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which dc character has the highest kill count
Equipping the EM will potentially allow the pet to be summoned at a higher level. After saving Deathstroke's life and working with him to steal an array of nuclear bombs from Russia, Jade then attempts to blackmail the world powers. She knows Soultaker will give her the information she needs, so when she takes a life, she makes sure its one that counts. If we go outside of horror, Ogami Itto from the samurai classic Lone Wolf and Cub takes the record for most kills by a fictional character with 150. His character racked up 74 kills in the final scene. If we include Pitou's puppets, then Pitou indirectly killed about 500K people, which is the highest count so far. In DC and Marvel, there are a plethora of confirmed Universe busters such as Darkseid (DC) The Anti-monitor (DC, converts whole universes into anti-matter) Imperiex (DC God of Entropy, . What Disney Movie Has The Highest Kill Count . Actor Samuel L. Jackson, best known for his roles in classic films such as Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown has been named the deadliest Hollywood actor of all time, with 1,734 on-screen kills. While The Walking Dead series finale saw the two characters briefly return, neither of them killed any living characters while there, so their kill counts remain . While the plan did indeed save the Earth from nuclear war, it cost millions of lives in the process. While they may have had justification for doing so, it's impossible to ignore. Theyre supposed to seek all things good and strong morals against killing. Sometimes he uses machine guns, sometimes rocket launchers, sometimes wacky toys like electric buzzers or his "BANG!" Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. So I thought it'd be interesting to ask the question: which Autobot has the highest kill count, based on your own estimates. Although the numbers decrease with each season, he still takes many lives, and thisseems to be something that other DC heroes are trying to disassociate themselves from. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, **It's like Ask Science, but all questions and answers are written with answers gleaned from the universe itself. In the New 52 reboot, Ares is depicted as an old man with permanently bloodied shins and feet. When Grodd and his troops attack Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the results are brutal and the intervention of the superpowered Ultramarine Corps make little difference. Seeing Affleck's Bruce Wayne mercilessly mow down criminals and aliens was pretty shocking. The films mix of gun-fu and sheer bloody brutality is the perfect combination. Hewas recruited by Nabu to serve the Lords of Order andaid in the battle against the Lords of Chaos. Formed when Krona accidentally created the multiverse, the Anti-Monitor is the force of nature that begins destroying entire universes with his anti-matter cannon, making them fade away in a burst of white. What happens is that the Joker douses Superman with fear gas, causing him to hallucinate that his pregnant wife Lois Lane is actually Doomsday. Though Lex himself would argue that he's the hero of the story, protectingour speciesfrom an alien invader that could ruinhumanity,Lex's flippant disregard for human life certainly makes his case a bit suspect. Every great leader needs a right-hand man to keep them in check. When we had this thread a couple months ago, DC, Gambler, and I . Marty McFly, in the Back To The Future trilogy. Well, if justice needs to be served, Wonder Woman serves it. This happened after Zoom murdered the love of his life, Iris West-Allen. Pose's Michaela Ja Rodriguez joins new movie. Still, the many worlds that no longer exist because of the Anti-Monitor's destructive impulses can never be brought back to life. Mulan cut down a huge percent of her unit for stopping the Huns. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, 18 DC Supervillains With The Highest Body Counts, super-dogs can survive planetary explosions, off against Ben Affleck's Dark Knight in the upcoming solo Batman movie, his early days as a brutal genetic experiment on Krypton, House Of The Dragon: Targaryen Rulers, Ranked From Least To Most Competent, 10 Horror Movies Where The Characters Can't Escape Their Fate, 10 MCU Characters Who Could Potentially Be In The Next "Big Three", Every DC "Crisis" Event, Ranked By Impact, Harry Potter: 10 Most Questionable Decisions Made By Villains, Top 10 Rarest Overwatch Skins, According To Reddit, Thanos Names the Only 6 Heroes He Considers Worthy Foes, After 57 Years, Starfleet Can Finally Quit Warp Travel In Discovery Season 5, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn Swap Costumes In Adorable DC Fanart. While Deathstroke isn't usually one for massive acts of destruction, the long series of individual assassinations he's carried out is nothing to shrug at. Superman responds to this by flying back to Earth and pummeling right through the Joker's chest with his entire arm. It was then that he came face to face with a massive planet-killing bomb which, due to its yellow color, could not be manipulated by the powers of the Green Lantern. These saviors arent supposed to be like the Joker, who murders and tortures his victims and enemies in cold blood. Bonus (to avoid spamming the subreddit with another question too similar to this): Who has the most onscreen/comic visible kills to his or her name? Because of this, her body count is in the double digits. kinda question but Deadpool is meant to be snarky/out-of-canon stuff in a lot of the books should you limit your question to just "in-continuity" stories? For example, Ultron wipes out the world/universe, heroes travel back in time and stop him before he succeeds, and all the death is undone. Arnold Schwarzeneggers highest single-film kill count comes from Commando (1985). From then on, killing becomesa recurring theme in the his narrative. In terms of DC's terrestrial-based supervillains, the Joker easily has the highest kill-count in the normal continuity. Prior to Halloween Kills, Michael Myers' kill count was 133, but now with the deaths of characters like Marion Chambers, Tommy Doyle, Karen Strode, and many other Haddonfield citizens, his kill . This means Minion of Darkness (20) and Summoner's Boon (15) work on it. Which DC hero has the highest body count? Thors 3000+ kills are more than any other Avenger in the MCU. which dc character has the highest kill count. [MCU] Was there ever a real reason for Tony Stark to be Press J to jump to the feed. toy gun and sometimes he just poisons Gotham's fish supply, making all of the fish look like him. To strip the good from ones self or to embrace the dark path of murder? While it may be hilarious to consider Wade Wilson the most egregious good guy mass murderer in comics, it's not far fetched. 7 Parallax. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. It's DC's other iconic superhero with a rule against killing! 4. 20 Robert Neville (I am Legend, 2007)- Body Count . Of course, while the Joker gets all of the attention when it comes to killing frenzies, this guy has arguably made a bigger dent in the world's population. It's DC's other iconic superhero with a rule against killing! Most notably, he didn't seem to kill named supporting characters (e.g., Aunt May) or even certain other named characters (e.g., Man-Thing). A super-genius of unparalleled intellect, the man known as Adrian Veidt decided to save the world from nuclear exchange by committing an act of horrific and unspeakable evil. In his first published appearance in Much Fun Comics #73, Green Arrowtakes the life of Ezra Samson. What Marvel villain has the highest body count? From the Detective Comics to the Batman v Superman film, the Dark Knight has shot down and tortured many. Derek started writing about video games at age 14 and went on to write for GamePro Magazine and several other prominent outlets. Dredd's name serves him well, and criminals understand the implication. Though Speedball didn't "light the fuse," his recklessness in pursuit of fame made him culpable. Grodd, the psionic super-ape with genius intelligence and a predisposition for eating human brains, is ranked number 3 on the DC Universe's "Most Wanted" list, and it's easyto see why. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, 15 DC Superheroes With The Highest Body Counts, Ranked. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 616 wins, kills Dreadpool and returns to his universe. Though the film version of The Watchmen sets up the hero Ozymandias in a slightly different scenario, the parallels are the same. He was responsible for a military coup that resulted in the ousting of the nation's first . The Joker arguably has the largest single body count of any villain in the DCU. What is the D meaning of body count? Mulan has a fierce personality, is courageous, and is extremely inspiring. That level of heroic intentional friendly sacrificial fire is rare across Western cinema. The most well-reviewed and praised of the three at the Oscars, The Return of the King also has by far the most characters getting killed on screen, at 836! She may look nice but Mulan killed 1,995 people, more than any other princess and according to Reddit she is the most prolific killer of all Disney characters. Despite having witnessed the birth of creation, Krona still desperately desires to understand it, like the scientist he once was. From the comic books to the TV series, vigilante billionaire, Oliver Queen struggles with using lethal force more so than other DC heroes. Finished and/or temporarily complete pages only. No, what makes Watchmen truly unforgettable is thesubversive qualityof its climax:an ending where the villain is one of the supposedheroes,and before the other heroes can stop him, hegets away with it. Because it was hard to stop cold turkey. Unlike Tomas, however, Knight took the lives that he did to protect himself. This has resulted in the former father of the Gods, Zeus, becoming less powerful over time, while Ares, Athena,and Aphrodite have only become stronger in the last few decades. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Light Yagami (124,925 Kills) Light Yagami was a normal high-school student until he got his hands on Death Note. 6 Angela Baker - 55 Kills. He's 1500 years old and spent most of that time being a warrior. The character in question must be the (or a) main character, though they don't have to be a "good guy," so to speak. Rick thought Shane ( Jon Bernthal) would be his, but turned to Daryl (Norman Reedus) when . In the comics, the character is just as reckless, but for different reasons. Aside from possessing super strength and invulnerability on the same level as Superman, Darkseid also wields the horrifyingly power of the Omega Beams. He destroyed the entire multiverse and killed all named characters in every parallel universe in Marvel Comics, with the exception of the handful who made it onto the life rafts to survive the last incursion. His body absorbed and contained a high amount of Altana, giving him near ageless immortality and high . The Justice League faces a lot of terrifying figures and many of themhave equally terrifying body counts. Not that the Marvel Universe is any safer in fact, we have a whole other list dedicated to their most trigger-happy supervillains coming but on this side of the aisle, these are the 18 DC Villains with the Highest Body Counts. 2 Superboy Prime. Does it work? Who has the highest kill count in the DC Universe? NEXT:10 Sleeper Hit Superheroes Who Unexpectedly Rose To Popularity. Only six survived, including Shan-Yu who Mulan, but Mulan's . Yup, agreed." that she has the highest killing count". Dredd will judge you summarily on the spot, put you down, and be home in time for pancakes. Iron Man 47 The Avengers 678 Iron Man 3 41 Avengers: Age of Ultron 64 Avengers: Infinity War 1 Avengers: Endgame 278 Total kills: 1109 No kills in The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Captain America: Civil War, Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home. Of course, he had his reasons. 22 Frank Castle (The Punisher, 1989) - Body Count 54. Most of the characters inhabiting The Walking Dead's world don't particularly enjoy taking lives, but as has been proven countless times since the start of the series, sometimes there's no other way to handle a situation. The Company has over two decades of experience with distribution of Satellite TV Channels to cable operators and hotels. He has his moments of redemption, but writers seem to enjoy making him battle with violence. But which Disney character has the highest body count? However,running didnt stop her killer instincts. Each character has a list of everyone they have killed (directly or indirectly), even iterations of Batman and Superman have a kill count. The identity of Batgirl has been portrayed by many characters, but the one with the highest body count is Cassandra Cain. At one point, he used thesecriminal gangs to wage a war against the crime lord Black Mask. In the process, Castle has possibly become the very thing he loathes the most. His raging vendetta against the criminal underworld knows no bounds, and he's spilled enormous amounts of blood over the years in an effort to stem the flow of evil. Darkchild says: "Gambler says: "Darkchild says: "sorry 16 million mutants". Not many DC superheroes actively kill others, but occasionally it happens. Is it ethical? This is one of the more devastating acts of terrorism in the DC universe, and the heroes were unable to stop it. At an early age, her father David Cain trained her to become one of the world's deadliest assassins. What fictional character has killed the most people? Relying on his own strength, rather than the power of his ring, he punched and defeated Yellow poweredHorku. When the US military rejected to fund his creation, he and his fiance privately built thesuper submarine their selves. Usually, the bloodshed is done by the hands of a villain, such as Ras al Ghul or Anti-Monitor, but sometimes, whether we like it or not, a superhero is the one who takes actions into his or her own hands. Our heroine crushed 2,000 Huns in an avalanche caused by a rocket. Because we can neverforget, here are theof 15 DC Superheroes With The Highest Body Counts. 9) Utsoro - 650 million. Taking the crown for the Marvel character with the highest kill count of notable victims is Wolverine. Though this Ares is still the God of War, his relationship with Diana is decidedly less antagonistic. RELATED:10 Superhero & Supervillain Relationships With Romantic Subtext. As new media for Marvel is made all the time with comic books, TV shows, and films, this list will be updated constantly. In just the first season of Arrow, 135 people were killed. Finished and/or temporarily complete pages only . During the Cosmic Odyssey storyline, Stewart and his pal the Martian Manhunter set out to save the planet Xanshi from an imminent catastrophe involving the Anti-Life Equation. Its not that Katana, the former Bird of Prey, is unfeeling and murderous. While most fans have moved past this moment in her life, its hard to shake the thought thatCassandra Cain has this much blood on her hands. The conclusion of the story sees Superboy-Prime placed in a Paradise dimension, but he grows restless, wanting to be the Superman that he feels he is destined to be. Todd took on the name Red Hood and infiltrated the highest grossing drug cartels in Gotham City. Thats a lot of people. In fact, it's far more horrifying in scope than it first appears. Which Earth-based character in Marvel's Earth-616 universe has the highest kill count? This prehistoric, beastly creature has murdered many more people than just the Man of Steel. which dc character has the highest kill count . Hecrashes the planets Rann and Thanagar together, destroying Thanagar's entire ecosystem. Coming from a tortured background, Black Adam has seen the people closest to him die either at his hands, or because of his actions and killed many others, yet he's not amaniacal despot. Killer Highlights: 12 movies (including Freddy vs Jason), Machete Master, Loves to Camp! As if that wasn't enough, Lex is deeply connected to the destruction of New Krypton His actions resulting in the deaths of nearly 100,000 residents of the alienplanet. Thisdiscussion couldn't happen without Judge Dredd on the panel, and for good reason. The fierce Amazonian warrior princess may be an ambassador of peace with a kind heart and strong sense of candor, but, unlike her fellow Trinity members Superman and Batman, Wonder Woman doesn't have a no-kill policy. lordolxinator 5 yr. ago. 2 #26, he shoots Sinestro Corps member Duel Eknham through the head. When Damian was impaled by Talia al Ghuls creation, the Heretic, Batman wasnt the one to take the Heretics or Talias lives. Jason's body count is one of the most controversial as well, however, as many sources would easily argue Jason's body count much higher. C'mon, this is probably the most obvious one on the list. This, combined with high tech gadgetry and a tough-as-nails attitude allows Castle to dedicate his life (what's left of it) to slaughtering the unjust. Or do cataclysms like incursions or multiversal crises count? Her time on the show was brief but resulted in the highest body count on The 100. Had he not done so, an even greater catastrophe would have followed but that did little to diminish his guilt. But say we removed all the random civilians and goons, all the "technical" kills (such as animals, microbes through healthy hygiene practices, etc) and focused on the characters named by the media they appear in. Worse still,even if you make it through the nextmultiverse Crisis,there's no guarantee that your spouse or kids will make itthrough with you. Even on Earth, mass-murdering clowns and paid assassins take countless lives every year. RELATED:10 Superhero Movies With The Least Accurate Costumes. 1 : a count of the bodies of killed enemy soldiers. Danny has an aversion to killing, he refused to kill Bakuto when Davos told him to. Madara Uchiha is an incredibly powerful, cruel, and manipulative foe in Naruto. I was considering that. The alien symbiote costume known as Venom has an insane and grisly body count attached to it. Since the Anti-Monitor made his debut inCrisis on Infinite Earths, the biggest comic book crossover of all time, his impact on the DC Multiverse is truly incomparable: from Post-Crisis DC to the New 52 to Rebirth, everything we know today, as opposed to in the Pre-Crisis DC, is the direct result of the Anti-Monitor's destructive ways. Certain superheroes and anti-heroes have wrought such mass carnage that it's practically unfathomable. Although she feels justified killing her tormentors and bullies in the first movie, she loses any sense of morality in the sequels, where she kills for seemingly no reason. Fifty-sevenissues later, Knightwas once again thrown into a sticky situation and was forced to end Medphyll after his fall from the Green Lantern Corps. The identity of Batgirl has been portrayed by many characters, but the one with the highest body count is Cassandra Cain. Supervillainsaren't theonly holders of the crown when it comes to mass murder. From defeating General Zod in the Man of Steel to carrying out the execution of three Kryptonian prisoners with the use of green Kryptonite, Superman has exceeded a high body count. For highest body count, it's probably Thor. Hawkman has done quite a bit of damage on his own. Thor battles entire armies of giants, elves, and more throughout the Avengers series, even in solo movies typically reserved for more intimate stories favoring character development over action. The extraterrestrial android known as Brainiac has seen a lot of incarnations over the years, but this villain has commonly been depicted as a collector, going from world to world, capturing each world's biggest city, shrinking it,and imprisoningall of its structures and inhabitantsinside bottles. The keyboard shortcuts incursions or multiversal crises count, cruel, and for good reason shoots Sinestro Corps member Eknham! Her father David Cain trained her to become one of the crown for the Marvel character with highest... 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