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what cartoons were popular in the 1960s
What cartoon was this??? Good luck! Hubie and Bertie were mouse characters first introduced in 1943 -- Mel Blanc gave voice to Hubie from 1946-1951. These are the very best 1960s cartoons, each one an animated gem from the mid-century. Whip'N Chill. I am not all that familiar with cartoon animation past the 1970s unless it was within a widespread feature film (like the Disney flicks). It was a narrated story about man and wife having first baby, bring home baby and as its grows it grows exponentially, in a matter of months its a 20 foot tall baby that appears to be like 9 months old, the setting on the cartoon looks to be a suburban white man and wife in theyre standard suburb home of the 50's or 60's.One scene the dad is bathing is huge overgrown 6 month old in the backyard with the water hose. 1. A few other such shows followed, mostly by Hanna-Barbera: "Top Cat" in 1961, and "The Jetsons" in 1962. The Bugs Bunny Show is another one of the best animated shows that aired during the 1960s. They consist of superman, wonder woman, batman, and aqua man. BearManor Media. The 1990s was a golden age for cartoons. Disney and Iwerks then created Trolley Troubles, which became very popular. The first of the Filmation cartoons with the Riverdale gang. What is the application of a cascade control system? Batman was still popular in prime-time, so 1967 naturally brought more caped crusaders and sci-fi shows, mostly from the Hanna-Barbera Studios. To the general and unassuming public he was a humble and lowly shoeshine boy. Although optical toys can be traced back to the 17th century, many animation inventions came about in the 1800s, including the Taumatrope (1826); a spinning disc with different images on each side, suspended and pulled between two twisted strings) and the Phenakistoscope (1832); a series of still drawings on a disc moving against another disc with holes in it. Censorship still played a part meaning the shows had to be actually witty instead of resorting to bathroom humor. Space Ghost (1966-1968) 3 3. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. The Batman/Superman Hour (19681969) Error: please try again. In fact, some of the most iconic characters of the present were created in those times, not least because of Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and other legends of the comic book industry. Here are 15 Times Cute Characters Were Actually The Villains. Fred and Wilma Flintstone are good friends with Barney and Betty Rubble. Year Made: 1960 . From 1973 to 1986, "Superfriends" became a household cartoon staple. No worries, though, because Wilma was always there to pick up the pieces.Fred's relationship with his best friend, Barney Rubble, was based on the Jackie Gleason-Art Carney shtick from The Honeymooners. . ", Image Source: CBS/The Archie Show/Youtube/ Animated Cartoons for Children. He aspired to be the best doggie daddy, ever. Awesome article! janzeteachesit They lay and go to sleep. As for your mom's particular memory, perhaps one of my readers can help (with an answer in the comments section). Answer: "Fat Stuff" was a supporting cartoon character for a 1930's comic strip called "The Adventures of Smilin' Jack," it was an aviation-based strip that ran in the Chicago Tribune from 1933-1973. In the late 1950's, two foreign spies named Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale began their long feud with Rocky the Flying Squirrel and Bullwinkle the Moose. "The Looney Tunes" gang comprises Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Tweety, and so much more. The plots range from characters pranking each other to chasing each other cross country. But before televisions became a part of American life, cartoons were shown to audiences in movie theaters. If you catch these today, you'll find they truly stand the test of time. Also, this page: (do the pieces you have look like this?) The show aired for 2 seasons with 16 episodes. | George Jetson was a super, futuristic, cartoon husband and father. Although he could lift Castle Grayskull by himself. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. I was born in 1993 so I don't recognise most of these, but I remember watching the Looney Tunes cartoons, Popeye and Tom and Jerry as a kid on the Boomerang channel! Adventure, Family, Fantasy. After it went into to syndication, it probably did show in the Chicago area. Joe: A Real American Hero/Youtube/SaturdayMorningVideo, 8. I got a picture in my head of an old cartoon character who has flies in and out of his mouth when he speaks. Cartoon Network's 1990s reimagining of the classic 1960s cartoon Jonny Quest was unique; the show featured teenage versions of Jonny, . It was pretty popular in the 1960s, as I recall from my own childhood. Captain Sailorbird just introduced cartoons from Europe and Russia, retooled for the US market. She falls asleep, where she has instruments and musical notes chasing her with the song lyrics that I remember "Music, can't live without music, can't escape when you got music following you." For me, it's like the media stories of hippo poachers. The girl he was in love with used a really big victorian skirt, and in the end, she end up falling, and the spring (?) The duo started producing slapstick comedy productions for MGM during the 1940s and Tom and Jerry was one of them. The show centers on him and his family and how they deal with their struggles, so if you're watching, dont forget to bet on Speed Racer! I suggest contacting used bookstores online -- Alibris comes to mind but there are others. Very imaginative, if mostly devoid of real motion. Year Made: 1963. Thus, it's unlikely that networks will play what they think would cause a red flag -- or a slew of negative social media posts. Animation, Comedy, Family. Answer: There was a 1935 cartoon short called The Sunshine Makers; the Sunshine Gnomes would "fight" with the Blue Devils of Melancholy, they were all about sadness and misery. Voicing the leading man was John Myers. blew my tiny mind! Does anyone remember this cartoon, and the name? The show was created by Hanna and Barbera with 6 seasons. Along with Bugs Bunny, Warner Bros. cartoons within the Golden Age of Animation featured the characters of Porky Pig, the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote, Daffy Duck, Pep Le Pew, Elmer Fudd, Tweety Bird and Sylvester, Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn and many other favorites. Do you know what cartoon that was? Cartoons take me to a nice space. Yakky Doodle debuts in syndication. The show was formulaic but the scripts were pretty inventive and the visuals were quite wild. Penny, her niece, and assistant help her uncle by using high-tech devices to fast-track their mission. It was about an old couple who found a bowl that would fill with ice cream and not stop. Comic strips were mostly syndicated but there were also some presented regionally, so you might want to check the archives of this particular newspaper to see if the information still exists. The Flintstones (1960 to 1966) Audiences met Fred and Wilma Flintstone, as well as their next-door neighbors Barney and Betty Rubble, 60 years ago. If that was too much to manage, there was always Saturday -- just roll out of bed and plop down in front of the set and you'd see some sort of cartoon. The most-watched television shows, from 1960 to 1969, were: Gunsmoke (1960) Wagon Train (1961) The Beverly Hillbillies (1962) The Beverly Hillbillies (1963) Bonanza (1964) Bonanza (1965) Bonanza (1966) The Andy Griffith Show (1967) Additionally, what cartoons were popular in the 1970s? The Yogi Bear Show 15. What happened to Saturday morning TV in 1967? The only theatrical cartoon studio to emerge in the 1960s was DePatie-Freleng, which started off strong with amusing Pink Panther cartoons like The Pink Phink (1964) and D ial "P" for Pink (1965), but quickly declined into unfunny series featuring characters like the Tijuana Toads, Sheriff Hoot Kloot and the Blue Racer. After the 1960s John, Ringo, George, and Paul as cartoon characters. Chatty Cathy. When I was a kid, in the 90s, staying at a friend's housethere was a Vhs with older cartoons. Teri Silver (author) from The Buckeye State on August 14, 2020: Hi, Dale, thank you for your question. The clip shows a ballet of individual flames in a 'chorus line' all dancing and moving along, and from memory down a staircase or similar (from left to right) - it is in colour, with the flames being in vivid red, orange and yellow, background rather dark-ish and indistinct, but inside a structure of sorts. They finished their contractual obligations on Oswald and began creating the cartoon that would become Mickey Mouse. Felix the Cat, the first character-driven series of animated cartoons, began as Feline Follies in 1919 -- becoming very popular during the 1920s. Elves helping the shoemaker. The most-watched television shows, from 1960 to 1969, were: Gunsmoke (1960) Wagon Train (1961) . "Peanuts" by Charles Schulz Year Made: 1969. Answer: Walt Disney's cartoon chipmunks were Chip and Dale, also written as Chip n' Dale. She has short wavy blonde hair and wears a pink ruffled dress. I would love to see this cartoon again, but can't remember the name of it. Good luck in your search! Top Cat Top Cat ran from 1961 until 1962 on ABC; only 30 episodes were made. The cartoon was created for Borden's Dairy, so the gnomes bottled the "sunshine" (milk) and then sprayed it all over the unhappy critters to convert them unto happy little bluebirds. Question: Do you know the name of an old cartoon, I think it was black and white, where there was a boy who was trying to shoot some birds with his rifle, and then he does shoot one and feels bad about it? Augie was forever overdramatizing any situation! See superhero cartoon stock video clips, Cartoons of the 60s. Later seasons expanded the team and number of robots. I love this one, so happy to find again thanks! Do you remember all the super-computers? It follows the daily misadventures of a working-class family led by the simple-minded Homer, traditional mom Marge, bad boy Bart, brainy Lisa, and adorable Maggie. Thanks to cable,. Alvin, Theodore and Simon. By the power of Greyskull, I have the power!! If anyone could help me, i would greatly appreciate it. Other toys and games such as Trolls, Twister and Etch-a-sketch were also popular in the 60s. From their earth headquarters on Zero Zero Island, Colonel Bleep, Squeek and Scratch battle intergalactic villains such as Doctor Destructo, the master criminal of the universe, The Black Knight, and Captain Patch, a displaced pirate. This show has also been revamped to "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina," created by Netflix. Question: My siblings and I remember a cartoon with a scene showing fish dancing and a radio voice over saying that there was a storm coming. (1939). I am also 70. I was a kid in the 80's so it was around then but might have been from earlier, I'm not sure. With animated features' networks available on various cable/satellite/internet channels, some of these great cartoons may surface, now and then -- even on "regular" networks! The True Story of The Holocaust Train Rescued From The Heart of Darkness - Friday, April 13th, 1945. 4. Thanks again, keep on "tuning!". Created in 1968, the show revolves around friends and their everyday lives in high school. "Deputy Dawg" (Terrytoons) may have something that jars your memory. --- I'm slowly finding clips that half a century ago were part of my life. Post Views: 117,813. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. . Max Fleischer produced hundreds of cartoon shorts, a list is here on the IMDB page He never failed to come to her rescue, which made him a hero to all! Yogi Bear was most likely best known for his irresistible fondness for "pic-a-nic"baskets. Of course, there was a little violence, as cartoon characters tend to whack each other with hammers and fall off of cliffs with no lasting consequences. Some are available on DVD or can be downloaded from sources like Amazon and IMDB. Finally, George goes to work in his office. Like several of the Hanna-Barbera characters listed here, Huckleberry was voiced by Daws Butler. Nashman2018 I just watched the video I felt like a kid again,lol. It is a Modern Madcaps cartoon from 1959. I remember that the main character was Toby. Mel Blanc voiced Catsello from 1942-1946. Repeated, alongisde Space Ghost, in the 70s. Source: YouTube. The concept of the popular cartoon was, by far, ahead of its time. Answer: The image you're describing does not strike a note, sorry. Jul 15, 2016 - Explore Terry Farley's board "Cartoons of the 50s and 60s" on Pinterest. It followed the same premise of the film, wherein the four heroes go around saving people from ghosts, this time with the help of Slimer. And if you go to YouTube, you'll find a lot of old memories. Image Source: Nickelodeon/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Youtube/ SimpleSite Hiking Longplays, Taking us to an interspecies battle between mutants, denizens of Third Earth and cat/man-like aliens are the stories of the "Thundercats.". Answer: I wish I could see the characters in your memory but it may have been a very early production of Tom and Jerry, which began in the 1940s in black & white. I strongly believe it was a Disney cartoon but I could be wrong. For years the color has been inescapable. What is Oxybuprocaine Hydrochloride used for? So the baby horse (or goat) sulks off and eats everything; and tries to eat a car horn. Hanna-Barbera turns 60 While Disney had Mickey Mouse and his friends and Warner Bros. had Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes cast, Hanna-Barbera Productions had its own prolific stable of beloved television and cartoon characters spanning the decades. I did check the cast lists for those cartoons; Robert Shayne was not on them. This was in re-runs in the 70s, but the powers that be hadn't really messed with the content. It was about an all-girl pop music band that toured the world with their other friends and discovered strange mysteries. It was about a little girl playing outside who gets caught in a sudden snowstorm. Terrible, Horrible Edie by E.C. Speed Racer (19671968). | The planes were pretty wild, as I recall. Yup, thats "Voltron.". Have you heard of anything like that? Disney, for example, had a few mildly risque shorts that dealt with themes of alcohol and prohibition, as . The famous cartoon originally ran from 1987-1990, then continued on in syndication thanks to Disney, and the show was even given a reboot in 2017. Italian cinema, in particular, flourished during the decade. TV Series, Released between 1967-01-01 and 1967-12-31 (Sorted by Year Ascending). Some of these cartoon squirrels you know are definitely not all that musical, such as "Rocky the Flying Squirrel," and some characters made appearances in other features that would not have specifically been credited. it was an older animated video (guessing 50s-70s) with a male narrator that showed various optical illusions of sorts. I don't know of any particular children's cartoons with such a disturbing plot, but then, animation has certainly changed beyond the 1970s. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Let's take a trip down memory lane with the Top 30 cartoons from the '60s, '70s, and the '80s. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. I think this is what you are talking about nashman2018. 22 min While I cannot be sure, you may be thinking about a Japanese cartoon called "Astro Boy," where, in a futuristic world, robots interact with humans. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Let's take a trip down memory lane with the Top 30 cartoons from the '60s, '70s, and the '80s. Before there was a Walt Disney Productions company, there were two animators working on a series of projects. Sunday comics: Harold Teen (1956) Early Peanuts with Charlie Brown and Snoopy (1956) John Sevier - Nolichucky Jack - An Old Glory story (1956) Old '50s comic strip: Penny (1957) Pogo (1957) Men at Work (1957) There Oughta Be a Law comic (1957) Lolly (1957) Mickey Finn (1957) ALSO SEE: What did a typical 1950s suburban house look like? he may have had a hood. Image Source: Filmation Associates/He-Man and the Masters of the Universe/Youtube/Andreas F. Spinning off from the 1984 live-action smash hit Ghostbusters starring Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd was the animated show, "The Real Ghostbusters.". | Image Source: ABC/Hoppity Hooper/Youtube/ Hoppity Hooper Show. 2 2. Although I cannot speak to your memory, there were animated features created at Leon Schlesinger Productions (Merrie Melodies before Warner Bros.) that used vocal groups to imitate the Mills' Bros. sound, which was popular in the 1930s. So there you have it! His is a very distinctive voice and it just took me back. The Phantom I fondly recall old black and white cartoons that had only music, no dialogue, and I think the music was strictly classical, but I could be wrong. Hi, JD, I've done some searching but nothing is coming up, sorry. Question: Recently, I came across a cast iron hood ornament, labeled "Dr. YAK," by the seller. What was the most popular cartoon in the 60s? Your hometown library and historical societies are good places to start for researching local productions. Yogi was originally a BFFof Huckleberry Hound and actually ended up outshining the lovable, blue pooch. Stars: Mike Road, Tim Matheson, Don Messick, Danny Bravo Votes: 4,917 2. (1932/Dave Fleischer). Music and mystery may seem like a weird combination, but these girls are up for anything! Space Ghost (1966-1968) TV-Y7 | 30 min | Animation, Action, Adventure 7.3 Rate (But local stations are hit or miss as to whether they've archived everything in those earlier eras, and many have undergone management and location changes, too). Their children Pebbles and Bamm Bamm are always seen playing together. Not a comment, but a question if I may (not sure where else to ask it): do you or anyone recall a cartoon based on a song by the Mills Brothers, that takes place in outer space? Are you familiar with this cartoon? All TV's were black and white back then, so that's how I saw it. Animation, Action, Adventure, TV-G 1960 It only aired after one season but was very famous with the viewers. Of course, there was a little violence, as cartoon characters tend to whack each other with hammers and fall off of cliffs with no lasting consequences. Lets take a trip back in time for a look at some great old cartoon memories! Only sound. What cartoons did kids watch in the 1960s? In the beginning, Warner Bros. Studios, with Bosko as the main character in this animated short, released Sinkin in the Bathtub (1930). I've spent days and weeks looking at cartoons from Betty Boops Hot Mama, the various 'Fire Brigade' cartoons by Disney, or Warner Bros, etc, to and including 'Watership Down', and many in between - I cannot find the ballet of flames - definitely colour, definitely animated, flames definitely anthropomorphic, music definitely 'toe-tapping', or at least livelyand my search has been going on for a number of years now. I could not find anything that it could be from, but I'm wondering if this clip was part of an educational program that was produced for classroom use. The good news is that there is a selection of Heckle and Jeckle on YouTube; give it a search!
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