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if an atom were the size of a baseball
Which of the following statements is false? A) It has a positive charge equivalent but opposite of an electron's. Converting both units to meters and using scientific notation, express the measurements as 10-10 m and 10-1 m, respectively. 77) Which of the following statements describes an isotope? In the nucleus of the atom, along with neutrons. 3 How does the size of the nucleus compared to the size of the atom? Which contributes more to an atom's size? 120) What do the components of a conceptual model have in common? From this we can state that the Atom is 99.9999 % empty space. 7) If all the molecules of a body remained part of that body, would the body have any odor? The ratio between volume of nucleus and the volume on bottom. A) The greater the frequency of a photon of light, the greater the energy packed into that. One meter contains 1,000,000,000 nanometers. If the atom was the size of a Baseball stadium, the nucleus would be the size of a baseball! 34) Which contributes more to an atom's mass: electrons or protons? Electrons are located outside of the nucleus of an atom in the electron cloud. They are smaller and have less mass than protons and neutrons. nucleus. If a proton were added to each germanium nucleus, however, you would not want to swallow the capsule because the germanium would, 30) What does the following element description actually mean?18, C) an oxygen atom with 6 protons and 12 neutrons, E) Only two of the above. Choose the most likely set of mass numbers . Which of the following best describes a conceptual model of an atom? Which color of light comes from the higher energy transition, red or blue? Which of the following is not a nonmetal? You could swallow a capsule of germanium, Ge (atomic number 32), without significant ill effects. The electrons 1 Is the nucleus of an atom the size of a baseball? The isotope lithium-7 has a mass of 7.0160 atomic mass units, and the isotope lithium-6 has a mass of 6.0151 atomic mass units. D. One electron can be boosted to many different energy levels. If you remove two protons and two neutrons from a gold atom (Au), what new element is formed (if any)? 10) Which of the following best explains what is happening when an atom emits light? why I told you to consider the cell as a cube, it makes the math easier). D. An atom emits electromagnetic radiation when an electron moves from a lower energy level to a higher energy level. Note: for the size of, an atom you should use the size we said in lecture was good enough for this course, for the size of a, baseball use 0.1 m, and for the size of a nucleus use 10, When two atoms are not covalently, ionically, or H-bonded to each other, they usually stay. 95) Which of the following diagrams best represents the size of the atomic nucleus relative to the size of the atom? 20) Which of the following could not be represented by a conceptual model? No, we wanted it again. C) It is the outermost shell of electrons in an atom. Converting both units to meters and using scientific notation, express the measurements as 10-10 m and 10-1 m, respectively. D) A physical model represents shape and form while a conceptual model describes behavior. How many electrons does this iron atom have? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. tion. Some of the more common units for measuring length or distance include: Express powers of 10 using scientific notation, where a number, such as a, is multiplied by 10 raised by an exponent, n. Scientific notation uses the exponential powers of 10, where the exponent is an integer that represents the number of zeros or decimal places in a value, such as: a x 10n. 61) When a rainbow of colors of light are combined into a single ray it forms, 62) If an atom were the size of a baseball, its nucleus would be about the size of a(n). 4 How big would the nucleus be of the atom was the size of an Olympic swimming pool? 17) Helium(He) is a nonmetallic gas and the second element in the periodic table. A. element with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. 66) Which of the following is a metalloid? The air we exhale has more mass; Breathing causes you to lose weight. 119) What is the main difference between a conceptual model and a physical model? The nucleus of an electrically neutral iron atom contains 26 protons. one way to solve : size of atom = size of baseball size of atom for the course is 1a = 10 - 10 m size of nucleus x 10 - 10 m = 10 - 1 m ; then x = 10 - 6 m ( = 1 um or 1 micron ) , about the size of a bacterial cell ! C) The periodic table lists only elements made of one kind of material. For example, at 65 mph the car may be most quiet, but at 60 mph the car rattles uncomfortably. a ping-pong ball. A grain of sand 14) What is the approximate mass of a carbon atom in atomic mass units (amu)? But, he says, it turns out to be completely wrong. Electrons are defined not by their orbit, but by their wave patterns. D) There are many possible combinations of atoms. D. If the atom is electrically neutral, the number of electrons corresponds to the atom's atomic number. The grain of salt is two orders of magnitude smaller than the baseball. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. 106) How might you distinguish a sodium-vapor street lamp from a mercury-vapor street lamp? Whether you need help solving quadratic equations, inspiration for the upcoming science fair or the latest update on a major storm, Sciencing is here to help. Do young Adam, after your son Nicholas is in last two the size off baseball? Report the answers in the correct units. Does it make sense to say that a textbook is about 99.9 percent empty space? If the abundance of the boron atom with a mass of 11 amu is 18.9 percent and the abundance of the other isotope is 81.1 percent, what would be the average mass of the boron atom? 97) An atom absorbs or emits only particular frequencies of light. Unendingly hell Neuter this off, Adam. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. 24) What was Niels Bohr's explanation for the observation of atomic spectra? How is this analogous to the quantized energy levels of an electron in an atom? 5) Which are older, the atoms in the body of an elderly person or those in the body of a baby? The size range of atoms is 1 to 5 angstroms. D. They have shorter wavelengths than visible light. 98) If an element has 15 protons and 16 neutrons and 15 electrons, what is the mass number of the element? 104) What happens to the properties of elements across any period of the periodic table? Comparing the size of an atom to objects large enough to see without a microscope requires much greater orders of magnitude. 134) Light is emitted as an electron transitions from a higher energy state to a lower energy state. Explain what is going on from a molecular point of view. raisin. The nucleus is the atoms central core and contains more than 99.9 percent of its mass. The lit lit are and our this is New Radius is the new Really? D) Two of the above are reasonable answers. Expert Answer 100% (17 ratings) Transcribed image text: The electron in a hydrogen atom is typically found at a distance of about 5.3 times 10^-11 m from the nucleus, which has a diameter of about 1.0 times 10^-15 m. Suppose the nucleus of the hydrogen atom were enlarged to the size of a baseball (diameter = 7.3 cm). Subscribe to Heres the Deal, our politics newsletter for analysis you wont find anywhereelse. Which of the following elements are in the same period as magnesium (Mg)? nucleus. To find the difference in the orders of magnitude, subtract the exponent -10 from the exponent -1. You didn't specify which atom since there are many sizes of atoms, so I am going to take carbon atoms as default. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Smaller units, such as centimeters and millimeters, typically used to measure small objects that can fit within your hand, are still much larger than a nanometer. Most of the space in an atom is B) The atomic masses are average atomic masses. 25) Should the periodic table be memorized? the average atom is 10,000 times larger in diameter than the 79) If a neutral element has the following chemical notation, how many electrons does it have? Jenny Marder is a senior science writer for NASA and a freelance journalist. In what sense can you truthfully say that you are a part of every person around you? 41) What does the following element description actually mean? This is she find 65 times 10 to the power minus two meter. A) Their outermost occupied shells are filled to capacity, 29) You could swallow a capsule of germanium, Ge (atomic number 32), without significant ill effects. 1996 - 2023 NewsHour Productions LLC. 93) What is the relationship between the light emitted by an atom and the energies of the electrons in the atom? Why isn't dirt listed in the periodic table? Metro baseball is equal to 7.3 centimeter. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Protons and neutrons are located in an atom's nucleus and electrons are outside of the electron cloud. In other instances electromagnetic radiation behaves more like a particle. Which contributes more to an atom s size? 71) If a neutral element has the following chemical symbol, how many electrons does it have?235, 72) Oxygen, O, (number 8), sulfur, S, (number 16), and selenium, Se, (number 34) have such similar chemical properties because. (a) Consider the horizontal acceleration of a mass of liquid in For example, the diameter of a grain of salt measures 1 mm and a baseball measures 10 cm. The Rutherford-Bohr model is a planetary model in which the electron is assumed to revolve around the nucleus in circular orbits. 38) Which of the following is most easily understood to be quantized? The E) none of the above(no to The electrons smoothly move from one orbit to the next,It is a physical mode,The energy difference between the orbits is continuous,The electrons actually orbit around the nucleus.). atomic radius of an Iron atom is about 30,000 times the size of the around 1.2 miles away. 11) An element found in another galaxy exists as two isotopes. If the energy spacing between the levels were equal, would this affect the number of spectral lines? Volume off nucleus on DDE volume our datum, as we hear consider nucleus and Adam is so fears. nucleus would be the size of a marble and nucleus is always 10 - 15 m x big picture ( students do n't have to state ) : nuclei are very small , very much smaller than the total size of the Ah, baseball. why atoms are actually mostly empty space. Why? 114) The repeating trends that take place when examining the elements are called. If a proton were added to each germanium nucleus, however, you would not want to swallow the capsule because the germanium would. If the nucleus of an atom was the size of a tennis ball, an electrons distance would depend on the identity of the atom. One angstrom equals 1/10,000,000 or 0.0000000001 m. The metric system makes it easy to convert between units because it is based on powers of 10. Get 24/7 study help with the Numerade app for iOS and Android! Show that the liquid surface slopes at an angle $\theta$ with the hor- Assuming that all transitions between levels are possible, how many spectral lines will this atom exhibit? If the average atomic mass of all the isotopes is 66.5 amu, what can be said about the relative abundance of the isotopes? Five times 10 to the power minus 15. Assuming that all transitions between levels are possible, how many spectral lines will this atom exhibit? Do the other three. 69) Consider the various frequencies of the three photons emitted from the following three individual electron transitions in the figure below: n=3 to n=2; n=2 to n=1; n=3 to n=1. The nucleus is 5 orders of magnitude smaller then the atom. 59) What property of an electron makes it possible to use electron microscopes? What is the best estimate of the capacity of a juice box? The first treats each of the C atoms as a little cube that fits inside the bigger cube of the cell (thats. So how might a gallium, Ga (number 31), chip compare with a germanium chip? D) A carbon atom has a mass of about 12 amu. What would an atom look like if it was a marble? 113) Does it make sense to say that a textbook is about 99.9 percent empty space? How do we account for the great variety of substances in the world? For the hydrogen atom, if the nucleus were the size of the sun, the actual atom size (Bohr Radius) would extend about 6 times farther than the distance to Pluto. 101) The ________ represents the complete range of frequencies of light energy from radio waves to cosmic rays. E. They behave like restricted waves and are self-reinforcing. Boron has primarily two isotopes, one with an atomic mass of 11 amu and another with an atomic mass of 10 amu. If a neutral element has 8 neutrons and 7 electrons, which expression correctly identifies the element? For perspective, compare the masses of two objects that can be observed without a microscope and are also separated by several orders of magnitude, such as the mass of a blue whale and a honeybee. It does not store any personal data. If a baseball were scaled up to the size of planet Earth, each of its atoms would be about the size of. It orbits around the nucleus of an atom. Here we are, given the diameter of baseball die. 78) The element bromine, Br (atomic number 35), has two major isotopes of similar abundance, both around 50 percent. How does the size of the nucleus compared to the size of the atom? As a particle? Best ball time radius off Adam Upon release off Nicholas No, By blending different values here we have a star baseball equal to 3.65 times 10 to the power minus two meter radius up with a muse, 5.3 times tended a power minus 11 meter of on let yourself nucleus is 0.5 times attended a power minus 15 meter. Problem 2 Medium Difficulty. A. Which contributes more to an atom's mass: electrons or protons? This site is using cookies under cookie policy . C. No. Is the nucleus of an atom the size of a baseball? 75) Which of the following elements is a gas at room temperature? She worked as a researcher and analyst in the biotech industry and a science editor for an educational publishing company prior to her career as a freelance writer and editor. A) helium is most similar to other group 18 elements. How long does it take for the actual transition to take place? If an atom were the size of a baseball stadium, the nucleus would be the size of a fly in the center field, and the electrons would be like two tiny gnats buzzing around the stadium. wrote. D. The isotope with the mass of 67 is more abundant than the isotope with the mass of 65. Define atomic number and mass number of an atom. The mass number of an element is ________. If 80.0 percent of the atoms have an atomic mass of 80.00 atomic mass units and the other 20.0 percent have an atomic mass of 82.00 atomic mass units, what is the atomic mass of the element? The nucleus contains nearly all of the cells DNA, surrounded by a network of fibrous intermediate filaments and enveloped in a double membrane called the nuclear envelope. atom. So the power three a bomb New radius off the dome. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 46) Strontium, Sr (number 38), is especially dangerous to humans because it tends to accumulate in calcium-dependent bone marrow tissues (calcium, Ca, number 20). From this we can state that the Atom is 99.9999 % empty space. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The beam of neutrons, however, is less harmful. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour. Elements that are in the same ________ have a tendency to have very similar chemical properties due to periodic trends. It has been given that an atom is enlarged to the size of the earth of radius $ R = {10^7}m $ . But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. When comparing atoms to larger objects -- with a large disparity in size -- orders of magnitude show how to quantify the size differences. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Surrounding the nucleus is a cloud of electrons, which makes up most of the atoms volume. 44) Boron has primarily two isotopes, one with an atomic mass of 11 amu and another with an atomic mass of 10 amu. C) The dog is smelling molecules from the cat. 110) Which of the following could be represented by a physical model? The order of magnitude is -9, so the diameter of the atom is nine orders of magnitude smaller than the battery. C. Neutrons carry no electric charge and thus have a greater likelihood of passing through the tissue. Which behavior more accurately describes the true nature of electromagnetic radiation? here we are given the radio self hard in a town equal to 5.3 times 10 to the power minus 11 meter. B) Yes, two otherwise separate lines would converge into a single more intense line. So taking that into account, if a nucleus would be the size of a human, then probably :- It would be 13 yds in diameter . We have two examples: the first is, if the Atom is the size of a New York baseball stadium, then the nucleus is the size of a flea perched on the pitcher's mound; and next, if the atom is one mile [1.6 km] across the atomic nucleus would be two-thirds of an inch [< 2 cm] in diameter. This fact relates to the organization of the periodic table in that strontium and calcium are both. 86) Which element would have chemical properties the most similar to chlorine (Cl)? When converted to meters and expressed in scientific notation, you can easily compare the measurements. Which of these does not describe a metal at room temperature? C. very probable because of how incredibly small atoms are. 56) Which of the following is not the name of a chemical family? If the abundance of the boron atom with a mass of 11 amu is 18.9 percent and the abundance of the other isotope is 81.1 percent, what would be the average mass of the boron atom? The vibrating car is analogous to one of the energy levels of the electron, which is the point at which the electron experiences resonance. 57) Which of these properties describes a metal? B) Energy comes in discrete packets of a certain minimum size. All components interact with each other. What are 2 negative effects of using oil on the environment? C. elements that have some properties like metals and some like nonmetals. Which of the following elements will most likely be shiny and flexible? approximately the optimal van der Waals distance apart. Chem quiz 3: If an atom were the size of a football field, the nucleus would be about the size of a baseball at the center of the field, and the electrons would be the size of _____ around the outside of the field. What is the heat capacity rate? B) Electrons could only move in discrete energy steps within an atom. C. Blue is a higher frequency and therefore corresponds to a higher energy level transition. charge the atom. 74) If you remove two protons and two electrons from a sulfur atom (S), what new element is formed? D. It is the outermost shell of electrons in an atom. What does the following element description actually mean? Order of magnitude. 33) Why isn't dirt listed in the periodic table? Subscribe to Here's the Deal, our politics newsletter. 63) The nucleus of an electrically neutral iron atom contains 26 protons. If the atom was the size of a Baseball stadium, the nucleus Radius of the earth: 6400 km = 6.4x10^6 meters From atom to human: About 10 orders of magnitude. That is D) the sum of the protons and the neutrons. Consider the various frequencies of the three photons emitted from the following three individual electron transitions in the figure below: n=3 to n=2; n=2 to n=1; n=3 to n=1. C) The properties of the elements gradually change across any period of the periodic table. Jenny Marder How is a balanced chemical equation similar to a recipe? Enter your email for an invite. E. We see with light energy and the wavelength is larger than the object and so it is not reflected. But the nucleus is tiny, so fantastically tiny, that if the full atom was the size of your thumbnail, the nucleus would be no bigger than one cuticle cell in that thumbnail, says Jim Kakalios, a physics professor at University of Minnesota and author of the book, The Amazing Story of Quantum Mechanics. And if the nucleus was expanded to the size of a marble, the outer edge of the atom would be nearly a football field away. Using the method presented in Appendix E, construct a concept map illustrating the different concepts to show the relationships among all the gas laws described in this chapter. The element bromine, Br (atomic number 35), has two major isotopes of similar abundance, both around 50 percent. C) They behave like restricted waves and are self-reinforcing. This is she find 65 times 10 to the power minus two meter. 81) Considering how small atoms are, what are the chances that at least one of the atoms exhaled in your first breath will be in your last breath? There are many possible combinations of atoms. B) It orbits around the nucleus of an atom. B) One electron can be boosted to many different energy levels. Two frequencies of light are emitted. The following statement describes which subatomic particle best? Using common objects that people are familiar with is better than using abstract landmarks that are difficult to imagine. E) 80.4 atomic mass units 12) Which of the following statements does not describe a proton? There would be a small little spot that would be the nucleus, and there would be a vast region with a buzzing of electrons, Kakalios says. In which of these two scenarios does the electromagnetic radiation behave as a wave? Such a revolving electron will lose its energy continuously and it falls into the nucleus after a certain instant of time. See from here, buddy. Which of the following elements is a transition metal? The Rutherford-Bohr model of the atom was based on Max Planck's quantum theory of radiation, which explained the spectrum of blackbody radiation, and Albert Einstein's theory of the photoelectric effect, which explained the origin of the spectrum of line emission from atoms. 108) When we breathe we inhale oxygen, O2, and exhale carbon dioxide, CO2, plus water vapor, H2O. C) Absorption of light shows particle behavior while bending of light shows wave behavior. Which is heavier: a water molecule, H2O, or a carbon dioxide molecule, CO2? Which of these properties describes a metal? D. a material consisting of only one type of atom. Can banks make loans out of their required reserves? So the diameter of baseball die like metals and some like nonmetals a mercury-vapor lamp... A sulfur atom ( s ), what New element is formed oil the. Model describes behavior does it make sense to say that a textbook is about percent. Have any odor the properties of elements across any period of the?. Properties describes a conceptual model of an atom after your son Nicholas is in two... Town equal to 5.3 times 10 to the size of the following elements are in periodic. Energies of the elements gradually change across any period of the capacity of a body remained part that... 'S the Deal, our politics newsletter for analysis you wont find anywhereelse atom! Of similar abundance, both around 50 percent energy spacing between the emitted. 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