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quantitative research about absenteeism
A sequential explanatory mixed-method research design was employed in this research. There are 3 questions in this part. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. Qualitative study on absenteeism among adolescent students Author: Mandeep Kaur and Isha The study was designed to examine the most influential factor responsible for the problem of absenteeism among adolescents. Stress: Many researchers have labelled teaching a highly stressful profession (Al-fudail & Mellar 2008). It should draw an employer's attention to the quality of management and work conditions within an . PMC E.S Kidaho is a school located in Kagitega Cell, Cyanika sector, Burera district in Northern Province. Badubi, R.M. absenteeism in the workplace. ABSENTEEISM- THE LEARNING GAP SOLUTION An Action Research Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching by Deanna M. Heimbigner . From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. They stress that organisations should have policies and measures in place to prevent absenteeism from becoming a burden and rendering them to be dysfunctional. However, sometimes respondents just answer the questionnaire for the sake of the institution as it is an anonymous tool. Organisations should, therefore, do careful introspection in considering whether absenteeism issues within their ranks are perhaps a manifestation of genuinely unhappy employees. 12th.ed. Goodman, P.S. 1993). Maternal role is characteristic of child care and home making while the paternal role revolves around economic responsibilities and discipline of children. Evans, L. Understanding teacher morale and job satisfaction,. -If using a theory, state the theory you plan to test. Anne Absenteeism Quantitative Research Paper 63 Customer reviews ID 9011 REVIEWS HIRE User ID: 102652 Margurite J. Perez #13 in Global Rating How does this work Information about writing process of our company 578 Finished Papers Continue Download, submit, move on. Preventable absenteeism is often the consequence of deeper issues, like a conflict with a manager or work stress. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. Student truancy from school is widespread throughout the U.S. and has become an epidemic with hundreds of thousands children daily missing classes (Siegel, Walsh, & Senna, 2006; Flannery, Frank, & Kato, 2012). The multivariate evaluation of the association of the evaluated variables and absenteeism was performed by calculating the adjusted odds ratio and its confidence interval, in bivariate logistic regression analysis, using the "Enter" method, and this analysis was performed in a separated between categorical variables and quantitative variables. Clarify the definition of theory in quantitative research in agricultural education; 2. Off-the-job training and attendance of conferences, congresses or symposia: Employees attending workshops, training courses or conferences that contribute to their professional development will usually be excused from work to attend these events. Explanatory case studies are often used for doing investigations, whereby the different causes have to be identified. 32 Terms. This part is totally in length to produce a consistent strategy to adjust the different areas which contribute to the problem and will also help to identify the main reasons. Risk analyses operate on the concept of cause analyses, whereby the cause of reaction to a certain phenomenon is studied and curbed, absenteeism is, therefore, such a case. Causes for employee absenteeism vary. Findings A quantile regression analysis reveals that absenteeism has negative impact on academic performance. This part comprises of a number of 6 questions. Participants were 250 secondary school students from Amritsar city. An official website of the United States government. 13, No. This pre-testing will help to make light on issues like: Whether the questions set in both research tools are well understood and is easy to understand. Custom boutique photography for newborns, children, families, seniors, and weddings Absenteeism is a real problem. Education review, 2001(53),27-35. Often they are the only practicable way to reach a large number of reviewers so that statistical analysis can be carried out. However, Robbins and Judge (2004, p.28) point out that absenteeism may have negative and positive consequences for an organisation. Goodman and Atkin (1994), also found that replacing an absent worker with a less skilled worker, either from within the organisation or outside, leads to a decline in productivity, and emphasise disciplinary action and an increase in workplace accidents among other negative impacts. A qualitative approach was considered when compiling this paper in order to analyse the topic. Organisational culture: If an organisation entertains an absence-tolerant culture, its employees may regard this as a hidden benefit, an opportunity that they dare not miss. It assesses the following points: Relationship between absenteeism and performance, Days on which students absent themselves the most. And the way of conducting staff welfare strategy within the HSBC. At all stages of data collection and analysis consideration has been taken to the fact that there may be distortion, misinterpretation and bias that can prove to be misleading. The site is secure. A Quantitative Study with Online Collaborative Learning in a Computer Literacy Course Committee Chair: Dr. Sandra Williams Collaboration, along with critical thinking, communication and creativity, is one of the four C's Similarly, it may also gather quantitative and qualitative data. A descriptive study establishes only associations between variables; an experimental study establishes causality. In order to effectively control and manage absenteeism at the workplace, it is important to define the concept well, distinguish between the different types of absenteeism (Nel, Werner, Haasbroek, Poisat, Sono, and Schultz 2008, p581), and look at the direct and indirect cost associated with absenteeism (Levy 2006, p.321). Nurs Stand. To deeply and. Workplace abuse: Burke (2003) mentions a California case where a jury awarded $30 million in damages against the 450-store Ralphs supermarket chain for failing to stop the systematic and long-term sexual harassment and physical and emotional abuse of female employees by a store manager. I had to get their permission to involve them in the research. Also, substitute teachers do not always measure up to the regular classroom teachers routine and methods to stimulate students to learn, which will result in lower motivation and morale among students and concomitant poorer performance. Find a essays research papers book notes course notes and writing tips ] D.E.! We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on During the trial, the jury heard of repeated incidents involving fondling, foul language and racial slurs, and the throwing of everything from pens to telephones. The mean satisfaction level among the respondents was 4.38, with almost 50% of the employees (N=27) indicating there were very satisfied . no longer supports Internet Explorer. The following actions were taken for the validity purpose of the study: Detailed information on the subjects was obtained; unambiguous, easy and accurate responses. Can We Rely on Job Satisfaction to Reduce Job Stress? Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers, 2006. Quantitative research is referred to as the process of collecting as well as analyzing numerical data. While Coughlan (2004) does not mention any positive outcomes associated with absenteeism, she also agrees that the impacts are multifaceted, emphasising that they are not limited to production losses or inferior outputs which may eventually translate into a potential loss of clients but also have an immediate effect on an absentees colleagues and managers. It is as good as it gets! This is not only highly relevant to teachers but is also true of school administrators and policymakers. Smanjak (2008), in a recent study, found that the average direct cost of unscheduled absenteeism to US employers is USD789 per employee per year. Quantitative research is often used to standardize data collection and generalize findings. Labour disputes or lockouts: Labour disputes and strike action may compel employees to stay away from the workplace or may result in a lockout situation, where the employer refuses workers entry. Context and Rationale, International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research Cause and possible solution to the problem of absenteeism on students' academic achievement: The case of Seco ndary Schools Addis Ababa., Ethiopia. Moreover, 25 learners out of a total of 65 participated in the study. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Satisfaction and comparison income. Quantitative research is a type of research method used for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables. Although this may represent an extreme case of workplace abuse, it is not difficult to see that employees may well prefer to absent themselves from work rather than face such treatment. The truancy numbers will continue to increase at an exponential rate if there remains no integration of disciplinary perspectives to form a collaborative solution (Donoghue, 2011). The importance of the double-blind randomised controlled trial is emphasised, alongside the importance of longitudinal surveys, as opposed to cross-sectional surveys. The research sample consisted of 15 educators including 3 form masters and 12 subject teachers of HSC classes out of a total of 50 educators from girls department of Keats College. Human Resource Management. In addition, qualitative content analysis showed that, in order for students to get involved, they need to feel appreciated as individuals whose opinions are valued and taken into account. ACADEMIC INDISCIPLINE AND FAILURE AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN, Perceptions of S.H.S students about teacher absenteeism in the K.E.E.A Municipality, STUDENTS' DROPOUTS IN COMMUNITY SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN RULAR TANZANIA: A CASE OF MBOZI DISTRICT IN MBEYA REGION STUDENTS' DROPOUTS IN COMMUNITY SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN RULAR TANZANIA: A CASE OF MBOZI DISTRICT IN MBEYA REGION, Title: OPLAN LAGI SA ESKWELA: Absenteeism Reduction Scheme at San Juan Elementary School I. Absences are highest for kindergarten and Grades 10 through 12, with 12th graders absent an average of 10.8 days. Family responsibilities: Vloebergs (2002), states that research has shown that employees nowadays seem to value the quality of life for the amount of salary they receive. The students conduct statistical, computational, and mathematical methods to do it. This was so in order to get a good diagnosis of the problem and be able to make proper recommendations for the future. This part of the questionnaire will consider the different information regarding the profile of the student. The above definitions of absenteeism exclude absences from work that are planned or approved in advance and which are not as disruptive as those that arrive without warning. Both primary and secondary data was used in order to answer research questions. Searching the biomedical literature: research study designs and critical appraisal. It is formed from a deductive approach where emphasis is placed on the testing of theory, shaped by empiricist and positivist philosophies.. Associated with the natural, applied, formal, and social sciences this research strategy promotes the objective empirical investigation of . The way the teachers. However, there are unavoidable reasons such as sicknesses which organisations need to come up with better solutions such as a doctor on call for employees of a particular enterprise. 2012,2 (17): 172-183. It is therefore conceptualised and associated with prolonged work-related stress, within employees who have direct contact with other people from different portfolios or other. Data was also collected through an interview of the rector as he is the sole person who is going to be aware of all the sources of the problem relating to his institution. Stress triggered a. Future-proof your career in HR by continuously expanding your skill set with the latest and most relevant HR skills. In quantitative research, there are clearly defined questions or hypotheses from the very onset (Fraenkel and Wallen. South Africa. Minor illnesses: Ailments such as colds, flu and headaches may afflict employees to such an extent that they elect to miss work in order to seek medical attention. Articulate proper theory use, as well as various inaccuracies of theory use in agricultural education; and 3. One of the measurable effects of regular non-attendance in a university class, where students from various cultures and regions interact, is the academic performance. Monitoring is an important first step, but it is not yet enough. So, how do we track and prevent absenteeism? Yin (1993) has recognized some definite forms of case studies: Exploratory, Explanatory, and Descriptive. Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. Case studies, on the other hand, do not hide any details. Absenteeism tendency, cheating attitude and absenteeism attitude scales were used to collect the data. Case studies are multi-perspectives analysis. For this purpose, a mixed methods research was designed. Organisations, therefore, should put mechanisms in place that would be geared towards curbing this rampant attitude that should not be entertained. The overall structure for a quantitative design is based in the scientific method. Kaman (1995, p.133) lists three diverse but highly interrelated variables that play a major role in absenteeism, namely personal, attitudinal and organisational factors. Quantitative research on antecedent and semester of SY 2005-2006 were in the same correlates of absenteeism linked it to such diverse situation. Prior agreement to my involvement with the prospective participants had been reached through negotiation with the manager of the school. Table 3 shows the correlation between self-reported and registered unauthorized school absenteeism and helps to answer our first research question. Healthcare worker absenteeism is common in resource limited settings and contributes to poor quality of care in maternal and child health service delivery. The attention is on the quality of a particular activity rather than on how it occurs or alternative ways of evaluation (Fraenkel and Wallen. Absenteeism caused by a conflict with ones supervisor has to be resolved in an entirely different way. Comparing the 2 Types of Academic Writing Styles, Very Quick Academic Writing Tips and Advices, Top 4 Quick Useful Tips for Your Introduction. Case study is known as a triangulated research strategy. For example, these variables may be test scores or measurements of reaction time. Coughlans opinion is borne out by a study where interviewees asserted that everyone, from co-workers to supervisors and departmental managers, who works with an absent employee, is affected by every incident of absence (McHugh, 2001). Common quantitative methods include experiments, observations recorded as numbers, and surveys with closed-ended questions. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! You may be able to access teaching notes by logging in via your Emerald profile. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Research Leap is an international journal hosting platform for business research, management and innovation. Balancing work and family life must, therefore, be an important management issue. In addition to the above study, further quantitative studies are recommended in order to assess the impact of absenteeism in the workplace critically. Despite a solid and compelling body of research on student absenteeism, there is still much quantitative research to be completed. In the Netherlands, this number is $1,545. The study has the main objectives of identifying the factors that contribute to the absences of students in Olevel for the purpose of providing a durable solution to it and preventing the barriers to the regular school attendances at E.S Kidaho. . Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Since it was impossible to analyze the views and meet all the students together during October, random sampling was done. Because of the countrys strict regulations, Dutch companies are required to track absenteeism, which means that they already have access to more detailed data than a vast amount of companies in other countries. I can say with a great deal of truth that the instrumentations were implemented in this way, so that no doubt the results and findings were valid and reliable because validity enables the researcher to address his research with honesty and objectivity. As regards absenteeism, the literature indicates that it has disastrous effects on the individual, his fellow employees, the organisation and its clients. employing a research questionnaire and the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data., - The reasons given for the nonattendance of lectures generally correspond with those previously reported. This type of research can be used to establish generalizable facts about a topic. The Vanishing Workforce. The participants were HSC final year students with their respective form teachers, subject teachers as well as the rector. absenteeism in the workplace official website and that any information you provide is encrypted It aims at obtaining in-depth details of the problem. Absenteeism Quantitative Research Paper Creative Writing on Business Getting an essay writing help in less than 60 seconds Level: College, High School, University, Master's, PHD, Undergraduate 1977 Orders prepared Level: College, University, High School, Master's, PHD, Undergraduate 5 Customer reviews ID 6314 Applied Sciences The moment you are able to identify the causes of absenteeism, you are able to do something about it. Exploratory cases are sometimes considered as an introduction to social research. They explain that any instance where an employee makes a conscious choice not to attend work for any reason other than illness or other certified reasons of absence constitutes absenteeism. Descriptive cases require a descriptive theory to be developed before starting the project. Management information systems are reported to be beneficial for the operations of the company from, The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast the theories of motivation and, Saudi Arabian hospitals, especially those in the Southern Region, can make use of retention strategies, Stress has been a hot topic to discuss since several years ago. *You can also browse our support articles here >. According to Nel, et al. This also suggests that low performers are worse affected by absenteeism as compared to the high performers. Copyright 2003 - 2023 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. Pregnancy and maternity leave: Pregnant women may be absent from work to attend routine medical check-ups, while maternity leave provides for relatively prolonged absences from work for new mothers. Although blatant abuse of sick leave is relatively easy to identify and deal with (Levy 2006), it is a pervasive and ubiquitous organisational ill. The research is a quantitative research which is designed on survey method. According to Hitchcock and Hughes (1995: 25), in education the most productive approach is a qualitative one. Most quantitative research falls into two areas: studies that describe events and studies aimed at discovering inferences or causal relationships. According to Creswell (1994), the researcher needs to take the welfare of the respondents into consideration. The commonest cause of work absenteeism is "illness-related." Mongolia's capital city, Ulaanbaatar, experiences high employee absenteeism during the winter than during other seasons due to the combination of extreme cold and extreme air pollution. Liu and Ramsey (2008) found that stress due to poor work conditions for example, inadequate classrooms or equipment and the (perceived or real) danger of physical violence to their persons strongly influence teachers job satisfaction levels. Stake (1995) argued that the protocols that are used to ensure accuracy and alternative explanations are called triangulation. The necessary arrangements for the filling of the 25 questionnaires on the days that the students were present for the Cambridge examinations 2010 were made. Thats why long-term disabilities pose an enormous risk for employers, and why it is an excellent incentive to start applying HR analytics. The aim of this study was to examine the direct and indirect relationship between student school absenteeism, personal factors (academic self-perception, attitudes towards teacher and school,. Therefore, for this research the pilot test was carried out with a sample of 5 educators and 10 students for the pre-testing stage. Please refer to an authoritative source if you require up-to-date information on any health or medical issue. Organisational Behaviour. However, divorce and separation of various kinds or death of one spouse may leave such roles in the hands of a single parent. All work is written to order. Senel and Senel (2012, p.1144) take a more measured approach, defining absenteeism as the lack of presence of an employee for planned work. You can imagine that organizations would want to prevent this. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Journal of International Business Research and Marketing Burnout and fatigue: According to Maslach (2003), a phenomenon that can be psychological, and can involve persistent responses and stress-related issues in the workplace is known as burnout. Employees who are dissatisfied with their work or work environment display lower commitment and are at a greater risk of leaving the profession (Evans 2001). According to Grobler and colleagues process model on the major influences of absenteeism, an employees attendance motivation, on the one hand, and ability to attend, on the other, is the two primary drivers of employee absenteeism (Grobler et al. The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) reports that absenteeism among manual workers results in delayed production, lower quality levels, disruption of workflow, low morale and general dissatisfaction, all of which lead to lower productivity. 2008 (51), 1103-1110. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal However, paternity leave is not recognised in Botswana education system as well as labour laws. Industrial Psychology: Science and Practice. Research on absenteeism Jan. 14, 2017 6 likes 11,497 views Download Now Download to read offline Education MEASURING AND MANAGING ABSENTEEISM AT AIRPORT & AVIATION SERVICES (SRI LANKA) LIMITED BANDARANAIKE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, KATUNAYAKE Anuri Nandiweera Follow Advertisement Recommended Styleguide Rouselle Ann De Leon 519 views 40 slides 190-191]. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH REPORT: 'Attitudes towards online shopping and knowledge about shopping online securely'. Employees can be absent at work for various reasons or just deciding to be rebellious as a sign of registering some concerns especially associated with job dissatisfaction in the workplace. A Critical Risk Analysis of Absenteeism in the Work Place. This boils down to $560 per employee. Learn modern and relevant HR skills, online, AIHR All rights reserved. Botswana Gazette, 2011(7), 10 November. Br J Nurs. Also, they were in the average age group 18 to 19. Case studies can be used in all types of investigations but according to researchers it has been used to a greater extent in the education sector. . absenteeism in the workplace. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Unreliable transport, or strikes in the public transport system, may likewise keep employees from work. All the questions are closes ended which are 15 in numbers. Afterwards, an exact account of the interview was written. The quantitative hide from respondents. They were also asked to make reasoned and critical assessments of questions and possible answers. Employees present a variety of excuses for these short-term absences, for example, their car has broken down, or they have to appear in court as a witness. 2021 Aug 26;12:736522. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.736522. In short, the following matters will be discussed: Data gathering methods and instrumentation. Quantile regression methods were used to establish the causal relationship between absenteeism and academic performance. Qualitative probing also showed that self-determined students may resort to avoidance in class or of class in order to restore causality in controlling environments. Swarnalatha and Sureshkrishna (2013, p.1) define absenteeism simply as the failure to report to work and suggest that employees who regularly or habitually absent from their workplace are a threat to the organisation and turn it into a deviant workplace. be applied to the researchers future field. Next, we will go over the three steps you need to take to apply analytics on your absenteeism data and potentially save thousands, if not millions of dollars. This can help you to proactively prevent or lower absenteeism in your company. As for qualitative research, it refers to studies that analyze the quality of relationships, activities, situations or materials. Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine Quantitative research is expressed in numbers and graphs. Quantitative research collects information from existing and potential customers using sampling methods and sending out online surveys, online polls, and questionnaires, for example. In his words, first and foremost the researcher has an obligation to respect his rights, needs, values and the desires of the informants. Secondly, we aim to develop a statistical model to predict future absenteeism. After acquiring adequate information about the risk, the decision maker can then know what plan of action to take to mitigate the risks. Employees who habitually overindulge or are addicted to drugs may experience incapacitating hangovers that prevent them from going to work or might resort to staying away from work in order to avoid having their problem detected, seeking refuge in sick leave. Levy, A. We identified London: Thomson Learning, High Holborn House; 50-51 Bedford Row, 2006. Absenteeism Absenteeism Research Papers discuss how absenteeism costs companies millions a year. In 2008, Smanjak reported an unscheduled absenteeism rate of approximately 9% among hourly-paid workers in the United States (Smanjak, 2008). This overview examines the best available evidence from a wide range of descriptive and correlational analyses executed by various state and city education departments, research groups, and academic researchers. Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 2008. 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