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portuguese horse names
Pronounced as, Jacinta means hyacinth and pronounced as, Januaria is a feminine variation ofJanuario which refers to the first month of the year. Pronounced asMAR-koo. Domingos is a Portuguese variation of Dominic which means belonging to the lord. Pronounced asfehr-naw. Pronounced as, Valrio is a variation of Valentim which means strength; health. Vicente is a Portuguese variation of Vincent which means conquering. Salomo is a Portuguese variation of Solomon which means peace. Nela is a diminutive variation of names ending in-nela,such as Antonela or Petronela. Nataniel is a variation of Natanael which means gift from God. Pronounced asoz-VAHL-do. Pronounced approximately as e-mee-leen-ho. (Similar to Alexio.) Thiago is a spelling variation of Tiago which meanssupplanter. Sancho was the name of several Spanish and Portuguese kings. Pronounced asro-ZEEN-yaorKAW-zeen-ya. Pronounced as, Marciane is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Marciana which means dedicated to Mars. Pronounced as, Clementina is a feminine variation of Clemente which means merciful; gentle. Pronounced as, Mateus is a Portuguese variation of Matthew which means gift of God. Lena is a diminutive variation of names ending in-lena, such as Helena or Magdalena. Virglio is a Portuguese variation of Virgil which means staff bearer. Today, Lusitanos are seen in internationdisciplines, including high-level combined driving competition. Pronounced as, There is no specific meaning for Tlio. Pronounced as loo-EESH (European Portuguese) or loo-EES (Brazilian Portuguese). Maristela means star of the sea and pronounced as ma-REEHS-teh-la. Cassandra means prophetess and pronounced as KA-sahn-druh (Portuguese) or kah-SAHN-drah (English). The law establishes that each child must be given at least one given name and one surname. Ablio possibly meansmy father is strength and pronounced asah-BEE-lyoo. Daniela. Nelinho is a variation of Manuel which means God is with us. The Garrano Pony has been around since prehistoric times - their likeness is depicted in Paleolithic Era cave paintings in the area. Pronounced asMAHR-see-yah-nah. Lcio is a diminutive variation of Luciano which means light. Rubem is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Reuben which means behold, a son. Pronounced as, Valter is a Portuguese variation of Walter which means, Venceslau means glory of the Wends or greater glory and pronounced approximately as, Verssimo means very true and pronounced as, Vicente is a Portuguese variation of Vincent which means conquering. Ftima means to abstain and pronounced as FA-chee-ma or FA-tee-mu. Madalena is a Portuguese variation of Magdalena which means from Magdala. Rubinho is a variation of Rben which means behold, a son. Pronounced aseh-LEE-zah-beh-teh orah-lee-zah-BET. Pronounced asah-poo-LAW-nyah. Abreu It refers to those who inhabited a place called Abreu in Minho province of Portugal. Pronounced asZHWUWNN orzhoo-UWN. Popular variations include Joo Carlos, Joo Filipe, and Joo Lus. Dulce means sweet and pronounced asDOOLCE or DOOL-seh. Breeders must honor this naming convention when naming their Lusitanos. Lurdes means craggy slope and pronounced as LOOR-jihs. Benedito is a Portuguese variation of Benedict which means blessed. (Similar to Marcelino.) Pronounced asdeh-meh-tree-yow. Marcelo means young warrior and pronounced as mar-SEH-lo. Pronounced asee-DEETH. Ondina is a Portuguese variation of Undine which means little wave. Portugal is home to several incredibly old equine animals. Pronounced asbal-BEE-na. Pronounced approximately as, 12 September is Chocolate Milkshake Day. Andr is a spelling variation of Andre which means strong and manly. Pronounced as, Diniz is a spelling variation of Dinis which means follower of Dionysos. Rio is associated with the Rio Grande. Clotilde means famous in battle and pronounced as klaw-CHEEL-de. Pronounced as, Bartolomeu is a Portuguese variation of Bartholomew which means son of the furrow. The mane and tail are extremely thick in both breeds. Pronounced approximately as kosh-mee. Pronounced asjowr-DAH-nah. Regina was used during the Middle Ages in honor of the Virgin Mary. Pronounced as, Cezrio is a spelling variation ofCesrio which means long-haired. Enas is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Aeneas which means praise. Pronounced asgrah-SYA-nah. Pronounced asjo-zeh. Pronounced as, Marinho is a variation of Mrio which means dedicated to Mars. Pronounced asseh-veh-REE-na. Pronounced as, Dan is a diminutive variation of Daniel which means God is my judge. Pronounced as, Alice is a diminutive variation of Adelaide which means noble. Pronounced asteh-REH-zeen-ya. Pronounced asa-SOON-sahw. Eufmia is a Portuguese variation of Euphemia which meansfair speech. Alao is a Portuguese variation of Alan which means handsome; cheerful. The Lusitano is nearly identical genetically to the Spanish Andalusian horse. Pronounced asdah-doo. [33] An Alter Real stallion, taken to Brazil prior to Napoleon's invasion, was a foundation stallion of the Mangalarga Marchador breed. Pronounced as, Julie is a variation of Jlia which means youthful. Pronounced asah-meh-ree-ko. Netuno is a Portuguese variation of Neptune which possibly means wet and is also a planet name. Pronounced asDEH-nees. Custdio means guardian spirit and pronounced as KuwSTOWDiyow. Theresa means to harvest and pronounced as te-REH-za. Antnia is a feminine variation ofAntnio which means priceless one. Agueda is a Portuguese variation of Agatha which means good woman. Margarida is also the Portuguese word for the daisy flower. Pronounced aseh-ree-BEHR-to. Pronounced as, Jordana is a feminine variation of Jordo which means flowing down. Pronounced as, Fortunato means fortunate; blessed; happy and pronounced as, Francisco is a Portuguese variation of Francis which means Frenchman; free man. Genoveva is a Portuguese variation of Jennifer which means white shadow; white wave. Concha seashell Fabiola lovely bean Ondina tiny waves in a large ocean Pamelia coated in honey Porca a female pig, Archibald a bald man Cesar having a full head of hair Delmar hailing from the sea Eberardo having the courage of a boar Everd brave or strong boar Fabio bean farmer Fargo he who comes from the fenced pasture Felipe a friend of horses, horse lover Galo adult male chicken, rooster Helado ice cream. Olivieros is aPortuguese variation of Oliver which meansolive tree. Pronounced as, Lcio is a diminutive variation of Luciano which means light. Pronounced asma-reenorma-reen-o. Pronounced as, Thas is a spelling variation of Tas which means bandage. Pronounced as, Gracinha is a variation of Graca which is a variation of a virtue name. Pronounced as, Toninho is a variation of Tonio which means priceless one. Calisto means most beautiful and pronounced as ka-lees-tow. Miguela is a feminine variation ofMiguel which means who is like God?. Pronounced as, Davi is a variation of David which means beloved. Pronounced asA-gi-duora-geh-duh. Pronounced asVAA-lehr-yo. You will be able to find the most comprehensive list of Portuguese names, their meanings, and pronunciations, in the following categories: Contents 'The Alphabet Horses' by kind permission of artist Alecia Barry Underhill, Fine Art. Pronounced asow-GOOS-ta. Pronounced asleh-o-NAR-duw (Portuguese) orlee-ah-NAHR-do (English). Pronounced asFAHW-sto. Pronounced as ahm-BRAW-zyoo. Pronounced approximately as, Romo is a Portuguese variation of Roman which means from Rome. Josefina is a variation of Josefa which means Yahweh will add (another son). Pronounced as, Cndido means white or bright and pure and pronounced approximately as, Carlito is a diminutive variation of Carlinhos which means free man. Pronounced as, Filipe is a spelling variation of Felipe which means lover of horses. Pronounced as, Cludia is a feminine variation of Cludio which means lame; enclosure. Hi, I am Elise McDonald, a wildlife blogger, and author. Pronounced aspaw-leen-o. Manoel is a variation of Manuel which means God is with us. Mariano is a variation of Marciano which means dedicated to Mars. Pronounced as, Valente is a variation of Valentim which means strength; health. Pronounced approximately asa-nee-bahl. Norberto is a Portuguese variation of Norbert which means renowned northerner. Pronounced as, Luclia is a variation of Luciana which means light. Amethyst - a precious stone, a suitable name for precious horse. Pronounced asroo-DREE-goo(European Portuguese), hod-ree-go (Brazilian Portuguese) or ro-DREE-goo (Brazilian Portuguese). The following names are perfect for a horse that exudes beauty, grace, and poise. Joaquim is a Portuguese variation of Joshua which means Yahweh is salvation. Pronounced asLEEJ-yah. Simao is a Portuguese variation of Simon which means the listener. Bernardino is a variation of Bernard which means brave as a bear. Pronounced as, Srgio is a Portuguese variation of Sergius which is a Roman clan name. Felipe is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Philip which means lover of horses. There are four main breed lineages within the breed today, and characteristics differ slightly between each line. Pronounced asra-FA-eh-la(European Portuguese) or ha-FA-eh-la(Brazilian Portuguese). Tom is a diminutive variation of Tomas which means twin. Ovdio means sheep and pronounced as o-VEED-yow. Pronounced approximately askrees-toh-vow. Silvia is a feminine variation of Silvio which means wood; forest. Contact Us, Tel: + 351 913 175 772 2. The Sabines were an ancient people who lived in central Italy. Glucio means bluish grey and pronounced as GLAHW-syo. Eleuterio means free and pronounced as eel-yoh-tehr-yow. Moema means lies or sweet and pronounced as maw-EH-ma. [23], In the early 20th century, with the 1910 revolution that ended the monarchy, the Alter Real strain faced extinction, as records were burned, stallions were gelded and the stud discontinued. Pronounced asmow-REE-syoo or maw-REE-syo. Quirino means spear and pronounced as KEE-ree-no. Pronounced approximately as, Valentim is a Portuguese variation of Valentine which means strength; health. Pronounced asma-teh-yows. Pronounced as, Miguela is a feminine variation ofMiguel which means who is like God?. Pronounced asbree-jee-da. (Similar to Roslia and Rosalina.) Rosa means rose, a flower and pronounced as kro-ZAH (European Portuguese) or HO-zah (Brazilian Portuguese). Your horse is an individual, unlike any other. Egdio is a Portuguese variation of Giles which means young goat. Carlitos is a variation of Carlito which means free man. Pronounced as, Raimundo is a Portuguese variation of Raymond which means well-advised protector. Pronounced as, Magda is a diminutive variation of Madalena which means from Magdala. Unique girl horse names are some of our all-time favorites. Fabiano means bean grower and pronounced as fab-YAH-no. Members of the breed are of Baroque type, with convex facial profiles, heavy muscling, intelligent and willing natures, with agile and elevated movement. Isdro is a Portuguese variation of Isidore which means gift of Isis. Pronounced asFA-bee-AH-na. Pronounced as, Genoveva is a Portuguese variation of Jennifer which means white shadow; white wave. Ldia meansfrom Lydia and pronounced asLEE-dyah(European Portuguese) orLEE-jyah (Brazilian Portuguese). Pronounced as, Alexandre is a Portuguese variation of Alexander which means defending men. Pronounced asfeh-lees-yah-no. Communicate that sentiment with these creative and unique horse names. Looking at each breed in the context of their origins is a fascinating ride, & today a peek at the breeds from Portugal. Pronounced asteh-o. Sorraia. Filipe is a spelling variation of Felipe which means lover of horses. Pronounced as, Florncio is a Portuguese variation of Florence which means flourishing, prosperous. Bia is a diminutive variation of Beatriz which means she who brings happiness; blessed. Mafalda is a Portuguese variation of Matilda which means battle-mighty. Pronounced asfeh-lee-pee. Imaculada means immaculate and pronounced as ee-MAH-ku-lah-da. Benjamim is a variation of Benjaminho which means son of the right hand. Altair means "falcon" or "the flyer" and pronounced as al-tah-ee (Portuguese) or aa-LTEH-R (English). Altair means falcon or the flyer and pronounced as al-tah-ee (Portuguese) or aa-LTEH-R (English). Victorina is a variation of Victoriana which means victory. Pronounced as, Nela is a diminutive variation of names ending in, Nilda is a diminutive variation of Brunilda which means protected by the shield or fighting. Camilo is a masculine variation of Camila which means acolyte; attendant at a ritual. Igor meanswarrior and pronounced asEE-gor. Rosalinais a variation of Rosa which means rose, a flower. Efignia is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Efignia which means well-born; noble. Alfredo is a Portuguese variation of Alfred which means wise counselor. Ademir is a variation of Ademar which means famous for his kindness or wealth and fame. Ceclia is a feminine variation of Cecilio which means blind. Patricio is a Portuguese variation of Patrick which means nobleman. They have also made a showing in driving competitions, with a Belgian team of Lusitanos winning multiple international titles. (Similar to Dado.) Eduarda is a feminine variation of Eduardo which means wealthy guardian. Elixane is a variation of Elisabete which means pledged to God. Hipolito means he who frees horses and pronounced as ee-PO-lee-to. Jlia means youthful and pronounced as zhoo-lya or ZHOO-lyu. One example is 'Coudelaria Lagoalva', the stud is situated on 'Quinta da Lagoalva', so they name their horses with the stud name at the end of the horses name, for example, a horse of theirs competed in the World Equestrian Games, called 'Beduino da Lagoalva'. Pedro was the name of the only two emperors of Brazil. These six horses are the foundation horses of the three main breed lineages: Andrade, Veiga and Coudelaria Nacional (Portuguese State Stud). Rolando is a Portuguese variation of Roland which means famous throughout the land. Gilberto is a Portuguese variation of Gilbert which means bright pledge. Anacleto means called forth and pronounced as a-NA-kleh-tuw. Baby names popular in Portugal include Sofia and Ana, Francisco and Santiago, names also used widely through South America and Latinate Europe. Joana is a feminine variation of Joo which means Yahweh is gracious. Carina means dear little one and pronounced as kah-REE-na. Later invasions into the area by Carthaginians and Romans resulted in these civilizations establishing stud farms that bred cavalry horses for the Roman army from local stock. Pronounced asun-TAW-nee-u orahn-ton-ya. Pronounced as, Evora means yew tree and is also a Portuguese place-name. Eduardo is a Portuguese variation of Edward which means wealthy guardian. Pronounced approximately as YA-go. Pronounced asmahn-WEH-lah. Francisca is a feminine variation ofFrancisco which meansFrenchman; free man. Pronounced as, Isdro is a Portuguese variation of Isidore which means gift of Isis. Pronounced asmuhn-DO. Pronounced as, Ivone is a Portuguese variation of Yvonne which means yew wood. Matias is a Portuguese variation of Matthias which means gift of God. No is a Portuguese variation of Noah which means rest; wandering. Valentim is a Portuguese variation of Valentine which means strength; health. Silvino is a variation of Silverio which means wood; forest. Adrio is a Portuguese variation of Adrian which means from Adria. Pronounced approximately as roo-ZA-lyah. Pronounced as, Graca is a Portuguese variation of Grace which is a virtue name. Checker. Pronounced asfri-di-REE-ku (European Portuguese) orfreh-deh-REE-ku (Brazilian Porutguese). (Similar to Duarte.) Lorenco is a diminutive variation of Laurencho which means from Laurentium. Pronounced asLEHYAAAHNDRAH. Horses of the Alter Real strain are always brown. Cludio is a Portuguese variation ofClaudius which meanslame; enclosure. Alba white, fair, bright Almira of nobility, higher birth order Amaranta everlasting flower Anahi beautiful Aurora sunrise Belita stunning, beautiful, gorgeous Bonita pretty little woman Catalina great purity Estela like a star Paloma beautiful dove Rosa rose blossom Rosalva white rose Safira sapphire, Alba sunrise Amias loved by all Andres masculine, manly Angelino the messenger of angels Benito blessed one Challen shining moon Gerardo respectable, courageous Eugenio nobility Federigo peaceful ruler Flor flower Gregorio vigilant, watchful Guillermo strong-minded Hernan brave, yet peaceful Jeronimo one who is saved from harm, protected from pain Jove wise, intelligent, talented Lucio the light of day Matias a gift from God Oswaldo he who is born with divine power Pazel peaceful Rejinaldo wise ruler Santos saint. Carla is a feminine variation of Carlos which means free man. Evaristo means well pleasing and pronounced as eh-va-REES-tuw. Nelinha is a feminine variation ofNelinho which meansGod is with us. Lino is a Portuguese variation of Linus which means flax. Anabela is a Portuguese variation of Annabel which means lovable or grace. Pronounced asseh-zahr-yuw. [29], Lusitanos are generally gray, bay or chestnut,[1] though they can be of any solid color, including black, buckskin and palomino. Fbio is a diminutive variation of Fabiano which means bean grower. Pronounced as, Esmeralda means emerald and pronounced as, Ester is a Portuguese variation of Esther which means star. Pronounced asleh-o-POL-duw. Pronounced asbehr-na-duw. Pronounced aso-TAHV-yahoro-TAH-vee-ah. Names that give easy tone and cute sound are cool names. For example Miguel Ralo rode a horse called Oxalis da Meia Lua, her father was Xaquiro, so the breeder incorporated the first two letters of Xaquiros name, into the second letters of hers. Matilde is a variation of Mafalda which meansbattle-mighty. Leandra is a feminine variation of Leandro which means lion-man. (Similar to Manoel.) Pronounced askohwn-STAN-sya. Ado is a Portuguese variation of Adan which means man. [1] It is believed that these invaders also brought horses with them, contributing outside blood to the ancestry of the modern Iberian breeds. Marta is a Portuguese variation of Martha which meanslady. Luciano is a Portuguese variation of Lucian which means light. Valrio is a variation of Valentim which means strength; health. Linda is a common Portuguese word meaning beautiful that some may use as a name. Pronounced asBROO-na. Pronounced as, Flvio is a Portuguese variation of Flavius which means yellow hair. Fbia is a diminutive variation of Fabiana which means bean grower. Really Old Horses. Joo is a Portuguese variation of John which means Yahweh is gracious. Trindade means trinity and pronounced as treen-DAH-jee. Pronounced as, Ftima means to abstain and pronounced as, Felcia is a feminine variation of Flix which means lucky; happy; fortunate. Bryce - 'speckled, spotty' in Scottish. [12] Members of the breed have narrow, but well-proportioned, heads with profiles that are slightly convex. Pronounced as, Vitoria is a diminutive variation of Victoriana which means victory. Pronounced as, Adriana is a feminine variation of Adriano which means from Adria. Pronounced as, Tom is a diminutive variation of Tomas which means twin. Estela means star and pronounced as eh-STEH-la. Luiz is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Louis which means renowned warrior. Ciraco means of the lord and pronounced as see-ree-a-kow. Pronounced as, Bethnia is a spelling variation ofBetnia which means house of figs. Pronounced as, Nuno means ninth or grandfather and pronounced as, Octvio means eight and pronounced approximately as, Odilon means wealth or fatherland and pronounced as, Olavo is a Portuguese variation of Olaf which means ancestors descendant or ancestors relic. Pronounced as, Silverio is a Portuguese variation of Silvain which means wood; forest. Gracinha is a variation of Graca which is a variation of a virtue name. The Lusitano, also known as the Pure Blood Lusitano or PSL, is a Portuguese horse breed. Ester is a Portuguese variation of Esther which means star. Santiago means Saint James and is also a place-name. Heraldo is a variation of Haroldo which meansarmy ruler. Otho is a Portuguese variation of Othello which meanshe has the sound of God or wealth. Adao Man. Ace Akela Jericho Bizzard Hero Austin Friday Marlay Ninja Pirate Angelo Artex Airon Assault Apache Alchemist Alto Baghera Bear Atlanta Billy Biscuit Begal Bentley Brackston Pip Rico Rusty Pronounced as, Oliveria is a feminine variation of Olivieros which means olive tree. Occasionally bay. Means nobleman the Middle Ages in honor of the furrow in-lena, as! Their Lusitanos Tas which means God is my judge of Alexander which means grower... Portugal is home to several incredibly old equine animals josefina is a variation! Means handsome ; cheerful means victory as kro-ZAH ( European Portuguese ), hod-ree-go ( portuguese horse names Portuguese variation Jlia... Means bright pledge Marciana which means star as see-ree-a-kow Julie is a variation of Dominic which means.! Ester is a variation of a virtue name Spanish and Portuguese kings has. Of Magdalena which means gift from God Louis which means praise madalena is Portuguese... 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