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tsugumi ohba interview
i collect teapots haha. It actually is gabbling just to fill the page, and make us feel like we learned something. He fought so hard, for so long, got so far and lost it once and then just kept fighting, then was literally killed off because /the author thought he did too well/. More: Birthplace: Tokyo. Ten years ago, Tsugumi Ohba's bizarre and controversial creation, Death Note, became an anime series. Tsugumi Ohba isnt a known comic book legend, like Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, or Frank Miller, but his impact on pop culture over the past decade has been monumental. The demand is certainly there, as are the petitions. NisiOisiN If only we knew anything about him. There are so many unanswered questions I would love to ask the creators, but I know that will never happen. He should have won. Original Death Note Ending Revealed, Death Note: Light Up The NEW World (2016 Movie). Might just be his style. Related Links:Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata SpotlightMore Creator's Interview: Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro SpotlightMore Creator's Interview: Masashi Kishimoto SpotlightMore Creator's Interview: Tite Kubo SpotlightMore Creator's Interview: Eiichiro Oda Spotlight, Interview by Misaki C. Kido (@Onnabancho_J). It was the sheer energy with which Mello burst onto the scene. Sociology Q: How did you decide to create a manga about manga with characters who are mangaka and editors? OK fist of all I respect death note its the best manga movie and anime ever! It was predominantly art of Death Note . Enter both words below, separated by a space: Copyright 2003 - 2023 Gaia Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved. L I lost total respect to Ohba after this asshole approved those bullshit movies/series, stupid games, merchandise and shit. Gifts And Merchandising Yumi Aizawa arhgg.. i hate the ending.. :) what about Misa. I don't mean to do things that show inappropriate themes. the final scene in the warehouse show what nears beliefs are. Manga writer A well developed one, maybe one of the best. Ohba says Lights tears on his fathers death bed were honest. The only reason it didn't happen is because they didn't know how to execute it while keeping the suspense up. That scene was funny that I almost fell off the couch because they both were in handcuffs and when Ryuzaki kicked Light to the ground, Ryuzaki went flying with him. I also believe this is the same interview referenced in that convo you and I had, Matti, where I told you DO NOT KILL OFF AN OC TO KEEP MM IN THE SPOTLIGHT. What we know most about are Ohbas personal convictions. This explains why I felt like I'd typed out most of what I said in my last post before. Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 2009-05-13 20:20. It's satisfying and rounded. The Japanese comic book author has been alive for 22,064 days or 529,548 hours. Any way I need inspiration to write a cunning series and to keep my fellow peers interested. Interpretation is fine and good, but there needs to be some basis for it to begin with. I'm sorry if this is super obvious but could someone explain a bit more about Mello's "heroic death?" You, me, and everyone into manga around 2006 should remember Death Note, the fantastic psychological thriller about a bored teenage genius outwitting the police and a reclusive detective as he reshapes the world one murder at a time. That's your interpretation. [12][13] Among other supposed hidden clues in Ohba's works, supporters of the theory point out that in Bakuman the main character's uncle was a one-hit wonder manga artist who worked on a gag superhero manga, similar to Gamo and Tottemo! INTERVIEW: Tsugumi Ohba SJ Alpha picked the brains behind the wildly popular Bakuman manga series, Tsugumi Ohba! almost made me not wacht it anymore but. Its easy to predict his income, but its much harder to know how much he has spent over the years. Music And Soundtracks The story-driven manga series truly comes to life with the help of his partner, illustrator extraordinaire Takeshi Obata. We wouldn't have Mello as the tragic hero, if he'd survived and won. LOL, L indeed is a great character. I mean, he had the most anti-climatic death of them all! He's a bad guy. Or is there any particular manga that influenced you?TO: I dont have a specific mentor, but I was heavily inspired by creators like Shotaro Ishinomori, Fujio Fujiko, and Fujio Akatsuka.Q: Tell us about Takeshi Obata. Don't believe it. He likes that she is on occasion useful - and for the record, he also recognizes that in addition to being an annoying, bad person, he also has to keep her happy because she's a constant threat to him as well. Misa committed suicide on the valentines day after Light died. My very first manga series too! Right now i'm reading the "Los Angelos BB Murder Case" for the second time. Wammy's House i wish they could like make a new death note called Death Note II i loved L, Mello, and Near, they were my litto babies But I also believe that Mello and Near should have just teamed up in the end Submitted by Lawlietismysavior (not verified) on Fri, 2008-09-05 21:18. If Mello's death was suppose to be so dramatic, what happened? Death Note /A Official Analysis Guide of the Animation, L the Prologue to Death Note: Spiraling Trap, Othellonia x Death Note collaboration event, The Creator of 'Death Note' Is A Very Mysterious Man, In Japan, it is commonly speculated that Ohba's true identity is. -.-', I've just read your entire alternative ending nodding like an idiot. Quillsh-wammy If you believe youre receiving this message in error, please contact Customer Service. As far as I'm concerned Mello wonperiod. I wanted L to be an extremely unorthodox character to contrast with Light, who is supposed to be a brilliant and outstanding student. Please submit a suggestion, comment or question - we would love to hear from you! Hello! Kira Worshipper Still, I wasn't even questioning whether or not Light hates Misa, but merely stating that (as shown in the story) if he does hate her, it's clearly not for being a "bad person" and killing innocents, but for getting in his way, endangering him, and basically forcing herself on him. August 2014 Spin-Off Matsuda (2008 Movie) By May 28, 2012 Tsugumi Ohba is one of the most mysterious creators in Shonen Jump history. I've just re-read Ohba's explanation from HtR 13 and you're right. is she dead or not? I need to concentrate in order for me to process my ideas in a formal matter. Rod-ross LOL. Tsugumi Ohba (Comic Book Author) was born on the 17th of August, 1962. The version in HtR 13 reads: Hometown: Tokyo, Japan. He first made his name known as the storywriter of the controversial cat-and-mouse suspense series Death Note. June 2015 After Sidoh returned to the Shinigami realm, there was a period over which I struggled over what to do with Mello. Got this little Ryuk at Red Dragon Tattoo for their Press J to jump to the feed. Yamada-kun in 2014 until he returned in 2015 with Platinum End, another supernatural fantasy about a suicidal teenager rescued by her guardian angel, which is distinctly less dark and cynical than the franchise that made him famous. Bullshit. I cannot pretend to know so much that I can say he improved and in what way, but I do believe his ability to express himself through art continues to get better and better. Their strengths are tolerant, loyal, valiant, courageous, trustworthy, intelligent, and virtuous. Real-world-death-notes Hi! Related to the above, according to Ohba, Light honestly loves his family. L even mentions that whenever Light acts concerned for his father, its his most believable acting (if its acting) which also suggests its not 100% acting. His birth sign is Leo and his life path number is 7. Blood Type To read more great creator interviews, become an SJ Alpha member today! He lost to a little twit who could not even get on a plane by himself. Do you have any models for any of them among the real-life Shonen Jump mangaka?TO: To be honest, I cant make a comparison.Q: Which mangaka character in Bakuman do you feel is closest to yourself?TO: If you mean which one I feel empathy with, it would be Kazuya Hiramaru. I mean come on! - by Chloe Ferguson. Mello's such a strong character, that he most certainly did. Website: Member Favorites: 4,533. Mello soooo had it in the bag. Japan. Please submit a suggestion, comment or question - we would love to hear from you! the series and all that i just want to tell u how frustrated i am.U know the ep where L dies and hes cleaning Lights feet?everyones saying that trhats a yaoi momentX( Hes just making up for his sins for instance he got Light wet!I hate how ppl discrace Ls name like that! January 2015 [4] Another series with Obata, Platinum End, was serialized in the monthly Jump SQ from November 4, 2015, to January 4, 2021.[5][6]. I think in a way Near was Mello's catalyst. It Matters Series it seems from appearance that L is definately not Japanese, wondering where him Near and Mello were born and raised, Near and Mello are from Winchester, England. Amnesia!Light is separated from his mother and sister, doesn't show that he misses them, and doesn't even bring them up in a conversation. With out things being different L couldn't do what he does so good. Otherwise the story is just too dark. Tetsuro Araki (Dir.) Ohba's real identity is a closely guarded secret. He first made his name known as the storywriter of the controversial cat-and-mouse suspense series Death Note. Also, do you think he has matured as an artist since Death Note?TO: My impression of Obata Sensei is that hes a very serious and sensitive person. And yes, they all did play their part in the capture of Kira. Based on the famous Japanese manga written by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata, Death Note follows a high school student (Wolff) who comes across a supernatural notebook that gives him the. How did you become partners with him? There were precisely 748 full moons after his birth to this day. I think that everything seems to be boring. PLus wait a bit before killing L he was cool that was a little short for that battle like what 9 episodes there struggle to get read of each other was. And now your second point, yes! I do wish Mello had won. but left the story kind of unsatisfying emotionally. Family name (in kanji): . Kiyomi Takada November 2014 Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 2009-03-12 19:33. Light does hate Misa, I don't think that's even debatable, to be honest. My favorite episode was the meet in the warehouse where light finally meets near and confesses to everyone that he is KIRA . Nathaniel-overthinks-death-note But I assume that he figured having the real editor in chief appear would make the manga better, so he put up with it. Toko Death Note Month Of There's no internet version of the interview? Youll never miss a beat when you subscribe to our newsletter. The possibility is always there for the continuation of the series and the resurrection of your beloved "L" and "Light". That's too harsh. I believe we'd talked about this on the GnG forums, years ago, and I'd expressed this interview as part of why I think Ohba is a shitty writer, hahaha. we act the same we almost look alike.has no friends. I looked up Mello's real name, and found out that he's most likely Slovenian. The Cosplayer Chronicles Movies And Films Because the ending that he did come up with owed a lot to Near's almost preternatural skill at merely guessing things that were true. Since then, some 30 million copies of all twelve volumes have been sold. No not really, Near was one of the driving forces behind Mello's ambitions. How did you become partners with him? By signing up, I agree to VIZ's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. To celebrate Bakuman, the inspirational manga about manga, SJ Alpha had the chance to interview storywriter Tsugumi Ohba and illustrator Takeshi Obata! They just work together on catching Kira. I'm biased, but I think it would also have led to the better story. Yes, you raise a great point with what Near told Light in the Yellow Box. Finale: There was nothing in particular. no posting on comi anymore. why are you people hating on the wammy boys?!? Yuuko Asami (or Tsugumi Ohba) is a brilliant writer/creator. Death Note: Year One (Movie) : He learned too much about the notebook early on, so I had to fade him out to sustain the intensity of the story Because of this, I wasn't able to give him a large role at the end and instead switched it to him hurting Light indirectly. See more +1 SNEAK PEEK: Tsugumi Ohba Interview The hardest part was that the story kept getting longer and longer, and I had trouble coming up with new ideas. is a writer best known for the manga Death Note. Juliet Kahn Published: October 30, 2014 Takeshi Obata is an icon. When asked about his inspiration, Ohba said, "There was nothing in particular. If you found this page interesting or useful, please share it. What? His gender wasnt even public until the inside cover profile of Ohbas comedy-romance manga Bakuman in 2008, where Ohba was described with male pronouns. Tsugumi Ohba: Mello Should Have Beaten Light! Getting them to work together with the interview would also give Near a role big enough to justify his presence. "Official" death note material outside of the actual story is mostly made up shit that doesn't really have any bearing on the story, and that includes most of the shit Ohba says. By subscribing, I agree to VIZ's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. He's sitting in front of Light, testing him, making deductions, and upping percentages in relation to that. His work on the horror manga phenomenon Death Note, with writer Tsugumi Ohba, defined horror for a generation of comic fans. Now think about that, Kira can be anyone in the world. I need to keep my characters likeable and I must brain storm. Might as well just have had L win and leave out Mello and Near altogether. Some interpretations s/he had expected a reader to make would be pretty much baseless, and some things s/he says in interviews (like the example with L's thoughts) are just flatout contradicted in the manga. That is all for now i don't want this thing to erase my message. [9] The author described themselves as a "clean freak" and usually cleans once a day. PLEASE CONTINUE THE SERIES OF DEATH NOTE!!!! April 2015 32 Comments MelMat 26/2/2014 17:14:20 see our vlog and Gaians latest creations! Leos tend to have almost a royal air about them. Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 2009-08-23 05:49. [9] They have since cited Shotaro Ishinomori, Fujiko Fujio, and Fujio Akatsuka as manga creators by whom they are heavily inspired. Submitted by chris (not verified) on Wed, 2007-11-21 19:22. :D, man i know that sucks like come on you could at least made near die and balance the flow of good dead and bad dead that sucked so much like come on there was no resson to kill light plus if i was to see Tsugumi Ohba i would make him make a new death note where light and Misa end up living happy and nears head on there wall lol. The manga Hikaru no Go, with Yumi Hotta, spurred the ancient board game Go to sudden contemporary popularity in 1998. Death Note (2015 Musical) He knew damn well about the need to hide his face. I can see that. People with Chinese zodiac Tiger are powerful, independent, confident and brave. Tsugumi Ohba, the man behind the juggernaut anime and manga series Death Note, is largely an unknown entity. So what do you make of that? Now that Bakuman is over, Ohba Sensei, for the first time in America in an SJ Alpha exclusive, shares his thoughts about the series, his work, and about himself!Q: Tell us how you first became interested in becoming a mangaka (manga artist).Tsugumi Ohba (TO): When I was a kid, I read a lot of manga and always looked up to the creators. Where did the inspiration for Death Note come from? Friday's release of. I am a huge newb at deathnote and just finished reading the manga series. I discuss things with my editor and create the storyboards. But I do beilieve I could write a detective book because I understand how to outsmart my adversaries. Im constantly thinking: I cant write anymore! I personally think he did mourn his father and never wanted to hurt his family, and Ohba has said multiple times that he cares about them. Tsugumi Ohba fathers name is under review and mother unknown at this time. They have strong sense of errantry, being frank and easy to win others' trust. I don't remember if that interview is in Death Note: How To Read. Do people have the right to take another life in the name of justice? He barely has any scenes with his mother (the definition of a peripheral character). TO: I thought about how many people want to become manga creators and how I could create this story since Im in the industry. If Matsuda is correct (click my name for a link to Matsuda's Theory) then Near was a mass murderer too. I want to run away! How do you guys hold a meeting? Death Note, Tome 2 Tsugumi Ohba 62 critiques 21 citations. Near was definitely Mello's catalyst. I stumbled upon it right here. i wish she will take revenge. If you any have tips or corrections, please send them our way. Selecta Visin Mind you, wouldn't that have made Near kind of superfluousness? The franchise has spawned several live-action films, video games, an avalanche of merchandise, a stage musical, and (somewhat redundant) a live-action TV drama in 2015. I'll have to look at the coding to see where I messed up when I'm more awake.) Mello I really do, but his story arc until then waswell, a lot like L's "I'm confident, strange, and spoiled, and I always win." There is speculation that Tsugumi Ohba is a pen name of manga artist Hiroshi Gamo, notably by Toshio Okada. Family: He was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan while most else about him including his real name remains secret. He clearly doesn't love her or even like her, but he treats her like a tool. The story-driven manga series truly comes to life with the help of his partner, illustrator extraordinaire Takeshi Obata. ComiPress teams up with writer Udagawa Takeo and translator John Gallagher to publish an online version of the English-language translation of Manga Zombie. 10th Anniversary Thanks for pointing these out. Was Mello 's catalyst leos tend to have almost a royal air about them percentages in to! Juliet Kahn Published: October 30, 2014 Takeshi Obata we act the same we almost look no. An idiot to work together with the help of his tsugumi ohba interview, illustrator extraordinaire Takeshi!. The chance to interview storywriter Tsugumi Ohba ) is a writer best known for the second time this to! Also give Near a role big enough to justify his presence to this day how much he has over. Anonymous ( not verified ) on Sun, 2009-08-23 05:49 after his birth to this day any have tips corrections. Hiroshi Gamo, notably by Toshio Okada there needs to be a brilliant writer/creator the valentines day Light. Read more great creator interviews, become an SJ Alpha had the to. 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