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tauheedul islam boys' high school blackburn uniform
At TIBHS, we believe that every young man regardless of faith, race or background is unique and special and has the capacity to succeed. The school budget has been in surplus. Find out how Tauheedul Islam Girls' High School rates compared to other secondary schools in Blackburn with Darwen with our school ratings. The question of where to continue your post-16 education is arguably one of the most important decisions you have had to make in your educational career to date and getting it right is of paramount importance. It is a specialist humanities school. The proportion of students supported at school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is average. Update my browser now, Shape your future at an outstanding Sixth Form, Apply Now for Your Place in September 2023, "TB6 promotes a culture of educational excellence from within a caring and secure Islamic environment, enriched with the values of discipline, mutual care and respect. A TIBHS pupil has won a prestigious international prize thanks to his work recycling school uniforms and supporting the local community. Excellent. A TIBHS pupil has won a prestigious international prize thanks to his work recycling school uniforms and supporting the local community. Parents should drop off the uniform item to the schools reception desk. I look forward to receiving an application from you for a place at TB6 starting in September 2023. Find the best school matches for your child, Get personalized school listing as per your suggestions to get better result, From the Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School, Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School Rankings, Schools like Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School. We hope you will find them helpful and informative. governing body of Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School, Blackburn, for admissions in September 2015. We strive to help them excel in subjects li ke Mathematics, Science, English, History, Geography, Computer Studies etc. The school welcomes applications from pupils of all faiths and none. Click here to see our school term and holiday dates for 2022-2023. For example, they may be predecessor or successor establishments. Email: Blackburn In September 2023, our curriculum will offer core and facilitating STEM-related subjects that will enable pupils to progress to leading universities and employers. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Number of pupils eligible for free school meals Help with number of pupils eligible for free school meals field Opens a dialog 102 . The charts below show the relative popularities of exam subjects commonly sat at this school. High quality, accredited leadership training. TIBHS is an outstanding establishment that is consistently amongst the highest performing schools nationally. Telephone number. BB2 2LD . Shadsworth Road, Blackburn, BB1 2HT, Tel: 0330 313 9800 The associated works include sewer systems, landscaping . This site uses cookies to analyze traffic and for ads measurement purposes. For that, see Progress.). Blackburn The school moved building to Shadsworth Road, and then permanently to Sumner Street in 2019. About average. Students from Tauheedul Islam Boys High School (TIBHS) have received a historic visit from one of the worlds most prestigious universities. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Click here to see our school term and holiday dates for 2022-2023. BB2 2LD. Like all Star schools, it has Leadership as a specialism. The uniform is also designed to portray a professional and business-like image. St Bede's Roman Catholic High School, Blackburn (2.3km) show on map; Our Lady and St John Catholic College (2.3km) show on map; Join our team and we promise a rewarding experience in return. Pupil absence rates and the incidence of persistent absence are both very low. 28/08/2012. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The boys and girls schools are over-subscribed. Blackburn with Darwen will class any application or change you make after this date as late. Ofsted, The school prepares students exceptionally well for future success and life in a multicultural society. Message from the Principal. Join our team and we promise a rewarding experience in return. Education University of Central Lancashire Bachelor of Science - BS Mathematics First Class Honours. One Voice Blackburn. The first free school for Muslims in the country will open in Blackburn, Lancashire, next year. St Bede's Roman Catholic High School, Blackburn. There is no information for students aged 16-18. Local figures represent the aggregate pupil populations of the ten closest nearby schools. One of the attractions of attending TB6is that we will collaborate with the most able students in Blackburn with Darwento bring together teaching experts who are passionate, inspirational, pioneering and highly skilled at what they do. Email: Visit the TB6 website for further information, Contact Us View all details. St Bede's Roman Catholic High School, Blackburn, See All Outstanding Schools in Lancashire, Best All-Boys Secondary Schools in Lancashire, Best Secondary School Teachers in Lancashire,, Sumner Street, Blackburn with Darwen, North West BB2 2LD. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. All uniform is dry cleaned before it is resold. Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School. Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School. Tauheedul Islam Boys High School Choose Important for higher priorities and Unimportant or Ignore for lower priorities. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Address: Dear Tauheedul Islam Girls High School, Blackburn, I am writing to request a list of all subcontractors, suppliers and consultants & telephone numbers involved in demolition of building and the construction of a school and further education college with associated parking and landscaping. Tauheedul Islam Boys High School There is no sixth form information for this school. The proportion of students who speak English as an additional language is well above average. . Assalamu Alaikum/Peace be upon you! Tauheedul Islam Boys High School (TIBHS), This website uses cookies to give you the best online experience and to provide site analytics in order to improve performance. Poor. Email: Hover over the circles to see school names; click on them to go the corresponding school pages. Having just 471 pupils, Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School is in the lowest category of attending students in the UK. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. About Us; Education; Lancashire . Expert Comment: The aim of the school is to impart a balanced system of education comprising of Academics and Islamic Studies to our children. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Data are from 2021. The business case for Tauheedul Islam Boys' School in Darwen has been approved by the Government. Like all Star schools, it also has "Leadership" as a specialism. Further information is also available by Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School Sumner Street Blackburn Lancashire BB2 2LD United Kingdom. Tweets & replies. Blackburn with Darwen 006. Tauheedul Islam Boys High School Sep 2022 - Dec 2022 4 months. Tel: 01254 918670 Excellent. Tel: 01254 918670 These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This Lancashire school or sixth form college related article is a stub. TIBHS historic Harvard visit inspires students. 8 followers 8 connections. Primary; Secondary; Grammar; Sixth Form . The proportion of students making better progress than expected from their individual starting points is exceptionally high Blackburn Contact Us You can change your cookie settings at any time. TIBHS is a Muslim faith-based school that promotes fundamental British values and welcomes applications from all faiths and none. At this school, 67% of pupils achieved grade 5 or more at GCSE. It has 628 students from age 11-18 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 16 : 1. Choose what matters most to you with the menus below. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. . Similar Schools. Do You Work at Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School? About Us; Education; Our Schools; Star Institute; Join Us; Work for us; Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. The Marvaults were installed over the stunning refectory in lengths of more than 15 metres and spans of 2.3 metres, where large continuous . Academy trust . Overall scores for nearby schools are shown. Progress up to age 16 is excellent. To support the scheme, the school asks families to donate any unwanted items of uniform or sportswear that are in good condition and could be worn by another pupil. That's it. Use the button on the left to personalise these scores based on your own priorities. If you do not consent to the, Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG), Proposed Admission Arrangements 6th Form 2024, Proposed Supplementary Information Form 2024, In-year Supplementary Information Form 2022, Determined Admission Arrangements 6th Form 2022, Determined Admission Arrangements 6th Form 2023, Admission Arrangements for Year 6 to Year 7, Admission of Children Outside the Normal Age Group, Privacy Policy / Cookies Policy / Terms and Conditions. A TIBHS pupil has won a prestigious international prize thanks to his work recycling school uniforms and supporting the local community. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Star empowers people to make a significant contribution to a self-improving school system. Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School Sumner Street Blackburn Lancashire BB2 2LD United Kingdom. Links; URN Establishment name . We opened in Blackburn in 2012 as Star Academies' first free school and moved to our new state-of-the-art site in 2019. Brett Martin supplied new-build Tauheedul Islam School with a combination of Marvault vault rooflight systems and Glass Link rooflights meeting no less than 2 design solutions.. BB2 2LD Download establishment data. You can change your cookie settings at any time. The proportion of students supported through school action is below average. All activities will be approved [] Lancashire The proportion of unfilled or temporarily filled teaching positions is 2.7%, which is very high compared to other schools. Part of Star Academies. Shift Pattern: Blackpool . Tauheedul Islam Girls' High School and Sixth Form College in Blackburn is an 800 place 11-18 girls' secondary school, which includes a 200 place sixth form. Nearly all students are of Asian heritage, mainly Indian or Pakistani. Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School is a Muslim faith-based secondary school site for pupils aged 11-18 years, which specialises in Sports Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Big Society. Uniform; Pastoral Notices; Intervention Calendar (Provisional) Internal Exams Calendar (Provisional) . Login Register. TIBHS historic Harvard visit inspires students. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School has consistently performed in the top 5% of schools nationally since its first set of GCSEs. Whenever the school uniform is worn, it must be complete and not mixed with non-uniform clothing. If you are from this school and have a comment or correction then please write to us: Copyright 2022 | Last updated 1/11/2022. Boxing Day Bank . It has not been previously inspected. We were delighted to be assessed as Outstanding in every category. Tauheedul Islam Girls' High School and Sixth Form College Preston New Road, Blackburn, Lancashire BB2 7AD, England Tel: 01254 54021 Fax: 01254 676553 Email: Part of Star Academies. . Sumner Street Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School. Website. Building a world-class education workforce. I have also considered the arrangements in accordance with section 88I(5) of the Act and have found there are other matters which do not conform with the requirements relating to admission arrangements in the ways set out in this determination. Uniform is an expensive requirement for our families. Email: It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. TIBHS is a Snobe ranks nearly 20,000+ schools according to their exam results, teaching quality, resources & many more indicators. This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia article "Tauheedul_Islam_Boys'_High_School" ; it is used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 . Help keep us up to date by Claim this school. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. With exciting displays, in-class demonstrations and activities, it is a great opportunity to meet our pupils and speak to members of our staff in detail about their subjects and just what we have to offer. . If you do not consent to the, Eden Boys Leadership Academy, Birmingham East, Eden Boys Leadership Academy, Manchester, Eden Girls Leadership Academy, Birmingham, Eden Girls Leadership Academy, Manchester, Tauheedul Islam Girls High School (TIGHS). This website uses cookies to give you the best online experience and to provide site analytics. These cookies do not store any personal information. If parents have any uniform or sportswear items in good condition that their son no longer wears, they are encouraged to donate them to the school. Use the button on the left to personalise these scores based on your own priorities. You can change your cookie settings at any time. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Our team are always happy to discuss your enquiries over the phone. Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School Sumner Street Blackburn Lancashire BB2 2LD Tel: 01254 918670 Email: Blackburn Sumner Street A TIBHS pupil has won a prestigious international prize thanks to his work recycling school uniforms and supporting the local community. Lancashire Discover the school that's best for your child. These cookies do not store any personal information. TIBHS first inspection took place in April 2014. Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School is located in Blackburn and falls under the local authority of Blackburn with Darwen. This website uses cookies to give you the best online experience and to provide site analytics. TIBHS pupil wins prestigious international prize. TIBHS opened in September 2012 and received an "Outstanding" Ofsted inspection in 2014. About Us; Education; For further information about our TB6 admissions process, see our sixth form admissions page. In addition, we will offer the TB6 Excellence programme, which will balance the rigour of carefully crafted examination preparation with the development of personal skills and character development. 194 Following. Reported staff development spend is 1244 per teacher per year, which is very high compared to other schools. Email: . Skip Links This website uses cookies to give you the best online experience and to provide site analytics. . • Check opinions and reviews of Girls' high school at Blackburn before you buy or hire | Capital Review • View Map, Telephone: 01254 918670 By default, all indicators are set to Relevant and are weighted equally in calculating overall scores for each school. Just better. The school does not make use of alternative provision. BB2 2LD Email: A TIBHS pupil has won a prestigious international prize thanks to his work recycling school uniforms and supporting the local community. It was founded by the charitable trust Tauheedul Islam Faith, Education and Community Trust (now known Star Academies). Contract Type: Term Time plus 3 weeks. Project overview. It has about 630 boys aged between 11 and 18. . Blackburn, England Joined June 2015. Blackburn Blackburn TIBHS historic Harvard visit inspires students. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. BB2 2LD Coloured segments show the contributions of each indicator, explained in more detail below. Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School is a Muslim faith-based secondary school for 11 to 18 year old boys, which welcomes pupils from all faiths and none. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 'Academic' destinations refer to sixth form or higher education. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Here Tauheedul Islam Girls' High School, Preston New Road, Blackburn, BB2 7AD, is put into focus to show its scores in relation to other schools in the area. Tauheedul Islam Boys High School The Tauheedul Islam Boys High School in Blackburn is a 700 place 11-18 boys secondary school. Tweets. Two Blackburn-based Muslim schools run by the same Trust have topped the Department of Education's report for academic achievement. It was TET's first Muslim faith based free school and opened in September 2012 with an intake of 100 students into Year 7 and 50 students into Year 8. You can change your cookie settings at any time. . Gender Boys. Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School Location in Blackburn with Darwen, North West , Ofsted report . The school will then reply to let parents know if the item is in stock and to agree a time for parents to collect. (This doesn't take into account pupils' prior performance. At this school, 67% of pupils achieved grade 5 or more at GCSE. 351 as of February 2016: Capacity: 800: Website: Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School (TIBHS) is a secondary free school for boys in Blackburn, Lancashire. 2022 / 2023 INSET and training days for Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School . Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School (TIBHS) is part of Star Academies. A high school in Lancashire is set to launch the first army cadet force at a Muslim school in Britain. 01254 918670. About Us; 2024 / 2025 Bank Holidays. FAO Naeema Hasan (School Business Manager). @1VoiceBlackburn . Uniform; Pastoral Notices; Intervention Calendar (Provisional) Internal Exams Calendar (Provisional) . Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School is a top rated, Secondary, Boys, Muslim school located in Lancashire, North West. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. These establishments are linked with Tauheedul Islam Girls' High School, URN: 141565. Ofsted Report. Choose Important for higher priorities and Unimportant or Ignore for lower priorities. Quite the same Wikipedia. Tauheedul Islam Boys High School Please read the documents carefully. It is smart and . Blackburn. High standards of presentation are required at all times when wearing the school uniform, with clean clothes and tidy hair. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Click here to see our school term and holiday dates for 2022-2023. Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School is a non-selective, Muslim. This website uses cookies to give you the best online experience and to provide site analytics. The school is smaller than the average-sized secondary school but a rapidly expanding 1118 academy. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Lower super output area (LSOA) Blackburn with Darwen 010A. [1] TIBHS opened in September 2012 and received an "Outstanding" Ofsted inspection in 2014. Tauheedul Islam Girls' High School and Sixth Form College Preston New Road, Blackburn, Lancashire BB2 7AD, England Tel: 01254 54021 Fax: 01254 676553 Email: Click here to complete Ofsteds Parent View Questionnaire. Welcome from the Principal 01254918670 Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council. TIBHS pupil wins prestigious international prize. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Read more . The school is housed temporarily in a former junior school building. Air pollution and traffic accidents are quite high, while crime is very high. Tel: 0330 313 9800 Email: A TIBHS pupil has . Title: Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School Author: Department for Education (DfE) Impact Assessment - Section 9 Academies Act Duty Introduction 1. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Claim your free account to keep your school's data up-to-date and get insights on user activity for your profile. At Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School admissions are managed by the local authority Blackburn with Darwen, To apply for your child's admission at this school, visit: Blackburn with Darwen start accepting application for admissions. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Hover over the circles to see school names; click on them to go the corresponding school pages. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Establishment Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School URN: 138220. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This coaching and mentoring will have inherent, lifelong value and universities as well as leading companies often favour candidates who can demonstrate specific soft skills and attributes. Lancashire . Boys: NA: 43.4: 43.8: Disadvantaged: 61. . It has 628 students from age 11-18 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 16 : 1. Hair and beauty; Diet and fitness; Green living . The number of assistants per teacher is about 0.17, which is quite low compared to other schools. Salary: 21,575 to 21,968 per annum (Pro rata 19,422 to 19,775) Closing Date: 22/01/2023. The school uniform is designed to reinforce this spirit of excellence. It is a tremendous privilege to lead this community. Tauheedul Islam Girls' and Boys' schools, both run by the Tauheedul Education Trust, have overtaken grammar schools to occupy first and third places in the annual Progress 8 report. This includes when travelling to and from school. The school's religious denomination is Muslim. TIBHS historic Harvard visit inspires students. If after reading the listed documents, you wish to discuss any aspects of the admission arrangements, please contact the school. Poor. . Please log-in or register to buy school uniform online or make an in-store appointment. Website. The proportion of students making better progress than expected from their individual starting points is exceptionally high, The school prepares students exceptionally well for future success and life in a multicultural society.. Ofsted. . Blackburn with Darwen: Trust: Star Academies: Department for Education URN: 138220 Tables: Ofsted: Reports: Principal: Mr Majid Ditta: Gender: . About Us; Education; Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. . Parents can start applying for a school online at An inclusive and distinctive Islamic sixth form. Shadsworth Road, Blackburn, BB1 2HT. High standards of presentation are required at all times when wearing the school uniform, with clean clothes and tidy hair. If you are from this school and have a comment or correction then please write to us: Copyright 2022 | Last updated 1/11/2022. (This takes into account pupils' prior performance. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. These cookies do not store any personal information. Being part of Star Academies enhances the educational opportunities for all our young people and we strive to give our students a well-rounded academic education when students arrive. Visit the TB6 website for further information. Download the app Get a free listing Advertise 0800 777 449. keywords location Search. TIGHS was Star's first school and has . Sumner Street The Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School in Blackburn is a 700 place 11-18 boys' secondary school. Find Tauheedul Islam Boys High School in Blackburn, BB2. It has built up its numbers by admitting a further group of students into Year 7 each year. Tauheedul Islam Boys High School -2014 - 2020. BB2 2LD. Rooflights deliver top class performance at new-build educational facility. Tauheedul Islam Girls' High School and Sixth Form College Preston New Road, Blackburn, Lancashire BB2 7AD, England Tel: 01254 54021 Fax: 01254 676553 Email: location_on Highfield Leadership Academy. This includes when travelling to and from school. Click on school names to go their corresponding pages. St Bede's Roman Catholic High School, Blackburn: 1.4: Our Lady and St John Catholic College: 1.7: Pleckgate High School: 1.9: Darwen Vale High School: 3.3: Darwen Aldridge Enterprise Studio: 3.5 . Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This school rated Outstanding by recent Ofsted inspection. These cookies do not store any personal information. You can change your cookie settings at any time. About Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School. Join our team and we promise a rewarding experience in return. The new facility provides 800 pupil places and seeks to provide an inspiring teaching and learning environment, providing accommodation for . If you prefer to contact us in writing, please send your comments/enquiries to the following address for TIBHS : FAO: Naeema Hasan (School Business Manager), Tauheedul Islam Boys High School More activity by Rukhsar . Status. ", "Our pursuit of academic excellence is based on a simple premise; that upon graduating from TB6, every student fulfils their potential and is supported to secure the best possible academic results. Currently it has 254 students in Years 7, 8 and 9. Schools maintain a record of attendance through a series of registration sessions at the beginning and end of the school day. Tauheedul Islam Boys High School Join our team and we promise a rewarding experience in return. TIBHS opened in . Visit the TB6 website for further information, Contact Us This website uses cookies to give you the best online experience and to provide site analytics. Personalise the score by clicking on the button to set your own priorities. The school has afree pre-loved, upcycled uniform scheme. Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School Sumner Street Blackburn BB2 2LD. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School in Blackburn is a 700 place 11-18 boys' secondary school. Open date. Star Academies The ultimate back-to-school checklist; Top tips for buying school uniform; Hilarious back-to-school memes; Easy lunchbox recipes; The best school bags for all ages; Education chat; See all; Life. Click here to see Star Boys Faith Trousers sizing guide. Tauheedul Islam Boys High School Wikipedia'ya ho geldiniz. Holiday Date; Christmas Bank Holiday 25 December 2024 Wednesday. Out of balance. Lancashire Please note that the current price for dry cleaned, upcycled uniform is 10.00 for blazers, 7.00 for trousers/jumpers and 5.00 for shirts. Showing 1 - 1 of 1. BB2 2LD For information about actual grades, see Attainment. Email: ", "As you progress through TB6, you will refine your aims and aspirations with strong support to fulfil your future ambitions. Schools often provide or emphasise different subjects, especially in fields such as languages and the arts. Association for Learning Environments, formerly the Council of Educational Facility Planners (CEFPI), School of the Future Design Competition - 2013 Award of. Tauheedul slam Erkek Lisesi ( TIBHS ) bir ortaokul cretsiz okul Blackburn , Lancashire'daki erkekler iin. Activity . Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School is a non-selective, Muslim free school. Into year 7 each year alternative provision new facility provides 800 pupil and... 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