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why is it important to use credible sources in the workplace
As you navigate through different sources, you need to examine the authors and the websites other credentials before making assumptions simply by the domain extension. Credible sources, therefore, must be dependable sources that provide information that one can believe to be true. Just try browsing through some common search engines to see what you find. This strategy is often used to evaluate the credibility of web pages, but is useful for other sources also. Another important factor to consider is the author if they are well known and respected in their specific fields, thats also generally a sign that the article is credible. Now that youre an expert on finding credible sources for research, youre ready to go! It is important to critically evaluate sources because using credible/reliable sources makes you a more informed writer. While you may think the information is reliable, would you go a step further and endorse that information? For example, if you are writing a research paper about the psychology of communication you want to look at journal articles and research-based reports. How recent is the source? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. When you use high-quality sources to back up your points, you demonstrate your own credibility as a writer, thereby contributing to the overall effectiveness of your argument. Some great examples of reliable websites for journal articles include Google Scholar, Oxford Academic, Microsoft Academic, Cornell University Library, and SAGE Publishing. The five-minute chocolate covered doughnut snack will have to wait until after 5:00 p.m. and so will your personal phone call to make weekend plans. It is useful in evaluating the credibility of resources. Some personal websites exist solely to spread propaganda or other biased information. A one word question that can make any conversation go on forever. Confirm that the source is current. Part one of this article will explore the principles of open-source, and why the balance of free labor and corporate growth should be respected if we want technology to keep moving forward. When it comes to writing a research paper, its crucial that you use credible sources to make sure that the information you are stating is actually true. For more guidance and information on how to navigate sources and determine credibility and accuracy of information, visit ourMisinformation & Information Literacy guide. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. He's a very good player. Use of scholarly sources is an Information drives communication in the workplace, and communication in turn allows all the members of the WebWhy credibility is important for leaders because your success as a leader and the success of your organisation depends on it. If its from a few years ago, its probably not too relevant to your current research. Hiring a salesperson with credibility makes a customer believe the salesperson is the authority on the product or service and a reliable source of information. It is best to call a locksmith Horsham the minute something like this happens. According to UGA Libraries, a reliable source will provide a thorough, well-reasoned theory, argument, etc. What is the author's purpose? Credible sources are critical for research papers because their findings are based on evidence and reliable information. Peer-reviewed periodicals are often excellent resources, since each article will have been evaluated and reviewed by independent experts in the field prior to publication. If you cant tell who wrote an article, essay, or study, you might want to reconsider using this source. What is the importance of the delivery of presentation? When you cite sources properly, you leave no question in your readers minds regarding your point. Most auto dealers will give you the idea that they are the only ones authorized to do this. Thankfully, there are some simple tips that you can use to ensure that you are always using credible sources for research. Most clickbait articles want to shock the reader, so be aware of words like surprising, alarming, and shockingin titles. Programs include Business Communication, Business and Technology Management, and Communication Studies. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. When you read a statement, how does it make you feel? If you are interested in using a YouTube video in your research, look at whether the publisher is a larger organization (such as TED or National Geographic) or a single user that only publishes under a username. A .edu indicates that the websites sponsoring organization is an accredited college or university, while a .org usually indicates that the sponsor is a nonprofit organization. Learn more about Stevensons commitment to student success. Thats why youll need these handy tips to determine which to use, and how to distinguish through the vast choices without feeling overwhelmed. Its essential, therefore, to think of reliability as the glue that holds the pieces together so that you and your employer can be successful in the long run. A credible source is a link to other works that help a reader understand all the aspects of current research. Copyright 2023 University of Maryland Campus. Owings Mills, MD, Non-Credit Education for Professional Development, Learn About Career Success Resources at Stevenson, Scholarly, peer-reviewed articles and books, Magazine articles, books and newspaper articles from well-established companies. Would you share the content with others? But how do you even start to write a research paper? Why credibility is important in the workplace? So remember, it is important to develop your skills in identifying reliable resources because it will ultimately help you become an effective communicator and trustworthy leader. Most people only research a good locksmith Kingstonat the time they really need one. Are there spelling or grammatical errors? Because of your honesty and consistent responsible behavior in the workplace, you've earned your employer's confidence and trust. You work hard to maintain your accountability knowing that if you miss deadlines, you could lose a contract, or worse, you would have to kick yourself for losing your credibility. WebCredible sources are useful because they give readers evidence that supports the facts you are stating in your essay. If you are writing for a professional or academic audience, they may value peer-reviewed journals as the most credible sources of information. Adelphi, MD 20783. This Guide will provide you with some resources that will help you in your research and your writing. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created by the Wikimedia Foundation. The CRAAP test is also useful in this type of article for research. The American Bar Association and The American Psychological Association (APA) are highly credible sources when it comes to professional standards. Dont be one of them. Why is it unethical to use sources that are not credible?It is crucial to use credible and reliable sources only because unreliable sources dont always contain true, accurate, and up-to-date information. Purdue OWL is a registered trademark. For example, the website appears to contain official instructions for applying for a passport online; however, it is simply a PDF editing site. 3. for which; on account of which (usu. Educational and government-run websites (.gov, .edu) tend to also be a safe source to use, as well as academic databases. WebEssentially, that we can believe what the source is telling us. Strengthen your credentials and earn a degree in under two years at the graduate level with a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate. If you have never heard of the source, you probably should do some research to learn about it. Just because you recognize the source does not mean that it is a reliable source. When your workload becomes too much to handle, you know your limitations and speak honestly about what you cannot do. It is unclear why this works, but it does: if you send an empty call out into the cmd, then ansi codes start working. I help people advocate for themselves and leverage opportunities. They can be determined as credible sources for research if they have a Creative Common license, and if the author has proven to be an expert in their field. You've earned a reputation in the office as the time-management expert who prioritizes tasks and sets goals to complete assignments. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. 1. If you are writing for a group of residents in your hometown, they might be more comfortable with mainstream sources, such as Time or Newsweek. Below is a breakdown of the most common domain extensions: While there is no universal rule for whether a websites domain extension makes it credible, its important to know that .com, .org, and .net domain extensions can be purchased and used by anyone. The further you are away from the source, the more opinion and interpretation there will be, which can stray you from the truth. Note for Purdue Students: Schedule a consultation at the on-campus writing lab to get more in-depth writing help from one of our tutors. Below are some suggestions for evaluating digital texts and a breakdown of the different types of sources available online. Because anyone can add or change content, the validity of information on such sites may not meet the standards for academic research. It can take just one instance of you sharing inaccurate information for people to start questioning your credibility. First hand research is research you have conducted yourself such as interviews, experiments, surveys, or personal experience and anecdotes. They have knowledge, training and experience that are different from your own. ProQuest, Scopus, and Jstor are great examples of academic libraries and databases that can be trusted. When nursing staff find their leader to be highly credible, they are more likely to: Feel pride that they work on the unit. Learning Objective. Brian Hill is the author of four popular business and finance books: "The Making of a Bestseller," "Inside Secrets to Venture Capital," "Attracting Capital from Angels" and his latest book, published in 2013, "The Pocket Small Business Owner's Guide to Business Plans.". Using unreliable sources results in negative consequences. While sources on the American Civil War may be decades old and still contain accurate information, sources on information technologies, or other areas that are experiencing rapid changes, need to be much more current. A research paper is a piece of academic writing that uses original research on a specific topic. Read the stories of Stevenson University Online students and alumni who have transformed their lives through education and get inspired to create your own success story! These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Privacy policy. Is there an About page or a link to more information about the sponsoring organization? Some databases contain a broader field of information, while some are narrower. Using these sources in academic writing can damage writers reputations.What is a credible source of information?A credible source is one that is free of bias and errors and written by a subject matter expert in the field.How can you tell if the source of information is credible?Check the credentials and affiliations of the source and the author. How close is the information to the primary source? However, unlike encyclopedias, Wikipedia pages can be edited by anyone, which means that sometimes the information stated is not reliable and is edited for the sake of making a joke (see example below). In order for a source to be included in a database, it usually must go through a screening process that requires individuals to verify the information in the text. Soliciting others' opinions and tapping into their experience gives you a broader perspective; you see the challenges the company faces, and the opportunities for growth available, from different angles. A finance-oriented CEO, for example, can begin to see the company from the marketing department's point of view. It was also a big hit internationally, reaching number one in Italy and Grounding (metaphysics), a topic in metaphysics regarding how things exist in virtue of more fundamental things. Stevenson University Online features a distinctive, career-focused, and personalized environment for adult learners. The Importance of Information Sources at the Workplace. Question the locksmith about this so that you understand how much you will be charged. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". You may opt-out by. In certain circumstances, older sources may be acceptable. You may have encountered the CRAAP test before. Consider the recommendations and reviews the source has received.Why are reliable sources important essay?Finding sources for research is important, but using unreliable sources will undermine your credibility and weaken the impact of your arguments. Regardless of what type of sources you use, they must be credible. An example of a sensationalistic clickbait headline. You may need to do research to uncover the answers to some of these questions, but considering these questions and the answers is an important step in determining credibility of a source. Anything that is out of date, meaning its been published more than 10 years ago should be avoided. Here are some criteria to focus on to ensure that you only use the most credible of sources. Pay particular attention to the last part of the domain name (for example, the edu in the URL Similarly, YouTube videos can either be posted by a large organization or a single user. credible sources of information have true, accurate and up-to-date information which is a reliable In fact, even Wikipedia itself encourages its users to take caution when gathering information from its site. Once you know the trick to identifying reliable information, you can quickly determine if what youre reading is accurate or not. When evaluating a personal website, find out what you can about the author and their affiliations. One of the major ways to do so is to use sources that are credible. credible sources of information have true, accurate and up-to-date information which is a reliable source to consult and even refer others. Thats whats going to guide your writing. If you get the run around, and the name is not given, move on to someone else. Do remember that credibility is contextual! Sometimes, sources have a specific goal in mind and it can create certain biases. Think you cant afford higher education in the 13 Types of Students You See in Every Classroom. What is their ultimate goal and how are they persuading you of that? Does the article list any degrees, professional affiliations, or describe any experience the author has with the subject? What kind of website is it published on? Reliability can have a knock-on effect on all aspects of the business, including employee engagement, team collaboration and the overall business performance. Clickbait is a type of sensationalized advertisement that seeks to attract viewers through catchy or seemingly unbelievable headlines. Instead, you show your employer that you are a person with integrity. If you use information that others know is inaccurate, you will appear to be less credible, which can make it difficult for others to believe what you say in the future. whys, interj. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. When printing this page, you must include the entire legal notice. Who was it written for? Confirmation bias, believing what is familiar, can steer you in the wrong direction. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Stevenson University Onlines Masters in Communication Studies program equips working professionals with the skills to identify and deliver reliable information. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Another form of clickbait is a page that challenges the viewer to a quiz or test. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Customers are a vital source of information because in order to be successful you must tailor your products or services to precisely fit their current needs. What is an Associate to Bachelors in Nursing? More Contact Options, Mailing Address Materials published on social media platforms such as Facebook or personal blogs dont tend to be the most credible. When you call a locksmith company, pay attention to how they answer the phone. Good communication can boost teamwork and lead to better project collaboration. The closer you are to the source, the more factually correct the information is. No matter how frustrated you become with your company or your employer, and even though you might be tempted to post insulting rants on social networking sites, you try hard to bite your tongue and keep your opinions private. Believe to be true that information to someone else the subject can either be posted by large! Identifying reliable information supports the facts you are always using credible sources, therefore must! Provide information that one can believe what the source, you probably should do some research learn. 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