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lost treasure found in oklahoma
Located on Lake Texoma, particularly in Oklahomas Cross Timbers Region, Caney Creek has 50 campgrounds by the water for people visiting here. However, with an amount of loot that big, the army was going to do all they could to retrieve it. It is said that he got away with $1 to $2 million in gold bullion. People who want to learn about the history of treasures in Oklahoma will learn so much from this book and maybe find them themselves. At first, the doctor disbelieved the rancher, but the more he thought about it, the more fascinated by the idea he came. Jesse James and his brother Frank had strong ties with Oklahoma as his brother used to call the town of Fletcher his home. The payroll was robbed by outlaws when they attacked the army supply train and then hid the coins in the cave. are stories of Indians burying many treasures in the area of the Mission. He was then treated by a doctor there who told him to get some rest. Good read! A heavily laden cart was held up during one of these gold transfers in 1819. There is also a roadside attraction called One Room Jail. It has more than enough features you will need to find most treasures buried in the ground. He operated a successful dry goods store there, and was instrumental in bring in the Santa Fe depot. The rancher became suspicious when he noticed that the Mexicans didnt have any fishing equipment. Somewhere near Onion Creek near the Oklahoma Kansas border. This attraction is a single room with a door and window barred with iron rods. Founded in 1892, it had a post office that opened on March 24, 1896, and closed on June 30, 1955. With so much of his team sick and wore out, Coronado decided to hide the treasure until they finished their hunt. He returned to Fort Sill to search for the treasure but found the old trading post had been torn down and he didnt know the direction from the well that the payroll was buried. A Presbyterian mission was founded here in 1819, and there are many stories of Indians having buried many treasures in the area of the Mission. Many have searched for this treasure but it has yet to be discovered. The treasure consists of gold and silver coins. Following the excavations of the 1960s, no further grants have been issued to treasure hunters to seek out the buried loot. The US Army Field Artillery School also lies in most of the southeastern end of these mountains. The tool that I actually recommend is using a Metal Detector. Love Oklahoma? When they came across the transfer cart, they couldnt resist. CKG Sand Scoops are heavy duty and able to be used as a shovel. The triangle location was much used. A story about a 2 million dollar treasure in gold bullion, buried by French Enter Here Discovering lost treasure is easy with Oklahoma State Treasurer's official database. The bandit then proceeded with the gold and silver coins in six saddlebags on a horse headed for Oklahoma City. During the Civil War, a wooden fort was located here, and there have been several rumors that there are multiple treasures buried by outlaws in this area. The money was intended to provide the months payroll for the soldiers in Ft. Sill. 100% waterproof, wireless headphones and pinpointer. $600 was buried by Tom Hicks near farm where the railroad crosses the Grand River. Fort Sill which is still in existence is an Army Base located about 85 miles southwest of Oklahoma City. Still, despite his best efforts, no buried treasure could be found. Two markers were carved on the rock, around 30 feet up from the base. Buried Loot on the Banks of The Neosho River, Buried Bags of Gold Near Black Dog Trail Crossing, Lost Bandito Treasure Near The Blue River, French Miners Gold Buried on Sugarloaf Peak, Confederate Treasure Near The Ghost Town of Scullyville, 11 Lost Treasures of Oregon (Buried Treasure Awaits). With history that includes the Mexican-American War and the Great Plains finding treasure in Oklahoma is the perfect pastime. Lenora reached a population of 400 by the year 1900. But I hope these few that I wrote about have wet your appetite for lost treasure stories. The points might be 100 yards from each other, sometimes nearer, or maybe farther - as in one case in the west where the points were three miles apart. Right before Al Spencer was fatally shot by a posse it is said that he hid an undetermined amount of loot in the woods on the Oklahoma border with Kansas about two miles south of Caney, Kansas. Could this be where the legend of the Spanish buried treasure came from? Then a dam was constructed, and Lake Eufaula, together with a reservoir, flooded Standing Rock and a few other towns. Wilbert Martin from Tulsa had a theory on these markings. The man who made it out was wounded badly and on his death bed, he told his family of the buried gold and where they could find it. It is one of the Southern United States significant rivers and tributary of the Atchafalaya River. More information can be found in. Another tale comes several years later, this time originating with the American Civil War. So alongside the treasure, you might be in for a shock to find some old bones as well. He hid the coins in a metal box, in a cave-like niche in the hills. However, they need to ask permission from the authorities governing these rivers and lakes. After passing through the Great Plains, the Red River divides into two branches in the Texas Panhandle. Still carrying the coins, he knew he had to get rid of them somehow. Well compared to north Idaho most places do suck. It is claimed that he located the treasure, but during his years of incarceration, Fort Sill had changed significantly. One of the earliest tales of buried treasure in Oklahoma stem from Spanish explorers. Not long before Bob and Grat Dalton, the two main members of the Dalton Gang were killed in Coffeyville, Kansas when they were attempting to hold up the Condon Bank they were committing train and bank robberies in Oklahoma. Although the story of Coronado and his men is entertaining, the likelihood of it being true is very slim. Lenora - Dewey County It is an unincorporated town in Dewey County, just 5.5 miles west of Taloga. If you are ready to read these amazing lost treasure stories then read on. Each wagon carried two large barrels of gold coins. In 1933, Samuel Stewart was said to have buried $5,000 in $20 gold coins in the Gyp Hills on his farm near Butler. Okay its not cheap, but your finds are going to increase with this machine. This watercourse begins in the southeast of Stilwell and ends in Illinois Rivers Tenkiller Ferry Lake. Sometimes the Indians murdered the Spaniards, Oil Wasnt The Only Treasure Sought Underground. convicts hideout Oklahoma hills. In 2020 Craig published "Great Lost Treasure Never Found." "Lost Oklahoma Treasure" was published by The History Press in March 2021. The weathering in the Pennsylvanian and Permian Periods exposed and rounded this series of mountains. It has been said that many more silver bars are in the area. Some of it, the stories go, is from Spanish explorers. Although the state entered the union, People believe Missouri is home to the treasures buried during the Civil War. The gang then took some of that money and spent it and the rest they put in saddlebags and rode off for Coffeyville, Kansas. Additionally, many of the men were getting sick for unknown reasons. But this should not be a problem as private land owners will probably permit you if you state your intentions and ask them politely. He was finally released in 1925. Recipient Testimonial: Mike Allen This river drains an 18,927-square-mile basin. They would steal from travelers in the area. It got its name from iskulli, a Choctaw word that translates to money. Some of them were killed and others were sent to prison after the bank robbery. and River Traditions LLC participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and others, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other companies. Youtube Video. Read up on the Oklahoma State Park information about metal detecting on the FAQ page. Over the next 100 years, it would be part of Texas, Arkansas Territory, Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory. In 1834 most of Oklahoma became part of the Indian Territory because of the Indian Nonintercourse Act. When she isn't exploring Oklahoma, she enjoys visiting the beaches of California. The Dalton Gang had a short stint at being outlaws in the wild west starting in 1890 and ending in 1892. Many of the lost treasures of Oklahoma took place in the 1800s and early 1900s. There are stories that the Confederates buried several treasures in the town before they fled from the area. Outlaws attacked an Army supply train and hid the coins in the cave. If allowed get your metal detector out a sweep, but always be respectful. Skullyville lies one mile east of Spiro. It is claimed that the Cherokee went in search of the ranchers pay, found all of the markers, but still wasnt able to find the stash of silver coins. There is also a nearby city with the same name as the river. It appears that the descendants of the outlaws that traveled to Mexico had come back for the unclaimed loot. During the Cival War a wooden fort was located here. It stood between 40 and 65 feet tall. . B. Hitchcock, who related the story to the local media. (source). That was an obvious mistake that I somehow missed. The leader of the Banditos saw the posse coming and ordered his men to bury the strong box of gold coins on the bank of the Blue River near their camp. A portion of the lake is located at the Red River and Washita Rivers confluence. The group that headed towards Mexico crossed the border and never returned. The coins were stolen from a stagecoach by the outlaw, and today will be worth a great amount if anybody finds them. The driver and wounded guard complied, but the third guard wasnt ready to give in just yet. Mexican Bandits or Banditos once roamed portions of Oklahoma in the early 1800s. The gun, that marked the spot where the treasure was gone and there was no sign of where the attack took place. The rancher instructed the doctor to find the carved hatchet on Standing Rock and follow the direction the handle pointed. Oklahoma is filled with lost and buried treasure stories. If needed contact info - HERE, Click for Simplex + price check on Amazon, Click for CKG Scoop price check on Amazon, Click for Equinox 800 price check on Amazon, Where to Metal Detect in Oklahoma (with Maps! It is said that there was or is a treasure map of sorts carved into the rocks there with a pistol, bow, and arrow pointing the way to the next clue. Oklahoma was abysmal in generating pressure off the edge. Texola only had a population of 36, according to the 2010 census. The next thing you need is a great shovel, believe me when I say youll dig more knowing you can dig FASTER. Fort Sill was an old trading post. ), Coin Collecting For Beginners (an Easy Step-By-Step Guide! The name is because this is where the Choctaw Agency is, where the members of this unincorporated town collected their annuity payments. A more likely scenario comes from the Twin Territories paper printed in 1899. From Mexico, his men traveled north into New Mexico and then east into Oklahoma and Kansas. Oklahoma Treasures and Treasure Tales. Standing Rock was named for a massive slab that had broke loose from a sandstone cliff formation high above the north bank of the Canadian River and lodged itself in the center of a nearby stream. Gene Curtis. In the early 1800's, the area of "Three Forks" was at one time a large trading post. The 1890s was this towns most populated time, with about 150 residents. This ghost town of Scullyvulle was located on the southern side of the Arkansas River, around 12 miles south of Fort Smith. Silver coins, In the early 1800s, the American Robinhood David Robber Lewis became famous for robbing the, Forrest Fenn, an author and art dealer, hid a treasure chest filled with gold, jewelry,. The gang escaped and brought their look to the Wichita Mountains. 10 Best Places to Find Silver Coins metal detecting! Apparently, the miners hid their cache, and then traveled into Boise City to purchase supplies. Additionally, the state named the lake after Oklahoma governor William H. Murray. The arrowhead pointed upwards, as if pointing towards the sky. With very little law came a great opportunity for outlaw holdups. He vowed to return one day, but never made it. On a farm in the Osage Hills close to the small town of Okesa, Ok. Oklahoma Lost Treasure Sites Kiamichi Mountain Hoard Near the town of Cloudy in the Kiamichi Mountains is a buried treasure worth approximately $80,000. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Lost Treasure is still out there. He said: If the arrowhead pointed down it could mean that treasure was buried there. 00:01. Over the next 100 years, it would be part of Texas, Arkansas Territory, Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory. Badly wounded, it soon became apparent that he needed medical attention. And have fun in your search for Oklahoma lost treasure. Another symbol found nearby was a large arrowhead marker carved on a large oak tree. Attempts to recover the treasure in later years proved futile! The Neosho River flows through the northeastern part of Oklahoma. The only transportation that really existed back then revolved around the horse and wagon. jeff of pa; Jan 13, 2022; Replies 1 Views 845. Despite their best efforts, the mob was upon them and cut down most of the outlaws. Lost Treasures of Jesse James Jesse James is one of the most famous and most written about outlaws in the Wild West. However, removing items believed to be more than 100 years old is illegal under federal law. "Lost Texas Treasure" was published 2022 by The History Press. They are said to have buried this gold somewhere in this area. The large amount was weighing down the packhorses and slowing the men down. In a cave located near Mill Creek, in the Arbuckle Mountains, there is said to be a treasure of the Armys stolen payroll. Their hope was that if anyone came across the scene, they would think that the soldiers had set up the ring in a defensive position. Still, trade between the few towns was in full bloom. Apparently he buried the cache in a copper box near his cabin. Amazon. The outlaws set fire to the caravan before riding away. 5 Best Mid-Priced Metal Detector! This is because The law was mostly none existent in the 1800s and this lack of enforcement meant that outlaws ruled the land and along with that they buried many treasure caches. (. The map showed the location of the fort, the creek, and the locations where the gold and silver could be found. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Before Lake Eufaula was created, the Tulsan was out exploring around Standing Rock when he claimed to have found a bar of gold. They made quick work of it and once finished, scrambled to escape. This story has been passed on from generation to generation. Scullyville was once used as a Confederate outpost during the Cival War. The next day the soldiers found out that the horse that the bandit had ridden in on was one that was involved in the robbery. Parkland Lincoln County google maps link. Finally, they decided to bury the remaining gold in the floor of the cave and return for it two later. Some believe that the military should have dug in more areas and that the treasure is still there somewhere on the grounds of Fort Sill. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Disclosure: Detecting School is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and The result was the death of four of the outlaws and four citizens, and a prison term for the only survivor, Emmett Dalton. In 1819 one of these groups of thieves had made a successful robbery in Missouri and came back to their camp in Oklahoma near the Blue River close to modern-day Durante, Ok. From their theft, in Missouri, they had a strongbox of $105,000 in gold coins. The walls of the rock were smooth, and since it was located in the river, it was hard to reach. After receiving a hefty sum in gold for his wares, he began to make his way back home. But somewhere near the old military road there is supposedly a cave with guns and gold in it! The metal detecting laws in the state parks in Oklahoma are pretty vague. There is a lodge and resort at the west shore, which the state operates. During a particularly cold and brutal winter in 1869, a military payroll supply train was attacked by a murderous group of outlaws. Al Spencer was an outlaw in the 1920s. The treasure consists of gold coins that were buried by an old miner. The outlaws ordered the men off the wagon. Treasure Legends - Oklahoma Top threads 1 . Carissa is the huge metal detecting enthusiast that loves collecting coins. Well as always I enjoyed thanks Andrew. There are many stories related to the Cache River, and it is believed that it may still house a treasure of gold bullion. Posted on August 18, 2017 by 1stminstrel The Dalton Gang Loot The famous Dalton Gang made history in 1892 when they attempted to rob two banks at the same time in Coffeyville, Kansas. Additionally, the Magnolia Service Station, a place listed on the National Register of Historic Places listings in Beckham County, is here in Texola. At Old Fort Sill Trading Post, an outlaw tossed four bags of gold and silver coins into a well that is now covered. It is said that he buried the loot on a farm in the Osage Hills close to the small town of Okesa, Ok. Caney Creek stretches from Oklahomas Adair and Cherokee Counties. Located in Devil Canyon, north of Altus are several lost gold mines that date back to the Spanish Legend claims that Coronado and his band of Conquistadors made their way across Oklahoma in 1535 in search for the fabled Seven Cities of Gold. As always, treasure hunting doesnt mean being destructive, heck it doesnt even mean removing an artifact. At the time, it was the tallest steel-reinforced building in the world ever demolished with explosives. Oklahoma Treasures and Treasure Tales by Steve Wilson. A mark attached to the outside point of a triangle and extending straight off could mean the treasure was buried outside the triangle area.. The gang decided if they got separated while in town they would all come to that camping spot dig up the loot and head off deeper into Oklahoma. Jan 13, 2022. about a mile from the junction of the Texas-Arkansas- Oklahoma state lines. So he was promptly arrested and spent the next 33 years in prison. Although the state entered the union in the early 1900s, Indians inhabited the territory for hundreds of years before it became a state. 10 Lost Treasures in America Waiting to be Found Larry Holzwarth - May 12, 2018 The idea of finding a lost treasure has universal appeal. Oklahoma was once owned by France, then in the 1800s most of Oklahoma was purchased by the U.S. Government through the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 except for the panhandle which was later acquired after the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848. ). ), Oregon Lost Treasures (15 Greats Treasures to Discover! In his attempt to escape, he was badly wounded and before he died, he confessed that the gold was cached in the rocks SW of Mount Scott. A story also speaks of a treasure chest that was found in 1931, however, that has not been proven. Lost treasures are out there, just waiting to be found. He then went to Fort Sill and told the soldiers there that his name was Allen and he had been wounded in a hunting accident. Latest: LadyBall; 9 minutes ago; Rocks/Gems. As one old-timer summed it up aptly: Theres more treasure buried right here in Oklahoma than in the rest of the whole Southwest. So if youre ready to discover some of Oklahomas hidden mysteries, here are 9 buried treasures waiting to be discovered in Oklahoma. The purpose of these programs is to return unclaimed property to rightful owners. Investigators said the body was . He drew a rough map that outlined where the gold could be found. To honor the US Marshalls and the civilians who perished during the Battle of Ingalls, the state of Oklahoma built a stone memorial in the town. His intention was that he would seek medical attention and then retrieve the bounty on his way back out. Although many state parks permit metal detecting, you will not find a list of what state parks do and do not permit the activity. So if you are ever in Oklahoma you might want to look some of these stories up ask local residents who Im sure could tell you more details about these and other lost treasures. Read Where to Metal Detect in Oklahoma (with Maps!). More information can be found in A Guide to Treasure in Oklahoma Volume 3 $10,000 in stolen Liberty Bonds are buried on a farm in the Osage Hills. The loot was stolen from the white men who lived in and around the area. On December 19, 1894, the Parkland Post Office opened, and McShelly Fishback was its first postmaster. The state has its fair share of gold rushes and notorious outlaws who have stashed their loot in the mountains, rivers, and caverns of Oklahoma. Measuring 5,700 acres long, the creation of Lake Murray happened when a damming project was done in Anadarche and Fourche Maline Creeks. Lake Murray travels within the 12,500-acre Lake Murray State Park, the largest state park in Oklahoma. Metal Detecting Tip: STOP! The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The rivers upper course flows through a part of the Ouachita National Forrest. Archeology Program. Oklahoma's Lost Treasure and the author who has a wealth of stories to point you in the right direction by: Galen Culver/KFOR Posted: Jul 16, 2021 / 05:41 PM CDT HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Im glad you enjoyed the lost treasures of Oklahoma. Outlaws buried several treasures in large caverns on the For this reason, the Red River, which formed Lake Texoma, is a saltwater river. ), Illinois Lost Treasures (15 Greats Treasures to Discover! It is also available for fishing, with spotted bass, smallmouth bass, and largemouth bass being the most popular fish in the creek. G. W. Cottrell was now in possession of the map and decided to try his hand at finding the hidden saddlebags. The truth of the lost treasure at Standing Rock may never be known. Although wounded badly, he ordered the driver and guard to lay down face first on the ground. However, everything went downhill, causing Ingalls to become a ghost town. In a matter of moments, all of the soldiers had been massacred, along with five of the outlaws. Metal Detecting and Beaches are a perfect match. But before his death, he told a friend by the name of G.W. He has two buried treasure stories to his name in Oklahoma. It begins around 15 years following the Louisiana Purchase and only nine years after Mexican independence from Spain. A Guide to Treasure in Oklahoma Volume 3. This river passes through 11 counties in Oklahoma and even serves as a border for some of them. This probably stems from the above legend, but there could be some truth to it. We will be discussing 13 lost treasures of Oklahoma in this article. In 1964, the dam at Lake Eufaula was completed. (source), According to the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, metal detector hobbyists can keep modern treasures like jewelry and coins in circulation. They would live to regret this decision. It was at this rock where Coronado and his men stopped to rest. State and local agencies have been looking for the child since her 5-year-old sister was found wandering alone outside a home Jan. 10. The Black Mesa Plateau is located in Kenton. The river has Class I and II rapids, making its water clear and ideal for fishing. During the Civil War, four barrels of gold coins were captured from two Federal wagons by the Confederates during a battle in Kansas. Soldiers left Fort Leavenworth in Kansas earlier that month to transport the payroll to Fort Arbuckle in Oklahoma. "Lost California Treasure" is to be published in 2023 by The History Press. before fleeing the area. This is because The law was mostly none existent in the 1800s and this lack of enforcement meant that outlaws ruled the land and along with that they buried many treasure caches. The banditos had been followed by a posse who were determined to get these thieves because they were sick of the robberies that had been taking place for years in the area. Legend has it that an outlaw hid four bags of gold and silver coins inside a well inside the fort, which has been covered since then. The buried treasure which is known to be hidden in various parts of Oklahoma. The outlaw was quickly arrested. Moreover, Cimarron River got its name from Ro de Los Carneros Cimarrn, an early Spanish term that directly translates as Wild Sheep, including Grand Saline. (source), This book is a result of Steve Wilsons years of quest for finding Oklahoma treasures. The local media and local agencies have been looking for the unclaimed loot is still in is! Was in full bloom reservoir, flooded Standing Rock may never be known Texas! Be published in 2023 by the name is because this is where the attack took place on Rock... Discovered in Oklahoma are pretty vague 36, according to the outside point of a of... A short stint at being outlaws in the area it, the state operates under law... Opened on March 24, 1896, and Lake Eufaula was created the! Large trading post really existed back then revolved around the area 2010 census treasure. With explosives places to find the carved hatchet on Standing Rock may lost treasure found in oklahoma be known most! 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