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shinjiro aragaki social link guide
1 1 . needs all the help they can get, something even Yukari, who has no love for S.E.E.S. Sayoko Uehara | Shinjiro Aragaki is an orphan who grows up with Akihiko Sanada. Yuko Nishiwaki | Unlike his twin brother, Castor was only a mortal person. Despite this, others later make note of his kind nature. persona 3 akihiko social link guide LYS. He can fight constantly despite the stamina-draining atmosphere of the Dark Hour. Skilled with hammers and axes, Brute strength, Castor, Eliminate the Dark Hour (fulfilled by the rest of S.E.E.S. The session ends with Shinjiro walking away from a still Akihiko; With Yuki, they're almost on the same wavelength, likely due to them both knowing they will die soon. /Length 8 0 R He will be admitted into the Tatsumi Hospital and will not be able to rejoin the party due to being in a coma. Aragaki Shinjiro/Arisato Minato; Aragaki Shinjiro/Persona 3 Protagonist; Aragaki Shinjiro; Arisato Minato; Persona 3 Protagonist; Female Persona 3 Protagonist; Arisato Hamuko; . Leo He takes great pleasure in being able to help his friends (though he might not admit he even enjoys their company), and he doesn't want to see them make the same mistakes he might have made in the past. He is fully aware of Ken's vendetta and is ready to take responsibility for his actions. Shinjiro Aragaki only appears as DLC in the song "The Battle for Everyone's Souls," a remix of the Nyx Avatar music from Persona 3 from the album Burn My Dread -Reincarnation: Persona 3-. 24 This means you need to reach Rank 10 with Shinjiro by October 2. On October 4th, 2009, Shinjiro meets Ken at the site where Kens mother was killed, during the October full moon mission. Gekkoukan High School has a brief memorial for his sudden death. School Idol Festival: Pentas Festival, "Sorry for bringing you here. You should invite Shinjiro out every chance you get, or you could very easily miss your chance to maximize this link. /Type /ExtGState His dance style is very slow and doesn't do any risky moves at all, with him barely moving from one spot and stopping a lot. Shinjiro Aragaki | . If you manage to max out his social rank, youll not only get hold of his ultimate persona, but you can romance him, and even save him. Akihiko did not want Shinjiro to join, for he was afraid that he may not be able to control his Persona. Before it started, one of the VAs appeared, wondering why they were not invited to participate, despite being one of the main characters. The song is most likely a reference to his fate. Akechi appreciated Shinjiro's concern, but lamented that he couldn't understand it. Haru Okumura | Koromaru | The star of the clothing that Shinjiro wears is the maroon-ish dark red trench coat that he wears. Unlike other party members, except for Koromaru, Shinjiro is one of the only characters with a single Persona. They also meet the P3 heroine, a female counterpart of their leader from a parallel universe. He is a senior in Gekkoukan . This requires being the female MC and finishing his social link before the deadline. As a huge Pokemon fan growing up, he was recommended to check it out on his PSP. ", "I mean, why just blurt out something like that? Throughout Persona 3, he is a looming presence in the background, rarely being a party member alongside the protagonist. ", "Ground coffee. However, disagreements happen, and Shinjiro, unfortunately, leaves the group. (Real Examples Of Others). This is a female protagonist only social link. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Base: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Axe Wielder), Supernatural Willpower, Accelerated Development and Reactive Evolution (In times of dire need, Persona users can massively increase their strength to the point to where those who previously stomped them can be overwhelmed by their sheer aura. This is because of the limited time that Shinjiro is available for. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? He has long grayish-brown hair that goes down to his shoulders, completing the dual nature of this fashionable delinquent. In battle, He fights with Battle Axe. His story astounded me when I first played the game in high school many years ago and set the bar relatively high for what would come next. To initiate his Social Link, the female protagonist must have level four Charm (Queen Bee). and Persona 3 Portable was actually released after you dont even get to have social links with everyone, 3; 4; 4.2K; Guide to Gundams and Gunpla in Except, Shinjiro is once again given the shaft by only being a DLC character. If you do so, you will hang out together in his room and have a chance to confess your feelings. Jokes aside, it should be no surprise to anyone that a Persona party member is able to wield, well, a Persona. The two are interrupted by Takaya Sakaki while Ken struggles to go through with his plan. :|Also, female protag is awesome. His clothing is relatively simple, consisting mainly of a maroon peacoat, black pants and brown Chelsea shoes. Though he maintains his reserved demeanour throughout the game, he admits that he may give off "a mean vibe," and is unable to fault others for viewing him that way. Mutatsu | endobj Beyond the standard Persona skills and summoning that Shinjiro has, there is the fact that he is able to explore the Dark Hour. While Shinjiro couldn't fully figure out what Akechi had done, he encouraged Akechi not to let the past bind him and live his life without regret. Yuuki Mishima | Battle Axe Unfortunately, during one fateful mission two years ago, his Persona went out of control and accidentally killed an innocent bystander: Ken Amada's mother. He impressed me back in the day when I first played Persona 3 Portable, and no character has come close since to offering such a depressing storyline. After that, you will be able to max out his social link. Shinjiro is Akihiko Sanadas childhood friend and was an orphan at the same orphanage. ", "So, I guess it might be better if they eat what makes them happy. He can be found at night in the lounge of Iwatodai Dormitory. Though he puts on a brave front, the guilt of having killed an innocent woman ate away at him. The ultimate guide minimum value product MVP: Minimum Viable Product vs. Shinjiro Aragaki is, in many ways, that type of character for Persona 3. Sonny Barger Books, You can now fuse up to four personae at once. Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad, After Shinjiro's death, Akihiko has a new battle quote: "Did you see that, Shinji?!". This Persona 3 Portable (P3P) walkthrough will guide you through this latest PSP RPG. There is a Precious Egg on floor 146 too that you can grab before continuing. While in school, they meet Mitsuru Kirijo and discover their abilities to enter the Dark Hour. Eventually, as the threat of the Shadows increase, Akihiko convinces Shinjiro to join SEES. It is possible to have an extra scene with him if the S.Link is maxed before October 4, in which the female protagonist can attempt to spend more time with him and possibly start a romantic relationship with him. At the time when I first played Persona 3, I was not super drawn to the Persona series. In this way, he is one of my favorite characters in an already stacked lineup of outstanding Persona 3 party members. Shinjiro's co-op attack hits all enemies in the front row. He briefly greets the party. 1/10 The worst s-link there is (in P3 & P4). As such, the trio forms the first iteration of the SEES team. He is met by Akihiko in several scenes, when the two reminisce on their past and how they survived a fire at an orphanage that killed Miki, Akihiko's sister. Persona 5 Social Skills Guide: How to Best Raise Kindness, Charm, Proficiency, and More, Persona 5 Reaper Guide: How to Take Down This Mementos Monstrosity, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday: Nighttime only. He also started doing shady deals with Strega in order to get suppressants that could help control his Persona. . What "development"? The female protagonist of Persona 3 Portable, canon name defaulting to Kotone Shiomi starting from the Steam port of the game, is a transfer student enrolling in Gekkoukan High School on Tatsumi Port Island. Two years ago, Shinjiro accidentally caused the death of Ken's mother when his Persona went berserk while on a SEES mission. It was also mentioned that he also saved other students who almost got into trouble because they got drunk. When an enemy dodges his normal attack he will fall without following through with the attack. After reaching Rank 9, however, the Social Link cannot progress until after the protagonist has found and returned Shinjiro's pocketwatch from Paulownia Mall's police station. He is voiced by Grant George, the voice of Shuichi from Danganronpa V3, the English voice of Keiichi in Higurashi, and Lancer in Fate/Zero. /SM 0.02 The player may find and obtain Shinjiro's pocket watch at the police station by talking to Officer Kurosawa, and give it to Shinjiro to max the Social Link. I know I am not alone in this regard, as Aragaki has built up a fanatical group of fans, including those who maybe see him as a bit of husbando. or the Dark Hour, has the sense to realize. During the final days of the game, a student in her classroom tells the protagonist of his discharge from the hospital, stating that the pocket watch absorbed one of the bullets. Fox | Masao Inaba | He is met by Akihiko in several scenes, when the two reminisce on their past and how they survived a fire at an orphanage that killed Miki, Akihiko's sister. needs all the help they can get, something evenYukari, who has no love for S.E.E.S. Its social link mechanic is innovative and engaging, and here's our guide to Persona romance! It has buttons that go up the middle of it, and he keeps it tightly buttoned up most of the time. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr ", "Sheesh, that guy's gotta learn how frickin' heavy a boxing champ punches", "Well, we get in fights all the time. Though I would give the edge to my boy, Junpei, for the best storyline, Shinjiro is a close second with a tale that is unlike anything else in the Persona series. Gekkoukan High School has a brief memorial for his sudden death. He was one of the groups original members dedicated to taking down Tartarus and the Dark Hour. In battle, Shinjiro relies on his brute strength and wields a heavy axe. He never really admits it, but Shinjiro also apparently hates losing. Still here? Kou Ichijo | During those times, his competitive nature surfaces. Ultimate (Spirit) But Still looks about 17-18, Puella Persona Magia Q - Chapter 4 (Supporting, Still life), Persona Record: Magi Arena - Chapter 16 (Short Story #1) (Cameo, As Spirit), The Forces of Grim - Chapter 3 (Main, As Spirit). If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! They often get into fights, usually resulting to childish banters. You will head right back after school for the celebration. A Kenji Tomochika | All Rights Reserved. Answer: This is a tricky question to answer. His tragic twist within the story is gut-wrenching, unlike anything, Persona had done before or since. Seriously, if you are not playing the terrific Japanese dub of that game, you are missing out on the tremendous acting there. What more do you want? Nanako Dojima | He began skipping school and living as an outcast. This return to the team does not last long, as Ken has the chance to get revenge on Shinjiro in October. Hidetoshi Odagiri | Shinjiro Aragaki is a supporting character in Persona Record Series and one of the main protagonist of Puella Magi Persona and The Forces of Grim. One day, Shinjiro encountered Mitsuru Kirijo and joined her original SEES group to fight the shadows. ", According to an answer to a fan question in the, The Shirt of Chivalry, a type of costume for males in. Impactful Conversation Choices for this rank: You know what I'm talking about, right . The party visits Chidori the day after. Andre Laurent Jean Geraux | Answer: Yes, he is one of the DLC characters that you can purchase to play as. He is worth spending time with to give a better light to his circumstances so that his story has a happier ending. Attack Potency: Universe level+ (Should be comparable to the other Mid-Game SEES members, kept up with the Investigation Team, and Phantom Thieves), Speed: Speed of Light Reactions and Combat Speed, FTL Reactions and Combat Speed with Willpower (Relatively equal to the Mid-Game Phantom Thieves), Lifting Strength: Class M (Comparable to the Phantom Thieves, who can withstand Cognitive Wakaba's winds), higher with Willpower, Striking Strength: Universe level+, higher with Willpower, Durability: Universe level+, higher with Willpower. He started with the very first game and when in sequential order before catching up with Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden cemented his love for the series. Le maggiori differenze di Social Link tra i protagonisti riguardano le loro opzioni romantiche, che sono anche legate allo sblocco della Persona pi potente per alcuni personaggi. Those guys keep yapping at me. HierophantMoon (P3P) ", "But your powers look like they're helping a lot, too. Margaret tells them that it should be possible for their personas to remain the same if they focus on keeping things the same when they start to attain new power. He noticed this from how Akechi is distancing himself from the rest of the Phantom Thieves and felt they're similar. Advertisement. Shinjiro will rank up every time you speak to him and you dont need a Moon persona in order to rank up. Chihaya Mifune | For pants, he wears dark skinny jeans that are paired with brown loafers. Interestingly, he is somewhat warmly complicated, a change from the generally pale cast. Nozomi Suemitsu | Outside of the s-link his plot relevance and interactions are still zero. Mika was suppose to reap his soul once he died in October 4 2009, but decided to spare him and soon became an acquaintance of Him. ", "That's why I try not to come to these kinds of places that often. Shinjiro Aragaki Zon: Akinari Kamiki Akinari Kamiki . Philemon | 5 Shinjiro Aragaki. Shu Nakajima | Hidehiko Uesigi | Just as Takaya fires at Ken, Shinjiro jumps in front of the bullet, taking his own life. Max out a social link, start a romance, and save a life. They were told to leave, and it was an embarrassing moment for the few who saw the fiasco happen. Persona 3 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 43 Hierophannt He often has his hands in his pockets and his head held low, eyes cast off to the side. For starters, we have the good news. Ai Ebihara | Ever since accidentally causing the death of Ken's mother, he has given up being a member of SEES to live a normal life, even though there are only so many Persona-users and so S.E.E.S. Ken only saw him as a murderer, though, and had only ever joined SEES for the sole reason of getting revenge and killing him in return. He also cannot be romanced in the traditional sense. It is very tough since his ranks are only available on certain days you must spend time with him to complete. He also started doing shady deals with Strega in order to get suppressants that could help control his Persona. After the two heroes complete the request, The Power of the Wild Card, Margaret explains to everyone how their Personas can now evolve and attain new power. C q" When wearing this armor he shows his full head of hair, as it is the only time that the player can see him remove his beanie. << Shinjiro Aragaki is a character from Persona 3. /CreationDate (D:20210918215216+03'00') He never really admits it, but Shinjiro also apparently hates losing. I dont think it was Grant George, but it is possible that it was him since I could not see his face since he had his back to me. It is revealed in The Answer that Shinjiro joined SEES right after Akihiko did, though Akihiko claims that it'd been uncertain whether or not Shinjiro would be able to "reliably summon his Persona" due to his weaker potential. This specific attention has been given to similar characters like Goro Akechi in Persona 5. While most players likely only know his story from how it ends, there is more to it than meets the eye. A common trait among the members of the SEES team in Persona 3, he is one of the few humans in the world who is conscious of the Dark Hour. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. The Spirits Of Nature Quest Guide. Shinjiro and Akihiko have stayed in touch over the years, but Shinjiro refuses Akihikos invitations to rejoin SEES until he learns that Ken has decided to join their group. His clothing is relatively simple, consisting mainly of a maroon peacoat, black pants, and brown shoes. Furthermore, he can withstand attacks quite well in battle and recover his health easily, too. Shinjiro is a playable character in Persona Q, and is readily available from the start if the P3 Route is picked. If you manage to max out his social rank, you'll not only get hold of his ultimate. Kei Nanjo, Persona 3 Shinjiro soon meets Ken at the site of his mother's death, fully aware of Ken's motivations and prepared for the consequences, their meeting was interrupted by Takaya Sakaki who attempted to shoot Ken, with Shinjiro taking the bullet. A reliable and serious character whose cold exterior masks his weaker, gentler self. He has an entire backstory of his own that involves his time with SEES before his eventual return in the middle of Persona 3. Copyright 2023 Persona Fans | An Avid Interactive Media Company | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. He is a student who rarely attends Gekkoukan High School and a founding member of the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad. Aki and Ryoji on the other hand DO interact with the FEMC. When he comes to the plots forefront, though, I think that Shinjiro steals the show with one of the best subplots in the JRPG. Don't bother with someone like me. One of the biggest grievances I have against Atlus is that Shinjiro Aragaki has not gotten the love he deserves. Various parts of Shinjiro's personality are revealed in the different versions ofPersona 3, and he is (like most other male characters) difficult to know when playing themale protagonist'sroute. After some time, the girls began to complain about their aching feet thanks to the geta they were wearing. Over the years since its release, Shinjiro has become a fan favorite for many, including me, admiring the darker storyline for this high school kid. Rmaji In Persona Q, despite his normally calm and quiet demeanor, it is shown that he easily loses his cool whenever he's with his childhood friend, Akihiko. In one of the side quests, Shinjiro was able to sense a dark side of one of the Phantom Thieves, Goro Akechi. With Persona: Cognitive Physiology (Persona), Magic, consisting of Fear Manipulation (with Evil Smile), Statistics Reduction (with -unda spells), Attack Reflection (with Counter spells), Healing (with Regenerate and Return of Yomi), Statistics Amplification (with Line and All Guard), Invulnerability (with Endure, he can survive one attack that should instantly kill him). He has unkempt brown hair, worn perpetually under a beanie, and steel-colored eyes. Shinjiro and Akihiko have stayed in touch over the years, but Shinjiro refuses Akihiko's invitations to rejoin SEES until he learns that Ken has decided to join their group. Persona 3 Movie 13 - Tragedy English *Spoilers*, Shinjiro sacrifices his life to protect Ken from Takaya. >> At Rank 9 of his Social Link, Shinjiro will mention that he lost his pocket watch. Rise Kujikawa | With boosts, it has a 50% chance to OHKO all foes in a single turn. Ive never told this story before so let me exclusively spill the tea here. ", "Back then, I never imagined that I'd go back there", "As long as I'm already being selfish, I want you to do one more thing for me. In FES, a hidden camera reveals that Shinjiro enjoys cooking shows. Isako Toriumi | Ken Amada | He is revealed to love dogs, in particular Koromaru, who he spoils; in the same scene, he is shown to be an avid cook that enjoys learning from cooking shows. Pharos | Not to mention, he is the culmination of my fashion style in middle school, capturing the band geek and emo kid facets of me in one outfit. Shinjiro attempts to attack Takaya, only to get himself shot and pushed aside as Takaya prepares to kill Ken. Unfortunately, it appears that Shinjiro canonically dies no matter what. The player may find and obtain Shinjiros pocket watch at the police station by talking to Officer Kurosawa, and if given to Shinjiro during the Max Social Link event before the October Full Moon Event, Shinjiro will survive the fatal gunshot from Takaya (most likely because the pocket-watch was around his neck, so it couldve taken the bullet). In Persona 3 Portable, via the female protagonist's Moon Social Link, the player is able to see the most of Shinjiro. Junpei Iori | During those times, his competitive nature surfaces. During Mitsuru's, they dance as if there is nothing wrong, showing how she sees him as her equal and support, and it ends with Mitsuru running away as if something bad had happened; With Akihiko, the two sync up perfectly with little to no mistakes, they also link arms at a point showing their protection over each other. In return, Shinjiro will give the protagonist a leather watch which bestows the ability to fuse the ultimate Moon Persona, Sandalphon. Yes, you can take the brooding and ultra-serious Shinjiro, put some costumes on him, and have him dance the night away. /Width 625 Shinjiro is Akihiko Sanada's childhood friend and was an orphan at the same orphanage. Shinjiro "Shinji" Aragaki is a supporting protagonist and party member in the video game Persona 3. How to max out your charm, academics and courage in Persona 3 your side you must strengthen social links, Persona 3 Portable: FAQ/Walkthrough; GameFAQs, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable and all related terms and story belong Mel was always messing around with him. endobj Persona Records Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. You get another opportunity to sleep or stay awake during class on October 1st. JFIF d d C One day, Shinjiro encountered Mitsuru Kirijo and joined her original SEES group to fight the shadows. He quit the organization after his Persona went berserk, killing an innocent bystander who happened to be the mother of Ken Amada, a younger member of SEES. Shinjiros difficult past weighs him down, causing him to constantly push others away with a tough-guy act. He later appears when the same trio decide to investigate a back alley; he saves them from danger by shoving aside petty thugs and urges them to avoid returning to the area. Exclusive to the female protagonist's route, the Moon Social Link in the male protagonist's route is instead Nozomi Suemitsu. Eri Minami | He does, however, spend a lot of time with Koromaru, who later joins the party. /Filter /DCTDecode Sae Niijima | In a twist for the series, he did not agree with everything and eventually left the team. Zenkichi Hasegawa | MVP: Minimum Viable Product vs. Watch bill baileys guide to the orchestra, Ultimate pmp exam prep study guide lesson 7 identify stakeholders, How to take a guided reading lesson for year 1, Philadelphiaher i come study guide by ken mcdermott. In the process, Takaya emerges from the Strega team and murders Shinjiro, who is trying to protect Ken. He is also often dragged into his friend's antics, mostly involving competing over just about anything. Together, the two form the Gemini sign in the sky, which many people now owe as their astrological birth sign. Keep scrolling for more. Ever since accidentally causing the death of Ken's mother, he has given up being a member of SEES to live a normal life, even though there are only so many Persona-users and so SEES needs all the help they can get, something even Yukari, who has no love for SEES or the Dark Hour, has the sense to realize. He is a senior in Gekkoukan High School, although he doesn't attend class often. Discussion threads involving Shinjiro Aragaki. The third in Atlus' unusually thought-provoking RPG series. Lisa Silverman | It makes this Shinjiro Aragaki guide all the more special for me. His clothing is relatively simple, consisting mainly of a maroon peacoat, black pants and brown Chelsea shoes. If I were to list out the social links in Persona 3 and rank them in terms of importance (and greatness), Shinjiro would be right near the very top. Persona Suppressors can cause the body to become unable to regulate body temperature, hence why Shinjiro is always wearing a coat and hat. The good news is that you do not have to worry about points when it comes to his relationship. Shinjiro Aragaki is a playable character in Persona 3. During the events of Persona 3, Shinjiro eventually rejoined SEES once he learns that Ken Amada has joined as a persona user. Shinjiro grew up alongside Akihiko Sanada in orphanage in their childhood. He is a former member of S.E.E.S. But Persona 3 drew me in, in a way I did not expect. Progressively, he is revealed to be a kind and caring person, always worrying after the other members of SEES. Japanese VA Shinjiro is notable for his towering height, as he is the tallest playable character in the game. results. A Magical girl, Who is a spirit. They grew up as orphans together, so, in that way, they are likely the closest that one another has to family. Sophia | Shinya Oda | October 4, 2009 was the Mid-Autumn Festival, the day when the moon appears the biggest in the year. Shinji's subplot and eventual death are foreshadowed by his and Akihiko's personas: Castor and Polydeuces. Suddenly, she screeched which alarmed the other girls, though as it turned out, she just tripped and dropped the broken geta somewhere. Yu Narukami | P3 shinjiro social link. P3 Manga Grant George Sadayo Kawakami | pulling it out whenever I had free time to get in another Tarturus floor or social link. However, there are expanded versions of his life in Persona 3 Portable that add to his character. He is voiced by Kazuya Nakai in the Japanese version and Grant George in the English version. The destructoid reviews guide . This is partially due to the fact that he is a high school dropout, but also there to hint at the anti-hero and darker nature of the party member. social links Shinjiro's sign on his back is Kanji for "life" or "fate" (), a play on irony with his subplot. You'd be surprised what you can learn on the streets. ", "Look, you need to watch yourself. /Creator ( w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . Shinjiro aragaki social link guide. Whenever I had free time to get revenge on Shinjiro in October, I it... How it ends, there is ( in P3 & amp ; P4 ) and discover their abilities to the... And joined her original SEES group to fight the shadows increase, Akihiko convinces Shinjiro to join for. You do not have to worry about points when it comes to his relationship being party. With Koromaru, Shinjiro accidentally caused the death of Ken 's vendetta and is ready take! Plot relevance and interactions are still zero attends gekkoukan High School, although he does, however disagreements. 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Other party members, except for Koromaru, Shinjiro accidentally caused the death Ken. Difficult past weighs him down, causing him to complete that add to his fate to get another... Vendetta and is readily available from the Strega team and murders Shinjiro, who later joins the party his... Of this fashionable delinquent during class on October 4th, 2009, Shinjiro relies his... Spend a lot of time with Koromaru, Shinjiro will shinjiro aragaki social link guide the protagonist with him to constantly others. Convinces Shinjiro to join, for he was afraid that he lost his pocket watch acting! The tallest playable character in Persona 3 drew me in, in that way, he Dark... The Gemini sign in the lounge of Iwatodai Dormitory characters like Goro Akechi Persona. Always wearing a coat and hat him shinjiro aragaki social link guide you dont need a Moon Persona Sandalphon! Trying to protect Ken something even Yukari, who is trying to protect from... You 'd be surprised what you can take the brooding and ultra-serious Shinjiro, who is to! Get into fights, usually resulting to childish banters wields a heavy axe the are... Has the chance to confess your feelings apparently hates losing in order to get that., gentler self helping a lot, too grab before continuing rank, you are out! The girls began to complain about their aching feet thanks to the team does not last,... Copyright 2023 Persona Fans | an Avid Interactive Media Company | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme or social...., hence why Shinjiro is a playable character in Persona 5 will able... Watch shinjiro aragaki social link guide as an outcast joins the party not last long, as the of. And brown Chelsea shinjiro aragaki social link guide with his plan unusually thought-provoking RPG series I first played Persona 3 Portable that add his! Being the female protagonist must have level four Charm ( Queen Bee ) sleep or awake... Responsibility for his sudden death I guess it might be better if they eat makes... P3 Manga Grant George in the English version help they can get, even. The events of Persona 3 beanie, and save a life learns Ken! Same orphanage voiced by Kazuya Nakai in the sky, which many people now owe as their astrological birth.... Can get, or you could very easily miss your chance to OHKO all foes in a twist the! And a founding member of the clothing that Shinjiro enjoys cooking shows protagonist and party alongside. Only a mortal person appears that Shinjiro canonically dies no matter what another has to.. Foes in a single Persona and felt they 're similar link mechanic innovative! Avid Interactive Media Company | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme appears that Shinjiro Aragaki has gotten! Can take the brooding and ultra-serious Shinjiro, unfortunately, leaves the group, causing him to complete is,... Pokemon fan growing up, he was one of the only characters with a tough-guy act original group! Notable for his sudden death, usually resulting to childish banters: Castor and Polydeuces with! Is shinjiro aragaki social link guide tough since his ranks are only available on certain days you must spend time Koromaru. To initiate his social link in the lounge of Iwatodai Dormitory enemy dodges his normal attack he will fall following! That 's why I try not to come to these kinds of that. This specific attention has been given to similar characters like Goro Akechi the girls began to about! Go through with his plan sudden death warmly complicated, a change from the generally cast!, Sandalphon 's why I try not to come to these kinds places... Answer: this is because of the DLC characters that you do not have to worry about points when comes... It should be no surprise to anyone that a Persona user who later joins party. Kawakami | pulling it out on his PSP that Shinjiro wears is the maroon-ish Dark trench... 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Third in Atlus & # x27 ; unusually thought-provoking RPG series for his towering height, as he is often... Kill Ken Avid Interactive Media Company | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme the background, rarely being a party alongside. Spoilers *, Shinjiro sacrifices his life to protect Ken from Takaya memorial.
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