aizawa shouta x daughter reader angst

Uncategorized 20.02.2023

He kneels down to your height. (Summary sucks, idk how to summarize..)(Content warnings included at beginning of chapter)(I'll try to update at least once every week!:)). Suzuki Inori has always been helpless and unable to defend herself, all alone in the world without a strong quirk that can protect her. so I actually became one. The broccoli boi asks. Iida asks. Four children (Izuku, Kirashima, Shinso & Eri) of 10 and a 5 year old's from the same apartment complex became orphans. Shouta Aizawa has been in UA Asylum for almost a decade with no chance of ever seeing the world outside of a prison cell again. Dinge waren nicht schlimm am Anfang, bis er als Quirkloss diagnostiziert wurde, und naja, von dann an ging es Bergab. Would he still be able to hide those feelings, or would he give in to his emotions? Izuku Midoriya is 14, Quirkless, friendless and desperately wants to be a Hero. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Lowkey a c "Tell me how you're sleeping easy, how you're only thinking of yourself" This fanfic incluses SH, Suicide, abuse, etc. He says walking out the room. Hopefully. Raspy voice, tall muscly body, and always exhausted appearance. Work Search: the reader's quirk is so lovely and sweet!!! But they could be worse. Something about you just draws the emotionless man's attention. "Because her babysitter was sick and I needed to take her here with me." She grew up having two unique and dan. You nod your head. For the end of the year, Present Mic and Midnight threw a Bnenkai (forget the year) party at one of the coolest, lowkey izakayas in Tokyo for the U.A. "Oh, ok." You say as your father serves your food. Your english is fine, and Im sorry this was so short, I hope this was enough of what you were looking for! "W-well I woke up and I went to go look for zashi but I couldn't find him. Warning! He says. Tears filled your eyes. You were being pushed around and you didn't like it. He was cut off by his own grunt. This work isn't hosted on the Archive so this blurb might not be complete [Name] [L/Name] is Quirkless, the lowest scum of society. Could I perhaps request Toshinori, Hizashi, and Aizawa becoming jealous over the reader spending more time with either a close friend or even one of the other teachers (Lila Aizawa getting jealous over the reader spending time with Hizashi?) , a miss y/n l/n finds herself a job as an assistant teacher at U.A highscho Y/N gets an opportunity to go to the new school in Japan where all new rising hero's go. The class kept their excitement and confusion inside, staying at their desks and allowing you to come to them. Well are currently walking over there. Requests: Open! You covered your ears and cried. Twenty years later, you are reunited with your childhood best friend and former fianc when he kidnaps you, but everything youve been told is not what it seems. - (Y/n) Aizawa is the daughter of the pro hero and teacher, Shota Aizawa or also known as Eraserhead. Sniffles were heard coming from you. - Shouta activated his quirk to silence his classroom, but what really shut them up was seeing the way you smacked his cheeks together with a laugh. "Alright we just finished class with him so we could bring you to him." Shota Aizawa x Fem!Reader All one shots can also be found on my Tumblr and Instagram. The way certain blondes eye lit up when he sang out his favorite song. The Winner Takes It All || BNHA Various x Reader 303 pages May 25, 2021 SpookyFish Thanks for the request hun! Nobody would even miss him if he died now. A/n: Ok first of all, Welcome to my Mha x child reader book! You, along with these misfit gaggle of fraggles, were his kids. Hes a hero, you know? You reconnect with an old friend and try to make some new ones, all the while avoiding the hell that is your past. The school is massive after all. Would they accept you if they found out? A suggestion of keeping her at 'the cabin' is made. All hands hoay me hearties, we be sailin into the docks of Sinehpor. NOT IN CHAPTERS! If yo An AizawaXReader fan fiction. Yet, after a run in with a wall and some accidental injury, here he was, having a sleepover in his vigilante clothes. -I will add a warning before every chapter with smut. my best friend I hope that she will have easier life that she has now! "Who's your daddy?" The students tensed, expecting him to shove the stranger off or use his famous capture weapon. "Nah your always gonna be better than me papa." Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Original Female Character(s), Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Original Character(s), Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Original Female Character(s), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Original Character(s), Kurono Hari | Chronostasis/Original Female Character(s), Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Good Significant Other. Really loud. in a long while. Shes perfectly content remaining a successful vigilante, thank you very much. (when I write in italics it means that Mic did that thing where he yells a word in the sentence.) He wasn't done with life yet. Why would any father agree to letting their daughter run around being a guinea pig for a bunch of teenagers? "Yep. But when others Start things with his daughter.. what does he do? You looked around the entire teachers lounge and noone was there. Work Search: Nobody else knew that Bakugou was afraid of failure or regretted everything he'd done in the past. Aizawa opens it and sees Deku, Uraraka, and Iida. War es wirklich unmglich ein Held ohne Quirk zu werden? Hizashi Yamada." "Heroes." Oh, the far away place where my mind goes to hide. Time and again, the darkness catches up with you and makes you forget. You say fiddling with your fingers. You've lived in this apartment building for a few years, but the sudden appearance of a run-down man has you on edge. Youre the amazing one with your creative ideas. No one at the Orphanage liked you very much, and you never stayed You're the pro hero Siren, renowned for their mind control quirk. I want my daddy!" Aizawa is a fool in love. . You still remember the day you decided to risk it all. Your main focus is to help students control their quirks and to teach those who are will hand on hand combat. Im here for you. Cassie Stronghold, daughter of number one American hero Edric Stronghold and family friend of Momo Yaoyorozu, has an incredible quirk, a noteworthy reputation, and an unmatched fiery temper. So when you turned four and received your quirk that was nothing like his at all, yet you said you wanted to be a hero just like he was? Truth to tell, you don't know what to make of them, either. plot summary: he doesnt really do love, but his bright-eyed TA has him seeing a world of possibility. New writers are often pushed down by the algorithm, and this is just to help get their names and works out there and enjoyed by everyone! #toshinoriyagi She lives with her "Don't cry, smile!" Which was what planned to do, the longing glances and minimal conversations werent cutting it anymore. You wanted the late-night talks about everything and anything, the company you could provide each other, the warmth of his sweater again. He'd try his best to tell you that when he's being strict- when he's trying to teach you, it's because he wants to help you. You are living the life you have dreamed of for a long time. tldr: aizawa thinks his TA is cute and wants to ruin her life (in a good way), -Let's keep it simple then, you can hear the smile playing on his lips, and Lord, you want to know if those lips are as pretty as they sound, what would you say your most often recurring sin is?, The tip of your tongue swipes over your top lip, but he speaks again; and don't lie. Mic didn't answer because he was too busy cooing at your sleeping figure. And now, facing the gates of UA, you're surrounded by heroes that don't know what to make of you. But when she died, he became a man of logic and decided to teach aspiring heroes. However, the rules are different here than what she's used to, and things don't go as she expects. Thank ye, Kirishima. Pairing: Dad!Shouta Aizawa x Daughter!Reader. #aizawa Now a prohero yourself, you need to stop by to pick up something from your old teacher Shouta Aizawa. With your mates growing antsy for more work, and you itching for a new conquest, you figured itd be beneficial to kill two birds with one stone. (Quirkless AU). 'His' organization believes men sets a better image for the company. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Maybe even Eraser and Tsukauchi. Some warnings I would like to share before you read: -HE/HIM will be revealed to use SHE/HER later on.I will be referring to Female Anatomy in this. This child was not 'raised' but trained, tortured, pushed into the hero she is..or,'He is'. Getting a call from Nezu, saying that UA needs a martial arts teacher and if she'd be interested, was where her life changed for the better. I hope you enjoy! The girl who knows all of your secrets from the dead. Also if you see this anywhere else, please tell me so I can sort it out. As usual. A/N: I SPELLED TIKTOK WRONG SKDFGJFSDKBG but its alright Todo baby was just making a joke I swear-. Routine. Working as UA's resident therapist and counselor has meant you've seen and had to deal with lots of traumas. More coming out soon(: Enjoy! A prisoner of Shie Hassaikai and trapped in and endless loop of evil, incapable of saving herself. She rocks! Shes going to become a Hero for herself, her mother, her sister and her brothers. Yearning for freedom. You were never a household name, and "retirement" suited you. Jae is the new mechanic lead at UAs Support Department and its her first week on the job. You ask. "Papaaaaaa, it's wayyyy tooo earlyyyyy." Warlocks are thought to be extinct so this comes as a surprise to Aizawa. When Shouta Aizawa lets his best friend convince him to go to a strip club with him (despite his better judgment) he might just have met the love of his life. hii, could you add me to your taglist for the 3 main boys fanfic?? "Normally when you have sonic hearing you'd also get the other senses aswell. The way your eyes sparkled when you saw the grand building caused his heart to squeeze in a delightful way, warmth spreading through his body as you smiled up at him, pointing to every little thing you could find. Uraraka asks. or accurate. "Look Shou, she's adorable~." Pairing: Commodore!aka Officer!Bakugou Katsuki x Pirate!Fem!Reader, Originally posted by afoxthatpretendstobeabear. bnha anime mha +19 more # 5 Defying Destiny (K. Bakugo x OC) by Chaos 55.3K 1.3K 96 Some people are destined to do great things. He shrugged his sweater off, and you did all you could to fight him on it, but the words failed you as soon as you saw his smile. All of them want to make the world a better place and they do it together. Thanks huns! Asami's Aizawa life is just Mainly a Tragedy. Izuku hadn't realized that when Aizawa offered him free access to his "safe house" he would wind up with two new parents, a couple of cats, and craft macaroni. Although Aizawa is known mostly for being apathetic, always tired and simply does things at the possible minimum, after taking in the child, he obviously changes. . Cue Izuku catching the attention of multiple heroes who are a little more open-minded and willing to see the potential in a quirkless kid. He groans. Your secret? The hallways were full of people and I was getting pushed around. Some have families they can trust. You were sucking your thumb and had a small smile on your features. You groan once again as you reluctantly sat up on your bed. Things arent great. or, Mr. and Mrs. Aizawa have a difficult conversation they should have had a long time ago. Y/N Aizawa is a beautiful girl with a powerful personality. Your biological father, Satan himself, You're a retired heroine. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Maybe there are somethings that are worth remembering. This is just some of the things that you'd do if your child self were related to the My Hero Academia characters. Some people are destined to do great things. A/n: Damn that was long, but I hope you guys liked this one! As if anyone would believe that. And a third chance. ), You're a Pro-hero working at the Genius-Agency in Tokyo. She showed up a week late, has the nerve to throw shit right back in his face, and three seconds later is crying over something. Summary: You still remember how it all happened. His shaky response was answered by a fist making contact with the wall right next to his head, leaving behind a small imprint. This fic contains mention of rape and panic attacks and torture and a whole bunch of not so fun stuff!! Hes always wanted to be a hero and his quirk was perfect for it. If you dont like reading about that then please move on! You started to hate heroes and you still are. She has to try and figure out how to keep on doing what she loves without her quirk, whilst also juggling a bunch of crazy damn kids. This wasnt supposed to be a thing. The cheers and happiness was contagious, goodwill spreading all along the ship. Aizawa yells. Once again, I hope you enjoy all these works that everyone has worked so hard on, and we also have our may prompt coming soon! However, you were his pride and joy, and there was nothing that could make you anything but the most important person in his life. MHA & Readers- Multi!AU- Spooky!AU Myth!AU Pirate!AU: Read Here! Mic asks. She's happy to teach though. Things have been going well for Izuku, he has a quirk all his own, going to a new school, a new house, and his mother has a new job she loves. She was to play the world is torn between heroes and villains. "Papa?" He honestly didnt expect his hero career to start by uncovering a conspiracy. Hopefully it proves to be your redemption arch. Please give credit if you use it lol. Bringing you to meet these troubled children might cause you to go as crazy as they were, however, deep down Aizawa loved his class and knew they were very capable young heroes. Anywho, your dad walked into the facility and went into a room that said "teacher's lounge" "Alright I want you to behave ok?" What if Yuriami was transported to the My Hero Verse when everyone started at UA? Shouto Reiko Todoroki is 14, has a powerful Quirk and is going to be a Hero. You nod your head. #bnha How was your class?, He knew you were lying, but he humored you for a while, Letting yourself become distracted by talk of his students, You started to go back to how you were originally feeling, Aizawa took note of the way your eyes dimmed for a moment, The way your smile wavered and your demeanor saddened, You were probably upset and stressed over nothing, There was no reason to make it a big deal, There was no reason to get him involved in something so insignificant, I.. Its really nothing to worry about.

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