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identify four sources of conflict in ghana
These are the 1969, 1979 and 1992 Constitutions. [10] BoG 2015. Land has remained a thorny social, economic and political issue which has generated a lot of ethnic conflicts between Konkombas and Bimobas, Konkombas and Dagombas, Konkombas and Nanumbas, Konkombas and Gonjas, Gonjas and Nawuris and recently Konkombas and Nawuris. The belief that one must not whistle while taking a bath A good project manager avoids these types of conflicts by managing their team with clear . If those details are not provided, the communication department cannot reach their goal of getting these speaking points out on time for their front-line staff to deal with questions. Similarly, the government has also reformed its fiscal policy. Conflicts happen when employees have to compete for managerial support, tools and equipment, or finances. endstream endobj 3501 0 obj<>/W[1 1 1]/Type/XRef/Index[202 3273]>>stream This lesson reviews the major types and sources of conflict and offers examples of each. Conflicts cause a general decline in the economy. Uncertainty makes it difficult for managers to set clear directions, and lack of clear direction leads to conflict. A strong correlation between economic performance and conflict has been a feature throughout Ghana's history. Conflict occurs when different ideas or actions cause disagreement or lead to unrest. 1. Ghanas Development Finance Institutions: Review of Current Status and Principles for Reform, World Bank: Washington, D. C. Available At: [Last Accessed: 30 January 2019]. CC licensed content, Specific attribution, Organizational Behavior and Human Relations,,, Identify organizational sources of conflict. (a) Sources of conflicts in Ghana Answer three questions only, choosing one question from each section. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Of all the ethnic groups, the Ashanti were known for the numerous wars they fought when Ghana was called the Gold Coast (British Colony). They conquered many lands because they possessed more power than other ethnic groups mainly because of their number and the vastness of their empire. In addition, Ghana is the first African country to achieve Millennium Development Goal 1, which is pursuant of the objective of a state reducing by half the abject poverty of its citizens[9]. A belief system based on perceptions of the supernatural or the spiritual realm rather than on factual reasoning, (ii) Examples of superstitious beliefs Politics is the hashing out of the . To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Strikes are a temporary cessation of work by a group of employees in order to express grievances or to enforce a demand concerning changes in work conditions. This type of conflict happens constantly during any heated political campaign. [any four], 4. The team needs to acknowledge the source of conflict and work on . [12] GoG 1992. [any four]. Wars between states became less frequent, while the number of conflicts within states increased considerably. Conflict that exists between two people is called interpersonal conflict. 3, pp. Intergroup power struggles are the key to many wars in the world. Copyright 2017 Give four reasons for the establishment of state owned enterprises in Ghana, Highlight four problems facing state owned enterprises in Ghana When youre not in the office, you get to choose who you hang out with, but during the work day, the cast of characters is chosen for you. There have been conflicts such as the Konkomba-Nanumba conflict,[when?] In our new study, we used two protracted chieftaincy conflicts in northern Ghana ( Bawku and Bimbilla) to. They also fought with the British many times, but the most notable war being the Yaa Asantewaa war in which she led the Ashantis. 4-14. Discover sources of the four main types of conflict: interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup, and intragroup. The last approach is to avoid the conflict entirely. If people all had independent goals that didnt affect one another, everything would be fine. This should serve as motivation for rural dwellers to stay and work there. (v) The introduction of Conditional Sales (forced buying of unneeded items, before buying what was actually needed) Parallel conflicts are increasing within the current political climate. Wouldn't the world be a better place if all the conflict was gone? Land Ownership and control of land are another major source of ethnic conflicts in the Northern Region. Differences in interest from the point of view of the stakeholders can be a significant cause of conflicts during a project. (v) Rapid development of the economy Abstract: Ethnic conflicts have become a phenomenal event in the Northern Region of Ghana leading to underdevelopment.These conflicts are attributed to the lingering legacies of colonialism, but for many, especially in the Western popular and academic media, singular historical and internal explanations tend to be offered, assigning the conflicts to either Africa's primordial afflictions of . It is a natural part of life that can have positive outcomes or incredibly destructive outcomes depending on how it is resolved. Other forms of rewards that might incite conflict include employee of the month or other major awards that are given on a competitive basis. (vi) The widely held belief that the white man was superior to the black man was shattered during the world war as Ghanaian soldier fought alongside British soldier. Discover sources of the four main types of conflict: interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup, and. Unfortunately, there are many types of conflict in the workplace, and it would be wise to be aware of most of them. source of worry. (xi) Socialization (personal standards of social ethics) (xii) acculturation As resources dwindle and an organization has to make do with less, departments will compete to get those resources. Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, What is Motivation? Conflict is inevitable when you are leading a team through change, transitioning from peer to supervisor or trying to step up performance on a project with high visibility. Introduction. Compared with its neighbours, Ghana seems to be going through a period of relative stability. Identify a recurring conflict between key members of your team. This standard, not an uncommon practice, creates heavy competition within its employee ranks. Another might not know exactly how to express himself and ends up using words that they don't really mean. 91 lessons (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This div height required for enabling the sticky sidebar. The empire became known in Europe and Arabia as the Ghana Empire after the title of its Emperor, the Ghana. This plot progression is true of shows aimed at the youngest of audiences (for example, the bear wants honey out of the tree but has to trick the bees in order to get it). Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Global Academic Society Journal: Social Science Insight, Vol. 0000002710 00000 n Well send you a link to a feedback form. There are hundreds of reasons for conflicts in project management. [any four] (b) Problems facing State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Ghana [13] RW 2000. (i) The shooting and killing of 3 ex-servicemen on 28th February 1948 at the Christianborg crossroad while on a march to the Osu Castle to present a petition to the Governor If there arent enough material and supplies for every worker, then those who do get resources and those who dont are likely to experience conflict. Help identify sources of conflicts - Media urged 24.10.2008 LISTEN By gna Chief Superintendent Fred Asare, Goaso Divisional Police Commander, has appealed to media practitioners to help to identify sources of conflicts and offer suggestions for their prevention and solution. conferred by this Constitution [or subsidiary or subordinate legislation]; The existing law or the written and unwritten laws of Ghana that existed immediately, before the coming into force of the 1992 Constitution; and, The common law [or the English common law, English doctrines of equity, and the rules, The constitution of Ghana is the highest or supreme law of the Republic Of Ghana. Melak D., Gela A. All the different types of . (I) Individual Level Conflict: Management should keep in mind that all individuals have conflict within themselves. Change. The conflict is external to each person (hence the 'inter-' prefix) and exists only between the two people. Recognising the fact that around half of all states that emerged from civil war in the new international setting were likely to fall back into conflict within five years, the international community approved the establishment of the PBC. Rural dwellers would therefore be enticed to stay. 6. What is needed in these modern times is the introduction of current state-of- the-art technology and implements in the agricultural sector in the rural areas. (vi) Creates conditions for human rights abuses In facilitative mediation or traditional mediation, a professional mediator attempts to facilitate negotiation between the parties in conflict. Main social problems in Ghana in 2022. Ghana has since overcome political, economic and social deficits associated with coups to emerge as a significant player and trading partner in Africa. The country and four . ANOVERVIEWOFTHELEGALSYSTEMINUGANDAChina-UgandaConferenceNov202015.pdf, GLS-38258161 - Sources of law in Ghana.docx, When r d what is the electric field strength at point A a 4 0 2 b 2 4 0 2 c 4 4, That this is happening forty years after Assatas original arrest should give us, c Find an equation for the system function H 3 z of the third LTI system d Find, 4 A court that or person who exercises any power conferred by or under this Act, W03 - Preparation Quiz_ Web Fundamentals.pdf, 42 This holding constituted a clear rebuke of the Corps interpretation of waters, 1557697735147_DYNCORP INTERNATIONAL RECOMMNDATION LETTER-PATRICIA001.pdf, 850790 A change to subheading 850790 from any other heading except from tariff, C I NDIVIDUALS Upon an application submitted under subparagraph A the Secretary, Besides that while dealing with data we should also seek to include the, Increased risk for stroke What do the sickle cells adhere to What happens to the, Rayo.LanahMay.InventoryManagement.BSHM3A.docx, Jada Campbell - Properties of Compounds Lab-Data Table.pdf. The Commission was set to Conflicts driven by this factor are demonstrated in serious conflicts wherein separate parties have sets of beliefs that they assert in an aggressive manner. (xi) Attractive government incentives for corporate bodies and firms Displacements of persons occur when people move out of their usual places of abode/ work, due to conflict, to reside in other areas they consider safer or more peaceful. The four-day . Let's look at some instances of this dispute: 1) One friend wants to open a cafe, while the other wants . Organizational sources of conflict are those events or factors that cause goals to differ. Further, it asserts the president as the commander in chief of the armed forces. However, military intervention tended to aggravate rather than improve the status quo. Formerly: the Gold Coast, a British colony. One shift picks up where another leaves off. These two problems have been identified as the most significant impediments to the success of previous international peacebuilding operations. These styles can be a major source of many conflicts, irritating as may! The paper analysed the different elements of the. Depending on the type of conflict, you can choose a different course of action. %%EOF Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme. Of all the ethnic groups, the Ashanti were known for the numerous wars they fought when Ghana was called the Gold Coast (British Colony). trailer Avoiding Conflicts. 0000006706 00000 n 4.3 Information Misunderstood. In other cases, such as in written communication, the full message isn't understood due to the lack of non-verbal cues like body language and inflection. There is enough evidence to suggest that all ethnic groups that were involved in the major conflict in 1994 are stock piling arms to be used in the event of another ethnic war. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood in many rural communities. Introduction. (ii) They help to inculcate acceptable social habits in the society Was there conflict in it? Copyright 2023 Leadership Studies, Inc., all rights reserved. (v) Displacements of persons Hn@s lfB* 0000018306 00000 n Read also. Resources 2. These measures would encourage those who move from the rural to the urban areas in search of jobs to stay and work in the rural areas and still earn sufficient income to cater for themselves and their families. Ghanas efforts to address its early post-independence challenges have not been in vain. (iii) Economic downturn Ghana: Ex Post Assessment of Longer-Term Program Engagement, International Monetary Fund: Washington, D. C. Available At: [Last Accessed: 30 January 2019]. They also learned that the language of leadership is dependent upon the thoughtful consideration of the leader. Conflict can occur if the first team member is delayed in completing their tasks. The country is rich with mineral Lesotho's exports have grown consistently during the period from 2015 to 2018 even though the merchandise trade balance has not improve significantly. Differing attributions of causation 5. For instance, if budgets are slim, the marketing department may feel like they can make the most of those dollars by earning new customers. Please complete the General Enquiry form and submit it to us for a response. (a) (b) Give four reasons for saving Outline four avenues for saving 6. (PDF) Effects of conflicts on local development in Ghana Effects of conflicts on local development in Ghana Authors: Desmond Gagakuma Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology. Group Members: Soumil Ghotane 60 Akshay Kalambe 62 Jyoti Kandalgaonkar 63 Sanket Thorat 78 Sameer Dhurat 83 Anand Kalambe 84 Sanket Panchamia 86 Tejas Shelar 99. (iii) They help to uphold law and order We have varied personalities which usually results to incompatible choices and opinions. from different sources: illegal land transfer, institutions and individual vested interest on land, squatting on communal lands, inheritance procedure awareness, and . The manufacturing team disagrees with research and development. One of the main causes of conflict between Konkomba and other ethnic groups such as the Dagomba, Nanumba and Gonja is the struggle for paramountcy and autonomy. Conflict is a Process: Conflict occurs in 'layers'. Good, clear communication is certainly one strong key to reduced conflict. As described in the lesson, this is most often over relationships, power, communication, or change. [7] WB 2016. The sales department feels like the legal department is there to keep them from getting deals signed. (ii) Creation of slums [3] Jenkins, J.C. and Kposowa, A.J. (xii) They discourage creativity concerning innovative solutions to societal problems And leaders learn very early on that not all tasks are created equal! If this is done it would take away the fear that makes some people escape and hence encourage them to stay in the rural areas. Over the past two decades, there have been numerous studies , , undertaken that aim to identify the drivers of conflicts in natural resource-rich developing countries across the world. 0000018382 00000 n The history of conflict and political instability in Ghana reveals that for a time political turmoil was the order of the day. _hjFirstSeen: flashcard sets. 3475 0 obj<> endobj them there. The prefix inter- relates to external origination. In this paper the causes and impacts of conflicts in Northern Region are examined, with particular reference to the Konkomba inter-ethnic conflicts. The belief that one must not go fishing on specific days 0000006270 00000 n Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Report: Ghana ranked as one of the most peaceful countries in West Africa, World and has details", "Refworld | Ghana: Conflict between the Konkomba and Nanumba tribes and the government response to the conflict (1994-September 2000)",, Articles needing additional references from April 2018, All articles needing additional references, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 14 April 2022, at 23:01. For this activity students will be reviewing current events to identify the type and source of the conflict. This war is widely known in Ghana and even other African countries. Y' ]bf!S4)J# I{. ){to\8a|hEu\.bVYN8=XnQ`;X80K!V. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Article 11 of the 1992 Ghana Constitution states that the laws of Ghana shall comprise: Enactments made by or under the authority of the Parliament established by the, Any Orders, Rules, and Regulations made by any person or authority under a power. (i) Chieftaincy disputes The 1994 fight between the Konkomba and Nanumba tribes which resulted in over 1,000 deaths and the displacement of 150,000 people should serve as a warning[13]. (iv) Increased cost of living If the conflict is about legitimate differences of opinion about the team's task, then it is a healthy conflict. (2012). Understanding the emergence and dynamics of certain identities in any place is complicated by a number of factors. participants, the process of identifying the sources of conflict illuminates the features of the relationship among conflict participants that foster conflict. Describe four measures that can be adopted to reduce rural-urban migration, 2. Maria has taught University level psychology and mathematics courses for over 20 years. Interdependence describes the extent to which employees rely on other employees to get their work done. They therefore use various kinds of weapons which kill people, cause serious injuries or destroy property. Since independence from France in 1960, Madagascars economy and development challenges have been compounded by periodic political unrests that have hampered economic growth and limited public investment. Eg, if there is conflict between mother and father at home, the children may become scared and tensed, and therefore cannot go about their duties or socialize in the normal way. 1. Theyve been told that management likes it, and that they need to build it by the most economical means possible. [5] WB 2019. If there aren't enough material and supplies for every worker, then those who do get resources and those who don't are likely to experience conflict. Facilitative Mediation . 0000004800 00000 n For instance, a communication department is charged with putting together speaking points that help their front-line employees deal with customer questions. For instance, an organization might set a standard where only a certain percent of the employees can achieve the top ranking for raises and bonuses. (x) Tribal /ethnic / racial / cultural differences The study relies on a survey of 600 people in different parts of the Northern Region to ascertain the perceptions of people about conflicts in the region. This style is appropriate when: Ghana ranks 43rd in the World Peace Index. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. They include the Dagbon, Bawku, Bimbilla, Bolga and Bole chieftaincy conflicts. Political Conflict Theory: The conflict within us, that of our tastes and passions and opinions, arises as politics (be it local, state, national, or international). 15, pp. Lock-outs. H( YT30)B uf0t-M4L@jiq V[@DAq9 ^`zpYf3"43_P:0m^033f s; [bU@ Yw Intragroup power struggles occur when one person attempts to seize control from another person (like when a CEO is replaced by the board of directors). Subscribe to get notifications for all updates. (vi) They discourage scientific advancement and technology (vii) They generate conflicts among members of the community (viii) They create intense and unreasonable fear in the community (ix) They slow down development / progress in the community (x) They sometimes permit abuse of ones human rights some SOEs products and services due to the affordable rates and the monopoly (one man show) that some of them have. 4 Specific Causes of Conflicts. Some examples: Many conflicts stem from a power struggle. (iii) Suspicion and intolerance among individuals and groups Hence, there is no political consistency. 4.1 Communication Breakdown. The Five Main Causes of Conflict and How Mediation Can Resolve Them There are five main causes of conflict: information conflicts, values conflicts, interest conflicts, relationship conflicts, and structural conflicts. (vi) Religious beliefs Official Language: English. For the military, poor economic performance was a clear indicator of mismanagement and ineffective governance[4]. However, the military coups have had the unintended outcome of contributing to the political and economic maturity of the state. 1. First layer is always misunderstanding. Conflict results over resource scarcity. As resources dwindle and an organization has to make do with less, departments will compete to get those resources. Its chief responsibility was to organise the multitude of international actors who inevitably become involved in peacebuilding operations, and in doing so, improve levels of coherence and coordination. THE ENVIRONMENT (iii) The Alan Burns Constitution was not favourable, because it did not offer enough opportunity (seats) for local (Ghanaian) participation in the legislative and executive councils. %PDF-1.4 % SECTION III. The paper is an account of the emergence of particular identities and inequalities and their role in promoting instability, conflict and violence. [any five], 3. Available At: [Last Accessed: 30 January 2019]. (iii) Social security schemes Interpersonal conflict can be seen any time two people disagree on a topic. Identify four sources of conflicts in Ghana, (b) Explain four effects of conflicts in Ghana, (b) Sources and causes of conflict in the society Conflict refers to the incompatibility of goals, values and interests over scarce resources like power, economics and natural resources among others. The belief that one must not sweep at night As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 The belief that certain animals must not be killed xref Wed love your input. Hi Yvette-thanks for your comment (and reblog!) Even in relationships between people whose personalities complement each other perfectly, you still find occasional disagreements that lead to conflict. In the world of project management, project costs and budgets are the backbone of any project. 1. [8] ARII 2019. More and more specialists believe that conflict management is as important as the other management functions. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. An analysis of inter-ethnic conflicts in Northern Region reveals a pattern of struggle for paramountcy and autonomy., Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA Ghana), View highlights from our past newsletters. What Is Better: Fostering an Educational Application or Purchasing an Instant One? , Vol Northern Ghana ( Bawku and Bimbilla ) to mismanagement and governance. The first team Member is delayed in completing their tasks four reasons for conflicts Northern... Exactly how to express himself and ends up using words that they need to build it by the most means. Conflict include employee of the emergence of particular identities and inequalities and their role in instability. During a project when different ideas or actions cause disagreement or lead unrest! Deficits associated with coups to emerge as a significant cause of conflicts during project! * 0000018306 00000 n Well send you a link to a feedback.! 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David Frankens Blue Hole,
Bonneville Primary School,
Articles I