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how to beat phaleg pso2
Every single attack in that fight can be dodged. The barrier's effect gradually wears off if fought on ground level. and our Play this AC Scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items! Twirls, then dashes quickly at the player. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Cookie Notice Valve Corporation. The throw cannot be cancelled with Just Reversal. Well, then. A cutscene will play where Phaleg leaps back and destroys the Esca Tower with an almighty kick. If the attack whiffs, Phaleg will leap into the air and stomp the ground. Twirls, then dashes quickly at the player. All other attacks hit for two to three times per attack. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. It is possible to recover and avoid the stomp if Air Reversal is used. so this is probobly common knowledge by now, but i just discovered it myself, As a hero whip out your Talis, make sure you have at least extra jump on your tree, When the fight starts hit yourself with a shifta, And as soon as you do jump in the air and do that move that automatically switches you to twin machine gun, But instead of holding it just tap it the animation will make you sidestep and make you invincible, The literal only way she can touch you is doing that Dash attack and you're too quick for it, When she goes for a stationary attack that's when you switch to normal attacks to get some PP back And then you repeat, Did the same thing for both phases didn't get touched once except for one account when I screwed up and kept jumping into the fire pits, Except for that though she can't touch you, Feel free to do a video on it as I lack the skills but I'm sure you'll get a ton of views Just label it demon phaleg easy mode or something like that, also bare in mind, altho i discovered this at lvl 60, im sure you could pull it off at lvl 36+ it may just involve a bit more effort depending on the lvl you choose, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The whole point is a challenge you can't just facetank. I knew you'd be the one. Along the way, they'll encounter a series of scaffolds requiring quick reflexes to cross the gaps at high speed. Phaleg is an Olympian spirit in the Grimoire Arbatel de magia veterum (Arbatel of Magick) that rules over Mars. Will produce an anti-air barrier if attacked from above for an extended period of time, greatly reducing damage taken from aerial attacks. Apparently the only way to counter this move is to abuse invincibility frames, which most players will not know how to do since I-frame abuse is essentially exploiting small frames in an animation to gain a significant advantage, and the frames each class has is EXTREMELY unclear and very specific. Between Resta, Automate, Megiverse, and Vampiric Strike if an enemy cannot kill you in two hits at most (or inflict a status on you that keeps you from healing long enough for it to get additional hits in) it cannot kill you if you have even a modicum of skill or half decent reflexes. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. You have 7 minutes to defeat Demon Phaleg, as indicated by the emergency code timer. and our It's not a hopeless fight. You have 7 minutes to defeat Demon Phaleg, as indicated by the emergency code timer. If the attack misses, Phaleg will leap into the air and stomp the ground. A cutscene will play where Phaleg leaps back and destroys the ESC-A Tower with an almighty kick. If you spend some time learning these audio cues, you can act accordingly and come out on top regardless of weapon. Failure to defeat her before the timer expires will initiate an otherwise unviewable cutscene, and will result in a defeat. While she has no particular loyalty to Mother, Phaleg joined Mother Corp to seek out worthy opponents before finally meeting her ultimate archrival in a warrior from another world, the Guardian. Phaleg Ives is Mother Corp's Disciple of Mars and a feared woman referred to as "the Demon". Phaleg (PSO2 TCG) | Phantasy Star Wiki | Fandom FANDOM Home Anime TV Wikis Start a Wiki Advertisement Phantasy Star Wiki 4,004 pages Explore Phantasy Star World Community in: Character cards in PSO2 TCG, Earthling cards in PSO2 TCG, White cards in PSO2 TCG, and 6 more Phaleg (PSO2 TCG) View source Gallery Categories Dashes three times. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Not even the hidden bosses in Dark Souls can compare to how BS fighting this feels almost every single time. Even after losing her spar to the Guardian at full strength, she was able to get up and brush herself off as if nothing happened even though the Guardian is clearly winded. Combo Rush: Phaleg wreathes her arms in fire and rushes her opponent to unleash a devastating combo attack. Has a high chance of piercing Guards and Automate effects. The moment the cutscene ends you have maybe half a second to dash away and rap off all your active skills as quickly as possible since she starts the fight with an AOE attack, fair enough once you get used to the timing. Comparable in power to the Guardian, who defeated the original form of Profound Darkness and in one timeline becomes the original Akashic Records that serves as the basis of past, present, and future), Speed: Massively FTL+ (Comparable in speed to the Guardian and superior to the Dark Falz, who can casually crash planets together and potentially proliferate across the entire universe. If Phaleg is forced into Phase 2 within the first 30 seconds, this attack is skipped. Phaleg has roughly 5,940,000 HP, split into two phases with approximately 2,970,000 HP each. Register a Friend Partner. Just one hit kills and shutting off healing (essentially), so it's just dodging and chipping away at a giant health bar Souls style. Friend Partner Details. (Is noted to have incredible stamina and easily faced armies of Phantasms as well as the Guardian and Huey at the same time with no signs of exhaustion. I. Failure to defeat her before the timer expires will initiate an otherwise unviewable cutscene, and will result in a defeat. If you want to learn the fight, then I suggest just use TMG for both parts, assuming you are not comfortable with rifle. If I'm not mistaken, she gains resistance to both an element and a weapon that can stack to 100%. Vulnerable afterwards. Battle The fight is split up into two phases. I've only tried fighting her 10 times and decided to stop since it's PSO2 day Should I continue trying with my half-assed equipment or just come back after I get my Lightweaver weapon and better armors and affixes? 5 times. The Auxiliary, known as a Support Partner (Japanese: ) in the Japanese version, behaves similarly to an NPC Partner but acts as a support companion to its master that grows as it gains experience. Typically followed up by another attack. Orb stun attack will now be performed twice. If used to follow the double dash, this attack executes faster. Typically followed up by another attack. The answer is that what NA got is the POST BUFFED VERSION of her. Phaleg: From the first time, I saw you. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Easily brushed off attacks from The Guardian and got back up after losing their spar while fighting at full power), Stamina: Immense. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Phaleg is a very flashy fight in my opinion but the question remains; How do I play the flashiest style possible while being effective to battle against the queen of flashy herself? She possesses a hate for Adam, and has fought him for as long as she could remember. PSO2 Tutorial: How to create Phaleg without Content Face Set - YouTube 0:00 / 3:03 PSO2 Tutorial: How to create Phaleg without Content Face Set 526 views Sep 24, 2020 14 Dislike Share. 1 yr. ago Ship 03 Yeah. This is from tonight's stream and shows just how many mistakes you can make and still come out with a win against Phaleg. You're highly exaggerating the difficulty because you lack experience with the fight. Phaleg is a woman who possess a slightly cocky and bloodlustful attitude. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Matched Adam, who absorbed the power of Mother, a copy of Xion with the abiltiy to manipulate time and space on a universal scale and was going to completely overwrite Earth and the entire universe with a new reality. Cookie Notice If Phaleg is forced into Phase 2 within the first 30 seconds, this attack is skipped. Vulnerable afterwards. Resumes normal attacking phase, with minor changes. When the fight starts hit yourself with a shifta And as soon as you do jump in the air and do that move that automatically switches you to twin machine gun But instead of holding it just tap it the animation will make you sidestep and make you invincible The literal only way she can touch you is doing that Dash attack and you're too quick for it Rarity Icon Image Name Gender Race Recolor Information Comments ; 5 Zodiac Paint Horse Any Any No Buy Premium Set To be fair she's basically the PSO2 superboss in all but name. Login Calls are the NATURAL ENEMY of all Luster Players :angery:--------------------Don't forget to join in my Discord server, come join our community and chill out together ~ you're interested to follow me through all the things I do: Behind the Scenes, Screenshots, Arts, Video-Making process, etcFollow me on my social medias, and check out my website at ! STAR ONLINE 2 To be fair in dark souls the entire point is to get good at abusing invincibility frames as well. tl;dr version: Never make the first move. Notice the three drop down menus, you can select from the list inside to set a specific character personality. Phaleg is a demon in the series. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Phaleg has roughly 5,940,000 HP. U dont rly need buffs u could even defeat her with counter only if u hit every countr wich isnt too hard with her attack pattern tbh, JUST LET ME USE NORMAL RESTA AND NOT THE I HEAL FOR ALMOST NOTHING RESTA. Yet.. On top of that you're given the crippling detriment of all healing effects being reduced by 80%, which makes builds based around techniques like Megiverse unusable. If used to follow the double dash, this attack executes faster. Kicks twice, firing a shockwave with each kick. sure she hits like a truck and she does have a bit of HP to go through, but not unfairly so. Typically followed up by another attack. I'm simply not consistent enough with dodging her to win without using what I'm best at (which happens to be TMG). No bs the enemies in this game can hit very hard sure, but they still have stupid AI which means they can;t adjust their movements, but you can. Gunners and Lusters are both stuck with one weapon type (TMG and Gunblade respectively). Phaleg: You know what that means, right? Frequency. Valve Corporation. Classification: Human, Mother Clusters Disciple of Mars, Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Fire Manipulation, Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Enhanced Senses, Resistance to Time Manipulation and Spatial Manipulation (Shattered Ophiel's spatial barriers with a touch, should be comparable to the Guardian, who can nullify Dark Falz Luther's own time stopping ability), Adaptation (Upon experiencing a weapon enough times, Phaleg can cut down its effectiveness by half), Attack Potency: Universe level+ (Powerful enough to stagger Shiva, who easily defeated the Guardians and all five Dark Falz, with her blows. If that's true, that means those who fought her before were doing 400% more damage than us right now and clearing 4X faster. The healing nerf is to prevent facetanking the battle. I think my tactic is not optimal enough, but I don't see how else I can improve it. Wait for Phaleg to spout off a line and act, and proceed to attack her afterwards. I would say learn what PA your chosen weapons, yes two different weapons PA's can give i-frames and start learning the fight from there. Just gotta ask a couple questions regarding her phase 2 defenses and how it affects certain classes. Typically followed up by another attack. During the remainder of the fight, Esca Tower fragments will fall onto the stage at random, marked by large glowing circles on the stage. Phaleg has roughly 5,940,000 HP, split into two phases with approximately 2,970,000 HP each. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Privacy Policy. If you just want to beat Phaleg for the sake of beating it, easiest way is to farm a Milli Dusk (the hardest part) and go x/Su and use melon to cheese her. All healing is cut to 20% of its original value. If the attack whiffs, Phaleg will leap into the air and stomp the ground. The throw cannot be cancelled with Perfect Recovery. Would you like to see what it's capable of? The person who possesses his character is raised by him to great honor in military affairs. There are people who defeated her in NA, aka already gud. The problem is that 99% of the game is incredibly easy so the sudden diffculty spike tends to catch players off guard. Usage of Half Dolls and Scape Dolls are prohibited. But she likes nothing more than to unleash her full power and will go for the kill from the start in a duel agreed upon by both combatants, We have moved to a new external forum hosted at It's fully sealed off. All other attacks hit for two to three times per attack. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), At the end awaits the Train Ghidoran, defeat it to . For more information, please see our Comparable to the Guardian, who she considers her greatest archrival, and walks away from their duel none the worse for wear despite both of them fighting at full power. During Phase 1, will use the following attacks: Dashes twice. Typically followed up by another attack. Orb stun attack will now be performed twice. 8 level 2 All healing is cut to 20% of its original value. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! It is possible to recover and avoid the stomp if Air Reversal is used. Counter Attack: Phaleg punches the air, releasing a shockwave that stuns anyone struck and opens them for a long combo attack. Spawns two blades from her hands, then dashes at the player. For more information, please see our Failure to defeat her before the timer expires will initiate an otherwise unviewable cutscene, and will result in a defeat. If she makes contact, she attacks with a kick that launches upwards, then stomps the ground. Attack hits in a straight line and almost always connects unless dodged. and our Vulnerable afterwards. Battle The fight is split up into two phases. Quest Class: Solo Quests . She has high hopes for humanity, and wants them to better themselves by their own means, especially for opponents, and not by force. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. She possesses a strong sense of justice and compassion for others around her, and unforgiving towards those who dared to harm one of her own. Her experience allows her to accurately gauge anyone's strength from a glance alone as well as determine any weaknesses in her opponent, physically or mentally, within moments of clashing with them. ), Range: Standard melee range, Several dozen meters with fire attacks. Is fully confident in her ability to defeat and kill Deus ESCA, a being that was going to completely overwrite Earth with a reality of its own design. Flame waves are added to normal attacking phase, but occur rarely. Usage of Half Dolls and Scape Dolls are prohibited. every one of her attacks has a noticeable tell so as long as you pay attention it's perfectly doable. How To Beat Phaleg .But Not Really - The Duel - EN Global Servers - HU/FI 2,672 views Sep 3, 2020 This is from tonight's stream and shows just how many mistakes you can make and still come. Phaleg: This place is a specially prepared area for us to fight in. Phaleg: Worst Boss in an MMO I've Ever Seen. It's supposed to be a challenge, not a "Pop Megiverse and laugh her off because she'll never kill you" fight. I-Frames are not an exploit in this game. Both the throw and the stomp will inflict heavy damage. Vulnerable afterwards. Vulnerable afterwards. Poison weapon can work too but requires some extreme luck. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Utilizing the dash panels, they must rush to the end avoiding the constant deluge of missile strikes. PSO2: how to defeat demon phaleg by using hero class - YouTube 0:00 / 3:55 PSO2: how to defeat demon phaleg by using hero class 1,160 views Aug 14, 2017 7 Dislike Share Save duster4441001. Would it be optimal to simply have two weapons of different elements to deal with her in the case of those two classes? Our newest Time Attack Quest has players running through the streets of Tokyo. Previous quest: The Manifestation of Dues Esca Next quest: Duel An Invitation from Phaleg is a Story Quest in Phantasy Star Online 2.It's a substory of Episode 4, Chapter 8: Avatar of Annihilation. If she makes contact, she attacks with a kick that launches upwards, then stomps the ground. Phaleg is a very flashy fight in my opinion but the question remains; How do I play the flashiest style possible while being effective to battle against the . Dress Up Like Phaleg in PSO2?s September 21st Update A list of characters appearing in Phantasy Star Online 2. Megami Ibunroku Persona: Judgement Arcana Persona 2: Innocent Sin: Judgement Arcana Persona 2: Eternal Punishment: Judgement Arcana Phaleg is the second . So if you just started pso2 and never looked at a guide this explains why she is soo powerful. If Phaleg is not forced into Phase 2 within the first 30 seconds of the fight, Phase 2 opens with Phaleg firing three flaming shockwaves interspersed with teleports. The answer is I found is Luster: Zandi-Purge Style.Yes it's not optimal, yes 50 something seconds is not the best time, yes I haven't used Luster Time or did a lot of things, but the point here is, is it fun and can I outflashy Phaleg? Speak volumes about people who keep whining about difficulties i never touched JP and i'm doing alright. Infamous for her ungodly strength and fierce passion for battle, she does not rely on aether or photons for her abilities, instead attributing her prowess to years of dedicated training. The answer is that what NA got is the POST BUFFED VERSION of her. This includes changes already like the Braver and Techer having simplified skill trees and also things like the Bouncer and Gunner being given more mobility in their normal attacks so that their playing is more fluid like the Successor classes after them. This body is the end result of continuous refinement since the dawn of time. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. However, the moment that intro move ends she'll immediately wail on you with multi-hit attacks that have an insanely wide radius and a telegraphed shot that cannot be dodged, which leaves you down 1/3 of your HP and afflicts stun. You thinking otherwise simply shows your inexperience. During Phase 1, will use the following attacks: Dashes twice. Search for: All I really noticed was that Phaleg (Ives) and Ardem are both centuries old. Holds a red orb in front of her, then explodes it, inflicting minor damage and Stun. If you have trouble with hearing the audio cues, turn off the music but leave the sound effects on. If Phaleg is not forced into Phase 2 within the first 30 seconds of the fight, Phase 2 opens with Phaleg firing three flaming shockwaves interspersed with teleports. Phaleg can reuse this attack at random at any point during Phase 2. Because the devs got a wild hair up their ass and decided to make a concept boss fight so players could pretend they did something hardcore. Standard Tactics: Phaleg will usually gauge her opponent with a single attack, usually by attempting to Speed Blitz them, before getting serious. If the attack whiffs, Phaleg will leap into the air and stomp the ground. The one who could stand up to this power of mine. Techer is the best choice for this. You can luck your way out of the Phaleg fight by landing poison on her, it ticks for 999K damage. I can't even survive 10 seconds against her. Attack hits in a straight line and almost always connects unless dodged. I've heard someone saying clearing it by abusing deadly circle 0, but wasn't able to do so myself. You have 7 minutes to defeat Fiend Phaleg, as indicated by the emergency code timer. Quest Type: Event Quest . So, any tips how to beat her using Fi's weapons? Quest Name: An Invitation from Phaleg . This fight may only be attempted on Normal difficulty. Off the music but leave the sound effects on with the fight is split up into two phases by. Magick ) that rules over Mars i never touched JP and i 'm mistaken! She could remember Latinoamrica ( Spanish - Latin America ), https: // id=1243956662 initiate... 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