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police luger markings
The unusual marking is located between the belt loops. Come join the discussion about the history, technology and extraordinary background associated with these design masterpieces. Luger Extractor Marks Luger Safety Marks Luger Magazine Marks Light sheet steel body with crimped edges. Polizei-Direction or Knigliche Polizei-Richtung=Royal Police-Direction, Der Kgl. It is interesting to note that this is the only published example of a Schutzpolizei Hannover Police holster so marked. )" The only thing I can add is that the "R" in the marking indicates "Revierhauptmannschaft" which was apparently a militarized Police used in large cities as an adjunct to the regular police (Still) I bought it for $400. He should work on the internal corsage, promote public security, order and tranquility and, above all, give every citizen the opportunity to fulfill his moral duty to exercise his intellectual and physical strength to the full. On many Police Bayonets there are not only stamped numbers, but there were also letters proceeding the numbers that identified the city from where the bayonet was used during the Weimar period. Das geistige Rstzeug fr seine Umtsausbung muss er so vllig besitzen, das ser jederzeit das Rechte trifft. Abtlg. 1935 and 1936 are the only known manufacturing dates for the TP or Technische Polizeischule property marked holsters. Pictured is a disassembled view of the subject aftermarket P08 marked and police stick wing acceptance stamped, variation 1 muzzle protector. Each state (Pomerania, Prussia, Silesia, etc.) Thanks. Holster is also marked Bahnschutz RBD Halle (S) Police arms had a Captain Ernst Roehm, future head of the SA [Sturmabteilung, a.k.a. (communications training Original stitching intact. Usually when this is done another identification is added. Signed & Numbered by both authors. Post Pictured are view 1 and view 2 of this unusual marked police holster. and Band II or Volume II published in 1921 Weimar Germany with the cover title: Das Lehrbuch fr die Polizeischulen or The textbook for the police schools. 3 5 im Buch II hat mich herr Polizeihauptmann Baetsch, Ministerium des Innern, in liebenswrdigster Meise unterstutzt, wosr ich ihm an dieser Stelle meinen herzlichsten Dant ausspreche. a 4-digit 1108 believed to be a Police P.08 serial number. Brown Shirts]) eventually joined the Nazi Party. "The Flag does not fly because of the wind that blows it. Without delay, lets get into the coolest of the bunch: DWM Model 1900 7.65mm Ejercito Mexicano marked commercial pistol made in hopes of gaining contracts with the Mexican military. Yes it DWM marked but without a chamber date. For my database of police markings, could you tell me the serial number of this pistol and whether or not it has sear and/or mag safeties? Over all good condition. You may have been hiding under a rock if youve not yet heard of the new SIG Sauer MCX Spear. Spain attempted to extend their territory to expand their control and unify the two sections. The Ingolstadt HZa was the only one to have a production code, I believe it was "jlj." He should conscientiously fulfill his obligations, should be professional in his measures, be in touch with the public, but also act strictly against obvious violations, on the other hand avoid all incidents or even abuses by which the mood of a considerable part of the population is even more against those Police are involved when it is unfortunately already the case. document.write(''). Additionally, since the subject holster body attached cleaning rod, cut-back from the original, approximately 230 m/m length to 180 m/m length (or 210 m/m total with the added 30 m/m section) leather pouch/sleeve is original to the holster body, as attested by the original stitching. Mike, i don't think Joop is doing that? Only two are identified in publications and only partial pictures. FN Browning M1922 7.65 mm pistol, stamped, interestingly. The only marking is the Akah company logo on the back side, between the belt loops. The conclusion being that there are a variety of styles/shapes and size of brass studs used by the many different WW1 leather makers of LP08 Artillery holsters and as such, it is difficult to dismiss any of these original period brass studs as aftermarket, not German or not used with Artillery holsters. ----------------------------------------------------------- page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------. The base is too thick and the ball shape is incorrect. Many changes have occurred from the area of the state =, police = and criminal law. 45a and in The Borchardt & Luger Automatic Pistols a.k.a. There is one unusual barrel sight band/block/blade condition will not allow the attachment of the variation 2 muzzle protector to fit over the P.08 barrel. This was forbidden by the Treaty of Wissen ist Macht, das gilt fr jeden, der im ffentlichen Leben steht und vorwrstsstrebt, besonders aber fr die Polizeibeamten, da ihn sein Beruf tglich und stundlich in engste Berhrung mit der Bevlterung bringt. The E/Mg10 is thought to be the inspector stamp or proof marking used at this depot. 2 St 16 - item 16 of the 2nd patrol unit. (Bavarian) State Police. $1,000. The following tables list the base forms for police unit marks found in These unique Prussian State Police belt buckles are most often found in gold but have also been observed, as noted above, in this type of silver and were used during the Weimar Era and for a few years into the Nazi era until they were replaced with the standard police buckle with large swastika. Also, recently in Strafrecht (Criminal Law) z. L. significant upheavals took place. that the German police exceeded the limit of 150,000 by 30,000 men and It is also unlikely that any of the cut-back artillery holsters will be located with police markings as per TBLAP VIII, C19 page 1267 where it states: Modified army pattern holsters, whether of short LP.08 pattern originally, were not subject to formal inspection and marking upon conversion to the police pattern. Ulle diese Reuregelungen sind bei der Bearbeitung der zweiten Uuslage berudschtigt worden und haben in einigen Ubschnitten umsangreiche Uenderungen notwendig gemacht. the interpretation of German unit marks is outside the scope of the 1644 of the 49th centuria within II command, Dusseldorf (S.D. for WWII , Hitler ordered the production of Lugers. This unique variation is the only known example of a cut-back artillery so modified. Regarding the necessity to modify a cut-back Artillery to Police holster cleaning rod pouch/sleeve to accommodate a Police cleaning rod is questioned, as the 1915 P. Braunleder Cln cut-back Artillery to Police holster, as stated earlier, was acquired with a Police steel shaft cleaning rod with brass stopper, fully inserted in the original, unmodified cleaning rod pouch/sleeve, albeit a cover flap modified by adding a section of leather, allowing the cover flap to completely close over the seven ring wooden barrel Police cleaning rod handle. Pictured is a brown leather 1935 dated Robert Larsen Berlin police holster with a TP or Technische Polizeischule property stamp and P08 pistol issue number or serial number 7691;view 1, view 2 and view 3. The Shah ordered 1,000 four-inchers and another 1,000 of these bad boys in 9mm. Pictured is a brown leather 1935 dated Robert Larsen Berlin police holster with an eagle over circled K police inspection stamp and P08 pistol issue number or serial number 7307; view 1, The exact date or time frame of the second conversion is uncertain, which could have been in the late 1920s or early 1930s. The subject pictured, aftermarket LOB Mndungsschoner or muzzle protector, stamped on the flat with P08 and a stick wing Nazi proof is a different variation from the ERMA stamped muzzle protector pictured on page 174, Figure 28b of Third Reich Lugers. links[0]=''; 1 Making Modern Germany Chapt. TBLAP by Grtz/Sturgess, 2011 & 2012, VIII, on pages 1262-1264 and pictured on page 1262, Fig. ----------------------------------------------------------- page 3 ----------------------------------------------------------. ----------------------------------------------------------- page 11 ---------------------------------------------------------- 19-105, formally of the Dr. G.L. 3 days Left DWM MODEL 1914 ARTILLERY LUGER SEMI-AUTO PISTOL. the center Police officer with a white colored belt. The holster front is stamped L.Z.A. Muzzle protectors along with police Lugers have been identified with police markings Xd out. introduced sometime in the late 1920s, and later in the early 1930s, many being police acceptance marked on the shaft. is unknown. (A fairly common occurrence.) Despite the fact that both Weimar Lugers and It has no maker mark nor datePresumably a commercial. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Barrel proof, some 1920 Police and Double Dated Lugers. The Fraktur typefaces were particularly heavily used during the rise of Nazism, when they were initially represented as true German script. Luger wooden box cleaning kit Rock Island Auctions has over 100 Lugers at their upcoming Premier Auction in May including carbines and artillery models and rare pistols meant for Persian, American, and Russian markets. by Igorak89 09 May 2016, 18:58, Post All Rights Reserved, Lugers! The new Freistaat Preuen style eagle was adopted as the emblem of the Preuen Schutzpolizei, (Prussian Protection Police) and the Preuen Kommunalpolizei, (Prussian Local/Municipal Police) and was utilized on their belt buckles. Is wird daher fr alle Polizeibeamten, die mit dem Inhalt des Buches vertraut sind, ein leichtes sein, sich auch in der vorliegenden Reubearbeitung ohne Schwierigteit zurechtzusinden. links[9]=''; similar restriction. German: German Mfg. by von thoma 07 May 2016, 02:26, Post Founded in 1999. by the German authorities from the Imperial and Weimar eras, and is an A rank of 1,000,000 means the last copy sold approximately a month ago. As an example, a major Luger dealer, who occasionally offers Luger Identification Guide - Rework and non-DWM Lugers (1915-1945) This is one of a series of identification guides for small arms. This is even if the cleaning rod got past the upper, definitely added brass stud. I think it's a P08 made by DWM ( Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken ). " He must have the intellectual armament for his exercise of the environment so completely that he always meets the right. This example has all matching serial numbers. Landjgerei Wiesbaden or the Prussian rural constabulary, Wiesbaden district. Many of its members (for example VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. It was procured from private stockWhat real difference would it make to the Heers WaA if they ordered a new holster or procured one from existing stock? Im Strasrecht haben ebensalls injngster Zeit z. L. erhebliche Umwlzungen stattgesunden. 1929 police luger markings on side plate and back of frame User Name: Remember Me? Estimated Price: $ 8,500 - $ 14,000 Price Realized: Outstanding World War II Nazi 1941 Dated Single Digit Serial Number 3y Mauser Banner Eagle/L Police Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol with Two Matching Magazines and 1941 Dated Police Holster Manufacturer: Mauser Model: P08 Type: Pistol Gauge: 9 mm Luger Barrel: 3 7/8 inch round Finish: blue Buy GERMAN LUGER P08 POLICE MAGAZINE WITH DOVE MARKING EARLY POLICE VERY RARE: GunBroker is the largest seller of WW1 & WW2 Collectibles Collectibles & Militaria All: 961041063 . The above theory suggests holster cannibalism of German and non-German holsters in the reconfiguration of these Artillery holsters to Police holsters, while not offering an alternate explanation as to the intent or purpose of the current configuration of the subject cut-back, unidentified maker Artillery holster. view 3. or Landjgerei Schleswig; view 1, view 2 and view 3. The initials MG represent machine gun and the number being (page 108) 10th Training Corps or (page 216) with the 10 denoting the team number. This was removed and the hilt was shortened accordingly. The bayonets are interesting, as most were produced during the 1920s during the Weimar period. Post WW2 police manual, dated 1946, is titled The Police Pistols, Dresden, part of the Soviet Occupation Zone, identified of the cover as part of the State of Saxony. The only known publication that mentions the E/WaAJL16 stamping is found in World of Lugers, a.k.a. This is one heck of an obscure way to do it! Die moisten sind veraltet: andererseits sind in neuerer Zeit so viele Vorschriften hinzugetommem, gass es fr den Unfnger schwer ift, das Richtige herauszufinden. the transcription. 1374v. Receiver proof, some 1920 Military and Police Lugers. Below is continuing description of the second and final conversion. Edward Tinker - Co-Author of Police Lugers & Simson Lugers - Veteran Bring Backs Vol 1-4. Since the Germans used the FN M1922 during WW2 it is curious that the 1950s U.S. with LANDESPOLIZEI [7] (State Police) FR WRTTEMBERG-HOHENZOLLERN[8] marked on the Nachr. Pictured is a brown leather 1929 dated Gustav Reinhardt Berlin police holster with a Weimar era Sunburst K police inspection stamp and marked L. Sch.137. Upcoming Auctions Auctions Near Me How Auctions Work | Help . A rare DWM-made Model 1906 9mm para made for the Tsarist Russia contract. Need Help?service@guns.comCall (866)582-4867, PO Box 1131 13800 Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 Pictured are multiple views of the four brass studs and their dimensions used with the subject holster. These markings were not used by the Nazis, thus we will see many Bayonets that are mismatched - which is not the case with the subject bayonet with original Weimar era matching accountability numbers S.B. Pictured together for comparison are a Police cleaning rod with a brass stopper and a navy cleaning rod. Retains the cleaning rod pouch along the leading edge. There are other, more obscure WW1 or Weimar era police organization affiliated belt buckles with unique design emblems. Clearly identified on the facing edge holster spine is a period artillery Luger cleaning rod pouch with brass stud and leather slit cover flap. If instead of replacing and/or adding a brass stud, the leather worker, when raising the height of the cleaning rod pouch sleeve by adding a piece of leather, at the time simply removed or did not add the lower brass stud, extending the longer section, lower leather piece to where it covered the existing brass stud location. rotating clockwise the short collar section, about 270 degrees by 1) rotating the threaded, knurled In the manual is pictured the P.08 Luger on pages 17 and 26. For more info on 1926 Forest Police manual, click, For more detailed information on the 1930s Aux Police manual, click, For more information on the 1937 Vorschrift manual, click. equipment during the Imperial and Weimar eras. Also, the large double crown U Mauser receiver proof was used for a short time only, less than a year, according to one Luger expert. No Longer Available. Pictured is a black leather 1936 dated Franz Cobau Berlin holster with a TP or Technische Polizeischule property stamp; view 1, view 2 and view 3. The side cover and the left high edge has mild wear. with the following rear cover page translations, of which both Volume I and Volume II front and rear covers are identical, with the rear cover upper paragraph statement: The "Guide" compiled in These Nazi Police bayonets are frequently described as Dress bayonets, which is a misnomer. He should conscientiously fulfill his obligations, should be professional in his measures, be in touch with the public, but also act strictly against obvious violations, on the other hand avoid all incidents or even abuses by which the mood of a considerable part of the population is even more against those Police are involved when it is unfortunately already the case. ad[9]=''; These discussions have taken place by numerous collectors in the pages of. The balance of the change involved adding a cover flap brass stud to effect closure, utilizing the original LP.08 holster body up-strap and it is certain in this first conversion that the holster rear leather shoulder strap stock block was retained. Nuernberg (Nuremberg procurement office), Flugueberwachung Bayern-Sued (South Bavarian avaiation supervision), Flugueberwachung Bayern-Nord (North Bavarian aviation supervision), Nachrichtentechniche Abteilung (communications section), Ausbildungsstaffel der Nachr. Edward Tinker. not the case with the subject bayonet with original Weimar era matching accountability numbers. From the Dr. Geoffrey Sturgess collection. 19-130 text caption picturing a cut-back LP.08 holster: that the converted LP.08 artillery holsters were not reconverted by the decree of August 1928 and so retaining the LP.08 cleaning rod pocket (pouch), modified by addition of a wider top section and second stud to accommodate the long Police cleaning rod with soldered on travel stop. 1. Still 1993, page 174, Figure 45a, the below pictured holster is an LOB example of the first style, first pattern, pre 1925 new manufacture Weimar era, unmarked police holster. another cut-back Artillery to Police holster, An examination of the P. Braunleder Cln cleaning rod pouch/sleeve brass stud shows a completely different shape of style and size, of the two different lower and upper brass stud shapes of the subject cut-back Artillery to Police holster. A single example exists of an extremely rare 1943 dated variation, made of impregnated pressed paper and is pictured in TPLAP, V3, page 1245 Fig. Berlin police group. We talked to a subject matter expert who repairs WW1 / WW2 h The results cause us collectors no end of confusion, 78 years later. Brass stud added to the (cover) flap, additional brass stud added to the cleaning rod pouch. influence of its police during the violence and disorder of the Weimar Caliber 7.62mm - 6.5" barrel. There is, however, conclusive evidence that the German police did indeed use cut-back Artillery holsters in the early 1920s Weimar era as a search of the Berlin Federal Archives located a picture identified as Bundesarchiv. Der herausgeber. rear threaded section to be rotated clockwise until it is snug against the rear When reworking the chap. A 108 is found in the upper right backside corner, what could be considered a Police serial marking? The HZA stampings are described by Costanzo as being found on P.08 Lugers issued to security guards of military installations only, with no mention of the WaAJL16 being marked on P.08 style Police holsters. 11-17-2022 12:57 PM by Pistol. The third is a late 1920s sear bar and magazine safety, German acceptance stamped E/WaA66 Police Luger s/n 4559t with the forward gripstrap marked as unit marked weapon number L.W.58. WWI History after Treaty of Versailles: German production of 9mm pistols was prohibited. Numbers are matching except for firing pin. The pistol is fitted with a set of checkered walnut grips. Thanks, Dwight, for setting the record straight about these blank toggles. A complete discussion of Thread Tools: Display Modes Most of them are out of date: on the other hand, so many regulations have been added recently that it would be difficult for the novice to find out the right thing. If it is made after 1918it is a reproduction. The word itself 'HIPO' is a shortening in German of HIlfs-POlizei (i.e. WWI). This example is a very rare 1943 dated military contract piece in 9mm, one of just 300 produced that year. What could be considered a police P.08 serial number i do n't Joop. 45A and in the late 1920s, and later in the upper right backside corner what... Bayonets are interesting, as most were produced during the 1920s during the violence and disorder of the wind blows..., Wiesbaden district if the cleaning rod pouch with brass stud added to the ( cover ) flap additional! In Strafrecht ( criminal law ) z. L. significant upheavals took place acceptance marked on the back side, the... 0 ] ='http: // ' ; similar restriction the discussion about the,... Unique variation is the only known publication that mentions the E/WaAJL16 stamping is found in the pages.... Stud added to the ( cover ) flap, additional brass stud added to the ( cover ) flap additional... 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Similar restriction four brass studs and their dimensions used with the subject bayonet with original Weimar era organization.
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