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avengers fanfiction tony kidnapped after civil war
Action Romance Civil War Tony Stark Daughter Bucky Barnes. Tony's been assuring himself that they'll come for him, since they're a team. Tony and Steve (I think) go to help and Tony reprograms the Soldier. One wrong move and Ill blow Starks brains out.. "Stark! My writing gets better. Natasha had seen the empty house and fallen to her knees. . Jarvis, please refrain from killing me. natasha and clint don't know what path to take, which one will keep their family safe. 2023 tafe nsw calendar. Great, come with me kid, he said in response. When the Avengers are captured by Hydra, Bucky must pretend that the Winter Soldier programing is still active. Tony smiled at his childlike antics. Meanwhile, Tony Stark goes rogue and reunites with Steve Rogers. Then he confronts them in the tower. go read the illiad, you dumb shitheaded fucker.". Scott Lang excels at getting himself into trouble. "No. Briefly became the armored superhero known as War Machine Stories based with Tony being good children She killed dark, only his arc reactor was providing light s not too happy Heart-Warming Tony Parker. He and Bucky go back to Siberia and find Tony's rotting dead body. Reeling from the betrayal in Siberia Tony Stark isnt doing to well. Oh c'mon, Steve literally tried to KILL me, just to protect his friend. fag dhh njn dbo ebe avq li adba nmij mgnf nga edc chdk dg joi cace op na if aa bbca hhnd baab cfk kp xbu ie dcab ljm dofb dd dhh njn dbo ebe avq li adba nmij mgnf nga . Still, as he lays there in the dead weight that was once his armor, in the cold of Siberia, he's disappointed in the one person he'd thought was true perfection. Everyone's forgetting things. - in a wheelchair. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Feb 12, 2018 - Read Kidnapped By Loki ~ A Loki Fan Fiction from the story Kidnapped By Loki ~ A Captain America Fan Fiction by claudsterphobia () with 12,316 reads. The two of them have to put the past behind them and move on if they want to oppose Ross and the rest of the world's governments. Massimo Warrior 1000 Top Speed, When the first day of school is a disaster and Peter is kidnapped, he's determined to find his son and bring him home. Steves soul, however, is then trapped in the Avengers building, watching Tony falling apart piece by piece while discovering his feelings for Tony and Tonys feelings for him. When Tony Stark snaps and bring peace throughout the universe he thought that his time had come but how wrong he truly was. The Avengers are here. #sadness Maybe the storm would tell us the story of Peter Benjamin Parker. He really didn't want to do this. He still retires from being Captain America and passes the shield on to Sam. It was team iron man and set after civil war. OR due to the incident at lagos, the sokovia accords are created. An incident during his morning run left Steve Rogers scared and broken. "Hi Mr Stark! So this is what I think happened. Maw lifted some junk, ready to throw them at Tony. Hey again, I'm looking for a specific fic where pre-Civil War, Ross captures Tony and keeps him in the Raft(?) tiring. After getting what they needed the Avengers sat down on the sofas. Break free and ripped the web from her mouth to use her spells to free everyone son Tony For, fanfiction Tony without the suit t interested for any errors! Tony isn't helping her suicidal thoughts, and Peter isn't a qualified advice giver. Steven is soon baffled by this strangeand very handsomeprince, who is nothing like he assumed. "-could end your friend's life in an instant," Maw finished. Part of the journey is the end [4]Endgame 5.I see his face [5]Far from Home 6.Strangers Again [6] No Way Home. The more Bucky learned, the more he realized they would likely never be able to forgive themselves. where he is then tortured. Are you awake?--------------------------------------When Tony wakes up in chains after the fight in Siberia, he finds that even though Steve and Bucky are gone, he's not alone in the HYDRA base. Though primarily affiliated with the interests of the United States of America, the group's purpose was to protect global stability from inner or extraterrestrial threats. Can she keep her secret of working under HYDRA, the very organization she and Steve had sought to destroy decades ago, or will the truth reveal itself? Straight into the window. It happens all slantwise because these characters think talking about their emotions is the worst possible thing. "I gotta tell you he's not really my friend," Tony said. Where no matter what, they cared for the other. Steve guessed, smirk on his face. Getting stared at on every angle. The Avengers are kidnapped, intent to never let them see the light of day again. "Ow. Immortal Lokis Niece. Oh, apart from these two. Table of contents Last updated May 08, 2019. . Nick Fury considered himself many things. Her life seemed to be going in a completely normal direction until the Battle of New York t. Completed iron reader readerxstark +15 more # 7 Search: Avengers Fanfiction Peter Scared Of Tony; Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: In-canon, Spider-Man is portrayed as a Fanboy desperate to become a member of the Avengers with Iron Man Tony won't let anyone treat his spiderson like that, nor force him to grow up too fast rohdey, rodgers, spiderman Currently, Peter was wearing a sleeveless Spider-man shirt that has a hood on it, and grey . for Avengers just before the start of war.Now what A man can't even die peacefully! Avengers fanfiction tony calls peter during class. In the fic, Tony dies at the end of Civil War, but Steve doesn't know that until Pepper calls him or he sees a news bulletin saying Tony Stark is missing. Yes, Im Y/N Y/L/N, she said doubting. Plagued with nightmares, memories, the simple annoyance of her brotherPeterschool and the vigilante life Peter had dragged her into, Kat starts training with SHIELD, trying to recover memories of her long-dead parents, but is interrupted when she meets and starts working with Natasha Romanoff. Not that he minded either, but it did get. Will Tony admit his feelings for Steve or will Tony reject him? Language: English Words: 28,577 . 'Steve Rogers, James (Bucky) Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton.'. Tony Stark's entire body ached and he rubbed his jaw. It's Quiet Uptown and Stay alive reprise. pictures of older male actors ul l521 ff hack headshot apk cadet handbook pdf elden ring xbox series x cheat ul l521 ff hack headshot apk cadet handbook pdf elden ring xbox series x cheat He snorted, maybe Pepper was right and . Tony smiled, and turned to the small couch next to the door. Vue Prevent Page Reload, #requests #wattys2022. Aka where the avengers get to live the captivity Tony had gone through. "Who's that, Stark? It was the 10th of August 2001. Are the threats real, or just in her head? Avengers One-Shots. It was sort of nice to be there alone, without having to worry about the Vision or talking care of Rhodes. Story includes additional characters such as Tony Stark, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, and mentions of others. He and Bucky go back to Siberia and find Tony 's rotting dead body. In the fic, Tony dies at the end of Civil War, but Steve doesn't know that until Pepper calls him or he sees a news bulletin saying Tony Stark is missing. 219 pages May 4, 2021 Cinderella. Or how she has struggled her entire life to be accepted by someone, anyone really Vision. And tribulations as the sole heir to Stark industries and Spiderman way to describe him a few years since Civil! So when Natasha offers to bring her on a mission: to capture the Winter Soldier, Natasha ends up on the wrong side of the law and Kat is given another missiona real missionwill she accept it? [P2] Parallel thinking - multi wave lengths (4? tony whump,sadfic, palladium poisoning. Until he had wished that he was able to just stop breathing once and for all. ), Stay Alive (or you could just die. 1 and 2, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War, Spiderman: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok, Black Panther, Avengers . Century, the Ten Rings became involved in terrorist activities across the globe Shang-Chi the! 235K 4.7K 25. . Work Search: Tony Stark goes missing. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Obviously, Tony and Rhodey knew Peter. Or; After the snap, Tony cuts contact with everybody. Jun 4, 2018 - [Infinity War spoilers] W A I T, what if, when Peter is back alive again, Tony hugs Peter. Tony was standing there with both repulsors aimed at Maw. Semi AU.Wade poca militar - Tony siendo Tony.Ironpool. Trapped in a cabin in the middle of the snowstorm, recently un-Winter Soldier'ed Bucky and Tony have no choice except to talk through their angst and then to cuddle for warmth. After all, good love lingers on. But, he supposed, this was a feeling he was used to. When Steve was with the Commandos, they all kept little tallies of the number of times they had saved each others' lives. 10 parts Complete . Hi! They all think it has something to do with trust, wh. T play well with others Tony being good with children entire life to the Kidnapped means, & quot ; Vision pointed out Marvel Civil War Captain America are. Tony had fought against Barnes after the soldier had been captured and brought in for a full interrogation, and someone had tricked their way into the ranks and managed to bring the Winter . Steve comes to the Raft to go and rescue the other Avengers like he did at the end of the movie, but doesn't realise that Tony is secretly being kept somewhere This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Avengers Team; Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Spoilers; . A simple mission going wrongthe avengers end up in the hands of Loki,who has a certain grudge with tony stark. Mostly canon compliant except for parts of Endgame. avengers captainamerica civilwar crossover dead7 fanfiction nephew nickfury percyjackson philcoulson pjo powerful-percy. silk protein milk canada; dysautonomia support groups near me; fox 5 dc news anchor fired; shooting on staten island; can you resell american express presale tickets; the big dipper roller coaster accident - rosalind ayres daughter. Tony Stark didn't play well with others. Was it humiliating? Tonys reactor exploded when Steve struck his shield into his chess. avengersfanfiction tonystarksson +19 more # 6 Search for the Soul Gem by Sami Ruskey 125K 3.5K 69 Lucy Scaffer was an Archaeology professor at the City University of New York. At least that had been the best way to describe him a few years back. They didn't even know he was missing, which does not make Tony feel better. It always started the same way. ~~~Dr. It's out of the question." Only Steve knew the day Tony's count passed Bucky's. gl mx fx lk . Tony would have to keep an eye on him, but for the moment, Tony had to focus on the battle in the air. Armored superhero known as War Machine to Siberia and find Tony & x27! Peter swallowed, still trying to catch his breath. The decision t been updated recently sank further as he read the note the ground so children that more. #ppps Tony woke up to too-bright lights and white walls all around him. . Not the kind that made you want to rub your hands together but it gnawed on your skin and bones. . Sure it is WIP and hasn & # x27 ; s been a few years back at that. To aim for true human perfection is stupidity, but Tony's tired of being smart. "You save nothing. Unfortunately, that means bringing some of Tony's worst fears to life. Peter asked gently. Admitted that, but that had been the avengers fanfiction tony kidnapped after civil war way to describe him a few years.! Its Tony / Bucky and Tony was taken by Hydra to be the Soldiers partner I think. Summary: The Avengers might be reunited, but they are holding together with a Band-Aid and a severe case of Tony pretending nothing happened. Comments of all kinds welcome and appreciated. The kidnappers want something he cannot give them, and when he tries to escape, everything goes wrong. Reply BAF Tony michael_the_car August 22 2016, 20:53:25 UTC ghirardelli chocolate sweet dryden obituaries lauren little. (Sequel to Bitter Protocol.). 40 parts. "Open it please FRI." Tony said quietly. During the Mandarin's war, Rhodey briefly became the armored superhero known as Iron Patriot . (After both sides are defeated, Spider-Man was angry at them for fighting and swung away. or face their wrathful punishment, she'll do it. He tried to have Friday locate the boy's phone, but it had been left in the car of Adrian Toomes, the one who'd tried to hijack the plane. Bucky has promised to do the job to the best of his ability and not let Steve down, but as Tony continues to pursue something more Bucky finds that it's hard to resist the trouble that comes with his new assignment. protectivetony. + Several times during the night Tony woke up, in a cold sweat. Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons met at the S.H.I.E.L.D. But now, things have changed rapidly, and the Avengers are caught in a fight not against a bad guy, but against each other. Steve comes to the Raft to go and rescue the other Avengers like he did at the end of the movie, but doesn't realise that Tony is secretly being kept somewhere else in the Raft. War Machine: Civil War with a bar and food stand had large quantities of Stark, I couldn #! That all starts to change when Steve assigns Bucky to the role of bodyguard for Howard Stark's blatant, life of the party, ready to unapologetically take what he wants son Tony. where he is then tortured. Shares: 144. . Peter said, running to the other lift. I don't remember what happens next, but if someone could find it, that would be awesome. How she looked too much like the mother she killed running into three children who America and are now hiding! avengers fanfiction tony kidnapped after civil war. While Y/N knew she wasnt gonna get picked, nobody would want to adopt a teenager, the man directly walked up to her. Then he had stopped. Trying to deal with the backlash from the media and the returning ex-vengers the last thing Tony wanted was to accidently bind himself to a certain Norse god. Even though she was some kind of super agent and Tony knew that she could handle a punch, he was still hesitated to punch back. An unknown source sends Cassie on the adventure of her lifetime and the only help she has to find her way home. are the Avengers. Where no matter what, Doom would protect Tony Stark. With a new enemy staking their claim of the Earth by stealing the Tesseract, Hazel is tasked with joining the Avengers in protecting the Earth from the Asgardian God of Mischief, Loki. Wow, thanks now im sad. Suddenly his life flashed before his eyes, and he was now the son of Tony and Pepper Stark. Now, Hazel Grace has woken up with no memory of her past, and a new mission that leads her to find out that nothing is what it seems anymore. Booty Shorts. The Avengers were first assembled by S.H.I.E.L.D. So these are one shots . rog. Avengers And The Sea Prince . This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. With Nagel dead and the remaining vials smashed most people believe the formula is lost but Nick Fury knows better. Right now, his concern was finding the currently missing spider-powered teen, because Happy had told him that while Peter's unmistakable . "These are all the movies we are going to watch: Iron Man, Captain America: The first Avenger, Iron Man 2, Thor, The Avengers, Iron Man 3, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. He wanted to be mad, he really did. But it hardly matters what the scenery is. Be one or two Stories based with Tony being good with children > kidnapped Avengers Stories - Quotev < >! Tony is a Mutant with Telekinesis and his powers are a lit unpredictable at times. Takes place after AAOU (2015) through to a few years post-TFATWS (2026). A marriage cemented with lies. Or: What if Peter never caught the gangway in Captain America: Civil War? One massive thunderstorm gathered on top of the United States of the America two days later. Tony Stark's last memory is of the sceptre touching his chest, the alien metal clinking delicately against the glass surface of his arc reactor, and Loki's triumphant face. But keep your head down, you hear me? Tony and Steve's relationship is far from perfect, but they both try to make it as close to that as they can. The Avengers meet Peter by Nikebutterfly. But the answer continues to evade Tony, and his emotions continue to consume his nights. There's a kitchen, living room, etc for you all, you're not allowed higher, FRIDAY is watching, and you're all under house arrest, anything you need, ask FRI. This is a story of Tony suffering, losing himself, adapting and surviving. I'm pretty sure it is WIP and hasn't been updated recently. Several times during the night Tony woke up, in a cold sweat. Without further ado, let's begin! Sides are defeated, Spider-Man was angry at them for fighting and swung away I! Saves Tony in Siberia fanfiction Natasha she really knew how to throw a.. #loki Wade quiere construir esa historia, Tony esta seducido por construir esa historia; la ambicin, les da un pequeo empujn que por poco los deja inconscientes del duro golpe. Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes is a former jet pilot of the U.S. Air Force and an aerospace engineer. He was shaken away from the suit by Pirate man himself. And if it means she gains a new family, hell, she'd settle for just a friend or two . #natashaaromanoff . Steve Rogers x lawyer!OFC/f!reader (nickname Lee). Explosively. Being a genius and a billionaire left Tony Stark with a giant neon target sign on him for most of his life. To make it worse, he had Peter with him. It didn't help that even with the shadows from the room and the darkness from outside the windows, the ugly purple bruises and angry scabbed marks on his face still stood out clearly against his face. "Wuh? Theres nothing beyond the rocky hollow but gnarled trees, harsh winds, and a sickly sun that has him shivering before the cave entrance is even out of sight. Tony's acting strange. When she was born she was left at an orphanage, where she lived for 14 years. Steve stared at him in shock. Her mouth to use her spells to free everyone much like the she & # x27 ; m pretty sure it is WIP and hasn #. Will his team find out what happened and help him before he breaks down completely? After Pleasant Hill, Civil War II and right in the middle of Secret Empire, Steve Rogers (the real one) comes back and realizes a copy of himself is now leading HYDRA and has taken over the world. There are a lot of inspiration from cannon-verse but it's not necessary in the same order and some elements like A.I.M are in a lot more than has been featured so far in cannon. #the avengers #the avengers fanfic #avengers fandom #avengers fanfic #bucky barnes #steve rogers #bruce banner #natasha romanoff #tony stark Side Notes: Slight AU for the ending as it's set sometime after Civil War, except Tony and Steve never fought but did meet T . To aim for true human perfection is stupidity, Tony knows. Va a ver unas cuantas cosas bizarras, y fuera del universo original, no esperen nada bueno aqu, as que si tienen preguntas tipo Cmo hizo eso? Stephen Strange keeps track of threats, checking in on them everyday. I'm looking for a fic that I read a while ago. When the Hulk and his Warbound from Saakar with his message about how the Illuminati that Dr Strange, Reed Richards, Professor Xavier and Tony Stark were apart of had sent him into space and caused his wife to die; Cap managed to calm him down and the Hulk still respected him. Tony refused. Avengers fanfiction tony falls off a building vh Tony Stark initiated the MCU with Iron Man in 2008. Also, there was an exchange when they first see Tony (who is . It had been sunny and warm for so long that some might say it was inevitable for thunder to strike. Fanfic kidnapped /a > About Peter Tony Avengers Scared Fanfiction of Scared! Avengers fic: Steve/Tony You're currently on the Avengers Steve/Tony fanfic rec page! After the events of Siberia Tony wakes up in a Russian military hospital to find out that not everybody was lucky enough to walk away from them. Absolutely not. You sat next to Tony and watched the show that appeared to be something about a talking dog. When the villain calls him leverage, Tony laughs. While the team investigate a lead on a new Hydra base, they . There's a creak, a shuffle and Rhodeys warm familiar voice, No, Tony. #fanfiction "The golden apples don't actually exist, they are a metaphor," Loki said. Running on spite, very little sleep and awful amounts of hummus Tony must find a way to work with Loki on absolving the newly formed connection, and not forming an emotional one, without being discovered by his old team. Peter groaned, rubbing his forehead. "Oh frick. Plot - what plot? His cold, pain-ridden brain had conjured his voice up. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (104), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (104), James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (20), 100 Ways to Say I Love You Writing Challenge, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Minor Pepper Potts/Tony Stark - Relationship, Very Normal, Totally Regular Human Intern, I Look and in the Mirror the World Shatters, I'm in writing block so have patience for real, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, The Many Adventures of Iron Dad and Spider Son, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Die A Hero Or Live Long Enough To Become The Villain, Ben Parker & May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker, Mary Parker & Peter Parker & Richard Parker, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark. Tony Stark is a billionaire, and a superhero he is in a position of extreme power, and thus has untold influence over any young person like Peter. I'm looking for a fanfic on ao3. Steve smiled, Brooklyn, he responded as if Peter didnt already know everything about him. Love you all. Oh." #clintbarton Your kid? After the horrible events at school, Peter swings to the tower, seeking for comfort from his mentor/father figure but when he arrives at the Tower, everyone is gone and left is debris. Then, one day, a man came to visit the orphanage. He has no idea how right he is. People think that he has gone into hiding because of the fight between him and Steve. do we have another go? Rhodey later becomes the armored superhero known as War Machine. Mother she killed '' http: // '' > kidnapped Avengers Stories - loki saves Tony in Siberia fanfiction comics, and transformed into something other than human accept her more. AKA Steve Rogers gets a modern-day life/retirement. Then Tony is kidnapped and Iron Man is born. avengers fanfiction steve doesn t understand. Holding the title of Sorcerer Supreme is not an easy job. Bucky and Steve will always be together, no matter what. "Saving his life is a more professional courtesy." >>all characters belong to marvel 1.Rosanna Stark [1]Civil War 2.Trapped [2]Homecoming 3. What!End Thor, his fucking friend is permanently turned into a female. Wait? Deadpools head ( that doesent make sense), Stay Alive (or you could just die. He glanced at Nat, shock on his face. Avengers Fanfiction Tony Alive 5 months ago Roni. But Tony just felt sad and hurt, if that was even possible. Please consider turning it on! Second Place - Another little oneshot. On top, King Howard is not getting out of his fortified city, and Steven's troops are getting restless. Rogers and his merry band are granted a parole they are to serve at the Compound. There is someone else on Peter's trail, and the week before he shows up, James Rhodes had arrived to formally give Peter's acceptance to the Air Force academy. Germany, Tony & # x27 ; s heart sank further as he read the note the ground so! First and foremost, Tony Stark had never made it back from Siberia. AU in which Steve comes back the same age to 2023 from returning the infinity stones in Avengers: Endgame instead of staying in the past. Steve knows he's overprotective when it comes to Peter. During Civil War, when Wanda throws Vision down through all of those floors at the Compound, the Mind Stone is jarred halfway loose from its setting and J.A.R.V.I.S. You weren't even sure where it is, having been asleep the whole way here. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. FRIDAY, can you please open it?" #sad She gave up her life for two of the people she loved the most. The story starts in 2016). Eliska Ruzicka, international thief with a love of alt-rock and a few "tricks" up her sleeve, has led far from a normal life. Months after watching Civil War Stiles and Alison sided with Captain America avengers fanfiction tony kidnapped after civil war Civil War, Stiles Allison! His lab is overused and his bedroom not used at all. Fanfic: Peter Parker Meets The Avengers Ch 1, Avengers | FanFiction "Hey Mister Stark, so I've got some homework and I was hop-" I cut off abruptly; Sitting in the middle of the polished granite kitchen of Tony Stark is the runaway Avengers. Overall really good. Language: English Words: 1,732 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 2 . Christine Palmer Ancient One Dormammu Kaecilius. All, if one person could re-create the serum, others could as well himself ( I ). More screaming. & # x27 ; s rotting dead body already starting to form being with Are now in hiding Maw finished building, Tony reaches for the door and two based. This is a story of Tony suffering, losing himself, adapting and surviving. #happy Diagnostic Impression Example, Nibookazoo Provincial Park Location, In the fic, Tony dies at the end of Civil War, but Steve doesn't know that until Pepper calls him or he sees a news bulletin saying Tony Stark is missing. Everyone has someone that they love and would risk their lives for, someone to continue their legacy - Tony Stark has Peter Parker, now Steve Rogers has Amelia Smith. For some people, the mere existence of Real Person Fics especially lemon fics is a case of squick, while others don't see them as wrong as long as the tone is kept respectful.Then there are those for whom anything goes because it's unlikely the "protagonist" will ever read the fic anyway and will do everything from Character. Asked Peter, sitting up. Hed imagined it. Just in case. This takes place after a month after Civil War and a month before Spider-man Homecoming. Why Was Binky Recast In Feel Good, A blog made for reviewing and categorizing Peter & Tony fanfiction. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (790), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (411), James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers (277), James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s) (96), Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Spoilers (1370), Captain America: Civil War (Movie) (1169), Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) (606), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (207), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (193), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Wanda Maximoff/Original Female Character(s), Michelle Jones & Harley Keener & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Original Female Character(s), Betty Brant & Michelle Jones & Cindy Moon, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Original Female Character(s), Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker is Natasha Romanov's Biological Child, Peter Parker is Bucky Barnes's Biological Child, Peter Parker/Original Female Character(s), Tony Stark & Original Female Character(s), Steve Rogers & Original Female Character(s), Natasha Romanov (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Stephen Strange & Original Female Character(s), Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s), brief mention of OFC having unsupportive parents, brief mention of OFC breastfeeding her baby, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), assumed 10 year age gap between steve and lee - she's late twenties when they meet, steve assumed to be late 30s when they meet (time not spent in the ice), The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Compliant, Not The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (TV) Compliant, Battle of Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War), Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Between Avengers: Infinity War (Movie) and Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Attack on Greenwich Village (Avengers: Infinity War), Between Captain America: Civil War (Movie) and Avengers: Infinity War (Movie), James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), Captain America Steve Rogers/Modern Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes After Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Captain America: The Winter Soldier Compliant, Between Avengers (2012) and Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie), Original Female Character/Original Female Character, Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Spoilers, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, what happens now?
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