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kingston city school district teacher contract
10 salaries for 6 jobs at Kingston City School District in Kingston, NY. <> Teachers, District personnel, and parents should exemplify and reinforce acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of appropriate appearance in the school setting. 2020-2023. Sick Days please contact your immediate supervisor/principal regarding specific expectations for reporting sick days. Use this site to share, analyze and compare data from governmental entities throughout New York. Our mission is to make New York a better ), Superintendent's Conference Day November 2, 2021, KCSD Athletic Hall of Fame Brick Campaign, Town Hall Videos: Superintendent & Technology, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). <> . located in Albany, New York. *qiVv0 $-qep%J1e)B2hh&X uP|PDy-;P Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. <> endobj 21 Wynkoop Place, Kingston, NY 12401845-943-3000, View Google Map Our student body comprises both children of families recently moved to the district for all it has to offer, as well as children of lifelong residents, many with multiple generations having attended KCSD. Click on the Job Titles below to read more about our employment opportunities, then fill out either the "Professional Employment Application" or "Non-Teaching Employment Application" to submit your information. endobj 2020-2023. The High School, which recently underwent an ambitious renovation to match its goals of being a 21st century learning environment, enjoys an excellent reputation for the quality of its programs and offerings, skilled and talented staff at all levels, and a supportive community. The Ulster BOCES Student-Based Programs are seeking Teacher Aides (1:1 supplementary aides) for full-time, 10-month positions for the 2022-2023 school year. Knowledge gained from this report can be used to improve instruction and services to students. QZ,P^qY9jD;LO3VhCd73q_ynhkDR W27UW' 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM 21 Wynkoop Place, Kingston, NY 12401845-943-3000, View Google Map 19 0 obj Assessment Data - Glossary of Terms | Assessment Data . 7 0 obj Staff "Need-to-Know" Guide. endobj endobj The New York State School Report Card 3-8 English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics assessment data will be based on those data reported as of the final school year reporting deadline. <> 36 0 obj | 1h? W) Staff. endobj Kingston City School District had a per-pupil revenue of $26,772 per pupil in the 2016-17 school year. The KHS team includes 143 teachers, 35 teaching assistants, two librarians, and student support staff including nine guidance counselors, four school psychologists, six social workers, support staff for OT, PT, vision and hearing impaired, a physician and three nurses. II. Located in the heart of Kingston across the street from City Hall, KHS completed the final phase of its $137.5 million renovation in 2021, seamlessly combining historic and modern architectural elements while creating an interactive, adaptive space for learning. Candidates must hold or be eligible for New York State certification as a school building and/or district administrator. ), Superintendent's Conference Day November 2, 2021, KCSD Athletic Hall of Fame Brick Campaign, Town Hall Videos: Superintendent & Technology, omni 403b tax shelter annuity form 2013.pdf, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Members of the educational community are expected to be clean and well-groomed in their appearance. Setting the Record Straight (Hidden 2-6-19), Virtual STAR Assessments / Evaluaciones STAR, Elementary Summer School Information 2021, Elementary Before & After Program Registration, Kingston Cares - Social Emotional Learning, Microsoft Office 365 (Email, TEAMS, etc. Civil Service positions in the school district require a civil service application in addition to the KCSD Employment Application. KINGSTON, N.Y. - School district superintendent Paul Padalino has been given a contract extension through the end of the 2025-26 school year that ultimately will increase his salary 17% from 0tQ ,3WX!{=A,M x%b!dvPq"4 mq4 ee:nV1 yeN 5lqol#z,JuK_e-wPE!^r{2!`TryA6le tp]/R4`j1P JF+!b{c7{WAA3O=5vTHz5@RUIJ'&jc.XA']E*ZX[mFyaj&sxUNVkS`]YwF2gb=:cf%:O8mp? A wide-ranging, innovative culinary scene (fueled in part by proximity to the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park); A rich arts, theater, and music scene, supported by venerable venues such as the Ulster Performing Arts Center (UPAC); Kingston is also host to an annual nationally-recognized music festival created to support artistsO+; Access to the Catskills, an extensive park system, and other outdoor areas providing beautiful backdrops for hiking, skiing, water recreational activities, golfing, and more; Cultural centers and museums for building understanding of the areas rich cultural history and impacts, including the Hudson River Maritime Museum, African Roots Library, and Reher Center for Immigrant Culture and History. 22 0 obj AND . 14 0 obj Recommendation to Stay Healthy This Winter! Master Calendar. Civil Service positions in the school district require a civil service application in addition to the KCSD Employment Application. Proven collaborative leadership experience characterized by strong communication skills, teamwork, delegation, integrity, honesty, trust and open-mindedness, Knowledge and experience in all aspects of school building management and operations, including curriculum and instructional planning, assessment, supervision and evaluation, discipline, scheduling, community engagement, budget management and professional development, The ability to clearly articulate and effectively implement the Kingston Board of Educations vision for excellence by engaging all stakeholders, A commitment to providing a learning environment that engages and challenges students with diverse learning styles, abilities, and interests, A strong understanding of the New York State Learning Standards, instruction of 21st century skills, student assessment, and the ability to continuously adapt to new state initiatives, Experience leading in diverse environments and juggling multiple roles effectively, including demonstrated success as a classroom teacher or related position, and/or principal/administrative position, Completed district application and current resume, Copies of administrative certification(s). Addressing School Concerns; Kingston Parent Group; NYS Testing Parent Info; Virtual STAR Assessments / Evaluaciones STAR; . The total cost of the new contract to the district is pegged at $5,099,128 in school year 2021 and $2,812,977. I. View Original; . Padalino last had his contract extended at the beginning of the 2017-18 school year when he earned $199,000; it increased to $206,000 for 2018-19, $213,000 for 2019-20, $221,500 for 2020-21, and $230,000 for the now-current school year, the original end of that deal. endobj hbbd``b`6@ = $. We work closely together to align our programs based on the needs of our students, families, and staff. The principal will be an integral leader and advocate for our diverse District, the largest in Ulster County, which comprises a PreK Center, seven elementary schools, two middle schools, and our High School. 29 0 obj Buster Crabbe, 1928 bronze and 1932 gold medalist in swimming, then Hollywood leading man. 21 Wynkoop Place, Kingston, NY 12401845-943-3000, View Google Map A member of the teachers' unit teaching the entire summer school work day shall be paid the full 60% of 1/200th per day. and accountable government. If, for any reason, you can not access, view or download these listings, please contact PERB at 518-457-2676 and arrangements will be made to provide them to you. endstream endobj startxref KINGSTON TEACHERS ASSOCIATION . endobj Kingston City School District 61 CROWN ST, KINGSTON, NY 12401 6,250 Students | 480 Teachers | 10 Schools Compare This District to Other Districts nearby with higher/lower poverty. 6 0 obj This application, found under theRelated Linksbelow, must be printed and submitted by mailing to: Kingston City School DistrictPersonnel Office21 Wynkoop PlaceKingston, NY 12401, Office Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm, Monday - Friday, 21 Wynkoop Place, Kingston, NY 12401845-943-3000, View Google Map 21 0 obj High School Teacher. Don't Edit. endobj Click "Download Contract" to view the contract in PDF format. This digital collection is provided by theMartin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University. Setting the Record Straight (Hidden 2-6-19), Virtual STAR Assessments / Evaluaciones STAR, Elementary Summer School Information 2021, Elementary Before & After Program Registration, Kingston Cares - Social Emotional Learning, Microsoft Office 365 (Email, TEAMS, etc. hUn8>6Xdy$K\ FTu-CbwIYvI ~3J%aDpDH!B=!S e'2F4NxAt:@m/d.90n@We8Yq`\dpAn~{rn|[.,^:ad,wCY=2E. 0f31>_20pm:>Ak\?U#AEULU\B irsI/SMjgw?vjfiZRfue. 5D7B^.,k>5 aaL=Hpg=^YM"r9\ \X`Ya|M@0Nadq"\0 VT`tMZ Q5!9W(va,B I.? endobj <> CONTRACT . 35 0 obj <> Kingston City School District and Kingston School Non-Instructional Unit, Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Ulster County Local 856 (1994) Kingston City School District and Kingston Teachers Federation (2009) Kingston City School District Consolidated and Kingston Federation of Substitute Teachers (1998) They represent our District and community, but more importantly, each represents himself or herself as an individual. 2 0 obj 28 0 obj NEA-NH. Upcoming Events January Friday 13 Early Dismissal Grades 5-8 10:15 AM Early Dismissal PreK 10:55 AM Early Dismissal K-Grade 4 11:15 AM Parent/Teacher Conferences - Afternoon 12:00 PM January Monday 16 Board of Education Public Session. As the original capital city of New York, Kingston enjoys a rich history along with a wide variety of astonishing architecture and is host to a vibrant cultural and art community. He previously served as a high school principal and social studies teacher. Home of the Cardinals. Sick Days please contact your immediate supervisor/principal regarding specific expectations for reporting sick days. District. Home; Our District. . The information on this website comes from official government sources, but the Empire Center cannot guarantee data accuracy or completeness. endobj I'm a teacher for our location in Wayne and I do 8 hours 5 days every other week (10-2 . %%EOF }Y^zzrSoA[Owec&TwrOu9?,}a ^T`y]=A[9|wap\}Tc}dy 9z^8k:TOZi. endstream endobj 476 0 obj <> endobj 477 0 obj <> endobj 478 0 obj <>stream Franklin City Municipal Services. endobj wx|$aO(y*C!+MMPK;CgnvouWM32-15D8PZT2`c7U_8Z~vhIFoOghlx -! OvGGVlz5 Ter?_^pBgV9[B780R^{a. Board of Education Executive Session, 7:00 PM <> To return to this Collective Bargaining Agreements page from any selected link, use the back button on your browser. 08, 2017, 11:30 a.m. By . endobj I need some help cause my renegotiating of contract is coming up and I don't know what to ask for in pay wise. QUALIFICATIONSThe successful candidate will possess the following qualities and characteristics: The Kingston City School District is an equal opportunity employer and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any kind. . 37 0 obj Easily access the District Calendar, Lunch Menus, School Websites, Parent Portal, Employment Opportunities, and more! District. 15 0 obj 9 0 obj <> The Pensions section provides a database of names, last employer, retirement date and benefit amount for individuals who have retired from public service, including New York State, New York City, state and regional public authorities, public school districts, and New York's county, city, town and village governments. kae7I-QV!-9n*u5! P=9,k3kf/) 5O;#VPf K)61nPtXN:C!%rJ &{'0c`fnwdn$?a9!~h~YG =? YJH8J-$hDOBf}PhZ&a}*T'4aCC{\)I)@$(G FTRL%B!C3ra <> The district supports initiatives toward dismantling racism, bigotry and hate. 0 One vice principal and four assistant principals support management of the building. KINGSTON TEACHERS ASSOCIATION . Site Map. 2. KCSD embraces the rich diversity of the families we serve, as evidenced by our district mission, We Inspire. %PDF-1.6 % Click "Download Contract" to view the contract in PDF format. We invite you to take the video tour at this link. This extends to the Board of Education whose meetings are often praised for offering a civil environment for those with differing opinions. ), Superintendent's Conference Day November 2, 2021, KCSD Athletic Hall of Fame Brick Campaign, Town Hall Videos: Superintendent & Technology, The following information has been organized to assist both new and current Kingston City School District employees. We Educate. This application, found under the Related Links below, must be printed and submitted by mailing to: Kingston City School District Personnel Office 21 Wynkoop Place Kingston, NY 12401 endobj Arrangements to pick up the bag lunches on the morning of the trip need to be arranged. endobj 493 0 obj <>stream endobj ), Superintendent's Conference Day November 2, 2021, KCSD Athletic Hall of Fame Brick Campaign, Town Hall Videos: Superintendent & Technology, Subscribe to RSS Feed - Employment Opportunities, City of Kingston Civil Service Exam Information, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). endobj JENNIFER-LYNN ANTIUK-GREENHALL TEACHER AA ANGELA ARMSTRONG ASST PRINCIPAL LA LISA ARMSTRONG TEACHER EA ELAINE ARVIDSON TEACHER SA SHANNON ASHCROFT TEACHER MA MICHAEL ASSA TEACHER Learning went remote in March of 2020, and despite hybrid efforts last fall, the district did not return to exclusively in-person classes (with limited schedules) until April 19 of this year. 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