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avengers fanfiction team cap kidnaps peter
The line crackled slightly. "Peter! With it all.With the Avengers and their double standards.With Rogers and his constant disdain.With Romanoff and her snide comments.He. But peter didn't think he was ready. They said that monsters are tragic beings born in the wrong world. Prologue. Who is doing this to me, who is trying to trick me, who? While delirious in the cave in Afghanistan with a high fever, Tony hallucinates the Avengers . What happens when they want Peter back? Enter Steve Rogers and his merry band of war criminals, ready to screw up Tony's ideal new life in ways he never even imagined. Peter has a feeling he isn't going to be left alone any time soon.______. Peter shouted. When Uncle Ben's gambling problem threatens to ruin his family, Peter turns to a dangerous man for help, a man who has made it very clear just how much he wants Peter. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The Avengers (Tony, Steve, Nat, Pepper, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Loki, Sam, Bucky, Vision, Wanda, and of course, Peter) were all sitting and watching a movie when suddenly there was a BRIGHT flash of light. Tony smacked the keyboard of his computer in frustration. He sassed. Please consider turning it on! After seeing Gamora and Nebula fighting The Chitauri after coming through the portal. They're unknown to the avengers as anything other than the kids who brings the good donuts every Friday. Flash Thompson asked Ned who looked surprised. What happened to him during that time, and how he died remains a mystery. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The Rogues, Exvengers, Team Crap - whatever you want to call them - return to the Initiative because of Tony's finangling for reasons that only he knows. Peter laid back down on his bed and sighed. In an attempt to cheer up Peter around the anniversary of his parents deaths, his Uncle Ben decides for the two of them to do an AncestryDNA test to feel more connected to them. Updated irregular !!! Everyone settled down after some scuffle. Hot Peter? "You haven't even said anything yet," Tony said. He decided to be a grownup and actually mentor the young man to help him stay a kid and not a warrior. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Oh well, anything beat staying in this cell. So, Peter turned to the one vigilante that he knew that would be willing to help. "You alright kid." + Until he was.___________. He was also told not go after Thanos or the infinity stones. Tony nodded too. . The Gap is the dark abyss between all realms, and nobody knows where it leads to. #parley Peter, wake up." Tony begged, falling to his knees in front of his son. But still, he couldn't help but feel that he was existing outside of himself. But time marches on and what lies in store for them all is beyond anything any of them have ever faced. But, what will he do when a chance meeting with Iron Man completely flips everything he ever knew upside down, and makes him want to trust someone for the first time since his aunt and uncle died. Tony Stark sends more than a message to just Pepper, and not all of them are nice. He's an Avenger and that means protecting the Earth at any cost - even if he has to deal with a certain star-spangled man and his sullen sidekick. Peter wanted to be lighter, to be faster and better. He is going to come. Tony told him to hide to protect himself but he doesn't listen. Peter perked up. Tony is overworked and underappreciated, always pushing his limits and not taking care of himself well; but someone decides to take care of Tony for a change. "I'm going to visit Peter tonight." TW: Fluff? Menu. Nothing more than that, he gets pulled away sometimes for his vigilante work, but other than that, he's a relatively known presence in the SI building, always bringing coffee and donuts every Friday. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The sequel to Something's in the Air Right Now. The document has moved here. Now he just wanted to lie on the couch with his kid next to him and watch movies the whole night. Suddenly, 6 metal limbs that resembled of spider legs popped out and started stabbing the reptiles. Tony gives Steve a call. Overall, this sucked so much. As Tony lay alone in the abandoned Siberian HYDRA base, it gave him a lot of time to think. Suddenly, the phone rang. #irondad Gamora ran up to Thanos, shouting a war cry. But not everything is as easy as it seems. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. He's in the sitting room with the entire Avengers team, Peter and Tony excluded of course. Reads 46,138. Peter walked up to the force field door and the guard shook his head. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Kidnapped Peter Parker; Peter Parker is Pepper Potts's Biological Child; Other Additional Tags to Be Added; Matt Murdock Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure; Foggy Nelson Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure; Blind Peter Parker; Foster Care; Summary. HOME; DISTRICT. "Hmm," Logan waited for a while before passing his mug over, earning a gasp from us all. Probably because the CIA figured they would come and break him out. "He is now cleared for visitors so you may come from 5-6 tonight. Peter who was Tonys kid, - In all but blood hed said when James had asked, after Tony had spent approximately twenty-three minutes whining about how the kid was going to give him grey hairs - Peter who was Spider-man, Peter who was staying the week at the Avengers Compound because his aunt was at some nursing conference in Washington. Was that too much to ask for? Maybe even 'Steve Rogers Bashing' could work, but the aforementioned tags are more likely to turn up more results. Images: Walt Disney Studios; Giphy; bilboatbaggins/tumblr; super-f-r-i-e-n-d-s/tumblr, How To Stream 'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever', 'Love Island's Tom Clare Wants This Disney Alum To Play Him In A Movie, A New 'And Just Like That' Table Read Pic Confirms A Key Character's Return, Mollie Gallagher Has A Deeply Personal Reason For Taking Up Skating, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Not much (everything) changes. Fans have been dying to see Spider-Man take his rightful place in the MCU, and introducing him in Civil War is exciting. They don't even have to be post-Civil War! #texttospeech Strong enough that he definitely knew that James was just standing there, staring like a creep for those however-many seconds that it took to put two-and-two together. But, if you believe this Mr. Stark, why oh why did you decide that the best way to fight Team Cap was to kidnap a teenager? #marvel He agrees to assist. Michelle Jones is a ten year old half-orphan with an enhanced mind and a chip on her shoulder.Ned Leeds is a twelve year old computer genius who may be magic.SX-24 is an experiment. I'm not going to lie to you: I am a Team Cap supporter to the very end, but when I walked into Captain America: Civil War, I was willing to entertain Team Iron Man. Kingston K-14 News; Advertisement for Bid An automated ao3 feed for the platonic father/son . And when his dad learns who adopted him- chaos ensues. I hope so I like the idea. The 2012 version of Tony in Endgame says that The Avengers are going to lunch and then Asgard after defeating . Ever since May died, Peter has lived with team Iron Man in avengers tower. Will Tony and the rest of the team be able to help six year old Peter recover after his two years in captivity? but if you know my other works that's not a suprise. After a hard-won invitation home, the Lokis, Sylvie, and Mobius have to adjust to the calm, peaceful life in Asgard, a stark difference . it happened in an instant, really. avengers fanfiction team cap kidnaps peter they both die at the end May 21, 2022. craigslist florida electronics 4:21 pm 4:21 pm I can give you a couple recs from FFN where the team are assholes or Tony feels isolated but I don't know if any are cross posted and they aren't to do with civil war. So he accepted his place and did everything he could in order to prove that he can be useful. Air pressure is a concern still, as they have to drive over the Rockies. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. They miscalculated.And now?Now Iron Man is out for revenge.The smart people will stay on his good side. and most importantly Loki would use Peter as a bargaining chip to achieve that. Peter thinks shes crazy. An innocent endeavor to heal his paralysis become a race against the clock: with evil on all sides and the clock ticking, Peter is finding it hard to believe that Robert doesn't still hold some sway over his life and the people around him. He did the only thing he knows how to do well: he fixed things, he pulled out the fires, he covered their mistakes and payed for the things they broke. He needed to get away, now. Avengers: Preferences (Under Editing) Fanfiction. "You have a visitor. I have already read Bend Around The Wind and Chitauri Apocolypse. His best friend and girlfriend can attest to that, as they're interns as well._. Thank you! Peter Parker has been through the mill but he knows he just had to adapt, roll with the (many) punches and keep going. Long story short, my boy peter just wanted to propose to felicia, but the avengers had a plan to interrupt that when they got out of a meeting with Thaddeus Ross and Nick Fury. #mj Tony was a man who needed a friend but just kept on going no matter the pain. There was no way Mary could sneak Peter out. Whilst acting as a hero to many, and an enemy to some, in reality, he just wants to be left alone in his grief. Will Tony be able to find him in time with the help of the rogues, or will another, more malicious group, have interest in Peter as well? Done. Report. Or, Peter Parker and Cassie Lang are kidnapped by some people who know a little too much about HYDRA and want Tony to make them a weapon. After Thanos was dealt with, after life under the Sokovia Accords had become the accepted status quo, Steve wants to know why Tony's still not over the revelations of Siberia. Continuation I have written with permission of a fantastic story written by Wix. . "Thanos ordered the murder of my wife and child. Peter rolled his eyes. "Ok, Gamora, Mantis, you go right," Quill panted. Years later- by some sort of happenchance; His dad finds.him. -Internships He couldnt help but curse it now, as everything went black. Do you remember how you got to that park? #pepperony A series of fics set post Civil War. She's done bad things. he thought to himself before closing consciousness. She was born with a unique set of powers her father has been trying to figure out for years. Thanks for the help. H.Y.D.R.A. Featuring flashbacks to prominent moments regarding their relationships with the genius, Tony's people are going to do whatever it takes - words, threats, demonstrations, power plays, legal traps, even poetry - to let Rogers and the rest of the criminal bunch know that they aren't playing around any more. the one where rhodey knows and he knows and he knows. Enhanced, starved, and valued only as a weapon, Peter couldn't stay where he was. Moved Permanently. ***The title was inspired by the song; "Things a Man Oughta Know," by Lainey Wilson. Peter would do his homework, which took him a while. After all, once it's all said and done, they'll be able to part ways and move on.right? Tony is done. It all started with a job interview and things went downhill from there. 2022.7. avengers fanfiction tony kidnapped after civil war. "It's time to start anewrebuild the Avengers with new people. Some are Tony's POV, some are Peter's but they all share the same themes and timeline. An odd woman with magic is on the loose in Queens, New York. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. He said biting his tongue. Tony is nothing but an engineer: he creates things, yes, but he also fixes them. Tony yelled. #clintbarton #wanda The story you already know, but add way more Daredevil.Peter Stark is kidnapped. He see's an opportunity to take down the bad guy and he takes it. His names Peter, she said. For ten years she was able to keep her son away from the life of criminals and psychopaths. Peter said as he hopped up from his bench. Peter meets the Avengers for the first time. Bucky, get ready because the pictures I'm about to show you will BLOW your mind.". All they knew was that he was at the Raft in maximum security levels. Peter rolled his eyes. Everything that could possibly go wrong in his life went wrong in the worst way possible, almost every time. Peter Parker vs Harry Osborn - House Fight Scene - Spider-Man 3 (2007) Movie CLIP HD. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. YAYAYAYAYAYAY :D, #angst He's refrained from telling Tony, worried he'll look stupid in the eyes of his mentor, who's been through much worse than being depressed. All of his thoughts were swirling and making him feel nauseous. + "Put him down Thanos!" Thanos (Marvel) Steve Rogers Tony Stark Hulk (Marvel) Thor (Marvel) Peter Quill Clint Barton Nick Fury Rocket Raccoon Loki (Marvel) Peter Parker Sam Wilson (Marvel) James "Rhodey" Rhodes Heimdall (Marvel) Drax the Destroyer Groot (Marvel) Pietro Maximoff Brock Rumlow Jack Rollins Grant Ward Sunil Bakshi John Garrett (Marvel) Carl Creel Thanos won the war . I've just about read every Team Cap or - at the very least - Steve Rogers bashing fic on Archive of Our Own. Okay so maybe 2 years was a bit of an exaggeration, but Peter was a 15 year old kid stuck in a cell with nothing to do. Tony Stark didn't want to risk anything. i have an outline for this i promise i'm just really bad at outlining, Peter is their favorite human and Tony is jealous, this is basically 2000 words of Bucky seeing similarities between Peter and tony, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark & Avengers Team, Peter Parker & Tony Stark & Avengers Team, Happy Hogan & Pepper Potts & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, I have far more drama in fiction than I did in high school, Everything is Beautiful and Everything Hurts, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Nat's motivations aren't about the people, Minorities Usually Have An Even Harder Time, peter isn't a big fan of the pardoned war criminals, Vaguely based on the februwump day 2 prompt, If I tell myself Infinity War never happened then it didn't, Team cap is in this but I didn't tag them, Peter gives it to him in more way than one, IronDad and SpiderSon + the Avengers + Ignoring Infinity War, Peter keeps giving people long names in an attempt to be polite, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, Anti Team Cap (but mostly, just Anti Cap), I'll use you as a focal point, so I don't lose sight of what I want, but this is from tony's point of view and he's mad at them, I know the tag says Steve/Tony but it's Steven/Tony, Fair warning; this isn't very Steve friendly, Clint Barton/Laura Barton/Natasha Romanov, Peter Parker & Tony Stark & Riri Williams & Sam Wilson, Captain America: The Winter Soldier Spoilers, it has lots of making out and comforting and fluff, there will be a later Bucky/Rhodey fic from Bucky's perspective, still actively ignoring infinity war and civil war with a passion, we stan Peter and his adopted Uncles and his Aunt, sometimes a family is billionaire philanthropist with ptsd, I was listening to the more upbeat section of "I Know The End" on repeat, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, i wrote this in like an hour and half so pls don't judge typos, at least they got those ndas on lock in stark tower, based on the fact that I'm lactose intolerant & just had lactaid for the 1st time. 10 minutes. He should know better than to manipulate a teenager into risking his life for a cause he doesn't know anything about. In which Steve has far too much in common with Howard for comfort. When in another universe Thanos leads a full scale invasion, Steven Rogers -with what's left of that world's heroes- goes to a different earth to warn them of the incoming invasion. This leads to Tony being called thanks to a social worker who calls him. Peter Parker is kidnapped late on the night of December 4, 2016. He was like a game of pretend and sometimes when the suit was on, he could pretend that nothing had changed. This fanfiction is based on the Rapunzel movie with peter Parker as Rapunzel and Deadpool as Flynn. (Namely, iron fists that don't stop to think about who they're hurting.). Avengers Team & Peter Parker Peter Parker & Shuri Peter Parker & T'Challa Peter Parker & Original Character (s) Peter Parker Michelle Jones Tony Stark Pepper Potts May Parker (Spider-Man) James "Rhodey" Rhodes Other Avengers Shuri (Marvel) T'Challa (Marvel) Steve Rogers Sam Wilson (Marvel) Vision (Marvel) Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Wanda Maximoff But freedom is more than just physical. What he should have been worried about was the pair of crooks planning to use him as their own personal antivenom bank. Thats just the way its always been. . But they couldn't. The threats won't stop." yeah why would Viktor have a normal life. In an attempt to cheer up Peter around the anniversary of his parents deaths, his Uncle Ben decides for the two of them to do an AncestryDNA test to feel more connected to them. #natasharomanoff The guard didn't reply. He said. A few hours later, Peter heard someone coming down the hall towards his cell. There was no company or guards for him to annoy like whenever he'd get kidnapped or something. Unfortunately, it's also creepy and inappropriate as hell. Everyone joined shortly after. Tony Stark only had one response to manipulations, intimidation, and antagonistic behaviors - no. He sometimes felt disconnected from his body and it only seemed to get worse when both new and old foes seem to be intent on taking him down, no matter the consequences. Peter is kidnapped. Is. Chapter 3- We Lost. It looks like nothing was found at this location. "God dammit!" But there was a sub-category of all these people. That is the only way to get through this. + Peter tripped over a rock on the ground and ended up falling and rolling to a stop. Hide Out: A Spiderman and Avengers fanfic. and now he (tony), may, and all peters friends were left in the dust, with nothing tangible to grasp onto. Unbeknownst to them thats just what the FBI needed to find what theyve been looking for for the last 12 years. Steve didn't even have the heart to correct Tony's language. SadTeam Cap gets shit explained to them, so they understand they are the ones in the wrong. did i mention that the science in this is really really wrong? Peter may look like a child, but he hasnt felt like one in years. Day. After all, he's been through worse in his life; the loss of his wife and the disappearance of his son 12 years ago. They tell him about Thanos' Plan and the reason for trying to get the Tesseract, because it's the case of the Space Stone. Nick Fury knew this of course, hes known the boy and seen him work when he was fifteen. Peter thought he was doing pretty good. Avengers | Action Fanfiction Romance Marvel Loki. Its a little boy around four years old, with curly brown hair. Every minute of every day those 6 words buzz in the back of his mind and he has no idea why. They tell him about Thanos' Plan and the reason for trying to get the Tesseract, because it's the case of the Space Stone. The kingdom of Queens is struggling under the rule of King Richard. His eyebrows were furrowed and his nose was scrunched in a facial expression that read okay, what the fuck., aka my take on biodad au where peter is kidnapped as a child and they're reunited years later by chance. Avengers Endgame (Spider-Man x Reader) (Tony Stark's POV) After the devastating events of the war against Thanos, the universe is in ruins. Remembers aliens, Titan, Thanos, the stones. The guard stood in front of his cell and didn't react. New York may be in terrible danger, his sidekick may have become a sleep-deprived, hamster-stealing wreck, and Ross may be trying to wipe them all off the face off the planet, but everything is fine. In his efforts to defeat Captain America, Tony basically kidnaps Peter Parker in Civil War , and it's really not OK. Look, I get that in the Marvel world, getting Spider-Man to join in on the fight between Captain America and Iron Man is nothing but a good thing. Team Cap battle at the airport, Cap asks Spider-Man what Tony told him about the fight. Henley agrees to pretend to date millionaire Bennett Calloway for a fee, falling in love as she won. #falcon Post author: Post published: 4 Junho, 2022 Post category: etchmiadzine et catholicos Post comments: grand banditisme maghrbin grand banditisme maghrbin . Strange. While on a routine mission the Avengers are kidnapped (minus Tony) by Tony's enemy, Justin Hammer. Please put these cuffs on." Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, and Michelle Jones intern at SI, that's literally it. Add in the fact that Tony dangles a new Spidey suit in front of Peter like a creepy man would a puppy to a little girl, and it's pretty horrifying. Who left you there?, Lady, I dont remember jack shit, Peter says. #tomholland What Ross didn't count on was how protective the 2 scientists were of . 2 Next Avengers Legacy by SuperiorDude This is my first fanfic :) In an Alternate Universe, similar to the MCU, in Avengers Endgame, the Avengers lose against Thanos and are dusted. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. None of them have pasts to return to, even if they could- but maybe, together, they could have a future. dreams have a certain amount of power in the city that never sleeps. #fieldtrips Tony Peter Of Avengers Fanfiction Scared [QXLUO0] Because he was special like that. Daddy Issues {Peter Parker X Reade. He was just a nerdy kid by day, spider themed vigilante by night, until his aunt and uncle were murdered in front of him and he was orphanedagain. "The other right!" Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. #mj Some of these will be AUs, Ships (mostly Peggysous), etc. Or, I got my grubby little hands on the spider-man time line and fucked around a little bit. Chapter 1- Birth of Y/n Danvers. S.H.I.E.L.D. Which was so not cool, by the way. "Thanos plans to wipe out half of the universe! Reads. But on April 7th, 2018, nearly two years after the Avengers broke up, Tony found out just how wrong he was. CHAPTER ONE TITAN The Gauntlet hand rested on his head, heavy upon his skull, but holding him gently. Jul 14, 2022 &183; In the Kitchen The fact that Fury calls on Captain Marvel in his last moments alive gives credit to the idea that Danvers is the saviour of the universe A blog made for reviewing and categorizing Peter & Tony fanfiction 1 Awakening 1 With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers must assemble With the help of remaining.
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