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seal team 6 canoeing photos
It just doesnt happen. Thats their justice. To be honest with you, I dont think it stopped. Other military and intelligence officials who have served with or investigated the unit were also interviewed. According to two former SEAL Team 6 leaders, the practice was often documented in post-operation photos stored at the units Virginia Beach headquarters. Thank you for putting your lives in extreme danger everyday. And part of what they found was that Slabinski tells his story, the officer tells his story, and theythe young SEAL, who was alleged to have done this, refused to testifyhe took the Fifthand was moved out of the country, was sent home. And splitting his head open disfigured him so much that the SEALs in the compound couldnt recognize him. I mean, Ive got some indications that, simply from the lowering of theslowing down of the tempo of the wars, both in Afghanistan and then the pullout in Iraq, simply brought things tomostly to a halt. AMY GOODMAN: You write about a celebration, a reunion, really, of Navy SEALs back in Virginia at the headquarters. Thank you for being the men most of us could never even dream of being. MATTHEW COLE: Right, or his sons, killing his sons. He spent another 12 years in the military, almost all of it at SEAL Team 6, where he ended up as a senior enlisted leader. And one of my sources, who was a former senior member of the command, said to me somethingIm paraphrasing roughly, but he said, You know, to this day, Slabinski thinks that the guys turned on him. They kept it in the unit. Im not vilifying them in any way. Organize, control, distribute and measure all of your digital content. They were inquiries. AMY GOODMAN: Forced to leave SEAL Team 6 but not the Navy. If this stuff comes out or there are investigations into war crimes or excessive criminality and excessive violence and brutality, itll hurt all of us. And so the CIA agreed to send him home. Your support of that shit makes YOU a confirmed Baby Killer, punk. 56 Best Seal Team 6 ideas | seal team 6, navy seals, special forces Seal Team 6 56 Pins 6y W Collection by Teresa Hamby Similar ideas popular now Soldier Military Men Special Force Navy Navy SEAL Logo | . In their time commanding Group 2, Szymanski and Slabinski helped craft what has become the unofficial Navy SEAL creed, which ends with this: I serve with honor on and off the battlefield. And the initial story that the SEALs presented to their superiors and to the British government was that she had been killed by one of her captors, who had detonated a suicide vest that he was wearing, and it blew up, and she was nearby, and it killed her. They got into a screaming match. So, if there was something that we hoped could happen out of this, it would be that some of these peoples careers would effectively end. Presentations of the Medal of Honor are almost always fraught with questions about whether the awards are handed out to make those involved in operations feel better about a loss of life. Like, hey look at this dude, and the guy would just twitch again. But three years later, a small group of unit leaders quickly substantiated the allegations and even secured a confession. Although Chapmans medal had been approved, it has not yet been formally announced. We do not accept funding from advertising, underwriting or government agencies. Grow your brand authentically by sharing brand content with the internets creators. MATTHEW COLE: Yeah, so, in 2007, Britt Slabinski was the Blue Squadron master chief, which is one of the assault teams within SEAL Team 6. I've heard enough stories to be fairly confident that intentional war crimes are being committed sometimes, but I also know enough of the guys doing these things to know that it's usually a case of ignoring the rules that don't make any damn sense, and not some sort of sadism or wanton disregard for morality. This was the SEAL Team 6 official collection and photo book that they were sending around as entertainment at a private party, essentially, but out in the open. Weather anomalies, flocks of birds. And so, after their accounts came out, in addition to the Obama administrations account, everything sort of got muddled in terms of what happened. seal team 6 canoeing photosphoto contest in arizona. We cant have you here., As I reported in 2017, one of Slabinskis former superiors said: To this day, he thinks the guys turned on him. On one occasion, one member of SEAL Team Six was said to have mutilated a body just for fun: I mean, talk about the funny stuff we do. Best Review Site for Digital Cameras. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. They had no military purpose whatsoever. Could hear certain things, but there wasnt a lot of noise. It is thought that Marcinko set-up his new unit in his own image. He still has suspicions, thinks there was something wrong with what he saw, and so he goes back and reports it to the command, to his leadership, at SEAL Team 6 and demands an investigation. Canoeing Photos of faces spilling over with brains, such as the proof-of-death pic of Osama bin Laden, are then taken for the official record, including the teams formal scrapbook. Yes, we they committed war crimes. And he was put down with two shots, one to the chest and a second which glanced off his hip as he fell back onto the floor. And his response was Ill go to the press. And, in fact, I think, specifically, he threatened to go to The New York Times. MATTHEW COLE: So, essentially, ONeill, who is the second to fire shots in bin Laden, puts two rounds in his face or his forehead. When they had an opportunity to do something about it, not only did they not do anything about it, they effectively encouraged it by promoting their own. Top photo: A view of SEALTeam 6 headquarters at Dam Neck Naval Annex, Virginia Beach, Va. Matthew Cole[emailprotected] Furthermore, the op tempo at the time was ridiculous and some DG dudes have killed more people than the electric chair. Thats whats wrong with my community, a former SEAL Team 6 leader told me last year. The command thus demonstrated that it was perfectly capable of determining the truth for internal purposes and once again proved it was unwilling to expose even its pariahs to external scrutiny or justice. Audio from an unpublished interview with Britt Slabinksi conducted by Malcolm MacPherson, author of a 2005 book on the battle of Roberts Ridge. He was killed 15 minutes after the mission began. No lights. By signing up, I agree to receive emails from The Intercept and to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. And Slabinski comes back and says, No foul play. Canoeing is the act of aiming a final gunshot through the top of the victims forehead such that the head splits open to form a V like the bow of a canoe. Tap into Getty Images' global scale, data-driven insights, and network of more than 340,000 creators to create content exclusively for your brand. And she was taken from a road and sent up into a very mountainous place, and was a U.K. citizen, was actually from Scotland originally. What good is our version of civilization if we behave like barbarians when the rubber meets the road. According to a CIA officer with direct knowledge of the incident, the CIA requested that the SEALs capture, rather than kill, their militant targets. One of their teammates killed the other two targets in another room. So, the two SEALs who have come out from that raid and given first-hand accounts, one in the form of a book, the other in a magazine article and then in a Fox News special identifying himself as the shooter, were involved in an argument prior to the raid, before they had even gone to Afghanistan and Pakistan, over how they were going to work together to sell the story afterwards, and then had to be separated by their teammates, because they wereit wasnt a physical fight. AMY GOODMAN: Matthew Cole, as you talk about, really, in some of these cases, for the first time, what this unit has done, TeamSEAL Team 6, and you talk about canoeing, in general, there are those who wanted to expose this, like a CIA paramilitary officers attempt to blow the whistle on this. We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. Even if the image is admitted, at the end of each segment, to be benign, they start with a Fox-News-Outrage session about the country in which the mystery images are spotted. Alert: German Newscast Displays Star Trek Logo as Seal Team 6 Patch Ghost Soldiers Us Soldiers Survival Scifi Military Gear Military Army The officer, Cmdr. It happened to be the SEALS who were deployed at the time. Log in. I shot him about 20 times in the legs. And he issued new guidelines in terms of how they operated in country. But a significant number did. Consider what the world of media would look like without The Intercept. on about your day, ask yourself: How likely is it that the story you just read would have been produced by a different news outlet if The Intercept hadnt done it? In December, The Intercept reported that Republican representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, President-elect Donald Trumps nominee to be secretary of the interior, committed travel fraud when he was an officer at SEAL Team 6, but received no formal punishment. AMY GOODMAN: The title of your investigative expos in The Intercept is The Crimes of SEAL Team 6. The crimes. Both current and former military members say the inter-service fight between the SEALs and the Air Force special operations command has been ugly and unbecoming. Hell they trained Al Qaeda and Las Zetas and half the bastards youre talking about. I have sources that argue that it hasnt happened since they were started in 1980. And what we know is that despite the fact that. And the commandthis was in 1999 or 2000, before the warsdecided that he had to leave the unit. The US Government definition of Terrorism starts with manipulation of political, religious, social and economic structure by use or threat of using violent acts. And what came there was a slowsorry, I should say, a fast cover-up by three members of SEAL Team 6 who were on the mission, to avoid the embarrassment of what had just happened, which was that, in fact, the captor had not killed her, SEAL Team 6 had. This isn't just SEALs, it's warfighters from all the branches. By 2007, the commands leadership was aware that some Blue Squadron operators were using specialized knives to conduct skinnings. Using the excuse of collecting DNA, which required a small piece of skin containing hair follicles, operators were taking large strips of skin from dead enemy fighters. This will be the one and only warning. They are the origin of terror. But the order itself was illegal. And youre saying to people who made decisions when they were, you know, young officers, who are nowhave stars on their lapels, who are making serious decisions for the United States and making recommendations to the president about what theyre going to do on a mission or in general in a war zone, they are now in positions of great responsibility and authority, and there has been no accounting. All six were photographed., SEAL Team Six was also the one on the famous raid that ended in the death of Osama Bin Laden. We do not need investigations and outsiders meddling in our activities. My sources, who were both contemporaries of his at the time at SEAL Team 6, as well as senior to him, said that that was not an honest portrayal, that he in fact did it several more times than that and for higher amounts, and that there was nothing close to a justifiable reason for his travel. He was not officially forced to leave the Navy. We had canoeing, as we described, which is this particular type of firing a bullet into someones head after theyve been killed or are mortally wounded; skinnings, which were done under the excuse of needing DNA and became sort of a cover to pull large sections of skin off of someone with a knife, using these specialized hatchets that were given to some members of theof SEAL Team 6 to hack bodies after they were killed or, again, dying. The commanders letter does not dispute any facts or details in our January 10 report, which describes, in detail, accounts provided by former SEAL Team 6 leaders of what they believed were war crimes committed by members of the unit in Afghanistan and Iraq that were largely ignored or covered up by senior officers. The article is called The Crimes of SEAL Team 6. Cole quotes one former leader as saying, You cant win an investigation on us. And I shared that, the transcript of it, with two of his former bosses, who were horrified that he said this, and not only that he said it, but that he said it in an interview to an author, and that the younger men around him were undoubtedly influenced by that kind of talk, by that kind of bravado and bloodlust. But the announcement of the award for Britt Slabinski and the concurrent decision to give the same award to John Chapman, a deceased Air Force combat controller came after a yearslong campaign to recognize disputed events 16 years ago on a remote mountain in Afghanistan. By the militarys own standard, Slabinski should have been disqualified from the Medal of Honor for his actions in subsequent deployments to Afghanistan. The author addresses some of the basic violent realities of warfare, even the parts that are straight-forward combat versus an armed enemy, with an asinine amount of pearl-clutching. We have narratives that are filled withyou know, lets say 75 percent of the facts are true, but a quarter of them are false or omitted. And, B, that this young man, this young SEALand, by the way, he wasnt young. And he dies with nohe has two weapons in the room that they find later in a search. Rarely is it granted when things go well.. Muckraking Awards, Books, Films, and Organizations, joint special operations commander general stanley mccrystal, naval criminal investigative service (ncis), naval special warfare development group (seal team 6), the wedding party massacre (in afghanistan on 6 march 2002), Trump administration/Republican House and Senate/Supreme Court. But they feature prominently in an Intercept expos about the war crimes of Americas most famous death squad. No one read the comments on this article (read them for entertainment) they'll give you an extremely aggressive and fast moving form of cancer. MATTHEW COLE: NCISfind no evidence to support a violation of the law of armed conflict. He had made a poor decision. Related searches: navy seals special forces military soldier war of 11 NEXT on about your day, ask yourself: How likely is it that the story you just read would have been produced by a different news outlet if The Intercept hadnt done it? And . He is then requested by asomeone who was close to him, who had been another SEAL Team 6 officer, who was in Afghanistan during the Roberts Ridge, Neil Roberts death, and that deployment, who was one of the investigators and the senior SEAL Team 6 member on the ground when the young SEAL had tried to behead the Taliban. And he opened it up, and someone said to him, This is our greatest hits. And he looked down, and they were a collection of canoed heads since 9/11. They refused. Didn't see question above. And after he shifted positions inside SEAL Team 6, the people who followed him discovered his paperwork and realized he had beenhe had a long pattern of it. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. And it hurtsyou know, their view to the CIA, I think, was really interesting. seal team 6 canoeing photos. And it was largely a euphemism, but not unlike the way Britt Slabinski tells his men that he wants a head on a platter, what occurred was people started using those hatchets to hack bodies and commit war crimes with them. Richard Diviney, claimed weekend trips to spend time with NFL quarterback Drew Brees, a college classmate, as work and training trips. He is a descendant of an admiral, a long history of naval officers in his family, graduate of the Naval Academy. 2023 Getty Images. So, after a mission, he tries to cut a mans head off. And when Britt Slabinski was up for a promotion a few years later, they did two informal internal inquiries. You've always been the voice of reason on this forum. That investigation, too, resulted in the SEALs being cleared. And thats a key point, because he falls down on the floor, and then the man who says that he ended bin Ladens life, Robert ONeilland no one disputes that he put the bullets into bin Laden and effectively ended his life, but the way ONeill tells the story is that bin Laden was standing, had his wife in front of him, holding his wifes shoulders as a sort of shield, and has a weapon nearby, and so that hes scanning the scene and making the determination thatbased on his training, that this man is a threat, and he can be killed. This account of the crimes of SEAL Team 6 results from a two-year investigation drawing on interviews with 18 current and former members of the unit, including four former senior leaders of the command. The SEAL Team 6 (ST6) or DEVGRU is an elite special operations team in the US Navy under the direct command of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). It was murder. And whats funny is, is they give him credit for doing something very heroic, that had they been wearing suicide vests, he put himself on top of them and would have absorbed the blast. sobtactical@mighty43 everyone knew. You know, it is important to remember that in all of this, most members of SEAL Team 6, the majority of SEAL Team 6, did not commit war crimes and atrocities. Guys who don't want to be a part of the conventional forces and who want to think outside the box. He washe would have died had he not been shot by Mr. ONeill. The former and current SEALs also described other serious misconduct that occurred more recently. Publicly, he has stated that these were training trips. Wikileaks spills Afganistan War Logs detail Task Force 373, US death squad. The book purported to be a true account of an S.S. officer who with dozens of other soldiers escaped Germany after World War II, joined the French Foreign Legion, and spent years in Vietnam brutalizing the insurgency. There is no one they hate more than us. If I were doing those kinds of ops, would I roll with a stinger and depleted uranium exploding subsonic rounds and every other advantage I could give myself? And again, thisyou know, these words, they mean something in terms of understanding how subtle SEAL Team 6 operates. And thats exactly what happened. but now we have a little time, so take us through what happened in May of 2011. And it was considered this total insult that the admiral had to come to the command and conduct a proceeding that normally would be done by a captain. When asked why he would bring in Slabinski after he was thrown out of SEAL Team 6 for alleged war crimes, a SEAL Team 6 leader told me that Szymanski told his fellow SEALs that their community could not shun a war hero. His career should have been over, yet he was given a promotion. Sometimes these emotions are hard to contain. /u/SCUBA_STEVE34 What do you make of this? Winkler hatchets are tomahawks made by craftsman Daniel Winkler for the SEAL Team 6 Red Squadron, known as the redmen, who are expected to bloody their hatchets as they conduct their raids. And with very littleyou know, he sticks his head out of his room, and he gets shot. And thats the point, you know, that no one has looked deeply at whats occurred. Some of the men who were more veteran and savvy saw him as speaking metaphorically and didnt pay attention. SEAL Team Glossary includes Canoeing, Winkler Hatchets & Bleed Out Videos. Scottsdale AZ 85254, P: 480-270-5240 They do the needed dirty work to protect the rights of much lesser men that write articles to virtue signal. You really do. Some openly talk about it and it's all bullshit, but there are some that actually join to do it. The blood thirsty guys exist in every unit in the military. And so, he got caught. And SEAL Team 6 told the CIA, If this guy goes public, we will end his career. And they did. AMY GOODMAN: What did Matt Bissonnette say? Well link to his new expos, just out, The Crimes of SEAL Team 6. This is Democracy Now! In 2007, Slabinski was sent back to Afghanistan as a squadron master chief, which made him the senior noncommissioned officer of Blue Squadron. SEAL Team 6's leadership has. One, the last episode of last season, was about China putting in defensive bases on islands in the South China Sea. The Intercept is an independent nonprofit news outlet. By giving Slabinski the award, you close the door on our criminal history, said the former SEAL Team 6 leader. Its in its own world. MATTHEW COLE: I think that what this investigation has found, what Ive found over the last couple of years, is that there was a consistent and persistent forms of largely mutilations and desecration of bodies in Iraq and Afghanistan, beginning in 2002, continuing all the way through at least 2011. The seals are glorified bandits who serve no one, much less the American people. And here was someone who made some serious mistakes and. John McPhee, ex-Delta guy, there was an interview of him posted on this sub a few days ago. And he stepped in and conducted a mast and punished, threw out, three members of SEAL Team 6. Well, it turned out that that was not what happened. 2023 Getty Images. Whatever operators do is more than acceptable when dealing with the radicalized human pollution team 6 deals with. No evidence to hold Sabar Lal Melma in Guantanamo, but enough to kill him? I shot him about 20 times in the legs, and every time youd kick him, er, shoot him, he would kick up, you could see his body twitching and all that. Never any mention of the U.S. doing the same shit the producers accuse the Others be it Iran, Iraq, (the parts not under AmeriBrit control) Russia, China, North Korea. The Times did a very good job with their story, but it didnt go far enough. MATTHEW COLE: Right. The kind of reporting we do is essential to democracy, but it is not easy, cheap, or profitable. MATTHEW COLE: So, SEAL Team 6 hasand any unit can do this, but there are effective ways to get someone to move on, which is that when their time is up, when their pre-assigned task is over, their assignment, the evaluation is written in such a manner, as I understand it, that they cannot get another job within that command afterwards, because of the way the evaluation is written. And my sourcesfrom the beginning, it was never a question of whether this operator had mutilated this guy. Im not going to tell you this didnt happen. And so, theres an enormous amount of animosity inside the unit at these two guys. The elite units are simply hit men for the Corporate shadow government, puppets and slaves just like the Puppet Slaves governing Iraq and Afghanistan, installed as presidents not by the people of those nations, but by Pentagon-backed coups. You can't have other people, who have no clue what it's like to get their hands dirty judge people for their actions in combat. The cover-up wins. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Share via Email Print. Joining is simple and doesnt need to cost a lot: You can become a sustaining member for as little as $3 or $5 a month. Shit gets messy, and it tends to stick with guys. Would you rather shoot a dead guy in the head (where you know he won't get back up) or maybe let him get back up because he is all hopped up on opium and shoot your buddy. As it happened, in that operation, the subsequent investigation found that all the people who were killed in that operation had been armed. All you need to do is sign up with your email and boom: credit for your preorder on a new Samsung device. As Historic Storms & Flooding Kill 19 in California, Why Is Media Ignoring Role of Climate Change. If thats true, then Slabinski left his teammate behind, violating the first rule of special operations. And then they find additionally that there was another operation in which he orderedSlabinski ordered all the men on the operation shot, regardless of whether they were armed. With no mention that the US Navy, in their propaganda shows like the Six series and of course their recruitment commercials, boast loudly that THEY illegally enter territorial waters and land masses routinely. Copy may not be in its final form. Its murder and its done to use force to take over property of the targeted nation. And he is now in charge of all SEALs in the United States. And so, I dont know, you know, who knew or how many people knew. Dam Neck should have rules, and those guys should be violating those rules sometimes, when it's called for, because the moral thing and the right thing and the legal thing are not always the same thing. He will never work again, and also told the CIA, Hey, were working together here. It was to make sure he couldnt be among them. I can't imagine the depths of the mental trauma that doing that kind of wanton violence to another human being does to you. My understanding is, is that he never claimed that they were training trips, and that, in fact, what he was doing was helping to rebuild or renovate a house that he intended to live in when he retired from the military. This was more like a persistent virus. Im Amy Goodman. According to a Navy officer, the SEALs made several efforts to block an upgrade for Chapman, infuriating the Air Force., xcbassxNvm, asked and answered. Screenshot today from SoBTactical Instagram. They do great work. They arethey have no bullets in them. Seems like DevGru did take actions to address those somewhat by putting the guys' names on that rock of shame blacklist. Imperialism on the hoof. Hes a nice guy. And so, they wrote his evaluation report in such a way that he wouldnt be allowed into SEAL Team 6, but he could leave the unit and continue on as ain his career as an officer in the Navy SEALs. And he then waits to see what happens. And that round hits him in the top of the forehead. Don't worry, we'll never share or sell your information. My word is my bond. And so he shoots him, he drops, and then he puts a third bullet in his forehead. Both versions of what happened at Takur Ghar cannot be true. As a result of these inquiries, a group of 10 SEAL Team 6 leaders later voted unanimously to ban Slabinski from ever serving at the command again. One of his men interpreted that remark as an order, as a direction to be given and followed through. Like [inaudible]. Is that right? Our Daily Digest brings Democracy Now! Another insight revealed by the Intercept: The British aid captive Linda Norgrove, who was killed during a botched rescue attempt, wasnt killed by her captors, but by a grenade thrown at her by a Seal Team operators, perhaps because the goal of reaching Norgrove was not rescue but exposure control. I think I doI do knowand it wasnt in this piece, but there is more toyou know, he had some subsequent positions in the Navy SEALs that werehad somethere were some ethical flags raised in those positions, as well, towards the end of his career. National security reporter Matthew Cole spent two years investigating accounts of ghastly atrocities committed by members of the unit, including mutilating corpses, skinnings and attempted beheadings. No one pushed for the upgrade more than Szymanski, according to both current and former Navy officers. And so, McRaven orders the stand-down, gives them new rules. And so they brought it to the commands attention. By awarding both Chapman and Slabinski the Medal of Honor, the Pentagon presents an impossible version of what happened on Roberts Ridge. Diviney declined to comment. Our sense of whats right and whats wrong is warped. special forces 173 Seal Team Six Premium High Res Photos Browse 173 seal team six stock photos and images available, or search for navy seals or special forces to find more great stock photos and pictures. There are dudes who join because they want to kill people. And its aSEAL Team 6 is ayou know, it has a law unto itself. Access the best of Getty Images and iStock with our simple subscription plan. MATTHEW COLE: The difference between being forced to leave versus? [He said,] 'As a former Navy SEAL, he has incredible leadership skills and an attitude of doing [whatever] it takes to win. And so, there was ain a very subtle way, he made sure that there were no charges. Navy SEAL Who Kept Photo of Osama bin Laden After Raid Suggests SEAL Team Six Operates Above the Law - YouTube - We speak with national security reporter for The. Rear Adm. 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