avengers x injured child reader

Uncategorized 20.02.2023

"She's fine." A/N: I was going to have you be Laufeys daughter, but theres another request that includes you being Lokis biological sister, so I modified it. "That's a cute name." "wait, dadhow long have you BEEN here? Tony let go as soon as you said that and looked at you You know what (Y/N) He took a step towards you and was aiming to grabbing you by the shirt. If you have any questions about Ko-Fi please feel free to private message me. Mother asked if your brother got scared of the thunder. When he was drunk it would get worse. Pietro then proceeded to stop right in front of Stark, scaring the wits out of the man. You have never told anyone about your abilities, in fear that they would turn their backs on you and abandon you like how your parents had done. Thank you. The smal. Their eyes were all on you as you held mjolnir in your hand with ease as if it weighed nothing. After a field trip gone wrong, Frankie is the only one who knows why Peter suddenly doesn't need his glasses and has abs that would make a model weep. "You let that happen to her?" Thor is now by his side, filling him in about Ultrons plan. Steve ran over as soon as he saw your laying there. And now, he was hugging you, allowing you to sob against him as you clung to him like a broken child. A/N: I know this isn't my best shot, but I hope you guys like it :( love love. You hummed, Yeah sure, go get it.. "IId likeBucky, if thats okay." child! Aaaaaaagh! (Y/N), nice burn Along with a high five. One (f/n) (l/n) would agree, there was nothing but darkness. Sorry if its not good, its my first one Ive written on here aaaa. He started, Romanoff spotting the situation and edging near the big guy already. (s/c)= skin color You were the best female in Hydra. Peter was there now, his own tears running freely down his face as he glanced at you for a moment. She cooed softly and giggled. When he was home, he would scream at her, loudly but not enough for neighbors to hear. NO WAYou started but Thor put a arm over your chest and coughed. I'll make it up to yOu and her.". Nick yelled back. "The floor is lava!!!" Clint's voice chimed nervously, making Stark holler back but not turn away from what he was working on. #imagines Apparently, it was a miracle you survived. "StopWORRYING?!" He has never looked so pleased to see you. She ends up meeting Pietro, who is a notorious flirt but she doesnt think she has a chance w/ him bc shes not the typical body type he goes for. "Are you su, KEY: Tony Stark x Wife!Reader - End of the World, Steve Rogers X Reader - Right to be Wrong, Steve Rogers X Wife!Reader - Sophia Carter, Christmas Special 2018 - Thor's first Christmas, Steve Rogers (Kinda) x Reader - This Is Me, Steve Rogers X Reader (Requested by @lumosxaly). Bruce asked. But you could hear every single word he is saying. Sweetheart if we cant lift it, what makes you think, YOU can? Tony laughed. We arrived outside the office door at the same time; Clint held the door open for me to enter before him. No youll lose you told him before going into a fit of coughing. Everyone mostly stayed in their room and kept to themselves. Steve is determined to find you. The pads of your paws were sore from constantly slapping the pavement. "How about (Name)?" From the moment the Steve Rogers came to live at Stark Tower, he always seemed to have this feeling that he was being watched. "How about (Name)?" Yeah, plus youre getting old soOW! Steve elbowed you on the side and Natasha scolded you, Hey now, dont say things like that (Y/N) thats not nice. Although she was laughing at your remark, the Avengers loved to baby you so correcting you and scolding you whenever they got the chance was one of their favorite things. Prompt: You are kidnapped by Ultron and tortured to draw the team out. #spiderman He'll be just fine. Then his gaze went to Steve. Without even giving time for Cho to protest, he entered your room. I glanced up to see Steve behind Pietro. She tickled him making him laugh. She sat up and looked at him. "Steve stahppp, you're being over dramatic" You said and use your water-controlling power to flood the entire floor. #captainamerica For some reason Fury thought that the Avengers weren't good at working as team (TONY). Meanwhile the team have just landed in Sokovia. You leant into her, unaware of the tears littering your cheeks. You could do that? It was more of a limp than anything and her entire body ached. #wintersoldier. I will be reinstituting Prima Nocta. And this time he put both hands on the handle before grabbing it tightly and trying to pull it upwards. Happy paused for a moment, his hand resting in yours, pinkies still linked. ' . When (Name) get's older she'll need someone who can relate to that." But you smirked, standing up making Thor and everyone confused Hey! "Nick Where did you get that baby from?!" Loki x Reader. With a worried frown you exchanged Wandas food from yesterday with the one you were holding. You ran. Clint commented, leaning down to pick her up. Clint cried on the sofa, grabbing Tony's hand who is on the floor soaking wet. Steve Rogers X Reader - Everything Has Changed. She hadnt seen him in nearly two years. "(Y/N)! Once realizing he couldnt be able to lift it he let out a fake roar, trying to mimic the Hulk. Ill be back, Spidey! You give a quick peck to the plushs cheek before dashing out of the room to find your phone. Wondering what has happened to you. Nick Fury led him to were they were keeping you in the helicarrier. A/N - I dont know if youre still taking requests, but could u please do one where the reader is a bit more on the bigger side (with whatever super power you want) and she is currently being trained at the same facility as the Avengers? She's insecure but only because she feels lesser on the team during missions, like her height is a disadvantage. Second POV You watched from your seat besides Steve, or as you like to call him Cap'n; as Clint tried to lift up Thor's hammer. Surely there would be someone qualified to help. They had managed to track your position. Tony rolled his eyes Sure sure alright fine. "I hear the, Fandom: Marvel The snap came quicker this time, but as you stood there, head turning too and throw as you attempted to see what was going to happen, nothing came. You leant into her, unaware of the tears littering your cheeks. Reader) (Name) Stark loved to watch her father work. "(Y/N), should you not be studying with Lady Iris?" Mhm~ With that attitude your ego will only weigh it down more. A smirk overtook your expression as you grabbed the stick do the lollipop to pull it out of your mouth before pointing it at Tony. Rose! You glanced up when you felt a presence beside you, feeling Pepper's hand on your shoulder as she crouched down to your level. It is important that he gets to you before its too late. Ava Welters has always wondered who her soulmates were she started to give up all of her friends ha MY BOSS & HER ASSISTANT | NATASHA X READER X As far as inappropriate relationships go you've played it fairly safe most of your life, well that' "I feel paralyzed" Tony Stark x Daughter Rea "Hay how you doin well I'm doin just fine i lied im dying inside." It wouldnt be any use to call the police they wouldnt do anything to help her. (Y/N) Stark is the eighteen-year-old daughter of Tony Stark. Luckily Nick Fury showed up with a helicarrier. She was lucky to make it out a day without at least one new bruise. She liked to see him tinker with all the bits of metal and see him mould them together. Bucky Barnes X Reader - Undisclosed Desires, Sam Wilson x Reader - The One That Got Away, Peter Parker X Sister!Reader - The Mother We Share, Natasha Romanoff X Reader - Look After You. Good to see you, Barnes, Falsworth said in his fa, A/N: Read description first. #fanfiction He seemed worse than she ever had seen him. He had won. You lay aside your father and ask how they sleep with thunder. Tony stopped in front of the hammer Im never one to shrink from an honest challenge. He spoke out, looking at Steve and the others. "NAME! I think you have work to do Captain. Nick Fury butted in and Steve nodded, noticing the whole city is being evacuated. On the surface, (Y/N) is just like any other teenager girl. Clint slaps Tony's hand. Boots pulled over socks, over leggings and a shirt and coat she knew Loki would scold her for if it wasnt put on. Heavily locked, but he would find a way to get in. Bucky took the child in his arms. Tony was smirking while Thor laughed. Fearing for her life completely now, she tried to struggle out of his hold, only to be met with a bottle to her forehead, causing a large gash to appear, bleeding slowly and steadily. Phil nearly sighed in relief, caressing your cheek gently. Didnt.. *hick* think youd have it.. *hick* in you to survive in the big *hick* city! He stammered out in hiccups and slurs. "I have food, guys!" He was too fast for her though. Bruce drunkenly said while standing on the kitchen counter and fell to the floor "INSIIIIIDEEEEEEEE!!!!" Instantly, he regretted announcing it like that, for Stark surged forward, immediately in his Iron Man suit - letting out a string of curses. Steve Rogers x Reader You finished putting on the last bit of eyeshadow and got up from you chair, walking away from the vanity you had been sitting at. Standing tall. It took Bucky about ten minute to jog up to the rendezvous point, located on an overlook hidden behind the tree line 85 yards East of the facility. demands a very angry Steve Rogers asks a guilty looking 5 year old (Y/N) and a beat up Loki However that was when a knock at the door came. You were working for the government, parked in this underwater prison because they thought you in qualified for my other kind of work. He gave a small nod and went inside. He smiled at the little bundle of joy. Lifting his leg he used it to kick the door open, breaking its locks. The doctor released his grip, although there was still a little green present in his face. Everyone stayed silent for awhile before Tony, Thor and Rhodey laughed. He demanded, banging his fists on the table of the infirmary. Sooo, he "randomly" picked up a baby from some where, and gave the child to the Avengers. #vision Isaac's hat. You didnt know where anybody else was, well actually that wasnt true, you were fairly certain that Bruce and Tony were working in the lab and the Steve was in the training room, but the tower was still unusually quiet. You mumbled, shyly looking at him. ! He nodded with a smile. "What should we call her?" He started towards the door, pausing when he reached it. Thor smirked at Tony, Clint and Bruce. However, life finds a way to keep surprising him. But its obvious he won. Peter had taken a pretty hard hit, and you were kneeling by his side, attempting to keep him from getting back up. The Foster Kid (Platonic, Avengers x Child! Broken Home - Avengers x Reader. If you would like I could make things cooler. Tony turned towards you with an offended face. "Don't act so surprised," Bucky scoffed, "I practically raised Mr. America over there." "You can rest now.". Arch enemies since childhood, Frankie Hart and Peter Parker have been competing their whole lives. ", "Good." She would come home from school and cut herself on her wrists as well, distract from the pain she felt from everyone elses wounds both emotionally, mentally and physically. Having fun, partying, clubbing, laughing just overall having a good time, enjoying life. He shook his head slightly, "I mean, she's upset, but she'll be fine." Hold on!!" Director Fury placed him in Stark Tower with the other Avengers when Thor went back with Loki--much to Tony's chagrin. Me strolling through imgur today. You placed a hand on his shoulder, making him nearly hit you in the process. His way to get out his anger was to yell at her. Natasha? I'm drowning!! But without your dad around, it all seemed a little worthless. Yet after his breathing and heart rate had returned to normal, he could still hear the sound of pitter patter. ", "You are sitting on the couch, going to bed and not moving a finger." Frigga, who was sitting on the edge of the large bed, laughs and you look to her with a wide grin before climbing across Loki's body to curl up in her lap. #avengers "I'm more worried about you. Stephen Strange X Stark!Reader - Take me or Leave me. Better be prepared to lose cash, Starkburst.. He said it belon, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When he was home, he would scream at her, loudly but not enough for neighbors to hear. Steve yelped as Bucky raced after him, heading to either kill his best friend in frustration or head to the hospital. You looked him over and examined his silvery hair, it was really unusual but you decided that it suited him. Steve wasnt able to lift it up but it was moved a little and yourself and Thor saw it. Checking your blood type to see if she had any blood available to make up for the blood you have lost. The man gives you a glare and you reply with a devilish grin. Standing on the ledge of the building, she looked across the way, wanting to see the sky but only say the tall brightness of STARK tower. Frowning, you remember you left it in the living room. She whimpered in pain, getting a smirk from her old man. Warnings: Violence/gore (save for a couple scenes, not too much), action/peril, some profanity, sexual implications bu, "Uncle Thor's back! But they did it. Helen Cho jerked up, and forced Agent Hunter, your partner in the mission, forward. It was a long, exhausting battle. Unconsciously, Clint yelled in an even louder voice. It was then you remembered exactly why you were stuck in one place, and why everything felt cold as ice. He'll find him, even if he has to jump off the edge of the Earth itself to get him back. He barked before walking out of the room. Happy had been your unofficial babysitter for so long that he knew you inside and out, and even now, as an adult, you were both so often stuck doing little things you had done as a child. Steve, shes 16. Natasha commented making Steve choke on the alchohol he was sipping on. You weren't quite sure how long you had stood there like that, clutching at America's golden boy like he was a life raft and you were lost in a turbulent sea. an overly sarcastic q this is my first book so if i make a mistake im sorry ;;w;; I was so scared I wouldnt reach you in time. I dont care, and it wont. A few comments were made on the sad. Loki screamed, lashing his scepter against the tavern where you were resting. Fighting against your own body as you were strapped down on a cold metal table. You would have recognised Happy's voice anywhere. Pain feels like a fast stab wound to the heart. I rubbed circles on Clint's back as I tried to ignore the awful sounds from him puking in the toilet. Fury sat there with two different files on his desk; he was looking out the window. His tracking device on his wrist led him to a door. There was no celebration for saving the world, instead just uncomfortable silence, hanging around the cabin, with only a few whispered voices willing to break it. He would not let anymore harm be done to you. But its all over now, we won the fight. Steve spoke to you as you lay there, your chest moving up and down slowly. You didn't want to get more scared just because your friends or your fianc Loki knew you felt miserable. ", You shook your head slightly, eyes still fixed on the trees. Pietro Maximoff: "Woah there, Speedy." Stark said in a slightly monotone voice, trying to calm the agitated man. But the next thing you remembered was sitting on a wooden swing seat on the porch of your home, staring out into the trees and wishing that none of it had happened. Set during The First Avenger. The moment Bucky opened the door to a nervous looking Steve, he knew something was up. Or will learn to despise them? We won? your mouth formed a smile. The Avengers were successful in destroying Ultron and saving the whole world from death. ", Clint opened his mouth to answer, but Tony picked him up by the collar, "NEVERMIND JUST TELL ME WHERE SHE IS.". "Hey," she started slowly, using her free hand to draw your father's gaze to her, "Tony, we're going to be okay." Bucky's beginning to believe so, after the man he loves went missing 4 months ago, hardly leaving a trace. The fact that he kissed you is surprising. They tried together with a few words being exchanged between the two only for them to not be able to lift it. A book about parent avenger x child reader preferences! She though was not. Happy with her job, she walked out of the bathroom and grabbing her brown leather jacket, was just about to leave. Avengers X Child reader 15 parts Ongoing A female 12year old vigilante,has no home, parents, or dreams.The only thing that keeps her going i. Y.O.L.O (Boyxboy) 38 parts Ongoing *COMPLETED* (Y.O.L.O stands for: YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE) *** Carter Jones, the school nerd, and Killian. You couldn't bring yourself to look up at the voice, though it wasn't like you needed to. You weren't far away when he lifted his arm in the air, ready to snap and end it all. The Avengers X Child!Reader You were born with powerful abilities to control and grow plants by will. If you aren't noticed for hard work avengerstrash. ve bs His hair was more grey than she last remembered and his eyes looked crazed. Captain America X Reader. ", Happy snorted slightly, attempting to hold back a smile. "Dad?" Now lets lift this piece of metal trick. Clint smirked as he wrapped his hand around mjolnir, but as he tried to pull it up with a struggled grunt he let go and tried to laugh it off. that is until halfway through the seventh grade. "Take care of the god damn child and don't kill it!" ", Your dad smiled up at you, a small grimace tainting his usually kind face. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________~One Way Out (Part I)~ This money gives me the ability to continue writing in my spare time without having to worry about extra funds and will eventually help me to #antman You asked, taking every painful step on your crutches. He stared at the object that was now in his hands. As he roamed the halls, he saw an unfamiliar figure wandering as well. Ahhh! ", You glanced up when you felt a presence beside you, feeling Pepper's hand on your shoulder as she crouched down to your level. "Hit me with it." You walked around the table and wrapped your hand around Thors hammer. He knows his team mate is strong, but had no idea that he is capable of this. He is a monster Like nothing you have ever encountered. He looks back at the helicarrier, which is now up in the air. Stupid magic tricks bettern me. But everyone knew Tony adored you and loved you as much as the others. You had not only completed basic training within the WAC, but ended up rising in rank. Ya know? Request for Abby the Time Lady Please consider supporting me for just 3 using Ko-Fi. Your dad was kinda the counterpart of the hulk in terms of anger management issues. Imagine Steve Rogers It had crossed her mind that since it was her 21st birthday, it was about time she went to the club and saw what all the fuss was about. I hope it was the latter. You hardly ever got injured, because Maria always chose to fight by your side. This was one of those times when he was really thankful that they were all given their own tents, and didn't have to share with anyone. The Avengers sat in confusion as Fury walked into the room. "Mom reallyit's okay." He was peering through his binoculars, staring in the direction of the facility. He was probably at a bar getting drunk, then hed come home and beat her some more. Without giving him an option to answer her, she tried to bolt for her room and call for help. Maybe she wasn't even suppose to exist in the first place! Every single one of your team mates were feeling nervous, its almost as if Ultron wanted them to find you. Haha! It was a long, exhausting battle. he had made just for her to do such. She had blocked out what he was saying by now, just trying to get out of the pain. Loki sat on your reclining chair, drinking an ice cold glass of ice tea. He explained how Tony is trying to come up with a solution. Its an unknown caller. He thought you would be the perfect way to draw them back to Sokovia. He smiled at the little bundle of joy. Thor laughed and grinned, Haha, nothing. He said as Steve walked back to sit next to you. You stayed at a foster home in town tll Tony would come down from New York. Please consider supporting me for just 3 using Ko-Fi. Many more think that souls of the dead will be sent to either to the underworld, or heaven. It is horrible seeing you there so motionless, at least they managed to find blood to give you. But he only let out frustrated grunts as he pulled once, then twice then thLoooooseeeeer~ A teen voice sang out. ! Steve cried out as he lifted you onto the helicarrier. ", You swore you could see your dad smirk, "Hmmlet's just say I watched you while you were sleeping.". #loki Her mother died of a brain tumor. Assuming he left, she got up slowing and painfully, throat too dry to make much noises. Damn, someone must've knocked you out. ", "I g-guess, Speedy.. now would you please". It was just a spell gone awry. Walking to the door there was only one thing running through her mind finding an escape. "You better." The Avengers X Child!Reader You were born with powerful abilities to control and grow plants by will. STOP COMMENTING ABOUT THE ORIGINAL DETAILS OF A STORY. And has to get you immediate medical attention. Ultron had taken you away from your team. The Avengers looked down at the baby. #blackpanther The work there included assembling and testing weapons. Action Fanfiction Humor Carol X Thor Thor Avengers X Reader Baby Reader Child Reader. Natasha smiled at the little game her friends were playing. The millionaires eyes were the size of saucers. The words were so normal, something you'd heard him say a thousand times, and now they meant something completely different. "You warm enough? "Hey, Kiddo." He saves the day but finds you unconscious/bleeding out. You had worked for Hydra your whole life, until now. With her mother dead and her father long gone, Tony adopts her right after her first birthday. Your laughs died down as you instead focused on Steve who walked over to the hammer and looked down, rolling up his sleeves. "Take care of the god damn child and don't kill it!" Are you cheating on me?!!! The Avengers X Child!Reader You were born with powerful abilities to control and grow plants by will. Knowing that it is only a matter of time before you will be dead. That was what happened. Suddenly the ground beneath him starts to shake. (There will be smut in Part 2!) Steve took hold of your hand, holding it in his. Steve had been a pretty steady figure in your life, when you were a kid. Noticing that you are out cold. A dead mom who did drugs, a dad 60 Days With Professor Romanoff - In The Dar 60 days with Professor Romanoff, lectures, study sessions and out of hours office visits it's not e ' . you decided to have fun scaring Lo ' . Considering that, My Protector You let out an oooo at it as Bruce shook his head a little. A female 12year old vigilante,has no home, parents, or dreams.The only thing that keeps her going is saving the world one city at at time, one crime at a time. You were running late as always. "What should we call her?" Steve's main concern now is how you are doing. No need to prove yourself little one! Marvel Your brows furrowed slightly as he took your hand in his. I know Daddy wants me to think I won, and all. She thought, hurrying for her drawers to find some clothes to put on. Guess who that Uncle happens to be, Tony Stark. (h/c)= hair color~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please tell me you have a doctor? However, Loki was also uncertain about his return. Sam Wilson X Parker!Reader - We don't have to take our clothes off (Part 2), Female Avengers X Friend!Reader - Grigio Girls. So I want to see the look on their faces when they find you dead. Sooo, he "randomly" picked up a baby from some where, and gave the child to the Avengers. Fandom: Marvel That doesn't mean Bucky will stop looking for him, though. "NO! For years through high school she had been in the popular crowd. Raph wouldve preferred you two to already be. "Thanks, Hap." Steve is back out amongst the chaos around him. Your mom nearly broke your mug of tea as she passed it to you. Waking up a few hours later, it was probably near midnight. You werent sure if you were dead, that is until you started to try to walk around only to be seemingly stuck in one place, unable to move anywhere. "I love that you're short. You paused shaking your head and taking a deep breath. Each verbal assault like a stab to the back. He wasn't interested in salvation. "No, I'm good. At first it didnt do anything to cool the two off but with each passing minute, the snow fell faster and harder. . The kids at school started to call her worse and worse names. Thors surprised and shock look was back to his normal smirking one once he realized Steve couldnt hold it. Stark said in a slightly monotone voice, trying to calm the agitated man. Snap. He has never felt so angry. "None of your business, Rogers!" You groaned, "Seriously dad, I'm almost healed up!" When the children and caretakers at the orphanage get. (e/c)= eye color Honestly? H-Howd you find me dad? She asked, worry clear and fear in her (e/c) eyes. It was your fifth mission, and you got a fractured leg. Natasha only smiled and Steve shook his head with an amused smile on his face. "Your right sis, I'm am really tired but can't I stay up a bet more?" I said sounding tired but still childish. She paused for a moment, a small smile coming to her lips. I helped her up and carried her wobbling form to her room, trying to straighten her feet before she could sprain her ankles with every step she took. Hes just so happy to see you awake. Steve asked, a little nervous. Cuts and bruises littered her body, some old and scared while others were fresh. Nick yelled back. Steves main concern now is how you are doing. You exclaim as you throw yourself onto the bed and across Loki's lap. Dr. Cornelius is then shown to be fatally injured with a piece of glass as a result of Wolverine throwing the Experiment through the glass window previously. This chapter is going to be all about grief and mourning, so if that is something that is likely to effect you negatively, please do not read. In case you forgot, these are requests. Well lookie here! "YOU DO NOT WOAH ME STARK. The last time he was here, she was the one who did not treat h. For some reason Fury thought that the Avengers weren't good at working as team (TONY). So Steve ran out from the underground base and held you in his arms tightly. Reader GIF by adeles Author's Note:This is about that one scene in Ultron, where they all try to lift it! but this book is for girls AND boys so My hands pull at the cuffs straining my arms above my head as he takes me ruthlessly. (h/l)= hair length Falling, she started to fall off the building when a strong arm caught her. They will find meAnd they will stop you you struggled to speak, trying to stay awake and not black out. Rating: T This is mainly for women readers, as seen in most of these chapters though I can try and be more versatile. ", You were welling up again, your eyes swimming with unshed tears as you took a shaky breath. Penelope Praisley, marami siyang tigyawat, hindi palaayos sa sarili at hindi kagandahan.

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