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body armor drink recall
Its a same we can believe nothing true about what we consume hank u. I stopped because I started gaining weight. *Result may vary. Look up how to make pediolite. I hope this doesnt take the company down. If you were so worried about being duped by companies then do your homework and read the back of the label and go grab your tap water. However, the customers argue that these claims are not true, because the product is not superior or better than other products on the market. Not Good! I have purchased a few of these sports drink, not knowing they were doing more harm than good. Add me. For me, there is no other drink out there that can match the hydration of Body Armor. WHERE IS THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION? Bunch of children. My son takes a large bottle of BodyArmor to work everyday. My son who didnt have my cavities as of January 2021. Thats not right at sell something and mislead people. I made him stop these drinks immediately. It also replaces fluid lost by the body during exercise, therefore, keeping the body hydrated. add me plz, Please add me. My husband drinks this daily thinking its a healthier choice. Terms and Conditions. Drank it for a while. I have used this drink to hydrate before and after my last 20 races I feel foolish now. drug injury lawsuits and product liability lawsuits. I just purchased some of these. I get the 2 for $3.50 at QT all the time. My husband was drinking them daily and then started getting the runs. Looking at the bottle you would assume that it is a healthier better drink than Coca-cola but I would not believe it to be better than Gatorade or any other similar sports drink unless the argument is that all sugar sports drinks are basically the same as a can of soda there is likely to be much argument here. 2018;9(24):17181-17198. Right now I have 32 bottles on hand due to they were on sale for .99, In addition to this I have a rain check for another 10 more! Please read and make your own choice about what you & your kids consume in your bodies. My daughter is trying to tone and loose wait and my granddaughter is an all round athlete playing soccer, basketball, t-ball and also an instrument the Chelo! I gained Please add me to this. This company is based in the USA, and it is manufactured by BA Sports Nutrition LLC. My daughter doesnt like to much water so we tried to substitute this for water sometimes, Please add me as I thought these were healthy and read that they were good for breastfeeding milk supply.i read that they were also a good substitute for sugary drinks ad I dont consume much water. Why wouldnt people read labels? Please add me. I drink BA LUTE peach mango, about a case a week. Amanda, settle down and educate yourself. Thank you. I was buying a 12 pack a week. This class act law suit is a joke. Would like to be included in class action.
I have been drinking this for quite some time. My boys drink these daily, thought it was a better and healthier option for them. We only get to this point after the owners made millions and then have to give back a small amount of $ and they are laying on the beach drinking hurricanesmargaritas ..and long island tea or they are on a cruise????? They seek damages on behalf of themselves and all other allegedly similarly affected consumers in these classes. If you want 100% sugar free then drink water from your tap. Even only drinking 1/2 I still was gaining or staying the same weight. is_confirmation;var mt = parseInt(jQuery('html').css('margin-top'), 10) + parseInt(jQuery('body').css('margin-top'), 10) + 100;if(is_form){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_1247').html(form_content.html());if(form_content.hasClass('gform_validation_error')){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_1247').addClass('gform_validation_error');} else {jQuery('#gform_wrapper_1247').removeClass('gform_validation_error');}setTimeout( function() { /* delay the scroll by 50 milliseconds to fix a bug in chrome */ jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gform_wrapper_1247').offset().top - mt); }, 50 );if(window['gformInitDatepicker']) {gformInitDatepicker();}if(window['gformInitPriceFields']) {gformInitPriceFields();}var current_page = jQuery('#gform_source_page_number_1247').val();gformInitSpinner( 1247, '' );jQuery(document).trigger('gform_page_loaded', [1247, current_page]);window['gf_submitting_1247'] = false;}else if(!is_redirect){var confirmation_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('.GF_AJAX_POSTBACK').html();if(!confirmation_content){confirmation_content = contents;}setTimeout(function(){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_1247').replaceWith(confirmation_content);jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gf_1247').offset().top - mt);jQuery(document).trigger('gform_confirmation_loaded', [1247]);window['gf_submitting_1247'] = false;wp.a11y.speak(jQuery('#gform_confirmation_message_1247').text());}, 50);}else{jQuery('#gform_1247').append(contents);if(window['gformRedirect']) {gformRedirect();}}jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [1247, current_page]);} );} ); Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. I have purchased and drank BA since they came out. Not all sugars are the same either. Now they have to put caution hot on a hot cup of coffee. that reports on class action lawsuits, class action settlements, "More orangey than mango-y.". 16 fl oz (473 mL) bottle. Product Details. I thought simply that my condition was becoming worse. I have been drinking these drinks daily,thinking they were an alternate to healthier drinks please add me. How do we become part of this class action? Sports Drink. Yes, I used to drink it all of the time but after i had gotten used to it start tasting very funny. Love them actually! Body Armor is actually better because of the use of cane sugar instead of regular refined sugar from gmo sugar beets. . Cant believe that this is only basically soda. Photo by Maya Giaquinta. BODYARMOR Sports Drink Blue Raspberry, 12 fl oz, 18 count. I have been down a long road with my health and have been in contact with some of the top nutritionist in my area and although we should stay away from sugar in large amounts that is the only thing that I drink that has sugar and I also tried to stay away from anything that is processed due to hidden sugars. Are these suppose to go bad?? If you are a health nut or a diabetic read the ingredient label. Add Me. The fact that the sugar is non-gmo alone makes it a superior product over all those using gmo sugar. We use cookies to improve functionality and performance, enhance user experience, and provide tailored content. 600mg of potassium and a total electrolyte blend (including potassium) of 704mg. Please add me. I buy these every day I thought it was a healthy way to get rehydrated I am so disappointed just another sales pitch to drag us in that are trying to be better to our bodies. STOP using artificial sweeteners!! I love these drinks. Twice Ive gotten badly soured drinks. The whole purpose of purchasing these drinks for me is the real fruit apart from the other crap they use in it portraying real fruit when it is actually not. As a result of cancer, I had one kidney removed. For shame! Nov. 24, 2012 -- Thousands of body armor plates worn by U.S. Special Operations troops are being recalled after it was discovered that a small percentage of the plates have safety defects . He was told he was a walking heart attack just waiting to happen any second. Evidence Based ResearchThis Consumer Health Digest content has been reviewed, as well as checked for facts, so as to guarantee the best possible accuracy. And the vitamin B12 is a bonus given we often suffer from B12 defficency as well. As I have gotten older it has been hard to keep myself hydrated. I love these drinks. I actually feel stressed out when I run out and I immediately go to the store to get more. God damn, you all dont even read the damned site you are on.. Derived from sugar cane. Coca-Cola Co. is buying full control of BodyArmor for $5.6 billion in a cash deal that values the sports-drink brand at about $8 billion, amping up a rivalry with Gatorade. Supieor Hydration, 2.) Eat healthy sources of carbohydrates, such as whole grains and fruits, as well as proteins, like nuts and dairy. My husband was just diagnosed diabetic in November 2019. Please add me. Bodyarmor, a sports drink created in 2011 by the co-founder of Vitaminwater, Mike Repole, and with backers that included the late NBA legend Kobe Bryant and NFL quarterback Andrew Luck, earned $100 million in revenues, as Fortune reported. Please add me, my husband drinks them all the time! The product is available in grape, orange mango, strawberry banana, tropical punch, mixed fruit berry, and fruit punch. Add me. If I wanted a regular sugary drink i would buy it! Its not a companies job to tell each specific person to be responsible. Please see our Medical Disclaimer for more information. The drink is infused with 10% coconut water and important antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. This is disgusting people all want to jump on a lawsuit because you didnt read the label that clearly states the second ingredient is sugar not to mention Gatorade has sugar and Powerade uses corn syrup to sweeten their drinks . Yes, it is. ITS NOT WORTH EVEN 5.00 PRICE IS 7.58 FOR A SMALL PACK OF DRINKS, LOL, Your email address will not be published. I bought this thinking it was good for me!!! This means if you can click on the link and purchase an item, we will receive a commission. It has high levels of electrolytes, nutrients, and vitamins. I feel like a fool now. "Blah, that's not like real mango.". I was buying these like crazy. A: Yes, the BodyArmour Drink is good for breastfeeding too. This product contains antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins. My husband and my son works out 4 days a week and this is what they drink. please add me I have fridge full an 2 cases on the floor i started drinking them because of my sickle cell an blood pressure for less sodium than gatorade to step away from sodas an they cost alot i even had coupons for them now they lied i want my money back. I will continue to drink body Armor because I like it . Leave a review and share your experience with others. I have shared this with my family for about a year thinking it was good for us. **This is a subjective assessment based on the strength of the available informations and our estimation of efficacy. If people are downing these BodyArmor like most Americans down soda and therefore intaking larger amounts of sugar than their KETO diet allows, thats their fault, not the company that makes the product. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition. Please add me. I gave up Gatorade & Gatorade Propel for Body Armor, it performs better, you can taste that its a cleaner beverage. Coke said Monday, Nov. 1, it paid $5.6 billion for the remaining 85% of the sports beverage company. didnt realize they had that much sugar! We as consumers are more informed than ever and if you cannot read a label and make an informed choice as did I when I saw it had high sugar in the regular version then something is wrong in the Sue happy nation. Click Accept if you consent. Drank cases of this going thru chemo hoping to stay hydrated. PLease add me. Eric. I became diabetic type 2 after using this crap sugar drink! Please add me. Now I know , Add me. is_redirect && ! A: This product if combined with a good diet and regular exercise, delivers results within a short period of time. The TDS tested in the ideal range for reverse osmosis filtered water. I USED TO BE a Gatorade Propel fan. And dont even try to compare it to soda most sodas have almost 2 1/2 times as much sugar and sodium and no vitamins or electrolytes.