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isaiah 53:10 septuagint
The parent's life is in the child. But the man who receives the Bible as it is, he says, "Christ died for me, then my eternal life is sure. Many divines say that Christ did something when he died that enabled God to be just, and yet the Justifier of the ungodly. It is very delightful, at Christmas time, or perhaps at some other time in the year, for all the family to meet; and though your name may be "Smith" or "Brown," yet you feel there is some importance in your name, when all your clan have met together. It is a sacrifice for the removal of sin. Oh, no, dear friends: Jesus' death is the effect of overwhelming and infinite love on the Father's part; and every blow which wounds, every infliction which occasions sorrow, and every pang which rends his heart, speaks of the Father's love as much as the joy, the everlasting triumph, which now surrounds his head. Christ was an offering for sin, in the sense of a substitute. It was a great commendation of his sufferings, and redounded very much to his honour, that in his sufferings he made intercession for the transgressors, for those that reviled and crucified him; for he prayed, Father, forgive them, thereby showing, not only that he forgave them, but that he was now doing that upon which their forgiveness, and the forgiveness of all other transgressors, were to be founded. But He was forsaken of God in order that you won't have to be forsaken by God. What multitudes of men lift up their eyes, and behold the starry orbs of heaven! 5But he was wounded on account of our sins, and was bruised because of our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and by his bruises we were healed. It would please Yahweh to crush His Servant and to put Him to grief. We will consider the Story of the Cross. He could not have wanted to provide it if there was no necessity. I tell thee, man, there is nothing of thine own wanted. I'm doing a bit of deep reading trying to pick apart That the Lord bruised him, not only permitted men to bruise him, but awakened his own sword against him, Zechariah 13:7. There has been a dispute whether men have any innate ideas, but surely this idea is in us as early as anything, that virtue deserves reward, and sin deserves punishment. And yet, without seeing the physical person, it is possible to be in love with an individual and yet not be physically attracted. Because these sufferings would tend to illustrate the divine perfections, and show the justice and mercy of God. If you make a sin offering , our soul will see long-lived offspring, and the Lord is willing to remove him from the . He shall prolong his days - His life shall be long. But herein is God's love manifested, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly" ( Romans 5:7-8 ). "We love him because he first loved us." It is well for us that it is in his, for our own hands are not sufficient for us, but he is able to save to the uttermost. The Church of England was asleep, too; and everywhere it seemed as if there was a kind of orthodox heterodoxy that did not believe anything in particular, and did not hold that there was a doctrine worth anybody's living for or dying for, but that all religious teaching should be like a nose of wax, that you might shape whichever way you liked. he sees your first desires, your humble breathings, your lowly hopes, your trembling approaches. None can be written in the roll of followers of Christ unless they are also written in the register of the family of God "this and that man was born there." The ram caught in the thicket supplies the substitute, and faith's obedience need go no further. He is the right person. I judge it to be the worst cankerworm that assails us. That water springing up into everlasting life he gave us. Yet future, still bearing them; the marks of His love for you. Remember that Jesus Christ rose again from the dead. This illustrates more fully what I formerly stated in few words, that the Prophet, in asserting Christs innocence, aims at something more than to defend him from all reproach. b "videbit semen quod prolongabit dies", Cocceius; "videbit semen longaevum", V. L. 10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. According to the Letter of Aristeas, at least 72 scholars at Alexandria translated the Hebrew Bible, . It pleased the Lord to do this. Thus, in 1 Kings 3:14, God says to Solomon, if thou wilt walk in my ways, and keep my statutes and my commandments, as thy father David did walk, then I will lengthen thy days (see Deuteronomy 25:15; Psalms 21:4; Psalms 91:16; Proverbs 3:2). 10.Yet Jehovah was pleased to bruise him. Jehovah has declared his decree, "Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion." Look at him: look at his rags; how foul they are! Sinner, God will never destroy you merely to maintain his government, or for the good of others. They were all persuaded that he had really died. And that's rather tragic. You know best, brothers and sisters, whether this is true of you; but if we have not the Spirit of Christ, we are none of his. Hast thou piled thy sins together till they seem to provoke heaven? 3 He was despised and was avoided by men, +. The sufferings of Christ are signified by his being "bruised"; ( See Gill on Isaiah 53:5 ), and as it was foretold he should have his heel bruised by the serpent, ( Genesis 3:15 ) , but here it is ascribed to the Lord: he was . You are ignorant and unlettered, it may be, and your name will never shine in the roll of science, but he who is the divine Wisdom owns you as one of his seed. But if you expect your prophecy to be believed, enlarge the number of your jails, and seek for fresh fields for transportation in the interests of society; for if any doctrine can breed villains, this will. Yet, still the lukewarm can be heated: the cause is not dead. See how the cruel iron drags through his tender hands! That which he purchased for us by his death, he lives to secure for us by his life. glorious doctrine! There could be no more explicit declaration that he who is referred to here, did not die as a martyr merely, but that his death had the high purpose of making expiation for the sins of people. Christian life needs to have daily the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Now, can any mind imagine how the father's grief must overflow all the banks of his soul, when, as he walked up that hill-side, his son said to him, "Father, behold the fire and the wood; but where is the lamb for a burnt-offering?" Our Lord's true people are like him, or they could not be styled "his seed." Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he poured out his soul unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors: yet he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.". Jesus didn't answer. His heart is too full for utterance. He shall see his seed; or, "a seed"; a spiritual seed and offspring; a large number of souls, that shall be born again, of incorruptible seed, as the fruit of his sufferings and death; see John 12:24, this he presently began to see after his resurrection from the dead, and ascension to heaven; when great numbers were converted among the Jews, and after that multitudes in the Gentile world, and more or less in all ages; ever since has he had a seed to serve him; and so he will in the latter day, and to the end of time: he shall prolong his days: live long, throughout all ages, to all eternity; though he was dead, he is alive, and lives for evermore; lives to see all the children that the Father gave him, and he has gathered together by his death, when scattered abroad, and see them all born again, and brought to glory. And I believe that it will be a part of his heaven for him to look upon his redeemed. I recollect how I used to turn to that boy of Brentford, who was first beaten with rods, and afterwards tied to the stake, cheerfully to burn for Christ's sake. Since he has created them, and put them there himself, he sees them. Was God "Pleased to Punish" Christ? 8:1 Yahweh said to me, 'Take a large seal and scratch on it in ordinary writing MAHER-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ. It was as a substitute for sin that he did actually and literally suffer punishment for the sin of all his elect. They believe in an atonement made for every body; but then, their atonement is just this. Interceding for the transgressors. What shall I say of the seed of Christ? How could the atoning sacrifice of one man wipe out the sins of billions of men'"?. The Jews, however, had by far the clearer idea of it. Thus they have rejected him in his essential character, and there has been no effect produced upon their conduct by their cold admiration of his life. The Exaltation of the Messiah; The Triumph of the Messiah. You are of the seed of him "who only hath immortality." While sun and moon endure, there shall be a people who follow the Lamb; and even though they be so few that Elias might say, "I, only I, am left, and they seek my life to take it away," God will reserve to himself thousands that have not bowed the knee to Baal. Our text gives this a full solution, in that it says, "He shall make his soul an offering for sin." But somehow we always create sort of a mental image. We are naturally sold under sin, and we cannot discern the spiritual and real Christ until we have a spirit created within us by the new birth, of which he said, "Ye must be born again." They go three days, journey with their men; until they come to the Mount, of which the Lord hath spoken. But the dignity of the Son of God, the dignity of his nature, changes the whole matter. The Septuagint - the translation of the Old Testament into Greek originally made a few centuries before Jesus - has "startle." . They are the ones who have turned away from God and they are the ones for whom the servant dies. Put your hand in My side." He is still ready to be your strong Helper, and to do for you what he did for needy ones in the days of his sojourn here below. If I should pay a thousand pounds for a man's deliverance from bondage to him that retains him, who hath power to set him free, and is contented with the price I give, were it not injurious to me and the poor prisoner that his deliverance be not accomplished? And we sort of automatically do this even though we haven't seen a person.I get this all the time where I go into areas where people have been listening on the radio. In the context, the gospel writer said, "This said He signifying the manner of death that He was going to die" ( John 12:33 ). . That is, really an attractive, desirable or attracting feature. I worry non-believers who copied the OT scriptures for us around the 9th-10th century AD might have changed a few parts to make Jesus look bad (or not the Messiah . It is impossible, absolutely, that sin can be forgiven without a sacrifice. He made his soul an offering for sin; he himself explains this (Matthew 20:28), that he came to give his life a ransom for many. He could not, I will venture to say, even then have suffered an equivalent for that eternal misery which the ungodly deserve; and if he were a mere man, he must suffer precisely the same. 15 votes, 19 comments. These few words contain a very rich doctrine, which every reader may draw from them; but we are satisfied with giving a simple exposition of the text. A man who was meant for h pains and was familiar with sickness. There was needed, also, one of the same nature with us. It is Christ's life that is in every true believer "For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God; when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall you also appear with him in glory." There is a bearded patriarch, who rises early in the morning and awakes his son, a young man full of strength, and bids him arise and follow him. An offering for sin - ( 'asham). A mere man could at most only substitute for one other man. Christ did not make himself a sin-offering without a warrant from the Most High: God made him so. 9 And all the people shall know, even Ephraim . I. 20 A remnant of Israel shall be saved. You are aware, I suppose, that there have been many theories of atonement; and every new or different theory of atonement involves a new or different theory of sin. what a debtor to grace you will be! He looks beyond the Roman spear and nail, beyond the Jewish taunt and jeer, up to the Sacred Fount, whence all things flow, and traces the crucifixion of Christ to the breast of Deity. The Lord having established the principle of substitution, having provided a substitute, and having through him bestowed upon us gratuitously innumerable mercies, let us observe THAT JESUS IS THE MOST FITTING PERSON TO BE A SUBSTITUTE, AND THAT HIS WORK IS THE MOST FITTING WORK TO BE A SATISFACTION. (Ezra 3:10) So also in the hand of Christ shall prosper the will of God; that is, the Lord will cause the ministry of Christ to yield its fruit, that it may not be thought that he exposed himself fruitlessly to such terrible sufferings. The scripture nowhere says that Christ is his sufferings underwent the wrath of God; but it says here, (1.) Content: Part Seven. The Hebrew reading of Isaiah 53 was adulterated when the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into Greek. He determined to do it; it was the result of an eternal counsel; and he delighted in it, as it was an effectual method for the salvation of man and the securing and advancing of the honour of God. Yet the church in England was not destroyed by persecution, but it became more mighty than ever because of the opposition of its foes. Isaiah 53:11 Or (with Masoretic Text) 11 He will see the fruit of his suffering / and will be satisfied; Isaiah 53:11 Or by knowledge of him; Isaiah 53:12 Or many; Isaiah 53:12 Or numerous Now, dear friends, this grace of God is yet further magnified not only in the allowance of the principle of substitution, but in the providing of such a substitute as Christ on Christ's part that he should give up himself, the Prince of Life to die; the King of glory to be despised and rejected of men; the Lord of angels to be a servant of servants; and the Ancient of days to become an infant of a span long. The church must perpetually receive fresh light and life from above, or else it would die; but still stands the promise, "He shall see his seed." Just as many were astonished at you, So His visagewas marred more than any man, And His form more than the sons of men; So shall He sprinkle many nations. Isaiah 53:10. Taking our text, then, as a guide, we propose to visit Calvary, hoping to have the help of the Holy Spirit whilst we look upon him who died upon the cross. Every heir of grace shall meet around the throne. They claim that in Isaiah 7:14 the word "Almah" is translated as the Greek "parthenos" which they claim means virgin. He was wounded for our transgressions. No," says he, "I believe in a just God, and if God be just, he will not punish Christ first, and then punish men afterwards. Footnotes. And fellowship with God who is holy and righteous cannot be restored until something is done about my sin. What faith and obedience made man do, that love constrained God himself to do. Now, I am going to be as plain as I can, while I preach over again the precious doctrine of the atonement of Christ Jesus our Lord. Then, my brethren, shall it be seen what Christ's death has accomplished, for "the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.". But this explains it, when God accepts a sinner, he is, in fact, only accepting Christ. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief ( Isaiah 53:3 ): Now you probably have in your mind mental pictures of what Paul must have looked like. The Son of man had power even on earth to forgive sin. They speak of the seed royal. The context begins in Isaiah 52:13 and continues through Isaiah 53:12: Dost thou see him in proper flesh and blood fastened to that tree? Do you know anything about this divine life? Do you see, then, how it was that God the Father bruised him? God has commanded him to take his son, his only son, and slay him upon the mountain as a sacrifice. In accordance with this, Paul says 2 Corinthians 5:21, that God made him to be sin for us ( hamartian), that is, a sin-offering; and he is called hilasmos and hilasterion, a propitiatory sacrifice for sins Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2; 1 John 4:10. Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when he shall make his soul an offering for sin ( Isaiah 53:9-10 ). But, nevertheless, God is patient, longsuffering, and gracious. This is none other than God's only-begotten Son; this is he who made the worlds; this is the express image of his Father's person, the brightness of Jehovah's glory! It isn't for the beautiful form that we will be attracted. Well, ask this man, who is now really in the possession of his true senses, whether he believes that sin deserves punishment; and his answer will be quick, sharp, and decisive. Surely he's a spiritual giant. And John said, "And I turned and I saw Him as a lamb that hath been slaughtered" ( Revelation 5:2-6 ). We must also keep in view the contrast. Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled ( Isaiah 52:13 ). He must use his own discretion as to whether he will accept the substitute or not; and if he do so, it is an act of grace. I will here quote the testimony of that pre-eminently profound divine, Dr. John Owen: "Redemption is the freeing of a man from misery by the intervention of a ransom. 10The Lord also is pleased to purge him from his stroke. For He's cut off. But when he talks about the crucifixion, he speaks about the predetermined counsel and the foreknowledge of God. He shall have the glory of obtaining an incontestable victory and universal dominion, Isaiah 53:12; Isaiah 53:12. Do you suppose he would have ascended to the rest and to the reward of an accomplished work? One effect of Christ's death is the salvation of multitudes. II. I am Orthodox, but my friends aren't. We love to talk about theology. Upon Christ, the angels in heaven perpetually gaze. Christ was thus troubled, because his soul was an offering for sin. But there is a caveat. Come, and see how he loved us, see what he did for us. Because he has done all these good services, therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and, according to the will of the Father, he shall divide the spoil with the strong, as a great general, when he has driven the enemy out of the field, takes the plunder of it for himself and his army, which is both an unquestionable evidence of the victory and a recompense for all the toils and perils of the battle. When he shall have offered his soul as a sacrifice. There are some of God's elect here, and he will have you. He will not come short of his end in any part of his work, but will himself see that he has not laboured in vain. And here it is. Look at him, and mark if he be not man in soul as well as in body. 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