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modi thorson powers
There, they were forced to settle down and continue living their lives with whoever else had been unwillingly transported to the alternate dimension on which they defeated Doom and the Beyonder. Created by Tom DeFalco, the same guy who launched the MC2 brand with 1998s Spider-Girl, and Ron Lim, Thena Thorsdttir made her comic book debut in 2006s Avengers Next #1. Magni's position as the Norse god of strength granted him superhuman strength even greater than that of his father Thor (he effortlessly lifted and dropped a tower on Desak). Modi Modi Thorson Ultimate Marvel Universe About History Powers Equipment Movies Gallery Battles Comments Modi's powers and abilities No info yet. Courage Among them is Torunn, voiced by Brenna OBrien, the daughter of Thor and his wife, Lady Sif. [7], Asgardian Physiology: Due to his heritage, Modi possesses the average powers and abilities, common among most Asgardians. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight. Bow, father. Where you'd separate your enemies to prevent cooperation and pick them off individually. Modi furiously proclaims that Kratos ruined everything and disturbingly taunts Atreus by stating he will be his new little brother. Origin and Living Status Argos | He and his brother both follow their uncle Baldur in their quest to find and kill Atreus . Size. [6] When Thor approached him, mistaking his now adult son for his brother Loki, he revealed himself to his father as Modi, his "only god", ordering Thor to obey him. [2], Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon, Norse Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs, Mythological Norse people, items and places, List of figures in Germanic heroic legend, Anthropomorphic wooden cult figurines of Central and Northern Europe, Sacred trees and groves in Germanic paganism and mythology,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Mi and Magni are characters in Joanne Harris', Mi and Magni are characters in Peter Madsen's, Modi (under the title of Mr. Morez) is the son of. Powers of this character. [citation needed], As he challenged the All Father to lift the sacred mallet after much refutal by his birth mother and conniving uncle after accusing them both of being power mongering toadies feeding into their lords faulty leadership, they were interrupted when New Asgard came under siege by the return of Desak. Ironically enough, while in real life mythology, Modi, along with his brother, were destined to be one of the few survivors of Ragnarok, and both would go on to dual-wield Thor's hammer. Modi Thorson Gradient Italic Italic . This is also shown with Mimir, as Modi stays behind to taunt him while he was stuck in the tree. Affiliation and Relationships Colossus of Rhodes | Weeks passed in the real world, but years passed for Modi, who grew up and his godly powers manifested allowing him to break out. Real Name. Their names translate to "Wrath" and "Mighty," respectively. The Huntress | Aesir In this reality, Thor makes his way to Valhalla to retrieve the lost soul of his lover Valkyrie, only to come face-to-face with the Goddess of Death, Hela. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight. Modi Thorson is the eldest son of Sif and the second of Thor. Close. Modi Thorson font. Having failed to receive little-to-no praise for his accomplishment, Modi was left immensely bitter and resentful due to having been overshadowed by Magni. This seems to suggest that he desires to feel superior as a "big brother", as all his life he is overshadowed by Magni. Modi is largely a dishonorable sadist, as he takes enjoyment in tormenting Atreus about Faye and asks Magni if he can get "the kid" when they find him and Kratos. Hades Cerberus Breeder | Modi Thorson is the son of Thor and Lady Sif. This was shown when after being brutally beaten and has been called a coward by his own father, Modi still had the gall to threaten Kratos and Atreus despite being completely at their mercy, and continued to insult them, which finally led to his death. Modi was the son of Thor and Hela in the Ultimate Universe. Just as Kratos and Atreus arrive with the now severed head of Mimir to claim a piece of Thamurs chisel, they are spotted by Magni and Modi and quickly ambushed. After the first fight, Atreus writes in the Codex that he's a "creep". While Sindri confirms that Modi is a demigod like Magni, it is unclear what race his mother was, given that she is not mentioned anywhere in Norse mythology. This is Thesecret1070. Meanwhile, on Earth, Amora showed Valkyrie a vision of Thor and Hela making love (Valkyrie did not know he had to). Ormr | Asgardian While Woden never actually shows his face in the comics, his daughters do. [citation needed], Magni had also entered a relationship with a human woman named Jordahl, a petty thief and pickpocket whose free spirited fiery persona perked his interests. [6] Transmutation [2] He died of the wounds you gave him. Wraiths, God of War Comics Pandora's Guardian | " Modi Modi (of Earth-1610) is the son of Thor and Hela. He immediately started spreading chaos and discord between the splintered states of northern America. Upon escaping the room, Modi heads to Midgard and attempts to usher in a second American Civil War, partnering with Hydra to enact his complicated plan. Browse AD FREE for less than 84 a month with an SHDb membership.. 239 K. Magni Magni Thorson Prime Marvel Universe Modi Thorson Italic Italic . Mi Thorson, Modi, Modi Thorson, Son of Thor Modi (Mi) ironically means Courage. Modi (Marvel) Magni (Marvel) Intersex Loki; Daddy Kink; Domestic Fluff; Vaginal Sex; Thor and Loki are parents; Modi and Magni are their babies; Alternate Universe - Modern Setting; domestic chatter; Kids being adorable; Age Difference; Summary. Following the battle, Woden takes up his fathers once-righteous quest to protect Asgard as its golden son, even teaming with Heimdall later on to fend off a dangerous creature on the Bifrost Bridge. The closest real-life square-shaped shield is the roman's Scutum. If Kratos fails to activate his Spartan Rage during the Quick Time Event, Modi invokes Thor and yells "Sing with my name!" Before Marvel came up with the Ultimate line of comics, there was another attempt made to reboot the mainstream continuity in an accessible way for new readers. But if I kill you - no one's gonna laugh at me.Modi to Kratos. Hydra | The latest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ended with the God of Thunder taking on a little more responsibility than hes used to, adopting the daughter of his deceased foe Gorr the God Butcher and stepping into the role of father. The most recent addition on this list, Brigid Thorsdttir has only been around since Captain Marvel (Vol. According to Sif, Mi showed his bravery since childhood, shown when Magni and Mi played and Magni didn't want to enter the cave first so Mi entered showing Magni a lizard he had hidden there. He was a fierce warrior and even managed to defeat Thor in battle to become the new wielder of Mjolnir for a short while. Hi. Marital Status MAGNI Norse Strength God Young God of Strength and Brute Force He's the son of Thor and giantess Jrnsaxa, which easily explains his formidable strength. Visibly distraught by the death of his older half-brother having taken place right in front of him (as well as given by the fact the two believed themselves to be incapable of dying), a horrified Modi backs away from Kratos in fear while struggling to speak in terror and anger. Polyphemus | In reality, Modi is a pathetic coward who prefers to fight weaker opponents i.e., children,e.g., Atreus and flees when the tables are turned and the odds arent in his favour anymore such as when Kratos killed his older brother. After many of his followers failed, and America began re-unifying under President Steve Rogers, Modi planned to use a Hydra army to continue his plan, using weapons of mass destruction found in the Project Pegasus base. Follow along as we at Murphys Multiverse take you on a trip down memory lane, discussing every time the Odinson has ever been a Thorfather. When Loki found out said common criminal had caught the princes eye after she'd eluded capture, he impersonated him to resume their get together only have both her and her mother imprisoned, taken to one of his reconditioning facilities. In this universe, Thor would eventually become King of Asgard and the All-Father, living a complex life that would see him spend time as both a Living Planet and an enforcer for Omnipotence Citys Ministry of Inter-Deity Justice. Close. Terene's agent quickly recovered while the cosmic entity herself put Magni down for the count indefinitely. Hair Ceryx, The Furies He like his father has long red hair and blue eyes. Superhero Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. Race The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Disguised as the mysterious Mr. Morez, Modi attempted to usher in another American Civil War by supporting various warring factions in America in order to destroy the country and create a new Asgard from its ashes. After being shot with several arrows by Atreus, Modi turns tail and runs away; disappearing over the side of the cliff and into the bellows of the canyon. Following this, he flees to Asgard, where his father, Thor, believed that he left Magni to die and severely beats him for his cowardice. Nothing is known officially about her parentage, but its entirely possible Thor fell for a red-headed lass in this universe before things went south. [5], Magic: As the son of Hela and Thor, Modi has inherited phenomenal magical powers. Aliases Powers Magni seemed to possess the same power and skill as his father Thor though to a greater degree physical wise due to being God of Strength. The Guardians of the Galaxy may be household names today, but in 1993, they were still just little-known characters living in an alternate 31st Century timeline. Modi Thorson Condensed Condensed Hailing from an alternate future where a lethal cataclysm scorched Earth and left it bathing in leftover radiation, Brigid stays in New York City working as a blacksmith to aid other survivors. Abilities None known. Font style Modi Thorson Gradient The font style may vary depending on the letters chosen. Modi Thorson Expanded: 2019 Full font name Modi Thorson Expanded Name table version Version 1.2; 2019 Postscript font name ModiThorsonExpanded Designer Daniel Zadorozny Extended font information Platforms supported Platform Encoding MicrosoftUnicode BMP only MacintoshRoman Font details Created2019-05-27 Revision1 Glyph count217 Units per Em1000 As a result, Woden had a troubled upbringing, with only his mother Sif around to help where she could. Armed with this new knowledge the two returned home and confronted Thor. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Chimera | Elemental Talos | Magni, rr, Lorride, Ullr But now everyone's gonna think I only got it 'cause Magni's gone. Secret Identity: Dr. Donald Blake Skilled surgeon & medic Guardian of Midgard AKA Earth Superiority complex Superhuman Abilities Super strength Supersonic speeds Self sustenance Inexhaustible stamina Superhuman durability Super-breath Immunity to ailments Mjolnir Bound to Thor Thor (Vol. Gender In their stead are a new generation of Avengers and superpowered do-gooders, and while it took her a while to show up, another version of Thors daughter did eventually make her way to the universe. Modi (Modi Thorson) - Super Powers - Superhero Database Menu Register Sign in Browse AD FREE for less than 84 a month with an SHDb membership. As a member of the Avengers, Thor spends a lot of time on Earth (Midgard) protecting the people as a hero. He immediately started spreading chaos and discord between the splintered states of northern America. Growing up, Magni would be regarded as Thors favourite son while Modi would be simply regarded as nothing more than Thors second son and Magnis brother alone. Applications Weather Generation Variations Weather Artillery Associations Air Weaponry Atmokinetic Constructs Electricity Weaponry The weapons of Modi and his brother, Magni each contain a fragment of Mjolnir, recovered after it was shattered, which allows them to release bolts of lightning when on the verge of death. What it DOESN'T mean. 134,202 downloads (23 yesterday) Donationware - 17 font files. A relationship with a mortal woman named Jordahl pushes him over the edge, and Magni ends up leading the charge against his father to restore decency to Asgards legacy. Free download of Modi Thorson Font Family with 17 styles. Though injured in the ensuing battle The Son of Thor pressures his attack repeatedly, staying in the fight just long enough to watch his uncle unleash The Destroyer upon their foe. Heimdall, Others Dredge of Boreas | Poseidon | Perses | Styles (15) Atropos | Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Red The grandchildren of Thor aid him and his past selves in the fight against Gorr the God Butcher. [citation needed], As he grew up, Magni adventured throughout the kingdom, battling the Midgard Serpent, averting natural disasters and other adventures. While communing with the exiled Lady Sif in order to help her he found himself at a loss, full of lamentation over the erasure of her once vibrant persona. Boomstick: As a real-life god, Thor is super strong, super-fast, and super durable, and even on those rare occasions when he does get hurt, he patches up real quick with his healing factor. "R" often translates to "frenzy" or "fury" when usedas an adjective. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community.
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