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afrikaans slang words
The communication of how you care or cherish for someone can no longer be impeded by a language barrier when you are in an Afrikaans-speaking country. Wors (vors): This slang refers to traditional Afrikaans type of sausage, now-eaten by almost all the people in the region. Its just that we in the English-speaking world have the phrase too, which means the opposite! The slap part of it comes from the Afrikaans word meaning limp. rather than as a question. In most cases, they form the vocabulary of the area where they are used and their use is limited to informal speech. South Africa is that other country. (Afrikaans - asshole-full). The etymology of the word derives from a description of early traffic lights as robot traffic officers. The following lists slang borrowings from the Nguni Bantu languages (which include Zulu and Xhosa). I just took it to mean literally anything. The language has also been referred to as a creole or part creole language in recent times. 6. WebIn this lesson, you'll learn some Afrikaans slang words, as well as some general South African slang words. South African industry has boomed since the late 1990s, leading to many large companies setting up their regional headquarters in the country. bella to hit or slap "I will bella you if you don't stop 23. WebItalian word for egg plant, which is black when uncooked. 1. George Sanghvi grew up in rural India, here, he would hear several languages being spoken. Internationally speaking, Australia is known for its barbeques, with them being among the largest in the world. Webfok - Afrikaans for "fuck", can be used in most ways it is used in English. This list provides some of the most commonly used South African slang words that anyone visiting the country should familiarize with for purposes of efficient communication. Your email address will not be published. On top of this, lekker is also used to mean Nice or Cool or even Great. Herewith a list of common terminology from Wikipedia: We thought it may be funny to look at a few slang South African words, and clearly you can see the Afrikaans influence in some: Your email address will not be published. You will hear someone say: "That was a lekker experience". These are the Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Northern Sotho, Venda, Swazi, Xhosa, Tsonga and Tswana. Many of these terms also occur widely amongst ethnic/native South Africans, and others living in neighbouring countries such as Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia, etc. Bliksem: This is the South African slang word for punch or hit derived from the Afrikaans. Many of these terms occur in the Cape Town and Durban areas, and few in Indian areas in Gauteng. Ag man! Get to Know Gloria Darlene Fox: Megan Foxs Mom. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. When would my car be arriving?, when would I be getting my package? These languages have led to the formation of slang words in the country which are used and are as equally accepted as some of the languages themselves. The Afrikaans language is known to have its origin in Dutch and though it remains quite a unique one, it has several traces of other dialects in it. In recent years, bliksem has also been used as an expression of surprise, shock, (dis)pleasure or just about anything else. Im fine, thanks, and you? Do well to exercise your liberty and greet any Afrikaan you see in the morning Goeie more. The word waati most popular in Johannesburg, Durban, and Cape Town townships, simply means water. Countries like Colombia are are well known for their party scenes, with much of their slang being based around it. After it became a republic in 1961, South Africas official name became the Republic of South Africa. It is a term that is used to mean bars that are unlicensed and were established during the apartheid tenure. Those who speak English use the equivalent English words as slang. [ach-man] Oh man! The Afrikaans word for when is waneer which can be used in diverse forms to make inquiries. Ive got to pack for my indaba in Johannesburg at the weekend. Regardless of what/which language (s) you speak, your language (s) undoubtedly have Many words are shared with Coloured slang, such as pozzie (in Durban) and let's waai. FLORA AND FAUNA: South Africa has: deserts, wetlands, grasslands, bush, subtropical forests, mountains, and escarpments. Example (annoyance): Ag tog, ek het my foon iewers gelos. In South Africa, Boerewors are a specific type of sausage that was originally made by the Dutch/Boer settlers of South Africa. Below are some frequently asked questions and answers about the Afrikaans language: The longest word in Afrikaan is Tweedehandsemotorverkoopsmannevakbondstakingsvergaderingsameroeperstoespraakskrywerspersverklaringuitreikingsmediakonferensieaankondiging. Who Is Peter Sebiloane and Does He Have a Wife? Drowors is Afrikaans for dry sausage., Expression of surprise, disapproval, exasperation, or regretExamples:Eish, traffic is badEish, sorry about that bru!, Fed up, annoyedExample: Im gatvol of your nonsense, Wow! (You need to get out of my house right now.). Webada backside. It will be fun to brush up on all words for that eventual time that we can safely travel again. Eish (ay- sh):This is an expression of two tribes that is the isiXhosa and the isiZulu. WebAfrikaans vocabulary is the set of words you should be familiar with. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Azerbaijan! The term is mostly used to express astonishment. Aikona! Babbelas, pronounced as bub-a-las, is a slang word from Zulu that is used to refer to hangover. Quagga is pronounced as Kwa-gh-uh is another South African slang word. 3. gees - Literal translation it means spirt, for something to have spirit. Aweh/Awe [ah-weh] Hello, greeting between close friends/mates. Whilst almost unheard of outside of South Africa, Boerewors are a mainstay of any braii in South Africa and an essential part of any South Africans diet. WebFamous quotes containing the words township and/or slang: The most interesting thing which I heard of, in this township of Hull, was an unfailing spring, whose locality was pointed out to me on the side of a distant hill, as I was panting along the shore, though I did not visit it. Regardless of what/which language (s) you speak, your language (s) undoubtedly have an equivalent of bra/bru. Expression of pity, resignation, or irritation Examples: Ag man, Ive got to work late tonight! Ag, shame man! 2. "Jou Ma se gat" or "Jou Ma se poes" is a derogatory phrase that literally translates to "Your Mom's hole" or "Your Mom's vagina". not on your nellie; nice try. Domkop: This word is similar to the German word Dummkopf. It may confuse many outsiders, but is it? Quagga (Kwa -gh uh): This slang name is used to refer to an extinct-specie of zebra scientifically referred to as Equus quagga. barbara straight man. However, South Africa is also well known for its barbeque culture, at least in neighboring countries. Boerewors is Afrikaans for farmers sausage., Male friend, dude. WebThe following slang words used in South African originated in other parts of the Commonwealth of Nations and subsequently came to South Africa. ? guy similar to the American English word dude chop stupidor pathetic dont be such a chop (idiot). Dont skinner about me. Lekker Lekker[lek-uh] is a widely used term indicating that something is great or nice. Lekker is Afrikaans for tasty.Examples:It was lekker to see you again boetYou look lekker in that dress That was a lekker braai!, Sentence addition meaning Know what I mean? do you agree? or right?Example: Eish, its cold hey?, Soon but not immediately, quicker than just now, Of course or definitely in response to a questionExample: A Were going to a jol tonight, you coming? B Onetime, Traditional maize porridge similar to grits, House, homeExample: Come over to my posie when youre ready, Invitation to join or come over Example: Pull in to my braai tonight, Traffic lightExamples:Left at the third robotRobots are down, Expression of sympathy, pity, or admiration Examples:Shame, the baby is so cute!A Her sister is in the hospital B Shame, Goodbye. , ( . Enjoy! However, in South African slang, shame also has another meaning: sorry. Your email address will not be published. Who Is Franklin Thomas Fox, Megan Foxs Dad? Many black only bars popped up all over South Africa illegally of course. South Africa is made up of eleven official languages. It could also be used to refer to a special kind of container. Origin: Swahili phrase. In many ways, South Africa is just like any other western country. 9. outside of South Africa!) Does Stephen A Smith Have a Wife, What Is His Salary and How Much Is He Worth? I cannot tell you how many times I annoyed my friends with using it in the wrong context! 5. How is it or Hello Awe The word Awe which is an English word to show surprise is actually used as Here are some examples: List of Vocabulary in Afrikaans Below is a list of the vocabulary and expressions in Afrikaans placed in a table. It would not be out of place to begin by calling out my liefde. Will you do your homework?Ill do it just now!. We had a braii yesterday and we braiied all of the meatI bet it was so lekker!Definitely!. Biltong [billtong] "Pots". Really? It derives from the Dutch word for lightning, and often occurs in conjunction with donner. a name for any kind of insect or creepy-crawly. In Afrikaans, slap means limp. Mr. Doody 1 f # 06'n 1. WebSOUTH AFRICAN SLANG WORD OF THE DAY: WAATI. Braii Barbeque. Webfok - Afrikaans for "fuck", can be used in most ways it is used in English. 12. #19. Ooh that was a double whammy, que round of applause. Typical users include people with Afrikaans as their first language but who speak English as a second language; and people living in areas where the population speaks both English and Afrikaans. Webada backside. belinda blind. Those who speak English use the equivalent English words as slang. Over time, as the Xhosa people moved around, they brought their language with them. (I was in an accident with my pickup truck.). Read more about this topic: List Of South African Slang Words, Slang Terms Originating From Ethnic Minorities, Only let the North exert as much moral influence over the South, as the South has exerted demoralizing influence over the North, and slavery would die amid the flame of Christian remonstrance, and faithful rebuke, and holy indignation.Angelina Grimk (18051879), Ive never been afraid to step out and to reach out and to move out in order to make things happen.Victoria Gray, African American civil rights activist. Many South Africans will also use it to show how shocked they are at something, more akin to is it! Severally, you would stumble upon many similarities and slight changes with the English language. There is also prevalence of South Africans speaking a mixture of English and Afrikaans at the same time: The word Afrikaans means African in Dutch. The term is largely derived from the Afrikaans word boet, meaning Brother. Template:Refimprove You can also expect exceptionally rich marine life. Im so glad that you find these useful. This is a slang word that is used in most cases to refer to someone who is disliked. In most cases, you will hear people say, "That is a keif outfit". READ ALSO: 250 most common Afrikaans words translated in English. 20. Used to curse that Bliksem. Perhaps not surprisingly, as many of these parties involve alcohol, jolling (a verb derived from jol) is a South African slang term used in the same way that American slang speakers might use the term to make out. You know what, lets just forget about the beach and have a braai instead, all we need is some meat, mieliepap, some cooldrinks, maybe a brinjal and some other veggies. Although it literally means I say, it is used in greeting. They typically occur in use in South Africa's townships, but some have become increasingly popular amongst white youth. Instead, shebeen actually originates in Irish slang! B Babelas bubba-luss: Hangover, often the consequence of a really good braai. a party or social gathering that usually involves music and dancing. Well at least he's duidelik. When you want to express such a bond, you can use the word familie to say family. It will be best to understand the context in which the words have been used before making any assumptions. Believe it or not, Isit, pronounced as Iz-it, is a "Is it" in English. Cuiter: This slang word is used by South Africans to mean someone that one does not admire or like. Peradventure you find yourself in one of the Afrikaans communities and you intend to thrill them a little and show them a sense of belonging, it is worth knowing a couple of basic Afrikaans words. So fun to recall hearing these and remembering certain people we met along the way! The word that literally means water in Afrikaans is natiel. Is a tradition of tribal African women to carry their young hands-free Aikhona! Kwashiorkor. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Tajikistan! This Afrikaans slang is mostly heard in the first form, but the second form is also quite popular in Kwa-Zulu Natal. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Turkmenistan! It is a special kind of chips that is thicker and is usually made by soaking the chips in vinegar before they are prepared. Many of these terms also occur widely amongst South African Coloureds, these terms do not occur in formal South African English. WebSkinner[skuhn-her] is Afrikaans slang for gossip. WebFound insideAffectionate and expletive words like abba, kamma, eina and aitsa all form part of the Afrikaans slang that has become part and parcel of typical West Coast 7. bombela gangster slang meaning "where someone works" bompie iced confectionary boom Afrikaans for "tree." used to describe an unspecified time in the near future or recent past. (I bumped my head against the wall, ouch!). You must have thought of Ubuntu as an operating system. Coffee koffie. Lekker, pronounced as lek-uh, is a term that you will frequently hear most people in South Africa say. Some of these languages that have attributed to the slang words are English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Ndebele, Xhosa, Northern Sotho, Tsonga, Venda, Tswana and Swazi. Potte - lit. can be used in practically every situation you are presented with. Youll get to learn some slang words commonly used by not only Afrikaans-speaking natives but many of the other people living there as well. \bluhk-suhm\) strike, hit, punch; also used as an expression of surprise/emphasis (rude). Fokkende = fucking, gefok = fucked. Get the news that matters from one of the leading news sites in South Africa, Mpoomy Ledwaba posts inspirational message about having faith as she moves into new offices, Jury hears Elon Musk told 'lies' that cost Tesla investors millions, 'Skeem Saam' viewers proud of Pretty Seakamela for rejecting Lehasa Maphosa's proposal: "She did well", Mzansi woman gets dragged for saying men with smart shopper cards are embarrassing: "It's not for dumb people", Trump presses Facebook to restore his account, Stories about TikTok star Malcolm Wentzel that will surprise you, Enroll for NOSA courses for your workplace, Most valuable South African coins (with images), Construction workers discover human remains in Tembisa building burnt during 2021 July unrest, "2 Different people": Woman's pregnancy transformation has peeps in disbelief, Gayton McKenzie singles Ramaphosa out for 16 years of empty promises about ending loadshedding, demands a plan, United Airlines sees 2023 profit jump amid tight capacity, Mzansi drags DJ Zinhle's fashion sense, Twitter users say she dresses like a 1st-year student from UKZN, Zulu culture, food, traditional attire, wedding ceremony, dance and pictures, 6 names, one man - Nelson Mandela and how he became Madiba, The beautiful Princess Charlene is teaching her twins isiZulu. The majority of Coloureds in South Africa speak Afrikaans. There are majorly four countries that speak this language; South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. This sounds like good morning, only with the night being called nag. The following slang words used in South African originated in other parts of the Commonwealth of Nations and subsequently came to South Africa. The term originates from a time where British soldiers would eat French fries in South African forts. They typically occur in use in the South Africa townships, but some have become increasingly popular among white youth. South Africa on the other hand is not known as much for its partying, although this is increasing year-on-year. Some could be used for contexts that do not mean to be offensive. Fokkende = fucking, gefok = fucked. That's a lot of ways to say hello. dobbel gamble duidelik direct from Afrikaans, meaning clear; used to express clarity on something or excitement about something. African American slang, or AAVE (African American Vernacular English), is a unique form of slang that has developed among African Americans in the WebSouth African Slang. WebBliksem (pron. You may also like: America's most hated slang words, explained. Boerewors are something that youd probably cook on your braii. His passion for writing allows him to take what is ordinary and transform it into a real masterpiece. (Originated from Afrikaans slang bot.) Bakkie buck-key: South African version of the pickup truck. A barbecue, the Afrikaans word for grill. 5. gatvol - fed up, had enough. This Afrikaans Swear Words Adult Coloring Book has 14 single-sided designs and filled with hilarious offensive quotes explained in English. Aside from meaning I am fine, and you? it also shows the hearer, that you also care about the welfare of the person. Meaning if you are a bird watcher or nature lover you will never be disappointed! I broke up with KevinShame. But compared with it at its best, English has reached the Alexandrian stage of formalism and decay.Raymond Chandler (18881959), Slang Terms Originating From Ethnic Minorities. B Babelas bubba-luss: hangover, often the consequence of a really good braai and He! Of Nations and subsequently came to South Africa is also used to mean someone that does. In practically every situation you are a bird watcher or nature lover you will hear people say, is! Iz-It, is a special kind of insect or creepy-crawly around, they form the of! Most people in the region when you want to express such a bond, you can use the English! Only with the English language, mountains, and Cape Town and Durban areas and. News from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription, and Zimbabwe gamble duidelik from! For gossip in vinegar before they are prepared and often occurs in conjunction with donner, Australia known... 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