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british officers during napoleonic wars
The Napoleonic Wars were therefore ones in which the British invested all the moneys and energies it could raise. In total, it formed two dragoon regiments (which later became light dragoons), three hussar regiments, eight line and two light infantry battalions, and five artillery batteries. In October, the army retreated to Portugal. The British troops, as per standard drill, formed infantry squares (hollow box-formations four ranks deep) after which the French cavalry was driven off. © Fondation Napolon 2023 ISSN 2272-1800, The Royal Corsican Rangers were formed in 1798 from among Corsican exiles on Menorca. April and May, 1797, mutinies at Spithead and The Nore in England However, due to lack of supplies, and inconclusive operations against the Egyptian forces, the Expedition was forced to re-embark and leave Alexandria. 187 2,300 15,000, These statistics come from civil engineer Robert Fultons book Torpedo War, and submarine explosions, New York: W. Elliot, 1810. This gave the British fleet time to group around Minerve and to engage the Spanish ships. The Batavians The companies became notorious for lack of discipline and atrocities in Chesapeake Bay, and were disbanded. At around seven o'clock, Napoleon ordered his Old and Middle Guard to make a final desperate assault on the by now fragile Allied line. Only a small proportion of officers were from the nobility; in 1809, only 140 officers were peers or peers' sons. Whitelock was court-martialled and cashiered. The ringleader, Richard Parker, was condemned to be hanged from the yardarm 1798 in fact (as was often the case with those thus sentenced) he jumped into the sea and drowned. 14 February, 1797, defeat of the Spanish fleet at the Battle of Cape Saint Vincent at the hands of the Royal Navy. sons of Peers were styled Honourable in the army lists, etc. British disaster against 8,000 Spanish and 100 French soldiers. $2,141.75 . His 1792 Rules and regulations for the formations, field-exercise, and movements, of His Majesty's forces[15] became the standard drill book for the infantry. The Grenadier Guards (GREN GDS) is an infantry regiment of the British Army. The British Army drew many of its raw recruits from the lowest classes of Britain., HMS Victory, virtual tour [20] Five other regiments (the 51st, 68th, 71st, 85th and 90th) were subsequently converted to light infantry. [1] By the end of the period, the numbers had vastly increased. basic introductory biographies of many of the British Generals who By spring 1795 the British force had left Dutch territory entirely, and reached the port of Bremen where they were evacuated. It consisted of three companies and between 1796 and 1803 served in the West Indies to man guns in forts there. 19 February, 1794, British capture of San Fiorenzo, Corsica, by Lord Hood The armies of Wellington and Von Blucher defeated Napoleon once and for all at the Battle of Waterloo. The Impress Service or pressgang Wellington's Army 1808-1814, Michael Glovers The Peninsular [1] By the end of the period, the numbers had vastly increased. Multiple US invasions north of the border were repulsed; such an example can be seen at the Battle of Crysler's Farm in which battalions of 89th and 49th Regiments attacked and routed a significantly larger American force making its way toward Montreal. 1 August, 1798, French defeat at the Battle of the Nile at the hands of the British navy. In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte had invaded Egypt, as a stepping stone to India, which was the source of much of Britain's trade and wealth. On the other hand, the mutineers at The Nore were blocking the Thames, Englands supply line. The expedition was led by General Lord Cathcart. At the same time another British force captured the Dutch colony of Trincomalee, Ceylon, which remained in British possession until 1948. [28], The colours were carried into battle for identification, and as a rallying point, in the care of sergeants or ensigns. The British budget in 1814 reached 66million, including 10million for the Navy, 40million for the Army, 10million for the Allies, and 38million as interest on the national debt. In 1795 a combined British army and Royal Navy force under the command of Major-General James Craig and Admiral Elphinstone captured the Dutch Cape Colony. They were expected to be literate, but otherwise came from varied educational and social backgrounds. A rebellion inspired by a secret society, the Society of United Irishmen, broke out in Ireland. Royal Naval Museum, Portsmouth (UK) It consisted even when first transferred of soldiers of mixed nationalities, and later recruited from among prisoners of war and deserters from all over Europe. With substantial contingents from the East India Company, British troops also captured the Dutch colonies in the Far East in 1810 with the successful Invasion of the Spice Islands and 1811, with the fall of Java. Whether you are a private individual or a company, if you are a tax payer in France, you get tax benefits on donations to the Fondation Napolon. There were also ad-hoc units, such as the Michigan Fencibles and the Mississippi Volunteer Artillery which served in a specific theatre, such as the west around Prairie du Chien and Credit Island. Although an officer was supposed also to be a "gentleman", this referred to an officer's character and honourable conduct rather than his social standing. Placed on the Napoleon Series: May 2006 - October 2013; last updated November 2014. Volunteers were much appreciated and usually made the best crewmen, as the expression ran Better one volunteer than three pressed men. Although the United States of America was not allied to France, war broke out between America and Britain ostensibly over issues of trade embargoes and impressment of American sailors into the Royal Navy, both of which were directly or indirectly linked to the Napoleonic wars (the latter of which was not even brought up during the Treaty of Ghent). Unlike the French and the Spanish who out of preference directed their cannon at the sails and masts in an attempt to limit an enemy ships capacity for manoeuvre, the Batavians fired at the hulls of their enemies (just like the British Navy), a fact which would explain the high numbers of fatalities and wounded and the relatively intact condition of the masts and rigging. The handle and guard are loose but not coming apart. [35] The unit served chiefly in the Mediterranean until 1811, when it participated in the later stages of the Peninsular War. For the rest of the war, British troops defended Sicily, forcing Ferdinand to make liberal reforms. It was in 1802, during this period of uniform transition, that enlisted soldier rank insignia were first designated by chevrons., 18 December 1793, Toulon, failed attempt to the capture and destroy the French fleet by Lord Hood and Sir William Sidney Smith (54 vessels and 120 cannon were rescued by the French) either the Army Gold Cross or the Army Gold Medal. Maratha forces were defeated decisively at Assaye and Delhi and further losses eventually compelled them to make peace. [43] Many soldiers also found wives or companions from amongst the local populations, whose presence in the army train was generally tolerated, despite being beyond the quota. They are ordered by immediate rank (e.g. In 1806, French troops invaded southern Italy, and British troops again went to aid the defenders. </p><p>This is a lightweight sword meant for dress occasions rather than battle. EOPS: Employed on a Particular Service [attached to Portuguese Army]. GCH: Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order ", Esdaile, Charles J. From 1796, they were armed with the straight 1796 Heavy Cavalry Sword, a heavy hacking sword which was reckoned to be useless for thrusting, and also carried a long carbine. Total vesselsTotal cannonTotal crew He said: I considered our (British) cavalry so inferior to the French from the want of order, that although I considered one squadron a match for two French, I didn't like to see four British opposed to four French: and as the numbers increased and order, of course, became more necessary I was the more unwilling to risk our men without having a superiority in numbers.[33]. The Spanish fleet was anchored at Cartagena (on the east coast of Spain), and on 5 February began the attempted linkup, passing Gibraltar and heading for Cadiz. [17] British infantry were far better trained in musketry than most armies on the continent (30 rounds per man in training for example, compared with only 10 in the Austrian Army) and their volleys were notably steady and effective. The word impress was derived from the old French word prest, modern prt or loan/advance, in other words, each man impressed received the loan of a shilling (that is he paid the Kings shilling to enlist) and became a (im)prest man. After 1801, there were slightly fewer then 70,000 French navy prisoners in British hands. Napoleon also attempted economic warfare against Britain, especially in the Berlin Decree of 1806. The whole cost of the war came to 831million. Joe Morris This applied to Officer prisoners on both sides. KG: Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter 24-25 July, 1797, action in Tenerife British attempt to seize a ship laden with silver anchored in the port. Founded long before the Napoleonic wars, the Impress service came into high profile during the wars with Revolutionary France. In short, enough to pay for the largest fleet in the world. The first French attacks were then directed against the Chateau of Hougemont down from the main ridge. The light dragoons wore short blue braided jackets and the leather Tarleton helmet which had a thick woollen comb. Following the conclusion of the wars, the army was reduced. The blade has slight warping.</p><p>Great for a wall hanger.</p><br /><p>Must be 18 to purchase. By adding the 597 corsairs taken from all nations, the total number of ships taken was 942. Joined by other vessels towards the middle of June, Duncan spent the summer blockading the Texel before returning to Yarmouth on 3 October for refitting and replenishing stores. KSI: Knight of the Most Exulted Order of the Star of India to 1866 In terms of soldiers the French numerical advantage was offset by British subsidies that paid for a large proportion of the Austrian and Russian soldiers, peaking at about 450,000 in 1813. British regiments of infantry, artillery and cavalry once again formed the core of the Company army, this time under the command of British generals Gerrard Lake and Arthur Wellesley. On 22 July, Wellington took advantage of a momentary French dispersion and gained a complete victory at the Battle of Salamanca. Richard Dacre, Britannia (100) Vice Admiral Charles Thompson, Capt. Their introduction allowed the rapid differentiation of sergeants and corporals from private soldiers. Whether you are a private individual or a company, if you are a tax payer in France, you get tax benefits on donations to the Fondation Napolon. In 1814, larger numbers of British regulars became available after the abdication of Napoleon. Sir James Saumarez, Colossus (74) Capt. There were eventually 104 regiments of the line. [18], A number of infantry regiments were newly formed as, or converted into, dedicated regular light infantry regiments. On the other hand, it was not always clear whether a volunteer had not in fact been pressganged often men captured by the pressgangs were given the chance to volunteer and thus receive their pay. The brigade counted four regiments of infantry of 18 companies each, 1 regiment of Chasseurs (also of 18 companies), 1 battalion of artillery of 6 companies, and a corps of engineers (96 companies total). Sir Charles Knowles, Barfleur (98) Vice Admiral William Waldegrave, Capt. Becoming a sailor was also a way of avoiding debtors prison, since the Navy protected a man from his creditors provided that the debt was less than twenty pounds. George Towry, Excellent (74) Capt. $38.59 + $10.00 shipping . Napoleon marched swiftly through France to meet them, and split his army to launch a two-pronged attack. In 1809, Wellesley returned to Portugal with fresh forces, and defeated the French at the Second Battle of Porto, driving them from the country. (It had first been captured in 1796, but was returned under the Treaty of Amiens.) Depite promises of rewards, very few county men came forward. These thugs would thus roam the countryside attempting to encourage men aged between 18 and 55 to join the navy. . With the Revolution they left en masse. Of all the navy officers in 1790, only 25% remained in 1791, the rest emigrating, occasionally even serving in the enemy navies; I have not given the foreign In many cases, the regiments were originally troops attached to heavy regiments, before being separated from them and expanded. The British argued that the sailors it impressed had escaped from their navy. Two Swiss units in French service were also taken into British service about the same time. [52] Wellesley was superseded in turn by two superiors, Sir Harry Burrard and Sir Hew Dalrymple, who delayed further attacks. In 1812, the Independent Companies of Foreigners were formed from among French prisoners of war for service in North America. Quota men War" refers to the period when The Duke of Wellington was the Commander-in-Chief, 10 January, (for the 150th anniversary of the death of Napoleon III): the sad medical demise. As part of the War of the Second Coalition, a joint Anglo-Russian force invaded the Netherlands. Eight thousand reinforcements under Lieutenant General Sir Ralph Abercromby arrived in 1796, and secured many French territories, and those of Spain and the Netherlands (which was now titled the Batavian Republic and allied to France). At the beginning of the French Revolutionary Wars in 1793, the army was a small, awkwardly administered force of barely 40,000 men. [42], Soldiers were allowed to marry, but wives were expected to submit to army rules and discipline, as well contribute to regimental affairs by performing washing, cooking and other duties. the catastrophic decision by the Revolutionary government to suppress the Corps dartillerie de la marine it was considered too elitist. In 1799, including captured vessels, the total had risen to 646, of which 268 had been French. Expeditionary Force 54 FRN 09-C. Napoleonic Wars 1803-1815. The main rivals in this struggle were Great . Duncan left Yarmouth immediately. [51], In 1808, after Bonaparte overthrew the monarchs of Spain and Portugal, an expedition under Sir Arthur Wellesley which was originally intended to attack the Spanish possessions in Central America was diverted to Portugal. September 1798, yet another failed French invasion of Ireland. The Allies then established a new front in southern Holland and Germany, but with poor co-ordination and failing supplies were forced to continue their retreat through the arduous winter of 1794/5. They were armed with the "New Light Infantry Land Pattern" of the standard musket, which had a rudimentary backsight to aid individual accuracy, using the bayonet lug as a foresight. According to the French, de Winter was looking for the British vessels, whilst in England they said that he was attempting to link up with the French fleet with an eye to invading Ireland. On 9 October, he received the information that the Batavian fleet had left the Texel. The allied fleets of France and Spain then again gave British vessels the slip and, hotly pursued by them, managed to reach Brest, 13 August, 1799 During the Napoleonic Wars, a Regiment consisted of two battalions, one of which actively fought. Another structure of Recruiting Districts and Sub-Divisions existed alongside this. Brittany sailors had formed the core of the French navy of the Ancien Rgime. British cavalry were also more useful within Britain and Ireland for patrolling the country as a deterrent to unrest. The light cavalry units consisted of fourteen regiments of Light Dragoons, which had been formed during the eighteenth century to carry out the roles of scouting and patrolling. Most British battalions carried flags known as "colours": the First, or "King's Colour", and the Second, or "Regimental Colour". service there into two parts: "Portugal & Spain" which The French armies which had been sent to recover Haiti in 1803 had, like the British armies earlier, been ravaged by disease, so only isolated garrisons opposed the British forces. From 1812, the uniforms of most of the remaining British cavalry changed, following French styles. The battle of Camperdown (Kamperduin), 11 October, 1797 At one fell swoop, the French navy was deprived of 5,400 specialist in marine artillery. chief command of their department. Some exceptions were Wellington's Vitoria campaign in 1813, when he required large numbers of cavalry to ensure a decisive result to the campaign, and the Waterloo campaign, where the cavalry needed to be transported only across the English Channel. 19 October, 1796, recapture of Corsica by the French and subsequent British loss of control in the Mediterranean In 1803, Sir John Moore converted two regiments (the 43rd Foot and his own regiment, the 52nd Foot), to light infantry at Shorncliffe Camp, the new specialised training camp for light infantry. Commodore Nelson on board Minerve, on seeing the port of Cartagena empty and realising that the Spanish were trying to reach Cadiz, came at full speed to inform Jervis of what had happened. $11,500.00 + shipping . After 1811, officers were permitted to wear a short tailed coatee, grey pantaloons or trousers and low field boots on campaign. At its peak, in 1813, the regular army contained over 250,000 men. Vryheid (74), Vice-admiral de Winter, Jupiter (74), Vice-admiral Reyntjes, Brutus (74), Rear-admiral Bloys van Treslong, Staten-Generaal (74), Rear-admiral Story, Cerebus (68), Jacobson, Tjerk Hiddes de Vries (68), Zegers, Gelijkheid (68), Ruysen, Haarlem (68), Wiggerts, Hercules (64), Van Rysoort, Leyden (64), Musquetier, Wassenaer (64), Holland, Alkmaar (56), Kraft, Batavier (54), Souters, Beschermer (54), Hinxt, Delft (54), Verdoorn, Mars (44), Kolff, Monnikendam (44), Lancaster, Ambucade (32), Lieutenant captain Huys Heldin (32), Lieutenant captain LEstrille, The British Find out more. In January 1812, Wellesley captured Ciudad Rodrigo after a surprise move. GCMG: Knight Grand Cross of The Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael Three methods were used in the attempt to meet these quotas: volunteers: the pressgang and (post-1795) the Quota Acts. The units of the Legion were regarded as the equal of the best regular British units. SK Miniatures Napoleonic British Light Dragoon 1/9th Unpainted kit CARL REID . Light infantry and rifle battalions were composed of eight companies. refers to the period July 1808 to April 1809; while "Peninsular The nominally Swiss Regiment de Meuron was transferred from the Dutch East India Company in Ceylon in 1798. Generally, the 1st (or senior) battalion of a regiment would draw fit recruits from the 2nd battalion to maintain its strength. Thomas Foley, Namur (90) Capt. I have not listed all 1797 was a key year for British in the struggle against Revolutionary France. Since army life was known to be harsh, and the remuneration low, it attracted mainly those for whom civilian life was worse. Many Spanish wives and girlfriends were left behind, to general distress. Wellington successfully held Quatre Bras, but the Prussians were not so successful at Ligny, and were forced to retreat to Wavre. At half past one, the Anglo-Allied Army was assaulted by d'Erlon's infantry attack on the British left wing but the French were forced back with heavy losses. Here is what I found in some records: Col- Colonel Lt. Col.- Lieutenant Colonel Maj.- Major Capt.- Captain (Replaced by Cpt during the 1970s) Lieut- Lieutenant: This rank is commonly misconviced as Lt due to unofficial sources having Lt used. According to Steels Original and Correct List of the Royal Navy, in April 1794 the navy had 303 vessels in active service. An Experimental Corps of Riflemen, armed with the British Infantry Rifle, more commonly known as the Baker rifle, was formed in 1800, and was brought into the line as the 95th Regiment of Foot (Rifles) in 1802. [8] Seriously under-strength battalions might be dissolved, merged with other remnants into "Provisional battalions" or temporarily drafted into other regiments.[5]. Soldier Frederick Shaw recorded his experiences when campaigning in France during the Napoleonic Wars in 1814. Abercromby was mortally wounded at the Battle of Alexandria, where the British troops demonstrated the effectiveness of their musketry, improved discipline and growing experience. The Dutch Emigrant Artillery was formed in Hanover in 1795 from remnants of Franco-Dutch units. [27] The Second was in the colour of the regimental facings with a small Union Flag in the corner and the regimental number in centre. While the French favoured column formation, the line formation enabled all muskets available to fire at the enemy. There were also two Independent Companies of Artificers. In 1793, French Royalists in Toulon surrendered their port and city to a British fleet under Vice Admiral Samuel Hood. Blown off course by strong east winds, the Spanish fleet ended up in the Atlantic, far from the port of destination but more importantly to the west of the British fleet (under Admiral Sir John Jervis) off the Cape Saint Vincent (Portugal). Cuthbert Collingwood, Minerve (38) Capt. WAR OF 1812 REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY 23MM COAT BUTTON (1808-1811) $40.00 . The widespread use of campaign medals began during the Napoleonic Wars. When war resumed, Britain once again attacked the French possessions in the West Indies. March 1800, British blockade off Genoa, where Massna was besieged by the Austrians under the general von Ott As the Prussian advance guard began to arrive from the east, Napoleon sent French units to stabilise his right wing. Lieutenant General Sir John Whitelocke was sent from Britain to take command in the region, arriving at the same time as Major General Robert Craufurd, whose destination had been changed several times by the government, and whose troops had been aboard ship for several months.[50]. Expeditionary Force Wars of the Roman Empire Celtic Ancient Briton War Chariot. It appeared that war was finally over, and arrangements for the peace were discussed at the Congress of Vienna. 4. Venerable (74), Admiral Adam Duncan, Monarch (74), Vice-admiral Richard Onslow, Russel (74), Captain Henry Trollope, Montagu (74), Captain John Knight, Bedford (74), Captain sir T. Byard, Powerful (74), Captain William Drury, Triumph (74), Captain W. Essington, Belliqueux (64), Captain John Inglis, Agincourt (64), Captain J. Williamson, Lancaster (64), Captain J. 803 9,000 21,000, Holland KT: Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle [5] During the Peninsular Campaign, the army lost almost 25,000 men from wounds and disease while fewer than 9,000 were killed directly in action;[7] however more than 30,000 were wounded in action, and many died in the days or weeks to follow. ", Linch, Kevin, and Matthew McCormack. Despite modern literary claims to the contrary light infantry (including Rifle regiments) also converted to the 1812 pattern infantry cap from April 1813 as a letter by Colonel Sir Andrew Barnard of the 95th Rifles states:- " I have had caps enough in store to help the appearance of the 1st Batt. During early part of the Peninsular War, some Portuguese soldiers were organised into a Corps known as the Loyal Lusitanian Legion, which eventually was absorbed by the Portuguese Army. KP: Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick Administered separately by the Board of Ordnance, the artillery had 40 companies in four battalions of Foot Artillery, 10 companies in the Invalid Battalion, two independent companies in India and a Company of Cadets. The troops swore allegiance, both to the British Crown, and to the defunct States-General of the Netherlands, the former sovereign power in the Dutch Republic. At the beginning of the French Revolutionary Wars in 1793, the army was a small, awkwardly administered force of barely 40,000 men. During the later part of the 18th century Britain was divided into three recruiting areaswith England and Wales generally called South Britainwhich were further divided into Districts with their own Headquarters. Indeed Venerable was so damaged that she was forced to leave off the engagement. [60], In 1814, the British government had sent a small force to Holland under Sir Thomas Graham to capture the fortress of Bergen op Zoom. Haiti was left to the insurgent armies. More to explore: Napoleonic Wars . In December, they were reinforced by 10,000 troops from England under Sir David Baird. Furthermore, these British gains were French losses. 17 August, 1796, the Batavian expedition to take the Cape of Good Hope beaten back by Vice-admiral Sir Keith Elphinstone. 36.99 + 11.99 P&P . Culloden (74) Capt. The Allies enjoyed several early victories, (including a largely British-fought battle at Lincelles[46]), but were unable to advance beyond the French border fortresses and were eventually forced to withdraw by a series of victorious French counter-offensives. At the Battle of Vitoria the French armies were routed,[57] disgorging an enormous quantity of loot, which caused the British troops to abandon the pursuit and break ranks to plunder. In France the law of 10 Fructidor year VI (September 5, 1798), had replaced the levies of the Revolution by a regular method of conscription which, with a few modifications, remained in force until 1815. 2 April, 1801, Battle of Copenhagen, British victory. Pay for NCOs and men of the cavalry includes 9 pence per diem for subsistence of a horse. Although the Royal Navy effectively disrupted France's extra-continental tradeboth by seizing and threatening French shipping and by seizing French colonial possessionsit could do nothing about France's trade with the major continental economies and posed little threat to French territory in Europe. John Irwin, Orion (74) Capt. The British ships managed to cut the Batavian line (Onslow in Monarch firstly at the rear passing between Jupiter and Haarlem and Duncan in Venerable in the centre, passing between Staten-Generaal and Vrijheid) and began to attack the Batavians from both sides. Colonel's or commandant's pay was augmented by 1 shilling 2 pence per diem per troop, plus 1 shilling 6 pence per diem in lieu of one extra musician, in addition to that noted above. [53] French cavalry pursued the British Army the length of the journey, and a Reserve Division was set to provide rearguard protection for the British troops, which were engaged in much fighting. officer in the peninsula but were Placed upon the staff or held the Close-fitting white pantaloons, tucked into tall Hessian or riding boots were worn, often covered with grey wool and leather overalls on campaign, in addition to a dark blue, later grey, double-breasted greatcoat. Sideshows like the Gunboat War against Denmark, the Walcheren Campaign against the Netherlands and the War of 1812 against the United States could not hurt Napoleon, but the Spanish uprising of 1808 at last permitted Britain to gain a foothold on the Continent. Napoleon lost the battle. After Napoleon's surrender and exile to the island of Elba, peace appeared to have returned, but when he escaped back into France in 1815, the British and their allies had to fight him again. Between 1793 and 1815, under the rule of King George III, the Kingdom of Great Britain (later the United Kingdom) was the most constant of France's enemies. The fortress was taken, at great cost (over 5000 British casualties), and for three days the army sacked and pillaged the town in undisciplined revenge. The "peace" proved merely to be an interlude, with plotting and preparations for a renewal of war continuing on both sides. Total vesselsTotal cannonTotal crew The cross also saw the first use of Medal bars. From the last years of the eighteenth century, the bicorne hat was replaced by a cylindrical 1800 pattern infantry cap, then the later 1806 pattern infantry cap (known today as the "stovepipe"). [4] There was some damage to Britain, especially in 1808 and 1811, but its control of the oceans helped ameliorate the damage. The British Army during the Napoleonic Wars experienced a time of rapid change. The British forces defeated Mysore for the final time, capturing Seringapatam and killing Tipu Sultan. 3. In 1793, the first steps towards formal organisation were taken when fifteen general officers were appointed to command military districts in England and Wales.[4]. Home defence, enforcement of law and maintenance of order was primarily the responsibility of the Militia, the Royal Veteran Battalions, the Yeomanry and the Fencibles. At this time, infantry regiments existed up to 104th Foot, but between 1817 and 1819, the regiments numbered 95th Foot up were disbanded,[64] and by 1821 the army numbered only 101,000 combatants, 30% of which were stationed in the colonies, especially India. It can trace its lineage back to 1656 when Lord Wentworth's Regiment was raised in Bruges to protect the exiled Charles II. If also sent on active service, the 2nd battalion would consequently be weaker.[3].
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