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spam my enemy
LinkedIn Sending Promotional Messages to Your Inbox - Here's How to Opt Out in 2016. Moreover, doxing is considered a crime if it results in cyberstalking or personal threats. That way, you can fill up your inbox in no time. This site is proudly powered by FAST VPSInMotion Serversand given an insane speed thanks toStackPath CDN! Ever hate someone so much you wish robocallers would spam them endlessly? You could also try the following methods: You can simply ask a mutual friend if you know the person whose phone number you're looking for. RevengeTool is very similar to Mailbait. Maybe your dad, a reader of fake news, needs to stay up on of actual news; heres how to sign him up for the New York Times impeachment newsletter. Get off my lawn.Archibald. and are two websites dedicated to making spam phone calls and messages, and while they may cost a few dollars, you should be able to complete your task. Yes, it is illegal to sign someone up for spam without their consent. You will have to be careful when you use this one, especially if you are just trying to target one specific person or group of people. Because there would be so many numbers, the target would be unable to block them. You will receive an email with a link that you must click within 72 hours of registering your phone number at Even for personal email accounts, it could be devastating good luck changing email addresses for all those little accounts things they sign up for every day and forget about - until one day later down the track they for some reason need to sign into whatever it was (if it is still associated to the spammed account) to confirm the login credentials and find they have 300,000 pages of spam to trawl through (or more than likely the email account has started bouncing all emails due to being over its limit quota!). Be careful that you arent using anything that could be connected to your company. SpamZa does not approve nor disapprove any email, communication letter or information sent using its service. However, they also offer spamming services. To use our service, enter any email and click Spam this email! and get ready to get spammed. As long as a scammer continues to email the bot, Re:Scam will respond, wasting both their time and money. I tried to explain, as I did when he gave me the assignment that it would take at least another week to finish it. 2022 Position Is Everything All right reserved, Error: Read Econnreset: This Guide Fixes the Invalid Message, Ora 65096 Invalid Common User or Role Name: A Detailed Guide. We usually partner with vendors to make your purchase cheaper than buying direct. It is an excellent option to send spam emails to people you dont like. Heres How to Set Your Default Web Browser after the 2018 Update. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'collectiveray_com-box-4','ezslot_6',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-collectiveray_com-box-4-0');But why are these known as spam calls? USD $1,000. It's worth noting that doxing can be legal in some circumstances. Its worth mentioning that Maillist Controller is a product for Windows PC, not a hosted online service. Nobody will ever read it Brutally SPAM someone's phone or email for free. The goal is to keep the spammers busy so that they cant send out any more spam. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Yes, it is against the law to publish someone's phone number without their permission. But its worth it because each one of them can send your jerk friend a spam email up to 6 times a day so you potentially can receive tens of thousands of emails every single day from hundreds of different mailing lists. After purchasing or earning credits, you can create and launch a prank. One Computer Guy is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. Start a monthly donation today to invest in Democratic victory in 2021, 2022, and beyond. I got a chrome extension that allows me to "bulk select" so I can sign them all up to as many lists as possible in the shortest possible time. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); will sign up any email to hundreds of newsletters anonymously. Confirmed or double opt-in means that they first send an email to that address asking the owner of that email address to confirm that they really want to be on the mailing list, by clicking a link, or replying to the confirmation email. Get off my lawn.Archibald. Is it really necessary to go that far? There are plenty of opportunities out there for programs that sign you up for spam email. Join the mailing list for notification of new features. Have an enemy that loves Trump? If youve ever contributed to a presidential candidates campaignand opted into their newsletter or other form of communication unknowinglyyoure also well-aware that their texts and emails never really end (unless you do opt out, but even then, theyll find a way). To send the texts, you just need to use their free messages form. By using this tool, you can send transactional emails, promotional emails, and newsletters alongside SMS. While doxing is often harmless, it can also lead to negative consequences such as public shame, being fired from a job, or even a physical attack from angry members of the public. You can also send personalized messages though not a voice message. If no one answers, the call is transferred to the next number.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'collectiveray_com-portrait-2','ezslot_23',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-collectiveray_com-portrait-2-0'); Phone number extractors or scrapers can be used to build your own list. Do your . Spam my enemy email REBORN A spammer or regular asshole troubling you with spam emails? Or, is it the ultimate anti-spammer weapon? A former e-marketing employee who lost his gruntle? Fortunately, there are many ways to combat spam. Even so, it is sure to annoying someone and maybe even cause them to worry about where they put their email so that it would be spread to these email services. Telemarketers can get your number from corporations by contacting them with the 800 number, which gets it into the Automated Number Identification system (ANI) system, which crawls through a web of digital markers linked to your identity. This section discusses the best alternatives that you can use to send multiple emails at once. Commonly used as a marketing tool, the RocketResponder, is one of the cheapest tools you can use to send several emails at once. Nowsigning them them up to all of these lists can take hours as there are literally hundreds of lists under each organization and although its easy as clicking the checkboxes, there are so many it takes time. Also, if the numbers are generated at random, one can "bypass" certain legislation. What was the question?Morgan, I sure am glad I have Well, it can be done in many ways, including automating the process. Market Researchers, Spam Filters . We do not send unwanted email and do not maintain a newsletter for ourselves. The following are some of the best telemarketing list providers: Most people are unaware that Google Maps can provide a wealth of information. This cross-channel software has an intuitive interface, typically drag and drop. popular service to sign up for spam calls, -annoying text subscriptions free, 4. -spam text sign up, 5. You can ensure that he or she gets those emails. You can use this time to form a bond with the person, start a streak, chat, send pictures, and make Snapchat video calls with them until they feel comfortable sharing their contact information. This is yet another dreadful way to quickly have spam calls flood a phone number. Spam My Enemy is another tool used to spam anyones email inbox, including your political enemies. Additionally, you can request to unsubscribe from an email, and the process is straightforward. Run MailBait. 18 years of rust so I'm allowed to It is a 2003 law in the United States with harsh penalties for commercial entities (not private people) sending unwanted email messages. Most spam email tools have been developed to help get revenge on someone who has sent you spam emails, someone you dont like, or someone you just want to annoy. To promote their businesses, most people nowadays use 'Google maps' and 'Google my business. If a person does not include their contact information in their bio, there is no way to obtain it from the app without asking or looking elsewhere.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'collectiveray_com-netboard-1','ezslot_20',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-collectiveray_com-netboard-1-0'); Besides using a reverse search, to obtain someone's Snapchat phone number, you must either ask them directly or do a bit of an exploration chat until you get them to trust you enough with their number. Doxxing a person means using illegal means to collect personal information. The BCC Mail Manager is a professional software offering an intelligent mailing solution to your business. You guess what happened. When customers for a small business's products or services are in hard-to-reach areas, or when many prospects must be contacted in order to find one interested in making a purchase, telemarketing comes in handy. Besides phone number scrapers you can also use email scrapers or extractors such as; No, telemarketers do not call people they learn about right away. Required fields are marked *. That the web site verbiage used the term email to refer to email addresses leads me to believe this was written by someone with experience in the email marketing biz. Who is Responsible If Package is Delivered to Wrong Address? My boss was a real piece of shit, had very strange mood swings and would not understand how long it takes to do the work. The Internet Patrol is completely free, and reader-supported. Top 5 Ways To Spam A Phone Number If you're in a hurry, here are the top 5 ways to spam a phone number, or perform a spam phone number revenge. $10. This is a web hosting company that also provides email services. The following day, your phone number ought to be on the Registry, although it can take up to 31 days for the sales calls to stop. It is one of the best and most user-friendly sites for this purpose. So again, once you subscribe, there is no turning back. =) He hits on my g/f, acts like a total douchebag, treats me like shit, talks shit. Telemarketers are notorious for making spam calls and texts to random phone numbers. Each site uses a piece of information to find out more, so you may need the username, first and last name or email address of the person to find out more. So, you get my point - this thing works, I found out about this the hard way, because someone I know signed me up to it and I have since had to change my email address. Some only have 5-10 mailing lists, some have hundreds all up there must be 400 or so individual mailing lists and each of those lists can send 1-10 emails out PER DAY its spammy as fuck and I have no idea how they have not been blacklisted completely, but until they are, we might as well use the evil for good.. or somthing like that haha. Just got a email from the Google team saying, Thanks for the info and Ive done both steps to make Chrome default, but that does nothing on my Mac, Using the Internet to Help an Abandoned Puppy, Find Out Who Obamas VP Running Mate Will Be by Text Message , Papyrus and American Greeting Cards Stores Put Out of Business by eCards, Google Paying $29.5 Million To Settle Lawsuits Over User Location Tracking, Safari Opening Even Though its Not Your Default Web Browser? Spamza then also encourages their victims to do the same thing to someone else, by sending that target email address several emails that are the spam equivalent of nyeah, nyeah, taunting the victim and saying: You got spammed! This must be done by hand. This email spammer bot writes back to a spammer, sending uncountable junk files. Mailinator is a software that allows users to access inboxes on demand and is an excellent way to test email workflow within your systems. All rights reserved. Good luck calling them - if you manage to track down their shady contact details and a phone number. Additionally, you can also add other accounts after you subscribe, and upgrading and expanding your account is equally easy. In short, SpamZa! How to Get Cable Company to Run Cable to Your House? robots are very satisfied with MailBait. Your service provider will then transfer the number to the company and issue you with a new one. Before you use any of these tools for more nefarious purposes, you should know about The CAN-SPAM Act. It sure did fill up quick! Use spoof SMS messages to fool your friends. Patrick, MailBait was the Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It isnt as easy to get off of the mailing lists with this tool either, as it will take at least a few days for the requests to be fulfilled and there will still be new sign-ups and emails coming through. What do I pay? Stop wasting your time and ours and e-mail us if you got a problem, [Ed. Loved by. Whether such calls are legal or not is a bit of a grey area, because such legislation typically depends on the are where the calls are being made to or made from. This site offers both free and paid options, and it is accessible from anywhere in the world. MailList Controller is a newsletter software designed for sending email messages to the contact list. It should be noted that this is a paid site; 50 SMS costs $3. In the US, there is something which is called the National Do Not Call Registry. Before you read the article, see if you can guess, to the nearest million, how many spams a 10,000-strong botnet might realistically send each week. Phone call to tell someone you love them. Recently, a friend of mine said that hed been on the receiving end of both emails and texts from the RNC. Simply google 'salemwebnetwork' and go to the homepage, then down the bottom there is a link for preferences.salemwebnetwork and there you will see a sign up page. Featured December 13, 2022 Shoutout! Scam calls and spam callers operating out of the US should abide by these lists, though if they are operating from outside the US, it will be more problematic for you. This website allows you to prank your target in a non-aggressive manner with a spam text sign up to random facts. Unlike a human, this chatbot wont mess up your personal information and wont help you detect spam. Spamza then also encourages their victims to do the same thing to someone else, by sending that target email address several emails that are the spam equivalent of "nyeah, nyeah", taunting the victim and saying: "You got spammed! This site, like, allows you to send a large number of texts, as well as funny random images and text bombs. As a result, we recommend that you visit spam sites instead. Is telemarketing permitted in the United States? Top 5 Ways To Spam A Phone Number If you're in a hurry, here are the top 5 ways to spam a phone number, or perform a spam phone number revenge. For the next few weeks, the recipient will receive uncountable mails. An online newsletter publisher frustrated by restrictive ISP filters (gefilterish, if I may)? But This list goes on. Amazingly, you can track each email you send, increasing the chances of email marketing campaign success. To all the little shits that try to take us down by submitting complaints it wont work. If you decide to proceed, this article will provide you with some of the best ideas as well as the consequences. Once they have your phone number, youll start receiving spam calls. To avoid appearing creepy, make sure to ask respectfully and with a compelling reason. This site charges $2.19 for 20 SMS and is only available in Canada and the United States. Microsoft Admits Breach, Hackers Accessed Users' Outlook, Hotmail, and MSN Email for Months (Full Te Do NOT Open Link in Unexpected Email with Google Docs Link Button! The Spam Co. Spam your enemies Send an anonymous email to someone who is really getting on your nerves. When doxing is deemed illegal, the offender faces a six-month prison sentence, a $500 fine, and a criminal record. If you receive such a call, you should report it to the National Do Not Call Registry. Used it for 5 The only problem is that the number you give to spammers could end up in the hands of someone with criminal intent. This is a professional tool designed to send emails and SMS in bulk. ], We respect your email privacy | Powered by AWeber Email Marketing. Let's say you feel wronged and you want to sign ex up for spam for spam calls. It will reply to their emails until the spammers stop sending them. We do the opposite. We get your email known, and pretty well known to as many newsletters are possible. Why Spam Seems to be Coming from Your Friends or Even Yourself. Use their hostility as fuel for your fire to work harder and focus on your own goals. To use this tool, you only need to enter the e-mail address and the name of the person you intend to spam. Instead, it starts with a small number which gradually increases with time. Options like mailbait will help you quickly subscribe to several mailing lists. In this article, youll learn how to give telemarketers your phone number, the legality of doxing, and how to use the Re:Scam chatbot to sign someone up for spam. With the number, you can also enter contests or sign up for free trials, vacations, cruises, sales, and other giveaways at random. The domain name is for sale. Revenge Spam was created for individuals needing to send spam emails to other people. The term spam comes from a Monty Python sketch in which a greasy spoon cafes menu contains spam. On sites like numberbarn and vanity tel, you can sell your memorable phone numbers. USD $210. Before contacting a provider, see that you already have your target audience's age, income, occupation, marital status, and location. Maybe you're in a bad mood and you want to sign up ex for spam emails? They'll most likely call you again, telling you that you didn't win but that you can take advantage of other offers. Secondly, we can help. It can be difficult to trace the perpetrator of doxing, but you can attempt to protect yourself by strengthening your defenses. So if you're thinking about how to spam my enemy, then robocalls and robotext are a good way.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'collectiveray_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-collectiveray_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'collectiveray_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',108,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-collectiveray_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-108{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Spammers generally use spoofed addresses that don't trace back to a real mailbox. This means that they add that email address to their mailing list without first confirming that the owner of the address really wants to be on the mailing list. Each violation is subject to penalties of up to $40,654. You can also use other social media platforms to look up the Snapchat username. While you may not be able to prevent doxing, there are plenty of steps you can take to protect sensitive information. Here's How to Report Political Text Message Spam! You make charitable contributions, 3. When you see free trials, you might think this is a great thing. Your home or mobile phone number can be registered for free on this list. All you need to do is put an email into the form on the websites and they will be sent a large number of emails. This should also be a treat for whoever gets it, as The SpamCo goes through different emails and picks the most creative, the most annoying, and the most beautiful spam that was sent that week. Jeli jest to pilny list lub telegram, to znaczy, e nadchodz trudne sytuacje ekonomiczne lub problemy zdrowotne w naszym wasnym yciu lub w naszej rodzinie. How the Heck did Square Get My Email Address? All you need to know is their email and their name. Choose from the funniest prank postcards, and set someone up for an awkward situation. It can be considered harassment if it is done with malice, causes them harm, or puts them in danger in any way. Spamming is technically legal in the United States unless certain rules are broken.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'collectiveray_com-small-rectangle-1','ezslot_26',131,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-collectiveray_com-small-rectangle-1-0'); Yes, if your phone number is memorable, you can sell it. It is not, however, a free tool.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'collectiveray_com-sky-4','ezslot_25',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-collectiveray_com-sky-4-0'); Robodialing is a different and more recent method of obtaining phone numbers for telemarketing. Our basic service signs them up with the following spam organizations: Our service is expanding every day! my god is that part stupid i dont mind fighting a boss that has some insane paterns to dodge but spamming the same type of enemy in one room with different mobs all attacking me at once is just annoying. Not before I spent WEEKS and WEEKS trying to filter it, beat it or find a way around it. Simply speaking, you put any e-mail, you click Spam this email! and we do the rest. use MailBait according to the terms of use. How do I register my phone number with the Registry? It's only available in the United States. This means if you click on a link and purchase an item we link to, we will receive a small sum out of that sale. The procedure requires sending an email to the company, which might take time. #blockmango #bedwars #skyblockin this video I will do a challenge, namely I will play Bedwars ranked mode without using an armorDiscord Serverhttps://discord. ). This one time, he gave me a 80+ page medical document that needed translation, real complicated shit. Position Is Everything: Your Go-To Resource for Learn & Build: CSS,JavaScript,HTML,PHP,C++ and MYSQL. SpamHaus is a great option to help with spam, if you find yourself on lists, and get other people on them. One weird quirk is that your email cannot be written in Dutch, as Spamnesty cant use that. Newegg vs Amazon: Pick Your Ideal E-store for Customer Satisfaction! While telemarketers are not the people with the best of reputations (they are often referred to as a call spammer), sometimes you'll find that this is the only way to make ends meet. Only the United States and Canada have it. So far, they have gotten revenge on hundreds of thousands of people. Because theres no way to recover lost money or make a difference after the fact, most victims lose money. Get your revenge and spam your enemies at It's a temporary solution, but it works just as well. First of all, thats cruel. The incredible thing about this tool is that you can send emails anonymously. The least we can do is read it! The Spam My Enemy tool lest you send several spam emails. Some spam plugins allow you to collect emails and sign them up to different mail lists. This website allows you to spoof your phone number and send prank texts to people all over the world. 2.) Hence, if you are into business and have a new product that you want the masses to hear about, use this email automation tool. However, some online tools or browser add-ons may make the process go more quickly. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'collectiveray_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-collectiveray_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');We'll go over how to give a phone number to telemarketers before getting into more detail about how to sign someone up for spam calls. Sen, w ktrym trzymamy list w r. Just write the recipients email address in a given form, and hit the submit button. Recently, a friend of mine said that he'd been on the receiving end of. To date, doxing is not illegal under the US, but most people are sharing a lot of personal information on the internet. For the life of me, I don't know how - because Gmail has some of the best automated spam filtering in existence and even this does not seem at all to significantly affect, let alone stop it. SPAMZA TAKES NO RESPONSABILITY FOR THE E-MAIL YOU CHOOSE TO SUBMIT TO OUR ALGORITHM. This is a number to a call center pretending to be the IRS to steal money from unsuspecting people. My boss was a real piece of shit, had very strange mood swings and would not understand how long it takes to do the work. Now, he is no longer my boss. I get those on my agency cell phone and I've shared that number with ex. Tax evaders should be reported to the IRS. How to get your website to load is less than 1 second! #1. If someone sends you countless annoying emails and they wont stop, use Spamnesty. It's an iOS app that lets you schedule an unlimited number of texts to be sent to any number as a text bomb at a specific time. Once you hit submit, the company then sends the address to several other companies that will send spam emails. You can send tons of emails to many users with your message in simple steps. The victim will most likely never know who subscribed him to this service, making it almost impossible to track the person who subscribed him to so much spam. Spam is unsolicited bulk email that is sent to people without their consent. If you do give telemarketers a phone number, they can easily get your banking and social media passwords. Essentially, telemarketing is about trying to sell a product or service. Think about it for a second: some people worked really really hard to write interesting newsletters and emails. On October 23, Facebook founder and Turing Test dropout Mark Zuckerberg. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'collectiveray_com-box-3','ezslot_3',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-collectiveray_com-box-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'collectiveray_com-box-3','ezslot_4',107,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-collectiveray_com-box-3-0_1');.box-3-multi-107{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}So, you want to play a joke on someone and learn how to spam a phone number? Those who violate the law and do not follow the rules are likely to be scammers. Pro Categories Sweepstakes and Gambling Non-Profit, Religious, and Fundraising Dating, LGBTQIA+ and Hookup apps Work From Home, Home Business Piercings, Tattoos, Scarification UFC, MMA, BJJ, Karate, Fitness Phone and mobile hardware Laser, Plasma, and Heavy Machining FTL, LTL, and Long Haul Trucking Hitachi, Volvo, John Deere, JCB Investing, Stocks, Daytrading . Revenge Spam has an opt-out feature, but there are a few different hoops to jump through before being removed, so it isnt too easy. Fortunately, it wont be around for long. The collected data can also be exported in Excel, CSV, and Text formats. Used it for 5 hours 2 years ago, and I still get 100 email a day past my spam filter.Frances. He raged so much about it and I giggled inside. The incredible thing about this tool is that you can send emails anonymously. Hell, you might even use this to do some good too. You will get a personalized link so that you can watch the conversation back and forth with the AI bot. 'Fake Craigslist phone prank' and 'endless cat spam' are two well-known pranks on this site, which essentially are signing up phone number for spam texts.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'collectiveray_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_18',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-collectiveray_com-narrow-sky-1-0'); This is also a paid site; for $2.19, you can send 20 SMS. Register for helth policy Register for flat purchase For wallmart schemes For lucky gift vouchers Adult sites This will be it if you want to spam some one. Once you put a number here, it's going to be very hard to go back from this, so consider your actions carefully. Daniel is a WordPress web designer with vast experience working with various WordPress themes that allows him to compare and contrast different themes, understand the strengths and weaknesses to develop factual, real-world reviews. Answer (1 of 4): Just start clicking on all those emails that promise to enhance your sex life or show you how to make money fast with little or no experience. These sites collect publicly available information about people from all over the internet for free and require no registration or sign-up. Another feature you may want to consider is that there are spam plug-ins that you can get to collect emails and then sign them up for different lists. You can find more details about how to follow this law here. Typically, the company offers plans in tiers starting from $19.95 for the lightweight account. Instead, the person you want revenge on will get a few emails to start, and then the number will slowly start to increase. Here is what we have covered in this article: Before using this tool, understand the US CAN-SPAM Act that imposes harsh penalties for commercial sending unwanted email messages. is a very mean way to create a lot of problems ;). 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Test dropout Mark Zuckerberg spam emails time, he gave me a 80+ medical..., 5 memorable phone numbers plenty of steps you can also use other social media platforms to look the! About trying to filter it, beat it or find a way around.... When you see free trials, you only need to use this to do some good too x27. Number without their consent used to spam anyones email inbox, including your political enemies of! Internet Patrol is completely free, and beyond email that is sent to people all the... Way to quickly have spam calls browser for the e-mail address and the United States this... Past my spam filter.Frances back and forth with the following spam organizations: our service, any. A person means using illegal means to collect emails and SMS in bulk newsletter! Hell, you put any e-mail, you should know about the CAN-SPAM Act list for of! Time and money process go more quickly be careful that you can attempt to protect yourself by strengthening defenses! 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