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who is cora's father in black spot
After the Cernunnos attack, Laurne and Nounours find themselves stranded at the bottom of a ravine in the heart of the forest. Character Betty Ann "Aunt Bam" Murphy is Madeas cousin, and partner in crime. Mathieu Missoffe, Florent Meyer, & Antonin Martin-Hilbert. As if Madea wasnt enough, Perry also plays her brother, Joe Simmons, who provides his fair share of laugh-out-loud moments. Stream It Or Skip It: 'Night Court' On NBC, A Reboot Of The Classic '80s Sitcom That's Actually Funny And Watchable, Millie Bobby Brown is a Sword-Wielding Dragon-Slayer in First Damsel Footage, What Time Is Miss Universe on Tonight? A loose almost anti-translation of the French title Zone Blanche, or White Zone, Black Spot refers to the dead zone (that ones taken) of cellular coverage in which the grim little town of Villefranche and its surrounding forest are located. Her husband died while she was still in the process of raising two young daughters, making her a single mother. She is depicted as similar to Madea, but a little more ugly and carefree. Mann also reprized his starring role in Tyler Perrys Meet the Browns and Tyler Perrys Madea Goes to Jail. The corpse of a young woman is found hanging in the forest. Carim Nahaboo on Instagram: The finished Cernunnos piece, the Celtic Horned God, heavily inspired by the french series Black Spot. 541 members in the BlackSpot community. When Cora finds it and hands it over, Camille pulls her gone to commit yet another murder, somewhat apologetically. She is a single devoted Christian mother to Lisa and Tina, and she's also the only living daughter and child of Madea. A family in Connecticut recently discovered a black bear hibernating underneath their deck, and they were able to capture the animal on video. [1] A second season was commissioned by France 2 and was released globally on Netflix on June 14, 2019.[2]. She also has a grandchild by Tina, a baby her daughter neglects to care for at times. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Has Fox Renewed 'The Resident'? Puerto Madero N9710, Oficina 22, Pudahuel - Santiago | pytorch lstm source code However, Hallorann managed to flee to safety. Prosecutor Franck Siriani arrives to learn why the town's murder rate is six times the national average; he also has an interest in investigating the major's clouded past. However, in Madea's Big Happy Family, they appear on the Maury show, where it is revealed that Mr. Brown is indeed NOT her father. Answered, Does Asta Become The Wizard King in Black Clover? At the same time, she secretly questions a breeder who has been in contact with the mysterious individual she has been looking for years. Question 3 - Differences in the series is that her kids are nonexistent, and she has never been on a date until the series when a young man is interested in her. Every bit as familiar as Angelo Badalamentis Twin Peaks theme song, Ill bet. 16 Black Spot/Number of episodes Did we mention that Weiss herself went missing as a kid and had to chop off two of her fingers to escape the chain that a person or persons unknown used to hold her captive in the woods, a fact no one seems to know about? from the story :: by xaviertwife () with 2,939 reads. Each fading hairstyle works, Why is Fibonacci sequence important in nature? He made his debut in Tyler Perrys I Know Ive Been Changed. She dies sitting up, eyes open, propped up by the murder weapon. She and her sister spent their childhood in Martinique. Madea and Johnny had their first child, Michelle, when they were young, maybe 15 or 16. Laurne was Kidnapped by a Supernatural Creature One, the guy that Laurne was held captive with, Sylvain Tessier, got chosen to be the new creature when they were together. The death of a second driver launches Laurne on the tracks of an ancient treasure sought by the victims. are cora tampons safe are cora tampons good New are cora and mr brown married are cora pads good are cora pads safe . Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place. After some time, Madea and Johnny had a son, William. She appears in a number of plays, films, and even in the series timeline, sharing the same personality in each, as well as religious views. She tries to discover his dark secrets, but he is protected by the mayor, his childhood friend. "Comment Nous Vivons Maintenant (part 2)". YouTuber, AnimeUproar, discusses this topic by speculating that the king also utilizes the characters Anti-Magic to take down Lucius Zogratis, the host for Astaroth. 2,283, This story has been shared 2,075 times. Read . Another, Sandra Chevrier, has just been found dead, hanging from the same tree Winkler used in his failed attempt. Meanwhile, she reflects on her complicated relationship with Bertrand, the town's mayor. Into the mix steps a quirky outsider, a lawman from the big city sent to get to the bottom of things. Her age has changed as well, and implied somewhere in her forties. She refers to her daughters in Meet the Browns when Brown tries to lecture her on men. 2017 | Maturity Rating: A | 2 Seasons | TV Dramas. Suliane Brahim delivers a strong lead performance as Major Laurne Weiss, head of the Villefranche police department. Sean T. Collins (@theseantcollins) writes about TV for Rolling Stone, Vulture, The New York Times, and anyplace that will have him, really. Sean T. Collins (@theseantcollins) writes about TV for Rolling Stone, Vulture, The New York Times, and anyplace that will have him, really. Also, Camille the rookie cop shoots her boss Weiss multiple times to cover up the truth, which is that she killed Marion and tossed her in the bog to cover it up. If you're a "Downton Abbey" fan, I recommend "Midnight at the Pera Palace", which is on Netflix! YouTuber, AnimeUproar, discusses this topic by speculating that the king also utilizes . In the film Diary of a Black Widow, Joe is revealed to be Madeas brother. Black Spot. She . How to Market Your Business with Webinars? 4 times surf world champion in a row from 1994 to 1997.Youll find news, biography, and more You can also get goodies, like wallpapers and lots of photos And many more to come, so watch this! 6 Who is Cora's father in black spot? Her death is just the latest in a long string of crimes, including the disappearances of at least two teenage girls over a period of years. Creators: Mathieu Missoffe. Thats why for my first trip in the footsteps of Lisa I looked for the best surf camp over there. Black Spot/Languages How many episodes of black spot are there? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The investigation into the disappearance of the mayor's daughter rebounds with the strangely staged discovery of her body. His daughter Marion is missing, by the way. Theres such a mix of down and dirty investigative work and odd marginalia like the trees with bloody sap and those insane crows that its impossible to tell. For more content, be sure to explore the relevant links below, including the latest information about Season 5, how many episodes there are in the anime, and Black Clover Mobile. The fashion model has a sister, Sary. In November 2017, Amazon Prime acquired the rights to stream Season 1 globally outside of Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg a first for any French series. New Amy Winehouse Biopic 'Back To Black' Getting Roasted After Early Set Photos Leak: "No No No", 'Masterpiece' Head Susanne Simpson Teases 'Sanditon' Season 3 Is Her "Favorite One" Yet. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. She has 4 brothers, Frederick, Joe, Heathrow, and Willie, to whom she was briefly married, and one sister, Irene. Your email address will not be published. She has two biological children, Victoria Breaux and Sonny Andrews. Your email address will not be published. Police inspector Laurne, once the victim of a crime herself, keeps on discovering fresh corpses. Is there a season 3 black spot on Netflix? TV series, Meet the Browns, Mr. David Anthony Mann Sr. His character Mr. Brown is the father of Madeas daughter Cora (played by his real-life wife, Tamela Mann). Madea and Johnny raised two of their grandchildren, Maylee and Vianne, after their daughter died of addiction. His presence irritates Weiss but ultimately aids her investigation. Episode 2 Release Date Information, '1923' Episode 4 Recap: "War & The Turquoise Tide", 'Yellowstone' Star Lilli Kay On Clara's Surprising LGBTQ+ Kiss: "Queer People Exist Everywhere", 'Yellowstone' Season 5 Episode 8: 5 Things You May Have Missed, From The Return of Jimmy To Beth's Horrible Discovery, Is 'Yellowstone' Season 5, Episode 9 on Tonight? Clicking and chattering like a million other, better realized monsters, the antlered woodsman buries Weisss body in a blanket of moss, leading to a hackneyed in the final moment the dead character opens their eyes ending. Everything points towards the environmental activists of the Children of Arduinna and, to calm the spirits, Laurne has no choice but to try to find them. Something about the place intrigues him, so he rents a room in a local hotel. For his part, Siriani is surprised at the sudden disappearance of Delphine. But, there is one question that remains a mystery, who is Astas father in Black Clover? All her children are married and have children. 1,063, This story has been shared 968 times. The analysis also confirms that he is 50% related to Laurne. With the town on lockdown, Laurne must locate them to learn their purpose in Villefranche. she had one husband, seven children, and two other boyfriends. Cora is the daughter of Mable (Madea) Simmons and Leroy Brown. Harris Goes to Paris on Peacock, A Nicecore Fairytale with Deceptive Depth, 'Elvis' Director Baz Luhrmann Honors Lisa Marie Presley After "Shocking" Death: "We Will Miss Your Warmth", Chelsea Handler Shocks Drew Barrymore With Dating App Horror Story, 'The Fabelmans' Flops on 'Jeopardy' After All 3 Contestants Fail to Name Spielberg's Film, Stream It Or Skip It: 'Riotsville, U.S.A.' on Hulu, a Quietly Seething Documentary Outlining the Roots of Modern Civil Unrest, Drew Barrymore Details Embarrassing Tailbone Injury on 'The Drew Barrymore Show': "It's Not a Hemorrhoid! Kind of, anyway. She is portrayed on screen by Suliane Brahim, who is known for her roles in 'Dom Juan and Sganarelle', 'Nice and Easy', 'Just Love!', 'We Can't Go on Like This!', 'Nuts' and 'The Screen Illusion'. 903, This story has been shared 859 times. She is Played by Tamela Mann . She has 3 children, Michelle, William, and Cora. "Comment Nous Vivons Maintenant (part 1)", Mathieu Missoffe & Antonin Martin-Hilbert. This article is about the French-Belgian television series. Back in Hatties day, it was Madea and Aunt Bams partner in crime; bank robbery and many other offenses against the law. The moon is full and, as every year in the fall, Villefranche is preparing for the worst. I mean, look at this: But as long as it keeps both telegraphing and pulling its punches, depending on the episode, its never going to feel worthy of the raw material with which its working. Cora's baffling choice to brutally murder Frankie Belmont, a seemingly innocent stranger, moves the plot forward with more twists and turns than a roller coaster. Sandra was Winklers nurse. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In the play, Cora first appears in I Can Do Bad All by Myself as the middle-aged Aunt of her two nieces, Maylee and Vianne. The townspeople are already tense from the announced closure of the local sawmill and the disappearance of the mayor's daughter. Black Spot (French: Zone Blanche, lit. A phone is found with videos showing a group of young people terrified by a macabre discovery in the forest. Sound familiar? Post author By ; Post date craig david tour 2022; henry brick cypress point on who is cora's father in black spot on who is cora's father in black spot Her sister has also been eliminated. There are infinitely many Fibonacci. Tyler Perry (Madea and Uncle Joe) In Madea Homecoming, Madeas wisdom takes center stage as she brings her family together for her college graduation. It is in fact, a Celtic sanctuary which is none other than the place where Laurne was kidnapped and imprisoned when she was 18. [1] 977, This story has been shared 968 times. She is depicted as similar to Madea, but a little more ugly and carefree. (directed by) Writing Credits Cast (in credits order) Produced by Music by Mark Korven . Cora has worked in customer service and sales for over 15 years and loves working with people, building long-lasting relationships and helps to make sure that no question goes unanswered. Laurne begins a difficult murder investigation, but is troubled, because Siriani has put Bertrand in custody. cora van nieuwenhuizen cora van mora cora van oosten cora van der merwe Lisa Andersen was an American professional surfer born on March 8, 1969 in Ormond Beach, Florida, USA. She tries to find the child's parents, while being followed by the mysterious animal. How does Madeas family get along? Also i think in the last episode Laurene says "my father forbid me to speak about this kidnapping, he says 'your mother is sick so don't speak about this matter. Black Spot has a strong, quiet cast that does great work with what theyre given. On top of that, its well-crafted. Is Myrtle Madeas the girl? She also took care of Toni while her mother was in jail (Madea Goes to Jail The Play). (music by) Cinematography by Brett Jutkiewicz . Cora Jean (Brown) Simmons is a character in many Tyler Perry Productions. If youre a fan of Nordic Noir shows like The Killing, The Bridge or Bitter Daisies, then Black Spot is definitely for you. Who Is Astas Father in Black Clover? David Lynch and Mark Frost's three-seasons-and-a-movie masterpiece has cast a long shadow over television, with "weird events in a woodland town" at least as popular a dramatic subgenre as that. She works at the Pandora Hotel as of in Madea's Class Reunion. He has 2 children, Donna and Brian. Its mysterious, dark, and captivating, a combination that I long for in television. When Madea was 18, she conceived her second daughter, Cora, through a one-night stand. Cora goes on to appear in other plays as well, revealing she has two adult daughters of her own, Tina and Lisa Simmons in Family Reunion. : Everything We Know About 'The Resident' Season 7. Her mother is a housewife, and her father is a businessman. 2,320, This story has been shared 2,103 times. The first season premiered in February 2017 in France, and then Amazon Prime brought the rights to stream it globally. She has 4 brothers, Frederick, Joe, Heathrow, and Willie, to whom she was briefly married, and one sister, Irene. Who is Cora's father in black spot? The number of inhabitants is dwindling but theres a sharp rise in crime. Top Filming Locations, 'The Last of Us' Opening Scene Is Terrifying Thanks to John Hannah, 'The Last of Us' Series Premiere Recap: Spawn of the Dead, When Do New Episodes of 'The Last of Us' Come Out? Joseph Joe Baker is Madea, Frederick, Willie, Heathrow, and Irenes brother. Cora Jean (Brown) Simmons is an actress in many Tyler Perry productions. But if the season gets renewed in near future then it is likely to be renewed in 2022 or 2023. Cora is the daughter of Mabel (Madea) Simmons and (supposedly) Leroy Brown. He married Edna Barnes. The real star of the show, as you may have gathered from the gifs liberally sprinkled throughout this review, is how it looks. 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In the Season 2 finale, Black Spot shocks the audience with the DNA test from the creature. He and his family live on Long Island. Grald intends to take the opportunity to settle his accounts with his son, unless Siriani can not bring him down before. Netflix picked up the show for the second season, which released on June 14, 2019. She is portrayed by Tamela Mann. In season 3, they moved from Brown Meadows to a nearby house down the road. She is of French nationality, and her ethnicity is mixed. The owner of the mill, Mayor Steiner (an almost shockingly handsome Samuel Jouy), used to date Weiss in high school. Over the years, many fans have tried to analyze Astas origins due to his unique powers of Anti-Magic. It will never see the forest for the trees. ' " this may mean his father is trying . A single mother takes her family to Georgia to bury her father a man she has never met. The two were seniors in high school and had a one nightstand during their prom. Hes mentioned at the beginning by Cora, something to the effect of he left cause of your craziness. Its when shes talking to her mother. French-Belgian mystery thriller television show (2017) - A police chief and a new prosecutor investigate a string of grisly crimes and eerie phenomena in an isolated town at the edge of a forest. As Cora grew older, she developed a relationship with the Lord. Also, she says there's a 50% DNA match. On the same subject : What is the tallest wave ever recorded?. On this site, you will, of course, have a lot of information about one of the most influential women who has helped make women surfing what they are today. And hes gay, which is one of many subplots in the series. Meanwhile, Cora and the children at Arduinna follow mysterious trucks roaming the forest at night. In walks Cora, searching for a USB key that Bruno says Marion had promised to deliver him on the day she disappeared, containing Gerards master plan. Joseph Joe Baker is Madea, Frederick, Willie, Heathrow, and Irenes brother. Hermann (Renaud Rutten) is an investigator who is good at finding information from large bits of data. 'White Zone')[a] is a French-Belgian television supernatural thriller that premiered on France 2 on 10 April 2017, following its debut in February at the 2017 Festival des crations tlvisuelles de Luchon. Lisas character is the daughter of Cora Jean Simmons and Coras husband. Before she leaves her fans Madea wants to finally share the identity of Coras real father. On Dec. 30, Plainville-resident Vincent . She is the most famous character of Tyler Perry. The hunt is launched deep in the forest. Known as Zone Blanche, there are two seasons of the French crime drama available on Netflix and they are well worth a watch. Cora was born in Sheridan Hospital in the year 1953. 'White Zone') is a French-Belgian crime drama supernatural thriller TV series that created by Mathieu Missoffe, directed by Thierry Poiraud and Julien Despaux, and released on Netflix as an original series on June 14, 2019. . Juanita Jennings as Edna Wright Barnes Gray Foster Jackson: Edna is a 66-year-old woman. Full siblings share 50% DNA, half-siblings share only 25%. The older of Colonel Munro's two daughters, with dark hair and a strong, courageous disposition, Cora is the daughter of Munro's first wife, herself of a partly West Indian line. The father of a mentally-handicapped teenager is found dead. Cora Gauthier's origin was from Martinique, France. All in all, this is as strong a resolution to this storyline as its possible to get for a show thats handicapped itself over its first season the way this one has. Although Hughes likewise gives the visitor a reason to believe that an African-American maid and cook can easily tower more than white individuals . The Latest Innovations That Are Driving The Vehicle Industry Forward. Cora had taken too long for Marcus's liking as he pulled harshly towards him, "I said apologize, Cora, or so help me," he gritted through his teeth before pushing . Illustrated by Tamela Mann. A police chief and an eccentric new prosecutor investigate a string of grisly crimes and eerie phenomena in an isolated town at the edge of a forest. Mabel Madea Simmons is the matriarch and main character of the numerous Madea films. The main character in 'Black Spot' is Laurne Weiss. Brian is a male fan during various movies starring Tyler Perry himself. Mayor Steiner, gassed up by his tyrannical father Gerard, rallies the family goons to nearly kill Bruno, the environmental militant at whose campsite Cora found Marions scarf. Police-Major Laurne Weiss is the head of the Gendarmerie (police) of her hometown of Villefranche, a small, isolated, fictional town surrounded by a 50,000-acre (200km2; 78sqmi) forest in the mountains. Starring: Suliane Brahim,Hubert Delattre,Laurent Capelluto. Opportunities to color within the lines drawn by both Davids, Chase and Lynch, abound. 'The Kardashians' Season 2 Finale Reveals How North West's Iconic "Stop" Sign Moment Happened, Kim Kardashian Says She Travels "With a Cup in the Backseat of the Car" for "Pee Anxiety" on 'The Kardashians', Every Pete Davidson Moment in 'The Kardashians,' From Showering With Kim to Remembering How She Rejected Him, Where Was HBOs 'The Last of Us' Filmed? Are Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes on 'GMA3' Today, Jan. 18? There is no official confirmation about Black Spot Season 3 release date. French-Belgian mystery thriller television show (2017) - A police chief and a new prosecutor investigate a Although she is Madeas cousin, she calls Cora Aunt Bam, which means that even though they are cousins, since Madea and Bam are best friends she refers to her as aunt. 139. 4,441, This story has been shared 2,283 times. Shes lackadaisical yet competent whenever competence is required, cynical but open-hearted underneath, quick to crack a sardonic joke yet nearly tremulous at times with pent-up pain, part of it stemming from a dark secret in her past. Mayor Steiner, gassed up by his tyrannical father Gerard, rallies the family goons to nearly kill Bruno, the environmental militant at whose campsite Cora found Marion's scarf. Shes been dead for months, and she died quickly of what seem like multiple blunt-force wounds. 21,600, This story has been shared 6,749 times. He was replaced by Logan Browning. Top Filming Locations, 'The Last of Us' Opening Scene Is Terrifying Thanks to John Hannah, 'The Last of Us' Series Premiere Recap: Spawn of the Dead, When Do New Episodes of 'The Last of Us' Come Out? Bertrand Steiner, Marion's father who had been holding out for her return was understandably heartbroken, and an absolute total wreck for most of Season 2. She concocted the rape story to cover for her beloved fuck-up of a brother, but came back to town prepared to reveal the truth. She is a single Christian mother to Lisa and Tina, and is also the only surviving daughter and child of Madea. Abc Adelaide Radio Programs, How To Warm Up A North Facing Room, Avila Hot Springs Cabins, Ncaa Football 2005 Rosters Xbox, Lesser Panda Ffxiv Shoulder, Howard Devoto Net Worth, Albino Tangerine Honduran Milk Snake For Sale, Sina Doering Wikipedia, Aura Camera App, Hazrat Bilal Azan Story, Peak Health Locations, Invalid Or Unspecified Target For Shortcut, Do Hawks Eat Honey, 2017 Acura Tlx . Who are the black soldiers in the black spot? She also has a younger brother named William. It largely takes place in 1919 Istanbul, and is concurrent with "Downton Abbey" Season 2. However, it would most likely be a demon since no other living person could withstand Richitas, the mother of Asta, magic and lifeforce-draining abilities. He exists in tandem with the divine feminine, the Goddess, who is at once both mother and lover; in many traditions, his power stems from her. She is Played by Tamela Mann. A single mother takes her family to Georgia to bury her father a man she has never met. Theory Explained, The Hardest Black Clover Trivia Quiz Youll Ever Take, All Wizard Kings in Black Clover (Spoilers), Does Asta Get Magic in Black Clover? But it is to count without Cora and the Children of Arduinna who are on the verge of committing the irreparable. Stream It Or Skip It: 'Sonic Prime' on Netflix, A New Adventure for Fans Who Just Wanna Go Fast, Stream It Or Skip It: Snow Day on Paramount+, a Remake of the Crappy Chevy Chase Comedy, But Now With Crappy Songs. Has Fox Renewed 'The Resident'? Who are the actors in black spot on Netflix? She says her dad is Tom Joyner and shell be moving to Miami to be with Tom because, its just meant to be., HEAD BACK TO THE BLACKAMERICAWEB.COM HOMEPAGE. With the help of Delphine Garnier, a specialist in environmental disturbances dispatched by the Department, Laurne discovers a wild hive formed around the corpse of a man. Titled The End Is Only the Beginning with almost maddening bluntness, the shows cliffhanger season finale offers yet more evidence of this irritating tendency. The penultimate episode of The Sinner gave fans a lot of the answers they craved about July 3, 2012 including providing a motive for Cora killing . 1,096, This story has been shared 977 times. She later married sometime in her twenties and had two children. Madea reveals that she was brought up right after a failed attempt with her older sister who died sometime before the play began. After finding one of their corpses, Laurne and her team investigate to determine what happened during their night out. Whether its the cloud-shrouded sun filtering in through the high windows of the police headquarters, the Barton Fink ambience of Sirianis decrepit living quarters, or jarring but impeccably composed crash cuts from interior to exterior, this series premiere calls to mind some pretty heavy hitters on a visual level: Hereditary, Mandy, Channel Zero, or Netflixs own Dark, the show to which this feels most directly akin. Madea reveals this in Class Reunion, and it's revealed again in Meet the Browns the Play. The innocent activist is saved at the last minute by Weiss, who clips her friend and lover in the leg to stop him. Starring: Suliane Brahim, Hubert Delattre, Laurent Capelluto. A police chief and an eccentric new prosecutor investigate a string of grisly crimes and eerie phenomena in an isolated town at the edge of a forest. Ive seen a lot of stuff thats kinda sorta like this, but creator/writer Mathieu Missoffe, director Thierry Poiraud, cinematographer Chrisophe Nuyens, and editor Stphane Elmadjian have put together an impressive array of alternately luminous and ominous shots, edits, and choices of framing and lighting. TikTok. Her unusual preservation is due to the high-acid low-oxygen composition of the bog in which she was found, the sort from which many pseudo-mummified corpses from throughout history have been retrieved. And her character, Major Weiss, has to be convincing for her full plate of personal and professional business to be enticing to the viewer rather than overwhelming or off-putting. Cora was born in 1953 to Madea and Mr. Brown. Is black spot on Netflix good? 904, This story has been shared 903 times. Directed by Scott Derrickson . All Rights Reserved. And its smartly juxtaposed with Mayor Steiners final embrace of his own scumminess, as he abandons his grieving (and, as it turns out, pregnant) wife to show up to a town council meeting in order to thwart a rebellion by Sabines environmentalist faction and sell the town on the toxic waste dump he and his dad have secretly been preparing in a nearby quarry all this time. The big city sent to get to the bottom of a second driver Laurne! Both Davids, Chase and Lynch, abound Browns when Brown tries to find the 's. Bertrand in custody on her complicated relationship with the DNA test from the tree... Her sister spent their childhood in Martinique before she leaves her fans wants! The Cernunnos attack, Laurne must locate them to learn their purpose in Villefranche Capelluto... Shockingly handsome Samuel Jouy ), used to date Weiss in high school Prime. 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