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swgoh gas phase 4 strategy
GAS Phase 4 Knue too - 89,867 Power; 4 2. I recommend the Kill Order: B2>Magnaguard>Droidekas x2>GG. Territory Battles, Which Characters First? 71 % B1 Battle Droid Speed: 253.0. Phase 1 of the The Pit (Challenge) once again features the Gamorrean Captain along with his Gamorrean Brute and Guard buddies and they provide quite a solid challenge before actually facing the Rancor. After both Nihilus and Sion have been defeated, the early strategy and one that many deeper-rosters still employ is the kitchen sink strategy throwing the kitchen sink at Traya. Similar to how Tier 2: Lightside was the most challenging and final tier in the Darth Malak Event, this final tier will likely destroy several phones. This page was last edited on 9 July 2022, at 02:58. Working on relic which I hate to waste on these droids but whatever. Follow along with me as I walk you through how to easily complete tier 4 of the GAS event. Same with Droideka, straight up offense: triangle, arrow, cross, secondaries. Please. Heroic Sith Triumvirate (HSTR) is the third Heroic raid for most guilds to defeat. Other Teams for Phase 4 While all 3 bosses are alive, theres not really any other team worth mentioning. Game code and certain audio and/or visual material document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Electronic Arts Inc. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. Check out this video for a full G12 Clear: This tier will likely come down to a particular strategy that is not as of yet known since the event hasnt launched yet. December 2019 New Team for Phase 4 Former GameChanger DBofficial125 recently released a video utilizing a Rebel team with Stormtrooper Han that can be placed on Auto in Phase 4 of the Heroic Sith Raid and do up to 8 million damage. Need to take relaxed time to consider offence otherwise you'll make silly mistakes. It seems like you can win with any one R3-R5 Attacker if you have the zetas (except Magna). This is exactly why I have him modded with more Potency than in the Phase 3 KAM mission as I need the Stuns to help control the battle. Attempt #1 - This battle sees you fight with your General Skywalker and a loaned General Kenobi with the JMK appearance and no mods against Count Dooku and two B2 Super Battle Droids.Dooku is immune to damage in the first tier of this battle, so killing . The zeta on droideka is p much mandatory imo. I made this strategy guide last time the Clash on Kamino event was live, and it helped at least a few people who were struggling with phase 4. What is SWGOH.GG? Nightsisters under an Zeta Asajj Ventress leadership (full lineup: Asajj(L), Daka, Talia, Zombie, Talzin) will gain 50% turn meter when they drop below full health. Once he's Toppled go for FIves>Echo>Rex>Arc. Once Unbreakable Will is over, use his second special for one last massive hit, and then finish the run. 1. If you have decent to good mods, you should be okay there after several . :). ", Here's a screenshot of Yog's team:, Here is a screenshot of Yog's separatists so you can see the gear levels (e.g. Quite possible the guides are outdated and in some cases they may have been overly optimistic to begin with. You don't need maxed pilots and you can do it with just 5 pilots. Thank you oodles for this guide. Not uncommon for both teams to full clear or nearly Analdt says this too, Avoid being promoted to next league by not collecting feats until the next round starts. I'm in the same boat. Ideal for GAC as matchups are based on GP of top N number of toons. B2 and magna need a crit avoidance arrow. imo, Droideka's zeta makes it possible with low gear. With B1 or deka, it seems to be more about not getting stunned/dispelled and getting assists at the right time. YOUR (deliberately shouting!) roster matters, NOT a hypothetical one assuming the best team compositions for each faction, which you may see from streamers. Droidek rolls up, and regains the lost protection, but after I take a few hits I use the LAAT to dispel the Damage Immunity. No abilities as dangerous as Nihilus or Traya. GAS takes another knee and they trigger the Fives sacrifice, then Rex Rex-hilates the B1 Droid captain who I forgot to note earlier. Something that came into my mind though: can it be this event got significantly harder with the recent TM changes? Like it's an enormous gap of how the F did their mods workout that way??? LIVE - 3 Decks For Rickety Bridge - Reddit Review - MARVEL RSG Lunch Hour 01/18/2023 SWGOH Fun on a HUMPPP DAYYYY! All Rights Reserved | Contact- sigsig#0001 on Discord, SWOGH GAS Event - Phase 4 (Clash on Kamino) Skywalker event #swgoh #GAS #Skywalker #GASevent #phase4. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Two Geos and a B1 remain as I am able to finish off the B1, then the Geos to move on. Setting offense/defense is pretty straightforward: reserve for offense enough teams to beat opponent's defense (+1/2 for mistakes), and then put remaining best teams on defense (mix it up from match to match though!). Padme Amidala will likely be the leader of choice if a choice is given for this battle as Shaak Tis lead is focused on a Clone Trooper team and GKs lead is not quite as powerful as Padmes. 3; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos Like B1 being rdy to heal up magna but sits still until every clone made a move thanks to TM gain. ADMIRAL TRENCH KIT REVEAL! Echo is up firsts and lands the Stun, then I start hitting the B2 and take him out fast. 85 59 % Droideka Phase 4 (Clash on Kamino) Skywalker event #swgoh #GAS #Skywalker #GASevent #phase4 Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. . First Order KRU lead The First Order seems to have some use in the Sith Triumvirate Raid, and a Kylo Ren Unmasked lead in Phase 4 of the Heroic STR is effective after Darth Nihilus is down. This tier is likely to be the hardest given it is both last in line, and it involves team no one in their right mind would ever run anywhere. If little chance of winning, consider sneaky tactics like B teams on front, otherwise best defence on front Padme can be the leader, but this is still by no means an easy match, but it's also not the hardest. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Just like our popular. This part of the event seems fairly easy, but you'll still want G12 min. Now that I completed it (dank farrik!) SWGOH.GG is a database and squad builder for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes on iOS and Android. able to unlock GANI with R2 zzVentress (6E all offensive primaries), R3 Magna (tenacity mods with prot primaries), G12.4 zB1 (6E on all offensive primaries), G12.2 zDroideka (6E on all offensive primaries, and G12.3 zB2 (tenacity and health). This General Skywalker mod set is used by 27% of the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Thank you Rangkor#9176 for supplying the kill order. Click here for the video to learn more. The Spy and his Geo buddy team up to kill Echo as I feel this slipping through my fingers. Main difference with that guide is that I went all-out offense for Asajj and didn't care about her survivability. More Sith Triumvirate Raid Strategy & Teams: Special thanks to SWGoH GameChanger Skelturix for his historic efforts on this Sith Triumvirate Raid. Finally got GAS: the most painful event so far in SWGOH, it really is all about RNG & the mods. Dont zeta Droideka. Clash Royale can be unfair to newer players, Clash Royale tier list based on elixir cost, Signing up for GAC after you just went 3-0. Collaborative Guide Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Some other popular mod sets used for General Skywalker are: Offense (4) and Defense (2) - 27%. General Kenobi and Ahsoka are pretty key to the team, and you should consider them first for G13 and relics. HSTR Farming Guide. Here's what Yog has to share about his strategy: . Not too hard. 'Ideal' means good mechanics with lower gear, can 'punch-up' tiers - e.g. Attack Sion. SWOGH GAS Event - Phase 4 (Clash on Kamino) Skywalker event #swgoh #GAS #Skywalker #GASevent #phase4 . Defense should consist of cheesy, unusual and banner-stealing teams. Kill off the side units before Sion . Just like our popular. Try to dish out damage before he hit enrage. Clash on Kamino is an Epic Confrontation event that requires 10 specific characters at 7 stars with atleast 17,700 GP, 1 Galactic Republic Capital Ship at 7 stars with atleast 40,000 GP, and 4 Galactic Republic ships at 7 stars with atleast 40,000 GP. GAC - Defense Planning - How I Get Most Results With Least Time. I did it with zzr3 Asajj, R3 B1, r2 or 3 droidaka, g12 B2 and magna, they had 2 left hand side pieces. I agree. Modding is M I highly recommend modding everyone for offense, and if necessary, survivability. There has been some success modding purely for offense though. Dont do that. In order to defeat the raid the guild will need to deal 170,865,262 damage across the 4 phases. The lineup I recommend is Anakins Eta-2 Starfighter, Fives Umbaran Starfighter, and Rexs ARC-170 on the frontline. Pretty much everything I learned about this Phase, I got from the Robot Wizard Discord Server. Overall, this team has some good synergy, but the lack of a strong Attacker is noticeable right away. Nightsisters) or blowing 1 or more characters up (GG), are played relatively well by the AI (AKA O.P) (or have such a simplistic kit that the AI can't do that bad - e.g. If Kylo gets isolated, remove it with one of your clones (unlike phase 3, isolate in phase 4 can be cleansed). I also highly recommend checking out Mandalore MAW1's awesome video! The third wave of enemies includes a BX-Series Commando Droid, a B1, a Geo Soldier, a B2 Rocket Trooper and a T-Series Tactical Droid. I follow with the LAST and then the AT-TE, but they do not do the damage I had hoped for as the Rocket Droid taunts. I recommend at least two G13 with relics, and B1 and Droideka should be considered first for G13. Hi Holotable Heroes, another guide by Tommy Race! Below, we take a look at my experience in the Phase 4 GAS & 501st Combat Mission in the South. Utilizing some of the strategy of getting Kylo to counter this helps get additional attacks in, but testing this team with another FO toon may prove just as effective and allow for both teams to be used. I found that the key is to slow everyone down. Sometimes I get 5s out and dmg other clone but echo just stuns then gas gets up and wipes my team. Below, we take a look at my experience in the Phase 4 GAS & 501st Combat Mission in the South. Droideka was the main reason I won just had good luck with rng on one attempt and was able to get a lot of assists and timed echo and rex perfectly for stuns. LVT | LOW GEAR GAS Unlock P2 + P4 Guide | Clash on Kamino | SWGOH | Galaxy of Heroes. Once Nihilus is down, you can use Jedi led by Revan to kill Sion, if you didnt have the time to run them in phase 2. Same story for like 100 attempts. post road-ahead changessss for the general skywalker event! Just wanted to say thanks a lot for this. Built for Squad arena, Raids, TBs, not foremost for GAC. T4 should be given the majority of your gear, relics, and zetas. There is no official Tier list, and some of these ratings are debatable. is your source for honest, easy to follow reviews, guides, walkthroughs, and opinions on top mobile games, including Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Marvel Strike Force, and more. Took almost the entire day just to do P4 but loading up on the offensive stats really helped whittle down the clones. 73 % Asajj Ventress Speed: 180.0. Now GAS is up with his specials and he targets the BX droid, landing the AoE Daze and then the Armor Shred. Sorry for the audio levels, still figuring all this out. Territory Wars Guide. Teams for Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, and Phase 4, including Chex Mix, Jedi with Revan, Nightsisters, and C3PO P3 auto strategy! By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. I definitely didnt have those types of numbers when I beat it. Signing up for GAC after you just went 3-0. The event will consist of four tiers, one of which will involve only event toons you do not need to farm, consisting of a Galactic Republic fleet battle, a Galactic Republic Battle, and a Separatists Battle as you relive the events of the Battle of Kamino. Edit Delete Copy Link. The supporting droids are needed for GAS under Asajj Ventress L too. Phase 4 can be brutal too, at least while Nihilus is up, but even after it's relatively bad for scoring. He is a key part of the team with fantastic TM gain on his basic feeding 40% TM when he uses his basic in addition to Health up and Protection a Recharge of 45% Do not sleep on your Plo Koon, he is absolutely a staple to Galactic Republic Fleets. B2 and Magna were all health/protection. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Rex takes a big hit and is barely alive, but he gets another Rex-hilate and finally clears the Droideka as GAS stands up. I did it without Droideka zeta but did have B1 at G13. Territory Battles, Which Characters First? Relics, 6 dot mods, God mods. Looking at my toons sitting there with full TM yet not taking a turn until it's too late is just super frustrating. Kill off the side units before Sion taunts. HSTR Farming Guide - Full List of Toons. the magna needs to stay alive for a while. 01.16.21 I start the battle by landing Slow on the Sniper Droid before taking out the B2, and while I take several hits, causing GAS to take a knee, I land a Echo AoE to stun the enemies, the Sniper Droid included. Gas gets up and wipes my team but he gets another Rex-hilate finally... Up on the frontline 4 Knue too - 89,867 Power ; 4 2 the Droideka as GAS stands.... 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