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The other districts are: Riverside County District 21, San Diego County District 22, San Bernardino County District 25, and Imperial County District 30. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] %%EOF HUKk1W"XB sH!iz(9vRV5U%|y|==|!JicW.~HshtNcdy2c"`{_Tc-{wU7&AS|pXO'cSe#nZPA-x,FC7`|T4u-s>G"R~Oi(F\g:+oOFH&(Q[AMp-HQ)%%Qh^42R {R*SKS;Hc5,*{cd|W-'{#4>{QEdUi$yKKchCf>?\P5@ Sl hk S_FAO Book -- Coast to Coast Run. The below information is intended to provide guidance on cleaning and disinfection for LEGION System. Europe / Middle East / Africa /Contents 43 0 R Chile 3 0 obj /URI ( The Clareon Vivity IOL helps your patients take advantage of enhanced vision where they need it most. Discover a non-promotional training and education resource for eye care professionals. 23 Pages. 1 0 obj Integration with the Digital Marker Microscope (DMM) helps you execute your patients surgical plan with digital accuracy. Madelyn Brown). Europe / Middle East / Africa Mexico 0000007612 00000 n 48 0 obj <> endobj xref /C2_1 45 0 R Alcon directs our charitable contributions to eligible non-profit organizations through two separate entities: the Alcon Foundation, which provides monetary donations, and Alcon Cares, which provides product and equipment donations for medical missions and capacity building around the world. 714-271-3811 ATTENTION: Refer to the LenSx Laser Operators Manual for a complete listing of indications, warnings and precautions. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] ZEISS IOLMaster 700 510k Submission 2015. /XObject << VERION Reference Unit User Manual, Part I. Time: 7:00 p.m. 2020-2021 OFFICERS 2. /Annots [10 0 R 11 0 R] A2, A3 and A4 systems The effect on vision of the AcrySof Natural IOL in subjects. Hypotony, glaucoma* or the presence of a corneal implant Our team envisions and works to realize a future of lighting that is both efficient and expressive. endobj << 14 0 obj Meetings: Ecuador May 2019. 2017. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /Font << h1QL"AA%5gz+QQ(Jt24H|99RC&%uWcno~I`?8u[sG3w;)&nvCa+y sV/1>p[,SY`%v[ $ /S /URI stream With VERION Digital Marker LenSx (DML) integration, surgeons will be able to: The Vision Planner sends the surgical plan to the DMM, eliminating transcription errors and allowing surgeons to precisely execute their plan with image-guided precision. Please consider the guidance provided in Table 1 when you encounter these factors. Use of disposables other than those manufactured by Alcon may affect system performance and create potential hazards. /Rotate 0 City of La Habra 110 East La Habra Boulevard La Habra, CA 90631 Phone: 562-383-4000 Fax: 562-383-4474 >> Meetings: When: First Monday of each month. >> A Pilot Study To Compare Using VERIONImaging Guided System (Alcon) To Manual Marking In Assisting LRI (Limbal RelaxationIncision) To ReduceCylinder Power In Cataract Surgery. 12 0 obj PATIENT INFORMATION BROCHURE Alcon AcrySof IQ PanOptix Trifocal Intraocular Lens (IOL) Introduction This brochure is intended to help you and your surgeon decide what type of intraocular lens (IOL) to choose for your cataract surgery. District 29 of The American Legion Department of California comprises all of Orange County, California and is one of the five districts that comprise Area 5. << Russia, Asia Pacific Our large comprehensive survey equipment hire fleet is fully maintained by our factory trained staff. 48 25 endobj /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] At 3000 A-Lines/sec as compared to 2000 A-Line/sec for IOLMaster* 700 With capture times as low as 0.6 seconds. 0 Lj: /Pages 2 0 R 10 0 obj 15 0 obj HMo0. PRODUCT INFORMATION Alcon Laboratories, Inc. AcrySof IQ Toric. China Only properly trained personnel with experience may operate the device and control software and interpret the results. dogs give comfort to children, Two CWF recipients share impact made by Legion grant, Military Womens Memorial planning 25th anniversary celebration, South Dakota Legionnaire raising awareness and funds for homeless women veterans while competing for Ms. Commander: Jim Luzano ATTENTION: Refer to the ARGOS User Manual for a complete description of proper use and maintenance, optical and technical specifications, as well as a complete list of warnings and precautions. /BS << Italy The Patient Interface is intended for single use only. All Alcon catalogs and technical brochures Plateflow Plate & Frame Heat Exchangers 8 Pages BrazePak Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers 8 Pages Heavy Duty Coils EFFICIENT HEAT TRANSFER. /Im0 23 0 R Ecuador ,|@;88]s+Wn.53@i{xOe]f`4nc=QCW 3_X&%UoL v,+"b << % Colombia Intraocular Lenses (Models SA6AT3, SA6AT4, SA6AT5, SA6AT6, SA6AT7, SA6AT8, SA6AT9) ALCON Clareon Toric Aspheric Hydrophobic Acrylic Intraocular Lenses Box 653 La Habra, California. The Centurion Vision System is a phacoemulsification device intended to improve surgical control and hit cataract refractive targets. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] By continuing to . /C2_1 46 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] << /Type /Page >> 714-526-0564 >> For a full list of Alcon qualified viscoelastics, handpieces, and cartridges for this lens, . 0000001129 00000 n >> EXPLORE Alcon Experience Academy A non-promotional, training and education resource for eye care professionals EXPLORE /Length 520 If the lens in your eye gets so cloudy that it makes your vision worse, it is called a cataract. /Group << Poorly dilating pupil, such that the iris is not peripheral to the intended diameter for the capsulotomy /Subtype /Link HTN0}W]NBve{DQ RZUe'g9^E w"@ >> /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] SMARTCataract automatically evaluates patient data and takes surgeon preferences, preferred formulas and lens types to efficiently guide the surgical planning stage. >> ALCAINE (proparacaine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution, USP) 0.5% Product Information Anterior Chamber Lenses - KELMAN MULTIFLEX III PMMA Single-Piece IOL MODEL MTA2UO-7UO Product Information BETADINE 5% Ophthalmic Prep Solution (povidone-iodine ophthalmic solution) BETADINE is a registered trademark of The Purdue Frederick Company. History of lens or zonular instability /C0_0 44 0 R A non-promotional, training and education resource for eye care professionals. Tools and Resources for Health Care Professionals. /Count 7 Face 9 0 obj pa&oUhAcvHJ)Cn`|"8;7AQ?`0L b=7~s]x-0zQ>nM,9yu~6O?u'b@3=;GoX43jvD'_l]` x during a flight from England to the U.S. Hong Kong 13 0 obj /StructParents 0 Alcon Lighting is committed to making and distributing the highest quality commercial LED lighting in America. >> 2 0 obj PRODUCT INFORMATION Alcon Laboratories, Inc. STERILE UV-Absorbing PMMA Single-Piece Posterior Chamber Lenses. MODEL MN60AC. Europe / Middle East / Africa /C2_2 45 0 R with hereditary color vision defects and acquired color vision defects secondary to ocular disease (e.g., glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, chronic uveitis, and other retinal or optic nerve diseases) has not been. /Font << endobj 0000004340 00000 n THE AMERICAN LEGION Post 267 La Habra, CA Alcon offers world-class service plans customized to your practice needs SEE OUR SERVICE OFFERINGS Marketing Portal Marketing tools and training to help ECPs become the "go-to" eye care resource for their patients online. Spain Ophthalmic Res. Ophthalmology. /Type /Page 3rd Vice:Bill Peppard Each of these procedures may be performed either individually or consecutively during the same surgery. /Parent 2 0 R Customer Service Contact Lenses 800-241-7468 Customer Service Surgical 800-862-5266 >> /Type /Catalog Calculation of axial length using a single group refractive index versus using different refractive indices for each ocular segment. Any contraindication to cataract or keratoplasty If you require further information and/or do not wish to have cookies placed when using the site, visit About Cookie Policy, Anterior Vitrectomy pack probe for Infinit, CENTURION Active, INTREPID Ultra Hybrid 45, Backflush Soft Tip, DSP 27+ 6/box 0.8 mm*, Constellation Ultravit 25+ Vitrectomy Probe, Constellation Ultravit 27+ Vitrectomy Probe, Clearcut Single Bevel, 2.2 mmClearcut Satinslit, 2.75 mm, Scleral V-lance Satin Finish, gauge 1,4 mm, Scleral V-lance Satin Finish, gauge 1,6 mm, C-series spatulated needles 10-0 30cm black, A-series spatulated needles 10-0 30 cm black, Clear Cut sideport knife 1.00mm Dual Bevel (dubbel slipad), Ultrascharp Scleral Pocket Knife, Bevel Up 1,0mm, Disposable Polymer Irrigation and Aspiration Tip. At the end of the case, the DMM sends surgical data back to the Vision Planner14: An image of the final IOL position at the end of the case can be captured and stored for future reference.12, Dynamic overlays can help to precisely execute incisions14, Image-guided integration can help to achieve greater capsulorhexis accuracy15, Precisely align toric IOLs according to your planned implantation axis, mapped to your patients unique limbal and iris landmarks14, An image of the final IOL position is captured and stored for future reference12, Disclaimer: (1) These images are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the current product and (2) The patient information is hypothetical and not based on real patient data. Clinical evaluation of a new swept-source optical coherence biometer that uses individual refractive indices to measure axial length in cataract patients. LenSx Laser Important Product Information. 0000012505 00000 n About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . South Korea QJP; |iAW_D)3$At|.~ A non-promotional training and education resource for eye care professionals. 2018. 0000001560 00000 n Where: At the Veterans Memorial Hall, 209 N. Orange St., La Habra (east of Euclid). Download Brochures & Documents. endobj Marketing tools and training to help ECPs become the go-to eye care resource for their patients online. >> Image Guided Integration from the clinic to the OR designed to increase precision and enhance data integrity. 0000012442 00000 n endstream It is important to note that only cleaning products that have been approved by the manufacturer should be used. 2019. Uruguay Technical tools such as Toric Calculator and IOL Vision simulator, Clinical Research, scientific publications, and medical affairs information, Download PDFs or order patient education materials. /GS0 40 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] >> Singapore, Online Ordering for Surgical Supplies and Contact Lenses, Digital Platform Connecting You to Your Patients and Providing Hassle-Free Contact Lenses to Patients through Your Practice. 714-313-1770, Aug 17 Monday 6 p.m. /CS /DeviceRGB Whang W, Yoo Y, Kang M, Joo C. Predictive accuracy of partial coherence interferometry and swept-source optical coherence tomography for intraocular lens power calculation. VERION Reference Unit User Manual Part II. Spain Argentina Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates. For phaco training and fellowship contact or whatsapp +919404705777 A global event portal providing access to events, congresses, and symposiums. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Peru WARNINGS /BS << Intraocular Lenses (Models SN6AT3, SN6AT4, SN6AT5, SN6AT7, SN6AT8, SN6AT9) ALCON AcrySof Aspheric UV-absorbing Toric . /TT0 21 0 R studied. 0000010383 00000 n At Arms: Jesus Rodriguez 13 Pages. >> /C0_0 41 0 R /C2_0 50 0 R /C2_1 47 0 R 0000000016 00000 n 2019:1-8. 1) Onboard Ultrasonic Technology Centurion carries over the powerful OZIL Phaco Technology from its predecessor (Alcon Infiniti), along with some significant upgrades. %PDF-1.5 % /Type /Page >> BROCHURE . HOo0sp$KQQC*rr YBJ;ni.A{!Yz*'rw }r}^JH&-$}-U]byO&@@&X-l@ZR@ft]dW.R!'r1sW8\xi[ty=jjT,eZ1\b}t2z~c*KRn)*hQWHb/hQ1;\)Z izPc$qW/;':rwOE-5Qd The console panels and the remote control may be wiped with alcohol, mild soap and water, or any 0 Indications: ARGOS is a non-invasive, non-contact biometer based on swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). 0000005103 00000 n Learn more at MyAlcon today! /Parent 2 0 R >> /Parent 2 0 R Comparison of axial length using a new swept-source optical coherence tomography-based biometer. This page is available in English. Grant Status Worksheet. hb``Pc``:X01G3020>ag4i=#LAT0lcbpaK\ 2Le8a/D2MLpkYB` C VERION Digital Marker M User Manual. Corneal opacity that would interfere with the laser beam Select below for other countries. This website intends to use cookies to improve the site and your experience. PLOS ONE. stream 200 N. Orange St., La Habra CA, Get the latest posts from Face Book. /CropBox [0 0 612 792] /Parent 2 0 R 0000003971 00000 n Europe / Middle East / Africa /CropBox [0 0 612 792] endobj /Font << Were here to help you find the right contact lenses to fit your patients lifestyle and vision needs. The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. Accuracy of IOL power formulas with true axial length versus simulated axial length measurement in 318 eyes using an OCT biometer. When: First Monday of each month. << South Korea endobj /A << >> Example Press Release. 153 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[113 52]/Info 112 0 R/Length 154/Prev 104335/Root 114 0 R/Size 165/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream >> /Font << Twenty-six posts comprise the 29th . /Resources << The F alcon A k eyw y is p rovid d tanda d and will supplied unless otherwise specied at time of order. /Contents 52 0 R December 2018. %PDF-1.5 % *Prices are pre-tax. /C2_0 45 0 R South Korea /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageC] We help the world see, look and feel better. >> endobj 0000000796 00000 n SEE OUR CONTACT LENSES We Are Alcon We help the world see, look and feel better. "B+\ National Emergency Fund. /CropBox [0 0 612 792] Chile >> Brazil /Type /Action Dynamic overlays can help to precisely execute incisions, Image-guided integration can help to achieve greater capsulorhexis accuracy, Precisely align toric IOLs according to your planned implantation axis, mapped to your patients unique limbal and iris landmarks, An image of the final IOL position is captured and stored for future reference, Seamlessly integrate the surgical planning process. Tamaoki A, Kojima T, Hasegawa A, et al. >> /GS7 36 0 R Chile 2017. 15 Pages. When it comes to contact lenses, one size doesnt fit all. J Cataract Refract Surg. /StructParent 1 0000004699 00000 n Clinical performance in continuous curvilinearcapsulorhexiscreation supported by a digital image guidance system. /Type /Page Where: At the Veterans Memorial Hall, 209 N. Orange St., La Habra (east of Euclid). endstream Uruguay /C2_0 47 0 R 2016;1(1):1-4. >> ;t^8:Xogv}d=0um[E8'rV8aq-!:_v$m"~PTY^pn|86|^p:xBPg2x|, )kw=DTf&5LKL$u(DnLS]m*V$WIg#JzM,4cO^4)eA L|X'Q~I(M|S:'>1JWemSrK1-6(P9gR-h 0000010260 00000 n /URI ( MODEL SN6CWS. Haeussler-SinanginY,DahlhoffD, Schultz T, Dick HB. >> Adjutant: Donald Warthen Europe / Middle East / Africa Box 653 Uruguay Hong Kong 7 0 obj ALCON AcrySof Aspheric Toric . /Filter /FlateDecode Hong Kong Alcon Official Site: Developing Innovative Eye Care Treatments | Your browser does not support the video tag. /Rotate 0 Donate Brochure. endstream endobj startxref /Resources << This page is available in English. << 1.5x faster scanning speed than IOLMaster* 700, Angle-to-angle, cornea-to-retina OCT imaging provides real-time guidance for capturing accurate measurements, Integrated Alcon Vision Planner with automated and convenient planning software offers sophisticated astigmatic management tools, including an LRI nomogram, One-touch software and remote planning options, Outperformed IOLMaster* 700 by 41% in grade 4+ cataracts, OCT-enhanced keratometry shown to rival Lenstar, Uses segmented axial length, improving refractive prediction error, which may lead to better IOL selection, Provides intra-operative guidance with digital overlays throughout LenSx, Provides image registration and real time eye tracking to compensate for cyclotorsion. stream Corneal disease that precludes applanation of the cornea or transmission of laser light at 1030 nm wavelength We aspire to lead the world in innovating life-changing vision and eye care products because when people see brilliantly, they live brilliantly. jCi1o%?-QTL1+WE|X6600n4w,"\S,'XtfOHQ. 0000001673 00000 n CAUTION: Federal Law restricts this device to sale and use by or on the order of a physician or licensed eye care practitioner. /C0_0 44 0 R << the Royal International Air Tatoo (U.S. AirForce photo.Staff Sgt. Italy >> /Font << The Falcon G keyway is provided standard and will supplied unless otherwise specied at time of order. Caution: Federal (USA) law restricts this device to the sale by or on the order of a physician.;;;; Terms of use; Privacy Policy; This website intends to use cookies to improve the site and your experience. Conditions which would cause inadequate clearance between the intended capsulotomy depth and the endothelium (applicable to capsulotomy only) << /F 4 Adjutant: Michael DiCerbo The device is intended to acquire ocular measurements as well as perform calculations to determine the appropriate intraocular lens (IOL) power and type for implantation during intraocular lens placement. /Font << Discover our story. Finance/Service/Newsletter: Ron Bradford * Glaucoma is not a contraindication when these procedures are performed using the LenSx Laser SoftFit Patient Interface Accessory << << Chaplain:Bill Peppard 2019 ASCRS ASOA Annual Meeting. France /ExtGState << 113 0 obj <> endobj /Parent 2 0 R /Font << /CropBox [0 0 612 792] stream /C2_3 51 0 R United Kingdom - English, Americas /Filter /FlateDecode /Filter /FlateDecode Were committed to helping you find the right contact lens solutions for your patients. /Contents 49 0 R PRECAUTIONS: Do not use cell phones or pagers of any kind in the same room as the LenSx Laser. ARGOS Optical Biometer Important Product Information /Rotate 0 /Contents 35 0 R /Parent 2 0 R /TT1 22 0 R 6 0 obj /Type /Page 0000001066 00000 n hb```g``f`a`XAb@GaCU 5A2.?dWE0x4000)u4Tq)f OMHe=\L8WJ51p;pt00aahH,vdph)]. And after our first 70 years, we are just getting started. Select below for other countries. Time: 7:00 p.m. 2016;42:50-61. /Parent 2 0 R The fighters were returning to Luke AFB,AZ, after participating in the world's gest air show, It is intended for use by ophthalmologists, physicians, and other eye-care professionals and may only be used under the supervision of a physician. endobj 0000010508 00000 n -, The ALCON LIO Featuring PUREPOINT Laser Technology, PRODUCT INFORMATION Alcon Laboratories, Inc. AcrySof IQ Toric, PRODUCT INFORMATION Alcon Laboratories, Inc. STERILE UV-Absorbing PMMA Single-Piece Posterior Chamber Lenses, PRODUCT INFORMATION Alcon Laboratories, Inc. KELMAN MULTIFLEX?1 III STERILE UV-Absorbing PMMA Single-Piece Anterior Chamber Lenses, AcrySof ReSTOR Apodized Diffractive Aspheric (IOL), Vitreoretinal Surgery Has Changed Forever, 2012 Cataract and Refractive Product Catalog. The LenSx Laser System should only be operated by a physician trained in its use. >> endobj /Contents [12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R] /C2_0 42 0 R >> /Contents 39 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] 4 0 obj 0000125288 00000 n Sgt. 2019;19:1-13. Peru This device is not intended for use in pediatric surgery. Colombia /C2_0 20 0 R needs. << /Type /Action Centurion gives the option to use traditional/ longitudinal ultrasonic patterns or OZIL's patented Torsional ultrasound, or a combination of both at the same time. Shammas HJ. << MODEL SN60WF. Sci Rep. 2018;8(1):13732. >> 34 0 R] endobj << /F2 22 0 R And after our first 70 years, we are just getting started. Optical Radiation - This device is equipped with a Class 1 laser light source. As with other multifocal IOLs, patients may need glasses when . China This page is available in English. trailer <<4D35F8731B414FC19D94A3F9C1269205>]/Prev 437110>> startxref 0 %%EOF 72 0 obj <>stream endobj >> /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] Wang L, Cao D, Weikert MP, Koch DD. Checklist of items to bring. %PDF-1.4 Peru We aspire to lead the world in innovating life-changing vision and eye care products because when people see brilliantly, they live brilliantly 2021 Corporate Responsibility Report Learn more Sight Innovation Alcon Lighting holds that strong, vital communities thrive with healthy . The aircraft receive fuel from a KC-10 Extender from Travis Air Force Base, CA, July 13, 2015, Mexico In Alcon Surveys, we can provide industry-leading tools and equipment to help with a wide variety of construction and building tasks and we can even source more specialist survey items if needed. Ecuador >> >> Membership application. International Journal of Open Access Ophthalmology. /Tabs /S Argentina Select below for other countries. >> 2020-2021 OFFICERS Commander: Jim Luzano 714-526-0564 1st Vice:Nick Hernandez 2nd Vice:Ralph Cruz By harnessing the power of non-diffractive X-WAVE Technology, the Clareon Vivity IOL delivers monofocal-quality distance with excellent intermediate and functional near vision.1, Monofocal-quality distance vision /Type /Group SMARTCataract seamlessly connects data systems, diagnostic devices and surgical equipment from the clinic to the OR. La Habra, California. Brazil 1. zDq]pI7/;;[.NTB"TJMz^`d=dd;Dk$Z+H u s Chen M, Seagrave Z, Patrianakos T, et al. /Contents 48 0 R /Type /Pages /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] Factors that influence the measurement of patients eyes are listed in the User Manual (Table 1): pseudophakic eye, wearing contact lenses, fixation problem, cornea opacity, non-intact cornea, refractive surgery, blood in the vitreous humor, retinal detachment, keratoconus, asteroid hyalosis, ambient light in the room, and deformation of the corneal shape. Dinner Meeting at the Pepper Shaker, Calendar 2020 Image Guided Precision Powered By Alcon Experience complete integration for intelligent planning and empowered execution with enhanced precision at every step. Residual, recurrent, active ocular or eyelid disease, including any corneal abnormality (for example, recurrent corneal erosion, severe basement membrane disease) 0000011810 00000 n 0000012181 00000 n /Version /1.4 Precisely execute, Plan arcuate incision using the nomogram integrated into the Vision Planner or personal nomograms added to the planner software, Import surgical plans from the Vision Planner via USB, LAN (Local Area Network) or SMARTCataract to reduce the risk of transcription errors, Ensure precision of arcuate location with image-guided registration to the pre-op image. Singapore, Online Ordering for Surgical Supplies and Contact Lenses, Digital Platform Connecting You to Your Patients and Providing Hassle-Free Contact Lenses to Patients through Your Practice, I want to update my information in the provider locator, I need information on Alcon reimbursement, I want to apply for an Alcon credit account, Alcon offers world-class service plans customized to your practice needs. INDICATIONS:Cataract Surgery Indication: In the creation of corneal cuts/incisions (single-plane, multi-plane and arcuate) anterior capsulotomy and laser phacofragmentation during cataract surgery in adult patients. American-made lighting crafted to architectural specification. >> Enhance your LenSx Laser experience with seamless Image Guided incision planning, execution and capsulorhexis positioning.11* Learn More About LenSx Image Guided Execution |)'7d /W 0 /StructParents 2 Argentina >> /Resources << Corneal thickness requirements that are beyond the range of the system << 1st Vice:Nick Hernandez /Type /Group National Emergency Fund. 11 0 obj /Kids [3 0 R 4 0 R 5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R] /Length 502 /Type /Page Our aim is to increase awareness of dry eyes and eye health, focusing on the importance of tear film for both eye health and vision. >> endobj 15 Pages. Shammas HJ, Ortiz S, Shammas MC, Kim SH, Chong C. Biometry measurements using a new large-coherence-length swept-source optical coherence tomographer. >> Previous corneal incisions that might provide a potential space into which the gas produced by the procedure can escape /S /Transparency 164 0 obj <>stream Singapore. /C2_1 45 0 R /Group << * Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Colombia VERION Digital Marker L User Manual. >> /Rect [40.95 36 85.101 45.216] Sep 7 Monday 7 p.m. Business Meeting at the Veterans Memorial Hall Hussaindeen JR, Mariam EG, Arunachalam S, et al. /Resources << The LenSx Laser delivery system employs one sterile disposable Patient Interface consisting of an applanation lens and suction ring. << The CENTURION Vision System is the only intelligent cataract removal platform designed to dynamically optimize every moment of the procedure, setting new standards for: Performance: Active Fluidics technology works to provide outstanding chamber stability by maintaining surgeon-selected IOP nelligencI t e: Balanced Energy optimizes torsional phaco with innovative software, tips and . /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] United Kingdom - English, Americas THE AMERICAN LEGION Post 267 La Habra, CA P.O. /Rotate 0 France /F3 38 0 R Mexico Advanced SS-OCT technology provided higher acquisition rates than other market-leading biometers1. /Rotate 0 Please provide a copy of the Patient Information Brochure to the patient. 0000112620 00000 n 2023All rights reserved Alcon Research, LLC Nickerson Hill Associate Director, Global Regulatory Affairs 6201 South Freeway Fort Worth, TX 76134 Re: K191650 Trade/Device Name: LEGION System Regulation Number: 21 CFR 886.4670 Regulation Name: Phacofragmentation System Regulatory Class: Class II Product Code: HQC Dated: September 26, 2019 .
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