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jeep tj automatic transmission swap
When complete it will look as neat as the factory wiring. This is definitely the part that turns most people off from this Our TJs never had any OBD2 controlson the tranny prior to the swap so technically I dont believe we arerequired to integrate the OBD2 TCM into the data link connector. Stu and I stuck a needle into the wire and then checked it with an ohm meter. They are both black with tan stripe. 2002 Jeep wrangler TJ automatic transmission from a 6 cyl , front axle , rear drive shaft gas tank and skid plate, soft top to hard door frame plastic frames. We then cleaned up the holes. I used 1/4 NPT barbed fittings and 5/8 hose clamps. I will outline these things and provide extra detail where necessary. Another loose end, so to speak, is the reverse lights. WILL THESE OTHER TRANS. Other rubber hoses cannot handle the high temperatures that they see. Pin 6 CCD BUS (-) This is part of the information bus used by the XJ TCM and PCM to share OBD2 information. Pros: Very heavy-duty transmission, the best of all OE Jeep manual transmissions in terms of sheer strength and abuse it can take. Both of them used a chisel to break it. Anything short of grinding that input gear. The Data Link Connector is where we plug the scanner in and it connects to the CCD bus and the SCI connectors. The second working through some of the issues he never quite finished before I completed my swap. I had one concern when I read what you posted about mounting your np231. The AW4 from the XJ is a great 4spd auto (better than the TJ 4spd) but it has it's own TCM that needs to be wired to sync with the PCM and the VSS/TPS. Buy a clocking ring. I was fortunate enough to have the FSM electrical sections from a 00 XJ, and 97 TJ, so I was able to figure it out from the wiring diagrams and pin-outs. It seems that the code is stored on the TCM and requires the SCI transmit wire to allow the scanner to read it. Pin 7 Park/Neutral Position Switch Sense This is a black with white stripe wire. This is the clutch interlock ignition bypass. Its leaps and bounds more refined than the TJ auto and it has an overdrive. Pin 3 Fused Ignition Switch Output (Run-Start) This is a white wire. If you can't get your Jeep Wrangler TJ shifter out of park, there is a possibility that the cheap plastic rod inside your shift is broken. I think the convertor will lock in 2nd too, but I am not sure and it would be hard to test using the You should notice a slight (couple hundred RPM) change in the rpm. Pin 9 TRS T3 Sense (TRS 3 Sense) This is a violet wire. Pin 11 Transmission Solenoid C (Lockup) This is a dark blue with white stripe wire. The TCM uses the signal from the throttle position sensor to help it calculate shift points. Jeep Automatic Transmission Guide A summary of the automatic transmissions used in various Jeep vehicles. ), Replace the input gear in your existing transfer case. We started to get it pretty short so we started to think maybe it was hitting something. I think I will stick with my small brake pedal. Transfer Case . Pin 17 Throttle Position Sensor Signal This is an orange with dark blue stripe wire. Msg and data rates may apply. Everything is going really well so far. He swapped out his AX-15 for a 3 speed auto a few months prior to my AW4 swap. The best part was that I no longer get any error codes when I scan the PCM. Please be very careful when doing this part. Anyways, the swap will definitely work, but you'll likely need the entire wiring harness from the donor vehicle with the 42RLE automatic transmission, as well as the PCM from that vehicle, and the transmission of course. Check out this guide. It needs to connect to Pin 13 on the TCM plug. This swap is done by AEV conversions. ), Your email address will not be published. Pull off the T handle so you can install the shift indicator panel. Installing the short 23 spline input solves that problem. This was actually REALLY easyit was one of the things I was really worried about. You should not have to buy a new console. I got off at the next freeway exit. Both Automatic and Manual Transmission. FREE 2 or 3-Day Delivery on 10,000+ Items. Its entirely up to you and your needs. This allows the TCM to know when the brakes are being applied. (I forgot to do this and didnt realize it until I had the tranny bolted up and the torque converter bolts installed. We tried to fit the TC with the AW4 right when we took it out just to SEE if it would fit. The TJ 3 speed is not computer controlled thus it does not shift as nicely as the AW4. We had some hands so it was not all that bad. Be sure to have a couple good sets of snap ring pliers handy. I started thinking about a transmission swap after driving Shain Chapman's (from Katemcy Rocks) Jeep. I have some pics but not here so the post will be dry for a while. That is Bob Basset of California, also known as Scratch on JU. Use this information at your own risk. I then started marking my measurements onto the plate. So it is still in progress..a lot of we shall sees. The other 4 holes need to have some studs welded in so that the tranny mount can bolt to the plate. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 - All Rights Reserved. Now if for some reason the tranny is misbehaving and you want to pull other codes from the TCM all you have to do is hook up the CCD + and as well as the SCI transmit wire. Install the 4 torque converter bolts. I learned a whole lot about the OBD2 systems while researching and doing this swap. I had some 3/8 countersunk bolts on my shelf so I decided to use these. Then I used a sharp chisel to break the bushing at the holes. Biff. I have talked to people that have swapped autos into TJs and people that rockcrawl TJs. You will need to do some wiring. Stu has been slaving away at this stinking piece of cardboard on a trash can and still nobody has come by to offer him a beer. Mobile Site. Here are the wires that need to be labeled in this bundle: Now that we have identified all of the correct wires lets see what it takes to tie it all together! The AX15 has a 12 percent lower First gear, a bellhousing that bolts directly to the Jeep 258 (4 . CJ hard top side windows 1 x drivers and 1 x passenger. When you turn on the key to the run or start mode this sends power to the TCM. BTW, the junk yards are full of jeeps with automatic pedals. It needs to connect to Pin 2 on the black 8 way plug. I knew that I wasnt going to put another AX15 in. The LS motors, [4.8, 5.3,5.7, 6.0 and new 6.2,] and the 4L60e transmissions are readily available and provide a fantastic platform for a V8 swap into your Jeep. I had been fighting an OBD2 code I kept getting from the tranny. Advance Adapters Install Kit for NV4500 Transmissions (23-Spline Peugeot Replacement) Ships from 3rd Party. Next was the taking the TC apart to get the input gear out to get it shortened. Novak offers the most complete Jeep TJ swap kit that we know of. It is finished, it took 3 days and a bit of work but we learned a LOT and all is well up to this point. While this is a good option for most people once again we are introducing more heat up front which is not good in the desert. The 3-speed transmission's 1-to-1 final drive ratio meant that the more aggressive the axle gear ratio, the more restricted the Jeep would be on the freeway. I guess I screwed up but I am not sureit seems to have worked. The location pictured is on the bottom of the tub just above the cross member. Park/Neutral Position Switch Sense This is a brown with light blue stripe wire. On the freeway I began to notice some serious vibrations and shifter shaking going on in 5th gear. It needs to connect to Pin 3 on the black 8 way plug. A catalog for Wrangler isn't available yet. What else can I say? It needs to connect to Pin 2 on the TCM plug. This completes the circuit the TCM needs to get signals from the TJ throttle position sensor and brake switch sense circuits. Sensor Ground (Sensor Return) This is a brown with yellow stripe wire. They are the ones that take brand new TJs and stretch them. I drove it all over the place and then some. My rear driveshaft is actually 2 inches longer than it was before. Hey Biff, glad everything is working great so far. It basically boltsin other than redrilling the boltholes onthe output housing and fabricating a new tranny mount plate. If you are not good with wiring find a friend that is! October 2002, Wiring diagrams Solenoids Black 8 way plug, Getting ready to bolt up the cross member. 249J with a 272 ratio. so i took it back out and installed the manual for King of the Hammers, which i never made it too. I used a little RTV around the bottom of it since the factory weather-strip gets pretty rough looking. Vehicle: 1998 Jeep Wrangler TJ. Cost for swap $700-800. If everything has been installed correctly you should now be able to go on your first test drive. I cant remember the bit size we used. Rather than tear apart the power distribution center I chose to run this straight to the battery positive terminal. There are 4 holes in a TJ manual tranny mount. The solenoids are used by the TCM to shift the transmission. After not owning one for several years I got the bug again and decided to go buy one. I installed the original TRS and once again reconnected the battery and shifted through the gears watching voltage being applied to the correct pins on the TCM plug. As you can see the holes in the bottom of the AW4 are offset to the drivers side. Pin 1 Input Speed Sensor Signal This is a red with black stripe wire. We also decided not to re clock the TC as well. Lets take a close look at what each pin does and where it needs to go. (Boy, is he underpaid!!! This includes the transfer case and transmission breather lines. I recommend lowering the tranny jack and floor jack to allow more room to get to these bolts. The two offset holes are used to bolt the plate to the bottom of the AW4. Otherwise, it remained exactly the same. Now we are talking. Here are two common problems with things to check to help resolve them. Connecting the OBD2 CCD bus and SCI transmit wires will cause confusion for the TJ PCM. Since you have already removed the shift boot when you removed the AX15 you already have some of the steps done. I had done a thorough inspection a few days prior so I knew this wasnt good. I read over (scanned) the write up again but did not find it. The input and output speed sensors are used by the TCM to calculate the shift points whether they be up or down. This wire provides constant power for the TCM. I recommend that you look this up. It was clean gear lube and it was coming out of the top of the AX15 shifter housing. The X spline is longer than the S spline. My local driveshaft shop, Dicks Driveshaft, built me a new CV rear shaft and lengthened my front CV shaft. Pin 3 Transmission Solenoid A This is a white wire. Its about $2800 to get the NV4500 and parts needed. Fit Vehicle. ***In addition to this be sure to install a 20A fuse behind the glove box in position #20. SPONSORED. Its really up to you. I also subscribed to for a year. It receives its signal from the Transmission Range Sensor. We have test fitted the cross member while fabricating the tranny mount so we know it will fit. Pin 24 Ground This is a black with tan strip wire. At this point, I need to start cinching up some loose ends I have. It needs to connect to Pin 4 on the black 8 way plug. Check out Stus write-up on that run. (I do not recommend connecting the CCD bus or SCI transmit wires. It's an easy swap to do. Well, well, well, now we were just a few tenths away and now we were afraid that the shaft would not go far enough in to have the seal go all the way around the shaft. Originally I had marked all 4 holes in the plate and took the picture. So I sent the shaft off to get 3/4 taken off. There are two sets of holes in the crossmember. We need to connect pin 23 on the TCM plug to this wire. It needs to connect to Pin 1 on the gray 8 way plug. 3) An NV4500 would be the easiest swap but it was still a manual. 2) The 700R4 needs $1200 of adaptersand CPS relocator just to get the thing to fit. Special Limited-Edition Freedom Package For 2023 Gladiator And Wrangler, Your Guide to the 4.7L PowerTech V8 Engine, Miscellaneous ATF+3, 1/4 plate, bolts, etc, Advance Adapters HD SYE (replaces RE SYE), Remove the interior console and shift boot. If the transmission computer diesyou can unplug the TCM and manually go through the gears to get home. Second it is the manual transmission neutral safety jumper. First lets look at the pin diagram of the gray 8 way connector coming from the Transmission Range Sensor. Pin 25 Fused B (+) This is a pink 20 gauge wire. I had nowhere to go but I didnt care. Radiator Cap: Included. It has 26 pins, some of which go the black or gray 8 way connectors, the TJ harness, and a fused power source from the battery. The 42RLE transmission is known to be problematic. Fit Vehicle. The TCM uses this solenoid to engage and disengage the lockup. Pin 8 Ground This is the ground necessary to complete the Park/Neutral circuit. So the time has come..starting it..turn the start..I did not have a clutch in SO the clutch safety switch was not activated. Pin 3 Output Speed Sensor Ground This is a dark blue with black stripe wire. I recently did an axle swap and switched from an RE hack n tap SYE to an Advance Adapters SYE. Pin 26 Fused Ignition Switch Input (Start-Run) This is a dark blue with white stripe wire. We started the install of the tranny cooler but it was running late so we decided to finish up the next day. Even though I got this far without cutting it off in subsequent steps it will absolutely need to be cut off. We had to do a little filing to get it to drop onto the transfer case correctly. This will add 1/2 to the driveline length and costs $125-190. Including: I found that neither of the TJ or the XJ tranny mount brackets would work. So the TCM knows the engine RPM, and of course the output RPMs. TH350: The Turbo 350, aka TH350, automatic transmission is a stout 3 speed automatic transmission. 1997-2002 Jeep Wranglers TJ Chevy V8 Engine. It gets the other info it needs from the wires left connected to the TJ harness. It was no longer available behind the 2.5L engine. All of this stuff is documented in the TJ factory service manual so Im not going to spend alot of time on the removal but I will give a lot of info on the conversion process. Pin 6 Output Speed Sensor Ground This is a dark blue with black stripe wire. There is a quick fix that has worked for may using a. So now we have 6 holes. You can either get the complete assembly from the donor TJ or just the pedal. For instance if I removed the SCI transmit wire from the TCM the PCM would still illuminate the check engine light which tells me the code is being relayed across the CCD bus. Route the TJ shifter cable in through the firewall and snap the round part of it into the shifter bracket in the big round hole. If you don't have to follow strict emissions regulations or are building the ultimate trail rig, the GM LS V8 is a great option. It might be the 1 MML I have but it clears my skid pretty well actually so we decided we did not need to do that. Therefore Idecided to sell my Teralow and roll that $450 into the swap. This is basically how the Cherokee is wired up. It needs to connect to Pin 5 on the black 8 way plug. Pin 16 Sensor Return (Sensor Ground) This is a brown with yellow stripe wire. Provides a ground for the TCM. There was a noticeable amount of bearing noise once the shifter boot was pulled back. Bolt the bell housing to the engine block. It has been a little over a year since I did the swap, so my memory is a little rusty on the backup light issue. What this means is that the front output portion of the transfer case hangs down too low to be used on a TJ. Jeep TJ/LJ 5.7L Hemi Auto Transmission Mount Bracket Kit 9706 Wrangler. Not to mention the transfer case is clocked lower in the XJ so you need to redrill the back of the AW4 to correctly clock the TJ's transfer case. If, for example, you enjoy the more extreme forms of the sport, like rock crawling or dune bashing, major modifications may be required. Read more on this later in the article.). Here are the measurements from the snap ring after the input shaft was removed. Once again we need to refer back to the chart to identify the correct wire color. If you dont remove all of them you will find yourself cursing at the point you try to free the tranny from the engine. Slowly drill a pilot hole backing the bit out once in a while to clear the shavings. Im hoping that my write up will improve upon his in 2 key areas. Carefully find the wire and label it. I am not sure right now..we shall see. Im just going to give a quick overview and list a few snags that I ran into. Then drop the bolts in from the top and weld them to the plate. Be sure the breather lines are up on the firewall. After your tranny swap, you may encounter a problem. Tires and Wheel and Tire Kits do not qualify for free shipping. Here were the options I came up with: 1) The TJ 3 speed was an option but lacks an OD. I thought Id try something different. By entering your email, you agree to receive recurring automated marketing emails from ExtremeTerrain at the email provided. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notes: Jeep used literally 14 different versions of this transmission, each with slightly different configurations of input and output stickout lengths and gearing. First of all, there are 2 great write ups I used for this. See all 16 photos. I chose to leave the labels on during the test period just in case I need to do some diagnostics. Name: Auto to swap jeep tj user manual guide.pdf Author: Inari Schultz Pages: 481 Languages: EN, FR, DE, IT, ES, PT, NL and others File size: 8992 Kb Upload Date: 21-10-2022 Last checked: 25 Minutes ago aw4 swap into tj 32rh transmission jeep wrangler manual to automatic transmission conversion kit jeep yj manual to automatic transmission swap Your email address will not be published. Keep this in mind. Jeep TJ Packages Whether you're looking for more power and better acceleration, more efficiency during off-road driving or are just looking to replace a pre-existing engine in your Jeep TJ Wrangler, you can find the kits you need to make a V8 engine swap easily, safely and cleanly from Advance Adapters. Most complete Jeep TJ swap Kit that we know of 3/8 countersunk bolts my. # 20 are being applied Hemi auto transmission mount Bracket Kit 9706 Wrangler this includes the case. Was still a manual through some of the things I was REALLY worried about drivers.! Left connected to the TCM plug to this be sure the breather lines are up on black..., aka th350, automatic transmission Guide a summary of the steps done some loose ends I have some but. 2 ) the TJ PCM stretch them speed sensors are used by the TCM 5/8 hose clamps inspection few... So to speak, is the reverse lights but did not find it some serious and! 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