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scott porter tennessee wraith chasers wife
When he said we need to talk, its like my body knew exactly what he was going to say. Thats the stuff we want to research, discover and verify if possible.His story really began one morning when he awoke from sleep to smell the aroma of breakfast permeating throughout his parents home and seeing what he thought was his mother making breakfast. Travel Channel's "Haunted Live" premieres on Friday, September 14 at 10 p.m. ET/PT, and invites ghost lovers to join a live paranormal investigation alongside the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, a team . Why isnt Zak Bagans on site investigating in House Calls? Brannon is the younger brother of Chris and an aspiring physicist. Haunted Live looks to be their biggest show yet, so, if you arent already familiar with the crew, heres a rundown of their bios, past experience, social media links, and a few other fun tidbits. The Wraith Chasers made their television debut as the stars of Destination America's " Ghost Asylum ," in which they investigated America's most frightening asylums, sanitariums, penitentiaries and haunted hotspots, before moving on to Haunted Towns, and now Travel Channel's Haunted Live. The link is below for you to contact Destination America: In all of those aforementioned comments that Ive read, Ive seen some asking where they could contact Destination America so that they could request that the network give us another season of the show. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Throughout my series about the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, Ive realized just how many fans there are of this extraordinary group of men, and its awesome to see that! In August of 2011 Sumner County native Chasey Ray McKnight joined the team equally interim equipment tech and trap fabricator. Site Design by Berkley Priest for Nerd Circus Noir. We cover all aspects, from their haunted history to any special events they may be holding. He has stated that: Everyone has a story of something they cant explain. I'll never have the person who is just like me in my life again. In 2017, on the same network, another popular series featuring the Tennnessee-based ghost hunters premiered, Haunted Towns. TWC was founded in Nov of 2009 past Lead Investigator Christopher Smith. I sure miss these guys. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". She is related to occult royalty after all. On their site, they list which events and paracons theyll be at. Tony's desperately needs his barge to run, but can Sheamus deliver? Scott Porter News News - Page 1 News and Content. Sorry its late but we were a little busy till 3am! Scott is an open book and he and Wes talk about everything from farm life (they are both farmers, who knew? "They accept great pride in establishing trusted relationships with witnesses and call on the strengths of each squad member to get out no rock unturned. An Interview With The Tennessee Wraith Chasers. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. "Ghost Asylum" features southern ghost hunters, dubbed The Tennessee Wraith Chasers entering the most petrifying institutions in America.They examine some of America's most frightening asylums, sanitariums and mental hospitals. As winter slams the fleet, the Coast Guard responds to a Mayday call, as captains and crew brace for the loss of friends. In this short time Porter has become a premier researcher of the paranormal and the historical events related to the locations, fables and lore of said haunted locations. Haunted Live, Travel Channels groundbreaking new paranormal investigation show, is building up a ton of buzz ahead of its world premiere. This resume of television works has Porter appearing in over 40 television episodes and has allowed him to investigate the supernatural for over a decade. For the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, it's a way of life. The week of all the services etc. Scott PorterPorter is best known for being the Profiler, Historian, and Co-Owner of the Tennessee Wraith Chasers franchise as seen onHaunted Towns,Ghost Asylum,Ghostland Tennesseeand The Exorcist House Special on Destination America. From the most haunted places to little known or rarely explored haunted places. This resume of television works has Porter appearing in over 40 television episodes and has allowed him to investigate the supernatural for over a decade. Presented by Holiday Maker Travel, LLC 877-642-4308, Boston to Bermuda aboard the Norwegian Gem, Scott Porter from the Tennessee Wraith Chasers as seen on the Travel Channel's Haunted Live will talk about paranormal experiences, and behind the scenes extra's. I was numb to the pain because of how many people I was surrounded with at all times. Ones I started asking in 2019 when I noticed they werent part of Travel Channels 2019 Halloween lineup. Mike, a musician, songwriter and producer, got his first taste of the paranormal working in the shadows of the show Ghost Asylum, and on several occasions experienced his own paranormal events while trudging through the darkness of America's most haunted locations. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. They like doing their own things, but they also enjoy spending time together. The caption read: Well here it is! Is it of Godly or evil origin, or is it something natural to our environment yet to be discovered? Thanks for tuning in, please be sure to click that subscribe button and give this a thumbs up! Steve is on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Scott "Porter" is best known for being the Profiler, Historian, and Co-Owner of the Tennessee Wraith Chasers franchise as seen on Haunted Live, Most Haunted Towns, Haunted Towns, Ghost Asylum, Ghostland Tennessee and The Exorcist House Special on Travel Channel and Destination America. Then Haunted Live appeared on Travel Channel in 2018 with Mike Goncalves, Chris Smith, Brannon Smith, and Scott Porter. From left to right in the photo at the top of the article, they are Chris Smith, Steve McDougal, Scott Porter, Mike Goncalves, and Brannon Smith (who is also Chris younger brother). Answer: Chris said that in the beginning, his mother was cautious about what they were doing, but when they explained what they were doing, she understood why. He left the room to clean up before grabbing a plate only to return and find the kitchen empty. Hugh battles the weather to fix the track and deliver propane. The Raneys help Beth and Mike, who live in a ghost town in Montana. Porters interest in the supernatural is a carryover from his religious upbringing. For example, the Chasers have conducted numerous investigations into Pittsburg TNs Old South Pittsburg Hospital, so much so that the group appears almost to consider the building an old friend. Like this clip: Since then, you may have also seen TWC on both Destination America and Travel Channel, where their latest show Haunted Towns ran last year. Answer: Once the location is selected, the production company works on gaining access to the locations. Learn how your comment data is processed. Some off-grid settlers face being stranded without basic necessities when an avalanche blocks the track. Tips: E-mail at or send on Twitter at @john_starcasm. Scott Porter is best known for rising to fame playing high school quarterback Jason Street on Friday Night Lights. It was later discovered that they had been gone for many hours prior to this event which left Porter asking the question:Are we not alone?. Visit TravelChannel.comand #HauntedLive for additional content and exclusive updates. Speaking of ships, you can also sail with them this year on theDark Waters Cruise. It starred Chris Smith, Brannon Smith, Scott Porter, Steven Doogie McDougal, and Chasey Ray McKnight. Fans can follow Travel Channel's social media pages for the location reveal each week, and visit Facebook to bring together aspecial pre-chase Q&A with the Tennessee Wraith Chasers. These are all great questions. In previous interviews with The Portland Leader, the local group which is comprised of Christopher Smith, Scott Porter "Porter,". Question Number Six: During your down time, do you enjoy spending time with each other or do you just do your own things? The crew also became widely known for inviting fans to participate in hunts and help document their findings; spectacles like last years nighttime study of the Rose Mont plantation house outside of Gallatin saw the group buddy up with 28 paying fans. Is it still in the works, or did it get scrapped? In fact, this past October he and Stephanie held an event that combined ghost event, meet and greet, haunted history tour, and seance in the Church of the Pilgrimage in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Haunted Live premieres on Friday, September 14 at 10 p.m. on the Travel Channel. Mike has spent 15 years in the music industry touring the world and sharing the stage with some of rocks most notable icons. vioptional1: '', The boys snap up a Mitsubishi Shogun. After a quick splash of water on his face in the hallway bathroom he started to the kitchen and quickly noticed that the smell of breakfast had vanished from the air and his mother was nowhere to be found. Chris is a native of Gallatin, Tenn., where he was raised in a strict missionary Baptist household. Question Number One: How have your lives changed since the show began? Each of the ten hour-long live episodes volition feature a "live and unfiltered paranormal investigation in a secret haunted location, where viewers are invited to join the action and drive the course of the evidence," according to the official synopsis. However, you may yet still see one of them materialize back on TV. Nor is the surrounding countryside bereft of spooky sites. Maybe some questioned why my mom's ex-husband would say one of her eulogies, but for those close to her we know how much my mother adored my father and appreciated his friendship and all he had done. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. In this short time Porter has become a premier researcher of the paranormal and the historical events related to the locations, fables and lore of said haunted locations. Seeing my father cry while writing his Eulogy about my mom was painful. Something I instantly found suspicious because just the year before, theyd headlined Travel Channels first weekly live series, Haunted Live. Text_Color: '', Although my parents were divorced, they put their differences aside after some time and truly got along for the sake of us. There are days when you just need your mom. He grew up in a strict Baptist household in Gallatin TN, and it was a paranormal event involving his mother and father that led him to a serious study of the concept. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. In the haunting Mayan jungle, survivalists Leah and Caesar are tested by a painful leg injury. He saw who he thought was his mother in a pink robe cooking at the stove. Answer: They all worked at various jobs. He has stated that: "Everyone has a story of something they can't explain. Coming to ID Jan. 2023: Death by Fame and The Playboy Murders, Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR 255.5: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Proudly created As owner/co-founder of Tennessee Wraith Chasers, Doogie implements his uncanny people skills to put clients at ease. Travel Channel's interactive paranormal investigation series Haunted Live is putting out a calling all for ghost hunters. Answer: In their hometown, their lives havent changed very much. Todd shuts down his operations to support Freddy Dodge as he pleads with the county commissioners to allow him to mine his claim. Every single time they go an investigation, though, she still questions them and makes sure that everybody is okay. This resume of television works has Porter appearing in over 40 television episodes and has allowed him to investigate the supernatural for over a decade. In accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR 255.5: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising, we earn commissions from sharing affiliate links. So for those who need to get their TWC fix, lets see how you can do that. var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? To help collect evidence, he often challenges supernatural entities head-on to provoke a response and gather data using ghost-hunting gadgets. BG_Color: '#f78da7', So where did they go? In this short time Porter has become a premier researcher of the paranormal and the historical events related to the locations, fables and lore of said haunted locations. Inicio; Actualidad; Comunidad. The Tennessee Wraith Chasers (TWC) are a serious team of paranormal investigators who don't take themselves too seriously. He has also appeared on, and won, the Old South Pittsburg Hospital episode of Travel Channel's Paranormal Challenge. SCOTT PORTER Historian, Tennessee Wraith Chasers Porter became fascinated by the paranormal after experiencing something completely unexplainable during his college years. He now studies other strange occurrences like his and looks to historical record and the Bible for answers. Scott Porter, Other Works DivID: '', o=i.frameElement && config.DivID && !v.getElementById(config.DivID) && i.parent.document.getElementById(config.DivID), His immediate plans are to earn two graduate degrees: an MS in electrical engineering, and a Ph.D in theoretical physics. In addition to running for three seasons from 2014 to 2016, Ghost Asylum became somewhat famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) for the macabre, in-your-face disclaimer that aired before every episode: WARNING: Our boys are professional ghost hunters who have permission to enter the most haunted buildings in America. The Harris-Bolan crew unearths an extremely rare Ceratopsian. How do they make plasterboard from power station smoke? This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. Per The Tennessean, Steves advice is as follows: Never go in anywhere you dont have permission. Doogies interest in the paranormal began at a young age during his upbringing in a historic, and some say haunted, area of Tennessee. Scott Porter is forging his own paranormal path with psychic Stephanie Burke. Will they ever return to TV again? Proudly created with. Copyright 2023 Discovery Communications, Inc. Chasey Ray and Brannon seem to be out of the paranormal game altogether. Three were no more show announcements that included the Tennessee Wraith Chasers. "); Use tab to navigate through the menu items. As a Wraith Chaser, Mike brings his production expertise to the team, lending aid in the quest to uncover the unknown bumps in the night. You can also follow the Tennessee Wraith Chasers as a group: on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and their official page, which features a regularly updated event schedule. You can still find Porter doing events. Chris, like his brother Brannon, is on both Twitter and Instagram. But the push behind Haunted Live (part of Travel Channels overall Ghostober theme for autumn 2018) looks to give the TWC its most-ever exposure. Be sure to also check out HJs Origin Story to learn how Courtney channeled her battle with cancer to conjure up this site. I woke up on the morning of June 3rd to my father relaying to be the worst nightmare of my life. One morning, he awoke to the smell of breakfast filling his family's house. The pain I felt listening to her voicemails left on my phone, hearing her for the last time telling me that she loved me. Scott Porter is best known for being the Profiler, Historian, and Co-Owner of the Tennessee Wraith Chasers franchise as seen on Haunted Live, Most Haunted Towns, Haunted Towns, Ghost Asylum, Ghostland Tennessee and The Exorcist House Special on Travel Channel and Destination America. Also recognizable for starring as the lawyer George Tucker opposite Rachel. Several other members have come and gone since then, but the current group has been in place since early 2015. Porters interest in the supernatural is a carryover from his religious upbringing. TWC has a 24 hour phone call line offer complimentary fully confidential investigations providing a reliable cause and 18-carat. Ive loved reading all of your kind words regarding the men of TWC, as well as, the articles. Alone, its just a journey. "Each week, the team will reveal a different haunt where they will employ their skills, technology and unique experiments to capture bear witness of paranormal activity.". Official Sites, View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro. Travel Channel'south Haunted Live premieres on Fri, September 14 at 10 p.m. It was later discovered that they had been gone for many hours prior to this event which left Porter asking the question; Are we not alone?. In 2017, on the same network, another popular series featuring the Tennnessee-based ghost hunters premiered, Haunted Towns. 2022 Senter Stage Events. Thats why youll often see one or more members of the Tennessee Wraith Chasers appearing as guests at paracons. The Tennessee Wraith Chasers first burst onto the paranormal TV scene in 2014 on Destination America with Ghost Asylum. Porter then realized that his entire family had left earlier that morning to run errands and his mother doesnt own a pink robe. . By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Or if you know something, I invite you to put the comments section to good use and share it! Okay, so now we know what Mike Goncalves and Chris Smith are up to. Sometimes I still find myself wondering about all of this, but mostly its when someone stops by and comments about them. Jamie Kaler and Jess Blaze Snider hosted. It does not store any personal data. Answer: Right now, when they have down time they continue investigating, go fishing, hang out and go to the gym. None better! If you are on the fence you should watch a new show called "Ghost Asylum" on the Destination America channel. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Plus, Scotty is pulled over by transport inspectors and Mark faces dangerous oncoming traffic. He has also appeared on, and won, the Old South Pittsburg Hospital episode of Travel Channels Paranormal Challenge. Though Chris, like the rest of the Chasers, is deeply rooted in his Christian faith, he also has a long fascination with the paranormal and especially with Shadow People: humanoid figures generally believed to be seen in peripheral vision. There have been other posts since then, but no further updates with any show info. Now adventures, they must be shared. The Stranger, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The Tennessee Wraith Chasers (TWC) is a serious team of paranormal investigators that doesnt take itself too seriously. Mark and Digger's pricey grain has a weevil infestation. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Sig and Monte track an opilio hoard. "Peachy optics at home can actually influence the outcome of the show and we know our ghost-obsessed audience volition honey their front row seat on an in-the-moment haunted bout with the fearless team.". Don't Fear The Wraith Hoodie. Brannon Smith, an extremely analytical thinker, is the Chasers engineer. Read more of his work here or find him on Twitter @tsokol. <25 Employees . La voz del pastor; Familia; Jvenes; Parejas; Clero; Laicos; Dicesis. Scott "Porter" is best known for being the Profiler, Historian, and Co-Owner of the Tennessee Wraith Chasers franchise as seen on Haunted Live, Most Haunted Towns, Haunted Towns, Ghost Asylum, Ghostland Tennessee and The Exorcist House Special on Travel Channel and Destination America. They can comment on whatsoever findings in real time, directing the team where to investigate adjacent. Become the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox! Keep things clean. Theyre still carrying the Tennessee Wraith Chasers torch in rebranded form. "Growing upwards in a historic, and some say haunted, area of Tennessee has given them an authentic desire to make sense of the mysterious things they've experienced through paranormal enquiry," reads a press statement. Joseph resigned from the team for personal reasons in July of 2011. they werent part of Travel Channels 2019 Halloween lineup, Haunted Holidays: First Issue of New Mag, Horror Curated. Where have the Tennessee Wraith Chasers been hiding? Going off to college and not being able to call your mom about your day, your friends, boys etc. scr.async=!0,scr.onload=function(){,void 0===v.currentScript?v.scripts[v.scripts.length-1]:v.currentScript,source)},b.appendChild(scr); It was his countless hours spent in recording studios with state-of-the-art technology that made him curious to see if this advanced audio visual equipment would help uncover evidence that the typical paranormal investigator was missing. Scott Porter, 43, is the Tennessee Wraith Chasers' official historian. Today, Porter shares his experiences with millions across America on Haunted Live and Most Haunted Towns airing on Travel Channel, as well as attending events to offer his experience and share his. Get Full Access. Brannon doesnt appear to be on Facebook, but you can still keep up with him on Instagram and Twitter. After all that, though, dont forget to tune in: Haunted Live premieres Friday, September 14th at 10 PM on Travel Channel. I've saved those voicemails on every single thing I could think of so I would never loose them. I didn't have a chance to be alone, and if you know anyone who has lost someone close to them, being alone is the worst thing. Similarly, we take the privacy of our visitors very seriously. The Tennessee Wraith Chasers probed many acclaimed paranormally active historical sites, residential properties and public conglomerates including Old Due south Pittsburg Hospital of Pittsburg, TN and All admission Coach Bus Leasing of Gallatin, TN. Unfortunately for Ant, an excited Mike didn't haggle or inspect it before purchase. Many years later Porter would join the Tennessee Wraith Chasers (TWC) and continue to confront these supernatural experiences. "'>"+"script>"); We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Doogie is well known for his comical personality and high energy approach to paranormal investigation. Are they ever coming back? Once he thoroughly searched the house he picked up the phone and called his dad only to discover that both his mother and father had left the house much earlier that morning without ever having prepared breakfast. According to his official TWC bio, Doogies number one desire is to find hard evidence and reveal the truth behind the unexplained.. $43.00 Read more Share. Ghosts, on the other manus, are getting pretty annoyed with all the attending they've been getting since televised ghost hunts became a matter. . Mike is a family man, animal lover and follower of Christ along with his fellow Wraith brothers. Historian and caput of research, Scott Porter joined the team along with Investigator and aspiring physicist, Brannon Smith afterward on that yr. TWC was founded in Nov of 2009 past Lead Investigator Christopher Smith. Chasing ghosts without proper training will get you killed. Scott "Porter" is best known for being the Profiler, Historian, and Co-Owner of the Tennessee Wraith Chasers franchise as seen on Haunted Live, Most Haunted Towns, Haunted Towns, Ghost Asylum, Ghostland Tennessee and The Exorcist House Special on Travel Channel and Destination America. Television Personality/Lecturer/Historian, Haunted Live, Most Haunted Towns, Haunted Towns, Ghost Asylum, Ghostland Tennessee. Our posts. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Two members, Mike Goncalves and Chris Smith, have rebranded into the Wraith Chasers. Except for Chasey Ray McKnight, who was replaced by Mike Goncalves, it starred the same guys who were in Ghost Asylum. Josh and Big Chuck try to revive their season with an old standby recipe. The Tennessee Wraith Chasers is a crew of five men from different backgrounds with similar paranormal beliefs. Upon getting freshened up for this meal and returning to the kitchen, Porter found no sign ofbreakfast, no aroma, no dirty dishes, and no parents. (Photo credits: Who are the Tennessee Wraith Chasers via Facebook, Instagram). Courtney Mroch is a globe-trotting restless spirit whos both possessed by wanderlust and the spirit of adventure, as well as obsessed with true crime, horror, the paranormal, and weird days. OUR FIRST PUBLIC GHOST HUNT OF A HAUNTED FUNERAL HOME. "What's truly unique about this series is that viewer participation will help steer the investigation," Jane Latman, general manager, Travel Aqueduct, said in a statement. Mike Goncalves, the Tennessee Wraith Chasers tech guru, reached out to the group during the first season of Ghost Asylum and offered his experience with advanced audio and video equipment to help uncover evidence that the typical paranormal investivator was missing. The collaboration led the Chasers to offer Mike a spot with them when former member Chasey Ray McKnight resigned his position in order to spend more time with his family. "Then, team members utilise their skills, technology and unique experiments to capture testify of paranormal activity in a live and unfiltered paranormal investigation. The Wraith Chasers made their television debut as the stars of Destination Americas fan-favorite series Ghost Asylum, in which they investigated Americas most frightening asylums, sanitariums, penitentiaries and haunted hotspots. Non-overnight 2023 investigations with Ghost Hunt Weekends include Bobby Mackeys in Wilder, Kentucky, at the end of January, and the Titanic Museum in Branson, MO, in August. what cas must be used to maintain the filed tas of 158 at 8,000 feet with a temperature of 0 c. The boys are challenged to find a Lotus Elan that hasn't been snapped up by restorers. 9. lol. As an investigator, he hopes to help other people like him who have experienced something they cant explain. Clayton Phipps makes a shocking discovery, and Andre Lujan digs up an enormous mammoth tusk. They take great pride in establishing trusted relationships with witnesses and call on the strengths of each team member to leave no stone unturned. AboutPressCopyrightContact. And its not like I never think about her, but just driving home her name popped up in my head. AdUnitType: '2', These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. You can have a countless number of father figures in your life, but really as my mom always said, " you only get one mom.". FontSize: '', Living in a home with paranormal activity influenced him to study and investigate unexplained phenomenon in the surrounding area. It was later discovered that they had been gone for many hours prior to this event which left Porter asking the question: "Are we not alone? Upon getting freshened up for this meal and returning to the kitchen Porter found no breakfast, no smells, no dirty dishes and no parents anywhere to be found. The paranormal investigation series invites viewers to drive the course of the live bear witness in real time, alongside paranormal experts who combine scientific methods and spiritual faith to navigate its investigations. | August xvi, 2018 | Work song sung by military during grooming In the armed forces, a military cadence or tennessee wraith chasers what happened to chasey ray. 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