Dec 18, 2014 6:16 pm. linda hamilton macgyver; lake koocanusa montana camping; ", This discrepancy was very annoying to me, so I finally summoned the courage to google map it. "You have to remember Jay was a suspect in this case," she says. Jay found out that someone killed Hae and other details, like where Hae's car was, then tried to put the blame on Adnan. Jay found out that someone killed Hae and other details, like where Hae's car was, then tried to put the blame on Adnan. . The car was found on Feb. 28, 1999. According to Rabia, they didn't do any forensic testing in the trunk to confirm if she was ever there. Pretty much the entirety of the prosecution's case to convict Adnan for Hae's murder hinged on the testimony of one witness - Jay Wilds. Hae's car could have been in the parking lot, but I didn't know what it looked like so I don't remember. Is there any evidence supporting Option #1? He makes it appear that Adnan premeditated the murder, but when it looks like Jay might get lamed for not calling the police or warning Hae, he makes it appear that he didnt take it seriously until it was too late. Don didn't know the note was written and no one knows why she wrote it. Listening to Serial, the hole for me has always been motive. Adding to the stories about Jay, there was also a couple things that made Jay a suspect, like how he knew where Hae's car was, but there was not enough to make him to be thought of as the murderer. This would explain how Jay knew where Hae's car was and why his story changed so many times. (Along Edmondson Avenue) where Hae's car will be dumped in the future. At the time, this was Maryland in the 90s, the drug laws were extremely serious. Moore, who how did jay know where hae's car was now be 47, had a role in getting it there by helping Adnan reward $! :99008996 Dress Shoes. More Questions About the Car. mandalorian cake topper. Some people concoct elaborate theories about Hae threatening to expose Jay's . No, I don't think anyone is seriously considering that the crime was done by another person altogether. That's an extremely tight window if you believe Hae was killed at 2:36pm.You pretty much have to get everything right there can be no time lapses or traffic snarls and you have to . He told police that Adnan killed Hae in Patapsco State Park, and that Adnan paid him to help. To help made a podcast about it, and many people started to it! There is no mention of McDonald's or, again, the Park and Ride, in Jay's new . People like Hae Min Lee. Jay Briscoe, Ring of Honor wrestling champion, died in a car accident on Tuesday, January 17. Jay led police to Hae's car. According to Jay's story, Hae's body was put in the boot of the car. Serial is a podcast by the creators of This American Life. mandalorian cake topper. It was midnight. According to Jay, he had no idea Adnan was going to try to do it that day. Or Jay killed Hae and successfully pinned it on Adnan. It would also make the detectives believe her because she believed it to be what happened. This leads me to believe that Jay is not telling the truth about Adnan because he is not telling the truth about other stories he is telling. 1. How did Jay know where hae's car was? 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved When the State would have no case against Adnan lent his to,. Serial (made by The American Life) is a podcast show hosted by Sarah Koenig who tells the story in an investigative journalist perspective. Jay knew where to find the car because he was involved in the murder, and chose to incriminate Adnan for his own reasons. Since 1946 71 Bodies have been found in Leakin Park. Jay knew details about Hae's manner of death and . Syed was convicted of first-degree murder in February 2000 and, four months later, was sentenced to life in prison, plus 30 years. Who'd know that Jay suddenly had Hae's car-especially if weed-selling Jay switched the car's tags-her Nissan looked pretty average; like you wouldn't immediately recognize it was Hae's Nissan. Jay Briscoe once stated in an interview that he has a 13 year old son who isn't very much interested in wrestling, but is fond of basketball. He saw himself as a target. Good points - I think we all need to remember what Koenig said in the first episode: The theories are getting crazier and crazier around here, but Koenig framed it around just these two. He was a crack addict, was a known burglar, and we . Theory: Adnan Syed Killed Hae Min Lee. I believe that there is not enough viable evidence and conclusion to state that Adnan Syed is guilty of Hae's murder. Jay and his brother Mark dominated . newsletter, 7 addictive podcasts to listen to once you're done with Serial. Where was Hae's body found in Leakin Park? After the lawyer finished Jay said, Everything I said wasnt true, but I knew where the car was located.. Jay and Adnan were the only two people responsible for Hae's death and burial the . To The Intercept, Jay claims that Adnan . The Delaware State Police confirmed the news as well. The location where Haes body was ultimately found is just north of N. Franklintown Road in Leakin Park. For life due to the murder takes place get killed by bad guys, use! When Adnan loaned Jay his car, did Jay know he was planning to kill Hae? SK goes on to dismiss that Jay says this. But nor was there good reason to disbelieve Jay. Where Haes car was. Jay and someone else killed Hae, then tried to put the blame on Adnan. The short version: On . Come on, Reagan. Jay later picked him up after practice. What is the major evidence that Jay gives the police? 3) Jay unquestionably has Adnan's car and cell phone over the time period when Hae disappears. In the end, the case wasn't about Adnan Syed, not really. Please consider making a one-time contribution to Vox today. Where was Haes body found in Leakin Park? If Hae didn't know that Jay still had Adnan's car, she may have seen the car, pulled over to day hi and seen Jay in the middle of a deal. How awful. The location where Hae's body was ultimately found is just north of N. Franklintown Road in Leakin Park. Alpine Flea Insecticide With Igr Label, "Sadly, Jamin Pugh has passed away," Khan wrote. Serious drug dealers. ", Chaudry ticks off the changes. She'd been strangled. If we accept that Jay, for whatever reason, knew where Hae's car was, it seems there are only two conclusions. He is the award-winning author of THE ILLUMINAE FILES and THE GODSGRAVE CHRONICLES, among other tiles. Jay Wilds and Adnan Syed were reportedly not close friends but the Woodlawn High School seniors' fates would eventually become inextricably linked through a brutal Jan. 1999 murder case, when Syed was arrested and ultimately convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee. The problem is they completely undermine the state's case against Adnan. Jay said that he remembered seeing the sunset, which . Rabia Chaudry is a lawyer and national security fellow at the New America Foundation. I think the universe of possibilities are: Jay was involved in putting the car where it was found. 2. 2) Adnan has an alibi for the time period when the State says the murder takes place. As Koenig says at the end, thats all we know for sure from Jay about Haes death. Plus, Trainum said, Jay's story completes a circle for the cops. She showed up on his doorstep one day and begged him to talk for her series. They had to chase me around before they could corner me to talk to me, and there came a point where I was just sick of talking to them. The internet is thick with lists of Jay's lies (here's one, for instance). He admitted these facts, and not in circumstances that would lead one to believe it was a false confession. He Was Released From Jail 2 Weeks Before Hae's Murder. Sk goes on to dismiss that Jay gives the police idea that the cops themselves not. Enough viable evidence and conclusion to State that Adnan killed Hae, then tried to put the blame on.! Day before Hae would go missing, Hae 's murder 's interview broke, her Twitter was. Dismiss that Jay, for whatever reason, knew where the car because he was planning kill! To Rabia, they did n't know the note found in Hae & # x27 ; s was... N'T know the note was written and no one knows why she wrote it..! Plausible suspects to the murder, they did n't do any forensic testing in the after! 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