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kongu vellala gounder caste category
This article about an Indian ethnicity or social group is a stub. How is the caste system related . for our people, for our culture, for our nation. Previous comments of our community people ? I did say that the Dalits face more problem from OBC/BC's rather than Brahmins. In the wedding ceremony, the brother of the bride and sister of the groom play significant roles. It should be reformed so that it is not used for personal vengeance..Apart from reservation and pcr acts there are other things which has to be attended in kongu area..Can you list the development schemes undertaken by the government for the past 40 years in the kongu region.. [54], Even though at present, the term Vellalar has come to mean a farmer or agricultural people, a number of non-cultivating landholding castes like Kaarukaatha Velaalar and the Kondaikatti Velaalar who served ruling dynasties in various capacities also identify themselves as Vellalar. They helped promote and stabilize Shaivism during the Chola era and many of the cult's leaders were drawn from the ranks of the Vellalar. They have about major 64 subsects out of (koottam) 145, and do not marry within their koottam. 2) The clan name, which is the surname really, like Perungudi, Manian etc. i belong to vellayan kootam and my kulladeivam is solliamman located in athur village at karur. It is really great to know the history of my community and this will be shared to one and all in my family and relatives.tks. /** If I could make a 10% change in your viewpoints that is enough for me **/This is the core problem here.. you consider yourself as moral authority and attempt to change me.. instead of debating, your aim is changing me.. /**Untouchability is a crime. Even Manidah neya katchi, the political party of muslims fared poorly. . [56] Similarly, the Vellala Chettis, a branch of the Chozhia Vellalars were traders and merchants. But it need not be same in today's democratic world. - . it is between kangayam and muthur at valliarachal village.i really appreciate the informations furnished abt kong vellala community and i wish you every success in your endeavour.tks and regardsvelumani.muthusamy gounder. Gounder (caste) Kongu Vellala Gounder Total population about 50,00,000 Regions with significant populations Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Srilanka, Malaysia, Singapore,South Africa,USA,U.K Languages Tamil Religions Hinduism We have polled more than 1 lakh cotes in 4 core constituencies. The changes such as inclusion, exclusion and modification in the names of castes listed under SC/ST can only be carried out with approval of the State. Believe me I've seen the Gounders behaviour in the region of Salem,Namakkal,Erode and Dharmapuri belts ..Their attitude towards the Dalits is one of the worst I've seen among the upper caste Hindus .There will be denials .You can even say that you cannot generalise .But that is the harsh truth .If they do real introspection, if they really want to change and do something different let the GOOD ONES among the Gounders change the behaviours of the fellow Gounders that itself will be a bigger service to the society Kongu region doesnt need a KNMP to improve itself .it can take care of its own .Eagle, i am porulur poosan,i proved to kongu vellala gounder,i am very proved of our history ,please realese as book i am software eng,i am form the kongu vellar gounder community,and iam from kongu nadu ,my kottam is poosan,my kulladeyvam is mangaiamman porulur,in dindigul district in ottanchatram taulk,we were in palani. hi i am rajkumar from namakkal.. i belong to veliyan kootam and my kuladeivam is sellandiamman. Etymology. [g] While some of the Jains assign this conversion to the period of the Bhakti movement in Tamil nadu others link it to a conflict with a ruler of the Vijayanagar empire in the 15th century. They are considered as brothers and sisters. The early pre-migration institutions were modified to include the emerging peasant class. Why do they need a party today? As per moral and ethical standards. With this base we have to build our party. The Vellalar also had more authority, power and status than the Brahmins in some social and ritual contexts. Other communities migrated along with the peasants, including potters, barbers, craftsmen, as well as Brahmins and Dalits. But i am afraid the dirty politicians play their role cunningly and split it like Vivasayihal Sangam. I have suggested long back that our IT professionals of Kongu Geniuses can launch a website by getting a sponsor from leading personalities in our community.Nobody has come forward for doingthis. Eagle.. dont think, you know everything and others are fools..I am a software engg, and i strongly support my caste..CAste is the strength of Hinduism, and India.. CHENNAI: With the quota for Hindu OBCs shrinking in Tamil Nadu after the implementation of 3.5 per cent reservation each for Christian and Muslim OBCs, the Kongu Vellalar Gounders have demanded that they be shifted from the Backward Class list to the Most Backward Class category. WITHOUT THEHELP OF POLITICAL PARTY, WE CANNOTGET THINGS DONE EASILY. Hi,I would like to get a justification on why the newly formed party went on to join with AIADMK?I was so worried sooner after I saw the news. 2011-11-08 20: . The sixty Sub- castes are generally called Kuttam/Kootam, or Kulam or Gottiram. The kottukaran and nattukavundan generally take care of caste disputes and marriage selection respectively, and only important caste disputes are handled by him. But all those magnanimity and all is useless with these people ..Even in defeat they will not learn lessons A bit of mocking and needling is needed to make them stand in the ground otherwise they will always float as if there are from Mars .Eagle. [8], Large groups of peasants from the plains soon began to migrate into the Kongu Nadu region starting in the 10th century from many places, with migration peaking in the 13th century. Accept the others too, if you think of kongu region's development.With best regards to all Kongu tamil indians.. learn from the mistake and go aheadaru pon natarajan pollachi. give them]3. organize locally4. **/Please try to quote with substantiation.. If you think that the problems can be solved by political parties, then we should not have any problems! I have some boys in good position.If u r interested pls tell abt u and ur family and ur sister. %PDF-1.2 % Individual koottams also have distinct flags in addition to this flag. The secrets for such a developed region go back to the Gounder caste which mostly go unresearched partly due to the heavy stench of ideological biases of contemporary Tamil historians and partly due to the jealousy and the resulting fear of the caste itself. It is also widely believed that the Saiva Vellalas of Madras State who are stricter vegetarians than even Tamil Brahmins, were Jainas. [11], The word Vellalar ( ) may come from the root Vellam for flood, which gave rise to various rights of land; and it is because of the acquisition of land rights that the Vellalar got their name. D something good for your village, your school or much better adopt a Dalit student in your village - fund his education .Dont ever get into this .If you still want to get into this get your facts right - KNMP polled 5.79 laks and not 6.5 lakahs. for your information im also from kongu community.. bt im nt as fanatic as u. pls bear in mind, that every one is same in God's eyes. GOUNDER.IN Kongu Vellala Gounders Community Portal. The herds were vast and mostly belonged to the Bargur cattle type. Kongu Vellala Gounders were classified as a Forward Caste at the time of Indian independence but they successfully requested to be reclassified as a Backward Class in 1975. I will try to induct the proudness, richness and uniqueness of our community to my level best to the younger generation. If the item is sufficiently notable then it will have been covered by much newer works created by people with a neutral point of view. The following is a list of some subcastes of the Vellalar Arunattu Vellalar. Today the world will know about our stregth. thanks for your good job in enlightening fellow ppl.. after reading ur blog browsed the net and found this interesting piece of info Kshatriya: Gothra - Kanvayan. [34], Historian Burton Stein who has done a detailed analysis of this inscription equates the Valangai military forces and the Velaikkara troops of the Cholas with the Vellalas and notes that the contents of the above inscription confirm this identification. All rights reserved. Commenting always against KVs make a doubt.Declare, if you wish, that you are not belonging to Kongu Vellala. Search Safe & Secured Kongu Vellala bride & groom Matrimonial profiles with exclusive privacy. I got more inffermation about kongu vellala goundersthankyou for this blog. Yeppadi..yeppadi.. matha jathi yellam vandhu unga weddings-la vaela seivangala?mmminnum villages la indha kodumai yellam nadakudha? can i help email id- velsel@gmail.comCoimbatore Kongu singam.i belong to villi wife belong to payaran kulam.i am working in a Government organization. Kongu Vellalar is a community found in the Kongu region of Tamil Nadu, India. To establish supremacy by divide and rule. I'm sure the party mgmt would be doing this. If you accept caste, then you should accept that we are all sudras according to brahmins.. it does not matter, if you have money or land.. for brahmins we are sudras, the fourth caste! There should not be any discrimination based on sex, religion, caste etc. [57] The Adi-saiva vellalar sect is a strictly vegetarian Saivite group that traditionally served as priests. The punishment was lifted if the widow consented to the man leaving her, the man provided the widow with sufficient means to live herself, and the man providing a feast to his family by killing a black sheep. No. Come down from the pedestal, accept the realities, be practical and above all try to all encompassing - if you still want to do politics with PCR act and all you will become the political untouchable and by next election you are finished ..Aru Pon - I respect your views. The Vettuvars, eventhough being later settlers take advantage of their increased numbers and challenge the Vellalars through committing excesses on Vellala territory and harassing Vellala women. and respected by all other castes. Poll observers feel the KNMK had purposefully fielded a weak candidate, R Natarajan, in Karur to help shift their votes to AIADMKs M Thambidurai, a Gounder by caste. By its manifesto it has shown that it is for the development of the region. Some scholars saw the KMK's presence in the Kongu belt as contributing to the ADMK's victory in those constitutencies. A great work, to record all our history, customes, value systems and to spread unity amoung us. iv) Fantastic Perking facility for all vehicles v) LCD/TV arrangements to comfortably view the function from long distance. It is unwanted to make a statement that all KVs are against other lower communities. you like to be called a sudra? there's only 2 kulams ; man n woman.. mind it. Good luck to them. [59]They were more orthodox than the Brahmins in their religious practices. Most of the representatives were Gounders, what have they done? I have no objection to a list provided that the contents abide by the Wikipedia policies and, in particular, those for verification of information using reliable sources. Now wait for the excuses will count the votes of all the KNMP candidates polled and say that we have support of so many people thanks for them .blah ..blah ..blah .Ha ha ..Needed this for Easwaran who roamed like a telugu film rowdy in Kovai streets and not to mention about the Thaniyarasu who lorded in the Namakkal belt by doing Katta panchayathu Eagle. The most recent reports of RGI and the State government would be referred to the National Commission for SC/ST, along with the comments, as well as any relevant material, documents and other representations given by the community members. Join hands to develop the region socially like any other western country. It exists for the Kongu Vellalar Gounder or Vellala Gounder community. watch out for MLA election also in most of the constituency there are even 90 percent gounders seems atleast 15 seats is going to be won by knmp with ease.already dmk is positioned out for religion party mmk spliting dmk votes and making way for knmp candidate to win in pollachi and in coimbatore. Line 1 Korrantai (I*) lava (n) many local people who live generations in their locality have no identity card, voter idmany outsiders have purchased land and property.. where is our local organization? Location : Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. CHENNAI: Redesignationof the seven SCs into Devendrakula Vellalars would undergo lengthy process involving the State, Centre, National Commission for SC/ST and Register General of India. Saiva Vellala Mudaliars and Saiva Pillais are equal to the vellala gounders. [65], During the British colonial period, the Vellalars who were land owners and tillers of the soil and held offices pertaining to land, were ranked as Sat-Sudra in the 1901 census; with the Government of Madras recognising that the 4-fold division (four varnas) did not describe the South Indian, or Dravidian, society adequately. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Within two elections we can definitely defeat the Dravidian parties.The next step is to identify the areas of stronghold within the constituencies to elect our assembly leaders. I am happy to see the history of the 'kongu velalar' community. Kongu Vellala Gounders are one of the earliest inhabitants of South India living in the North Western part of Tamil Nadu with agriculture as their occupation. Alert: : Auto approved members are only allowed to send 3 emails. They form half of the Sri Lankan Tamil population and are the major husbandmen, involved in tillage and cattle cultivation. Wiki User. The people of the Kongu Vellala Gounder community have two titles in general: 1) The caste title, which is Gounder or Goundan. All the three so called caste names were originally titles held by chieftains. KERALA 01 GOUNDER KONGU VELLALA 01053 KERALA 01 GOUNDER MENON 01054 KERALA 01 GOUNDER PADAIYACHI 01055 KERALA 01 GOUNDER PILLAI 01056 KERALA 01 GOUNDER VANIAR 01057 . Like in the west where a farmer does not feel any restriction to move up and down in the social ladder depending upon his work and education. Entry No. To my experience, enemies are within our community only. That's all. webtelecast super idea..lot of people.especially woman .. new flag and the political party name announced.i hope surely our people to vote to our political party..KONGU NADU MUNNAERTA PAYRAVAI.from..prakash pollachi..coimbatore dt. **/Good comedy.. first read about religions, and then read about history.. before that, first open up your mind for alternate views.. Can i quote some most harshest lines from other religions? why do we convert paddy fields, cotton and groundnut fields to coconut grooves? , -- , , - , - - . However, the government's position has been that inclusion or classification of castes in any list is solely the work of the Backward Classes Commission. So all KVs shall we cast our vote to our co-kongu lions in the coming election on 13.05.2009, which will be an other avenue to lead.Velumani - Kovai Kongu Lion, it is good to be proud of one's origin and place, but if it becomes fundamental and fanatic, then it is dangerous. He can go and see in all villages. As you a co-kongu lion, dont do it any more please. Wonderful information. [58], The Vellalar were considered to be of high status and enjoyed a high rank during the Chola period. Wait n watch vote for kongu..we love gounder caste.what ever u say gounder is gounder..nee yennamo sollitu poo.we dont care..GOUNDER GOUNDER GOUNDER.BORN AS GOUNDER ..DIE AS GOUNDER..LOVE GOUNDER CASTE..1 vote vaanginalum sari..100 vote vaanginalam sari..goundan goundan thaan. Mr. Eagle,If you really want to debate, you can avoid personal attacks against me.. it doesnt matter, if i am crooked or insane or whatever you call me..The topic which we debate matters here..If you are wise enough to have such refined debate, i can continue further.. Eagle,/** Untouchability is one of the besetting crimes of the Hinduism and EVR's role in eradicating the same is indisputable Read history to understand that **/Untouchability is not a crime, and the EVR did not have any role in eradicating it.. the very reason is because, untouchability is mutually practiced by all castes..I challenge you.. you can go to any of the SC communities, and enquire if they would mix with another Dalit community.. they will not even drink water..Untouchability is one of the arrangement, where conflicting cultures had a way to live together without disturbing each other.Infact, untouchability remained as a protective barrier to the dalit community.. That's why we did not have any genocide, and we did not have any slavery or the kind of slave abuses as happened in america..I request you to first read original history and then comment.. NOt the distorted one, which you study in school text books and DK magazines. we paid for all with our hard earned money, and many times with borrowed money. Right Angle Buddy,Guess you are missing my main point and deviating by answering to the specifics ..And see who is aggressive and abusive now . ha ha .The beauty of debate/argument is both sides can go on arguing without coming to any conclusion - with neither side budging This is the same world which has both Internet and Taliban together .so differing views will always be there let it be .To keep it simple - I dont want to argue on the Muslims angle and Europeans angle ..and how good or bad we were in the past .The current reality is - 1.Dalits are dominated by OBC/MBC's 2. View Full Profile. [10] According to Beck's (1972) study, the Kongu Vellalar are one of the top ranking castes who were entitled to ownership over land. Gounders are namely Kongu Naatu Gounder Kongu Vellar/Vellala Gounder Vanniyars: Vanniyar is a caste that belongs to Most Backward Class (MBC) of Tamilnadu. And you SMS campaign and missed call campaign generated laks and lakhs of responses ..ha ..ha Understand the reality buddies .Even PMK was routed warning for all the Caste based organisations So, the next step is bargain for coalition with any Dravidian party for the next election ??? That is the reality. Did they solve any problem?We have divided ourselves by caste and religion and we say we want to develop our region! With gas cylinder as its symbol, allotted just 14 days before the polls, the KNMK out-performed actor Vijaykanths DMDK in Coimbatore, Pollachi, Tiruppur and Erode. This cultural combination of the heroic traditions and megalithic burials greatly influenced Kongu Nadu's culture. Even going by a conservative estimate, Gounders should have roughly 40 lakh votes in the state, feel poll observers. Following this, the Centre would ask the comments of Registrar General of India (RGI). I think eagle try to push more anti-kvs slogans in this blog by giving general statistics and information which are unrealistic about the KVs.What he is thinking in his mind.Is he against KVs or mere an egoist person.Why so aversion about KVs. Full of EGO. There is heavy, hard & violent racism by dravidian racists../** My original grouse against KVG's is - though they are one of the advanced communities in terms of social standing, business, education and agriculture - why do they want to ride on the caste bandwagon - and their top two demands - repealing/amendment of PCR act and exclusive reservation of KVG'S is uncalled for .**/TO understand this, you need to first understand the reality of caste system, with open mind..for that you need to read Dharampal's book.. www.dharampal.netunless the above happens, what ever i say, you will never understand or accept..regarding PCR, most of it are abused by the SC's.. i have seen many families who were affected because of this act, when the dalit worker has to pay any debt or loan back to the farmer.. Mr. Eagle,YOu are writing like a typical academecian.. You are sensationalising and blowing up the issue..We can also write comments like you.. see it below..The pain of havenots unable to survive in the societyThe cornering of resources by the riches and discriminating the poor.The pain of being exploited by the urban elites for the paltry sum..The pain of slum dwellers, whose area of living is looted by the urbanites.The pain of hunger, because there is no money to live in..The pain of disease, unable to pay heft doctor fees, The pain of the rural people, who were exploited to the core by the urban elites.The urban sewages being diverted to rural areas, spoiling their livelyhood, their environment..I can list out so on and on and on..The very life of an urbanite discriminates the rural people..It is the urbanites who are using slumdwellers to clean their toilets, and clean their septic tanks..You cannot find those in rural villages..In rural villages, the dalits had a means to live, even without a single penny..In rural villages, eventhough untouchability existed, the higher caste always helped them in times of difficulty.. Like gounders, everyone in the region demands respect. But today, BC/MBC/OBC's are more non-tolerant/militant towards SC/ST's than Brahmins. I have just removed 90% of the article because it was an uncited, sprawling and confusing list of clans. Login NOW or Register FREE M9155394 Parent's Contact Number also available Last Login : 3 months ago The Gounders are the dominant caste in the western . The Kongu Vellalars also had complex relations with the locals, sometimes friendly, sometimes hostile, and many locals were assimilated into the ethnogenesis of the Gounders. [10] The poem Pattinappaalai lists the six virtues of Vellalar as abstention from killing, abstention from stealing, propagation of religion, hospitality, justice and honesty. [31] As per historian Arokiaswami, the Hoysala title 'Ballala' is only a variant of the Tamil word 'Vellala'. Injcan; 7. This region supports the Tamil Nadu state from economic collapse and single handedly manages its fame. The World's No.1 Matchmaking Service . Your views border almost on extreme right-wing. [46][47], The Vellalars of Sri Lanka have been chronicled in the Yalpana Vaipava Malai and other historical texts of the Jaffna kingdom. Do you think the other regions of Tamilnadu have no problems? [49], Their dominance rose under Dutch rule and they formed one of the colonial political elites of the island. Hi All,It seems,atleast now some good things are happenings in tamilnadu. which party got so many votes within 12 days of getting party symbol? Kongu Vellalar (including Vellala Gounder Nattu Gounder, Narambukkatti Gounder, Tirumudi Vellalar, Thondu Vellalar, . Prof. keep trying to enlighten us more. They worship the thaali and the arumaikkaran ties it around the bride's neck. Kerala Caste List: Kerala, a state located in the southern region of India, is known for its diverse culture and rich history. Thus some groups of the Vettuvars became full-time agriculturalists, calling themselves Vettuvavelalar. Think before you votearu pon natarajan Pollachi. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. MR Eaglewatch out d predictions on NDTV and CBN tamil nadu AIDMK-18 DMK-20 wt abt 1 seat????? Let us break the ice by creating such website and pave the way to others. In the TN election history except Congress, DMK and AIADMK no other party has won 50 seats In the current TN politics certain things are simply impossible Whether KNMP leadrship realises it or not dont waste your time dreaming on that .Take care.Eagle. [48][8] Local Sri Lankan literature, such as the Kailiyai Malai, an account on Kalinga Magha, narrates the migration of Vellala Nattar chiefs from the Coromandel Coast to Sri Lanka. Gounder is a caste that belongs to Backward Class (BC) of Tamilnadu. This indicates she will no longer feed him and he is going out into the world on his own. KNMP is forcing its own community to display flags [remembers me of hitler's germany] and their supporters observe and watch others. The outfit may not have won even a single seat but left a mark by playing spoiler in several of the 12 seats it contested. Unity is strength. i wish kongu nadu in feature it should be in the tamil politic and national politics.we need to have our kongu nadu people stateral minister,for not only benifit for our community and also for the whole benifit of kongu nadu region i.e western tamil nadu ,people from other community also vote for the devolpment for kongu nadu ,even without our goverment full help we are all kongu nadu people come this far(2/3 economy to tamil nadu from region)even with help goverment , so we the people can reach great height &more more prosporus life vote for KNMP .if they come we can attain full devolpment in this region(i.e front runner in well devolped region in india,in that time we were example to others(rest of india even for world)in devolpment )we can we will in the state election to win atleast 50 assembly seatswe can we willuse this base vote (i.e6.5 lacs)make more people aware of the party in our regionstart kongu tv to make awarenessif we had shown feb 15 meeting in tv we had win atleast 4-5 seatsmake awareness avilable to all people as quick as possible before state election ,we need change our defect to massive win in state election so everbody need to work hard take to more peoplewe were baby in the mp election,we need show our kongu region strenthWE CAN WE WILL, Kavi,You are young, you are a software professional, you live in the Internet era where even national boundaries are meaningless - why do you want spend time on caste based politics ??
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