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jurassic world ride script
Up front is park owner SIMON MASRANI and his FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR. WU: Oh, Indominus wasn't bred. (he throws bait to Charlie, who promptly snatches it from the air) Echo, there you go! Welcome to Jurassic Park." The welcoming narration ( [ [|src]]) Jurassic Park: The Ride, was a Jurassic Park water ride at Universal Studios Hollywood (Not to be confused with the one in Orlando). He kneels down, placing a gentle hand on the dying dinosaur. We imagine the world of the dinosaurs, as a world of huge vegetarians, eating their way through the giant swampy forests of the Jurassic and Cretaceous world, a hundred million years ago. A trooper heads towards the camera, and a stun device in his hand is activated as he does, the blue bolt visible. He races for safety and the I rex picks him up. CLAIRE(nervous)Maybe you should just focus on the controls MASRANIThe key to a happy life is to accept you are never actually in control. [He ushers Gray along as they head to the plane. BIGGER than the T. rex. They're totally safe. Claire sees Zach's broken smashes phone, and walks over. KARENWell, a promise tomorrow is wortha lot less than trying today. OWENAnimals raised in isolation aren't always the most functional. OWENWe know that sheis in sector five.This is a game we call hide-and-seek.It's a scent drill.We've done it about a thousandtimes with these animals.When they get on target,and they will get on target,wait to engage.Velociraptors are pack hunters.They like to herdthe animal into a kill zone.That's when we take our shot.Get a clear shot,wait on my command,and give her everything you got.We got one good target, gentlemen.Do not shoot my Raptors.Please. LOWERYYou should put that in the brochure. We hear crunching sounds. CLAIREWe're up two and a half percent over last year, a bit lower than our initial projections--. Gray! The door begins to slowly close as Owen runs towards it, with the huge predator gaining on him from behind. With four new Jurassic movies created after the first one made in 1993, it was time to update the ride to . Get caught in the fray as she's confronted by her archrival, the Tyrannosaurus rex, in an epic battle for the ages. (he takes a cell phone and dials a number)Hey. There's a rumbling noise outside and a huge crane lowers a hunk of beef down from above. TheIndominusraces towards the Ankylosaurus, knocking Gray and Zach around in the Gyrosphere. She eyes them, growling softly, before roaring, placing her jaws onto the Gyrosphere, and chomps down, her teeth puncturing the glass. The Jurassic Park plot focuses heavily on the ethics of mankind and science versus nature. It's the green button. BARRYWhat do you think?Want to take one home? The instructor, clutching his stomach, runs away and vomits intosome bushes. MASRANI: ( To the officers, ) Come on!Look alive, boys!Look alive! Seven years. CLAIREget me coordinates on the Indominus. He has the hood of his jacket up over his head and his headphones blasting music into his ears.]. [She leads them over to the computer screens. With Owen and the boys, the hybrid's claw gets stuck in Gray's fanny strap. | Universal Studios Hollywood 2021! Jurassic World ~ Nano Hollywood Rides ~ Jada ~ Die Cast . (to Nick)Can we drop a steer, please? This'll give thePARENTS nightmares Outside, we a closeup of Indominus' browneye peering at the two humans through the foliage. With Claire, Zach, and Gray.CLAIRE: My God. HOSKINSThe mother henhas finally arrived. GRAYDid you see that?I can't wait to tell Mom. Lowery doesn't react. I gotta You can relate to at least one of those things, right? ], [Zach, looking at his iPhone, goes and flops down on the bed. ], [We see park operations manager, CLAIRE DEARING riding on an elevator, talking to herself. Old and new scars are seen on her. ANNOUNCEROkay folks, let's see if she's still hungry after already eating today. Owen stares up at the towering walls, looking unconvinced and more than a little uneasy. Mother Nature's way of testing her creations. There's a lot of guests missing.We're doing the best we can. ACU OFFICER: ( He spots the Indominus, ) 10 o'clock!By the birdcage! We finally make progress and that's the first thing he says? Right?Easy.I'm on your side. CLAIREOkay, yeah. The other computer screens arranged around the room begin beeping in alarm and they all show the same words. It is the first installment in the Jurassic World trilogy and the fourth installment overall in the Jurassic Park film series. [She turns to hand the tickets to Zach. Mom's not paying me for babysitting. CLAIREOkay, so, um, have fun. CLAIRE(surprised)Whoa, Zach! ANNOUNCERLadies and gentlemen,we'd like to thank you for your patience.The next ferry will beleaving in 45 minutes.If you requireimmediate medical attention,please report to the nearesthealth service station. Come on.Come on. HENRY WU:(He looks away from MASRANI) That's unfortunate SIMON MASRANI:What purpose could we have for a dinosaur that can camouflage? "Spare no expense", he used to say. He clutches and kisses a crucifix. Security Guard: I need to see a badge. HENRY WU:You are acting like we are engaged in some kind of mad science. She clawed it out. Hey, there.I'm Jimmy Fallon.Welcome aboard the GyroSphere,an amazing machinemade possible by science.Your safety is our main concern.Which is why you're behindour invisible barrier system,which protects you from thingslike Dilophosaurus venom.One drop of this can paralyze you,so watch out.Is this real? Claire notices his shirt of the ill-fated and famous Jurassic Park. She stops once her name is called. The raptors try to follow and ram their heads into the metal. )It's not a mission.It's a field test. It was terrible, but(gushing again)That first park was legit! The same four things in everything that ever lived. She checks her wristwatch.]. When you see my name, push it, okay? CLAIREWe have families here.I'm not gonna turn this placeinto some kind of a war zone! Zach ignores what Gray says and flirts with a girl further in the row. [Gray has already gotten on the nearby escalator and gestures excitedly to them. ZACHNo, they're not gettingThey're not getting divorced. Looking a little wobbly, it zooms off over the park. Suddenly, the Indominus Rex appears. And, now, they're upside down. MASRANIYou should spend a day at the beach. The tracking device indicates on the map that the dinosaur is still in Paddock 11. Claire notices something, interrupting him. Is there a downstairs? These days, kids look at a Stegosaurus like an elephant from the city zoo. CLAIRESweetheart, you will,okay? Good. There'sone in the field. When everything goes horribly wrong, will our heroes make it off the island? CLAIRE: The good news? CLAIRE(into the phone)Yeah. Come on.Get in there.If you need me,I'll be right up front.Just open that window.Okay? While hugging his mother, Gray looks over at his father, and Scott seems a little uncomfortable and manages a small smile.]. To a canary, a cat is a monster. KAREN: Honey, what're you doin'? ?> the soft tissue is preserved because the iron in the dinosaur's blood generates free radicals, and those are highly reactive. Suddenly, the helicopter shakes, and they jump, grabbing onto things in the helicopter. CLAIREExcuse me, I never wanted a second date. CLAIREShe has an implant in her back! The ride takes guests on a thrilling journey through the Jurassic Park movie set, where they can see dinosaurs up close and personal. Rexy ends up being bested, and she is knocked down. They've got all the ballparks. OWENWatch your six.Raptors got a new alpha. Grady, if you're not gonna help,there's no reason for you to be in here. But we are doing what we have done from the beginning. We have anextraction point at the east dock. Owen: You're going after her with non-lethals Masrani: We have $26 million invested in that asset. MASRANI(dismissive)Oh, he's just being dramatic. The lead officer is soon stabbed in the chest, and it kills him. ], [He trails off uncertainly. Welcome to Jurassic Park! HENRY WU:All of this exists because of me. Announcements over the P.A. Zach ambles up, still looking moody and emotionally distant as usual, hands stuffed into his pockets. We have always filled gaps in the genome with the DNA of other animals. HOSKINSCan I(pats Delta, who snarls insidiously)Wow. I'm serious. Soaked in water, the audience cheer and clap in total excitement and 'awe' to what they just saw. LOWERYThat's a bad idea.The board assigned emergency opsto iNGen's privatesecurity division.This guy Hoskins is in charge.And he has this insane plan to usethe Raptors to hunt the Indominus. You come here and youdon't learn anything about these animals except what you want to know. CLAIRENo, boys.Boys, this way. LOWERY(still on his earlier tangent)Pepsisaurus. After a moment it emits an annoyed buzzing sound and flashes the readout "NO THERMAL SIGNATURES DETECTED." Owen and Ellis skid to a halt as the I. rex emerges from the jungle and blocks their escape. Soon, the phone starts to vibrate. They got something. Should I tranq 'em or are your comin' over to take care of this? She flops back into the water. Owen feels the deep grooves with his bare hand and the three men stare up at the massive wall looming over them. All feels right with the world now that Jurassic World Dominion is here to send dinos tearing through theaters once again. The dinos bolt. Louder. CLAIRESecurity said the invisible fences were a no-fail. Climb aboard the famed Hogwarts Express and . Cuttlefish have chromatophores that allow the skin to change color. We're sitting on agoldmine and Masrani is using it to stock a petting zoo. Owen: You need to call this mission off right now. CLAIRE: ( Annoyed and angry. ], [cut to the hotel room as Zara opens the door and enters a lavish-looking hotel room with the boys entering behind her.]. Let's go! The girls get into the GyroSphere and drive away. Technicians work diligently. Jurassic World Park Operations Manager Claire Dearing prepares upcoming riders to ride a new rollercoaster in the Raptor paddock while Raptor behavioral expert Owen McGrady warns against it. VIVIAN(through the radio)area Paddock 11 dock 11, do you copy Nick answers. Go. CLAIREIt was just here. They turn and see Claire descending the stairs on her phone. Stay right with them. In America, activists push . She hands Gray an envelope with the Jurassic World logo on it. OWENThat's how it is?Easy. Masrani removes his sunglasses. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Survival Guide, The Science Of Jurassic Park And The Lost World Or, How To Build A Dinosaur, ACU officer: Pull up! CLAIRESo I see you already got your wristbands and this is for food. CLAIRE(nods)We have the best structural engineers in the world. We'regonna get arrested.They'll shave our heads,and we're gonna have to makeroot beer in the toilet. MAN ON PA:Pregnant women and those who suffer from motion sickness should consult with a doctor before riding this ride. What is happening? That's kind of enough--. He pats the boy's shoulder. I need your help.My nephews, they'reout in the Valley.Please, if anythinghappens to them Owen leads a scared Claire away from the crowd. Claire leads a small tour group consisting of three potential investors, HAL OSTERLY, JIM DRUCKER and ERICA BRAND through the laboratory.]. These doors haven't been opened in weeks. [She grabs his bag and they walk out together. OWEN: It didn't eat them.It's killing for sport. LOWERY, ( to himself ) It bellows forth a mighty roar. MASRANI(absently)"The kids"? BARRY ( To Owen, )They've never been out of containment.It's crazy. She roars at Blue. The raptors leave into the jungle. CLAIRE: Hal Osterly, vice-president Jim Drucker, bad hair Erica Brand, deserves better Hal, Jim, Erica. Jurassic Park Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. The velociraptors obediently comply. LOWERY(exasperated)Ugh, that was so terrible! Verizon Wireless Presents the Indominus Rex. VIVIAN ( Sobbing, )We have a breach in the Aviary. VIVIANSorry, I'm getting new information. Wanna go on the spinning dinosaur eggs? Claire gets aboard and sits in the backseat. I understand people died. Delta! Owen turns, driving off, and the blue raptor follows him. What's so funny? They both walk over to a hill, seeing many, uneaten deadApatosaurus. BARRY ( To Hoskins. Owen springs into action. It appears as if the exterior is still under construction. [In the driver's seat of the van, SCOTT MITCHELL, Gray and Zach's father, looks impatient and amused.]. "Wow" enough. It is a spin-off of the Jurassic Park films, with its premise revolving around being given a boat tour of a now-completed Jurassic Park and first seeing herbivorous dinosaurs like Ultrasaurus and Stegosaurus . CLAIRE(yelling into her phone)Somebody talk to me! The Indominus rex makes us relevant again. Our shareholders have been patient, but let's be honest, no one's impressed by a dinosaur anymore. She's memorizing the names of people she's going to be meeting.]. Elsewhere, we see a holographic projection of a globe of the Earth, showing where various dinosaurs lived during prehistory.]. I'm just worriedyou're not gettingthe full JurassicWorld experience. KAREN: Let's go. CLAIREYou know what?No, no, no.You guys are notgonna watch this.Keep the window closed. MAN: Don't worry.You'll be well taken care of. Are the animals enjoying life? What did I just say? ANNOUNCEROkay, hold on tight. Now embarrassed Lowery retrieves it from the trash and returns it to his desk as Claire exits the control room. I've just seen they can respond to commands. ZACHHey, don't wander off, all right? [Zach isn't paying attention, smiling at some pretty teenage girls on a lower deck. Look, nature gave us the most effective killing machines 75 million years ago. CLAIREOk, ok. Can we just focus on the asset, please? With her foot, Claire nudges a trash can over. Gray is running enthusiastically up the steps of the building with his brother and Zara trailing behind. Masrani looks up and sees a video feed of the Paddock 11 interior showing Owen, Nick and Ellis still inspecting the claw marks. Claire isn't getting it, seeming bemused and still mildly annoyed. She walks towards him. Slowly, Owen lifts his head, watching her go, her thudding footsteps retreating into the distance. You made them, and now you think you own them. The hybrid gets tossed like a ragdoll near the lagoon, and she roars, and so does Rexy and Blue, but the mosasaurus pounces out, dragging her into the water. Indominus pushes the door off of its track with the servos whining in protest and then steps out from inside the paddock, freed. ZACHI can't really hear you.We're in the hamster ball. The older one, he's um.. he's uh..high school age.The younger one, he'sumHe's a few years OWEN(confused) Claire is sitting with the boys. Up ahead, Claire sees something, pointing. The paddock opens. Don't give me that shit! Look around, Owen. we then see elliot and E.T flying in front of the moon as another titles reads "AMBLIMATION." ], [The boys push open the double doors and enter. She rips off one of his legs. Barry fumbles with his walkie talkie, and places it to his mouth, talking into it. You came on a good day. CLAIREAnd what kind of a manshows up to a date in boardshorts? What time do you go to sleep? Owen punches him square in the mouth. system.]. And I am Claire. VIVIANSir, I can't geta hold of your instructor. GRAY: ( Terrified, )Go, go, go!ZACH: Shit!Hold it together, man! Global news coverage. Yeah, no, it did. CLAIREClean up your workspace. Jurassic World - The Ride. where one shows a 3d DNA strand]. That's why you and I never had a second date. A story is truly memorable if people are constantly quoting it in pop culture. I just saw a bond. Claire leads the boys to a van. [The investors listen intently, exchanging looks.]. VIVIANThis is a Phase One, real world.I repeat, this is a Phase One.Bring everyone back in. We know that the military needs to reduce casualties. Hey! Proper attire, including shoes and shirts, must be worn at all times. The fallen dino stands, and bellows towards her foe. VIVIAN(surprised)He just got five milligrams of carfentanil. Jurassic Park Script Takeaway #2 Jurassic Park quotes are memorable. "Scarier." The raptors attack the men. They go to the windows. A statue of JOHN HAMMONDstands tall toward the back of the building.]. The implant will shock it if it gets too close to a perimeter fence. Jurassic Park River Adventure, or Jurassic Park: The Ride, as it is also known, is a boat-based attraction at all of the Universal Studios parks. Just do it, man. CLAIREYeah.That road goes straightback to the park. Rexy roars in pain as the Indominus begins to kill her, but Blue comes to the rescue! mantaguy Veteran Member. [Gray waves goodbye as he and Zach head through the gate to board.]. I gotta hunt. To a man, he asked, )Are you recording this thing? CLAIRE:Send a team of rangers,bring them in. CLAIRE: Okay, so you just wait here. We don't have a way to measure the animals' emotional experience. His bare hand and the fourth installment overall in the Aviary elliot and E.T flying in front the... Little wobbly, it zooms off over the Park but ( gushing again ) that first Park legit... 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