accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery

Uncategorized 20.02.2023

She was spotted with a bandage on her foot last week whilst leaving the doctors. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. If I still feel pain, I will reach out to my doc and get checked out. When I asked about the tears or ripping feeling in my leg, he mentioned theres a good chance I overstretched my calf muscles as theyre so tight. By the way, this may not appear as using my partner's email, he just got notice that the email was invalid--I'm typing this on my computer, not his. I am in fear of a 2nd surgery. For the past three weeks, I usually navigate those shallow stairs with crutches, and then flip around to go up the stairs on my bum. Do you know majorsite ? Any input will be helpful. No swelling unless Im on my feet for a long period of time. Its always good to get a hold of your doc in cases like this. How are you? I did something similar even earlier in my recovery, twice. To ensure successful bunion surgery recovery: A surgical operation to cut a bone is called an osteotomy. I was hopping from my scooter to a chair when I tripped and instintively put down my NWB foot to catch myself. In my case the doctor clearly said that if the tissues around the suture get too loose, i will never recover full strength. Thank you all for sharing these stories to help others stay calm. I took off my boot and checked my incision point which was now covered in Seri strips since the sutures were out. I had them take a pic and it looked like shredded pork in there. they hurt all the time, even when i have no shoes on. So today I walked with my boot and elevated heels pretty much all day. I had a ligament reconstruction surgery, so everything is supposed to be tight. Best of luck to everyone who is going through this. They have not put me in any PT yet either. I go to dr Tuesday to get staples out and get a hard cast..hopefully, mine will turn out as well as most of the others! Theyre inevitable. I was lucky when I fell doing a similar thing (one little step in the house, using crutches). Let me know how your Thursday appt goes. He said 9 times out of 10 if you are still in a cast it isnt an issue, but to let them know if any pain hits at insertion point. I am going through this as well but my doctor did say i can put as much as i tolerate, but i am so worried because i am overweight. My body ended up in a pose sort of similar to a runner at the start of a race. I missed my scooter when trying to get on and fell over it. I know Im pushing things everyday even though I have the fear of a new rupture like the All he told me was in 2-1/2 weeks he wanted to see me walking into my appointment, in my boot of course and then possibly get rid of the boot all together a couple weeks after that. 3 weeks post op, completely ruptured my Achilles. Slower Healing: The healing process for traditional bunion surgery can be painful. I am not exactly sure how much weight on put on it. I told the doctor about the slip and he was completely unconcerned. Im 2 weeks in to this and accidentally put weight on the wrong foot in a near fall from my knee scooter. I started that yesterday and loving it, although my Achilles is really tight so its challenging. Eric_Mark_1 hello,, I'm on week 3 of bunion surgery, I tripped while using the stairs and put full weight on my affected leg, it's been 12 hours and I still feel swelling on feet bottom and sometimes pressure against the operated area. Im 64 and 225 pounds and put all my weight down early on. I didnt hear/feel anything, and sounds like you didnt either, so I bet its just a little scare. I've been totally off pain meds for over a week, and only took meds a few times before that. TaraH, I rolled my ankle at day 43 while in a protective boot, felt sharp pain, went back to my surgeon to get checked out. So I actually had surgery for my ruptured Achilles on 10/11. I am 8 days out of surgery (follow up appointment in t-minus 6 days) for a full thickness achilles tear. After about 15 minutes or so the shooting pain was gone and my pain level was back to my normal. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Still, it's a big worry. Has any one else every had this happen? Like davidk said above, I think it was the calf muscle contracting. The doctor's office said to watch it and see how the pain is after the weekend. Have hard cast on, lost my balance and for a couple of seconds hopped on toe touch foot. I was told not to worry and I had recently been give permission to apply weight to heel of foot but no walking . !Also nice to know im not traveling through this shit storm alone. Reading this makes me feel better about what just happened. rest and elevate their foot and leg to keep it from moving. take pain medications for discomfort and antibiotics to prevent infection. use ice packs on the foot and toe to bring down swelling. wear a surgical boot for several weeks. use crutches or a knee walker for a few weeks. How do I reduce swelling in my foot after surgery? Get Plenty of Rest. So, for now, no extra stretching, no walking in a pool, etc. Just spoke with my doctor. I was in immense pain and agony and it felt like a ripping and tingling sensation, and the paranoid side of me was thinking I pray to god I didnt just re-tear my achilles after all my progress! I had to wait 2 days to see my doctor as I was getting ready to be placed in a boot and the anxiety ate me alive lol. I went in to see him and he touched everywhere and checked and there were no gaps or anything and he said I was fine. the first try at sewing it up using the suture implant kit failed, so he had to make another incision and sew it up old school). That said, definitely worth seeing your orthopedist to get a clear picture. I had a full Achilles tendon rupture, I am now 2 weeks 5 days post op. This blog is a god send. Figured Id check back here. Placed some weight on my toes (and jammed my good shin against a bar on the scooter - that hurt the most). Its an incredible source of reassurance. Seems ok but dont want to compromise healing. Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. sounds great! The pain was ongoing for a couple of hours but it was no where near the pain of the initial rupture or the few days after surgery. Think positive youll be fine I turned out ok. Anthony, I still sleep in my boot since Im NWB for a couple more weeks. As long as you have that boot on your good to go. Ive been religious about keeping it elevated for the entire month, the stitches were about to become a part of me. healing process cycle after tailor bunion surgery, Simultaneous hammertoe and bunion surgery - how long for rec. Surgery usually takes up to an hour and afterwards, you will be taken to the recovery room and monitored until your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing as well as the sensation and circulation in your foot are back to normal. After I read this post I calmed down a little bit and the twitching has subsided. NOT TORN!!! I was reaching over the side of my scooter (nicknamed Bobo), and I leaned too far, lost my balance and put full weight on NWB foot for about three steps. My docs office hasnt returned my call yet so Im hoping thats a good thing. Im 4 weeks post op from heal spur removal and Achilles tendon lengthening. Im on my 5 days post surgery, when my crutches slipped i accidenttaly put my cast non weight bearing on floor as part of my reflect, im so shocked but thank god i found this forum, open stitches schedule still away on aug 6th so finger crossed x We all heal at our own pace. I was wearing the surgical boot at the time of my accident so I suppose there was some support but I remember putting quite a bit of pressure on my toes at the time. Right foot forward, left foot back. She had smashed up her feet jumping over a wall whilst on holiday in 2020. was very encouraging and relieving. Did you need to take narcotic pain meds again? I too, thought I tore it again. He also stated the only re-ruptures he has seen recently because of a fall or something similar have been people who took off their boots or didnt have them on as they should and fell or slipped etc. I saw my surgeon today, going in for another check in a week just to make sure that everything is good to go for surgery on the 7th. Don't be too hard on yourself. About 10 days in - been in a splint since surgery. PT said I should be crutch free by Saturday! Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? He had no concerns. After surgery, you will wait in a recovery room for one to two hours until your surgeon determines you are safe to leave. Im guessing the pain is from is from the trauma of putting weight on it. My knee and hands hit the ground hardest and I kind of rolled over my hip. Ill find out Thursday if there was damage. Taydra - Im surprised the folks who put your cast on didnt tell you how to ice. I am also glad to read these replies. I have been lucky and not fallen on my foot yet but have had some near misses! I literally just did the same thing! Of course, I was on my knee scooter today after showering and heading to put my boot back on when my dog was playing and bumped me. Yes, I fell hard on my foot. Good luck! Im really glad I found this. I know that this is a less common rupture so I wonder if anyone else had this particular surgery and accident. Called the docs office and left a message with the nurse. It hurt for a split second and then I lifted it up immediately off the floor and it turned out to be fine. Keep me informed of your progress and what the doc says about PT. Overcorrection is also a risk, but much less common. 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. Felt like a shock in the area of the injury and I have a a lot of tightness in the bottom of my foot. Im 3.5 weeks post op in hard cast and was doing well. WebI'm sure the numbness will go away in time. I was 5 days way to get into my hard cast so I didnt contact the Doc and wait and stress it out was my descion, did a bunch of research and drove me even more crazy. If something still occurs, youll get the proper treatment, and all the problems will be easily resolved. Read Also: 50 Foot 12 Gauge Extension Cord. Bunionplasty refers to the method with which the skin is handled to limit scarring for a more aesthetic result. Individuals who suffer from foot ailments like bunions, heel spurs, and hammertoes often put off foot surgery until the pain becomes crippling. Its just a really weird feeling. It literally almost brought me to tears. Why destroy a joint if you can save it? Mine is still pretty stiff(can only move the joint 30 maybe 40% of the way back) but should clear up with enough therapudic methoods every day such as moving it geny on the groud out of the boot & bending it back & forth with an elastic band at least 10 minutes a day. Dont risk re-rupturing your tendon. Took it easy the rest of day and elevated. My pain level since surgery has been minimal. Ill report back next Wed at my post-op appointment on if there were any ramifications to my scooter incident today. All rights reserved. I have been lightly limping around the house with extreme caution without it through out my day. My dr had xrays done to make sure nothing moved out of place however I do have a screw that is in my bone where theyve realigned it so it can mend back he said it looks like nothing moved. Ive been without wedges for about 4 weeks. Have a 2 wk follow up in 2 days/ hopefully everything will be ok. It was a really weird feeling putting a shoe on that foot today. Hopefully its done its job in protecting me. Accidents happen. Woke up medicated and felt much better and then coming out of a quick stop at a gas station the next afternoon lost it coming down a curb on the scooter and it hurt much worse this time around than the first. My wrist is a little sore today but not horrible so I'm hoping it's just a. Good luck! Bunion surgery wound care. Read the ice behind the knee advice in this thread and wanted to say thanks for that. She is going to change the cast on Wednesday and check it. Hoping just flared up and no damage done! 80 -90% better after surgery is a home run. I would have went to the nearest hospital or urgent care, oh please let me know what the doc says. As the bump increases in size, often the great toe pushes laterally toward the second toe. Hopefully the foot is OK! He said depending on how much weight went down through foot and how much time, would affect how much pain/symptoms youd have. Katie Price underwent surgery on her foot earlier this month, with the procedure said to have involved taking screws out which had been inserted in response to her having smashed her feet in 2020. This too shall pass. Historically, these procedures have been performed through large incisions, but at HSS, I have perfected two special techniques to correct bunions through tiny incisions. Certain styles of shoes may press down on the top of the foot. Just contact us to book your appointment, and were sure youll find all the answers. I have my follow up in two days. At my follow up to get my sutures removed, the doc checked everything out and all was fine. Ive also heard that if you re-rupture, you would hear and feel that snap again just like what happened during your original rupture. It doesnt hurt much, or constantly, but Im just scared in case I have torn it. I hate running even more now. Like I was pushing a muscle stretch too far. Just felt a tingling and a little pressure- no real pain but have been worried I messed it up. Thoughts anyone? People will turn to every possible alternative before arriving at the last resort of conventional foot surgery. A bit worried, and wondering if I should call the doc or wait a few day till the 6th. Also I may be losing my insurance soon. Due to both the pain and the potentially bulky or rigid footwear that may be required, sleeping can be difficult, so it is important to take pain medication as soon as you feel sensation in your foot following your operation. This takes slightly longer if you have a general anaesthetic rather than an ankle block. Will try to update after dr appointment. I do have a little tingle in my toes which is scaring me. Notes on Any one else fall on their foot after having a bunionectomy 5 days ago? I am a little overweight and my Dr was worried about how I would handle getting around but I've done great. Although the mechanics of connecting two pieces of wood together and inserting screws into your foot are the same, the screws in your foot after bunion surgery are constructed quite differently. So, I had surgery again two days later. Luckily in my fall i didn't wind up moving or fracturing the bone that was realigned. And the day after my surgery in a splint my crutches slipped and i accidentally caught my fall with my injured foot. Repaired posterior Tibial tendon and 3 torn ligaments. 10 days post surgery after a complete rupture. Even if they didnt I think Ill stick with the booth because I dont want to wake up and accidentally do something like put too much weight etc when Im half asleep so I keep the boot on but much looser. There are multiple techniques, but all involve cutting the bones and repositioning them with metal screws to straighten the big toe and reduce the bump on the side of the foot. I think these scooters need to have a better design to make them more stable. I appreciate everyones stories and advice by the way, stay strong and patient everyone! Doc moved foot into dorsiflexion and palpated length of tendon, as well as noted calf movement going into dorsiflexion. You may be givencrutches or a stick to help you get around your physical therapistwill teach you how to use these and how to safely get up and down thestairs before you are discharged. Sounds like this has happened to plenty of people - anything I should stress about?? i'm on day 9. doctor had me go in this morning ASAP to get x-rays done. Hope that was the last of scares with re-tearing.. Not a fun past 3 days. I'm feeling much better about my surgery on 11/7 now. Conventional foot surgery can be extremely debilitating. I'm hoping I'm not moving forward to fast. The doctor explained that the PARS operation is passing multiple threads through the tendon and looping it against the opposite side. Other than the top of my foot now hurting I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. Full weight on foot before falling to the ground. Nurse called back and said this does happen frequently and that its general not something to worry too much about. Had pains for about 3hrs seems to be feeling ok. Whats the best way to know if I re ruptured it? An MP joint replacement is similar to a hip joint replacement. Im lucky as I have a lot of support at home. Lol. Yikes! I had my surgery and am in splint, friend accidentally hit my toes when giving me a pillow and I felt pain through my lower leg for a few seconds called my mother who has had this surgery before and said should be fine, after all, if our toes were a major issue they would have them covered and not let them stick out. Just gonna keep hobbling toward that light at the end of the tunnel. I was sure I re-tore it, and was so angry at myself. Now that Im in air walking boot, he did say to take it easy with WBing since area is already stressed/sore and not to over due it. Call a doc if you are worried! That if the pain worsened or was not relieved by medication I was to come in the next day. At this point in the game for us, any little good news and steps forward are a victory. Not an expert on crutches yet obviously. Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. But I know a lot of people fall and slip during the during the nwb stage! Given your description of events, I would be very surprised if youve done any real harm. If youre worried about possible problems, you can talk to a specialist at LuxeFoot Surgery clinic. Because I accidentally landed on my foot getting out of bed without my boot it cause the gap and now Im schedule for another surgery. I am taking more pain meds today too. The dr. said to use pain meds and contact him in a few days. Paul, I am still NWB. What happened is that i was getting out of the bathroom and i lost balance and i accidentally put weight on my injured leg , i did hear something but not on my operated area but on my foot , i did not feel pain at the time as i quickly picked it up but it was really stiff . Im still going to call my doctor on monday. He also told me that almost every patient has an accidental weight bear on NWB foot and usually its harmless, but to BE CAREFUL from then on! I slipped off my scooter and slammed my surgical foot on the floor at exactly 2 weeks post op. It hurt like crazy when I did it, but I immediately elevated and iced it and the pain dissipated. ive followed the drs instructions to elevate and ice consistently. I had just stood up to open my window and on my way back to my chair I tripped of my bag. I felt something that I could describe as a stretching or a ripping feeling, and now I have some pain in the incision area. Please help. I Had a similar scare as all of you about 3 & a half weeks post surgery. A mild bunion recurrence is well-tolerated by most patients. I can wiggle my toes, move my ankle move my toes up and down. I fear that there are a lot of people re rupturing. Looks like we will be second surgery buddies! In more advanced stages, some patients also develop osteoarthritis The longer the joint is crooked and the longer the joint is mal-aligned, the greater the chance for the person to develop arthritis. my foot now feels numb and i cant really feel much around where the sutures are i can still feel my other toes though. im definitely worried about this, i dont know how much time ill spend off of work at this point im just waiting it out. I am scared I may have torn my repaired tendon. Traditionally, arthritic joints were destroyed or fused.These are not good alternatives for an active person who puts great demand on their feet. I would like to thank you all for writing and hope everyone a quick recovery. speedy recovery. he says since each day I have pushed things even more. I just got the walking boot on September 21. When I pressed him on it, he said that my particular tear was in a bad place and he wanted to go extra slow with it. About 2 weeks after my surgery I lost balance and I smacked my bare foot down on the bathroom floor while getting out of the shower. Still, reading the experiences and responses here may help me to just take a deep breath and calm down. The pain level seems to be the as before the accident. Significant bunion recurrences that cause problems and require further surgery are much less common. Its not constant. I was holding on to the towel bar for support getting out of the shower until it completely broke and naturally I put full weight on my surgically repaired Achilles. Today my surgical cast and stitches were removed, x-rays were taken, and I was put in a removable boot. I had posterior tibial tendon surgery 12 days ago and I am scared that I re injured my ankle. Hey Serge that was a tough moment let us know if everything is fine. This x-ray on the left shows a foot with severe arthritis of the bunion joint , and less arthritis of the smaller toe joints. She has difficulty getting out of chairs and cannot hop when using crutches. How is your foot feeling now, and your wrist and your hip? Most patients will experience discomfort for three to five days. That did not feel good! Happy walking! Long game. The podiatrist had guided me Yikes! The casts and boots provided are designed to be very protective of your healing Achilles and they do work. Are you not yet FWB in your boot? AJ, Im sure youre fine! Do not want to go backwards at this point. Some bunion deformities worsen more rapidly than others, but they all get worse with time. Do call your doctor tomorrow if you are still worried about your foot. I purchased a knee scooter which Still very tight. There was something in the back of my head telling me that there is something wrong. I just read your story! Im at 5 months , 3 days now and waking with a slight limp now. If I had to guess, Id say I didnt re-rupture it, but it was definitely enough of a fall to freak me out. Sat down and the feeling went away after a few minutes, now just feels a bit tight. Anyway at some point I put down the wrong foot! Theres a lot of angst that goes into this healing process, but keep hanging in there - theres a light at the end of the tunnel! Happy healing!! Im two week post surgery and I was getting out of my car and lost balance. I was crutching from bathroom to bed and fell. Everything seems to feel the same back there so hopefully nothing crazy happened. The pain is most likely a result of muscles that havent been used in a while taking weight, you know? Although I passed the Thompson test, reflex test and moving my foot up and down and side to side there was a gap shown in the MRI that had occurred during my fall. He did use a flat stone with muscle cream and worked the tendon and scar tissue. Right now my achilles is in no pain. Im one week post op and while I was at work, I attempted to sit down and the chair slipped and I naturally placed my injured foot down and boy was I in a lot of pain. I retired 2 years ago and have been remodeling our house so looking forward to the day I can continue. I couldnt sleep just worried about having to undergo surgery again and reading all these stories. Now I will have a partially working foot and weak leg. Thank you all for your posts. Still very weak. What helped me a lot , was accepting that I had this injury, and blocking out the thoughts in my mind telling me that I would have been doing this or that if I didnt have this injury. The hardest part for me is getting in/out of a walk in shower. Hi all, Im 14 days post op and in a cast and just about an hour ago I lost balance on my scooter and fell on my nwb leg. I dont know how manu weight i did put , afterwards it felt uncomfortable but not in constant pain I am really worried that i have done any damage. hi i had a bunionectomy on my right foot last friday and it is wednesday night now ..about 5 days later. You will be given a special shoe to wear when you are walking for the first few weeks of bunion surgery recovery. Even if the tension pulls three of the four threads through the tendon and out the other side but one holds, youre going to be fine. It felt sounded like tearing. but dont do it again. Hello, thought I would post hair after having a bit of an incident this afternoon; like many others had a slight imbalance on my knee scooter and reflected using my surgical leg to balance myself for a quick second. For those going through this ordeal, remember that everything after the surgery is positive progress. My leg is so small. There was a slight initial pain (gone after a minute or 2) but it was fine this morning, and there isnt any swelling.

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