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oil and gas trir industry average
Also included in this section is information on productivity, presented as the rate of change in output per hour of workers in the industry. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Accordingly, fracking is critical for our planet due to small explosions and a mix of water, sand, and chemicals that dig into the land. This section presents data on the number of establishments in oil and gas extraction. 0000023683 00000 n (3) North American Industry Classification System United States, 2017. Employment, all employees (seasonally adjusted), Employment, production and nonsupervisory employees, Geoscientists, except hydrologists and geographers, Petroleum pump system operators, refinery operators, and gaugers, (Source: Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics). In 2017, the oil and gas industry rate of non-fatal injuries and illnesses was 1.7 incidents per 100 workers, compared to 2.8 incidents per 100 workers in the private sector. Florida's many tourists helped make the state the nation's third-highest motor gasoline consumer in 2019, and the third-highest jet . According to the US Energy Information Administration, the number of hydraulically fractured wells rose to about 300,000 by 2015. 0000008991 00000 n It reinforces the existing US, UK, and Canada energy restrictions, thus deepening Russian isolation. The industry average for most companies working in the oil and gas field is 3 or 4. (2) Totals include data for industries not shown separately. The 0000003425 00000 n However, the death toll in oil and gas is higher than any other industry. However, reporting should not be punished. Unsurprisingly, the biggest outliers on the more incidents than average are heavy industries like construction, agriculture and transport, while the lower end is of course more office style work like admin and support services and financial services. (11) Rate rounded to zero. National average salary: 17,651 per year. Using a smarter system, workers who encounter or experience an incident can simply open their phone, access the incident reporting framework or 'template' and complete the report. 70 Annual crude oil production in the state peaked at more . Here, we explore TRIR in more detail, sharing the TRIR formula and answering the frequently asked question, What is a good total recordable incident rate?. W102X2fg09!qc But these manual processes leave a lot of chance for people to forget to report an incident, ignore a normal procedure, or not scan and upload the incident report. With a production of well over five million barrels per day, Texas is responsible for almost a third of the US crude oil production. Oil and gas well drilling and servicing activities involve the use and production of potentially hazardous materials. The coronavirus outbreak has wounded the oil industry considerably, causing nearly 60,000 workers in Texas to lose their jobs in 2020. The major oil and gas industry risks and disruptions 1. Surprisingly, this was the lowest oil consumption level since 1995 and the largest recorded year-on-year decrease in oil consumption in the US. 0000002694 00000 n 0000012748 00000 n For those non-safety folks reading this, thats pretty darn good when compared to other industries. Add the items from Part 1B: Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, only including Column H + Column I (cases with job transfer or restriction) + Column J. Insurance companies can and do actually use TRIR numbers to determine insurance premiums, especially for larger companies and projects. Even if people were paid during non-work time i.e., vacation days, sick leave, or holidaysthis should not count as hours worked. Sign up for the latest news on environmental, health, and safety. However, the. Use your Log of Work-Related Injuries and IllnessesOSHAs Form 300to count the number of OSHA recordable cases for the year. A TRIR over zero will dock the grade of contractors and limit the work they can be selected to perform. Construction is generally one of the more dangerous industries and 'workplaces', so these TRIFR scores may be higher than yours if you're coming from more professional service sectors. Rate of injury and illness cases per 100 full-time workers, Cases involving days away from work, job restriction, or transfer, Cases involving days of job transfer or restriction, (Source: Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities). Fracking benefits the economy by constantly creating jobs, making it possible for many workers to find a position with a fair wage. However, with good reporting systems and safety partners in place they are also less likely to cause serious harm or damage in the field. How much do Oil And Gas Industry employees earn on average in the United States? In the US, employment in the oil and gas industry has suffered a massive loss of around 107,000 jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, 150,000 upstream oil and gas employees have managed to keep their job in Texas, the lowest figure in more than 15 years. There are a number of ways in which companies can use the TRIR - and ways in which a TRIR can be used against them. 0000008241 00000 n Oil drilling, extraction, and production saw a drop by more than a quarter during these troubling times. 0000062808 00000 n The following tables present an overview of the industry including the number of jobs, data for occupations common to the industry, and projections of occupational employment change. Most oil production comes from the Middle East (mainly Saudi Arabia and Iraq), the US, Russia, and Canada. Explore more workplace safety resources from the EHS Insight Blog. (8) Industry added in 2019 2023 GoRemotely.. All rights Nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) rolling, drawing, and extruding. An API study from 2017 revealed that the industry supported a whopping 10.3 million US jobs. 0000069524 00000 n Consequently, the oil and gas industry employment statistics for Texas demonstrate that companies were forced to cut many costs, including laying off thousands and thousands of employees. It shows the rate of OSHA recordable incidents per 100 workers over a set period of time. According to Glassdoor, the annual salaries can range as high as $105,000 and as low as $26,000. Quick Facts. Geopolitical tensions and Russian oil sanctions Europe has imposed an embargo on seaborne crude oil and petroleum imports from Russia following the country's invasion of Ukraine. 0000062411 00000 n This number drops to 2.8 cases for private industry employers of all sizes.The BLS also offers industry-specific TRIR data. Please share to start the conversation and promote change. 0000068900 00000 n The world underwent a restrictive lockdown, which enforced social distancing, remote working, and the closure of many businesses. Then the contractor will potentially be punished by losing work due to a rise in the TRIR. Also known as Total Case Incident Rate, TRIR gives companies a snapshot of their safety performance over a one-year time period by calculating the number of recordable incidents per 100 full-time workers. North American Industry Classification System. As a top ten US state when it comes to oil and gas production, over 300,000 positions are either generated directly or supported by the oil industry in Louisiana. I like the example of aircraft incidents, and I think they had a huge incentive to get it right to reduce or eliminate fears of flying. Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses form, if applicable. 0000009376 00000 n Lets dive right into some fascinating facts about the oil and gas industry. Secondary smelting, refining, and alloying of nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) Metal crown, closure, and other metal stamping (except automotive) Plate work and fabricated structural product manufacturing. So, how is it possible that incident rates are so low while serious injuries and deaths are occurring so often? You'd be hard-pressed to find a more stable industry right now. In fact, hydraulic fracturing generated more than 2.1 million jobs in recent years. In 2019, the injuries per million work hours were approximately 0.92 compared to the average TRIR for the oil and gas industry in the previous years only in 2018, the TRIR was around 0.99. That's where automating oil and gas safety testing and audits come in. The IOGP members engaged in this study reported that, in that same year, 703 incidents occurred. Over the past decade, the oil and natural gas industry's incident rate has decreased by 41 percent , while doubling the size of its workforce and increasing overall production and the number of drilling rigs. 2023 StarTex Software LLC. According to the latest data, around 10.3 million jobs in the US are directly or indirectly supported by the oil industry. The second challenge, giving people the right tools to be able to report incidents has been slower going for many companies then fostering a good culture of safety. make sure you're on a federal government site. Both figures have been on the decline since 2008, where rates sat at 2.9 incidents and 3.9 incidents, respectively. Hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking, can be dangerous for both the environment and humans. The lowest oil and gas accounting salaries begin at an annual $57,500 for entry-level positions, while the most experienced workers can make up to $87,500 per year. The .gov means it's official. Industries in the Oil and Gas Extraction subsector operate and/or develop oil and gas field properties. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. At the end of the day, the underlying goal of looking at these metrics is of course to lower or improve the TRIR, with the benchmarks and performance over time helping the company and decision makers to make good informed decisions. 0000099747 00000 n TJ Cross Engineers, Inc. 2008 - 20091 year. NAICS Code Description 237120 - Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Construction Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 237120 - Click for Complete Profiles: This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the construction of oil and gas lines, mains, refineries, and storage tanks. And this rings generally true. 0000013660 00000 n 7th Fl- 1047 The downturn induced by the pandemic is responsible for jeopardizing many companies in this field. To break this down further, the report compares the incident rate of another traditionally dangerous industrymining. In fact, a TRIR of over 7 can quickly increase the likelihood of an inspection. The average TRIR for all industriesincluding state and local governmentis 3.0 cases per 100 full-time equivalent workers as of 2019, according to the BLS. I know I speak for many industries when I say our system of evaluating total recordable incident rates (TRIR) and days away, restricted and transferred (DART) rates as indicators of safe workplaces is flawed. But just as important as defining your actual number is being able to track components of the calculation as well as other safety inputs in a safety dashboard. 0000002518 00000 n Between 2015 and 2020, the roofing industry grew an average of 2.7% each year. In the event of an audit or inspection, the auditor will look deep into your safety management or EHS management system to see your procedures, processes and the data behind the TRIR number. All industries including private, state and local government(5), Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting(5), Greenhouse, nursery, and floriculture production(5), Beef cattle ranching and farming, including feedlots(5), Forest nurseries and gathering of forest products, Support activities for agriculture and forestry, Soil preparation, planting, and cultivating, Postharvest crop activities (except cotton ginning), Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction(6), Bituminous coal and lignite surface mining(9), Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying(9), Crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying(9), Crushed and broken granite mining and quarrying(9), Other crushed and broken stone mining and quarrying(9), Sand, gravel, clay, and ceramic and refractory minerals mining and quarrying(9), Clay and ceramic and refractory minerals mining(9), Other nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying(9), Potash, soda, and borate mineral mining(9), Other chemical and fertilizer mineral mining(9), Support activities for oil and gas operations, Water and sewer line and related structures construction, Oil and gas pipeline and related structures construction, Power and communication line and related structures construction, Other heavy and civil engineering construction, Foundation, structure, and building exterior contractors, Poured concrete foundation and structure contractors, Structural steel and precast concrete contractors, Other foundation, structure, and building exterior contractors, Electrical contractors and other wiring installation contractors, Plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning contractors, Starch and vegetable fats and oils manufacturing, Sugar and confectionery product manufacturing, Chocolate and confectionery manufacturing, Confectionery manufacturing from purchased chocolate, Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing, Frozen fruit, juice, and vegetable manufacturing, Fruit and vegetable canning, pickling, and drying, Dairy product (except frozen) manufacturing, Dry, condensed, and evaporated dairy product manufacturing, Ice cream and frozen dessert manufacturing, Seafood product preparation and packaging, Frozen cakes, pies, and other pastries manufacturing, Dry pasta, dough, and flour mixes manufacturing from purchased flour, Roasted nuts and peanut butter manufacturing, Mayonnaise, dressing, and other prepared sauce manufacturing, All other miscellaneous food manufacturing, Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing, Narrow fabric mills and schiffli machine embroidery, Textile and fabric finishing and fabric coating mills, Rope, cordage, twine, tire cord, and tire fabric mills, All other miscellaneous textile product mills, Men's and boys' cut and sew apparel manufacturing, Apparel accessories and other apparel manufacturing, Other leather and allied product manufacturing, All other leather good and allied product manufacturing, Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood product manufacturing, Hardwood veneer and plywood manufacturing, Softwood veneer and plywood manufacturing, Engineered wood member (except truss) manufacturing, Manufactured home (mobile home) manufacturing, Prefabricated wood building manufacturing, All other miscellaneous wood product manufacturing, Corrugated and solid fiber box manufacturing, Paper bag and coated and treated paper manufacturing, Other converted paper product manufacturing, All other converted paper product manufacturing, Commercial printing (except screen and books), Petroleum and coal products manufacturing, Asphalt paving, roofing, and saturated materials manufacturing, Asphalt shingle and coating materials manufacturing, Other petroleum and coal products manufacturing, Petroleum lubricating oil and grease manufacturing, All other petroleum and coal products manufacturing, Other basic inorganic chemical manufacturing, Other basic organic chemical manufacturing, Cyclic crude, intermediate, and gum and wood chemical manufacturing, All other basic organic chemical manufacturing, Resin, synthetic rubber, and artificial and synthetic fibers and filaments manufacturing, Plastics material and resin manufacturing, Artificial and synthetic fibers and filaments manufacturing, Pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemical manufacturing, Pesticide and other agricultural chemical manufacturing, Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing, In-vitro diagnostic substance manufacturing, Biological product (except diagnostic) manufacturing, Paint, coating, and adhesive manufacturing, Soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparation manufacturing, Polish and other sanitation good manufacturing, Other chemical product and preparation manufacturing, All other chemical product and preparation manufacturing, All other miscellaneous chemical product and preparation manufacturing, Plastics and rubber products manufacturing, Plastics packaging materials and unlaminated film and sheet manufacturing, Plastics packaging film and sheet (including laminated) manufacturing, Unlaminated plastics film and sheet (except packaging) manufacturing, Plastics pipe, pipe fitting, and unlaminated profile shape manufacturing, Unlaminated plastics profile shape manufacturing, Plastics pipe and pipe fitting manufacturing, Laminated plastics plate, sheet (except packaging), and shape manufacturing, Urethane and other foam product (except polystyrene) manufacturing, Rubber and plastics hoses and belting manufacturing, Rubber product manufacturing for mechanical use, Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing, Clay product and refractory manufacturing, Pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixture manufacturing, Clay building material and refractories manufacturing, Other pressed and blown glass and glassware manufacturing, Glass product manufacturing made of purchased glass, Cement and concrete product manufacturing, Concrete pipe, brick, and block manufacturing, Other nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing, All other nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing, Cut stone and stone product manufacturing, Ground or treated mineral and earth manufacturing, All other miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing, Iron and steel mills and ferroalloy manufacturing, Steel product manufacturing from purchased steel, Iron and steel pipe and tube manufacturing from purchased steel, Alumina and aluminum production and processing, Alumina refining and primary aluminum production, Secondary smelting and alloying of aluminum, Aluminum sheet, plate, and foil manufacturing, Other aluminum rolling, drawing, and extruding, Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) production and processing, Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) smelting and refining, Copper rolling, drawing, extruding, and alloying, Nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) rolling, drawing, extruding, and alloying, Nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) rolling, drawing, and extruding, Secondary smelting, refining, and alloying of nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum), Other nonferrous metal foundries (except die-casting), Metal crown, closure, and other metal stamping (except automotive), Architectural and structural metals manufacturing, Plate work and fabricated structural product manufacturing, Prefabricated metal building and component manufacturing, Fabricated structural metal manufacturing, Ornamental and architectural metal products manufacturing, Ornamental and architectural metal work manufacturing, Boiler, tank, and shipping container manufacturing, Power boiler and heat exchanger manufacturing, Metal can, box, and other metal container (light gauge) manufacturing, Other fabricated wire product manufacturing, Machine shops; turned product; and screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing, Turned product and screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing, Bolt, nut, screw, rivet, and washer manufacturing, Coating, engraving, heat treating, and allied activities, Metal coating, engraving (except jewelry and silverware), and allied services to manufacturers, Electroplating, plating, polishing, anodizing, and coloring, Other fabricated metal product manufacturing, Fluid power valve and hose fitting manufacturing, Plumbing fixture fitting and trim manufacturing, Other metal valve and pipe fitting manufacturing, All other fabricated metal product manufacturing, Ammunition (except small arms) manufacturing, Fabricated pipe and pipe fitting manufacturing, All other miscellaneous fabricated metal product manufacturing, Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery manufacturing, Farm machinery and equipment manufacturing, Lawn and garden tractor and home lawn and garden equipment manufacturing, Mining and oil and gas field machinery manufacturing, Mining machinery and equipment manufacturing, Oil and gas field machinery and equipment manufacturing, Sawmill, woodworking, and paper machinery manufacturing, Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing, Optical instrument and lens manufacturing, Other commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing, Ventilation, heating, air-conditioning, and commercial refrigeration equipment manufacturing, Industrial and commercial fan and blower and air purification equipment manufacturing, Heating equipment (except warm air furnaces) manufacturing, Air-conditioning and warm air heating equipment and commercial and industrial refrigeration equipment manufacturing, Special die and tool, die set, jig, and fixture manufacturing, Cutting tool and machine tool accessory manufacturing, Engine, turbine, and power transmission equipment manufacturing, Turbine and turbine generator set units manufacturing, Speed changer, industrial high-speed drive, and gear manufacturing, Mechanical power transmission equipment manufacturing, Other general purpose machinery manufacturing, Measuring, dispensing, and other pumping equipment manufacturing, Material handling equipment manufacturing, Conveyor and conveying equipment manufacturing, Industrial truck, tractor, trailer, and stacker machinery manufacturing, All other general purpose machinery manufacturing, Welding and soldering equipment manufacturing, Industrial process furnace and oven manufacturing, Fluid power cylinder and actuator manufacturing, All other miscellaneous general purpose machinery manufacturing, Computer and electronic product manufacturing, Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing, Computer terminal and other computer peripheral equipment manufacturing, Radio and television broadcasting and wireless communications equipment manufacturing, Other communications equipment manufacturing, Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing, Semiconductor and related device manufacturing, Capacitor, resistor, coil, transformer, and other inductor manufacturing, Printed circuit assembly (electronic assembly) manufacturing, Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments manufacturing, Electromedical and electrotherapeutic apparatus manufacturing, Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical, and nautical system and instrument manufacturing, Automatic environmental control manufacturing for residential, commercial, and appliance use, Instruments and related products manufacturing for measuring, displaying, and controlling industrial process variables, Totalizing fluid meter and counting device manufacturing, Instrument manufacturing for measuring and testing electricity and electrical signals, Analytical laboratory instrument manufacturing, Other measuring and controlling device manufacturing, Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media, Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing, Electric lighting equipment manufacturing, Residential electric lighting fixture manufacturing, Power, distribution, and specialty transformer manufacturing, Switchgear and switchboard apparatus manufacturing, Relay and industrial control manufacturing, Other electrical equipment and component manufacturing, Communication and energy wire and cable manufacturing, Other communication and energy wire manufacturing, Current-carrying wiring device manufacturing, Noncurrent-carrying wiring device manufacturing, All other electrical equipment and component manufacturing, Carbon and graphite product manufacturing, All other miscellaneous electrical equipment and component manufacturing, Automobile and light duty motor vehicle manufacturing, Light truck and utility vehicle manufacturing, Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing, Motor vehicle gasoline engine and engine parts manufacturing, Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing, Motor vehicle steering and suspension components (except spring) manufacturing, Motor vehicle transmission and power train parts manufacturing, Motor vehicle seating and interior trim manufacturing, Aerospace product and parts manufacturing, Aircraft engine and engine parts manufacturing, Other aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment manufacturing, Guided missile and space vehicle manufacturing, Guided missile and space vehicle propulsion unit and propulsion unit parts manufacturing, Other transportation equipment manufacturing, Motorcycle, bicycle, and parts manufacturing, Military armored vehicle, tank, and tank component manufacturing, All other transportation equipment manufacturing, Furniture and related product manufacturing, Household and institutional furniture and kitchen cabinet manufacturing, Wood kitchen cabinet and countertop manufacturing, Household and institutional furniture manufacturing, Upholstered household furniture manufacturing, Nonupholstered wood household furniture manufacturing, Household furniture (except wood and metal) manufacturing, Office furniture (including fixtures) manufacturing, Custom architectural woodwork and millwork manufacturing, Office furniture (except wood) manufacturing, Showcase, partition, shelving, and locker manufacturing, Other furniture related product manufacturing, Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing, Surgical and medical instrument manufacturing, Surgical appliance and supplies manufacturing, Dental equipment and supplies manufacturing, Sporting and athletic goods manufacturing, Office supplies (except paper) manufacturing, Gasket, packing, and sealing device manufacturing, Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts and supplies merchant wholesalers, Furniture and home furnishing merchant wholesalers, Lumber and other construction materials merchant wholesalers, Professional and commercial equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers, Metal and mineral (except petroleum) merchant wholesalers, Household appliances and electrical and electronic goods merchant wholesalers, Hardware, and plumbing and heating equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers, Machinery, equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers, Miscellaneous durable goods merchant wholesalers, Sporting and recreational goods and supplies merchant wholesalers, Other miscellaneous durable goods merchant wholesalers, Paper and paper product merchant wholesalers, Drugs and druggists' sundries merchant wholesalers, Apparel, piece goods, and notions merchant wholesalers, Grocery and related product merchant wholesalers, Farm product raw material merchant wholesalers, Chemical and allied products merchant wholesalers, Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers, Beer, wine, and distilled alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalers, Miscellaneous nondurable goods merchant wholesalers, Motorcycle, boat, and other motor vehicle dealers, Automotive parts, accessories, and tire stores, Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers, Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores, Nursery, garden center, and farm supply stores, Supermarkets and other grocery (except convenience) stores, Cosmetics, beauty supplies, and perfume stores, Gasoline stations with convenience stores, Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores, Sporting goods, hobby, musical instrument, and book stores, Sporting goods, hobby, and musical instrument stores, Sewing, needlework, and piece goods stores, General merchandise stores, including warehouse clubs and supercenters, Office supplies, stationery, and gift stores, Electronic shopping and mail-order houses, Specialized freight (except used goods) trucking, local, Specialized freight (except used goods) trucking, long-distance, Transit and ground passenger transportation, Other transit and ground passenger transportation, Pipeline transportation of refined petroleum products, Support activities for air transportation, Support activities for rail transportation, Support activities for water transportation, Other support activities for water transportation, Support activities for road transportation, Other support activities for road transportation, Other support activities for transportation, Electric power generation, transmission and distribution, Electric power transmission, control, and distribution, Newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers, Motion picture and sound recording industries, Wired and wireless telecommunications carriers, Wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite), Data processing, hosting, and related services, Credit intermediation and related activities, Other nondepository credit intermediation, Activities related to credit intermediation, Financial transactions processing, reserve, and clearinghouse activities, Securities, commodity contracts, and other financial investments and related activities, All other financial investment activities, Insurance carriers and related activities, Direct life, health, and medical insurance carriers, Direct insurance (except life, health, and medical) carriers, Agencies, brokerages, and other insurance related activities, Lessors of residential buildings and dwellings, Lessors of nonresidential buildings (except miniwarehouses), Offices of real estate agents and brokers, Truck, utility trailer, and RV (recreational vehicle) rental and leasing, Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing, Construction, transportation, mining, and forestry machinery and equipment rental and leasing, Other commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing, Lessors of nonfinancial intangible assets (except copyrighted works), Professional, scientific, and technical services, Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services, Architectural, engineering, and related services, Surveying and mapping (except geophysical) services, Computer systems design and related services, Management, scientific, and technical consulting services, Other scientific and technical consulting services, Scientific research and development services, Advertising, public relations, and related services, Other professional, scientific, and technical services, Marketing research and public opinion polling, All other professional, scientific, and technical services, Administrative and support and waste management and remediation services, Employment placement agencies and executive search services, Travel arrangement and reservation services, Other travel arrangement and reservation services, Investigation, guard, and armored car services, Other services to buildings and dwellings, Waste management and remediation services, Other nonhazardous waste treatment and disposal, Remediation and other waste management services, Colleges, universities, and professional schools, Business schools and computer and management training, Professional and management development training, Offices of physicians (except mental health specialists), Offices of physicians, mental health specialists, All other ambulatory health care services, Psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals, Specialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse) hospitals, Nursing care facilities (skilled nursing facilities), Residential intellectual and developmental disability, mental health, and substance abuse facilities, Continuing care retirement communities and assisted living facilities for the elderly, Services for the elderly and persons with disabilities, Community food and housing, and emergency and other relief services, Performing arts, spectator sports, and related industries, Promoters of performing arts, sports, and similar events, Agents and managers for artists, athletes, entertainers, and other public figures, Museums, historical sites, and similar institutions, Amusement, gambling, and recreation industries, Other amusement and recreation industries, All other amusement and recreation industries, RV (recreational vehicle) parks and recreational camps, RV (recreational vehicle) parks and campgrounds, Recreational and vacation camps (except campgrounds), Other services (except public administration), Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance, Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment (except automotive and electronic) repair and maintenance, Personal and household goods repair and maintenance, Drycleaning and laundry services (except coin-operated), Religious, grantmaking, civic, professional, and similar organizations, Justice, public order, and safety activities, Footnotes Come in industry considerably, causing nearly 60,000 workers in Texas to lose their jobs in oil!, if applicable on the decline since 2008, where rates sat at incidents... 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