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lanarkshire health board headquarters
Before that, Jann was Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer in NHS Fife. A number of health boards - including Ayrshire and Arran, Borders and Lanarkshire - have postponed all non-urgent surgery to focus resources on coronavirus, such is the scale of the situation in hospitals. 6 Ardoch Grove Health and Social Care Partnerships in Lanarkshire, Meet the Experts video on minor injuries units, South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership, recent comments made about NHS Lanarkshire, Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, WordPress Download Manager - Best Download Management Plugin, An ongoing programme of fraud awareness sessions. The military is already providing additional support at University hospitals Hairmyres, Monklands and Wishaw. Please use the search box above to refine your search. You may find contact information for organizations through Health Canada's organizational structure. V6C 1A1, Telephone: 1-866-225-0709 Carluke Community Health Centre, Services will be resumed as quickly as the NHS Lanarkshire is able to do so. He has worked within the Third Sector for over 25 years in areas which have included mental health, welfare and debt advice, housing and employment. Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust Headquarters Hywel Dda University Health Board Swansea Bay University Health Board Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board Betsi Cadwaladr. He has particular expertise in the healthcare sector and in strategic business planning and reorganisation management for large technology organisations. [6] Its proposal to end referrals to Glasgow's Centre for Integrative Care for services such as acupuncture was opposed by Elaine Smith. In October 2021, NHS Lanarkshire was allocated 63 navy and army personnel to help ease the pressures expected during the winter. In a briefing note, NHS Lanarkshire said the only way it can preserve its "never services" - the ones it would never wish to stop . Teletypewriter: 1-800-465-7735 (Service Canada), 391 York Avenue, Suite 100 Jane has spent a significant part of her career at NHS Lanarkshire. West Port Rio Nance, Choloma Cortes For the main switchboard contact01236 748 748. 'Relentless pressures' Lanarkshire G67 1BP, Kildrum Health Centre,Lochlea Road Kildrum, Cumbernauld G67 2ES, 15 Carfin Road, For all media enquiries contact the NHS Lanarkshire Communications Department by*Please note this media box is only monitored Monday to Friday 9pm to 5pm.If your media request is urgent, during office hours, please call us on 01698 752632. Nauman Dar is a graduate of the University of Strathclyde with over 20 years of experience in delivering large scale business transformations. NHS Lanarkshire is one of the largest and most complex health economies in Scotland, providing health services across Lanarkshire to a population of around partnership with 2 local Councils and Integration Boards to deliver improved health and social care for Lanarkshire's local communities. Our staff will deal with your concern or complaint in an efficient and courteous manner and we hope you will treat our colleagues with the same respect. Colin then worked in a variety of management roles in NHS Lothian, NHS Greater Glasgow and the Scottish Government before joining NHS Lanarkshires planning directorate in 2009. Kenilworth Avenue From 2011 until moving back to Scotland in 2013, he managed a clinical directorate in Guys and St Thomas in London. NHS Lanarkshire is a values-driven organisation, with clinical quality, person centred, safe and effective care firmly at the centre of their strategic plans. Maureen went on to lead the developing community service and for the past ten years has been Head of Service for the Lanarkshire Dietetic Service which includes Acute and Primary Care Services. She added that it is hoped the move to the highest risk level will help reduce the pressures on our staff and services. Board Vice Chair / Non-Executive Board Member. If you have a general question about NHS Lanarkshire or any of its services that not listed in theA-Z of Services, contact ourGeneral Enquiry Lineon0300 3030 243, or email us at, [ Placeholder content for popup link ] Glasgow NHS Lanarkshire Headquarters Primary Care Department Kirklands Hospital Bothwell G71 8BB Email: Email: Telephone: 01236 707711 Telephone: 07525 934996 NHS Lothian Directorate of Public Health and Health Policy Waverly Gate 2-4 Waterloo Place Edinburgh EH1 3EG Glasgow Organizations seeking financial or in-kind donations from Gildan must submit their request in writing. Montreal, Quebec Tom Steele, Chair. Jane is committed to continuing to improve the quality and safety of patient care across NHS Lanarkshire, supported by a sustainable multi-professional clinical workforce. 2023 BBC. Address Tayside NHS Board Headquarters, Level 10, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, . Please tell us what you think about our website by 1 South Gyle Crescent Following a period as a consultant with NHS Ayrshire & Arran, Josephine returned to Lanarkshire in 2009 and has worked with the health board as a consultant in public health medicine since then. Demonstrate that their project aligns with Gildans community investment policy and focus areas; Be located in regions where Gildan has operations; Be registered and provide a valid charitable registration number; Be financially sound (provide a copy of their most recent financial statements/balance sheet). Contact details for NHS Lanarkshire board members including: If you think that fraud has occurred, or is about to occur you can raise your concerns directly with NHS Counter Fraud Services (CFS) via the telephone hotline or (anonymously, if desired) via the CFS website: NHS Lanarkshire has initiatives that actively seek to identify fraud or assist staff to identify fraud. He went on to study journalism and worked as a reporter in England and Scotland before moving into public relations with South Lanarkshire Council. This has provided him with wide knowledge and experience in various fields and in managing organisations and projects. Postgraduate Dental Dean and Director of Dentistry It added these will be rescheduled "as soon as possible". [10], In May 2022, NHS Lanarkshire was able to confirm that its hospitals had finally come out of the highest level of risk period, when the number of Covid 19 patients had decreased for the first time since October 2021 which had caused critical occupancy resulting in space and staff shortages, as most non-urgent planned care and some cancer procedures had already been temporarily postponed since August 2021. There are a number of sexual health clinics that operate in Lanarkshire, some clinics used to operate on a walk-in basis, but since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, all clinics are only accessible via a booked appointment. Epub 2017 Jan 27. 300 Balgrayhill Road If you have a general question about NHS Lanarkshire or any of its services, contact ourGeneral Enquiry Lineon0300 3030 243 or email H2Z 1X4, Telephone: 1-866-225-0709 Soumen has a MSc in Public Health from the University of Aberdeen and an MBA from the University of Strathclyde. While in Glasgow, Grant was at the helm of a 1 billion major re-organisation of NHS . NHS Lanarkshire will only assess the most serious cases for the next four weeks. As a practising GP myself, I know the immense stress colleagues are under. FK9 4SW, Summerfield House WordPress Download Manager - Best Download Management Plugin. Colin was educated at Kelso High School, then gained a BSc in Astronomy & Astrophysics from St Andrews University and subsequently an MSc in Industrial Relations from Stirling University. GPs in the NHS Lanarkshire health board area will only assess the most serious cases for the next four weeks as coronavirus cases continue to put pressure on services. It will take only 2 minutes to complete. 193 were here. Providing hospital and community based healthcare for the people. 600 de Maisonneuve West, 33rd floor Eglinton House In her role as carer for her father, she has gained first-hand experience of the challenges and opportunities of health and social care integration. Neil has a life-long commitment to addressing the social and economic inequalities that scar many communities. Stornoway He joined NHS Scotland in 1987 through the National Management Training Scheme, and trained in the Borders and Glasgow. [2] NHS Lanarkshire employs approximately 12,000 staff. Bankend Road Not long ago escalating to risk level black was almost unheard of, but now not even that is enough. To only allow the cookies that make the site work, click 'Use essential cookies only.' The appointments are part-time and attract a remuneration of 8,842 per annum for a time commitment of one day per week. Find out more on ourcareers pages. He was a Labour Councillor from 2003 to 2012 and a Labour MSP from 2011 to 2021. He worked as Acting Head of Communications for NHS Lanarkshire from June 2016 before being appointed Director of Communications in 2017. NHS Scotland's Counter Fraud Service has become aware of potential approaches to individuals which result in requests for payments in connection with applications. The 2015 Supreme Court judgment in Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] UKSC 11 established that consent to medical treatment requires shared decision-making based on dialogue between the clinician and patient. Carseview House NHS Lanarkshire's primary care facilities include health centres and 15 community hospitals.[5]. Donations Committee She claimed the medical professionals did not inform her of the potential . It is the largest health board in both Scotland, and the UK, which consists of the Council Areas of the City of Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire and West Dunbartonshire. Siobhan is also a Chartered Public Finance Accountant, a previous Non-Executive Director of West of Scotland Housing Association/Chair of their Audit Committee, the previous Chair of the Audit & Governance Panel at South Ayrshire Council, a past national examiner for CIPFA/ACCA, and current Non-Executive Board Member for the Scottish Housing Regulator and Chair of their Audit & Risk Assurance Committee. [4], The board is pioneering the mental health arm of the Scottish Patient Safety Programme. NHS Lanarkshire works closely in partnership with 2 local Councils and Integration Boards to deliver improved health and social care for Lanarkshires local communities. Ward 8, Cameron Hospital News and health information from NHS Lanarkshire. He called on the Scottish Government to put NHS Lanarkshire health board on level five, the highest level of supervision, until the crisis is resolved.There is a staffing shortage across our NHS and its particularly acute in GP services, he said. 600 de Maisonneuve West, 33rd floor Maureen joined NHS Lanarkshire in 1991 as a part of the dietetic department within Monklands Hospital. In view of the current situation (COVID-19), the Board will meet virtually via Microsoft Teams. Ally is a Trustee of Blood Cancer UK and a volunteer for Cancer Research UK where he co-chairs a Patient and Public Involvement panel and represents the patient voice on research funding committees. All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. Kings Cross Hospital "The military are providing additional support within our hospitals.". Monday, 26th December 2022. [5], Since February 2014, 36 staff have left the board with settlement deals including confidentiality clauses worth a total of 754,382. She has a Masters Degree in HR Management and has served as the Employee Director for NHS Lanarkshire since 2009. 101 Royal Group Crescent, Vaughan, Ontario L4H 1X9. Regina, Saskatchewan Montreal, QC Donald Reid DipBS FRICS MBA graduated from the Glasgow College of Building and Printing with a Diploma in Building Surveying and qualified as a Chartered Building Surveyor in 1988; subsequently being elected as a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in 1995. If you have Freedom of information (FOI) request, please visit ourFOI section. Aberdeen Maureen continues to work as a dietitian within NHS Lanarkshires tertiary eating disorder service. For out-of-hours urgent medical care call NHS24 on 111, For health information, phone NHS inform on 0800 22 44 88. Youve accepted all analytics cookies. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public. Bothwell He previously held senior roles within the V. Group as Commercial Director, Business Development Director and Operations Director as well as accounting and finance roles in private and public sector organisations. 138-144 Windmillhill Street Disaster relief funding will be determined by Gildan on a case-by-case basis. 27289, USA, Gildan Honduras Textile Company She also carried out a review of victim care in the justice sector (published Jan 2017). Boardroom, NHS Lanarkshire Headquarters, Kirklands, Fallside Road, Bothwell. Shetland DG1 4AP, Dental Department The health board, which remains at the highest black alert level, said all GP surgeries will be moved to a "managed suspension of services" and will only focus on the most urgent and time-critical care. All Rights Reserved. Borders General Hospital Guy-Favreau Complex East Tower 200 Ren-Lvesque Blvd. Martin has wide ranging experience in strategy development, executive coaching, leadership development and change management. Click 'Accept all cookies' to agree to all cookies that collect anonymous data. Registerable interests fall into the categories of: The Board Members and Senior Officers eligible to submit a Declaration, being in the position of Non-Executive Director, Executive Director of the NHS Board or Senior Officer of NHS Lanarkshire, are: For further information regarding any aspect of this paper or for further information, please contact:- Paul Cannon, Board Secretary Telephone: 01698 858181 Email: Each of them has an accident and emergency department and provides a range of specialist medical and surgical services. At the time, the health boards deputy chief executive Laura Ace said the sustained pressure was unprecedented and showed no signs of easing. Stobhil Hospital GLASGOW G73 2PQ. Coatbridge ML5 3BJ, Coatbridge Health Centre1 Centre Park Court Coatbridge ML5 3AP, CENTRAL HEALTH CENTRE, NORTH CARBRAIN ROAD CUMBERNAULD, G67 1BJ, Coatbridge Health Centre should make information about NHS Lanarkshire easier to find, has been optimised to work well on desktops, tablets and mobile phones. Telephone: 1-866-225-0709 Teletypewriter: 1-800-465-7735 (Service Canada) Highlights included command of the Scottish Transport Regiment and the award of an MBE for leadership in national logistic planning for operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is the largest health board in both Scotland, and the UK, which consists of the Council Areas of the City of Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire and West Dunbartonshire . Gildan Activewear Inc. But NHS Lanarkshires announcement shows that this has only shunted patients from one under-resourced part of the health service to another.. Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board: a paradigm shift BJOG. H3A 3J2, Canada, Gildan Activewear Inc. experience. Dundee Donald has worked in a variety of roles over the past 30 years and brings extensive leadership experience from leading public sector teams across information management, information technology and digital. She is also actively involved in researching all of the above topics and has presented and published a range of papers in these areas, both in the UK and overseas. Lesley graduated from Glasgow University in 1989 and worked as a solicitor in private practice in Glasgow before moving to the public sector by taking up a post as a solicitor for the then Comhairle nan Eilean in 1993. We listen to patients and their families. H3A 3J2, Canada. Ayrshire Cabinet secretary for health Humza Yousaf said: The health service faces the most difficult winter it ever has, and the next few weeks in particular will be extremely challenging. For information about requesting health records visit ourHealth Recordspage. Ms Ace said: "To help free up hospital beds, we have also asked for any assistance from family members to allow us to discharge people home or to interim care placements as soon as possible. Toll-free number. BB17047 Barbados, Claudia Sandoval, Vice President, Global Social Compliance and Environmental Affairs, Gildan Activewear SRL All through his previous working life he has been involved in the trade union movement. British Army reservist Captain Dan Phillips is to stand down after more than 16 weeks stationed at NHS Lanarkshire's headquarters in Bothwell. Who was Ukrainian minister Denys Monastyrsky? The Scottish Health Council took the view that the equality . GLASGOW. Primary health care is provided in the community and includes general practitioners (GPs), dentists, pharmacists, health visitors and a wide range of health professionals. Winnipeg, MB As a Lanarkshire resident Ally has, for the last 14 years, been treated for his cancer by NHS Lanarkshire and therefore brings that added perspective to the Board. The board's review was independently verified by the Scottish Health Council, which found they had complied with the national guidance service change. AB15 6RE, Oral Health Directorate She has a strong association with NHS Lanarkshire, having joined in 1999 to train in public health medicine. NHS Lanarkshire said it is dealing with record Covid case numbers and ongoing staff sickness absences. [11] It emphasized however that the situation remained less than ideal[12] and had reached a crucial point where the protection of patients and staff from catching Covid 19 remained the top priority. Since her retirement in 2018, Lesley has become a volunteer with Clydesdale Foodbank and a legal services charity which represents people who may otherwise not obtain access to legal advice, reflecting her concern for the most vulnerable in society. H3A 3J2, Canada, Gildan Activewear Inc. NHS Lanarkshire Headquarters Kirklands Fallside Road Bothwell G71 8BB Phone: 01698 752 800 (Press Option 2 . Dr Linda Findlay, medical director at South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership, said: This change to GP practices will help us deal with the continuing challenges in community services and help reduce the pressure across the whole system, including our acute hospitals which are under sustained pressure.. I am looking forward to this new chapter in my ever-evolving career. NHS Lanarkshire is responsible for the health care of more than 652,000 people living within the council areas of North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire in Scotland, making it the third largest health board in the country after NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and NHS Lothian. H3A 3J2, Canada, Gildan Activewear Inc. [13], Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland, "ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2019", "Funding the future: New wave of NHS 'big build' projects", "Scottish Health secretary Shona Robison urged to intervene to stop the axing of the out-of-hours GP service at Wishaw General", "Campaigners take fight for homeopathic hospital to Holyrood", "Patients are being 'denied democracy', claims group fighting to save Scotland's 'last hope' hospital", "Military drafted in to under-pressure NHS boards in Scotland", "Black to red: Health board 'no longer at the highest level of risk', "NHS Lanarkshire no longer at highest risk level after six months", "NHS Lanarkshire no longer at highest risk level as it falls from black to red",, This page was last edited on 30 May 2022, at 11:47. R3C 0P4, Telephone: 204-983-4199 Health Boards are having to take very difficult decisions in order to ensure they prioritise urgent and critical care. Edinburgh This health board was already at the highest risk level alarms have been sounding for months on end, but the SNP failed to respond.Our NHS is in critical condition. Stirling Neil is the Director of Unity Consulting Scotland, a not for profit social enterprise that works with trade unions, the third sectorand communityorganisations. The public holidays in NHS Lanarkshire for 2022/2023 are as follows: Friday, 15th April 2022. He is adept at developing critical solutions while standardising and improving current practises and procedures while also having a strong background in process and operations improvements and strategy and business planning. "We know the impact of the current pressures are being felt right across the health and social care system, including GP practices which remain extremely busy. She graduated in law from Glasgow University in 1979 and worked as a Solicitor in industry before joining the prosecution service in 1985. 600 de Maisonneuve West, 33rd floor There are three district general hospitals in the area - University Hospital Hairmyres, University Hospital Monklands and University Hospital Wishaw. This is the first version of our new website. The appointments are regulated by the Ethical Standards Commissioner. 2 Eday Rd 31 Jan 2023. Director of Health and Social Care for South Lanarkshire. Ally was diagnosed with a blood cancer in 2008 and, as a result of this diagnosis, he established a partnership between the Fire and Rescue Service and the charity Anthony Nolan. Ross has worked within the health and social care agenda in Lanarkshire since 2003, commencing within Health Improvement, which nurtured a focus on prevention, early intervention and living independently at home for as long as possible. VideoChess gets a risqu makeover, The Nigerian influencers paid to manipulate your vote, How a baffling census delay is hurting Indians, How Mafia boss was caught at a clinic after 30 years. Projects and organizations that are not eligible include: We accept requests for funds throughout the year. Professor Jann Gardner joined NHS Lanarkshire in December 2022 and has more than 30 years of healthcare management experience. Nauman is very passionate about helping NHS Lanarkshire achieve their objectives and feels his experience can add value to the Board. He added: The services provided under this change will vary between practices depending on their individual circumstances. Montral, Qubec Gildan Activewear Inc. Starting her career as a clinical pharmacist in Hairmyres Hospital, Jann has gone on to hold a number of professional and senior leadership roles within clinical, operations, strategy and transformation, always with a patient centred innovation focus. Beechwood Business Park Clepington Road Is there anybody out there? The principal aim of the integration of health and social care is to improve the health and wellbeing of the people in the area. Director of Planning, Property and Performance. Teletypewriter: 1-800-465-7735 (Service Canada), Suite 1918, 1505 Barrington Street Halifax, NS B3J 3Y6, Telephone: 1-866-225-0709 Facsimile: 902-426-6659 Teletypewriter: 1-800-465-7735 (Service Canada), Tupper Building While Gildan wishes to provide aid to all eligible organizations, due to resource constraints, we may not have the ability to partner with all organizations that meet our eligibility criteria. Councillor Eileen Logan first elected 1980, currently Councillor for Clydesdale West, South Lanarkshire Council. The partnership has volunteers across Scotland who go to secondary schools to educate young people about stem cell, blood and organ donation and recruit them to the stem cell register. In 1995 she was appointed to one of four posts within the newly established community dietetic service. Sheis chair of the Allied Health Professions Advisory Committee and chair of the Area Clinical Forum which provides clinical advice to the NHS Board. Scotland 's Counter Fraud service has become aware of potential approaches to individuals which result requests! Cwm Taf Morgannwg University health Board Cwm Taf Morgannwg University health Board Swansea University... Avenue from 2011 to 2021 the year Monklands and Wishaw contact01236 748 748 pressures our... Cookies ' to agree to all cookies that make the site work click! To 2012 and a Labour MSP from 2011 to 2021 are under Hospital News and health information, phone inform. Safety Programme health information, phone NHS inform on 0800 22 44 88 and political activity no... Pressure was unprecedented and showed no signs of easing accept requests for funds throughout the year and Labour! 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