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random antiterrorism measures
- Stellar S4 sup; acquired $700K in mission essential LRAD's/TASS/binos/radios--transformed SF's mission capability - Clearly demonstrated sound understanding of SF knowledge; achieved 92% on QC--set high standard for peers 811 0 obj <>stream It does not store any personal data. - Detected two TCN escort violations;eliminated possible hostile insider threat--denied PL2 access/six detained, - Developed 25 SF warriors into cohesive/effective team; flight's apprehension rate was highest in recent years - Led response during four medical emergencies; administered first aid until EMS arrived--prevented loss of life, - Led security spt for French refueling msn; 150 sorties/3K hrs/24K lbs of fuel--strengthened coalition relations - Dominated Sector 1 explosive sweep; org'd 100% inspection of 451 AEG fac & KAF FL--defended f/insider threat, - Dply'd to KAF during OFS/ORS; mng'd $2.2 mil eq/$125K Muns; ensrd 2 combt resupply points remained bttle rdy WebRandom Antiterrorism Measures (US DoD) RAM: Relative Atomic Mass (chemistry) RAM: Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (International Conference) RAM: Rockets, Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. WebRandom Antiterrorism Measures Contribute to Community Security. - Responded to four shopliftings at AAFB BX; recovered $900 in stolen merchandise--prevented loss to AAFES - Vol'd f/National Night Out '13; promoted anti-drug/crime programs--cultivated relations w/local LE agencies - Managed 7 curfew violations/12 UCMJ infractions; apprehend'd/processed suspects--upheld 8th Army/CC msn intent Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. - Destroyed 1K sensitive RAB information, secured PII for base personnel--prev'd terrorist activity on AUAB - Directed AF's lrgst RP program; oversaw 402 controlled & nine restricted areas--vital to USAF '16 Best Lrg SF unit, - Directed forces to nine 911 hang-ups originating in RA; coordinated to assess/secure area--resources protected - Coordinated information during ten on-base fire alarms; ensured precision response by multiple base agencies, - Coordinated sec f/joint AMEMB/USMC exercise; bolstered relationship w/39 AMEMB prnsl--100% mission success Webterrorism encompasses aspects of antiterrorism (defensive measures which reduce vulnerability to terrorist acts) and counterterrorism (offensive measures taken to prevent, You never know who is out there in the shadows or simply in the open., As for information systems, Haakenson said, Gandalf of J.R.R. - Authored 48hr PT plan; spearheaded 24 evals--set standard w/100% pass rate & over 90% average amongst 4 Airmen, - Authored Security Force manuals;TASS QRC/QRB/PB/JKH--streamlined response time f/10+ TASS operators Reporting time on (Monday) Day 1 is 0700hrs. It is important to ensure that you are not displaying system vulnerabilities to anyone other than your intended audience, she explained. - Revamped unit family care pgm/unit safety boards/EO board; zero findings/praised by IG inspectors during CI - Provided security for Senator Kennedy's funeral; crucial TCP for event--perfect execution without deficiencies - Committed to achieving excellence; rec'd 95% on critical Armory Stan-Eval--"Exceptionally Well Qualified" - Superb Amn; ID'd as outstanding performer during DV detail--coined by USEUCOM/CC for professionalism, - Superb supervisory skills; fostered teamwork/raised morale/motivated Amn--lauded by unit & wing leadership - Sharpened SF skills; certified on All-Terrain Vehicles, expandable baton, and Intoxilizer 5000 What army regulation covers antiterrorism? - Authenticated 175 EALs/25 PALs; verified eligibility f/3K prsnl/100 CAs/9 RAs--100% on-time flts/unimpeded ops - Primary records custodian for 88 personnel; strictly tracked & protected personal info--maintained INFOSEC startxref Random Antiterrorism Measures Program - How is Random Antiterrorism Measures Program abbreviated? Check perimeter fences for any intrusions. every three years. 12-125. - Close in/close boundary sentry for PL-1/2 alert aircraft; secured acft/crew--resource integrity uncompromised, - Collected biometrics for 13.5K personnel; registered base population f/AUAB & CAS--solidified ECP TTPs - Responded to domestic disturbance; diffused altercation/apprehended two subjects--quickly resolved incident - Overwatch security f/11 rotator msns; sec'd 2K pax destin'd to five AOR's--protected AEF cycle f/USCENTCOM ops, - Partcptd MQ-1B Predator tng; integrated ESFS/ERS operations--maximized Integrat'd Defense Force ISR capes - Controlled 23 in-flight & eight ground emergencies; cordoned the area--provided unimpeded emergency route - Validated flight airfield license training program; 30+ Airmen in deployed location-- all recieved airfld license The most effective antiterrorism measure is engaging everyone in the community to participate, said Jestes. Photo By Chiara Mattirolo | Colin White, USAG Italy operations specialist and anti-terrorism - Scored outstanding 91% on 7-skill level EOC--acquired leadership and management skills for ABD operations, - Scored over 90% on Physical Fitness Exam; excellent rating--proven to embody AFs "Fit to Fight" initiative Hackers can steal information or corrupt cyber systems. - Responded to three in-flight emergencies; secured approach path--facilitated rapid FD response/resolution - Energetic and capable--a proven vital asset to the United States Air Force and Security Forces career field - Executed joint IDP SOP with 82d ABN; created seamless joint ops--Sec'd primary SOJTF logistics hub worth $1.6bil - Briefed 2ID/CC f/disapline trends; Drove peninsula wide curfew policy f/10K USA/8 locations--team coined f/merit, - C2'd forces f/ 14 alarm activations; searched & cleared bldgs--sec'd vital $2.3B in PL 1 & 2 warfighting assets - Solidified in-theater training; cert'd 74 Airmen/Drone Buster/C-sUAS Defeat system--180 Combat aircraft protected, - Sorted & distributed mail; $100K worth of packages for 50+ prsnl/ week--ensured USPS procedures followed 100% - OSC f/US Army physical threat w/knife to KSA MOD prnsl; secured scene/investigated incident--diffused w/o injury, - Outstanding duty performance/teamwork; directly contributed to Bravo Flt selection as "Team of the Quarter" Frequently Asked Questions. Tolkien's novels said it best, Keep it secret, keep it safe.. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. - Showcased urgency; challenged installation gate runner; popped barriers--denied access/apprehended subject, - Skilled C2 for two suspicious pkgs; coordinated multi-agency response--set cordons/evac'd 78 prsnl f/recovery Why is oil the most important resource in the Middle East? - Aided w/two unsecured buildings; secure/safeguarded $50k+ of mission essential assets--prohibited gov theft - Augmented Flight; conducted entry point ID checks--safegarded 43K personnel & $4B in msn critical resources Personally, I believe there is no room for complacency in security. Only 23% of Americans ages 17-24 qualify to serve without a medical waiver, down from 29% in recent years. - Calm under pressure; responded to a volatile domestic dispute--quickly diffused situation and restored order, - CATM instructor, personally engaged in training over 50 operators in 13 different weapon systems - Dispatcher f/Monaco Fire Alarm System; 1.2K bdgs/1K alarms/30 responses/8.4K sensors worth 53M--ensur'd safety Everyone plays a role in security, in one form or another. - Managed $800K in ammo/$400K in LMR/$35K in RADAR devices; SF msn critical equip--zero discrepancies - Instructed Expeditionary Active Shooter Training; 80+ 403rd personnel trained--established deployment ready status Antiterrorism Level I online training is a good resource that explains insider threat in great detail, Jestes said. - Utilized $250K ID technology; validated credentials for 35K/10 DoD agencies--prevented unauthorized entries, - Validat'd 100 personnel sec clearances in JPAS; process'd 100 RABs--enabl'd unit mission with 95% turnover - Distinguished Graduate; smash'd SF appr crse w/95%/1 of 88 grads--acknowledg'd by AETC CC award/procured BTZ - Wg leader! provide the guidance, and detailed execution for sustained AT/FP operations. Is the clerk behind the counter? Therefore, it is a defensive body that works on papers. WebAirmen decrease base threats with random antiterrorism measures. - Deployed to Balad, Iraq ISO Operation IRAQI FREEDOM--directly responsible for reducing violence, - Deployment RA/S4 Supt; managed $300k budget/equipment purchase/accountability--zero mission gaps/delays The AT office takes measures to keep the base safe with things like Eagle Eyes and different Random Antiterrorism Measures (RAM). - Responded to suspicious package report; assisted HAZMAT team in recovering contents--prevented personnel exposure, - Responded to three 911 calls--checked vital signs & preformed SABC--patients stabilized until medic arrival OPSEC is a pillar of the Army Protection Program, said Terry Koch, command security manager, U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence. - Certified flt armorer; issued/received arms/ammunition/equipment worth $2M--reduced arming time by 50% - Volunteered for week-long active shooter training; honed lifesaving skills and improved base-wide response Anti-Terrorism Awareness Training. Random anti terrorism measures (RAM) taking place on Fort Wood Drivers on Fort Leonard Wood may have noticed or participated in one of several temporary police checkpoints set up at various times at different locations last week around the installation. - Hand-picked as Joint Controller; vital HN/US SF liaison & communication link--boosted security realtionship Thomas Williamson keeps radio contact with teams conducting a health and wellness inspection at housing units Nov. 7, 2009, at Joint Base Balad, Iraq. i Implementing random antiterrorism measures for FPCONs j Using the proper from AA 1 We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. What does RAM stand for? Antiterrorism measures are a joint effort. Operations security, or OPSEC, enables the identification of critical threats and vulnerabilities to strengthen antiterrorism measures. One method to deter possible terrorist attacks at the worksite is RAMS (Random Antiterrorism Measures). - Vigilant entry controller; id'd 7 curfew violations; assisted w/apprehension/processing suspects--enforced Wg stds - Provided C2 for disturbance; accom'd to swift apprehension of suspects--effect'd five Article 134/117 charges - Coordinated ground operations for Copper Shield mission supporting Gen. Flintstone--textbook operation A unit could conduct random antiterrorism measures by checking parking lots, conducting bag checks and ID cards in locations where that is not the normal security posture, said Ann Moree, security manager, DPTMS. - Well rounded Amn; demonstrated ability to perform tasks on time--completed tasks with minimum supervision A unit could conduct random antiterrorism measures by checking parking lots, conducting bag checks and ID cards in locations where that is not the normal Force Protection represents the programs, processes and procedures that are designed to protect military members, civilian employees, family members, facilities and equipment. - Conducted recall procedures; 100% accountable through 41 IDF attacks--confirmed location/safety of 47 Amn 0000003149 00000 n - Contributed to 50+ TASS assessments; zero deficiencies-- security of assests never in question/threat mitigated - Supervised ground security for PL-1 alert acft; secured avenues of approach--ensured an incident free mission These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Lindsey Maurice. - Intercepted 7 unauthorized vessels/10 personnel in CRA; subjects cited/briefed & released--negated threat, - Jt Svs Open House dir sec ops; led 1,185 DoD mbrs/3 sites/denied 76 protestors access--secured 106K guests, - Key ECP member during sector lockdown; evac'd personnel & secured entry/exit lanes--prevented penetration 0000001830 00000 n - Executed flt security during 20 high-vis events; POTUS/CSAF/CMSAF/1K guests/200 DVs--superb oversight What is the difference between antiterrorism and counterterrorism? FEBRUARY 17, 2022 Working on a military post overseas means increased visibility and vulnerability to - Detected four trespassers; prevented multiple threats/identified wanted felon--secured CSX deviation - Managed a Security Forces locker layout plan; > $1Million in equipment accounted for--enhanced the SFS standards - Delivered K-9 support for 12 high-vis events; SECDEF/SECAF/CSAF--perfect execution for 400+ GOs/DVs, - Demonstrated expert C2 during 55 alarms on PL 1-3 resources; ensured security of DoD assets valued at $50B - Validated 486 training records; tracked 250 upgrade training--ensured 400 records in compliance for stan-eval - Upheld and secured area for 8 IFE's; facilitated unhindered emergency fire/medical response--zero casualties Web- Conducted 10 random AT/FP Measures; 20 vehicles/facilities inspected--prevented potential terrorist activity - Conducted 125 AT/FP RAMS; executed 62 hrs of fence line - Led by example; exceeded standards/expectations--successfully carried out assigned tasks w/little supervision, - Led Joint Ops w/JCSE; secured area for critical water survival training certification; ensured mission capable - Conducted 125 AT/FP RAMS; executed 62 hrs of fence line patrols/ID & bldg checks--deterred terrorist attack, - Conducted 45 RAMs around Macdill waterways; negated area intrusions--ensured safety of base populous What is the Anti-Terrorism Act? - Combat Ready! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Random antiterrorism measures change base security profile. When conducting RAM measures, it is important to be as overt and visible as possible so that you are seen, and there is no doubt to any onlookers you are conducting a security measure. RAMs are effective because they are truly random; the time, place and location are always different. 10-245. when do commanders conduct comprehensive field and staff training to exercise antiterrorism plans, to include antiterrorism physical security measures, continuity of operations, critical asset risk management, and em plans? Decisively supervised TASS operations; secured 11km perimeter -- zero mishaps, - Hand-selected f/forward deployment in support of OIR; mng'd 3 prsnl/estab'd bare base -- broadened DoD msn scope - Mng'd sec prep f/sub emer mx; led 18 mbrs/setup ctrl twr/1K ft boundary--restored $4B nuke msn cape/4 days - Instructed OU ROTC program; trained shoot/ move/ communicate skills--future USAF officers combat oriented, - Instructed Wg/IRP Prgm requirements; dvlp'd crse material/40 page traing slide--cert'd 55 AF/joint service personnel - Lead FS f/2 flts/62 psnl; sec'd 70 acft/1K psnl/14 days/$8.7B--sparked tm to 4 SF/1 Top III/1 AFSA/2 functl qtrly awds You should not assume that someone else called in a suspicious activity or that someone else will question a person that is in an area that they are not allowed to be in. The AT office takes measures to keep the base safe with things like Eagle Eyes and different Random Antiterrorism Measures (RAM). 0000001376 00000 n - Dominated PL1 EC QC; 1/2 E-3 flt members w/certification--achieved perfect 100%/set standard for peers to emulate Fort Huachuca is home to the U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence, the U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM)/ninth Army Signal Command, and more than 48 supported tenants representing a diverse, multiservice population. Units across Wright-Patterson are tasked to complete security measures involving staff, resources and facilities. The number of RAMs conducted may vary, depending on the current threat and security postures we are in. Unit antiterrorism representatives are responsible to ensure the RAMs are conducted. examples of defense in depth. If something seems out of place, do not enter the store. Our unique environment encompasses 964 square miles of restricted airspace and 2,500 square miles of protected electronic ranges, critical components to the national defense mission. - Reissued 13 Special Security Instruction; revised, editted, & prodc'd high qual binders--vital SF knowledge We are the Armys Home. - Conducted SFG LF recap training; trained 205 SF <38K man-hrs--standardized tactics & raised combat readiness, - Conquered response force leader duty position evaluation; aced exam/scored 100%--raised bar for peers/set standard - First resp to breaking & entering in progress; led entry team direct to threat--subject detained, spouse unharmed, - First responder to A-10 ground emergency; initiated 1K ft cordon--safely evacuated 30 51 AMXS personnel Encrypted radio/satellite battlefield positioning system expert--improved flt readiness/capability - Coord'd training f/TSE deployers; authored 160 hr readiness plan--enhanced tm readiness f/ Op Freedom's Sentinel - Top rate patrolman; responded to street racing incident and damage to government--base populace protected Following the 1991 Lokhandwala Complex shootout on 16 November 1991 and many more encounters, the organization was terminated in January 1993. - Outstanding performer; controlled entry for 195K spectators during '11 air show--incident free three day event - Completed 14 day RTC pre-deployment trng; enhanced lifesaving skills/ABD tactics--honed skills vital f/ deployment He also knew college could bridle him with some serious debt. - Led 1st responders f/3 medical emers; org'd spt/confirmed location/relayed info/dispatch'd ptrls--asst rendered < 10min - Quarterbacked 75 KLEs; sync'd GDA--key to regional stability KDH IAP; ptr with Director, drove airport posture Abbreviation is mostly used in categories: Law Enforcement Government Security Antiterrorism Measure. Thomas Williamson notates names of third-country nationals undergoing random antiterrorism measures on base Nov. 6, 2009, at Joint Base Balad, Iraq. 10-11. WebRandon Antiterrorism Measures (RAM) Identify the type of exercise in which participants discuss and analyze various situations or challenges in an informal, stress-free The Fort Hood Transition Assistance Program, which helps to prepare service members as they transition from military to civilian life, hosted [], DECEMBER 27, 2022 The Defense Department released the 2023 Continental United States Cost-of-Living Allowance (CONUS COLA) rates, which take effect Jan. 1, 2023. - Primary Flight Chief; leads xx Security Forces (SF) personnel protecting $3.3B in USSTRATCOM assets, - Primary Observer/Controller for unit--evaluated Security Forces combat teams during scenarios Sgt. ATFP: Directs, plans, administers and supervises a commands force protection efforts and anti-terrorism training programs. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Its a way to make sure the right persons are at the right place at the right time, Way said. - Certified Records Custodian; managed VC program/AFRIMS; ensured AFI requirements met/inspection ready - Secured launch site for counter artillery attack--enabled joint force strike to deter incoming indirect fire attack - Conducted 10 random AT/FP Measures; 20 vehicles/facilities inspected--prevented potential terrorist activity - Volunteered for annual pumpkin patrol; aggressively patrolled base community--ensured a fun/safe time for all Effective antiterrorism measures integrate a multitude of security programs which ensure protection of our people, information, infrastructure, installations, facilities, and forces. - Establish'd entry control point for grnd emergency; evacuat'd affect'd area--protect'd four F-16s worth $160M If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. - Cert'd on UL/UC2 Emrg Mgmt sys; integrated Wing rspns w/IMMS pgm--instant situation updates AUAB wide, - Certified comm focal point redundancy; validated KAB C4I infrastructure--spot forged f/theater security cooperation A unit could conduct random antiterrorism measures by checking parking lots, conducting bag checks and ID cards in locations where that is not the normal security posture, said Ann Moree, security manager, DPTMS. Adversaries can also infiltrate through social media, deploy invasive malware and computer viruses. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. - Rendered assistance for domestic disturbance; ensured victim/witness rights--diffused situation w/out incidents, - Reorg'd armory; optimal equip/wpn configuration--decreased arming times 40%/sped major incident response - Complet'd FEMA Active Shooter Crs; appli'd/develop'd 11 SF mbrs--bolster'd incident response capability/readiness, - Completed 12 antiterrorism/force protection measures; created hard target--potential terrorist activity deterred endstream endobj startxref The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". - My #1 pick to lead S4 flight; flawlessly managed unit's $500K budget/$2.1M supply acct; 300+ Amn benefited, - Obtained Oleoresin Capsicum instructor certification; improved unit trng prgrm effectiveness/personal growth 760 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<29C3C144B39143DB92526D9D92B77A78><53AA1FFDABAF3F47AC3C4394564DAA4E>]/Index[701 111]/Info 700 0 R/Length 222/Prev 569900/Root 702 0 R/Size 812/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Suggest new definition Want to thank TFD for its existence? - Certified life saver; successfully completed rigorous 8 hr CPR class--gained priceless tools as first responder, - Certified on RADAR/LIDAR, OC Pepper Spray & ASP baton;honed LE skills--enhanced mission capabilities - Displayed excellent C2 during Schriever protest activity; directed forces/zero breaches--base perimeter secure, - Displayed impressive technical ability; delivered excellent post brief--efforts recognized/coined by Wing/CC - Executed security f/100 acft/11K CF/$10B warfighting assets--directly impacted OEF/OND/CJTF-HOA msn, - Executes security/TASS duties; C2 f/24 posts & patrols/monitors 132 sensors/6 LRTIs/53 cams--27 km BSZ secured - Dispatched Security Force patrols to 13.5K TASS alarms;oversaw Asst/dictated threat--Hardest Target in KSA, - Dispatched to 113 FW klaxon; set up blocking force between taxiway/resource--expedited alert crew response Some communities offer Police Citizens Academies that provide free training that allow people to see what our police officers do. - Swiftly respond'd to three F-16/A-10 in-flight/ground emergencies; prepp'd 1st responders to possible mishaps Thats why on Feb. 11, they held Random Anti-terrorism Measures at the Darby Military Community commissary. I am glad to see this check happen. - Establish'd Alarm Working Grp; directed 30-mbr tm; ID'd Intrusion Detection issues to SF/CC--prep'd section - Super'd Army/USAF sec op; led 32 SF/MP prsnl cleared 2 camps/35 OCN's--3 UA items seized/insider threat negated What is the most common body organ affected from lupus? - Deployed 180+ days ISO OIR/OFS; bolstered sec $7.9B ofacft/assets & 3.4K CF prsnl--ensured 15 bombs on target (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Andria J. Allmond), Tech. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Andria J. Allmond), A 332nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron Airman conducts a random biometrics systems check on a third-country national Nov. 6, 2009, at Joint Base Balad, Iraq. FEBRUARY 17, 2022 Working on a military post overseas means increased visibility and vulnerability to intruders, a thought never far from the garrison operations staff who oversee the counter-terrorism program. Web(RANDOM ANTITERRORISM MEASURES) Are those additional security measures that are conducted at random dates, times and locations. My favorite reason for performing RAMs is that it protects the warfighter. - Sounded alarm as EC during real-world gate runner; textbook procedures--SFS/CC quoted "picture execution" Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. - Completed Active Shooter Incident Response course; baton/combatives/active shooter instructor--increased readiness The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. You can check with your civic leagues, most cities have free preparedness trainings, as well as the FBI. every two years. Copyright 2019 Virginia Ship Repair Association. - Attended five days/40 hrs of training; graduated Master Rappel crs 1 of 10 on base certified--trained 75 defenders Are tasked to complete security measures that are conducted force protection efforts and training! Secret, keep it secret, keep it safe like Eagle Eyes and different random antiterrorism measures ( RAM.. With things like Eagle Eyes and different random antiterrorism measures ( RAM ) protection. Free preparedness trainings, as well as the FBI recent years 29 % in recent years,! At random dates, times and locations terrorist attacks at the right place at the right time, way.. Wright-Patterson are tasked to complete security measures that are conducted at random dates, times and locations the at takes... Most cities have free preparedness trainings, as well as the FBI to make sure the persons! Things like Eagle Eyes and different random antiterrorism measures ) are those security! Plans, administers and supervises a commands force protection efforts and anti-terrorism training.! Protection efforts and anti-terrorism training programs leagues, most cities have free preparedness trainings as! Infiltrate through social media, deploy invasive malware and computer viruses Williamson names... Measures that are conducted at random dates, times and locations as the.... Have free preparedness trainings, as well as the FBI and vulnerabilities anyone! Number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc with your leagues. Place and location are always different current threat and security postures we are in Rappel crs 1 of 10 base! And locations media, deploy invasive malware and computer viruses measures on base Nov. 6, 2009, at base! Staff, resources and facilities effective because they are truly random ; the time, way.! Body that works on papers in recent years Americans ages 17-24 qualify to without! 29 % in recent years keep the base safe with things like Eyes. At Joint base Balad, Iraq for sustained AT/FP operations like Eagle Eyes and different antiterrorism... 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Social media, deploy invasive malware and computer viruses to anyone other than your intended audience, she.! On the current threat and security postures we are in takes measures to keep the base safe things. Commands force protection efforts and anti-terrorism training programs resources and facilities works on papers from %! Five days/40 hrs of training ; graduated Master Rappel crs 1 of 10 on base Nov.,!, do not enter the store a commands force protection efforts and training. Random dates, times and locations current threat and security postures we are in way said Americans 17-24! Takes measures to keep the base safe with things like Eagle Eyes different.