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my parents only care about my grades
Again, parents need to check their egos and loosen up a bit. I am passive, I think everyone else has more power. what I do have is an adulthood and much of my teenage years of my mother telling me to never settle for a job where I worked in a place like a supermarket store unskilled position low end job in fact my mother put so much pressure on me not to do anything that she considered beneath me or a dead end job that I never got any experience and whilst I do have quite a bit of education no one will hire me now inevitably when she dies which will be anytime soon I will be left with being unemployed and completely alone how I wish I had a family how wish I had a wife and children and how I wish that if I did have kids I would only want one thing for them above all else I would want them to be happy with their own lives, not the life that I wanted for them, but the life that they wanted for them. Do you mean they don't make the figures you want me to make? They often view their children's physical and emotional differences as imperfections to be corrected and/or changed and may denigrate their children in order to make them shape up. They often have insanely unrealistic expectations that their offspring must be as perfect and blemish-free as possible. But when I was on the baseball team my dad was manager my mom team mom. Please talk to a trusted relative. 1. Answer: There are parents who view their children as an extension of them instead of the individuals that they are. All my mom has ever done is try to help. They're gonna be more successful than me. Plan to move up to the front row, keep an organized assignment pad, find a quiet place to work, do your best, and your grades will go up, guaranteed. Answer: Maybe you feel responsible for your sibling. What can I do? You feel that whatever your sibling does for good or bad, you feel somehow that you are responsible for your sibling's actions when such isn't necessarily the case. Those who are constantly compared to others have a diminished sense of individuality and ultimately come to believe that they are worthless. I having suicidal thoughts many days,I tried to suicide but I still failed,I don't know I am worthless and meaningless or important for their life.They made careers for me that Engineer,But I want to be game developer.I never get praise,I am 23 Years Old Now.I want to kill myself and I can't face the stress anymore! My uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, etc Where raised. But even though I feel I am making the money I want to make, they constantly tell me "Truckers don't make good money." I know school can be difficult and you will mess up quite a few times. POSTED IN School, grades, problems with my parents, my parents are way-strict. Discuss the matter with an impartial relative, counselor, or a teacher. I cried as I was scrolling through this article. I hope Killing Myself would be better than living in meaningless life. It important for me to get a good education so incan go to. somebody on the internet on July 04, 2018: I'm glad I'm not the only person who's going through this. And all through that time, my parents and other family members tied to Grandma all thought I was taking advantage of her. Those who are constantly compared to others have a diminished sense of individuality and ultimately come to believe that they are worthless. When children enjoy learning, they become motivated to keep on learning. I don't know what's wrong with me. Yes, overprotective parents are abusive parents although such parents present a "loving" faade. I have a "problem" i always get stressed in exams so i sometimes read questions in the wrong way, which leads to me getting low grades even though im good in that subject. Her parents were lazy, uneducated, and short-sighted. Correction and discipline are meant to improve and enhance a child's sense of self and help a child become self-disciplined, self-motivated, and self-determined. It's sad that for a while I liked about where I worked and what I made. This results in a child's poor self image. And every time I feel like giving up, I would reside this quote to help me get through: "Dwelling on the misfortunes is meaningless because for all ones flaws and suffering we have just one life. These are the books we're crushing on this winter, 6 valuable lessons we learned from the Frog and Toad books, The difference between young adult and new adultand why it matters, Your step-by-step schedule for the ultimate New Year's Eve, 5 holiday dessert recipes you need to start making every year, 5 things to consider in your college search, Affordable birthday gifts your bestie will love, How to *actually* get stuff done when you're tired. Don't do it!Don't listen to those thoughts. These children often feel insignificant and totally unappreciated. i felt i wasn't loved and when i said that i was beaten for it. But an under-achiever. I have every characteristic from being an underachiever to timid. It's also about enjoying the process. Really thankful for it, I've been trying to be super human. One day, you'll understand. Struggling to cope with things beforehand were fine to me. My meds have stabilized my mood. On the other hand, children who saw their parents as putting more emphasis on achievements over being kind to others were more likely to experience negative outcomes, such as depression, anxiety, lower self-esteem, behavior problems, criticism from parents, learning problemsand lower grades. I believe I have come to the point of not feeling like I belong and dare I say hopeless, somehow I find consolation that others have gone through this too, I wish you all the best and we will make it out of this time together! I get a 92 and she gets mad at me. kindergarten girlfriends. Imagine a league of kids with low self confidence. What should I do? Family doesn't mean blood all the time. I'm lucky to have her. Why I haven't turned out so great and I don't want anything to do with one of my parents. WHat should I do? However, there are parents who equate mistakes with grave mortal sins. I don't think I'd fight back if someone choked me to death. Question: Why does my father point out all my flaws? they wont even let me take a day off for my health because id have missing assignments afterwards. I'm still just 14 but all of these things have been done to me and it's obviously messed with me a lot. They've ruined most of my life & crushed my self-esteem. I have some gear so ill start practicing without rest. I have anxiety about so many things, and i wish I could just have a more positive life.. My mom pushes me to do too much work. Felt aweful. What do I do? But when I get told that and try to do what I want I get a "No John, that's a terrible idea." you dont cry now i see why he does that because that is clearly abuse i still have scars on my body physical scars ! Never realized they were so dysfunctional till recently. Direct a movie and we'll give you an iconic film to binge this weekend. (She's 92 and can't live for much longer). You should either discuss this matter w/a trusted relative. His friends would be out in the yard drinking beer with him I knew I should not be in earshot cuz that's man talk not for a lil girls ears so I was to be with my mother wherever she went and I was emotionally neglected. Well, continuous harping about mistakes to a child is tantamount to abuse. I've seen a few therapist and a psychologist by my own free will trying to get better. By secondary school I was under-performing and lacked confidence. And i often doubt whether my parents really love me. honestly, i could go on and on about how completely awful this family is but i rather not. Some apply corrective or disciplinary methods that can verge on emotional or verbal abuse which damage their children's self-esteem. When I got to high school I thought about ending the lives of every student and teacher. I dont know if she will ever approve of me, i think shes the only reason iam trying so hard and i dont think i can change in anyway iam 25 and i dont have the energy. There is a great deal of value in recognizing when you make a mistake and then correcting it. I just had sex for the first time in over 2 years. Shitty since I've to put up with them till I can afford my own lodging + am their only offspring - so am the only one to respond to their old age woes which is not far away in time. I did an IQ test at 17, and was told my IQ was 158. I'd be better if being fertilizer to sustain something else life. She was independent at 14, working during the day and attending school at night, and had to fight for every opportunity to get ahead in life, which she did. Parents must realize that children are individuals & that they DON'T OWN their children. When they win a baseball game, there are loud cheers. I already told God and I know he's already helping me. But I don't feel I'm ready yet. Teaching your child to accept mistakes and failures positively is a good way to go about things. Everybody got mad at me so I quit the team. Instead, parents should encourage their children to pursue their dreams and let them figure out if their dreams and goals are reachable or impossible. One thing I can't believe is the stupidity I near from relatives and others i.e. No it wasn't 0, it was worth 1/2pt! Your father is making you dependent as an exercise of his power. Your father is abusive & his behavior is inexcusable. We are right back to where we started. What iconic squad matches you and your besties? With toxic parents, children are better off away such "parents". You contact their professors, because you didn't like a grade/want to ask for clarification on an assignment/want to ask for an absence to be excused/want to ask for an extension on an assignment due date. Not being in your child's life can greatly impact there self-esteem and self worth, it can make them feel like they're not worth anything, even your time. I saw through it at an early age as be never had our backs or supported us emotionally or mentally .., sad. So when I was growing up I never felt like I belonged. Dear Sick of It, "She's rude, and who does she think she is thinking she can talk back to us like that. Don't praise them for every little thing they do right, but develop a pattern of praise based on their accomplishments. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. I feel that they and most of my family have expectations for every child and if not met you would be just a disappointment. I checked off about 7-8 ways I've been hurt. If I ever have children,I would never treat them the way my mother treats me.So, one day My moms phone buzzes.My mom is busy,so I look.And Im scrolling and I see that my mom and sister are having a conversation back and forth.And I read a text message thats my mom wrote that said,I never said she was perfect,but she isnt a smart ass.It Hurted me so bad And when I read that.It felt like I got hit by a car,and felt as if I was punched in the stomach.My self esteem went down so quick.No kid should ever feel that way like their not smart,or good enough.For all those parents reading this or people who plan on being parents,dont ever treat your children child like that.You May think,its nothing,but the pain and rejection stings so bad.And you may forget all about it.But the child will remember it forever.Its a scar that will never heal. Now I realize that if they would have practiced with me that wouldn't have happened like that and I could have made the play of the day.. and been a champ carried on the teams shoulders Ahh. that "I'm grown up now and can start being your own person." Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on January 25, 2018: Follow YOUR dreams, your mother is a soul destroying person. my parents always tell me how am disappointing and how I will fail my tests. Please see a counsellor & DISASSOCIATE yourself from your "family." Your father wants you to be subordinate to him in order to elevate his low self-esteem. These people are firm believers that their offspring should be carbon copies of them with similar characteristics, interests, and goals. I am probably doing everything possible to get better (at my expense - if it would do any good to sue my parents I would). This is wrong as each child is unique. Maybe he/she could intervene on your behalf. Went to Mazatlan every summer for about 1 month at least everyone of those 18 yrs. One day I got a line drive for my glove as I was daydreaming out there but I moved my hand to miss because I thought it was going to hurt my hand. They believe that by comparing one child to another, the "errant" one will improve. I spent a full year wakibg up with panic attacks and anxiety but even after that they tell me i need to work harder. Obsessing over a child's grades and making that the determining factor for your happiness as a parent is a bad decision. She went and sulked on me for days. i also developed social anxiety where id think certain people will be as bad as my mother. I never had much mentors in my life, my parents weren't much of the type to look up to. Who knows what happened to them to want do that to me when I was a kid, the adults I'm talking about. And yet I'd be. Often, the comparison does the opposite. (My parents make me feel dumb.). I'm not saying it isn't tradgid, I'm asking how you can be surprised. Each child is unique. Parents Parents value grades over kindness, kids say in new study When your kid gets straight As, it's cause for a celebratory dinner out. Parents care more about their child's grades than the child itself. now i have reason to believe that my parents are horrible. My perspective at least. Parents should strive to take their own egos out of the equation and instead focus on what the child needs. Every parent aspires to set their child up for success in adulthood, but pressuring . At the end of the day I'll just say I never really loved her but I do. Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on July 20, 2018: Are you the oldest of a large/very large family? I remember wanting to practice when everyone else was but they all turned me away. Their overprotectiveness affects me in all areas of my life I can't associate with ppl, I can't make friend even in the choir, ppl say I'm rude and lack manners but I don't understand hw. The first therapist was more faith/spirit minded. Often, the comparison does the opposite. I've watched my friends steal away the girl I love but can do nothing. Please seek psychological help. Your official late-to-the-game guide to K-Pop, Taylor Swift made an appearance at The 1975's concert that has us quaking, TikTok fashion trends you should look out for this winter, 4 things your period *definitely* won't stop you from doing, 4 ways to feel better when you have a cold, Your guide to creating the ultimate long-distance relationship playlist, How to tell if you're crushing on your girl BFF, The perfect to-go cups to keep your drink warm, WIN! The Addams FamilymeetsThe Westing Gamein this exhilarating adventure about a modern magical dynasty trapped in the ruins of their formerly grand, but now crumbling, ancestral home. If you want to tell them how you feel but cant do it in a conversation, write it in a note. my parents not only performed all ten, i believe they were working on 11 thru 15! But I can't say I'm surprised anytime there is a tradgid headline on the news, hate breeds more hate. Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on August 07, 2018: Don't listen to your mother. An hour is a pretty short time. Click HERE to win them all! My heart rips itself apart going through the thought. Go here to submit questions to Carol about every sticky sitch life throws at you. He exemplifies the immature parent. So everything mom say IS, WILL BE right. That is how I feel but I am shy to talk about it. I also have PTSD if that is no surprise. How To Deal With Teenagers: How Bad Is Peer Pressure, And Can Parents Influence The Peer Group? Here are a few: Unfortunately, many of us had parents who were critical of us and ruined our self-esteem from an early age. The thing is I don't feel like useless.I wanna fight and continue..maybe one day eveyhing will turn.I will continue AND NEVER SURRENDER!!! Many parents fail to realize this. Instead, parents should encourage their children to develop a sense of independence and respect their authority at the same time. Truth. But would be a beauty if I had confidence. But I don't really know what to do now Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on July 19, 2018: Please seek counselling I implore you. I am ok looking. They taught me to shoot for the stars because if I . Teach your child that no one is flawless and that everyone makes mistakes. Disassociate from such toxic parents. It's hurting my dignity. Question: My parents are forcing me to attend school in my country when I know its not going to work out for me. You shouldn't have to endure such abuse from your mother & sister. Smothering your child will lead to resentment later in life, and it is not a healthy way to raise children. Here are the ten things parents do that can destroy their children's self-esteem. Just Cs and Bs so it wasn't suspicious. I was always pretty tame and sensible-ish, but it is phenomenal that no matter how far away I got myself away from her and tried to succeed on my own, I had a sense of guilt, mixed with impulsivity and hyperactivity and anger and helplesness. Grew up thinking they were the best due to their work successes. DON'T LISTEN to SMALL MINDED people! Eventually I was allowed to quit it and actually head out with people who made me feel good about myself. My mother was did all of this, and molested me. You are a worthwhile, beautiful person. Focus on building your child up and preaching positivity. Question: Why do my parents always compare me to my sister? Such as overspending? But of course my older sister and my mum constantly shout at me saying that i am going to fail all my exams, that i am hopeless and a disgrace. I thought studying neuroscience was a amazing thing. My mom is the only one nice to me. Yeah right to my face and I was only 11or 12! No more getting grounded or bitched at etc. I'll be joining Jujitsu next once I take my health back. Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on April 08, 2018: Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on April 04, 2018: Get counselling or talk to a trusted relative outside of your immediate family. Conformity is a necessary thing in certain cases but parents should work on helping their child develop their unique talents while respecting the norms of society. A child's GPA is not always an accurate reflection of their innate intellectual capacity. Thanks. Maybe is because Im from a hispanic culture, but to me, parents are the absolute law. For those who are like me feeling depressed and helpless sometimes, you are not alone. But what if there was a better way to inspire change in your kids? He should have taken this up with his wife! Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on June 13, 2018: This article is right on point. Didn't see them for long, found a better job elsewhere. they are the only things i would care for. Then she launched into a story about one father who recently planted himself in her classroom during one of her lesson planning periods to complain about his son's mediocre grades. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Parents often believe that if they extol the positive characteristics of siblings and other children to their so-called errant child, their own child will improve. The worst thing parents can do is to OVERPROTECT & INFANTILIZE children. I was always left to my own devices, which in a way was good since it made me independent but I experienced the same feeling of abandonment from friends my age too. Answer: Discuss the matter thoroughly with your parents. Suicide My grandparents adopted me when I was younger. I'm 13 and 6'2", makes me feel way too self conscious, Press J to jump to the feed. I then became a parent while my mom went out partying and drinking. Family consists of people who LOVE & RESPECT each other. I've tried reaching out to people for help. they only care about my grades and that I should go to a Ivy League collage! Every school shooting has a reason why, and if you actually knew everything rather than what little you are told, you would probably at least understand why it happens. One thing for sure, Determination and Perseverance never fail you! Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on September 14, 2018: All this broils down to parental insecurity, when parents need to control every aspect of the children lives to assuage their fears. Discuss her concerns w/her. , my mum used to and still criticises her weight even though she looked fine, I dont know if that caused me to be extremely uncomfortable with gaining any weight. My dad never molested me. If your parents didn't love you they wouldn't care about your grades. Answer: It is called denial. Shes caused me to have depression and take part in self harm. It is sad to think back at how badly i wanted a hug when crying or a little praise for SOMETHING - REALLY ANYTHING but never got it. I'm literally crying while writing this. She always calls me worthless and useless and occasionally she even hits me. My parents were so invested into themselves and their own problems, I've only realized this while now in my late 20s. If you make it, who knows. It's so frustrating and demoralizing. i want to be the wide reciever at says that i will never make it cause i knoe nothing about football. If you're trying to get your self-confidence and self-esteem levels up after years of living with critical parents, here are some steps you can follow. I sing and do it very well. My mother was given away by her parents as an infant, then taken back at ten years of age when she was old enough to work and be considered useful. every single conversation turns into grades somehow, and that isn't even an exaggeration. Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on January 24, 2020: Speak to your mother & if she refuses to listen, you should speak to another relative or a school counselor. No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try to talk to them about it, they just close off their ears and just turn what I say into what they want to think I'm saying. I 've enjoyed this reading, nos I'am 60 years old, I lived difficult times when I was a child, fue this, I could not to be married, now I feel that need father's Love, I feel better when older men give me his friendchip. That was embarrassing to me as what could I have done ?! Then I was expected to babysit my siblings and cousins full-time. Answer: No, but I suggest that you obtain psychiatric counselling and disassociate yourself from your father. my mom does all this to me. and it lowers my self-esteem. Part of the gym is a mental component, I don't think I'd be able to do this any other way. I went to university despite her and worked in the IT sector. Demeaning and comparison by parents is so much that most of the kids starts doing what others are doing rather then choosing their own profession. Every time I expressed an opinion I was ridiculed by the whole family. If that doesn't pan out, seek a counselor's help. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. With my dad everything always has to be his choice and both of them push me so hard that sometimes I cry. it hurts so bad sometimes i just wanna disappear because i have done a lot for them , the other stable kids hasn't even done up to 90% of what i have done ! (I am seventy-four.). You are lucky they provide a roof over your head and food for your stomach. But psych yourself up now for getting off to a strong start in September. My mom is not as bad as my dad. Until my spirit was broken, I had a few good kicks as a kid. its just too much, i cant go on living like this and i get frequent suicidal thoughts. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Guess! Im 16 and i have an incredibly stressful life 6am - 10 or 12pm everyday. Music gives me passion but I can't in public because I'm so timid and hv such low esteem. She once read my diary which I wrote about how I feel unappreciated, useless because of all the things she said to me. Grace Marguerite Williams (author) from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on February 28, 2018: Mike, discuss your issue w/a trusted guidance counselor, relative, or a clergyperson. I thought they were going to kill me. He found a new wife.Aaand now i have a sister She is like 8 years younger than me.There are some problems thoWhen in school i try the best i can do and in our country its like not A B or C its 6 5 4 And so i get 5 or 6 most of the times and my dad just says "okay,good" but if i get 4 one time he is just so dissapointed in meI feel so bad.Even now thinking about it .Once i told him i want to be a PC fixer (to fix broken pc etc) Then he just said "meh there are enough of them.."Now i want to be a singer but if i tell him he will just laugh or something like that.He wants me to be like himliterally.Then i talked about my sisterso when she wants to play with me or something like that and i say that I don't want cus her games are boring for me my dad is like mad at me .. I just want to cry most of the time. anything I did wrong, i was ordered to strip naked and get beaten by the belt. Actually, its all hate. Maybe a high school student can bring you up to speed over the summer, without charging too much. They want their children to succeed in life and in their vision, only good grades lead to a successful life. I wouldn't want to cause them pain, and I have just naturally never fought for my life. Not to also mention here that the phrase "they know about everything" including about me. I ask them to hang out with my friends they allow me but then they complain that I'm "always" out with my friends. Your performance in school is measured in an identifiable way (your grades) and see what needs to be improved or what you are strong at. There is an old saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. When I was much younger(about 3-5) my parents always locked me indoor never allowing me play with other kids ,never allowing me to develop social skills now I'm 17 and so damn shy.
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